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叶片功能性状能反映植物对环境的高度适应能力和复杂生境下的自我调控能力,同时也能反映植物的基本特征和对资源的有效利用率。以木论国家级自然保护区喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶林144种优势木本植物为研究对象,测定其叶厚(LT)、叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶长宽比(L/W)、叶组织密度(LTD)叶片形态性状和12种叶元素性状特征及变异程度,并探讨植物对喀斯特生境的适应策略。结果表明:17个性状变异程度不同,其中叶面积变异系数最大,达到133.31%,叶片碳变异系数最小,为7.73%,叶元素变异程度普遍高于叶形态性状变异程度。不同叶习性物种间叶厚、比叶面积、叶长宽比、叶氮含量性状差异达到显著水平。部分叶性状呈显著相关,得到一系列最佳功能性状组合,体现植物对喀斯特地区特殊生境的适应性。沿着性状贡献率较高的PC1轴,能够定义出叶经济谱,大部分常绿植物采取经济保守策略,而大部分落叶植物则聚集在资源获取的一侧。相较于邻近非喀斯特地区,喀斯特地区植物有较小的LA、SLA。这些结果体现了喀斯特地区植物叶片形成的不同叶性状特征,以及分布于经济谱两端的常绿和落叶植物的不同资源获取策略,揭示了植物对生境的适应策略...  相似文献   

桂西南喀斯特地区生物多样性丰富、特有种多,同时也是石漠化问题较为严重的区域。由于该喀斯特地区土层浅薄、岩石裸露、表层储水能力差,植物在干旱季节经常会受到水分胁迫。植物水力学特征不仅是探讨喀斯特地区植物的生理生态适应性的关键,还能够为石漠化地区的植被恢复提供重要参考。该研究测定了桂西南喀斯特季雨林17种代表性木本植物(包括不同生活型、叶片习性和生境)的木质部脆弱性曲线、最低水势、叶片膨压丧失点和边材密度等水力性状,结果发现:(1)喀斯特植物木质部导水率丧失50%时的水势值(P50)的种间差异较大(–0.51––2.51MPa),其中常绿种的抗栓塞能力比落叶种强;(2)喀斯特植物的木质部水力安全边界值(最低水势与P50之间的差值)的均值为0.36 MPa,说明喀斯特森林植物在自然最低水势状况下木质部发生栓塞的程度较高;但是不同植物种间存在显著差异,这可能与喀斯特峰丛洼地生境的复杂性以及物种不同的抗旱策略有关;(3)由于喀斯特植物水分适应机制的多样化,导致木质部水力安全边界与叶片膨压丧失点、边材密度的相关性并不显著。在区域气候干热化的背景下,结合喀斯特植物的栓塞脆弱性和长期水势监测(尤其极端干旱事件)分析它们的水力安全,对预测未来喀斯特森林物种分布和群落动态具有重要的指示作用。  相似文献   

喀斯特季节性雨林植物叶片碳同位素组成及水分利用效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究喀斯特季节性雨林不同生境代表性树种及同一树种不同生境下叶片δ13C值及水分利用效率(WUE),丰富喀斯特季节性雨林物种生态位分化及物种共存理论,可为喀斯特地区石漠化治理树种选择及配置提供参考.结果表明: 喀斯特季节性雨林树种叶片δ13C值的范围为-34.13‰~-29.69‰,平均值为(-31.40±1.19)‰,WUE的范围为9.08~58.76 μmol·mol-1,均值为41.79 μmol·mol-1,低于更高纬度的亚热带和暖温带森林,但高于更低纬度的热带雨林和同一纬度的非喀斯特季节性雨林;从洼地到山顶,随着干旱指数的增加,不同生境代表性树种的水分利用效率逐渐增大;同一树种δ13C值和WUE也是从洼地到山顶逐渐增高.树种水分利用效率除了与气候等因子相关外,还与植物所处生境的地质背景、水分可利用性相关.同一气候条件下,喀斯特区植物的水分利用效率要高于非喀斯特区、干旱生境植物的水分利用效率高于湿润生境,说明不同的水分利用效率是喀斯特地区植物适应不同生境、实现多物种共存的策略之一.  相似文献   

