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Most animals exhibit stable left-right asymmetries in their body. Although significant progress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms that set up these asymmetries in vertebrates, nothing is known about them in Drosophila. This is usually attributed to the fact that no reversals of stable left-right asymmetries have been observed in Drosophila, although relevant surveys have been carried out. We have focused on the asymmetry of the proventriculus in the embryonic gut of Drosophila, an aspect of left-right asymmetry that is extremely stable in wild-type flies. We show that this asymmetry can be reversed by mutations in the dicephalic and wunen genes, which also cause reversals in the antero-posterior axis of the embryo relative to its mother. This is the first observation to suggest that left-right asymmetries in Drosophila can be reversed by genetic/developmental manipulations. It also suggests that maternal signals may initiate the specification of some left-right asymmetries in the embryo.  相似文献   

The preimplantation development of the mammalian embryo encompasses a series of critical events: the transition from oocyte to embryo, the first cell divisions, the establishment of cellular contacts, the first lineage differentiation-all the first subtle steps toward a future body plan. Here, we use microarrays to explore gene activity during preimplantation development. We reveal robust and dynamic patterns of stage-specific gene activity that fall into two major phases, one up to the 2-cell stage (oocyte-to-embryo transition) and one after the 4-cell stage (cellular differentiation). The mouse oocyte and early embryo express components of multiple signaling pathways including those downstream of Wnt, BMP, and Notch, indicating that conserved regulators of cell fate and pattern formation are likely to function at the earliest embryonic stages. Overall, these data provide a detailed temporal profile of gene expression that reveals the richness of signaling processes in early mammalian development.  相似文献   

Oscillatory and sequential processes have been implicated in the spatial patterning of many embryonic tissues. For example, molecular clocks delimit segmental boundaries in vertebrates and insects and mediate lateral root formation in plants, whereas sequential gene activities are involved in the specification of regional identities of insect neuroblasts, vertebrate neural tube, vertebrate limb, and insect and vertebrate body axes. These processes take place in various tissues and organisms, and, hence, raise the question of what common themes and strategies they share. In this article, we review 2 processes that rely on the spatial regulation of periodic and sequential gene activities: segmentation and regionalization of the anterior–posterior (AP) axis of animal body plans. We study these processes in species that belong to 2 different phyla: vertebrates and insects. By contrasting 2 different processes (segmentation and regionalization) in species that belong to 2 distantly related phyla (arthropods and vertebrates), we elucidate the deep logic of patterning by oscillatory and sequential gene activities. Furthermore, in some of these organisms (e.g., the fruit fly Drosophila), a mode of AP patterning has evolved that seems not to overtly rely on oscillations or sequential gene activities, providing an opportunity to study the evolution of pattern formation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Recent advances shed light on the cellular processes that cooperate during oogenesis to produce a fully patterned egg, containing all the maternal information required for embryonic development. Progress has been made in defining the early steps in oocyte specification and it has been shown that progression of oogenesis is controlled by a meiotic checkpoint and requires active maintenance of the oocyte cell fate. The function of Gurken signalling in patterning the dorsal-ventral axis later in oogenesis is better understood. Anterior-posterior patterning of the embryo requires activities of bicoid and oskar mRNAs, localised within the oocyte. A microtubule motor, Kinesin, is directly implicated in localisation of oskar mRNA to the posterior pole of the oocyte.  相似文献   

Axis specification in the Drosophila embryo.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three genetic hierarchies control cell-fate specification in largely distinct regions of the antero-posterior axis of the Drosophila embryo, whereas a single hierarchy specifies dorso-ventral cell fates. Molecular genetic analysis of these hierarchies is leading to increased understanding of the nature of the regulatory circuitry that controls regional cell-fate specification.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, most inner organs are asymmetrically arranged with respect to the main body axis [1]. Symmetry breakage in fish, amphibian, and mammalian embryos depends on cilia-driven leftward flow of extracellular fluid during neurulation [2-5]. Flow induces the asymmetric nodal cascade that governs asymmetric organ morphogenesis and placement [1, 6, 7]. In the frog Xenopus, an alternative laterality-generating mechanism involving asymmetric localization of serotonin at the 32-cell stage has been proposed [8]. However, no functional linkage between this early localization and flow at neurula stage has emerged. Here, we report that serotonin signaling is required for specification of the superficial mesoderm (SM), which gives rise to the ciliated gastrocoel roof plate (GRP) where flow occurs [5, 9]. Flow and asymmetry were lost in embryos in which serotonin signaling was downregulated. Serotonin, which we found uniformly distributed along the main body axes in the early embryo, was required for Wnt signaling, which provides the instructive signal to specify the GRP. Importantly, serotonin was required for Wnt-induced double-axis formation as well. Our data confirm flow as primary mechanism of symmetry breakage and suggest a general role of serotonin as competence factor for Wnt signaling during axis formation in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Nodal factors play crucial roles during embryogenesis of chordates. They have been implicated in a number of developmental processes, including mesoderm and endoderm formation and patterning of the embryo along the anterior-posterior and left-right axes. We have analyzed the function of the Nodal signaling pathway during the embryogenesis of the sea urchin, a non-chordate organism. We found that Nodal signaling plays a central role in axis specification in the sea urchin, but surprisingly, its first main role appears to be in ectoderm patterning and not in specification of the endoderm and mesoderm germ layers as in vertebrates. Starting at the early blastula stage, sea urchin nodal is expressed in the presumptive oral ectoderm where it controls the formation of the oral-aboral axis. A second conserved role for nodal signaling during vertebrate evolution is its involvement in the establishment of left-right asymmetries. Sea urchin larvae exhibit profound left-right asymmetry with the formation of the adult rudiment occurring only on the left side. We found that a nodal/lefty/pitx2 gene cassette regulates left-right asymmetry in the sea urchin but that intriguingly, the expression of these genes is reversed compared to vertebrates. We have shown that Nodal signals emitted from the right ectoderm of the larva regulate the asymmetrical morphogenesis of the coelomic pouches by inhibiting rudiment formation on the right side of the larva. This result shows that the mechanisms responsible for patterning the left-right axis are conserved in echinoderms and that this role for nodal is conserved among the deuterostomes. We will discuss the implications regarding the reference axes of the sea urchin and the ancestral function of the nodal gene in the last section of this review.  相似文献   