以西双版纳地区石灰山季节雨林三种优势常绿树种油朴(Celtis wightii)、尖叶闭花木(Cleistanthus sumatranus)和轮叶戟(Lasiococca comberi var.pseudoverticillata)为材料,研究了季节性干旱对树木枝条水分传导、最大光合速率(Amax)和渗透调节相关的叶片的生理生态特征等的影响.结果表明,与雨季相比三种植物的叶片凌晨水势在旱季都有显著的降低,说明该生境的植物在旱季遭受较为严重的土壤干旱胁迫.除油朴的枝条边材比导率(Ks)在旱季和雨季没有显著性差异外,尖叶闭花木和轮叶戟的Ks在旱季都有显著的降低;而枝条的叶比导率(Kl)三树种在两个季节间均无显著变化.Kl在旱季没有显著性降低,可能是常绿树种在旱季通过脱落部分叶片以调整其水力结构来保持较高的单位叶面积的水分供应.在旱季三树种Amax都有显著减小.Ks和Kl都和Amax呈正相关关系,说明了枝条木质部的水分传导对叶片光合作用有较直接的影响.三树种叶片膨压丧失点的水势和饱和渗透势在旱季也均显著降低,表明三树种都通过较强的渗透调节来适应季节性的干旱.与同一生境中两种常见落叶树种相比较,三树种木质部导管抵抗空穴化的能力较强,能在较低的木质部水势下保持其水分传导,以在旱季仍能维持叶片较为正常的生理功能.这些结果初步揭示了石灰山常绿优势树种通过水力结构的调整和渗透调节等来适应季节性干旱的策略.  相似文献   

桂西南喀斯特地区生物多样性丰富、特有种多, 同时也是石漠化问题较为严重的区域。由于该喀斯特地区土层浅薄、岩石裸露、表层储水能力差, 植物在干旱季节经常会受到水分胁迫。植物水力学特征不仅是探讨喀斯特地区植物的生理生态适应性的关键, 还能够为石漠化地区的植被恢复提供重要参考。该研究测定了桂西南喀斯特季雨林17种代表性木本植物(包括不同生活型、叶片习性和生境)的木质部脆弱性曲线、最低水势、叶片膨压丧失点和边材密度等水力性状, 结果发现: (1)喀斯特植物木质部导水率丧失50%时的水势值(P50)的种间差异较大(-0.51- -2.51 MPa), 其中常绿种的抗栓塞能力比落叶种强; (2)喀斯特植物的木质部水力安全边界值(最低水势与P50之间的差值)的均值为0.36 MPa, 说明喀斯特森林植物在自然最低水势状况下木质部发生栓塞的程度较高; 但是不同植物种间存在显著差异, 这可能与喀斯特峰丛洼地生境的复杂性以及物种不同的抗旱策略有关; (3)由于喀斯特植物水分适应机制的多样化, 导致木质部水力安全边界与叶片膨压丧失点、边材密度的相关性并不显著。在区域气候干热化的背景下, 结合喀斯特植物的栓塞脆弱性和长期水势监测(尤其极端干旱事件)分析它们的水力安全, 对预测未来喀斯特森林物种分布和群落动态具有重要的指示作用。  相似文献   

植物水力性状能够反映植物对不同水分条件的适应能力,研究热带珊瑚岛特殊生境下优势植物的水力功能特征对深入理解热带珊瑚岛植物的水分适应策略,从而选择热带珊瑚岛植被构建和恢复的适生物种具有重要意义。该研究以中国热带珊瑚岛生境中2种优势适生木本植物:抗风桐(Pisonia grandis)和草海桐(Scaevola sericea)为研究对象,比较了其叶片和枝条的水力性状,并分析了其水分适应策略。结果表明, 抗风桐的叶片栓塞抗性、枝条边材比导水率和叶片膨压丧失点显著高于草海桐,而枝条栓塞抗性、叶片导水率、边材密度和叶面积边材面积比均显著低于草海桐。抗风桐的叶片具有比枝条更强的抗栓塞能力,对水分胁迫敏感,但同时选择以高效的枝干水分运输来满足叶片高蒸腾需求的充足供水。草海桐枝条与叶片则存在水力脆弱性分区,在面临水分胁迫时叶片充当“安全阀”以保证枝干木质部的水力安全。抗风桐与草海桐能够通过协调叶片与枝条水力性状采取不同的水分适应策略,从而更好地适应热带珊瑚岛的特殊生境。  相似文献   

为深入理解喀斯特季节性雨林优势树种对异质性生境条件的适应策略,该研究以广西弄岗原生性森林7个优势树种为对象,测定各树种成年个体叶片微形态结构及生长季光合生理特征等指标,探讨树种叶片结构功能对喀斯特峰丛山地异质性生境的响应规律。结果表明:(1)沿喀斯特地貌部位的洼地-中坡-山顶生境梯度,树木的叶片紧密度、栅栏组织厚度、角质层厚度、上表皮厚度等9个微形态指标均呈显著上升趋势,叶片疏松度呈显著下降趋势。(2)沿洼地-中坡-山顶生境梯度,树木的光补偿点、暗呼吸速率、最大蒸腾速率等均呈显著上升趋势,最大水分利用效率、最大胞间CO2浓度、表观量子效率等均呈显著下降趋势。(3)叶片紧密度与光合能力、蒸腾能力等相关指标则表现为显著正相关,叶片疏松度与这两类指标则表现为显著负相关。综上认为,喀斯特季节性雨林优势树种叶片功能性状存在光合效率和耐旱性之间的权衡,洼地生长的树木具有显著的弱光适应特征,中坡生长的树木表现较广的生境适应范围,山顶分布的树种因受强光、高温和裸岩限制而表现出较强的干旱适应特征以及保守的生态适应策略。  相似文献   

刘长成  刘玉国  郭柯 《植物生态学报》2011,35(10):1070-1082
喀斯特石漠化是我国西南喀斯特地区最严重的生态环境问题, 生境干旱是限制该地区植物生长的主要因素之一, 掌握喀斯特植被不同演替阶段不同生活型植物对干旱胁迫的适应策略有助于提高植被恢复的成功率。通过人工模拟4种干旱强度, 测定叶片水势、气体交换、叶绿素荧光、光合色素含量、渗透调节物质浓度、抗氧化酶活性以及生物量, 研究了喀斯特地区4种不同生活型植物幼苗对干旱胁迫的适应策略。这4种植物为常绿灌木火棘(Pyracantha fortuneana)、落叶灌木小果蔷薇(Rosa cymosa)、常绿乔木猴樟(Cinnamomum bodinieri)和落叶乔木圆果化香树(Platycarya longipes)。结果表明: 随着干旱程度的加深, 4种植物幼苗的叶片水势、光合能力、叶绿素含量、生物量增长、叶重比(LMR)、叶面积比(LAR)和比叶面积(SLA)逐渐下降, 而热耗散(NPQ)、类胡萝卜素与叶绿素含量比值、丙二醛含量和根重比(RMR)逐渐上升; 圆果化香树和猴樟的水分利用效率(An/gs)、渗透调节物质浓度和抗氧化酶活性呈先升高后降低的趋势, 而火棘和小果蔷薇的An/gs、脯氨酸含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性呈上升趋势。严重干旱下, 火棘和小果蔷薇幼苗的叶片水势和叶绿素含量下降较少, 具有较高的光合能力和生物量增长, 这主要是由于它们具有较低的SLALAR、较高的NPQAn/gs以及较高的渗透调节能力和抗氧化保护能力。中度干旱下, 猴樟幼苗叶片水势下降很少, LMRLAR也较高, 脯氨酸含量和抗氧化酶活性非常高。但在严重干旱下, 其叶片水势、LMRLAR和生物量增长大幅度下降, 最大光化学效率和光合速率也非常低, 渗透调节能力与抗氧化酶活性大幅度下降至正常水平以下。水分好的条件下, 圆果化香树幼苗具有较高的RMR以吸收充足的水分, 具有较高的LAR和叶绿素含量, 保证了生物量的大量积累。然而, 干旱胁迫致使其生物量大幅度下降, 主要是由于LMRLAR、气体交换和叶绿素含量的大量下降以减少蒸腾面积、水分散失和对光能的吸收。研究结果表明, 火棘、小果蔷薇和猴樟幼苗主要采用耐旱策略, 其中猴樟抗严重干旱的能力较弱; 圆果化香树幼苗对干旱胁迫更为敏感, 主要采取避旱策略。  相似文献   