In annelids, molluscs, echiurans and sipunculids the establishment of the dorsal-ventral axis of the embryo is associated with D quadrant specification during embryogenesis. This specification occurs in two ways in these phyla. One mechanism specifies the D quadrant via the shunting of a set of cytoplasmic determinants located at the vegetal pole of the egg to one blastomere of the four cell stage embryo. In this case, at the first two cleavages of embryogenesis there is an unequal distribution of cytoplasm, generating one macromere which is larger than the others at the four cell stage. The D quadrant can also be specified by a contact mediated inductive interaction between one of the macromeres at the vegetal pole with micromeres at the animal pole of the embryo. This mechanism operates at a later stage of development than the cytoplasmic localization mechanism and is associated with a pattern of cleavage in which the first two cleavages are equal. An analysis of the phylogenetic relationships within these phyla indicates that the taxa which determine the D quadrant at an early cleavage stage by cytoplasmic localization tend to be derived and lack a larval stage or have larvae with adult characters. Those taxa where the D quadrant is specified by induction include the ancestral groups although some derived groups also use this mechanism. The pulmonate mollusc Lymnaea uses an inductive mechanism for specifying the D quadrant. In these embryos each of the four vegetal macromeres has the potential of becoming the D macromere; however under normal circumstances one of the two vegetal crossfurrow macromeres almost invariably becomes the D quadrant. Experiments are described here in which the size of one of the blastomeres of the four cell stage Lymnaea embryo is increased; this macromere invariably becomes the D quadrant. These experiments suggest that developmental change in relative blastomere size during the first two cleavages in spiralian embryos that normally cleave equally may have provided a route that has led to the establishment of the cytoplasmic localization mechanism of D quadrant formation.  相似文献   

The anterior-posterior axis is a key feature of the bilaterian body plan. Although axis specification during embryogenesis has been studied extensively, virtually nothing is known about how this axis can be established post-embryonically, as occurs in budding animals. We investigated bud formation in the acoel Convolutriloba retrogemma, which reproduces by a remarkable process involving the formation of animals with linked but completely opposite body axes. Reverse axes are established anew during each round of budding and manifestations of the bud's new axis develop gradually, with regionalization of axial patterning genes (Hox and otx) and the establishment of organized musculature occurring secondarily, after bud initiation. A swath of tissue at the parent-bud boundary has no regenerative potential and appears devoid of inherent axial polarity. GSK-3 inhibitor trials suggest that Wnt/β-catenin or Hedgehog signalling may mediate the establishment of this unpolarized zone. Formation of unpolarized tissue may provide a buffer between opposing polarity cues and be a general mechanism by which budding animals establish and maintain linked body axes. In addition to elucidating the developmental basis of budding in a bilaterian, this study provides insight into convergence in animal budding mechanisms, redeployment of embryonic gene expression during budding, and Hox gene evolution.  相似文献   

In most animals the body axis is specified in the egg. Because of their highlyregulative capacity after experimental manipulations,1-4 mammalianpreimplantation embryos have long been thought to be an exception to this rule,lacking polarity until the blastocyst stage. However, it has recently been suggested5-7 that the embryonic-abembryonic (Em-Ab) axis of the mouse blastocyst arisesperpendicular to the first cleavage plane. Considering the second polar body (2pb)as a stationary marker for the “animal pole (A-pole)” during preimplantationdevelopment,5,6 the authors concluded that the polarity of the mouse embryo isalready specified in the egg, as is the case for most non-mammalian animals.5-7However, the results of our recent time-lapse recordings have shown8 that in 50 %of the embryos the first cleavage occurs at a considerable distance from the“animal-vegetal (A-V) axis” and that the 2pb moves towards the first cleavageplane, in contrast to the previous claims. Thus, there is no predetermined axis in themouse egg. We also presented a novel model for specification of the first cleavageplane: this is defined as the plane separating the two apposing pronuclei that havemoved to the center of the egg. In this review we will elucidate the discrepancybetween the previous model and our model, and discuss the possible causes.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, the first zygotic division usually gives rise to two daughter cells with distinct morphologies and developmental fates, which is critical for embryo pattern formation; however, it is still unclear when and how these distinct cell fates are specified, and whether the cell specification is related to cytoplasmic localization or polarity. Here, we demonstrated that when isolated from both maternal tissues and the apical cell, a single basal cell could only develop into a typical suspensor, but never into an embryo in vitro. Morphological, cytological and gene expression analyses confirmed that the resulting suspensor in vitro is highly similar to its undisturbed in vivo counterpart. We also demonstrated that the isolated apical cell could develop into a small globular embryo, both in vivo and in vitro, after artificial dysfunction of the basal cell; however, these growing apical cell lineages could never generate a new suspensor. These findings suggest that the initial round of cell fate specification occurs at the two‐celled proembryo stage, and that the basal cell lineage is autonomously specified towards the suspensor, implying a polar distribution of cytoplasmic contents in the zygote. The cell fate transition of the basal cell lineage to the embryo in vivo is actually a conditional cell specification process, depending on the developmental signals from both the apical cell lineage and maternal tissues connected to the basal cell lineage.  相似文献   

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