榕树作为热带雨林生态系统中的一个关键类群,在维持生物多样性方面发挥着重要作用。本研究以中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园内的榕树专类园区的10种榕属树种(5种半附生,5种非附生)为对象,采用根序法对其细根直径、根长、比根长、比表面积、分枝密度、组织密度、氮含量、碳含量和碳氮比等9个细根功能性状进行了研究,分析了半附生榕树和非附生榕树的细根性状差异;同时结合其原始分布生境,从植物的细根形态功能性状角度阐释其生存策略。结果表明:半附生榕的细根根长、细根直径显著高于非附生榕树(P!0.01),而其比根长和分枝密度显著低于非附生榕树,其余性状之间无显著差异(P>0.05); 10种榕树的细根形态特征与养分特征呈微弱或无相关关系,细根的直径与分枝密度、比根长和比表面积呈显著的负相关。研究认为,不同生活型榕树的根系结构和性状特征差异是对环境的适应表现,分布于山脊干旱环境的半附生榕树细根具有直径较粗、根系长、分枝密度和比根长低的特性,使其具有较好的水分吸收能力,并可能与菌根真菌有更紧密的互利共生关系,从而能适应相对干旱的山脊环境。  相似文献   

为探究木兰科(Magnoliaceae)常绿与落叶物种叶片构建的生理生态策略,选取黄山木兰(Yulaniacylindrica)、玉兰(Y.denudata)和鸡公山玉兰(Y. jigongshanensis) 3种落叶物种,以及荷花玉兰(Magnolia grandiflora)、含笑花(Michelia figo)、石碌含笑(M. shiluensis) 3种常绿物种,对其叶片构建成本和叶片寿命相关的性状进行比较。结果表明,木兰科3落叶种的单位叶片面积成本(CCarea)显著低于3常绿种,但落叶和常绿物种的叶片质量成本(CCmass)差异不显著。落叶物种的叶氮、磷含量(Nmass,Pmass)和比叶面积(SLA)均显著高于常绿物种,而叶片寿命(LLS)显著低于常绿物种。CCarea与LLS呈显著正相关,Nmass、Pmass和SLA均与LLS呈显著负相关。这说明木兰科玉兰属落叶物种单位面积叶片构建成本小于常绿物种;落叶物种叶片寿命短,但采取低成本构建策略,提高比叶面积获得更多光资源,增加营养积累,也揭示了玉兰属落叶物种适应北亚热带较短的生长季和较低水热条件的生理生态策略。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The co-occurring of evergreen and deciduous angiosperm trees in Asian tropical dry forests on karst substrates suggests the existence of different water-use strategies among species. In this study it is hypothesized that the co-occurring evergreen and deciduous trees differ in stem hydraulic traits and leaf water relationships, and there will be correlated evolution in drought tolerance between leaves and stems.


A comparison was made of stem hydraulic conductivity, vulnerability curves, wood anatomy, leaf life span, leaf pressure–volume characteristics and photosynthetic capacity of six evergreen and six deciduous tree species co-occurring in a tropical dry karst forest in south-west China. The correlated evolution of leaf and stem traits was examined using both traditional and phylogenetic independent contrasts correlations.

Key Results

It was found that the deciduous trees had higher stem hydraulic efficiency, greater hydraulically weighted vessel diameter (Dh) and higher mass-based photosynthetic rate (Am); while the evergreen species had greater xylem-cavitation resistance, lower leaf turgor-loss point water potential (π0) and higher bulk modulus of elasticity. There were evolutionary correlations between leaf life span and stem hydraulic efficiency, Am, and dry season π0. Xylem-cavitation resistance was evolutionarily correlated with stem hydraulic efficiency, Dh, as well as dry season π0. Both wood density and leaf density were closely correlated with leaf water-stress tolerance and Am.


The results reveal the clear distinctions in stem hydraulic traits and leaf water-stress tolerance between the co-occurring evergreen and deciduous angiosperm trees in an Asian dry karst forest. A novel pattern was demonstrated linking leaf longevity with stem hydraulic efficiency and leaf water-stress tolerance. The results show the correlated evolution in drought tolerance between stems and leaves.Key words: Tropical dry forest, karst, leaf habit, hydraulic conductivity, cavitation resistance, leaf water-stress tolerance, wood density, leaf density, phylogenetic independent contrasts  相似文献   

Aims Plants use a variety of hydraulic strategies to adapt to seasonal drought that differ by species and environmental conditions. The early-diverging Magnoliaceae family includes two closely related genera with contrasting leaf habits, Yulania (deciduous) and Michelia (evergreen), which naturally inhabit temperate and tropical regions, respectively. Here, we evaluate the hydraulic strategy of species from both genera that have been ex situ conserved in a subtropical region to determine how they respond to the novel cool–dry season climatic pattern.Methods We measured ecophysiological traits in five Michelia and five Yulania species conserved in the South China Botanical Garden in both wet and dry season conditions and monitored the whole-year sap flow for four of these species.Important findings We found that Magnoliaceae species that have been ex situ conserved in a subtropical climate did not suffer from excessive water stress due to the mild drought conditions of the dry season and the ecophysiological adjustments the species made to avoid this stress, which differed by leaf habit. Specifically, deciduous species completely shed their leaves during the dry season, while evergreen species decreased their turgor loss points, dry mass based photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance and specific leaf areas (SLAs) compared to wet season measurements. In comparing the two distinct leaf habits during the wet season, the leathery-leaved evergreen species had higher leaf hydraulic conductance and leaf to sapwood area ratios than the papery-leaved deciduous species, while the deciduous species had greater hydraulic conductivity calculated on both a stem and leaf area basis, dry mass based photosynthetic rates, leaf nutrients, SLAs and stomatal sizes than the evergreen species. Interestingly, species from both genera maintained similar sap flow in the wet season. Both photosynthetically active radiation and vapour pressure deficit affected the diurnal patterns of sap flow in the wet season, while only vapour pressure deficit played a dominant role in the dry season. This study reveals contrasting hydraulic strategies in Yulania and Michelia species under subtropical seasonal conditions, and suggests that these ecophysiological adjustments might be affected more by leaf habit than seasonality, thus reflecting the divergent evolution of the two closely related genera. Furthermore, we show that Magnoliaceae species that are ex situ conserved in a subtropical climate are hydraulically sound, a finding that will inform future conservation efforts of this ancient family under the threat of climatic change.  相似文献   

The seasonal savannas (cerrados) of Central Brazil are characterized by a large diversity of evergreen and deciduous trees, which do not show a clear differentiation in terms of active rooting depth. Irrespective of the depth of the root system, expansion of new foliage in deciduous species occurs at the end of the dry season. In this study, we examined a suite of leaf traits related to C assimilation, water and nutrients (N, P) in five deciduous and six evergreen trees that were among the dominant families of cerrado vegetation. Maximum CO2 assimilation on a mass basis (Amass) was significantly correlated with leaf N and P, and specific leaf area (SLA; leaf area per unit of leaf mass). The highest leaf concentrations of both nutrients were measured in the newly mature leaves of deciduous species at the end of the dry period. The differences in terms of leaf N and P between evergreen and deciduous species decreased during the wet season. Deciduous species also invested less in the production of non-photosynthetic leaf tissues and produced leaves with higher SLA and maintained higher water use efficiency. Thus, deciduous species compensated for their shorter leaf payback period by maintaining higher potential payback capacity (higher values of Amass) and lower leaf construction costs (higher SLA). Their short leafless period and the capacity to flush by the end of the dry season may also contribute to offset the longer payback period of evergreen species, although it may involve the higher cost of maintaining a deep-root system or a tight control of plant water balance in the shallow-rooted ones.  相似文献   

In seasonally dry tropical forests, tree species can be deciduous, remaining without leaves throughout the dry season, or evergreen, retaining their leaves throughout the dry season. Deciduous and evergreen trees specialize in habitats that differ in water availability (hillside and riparian forest, respectively) and in their exposure to herbivore attack (seasonal and continuous, respectively). We asked whether syndromes of leaf traits in deciduous and evergreen trees were consistent with hypothesized abiotic and biotic selective pressures in their respective habitat. We measured seven leaf traits in 19 deciduous and 11 evergreen tree species in a dry tropical forest in Western Mexico, and measured rates of herbivory on 23 of these species. We investigated the covariance of leaf traits in syndromes related to phenology and associated physiology, and to anti‐herbivory defense. We found evidence for syndromes that separated phenological strategies among four traits: toughness, water content, specific leaf area, and carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratios. We found a trade‐off between two other traits: trichomes and latex. Overall, evergreen species exhibited lower rates of herbivory than deciduous species. Lower rates of herbivory were explained by a syndrome of higher toughness, lower water content, and higher C:N ratios, which are traits representative of evergreen trees. Phenology and trait syndromes did not exhibit significant phylogenetic signal, consistent with the hypothesis of evolutionary convergence among phenologies and associated leaf‐trait syndromes. Our results suggest that deciduous and evergreen trees could respond to differential water availability and herbivory in their respective habitats by converging on distinct leaf‐trait syndromes. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Plant hydraulic architecture has been studied extensively, yet we know little about how hydraulic properties relate to species' life history strategies, such as drought and shade tolerance. The prevailing theories seem contradictory. We measured the sapwood (K(s) ) and leaf (K(l) ) hydraulic conductivities of 40 coexisting tree species in a Bolivian dry forest, and examined associations with functional stem and leaf traits and indices of species' drought (dry-season leaf water potential) and shade (juvenile crown exposure) tolerance. Hydraulic properties varied across species and between life-history groups (pioneers vs shade-tolerant, and deciduous vs evergreen species). In addition to the expected negative correlation of K(l) with drought tolerance, we found a strong, negative correlation between K(l) and species' shade tolerance. Across species, K(s) and K(l) were negatively correlated with wood density and positively with maximum vessel length. Consequently, drought and shade tolerance scaled similarly with hydraulic properties, wood density and leaf dry matter content. We found that deciduous species also had traits conferring efficient water transport relative to evergreen species. Hydraulic properties varied across species, corresponding to the classical trade-off between hydraulic efficiency and safety, which for these dry forest trees resulted in coordinated drought and shade tolerance across species rather than the frequently hypothesized trade-off.  相似文献   

散孔材与环孔材树种枝干、叶水力学特性的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
左力翔  李俊辉  李秧秧  赵丽敏 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5087-5094
为揭示散孔材与环孔材树种树木水分生理特性的差异,选取了常见的3种散孔材落叶树种(毛白杨、法国梧桐和樱花)和3种环孔材落叶树种(刺槐、合欢和白蜡),研究了其枝干与叶水力学性质的差异及其协调性。结果表明:3种环孔材树种枝干横截面积基础上的最大比导水率(Ks-max)大于3种散孔材树种,但其木质部对空穴化的脆弱性(P50branch)高于散孔材树种,6种树木枝干的水分传输能力和抵抗空穴化能力之间存在一种相互制约的权衡关系。3种散孔材与3种环孔材树种的叶最大水力导度(Kl-max)和水力脆弱性(P50leaf)并无显著差异;对于3种散孔材树种,叶的水力脆弱性要高于枝干,但对3种环孔材树种而言,枝干的水力脆弱性要高于叶。6种树木枝干和叶的水力学性质(Kmax、P50)之间并无相关关系。这些结果表明:散孔材与环孔材树种的枝干水力学特性有明显差异,但叶水力学特性无差异;枝干与叶水力学性质之间是相互独立的。  相似文献   

干热河谷稀树灌丛常绿植物能够忍受长达半年以上的季节性干旱胁迫,但对这些常绿植物响应干旱胁迫的生理生态机制研究很少。本研究以干热河谷稀树灌丛优势常绿植物白皮乌口树(Tarenna depauperata Hutchins)为研究对象,分别在雨季和干季测定其叶片的水势、压力-体积曲线、气体交换参数、叶片光谱特征以及叶绿素荧光和P700的光能分配。结果显示:受严重季节性干旱胁迫的影响,与雨季相比,干季的凌晨叶片水势(Ψpd)下降至-4.5 MPa,水分传导的叶比导率(KL)下降了49.5%,叶绿素反射指数(NDVI)下降了40.6%,花青素反射指数(ARI)上升至0.074(约为雨季的12.3倍),并且雨季和干季的叶片水势、水分传导效率、叶绿素含量和花青素含量均差异显著(P0.05)。与雨季相比,干旱导致光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)显著下降至0.72(P0.05),即PSⅡ发生光抑制,而光系统Ⅰ(PSⅠ)的活性(Pm)未发生明显变化;干季叶片的最大非光化学淬灭(NPQ)增加了31%,而激发的最大环式电子传递速率(CEF)下降了66%。表明长期干旱胁迫使CEF的激发受到强烈抑制,即光能捕获效率的降低和NPQ的增强促进了白皮乌口树在长期干旱胁迫下的光保护。  相似文献   

In tropical dry forests, spatial heterogeneity in soil water availability is thought to determine interspecific differences in key components of resource use strategies, such as leaf phenology and xylem function. To understand the environmental drivers of variation in leaf phenology and xylem function, we explored the relation of soil water potential to topographic metrics derived from a digital elevation model. Subsequently, we compared nine xylem hydraulic, mechanical and storage traits in 18 species in three phenological classes (readily deciduous, tardily deciduous, and evergreen) in the dry tropical forest of Chamela, Mexico. Soil water potential was negatively correlated with elevation, insolation and water flow accumulation. Evergreen species characterized low-elevation moist sites, whereas deciduous species dominated hills and dry sites. Overall, evergreen species had lower xylem specific conductivity than deciduous species, and tardily deciduous species were different from readily deciduous and evergreen species in five of eight xylem traits. In dry tropical forests, water availability promotes divergence in leaf phenology and xylem traits, ranging from low wood density, evergreen species in moist sites to a combination of low wood density, readily deciduous species plus high wood density, tardily deciduous species in dry sites.  相似文献   

云南元江干热河谷木本植物的物候   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国西南干热河谷的典型地段——元江干热河谷,连续3年观测了32种木本植物的枝条生长、叶片动态、花期、果期和果实类型。这些植物的枝条生长方式可以分为连续生长、枝条枯死、陡长和间歇生长4个类型。其中连续生长型占优势,包括13种植物,它们的枝条在雨季连续不断伸长。9种植物雨季的枝条伸长与连续生长型的相似,但它们顶部的枝条在旱季末期出现枯死现象。6种植物属于陡长型,在2周内完成抽枝,且一年只抽一次枝。4种植物属于间歇生长型,枝条在雨季来临后伸长一段时间,然后生长停滞,过一段时间后再接着伸长。从叶片物候类型看,元江干热河谷植被以落叶植物占优势。落叶植物中冷凉旱季(11月~2月)落叶植物占优势(19种),而干热旱季(3—4月)落叶植物很少(4种)。除红花柴(Indigofera pulchella)和狭叶山黄麻(Trema angustifolia)从雨季中期开始脱落叶片外,其它30种植物从雨季末期开始脱落叶片,落叶期至少延续3个月以上。常绿植物脱落近1/3~1/2的当年生叶片。共有6种植物能在旱季末期长出新叶。常绿植物的叶面积、单个枝条上的总叶面积和枝条承载(总叶面积/枝条长度)比落叶植物小。虽然一年四季都有不同植物开花和结果,但多数植物(29种,占观测树种的91%)的花期集中在旱季和雨季初期,而果实(种子)成熟期从雨季末期延续到旱季末期和下个雨季初期。果实多为核果。  相似文献   

In the present study the linkage between hydraulic, photosynthetic and phenological properties of tropical dry forest trees were investigated. Seasonal patterns of stem‐specific conductivity (KSP) described from 12 species, including deciduous, brevi‐deciduous and evergreen species, indicated that only evergreen species were consistent in their response to a dry‐to‐wet season transition. In contrast, KSP in deciduous and brevi‐deciduous species encompassed a range of responses, from an insignificant increase in KSP following rains in some species, to a nine‐fold increase in others. Amongst deciduous species, the minimum KSP during the dry season ranged from 6 to 56% of wet season KSP, indicating in the latter case that a significant portion of the xylem remained functional during the dry season. In all species and all seasons, leaf‐specific stem conductivity (KL) was strongly related to the photosynthetic capacity of the supported foliage, although leaf photosynthesis became saturated in species with high KL. The strength of this correlation was surprising given that much of the whole‐plant resistance appears to be in the leaves. Hydraulic capacity, defined as the product of KL and the soil–leaf water potential difference, was strongly correlated with the photosynthetic rate of foliage in the dry season, but only weakly correlated in the wet season.  相似文献   

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