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The tegument of the paramphistome, Gastrodiscoides hominis, is basically similar to that of other digeneans. It is folded into concentrically arranged furrows and ridges bearing numerous tightly packed tubercules, and extends into the oral cavity. An area of specialized tegument is present on the ventral surface, anterior to the disc region. Mitochondria are absent from the tegumental syncytium and underlying tegumental cells, suggesting that the tegument may serve principally as a protective layer rather than in active uptake phenomena. However, extensions of the lymph and parenchyma systems are closely associated with the base of the tegumental syncytium and may provide ATP for active processes. Ciliated and non-ciliated sensory papillae are present, particularly around the oral opening. Numerous lymph channels are present in the sub-tegument and may be involved in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

The lymph system of three amphistome parasites from buffaloes, Gigantocotyle explanatum, Gastrothylax crumenifer and Srivastavaia indica was studied using light microscope histochemistry and electron microscopy. In each case the system comprised a single pair of main longitudinal vessels which gave rise to numerous sub-dividing lateral branches. Although the finer lymph channels associated with most internal systems, they did not penetrate the basement membrane of any organ. The lymph vessels were delimited by a unit membrane and separated from adjacent cells by interstitial material. The lymph fluid consisted of an amorphous proteinaceous, lipid-rich matrix, containing naked nuclei and granules of various sizes. Complexes of endoplasmic reticulum were frequently associated with the nuclei. No distinct Golgi bodies or mitochondria were evident. The granules noted throughout the lymph morphologically resembled autophagosomes and lysosomes. Autophagy within the lymph system presumably mobilizes amino acids for subsequent transport to tissues undergoing active protein synthesis. The lymph channels displayed an intimate relationship with the general parenchyma. In particular, numerous protrusions of lymph occurred into the cytoplasm of certain specialized parenchymal cells surrounding the pharynx. Within these 'juxtapharyngeal' cells autophagic degradation of sequestered lymph cytoplasm apparently occurred. In the three species of amphistome studied, the lymph system appears to function in storage and mobilization of amino acids and possibly lipids. It may also serve to distribute other small molecules throughout the body. The detection of haemoglobin in the lymph system of G. crumenifer and S. indica, but not in Gigantocotyle explanatum, suggests a further role in oxygen storage and transport.  相似文献   

The tegument of the paramphistome, Gastrodiscoides hominis, is basically similar to that of other digeneans. It is folded into concentrically arranged furrows and ridges bearing numerous tightly packed tubercules, and extends into the oral cavity. An area of specialized tegument is present on the ventral surface, anterior to the disc region. Mitochondria are absent from the tegumental syncytium and underlying tegumental cells, suggesting that the tegument may serve principally as a protective layer rather than in active uptake phenomena. However, extensions of the lymph and parenchyma systems are closely associated with the base of the tegumental syncytium and may provide ATP for active processes. Ciliated and non-ciliated sensory papillae are present, particularly around the oral opening. Numerous lymph channels are present in the sub-tegument and may be involved in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Summary The reticular network of the lymph nodes has been studied with a variety of methods aimed to elucidate its chemical composition, submicroscopic structure and relationship with the cells.To study the chemical composition, the reticular network has first been isolated by means of sonic disruption and differential centrifugation, avoiding the use of enzymes or chemical extractions. The material prepared in this way has been studied with the polarized light and electron microscopes and has been subjected to X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis, including chromatographic separation of the collagenous proteins.The results of this work show that the reticular network of lymph nodes has a chemical composition similar to that of loose connective tissues: the fibrils are made of collagenous proteins and the concept of reticulin as a chemical or morphological entity does not appear to be justified.In addition the structure of the reticular network and its relationships with the different cells have been studied with the electron microscope on ultrathin sections of lymph nodes from dogs, cats, rabbits and rats: the reticular fibres appeared to be made of bundles of collagen fibrils with the typical banded structure; the fibres have close contacts with the reticular cells and also with the lymphoid elements of the nodes.In conclusion no elements exist that point towards some specific properties of the reticular connective tissue: the reticular network of the lymph nodes appears not to be basically different from the usual loose connective tissue from which it is distinct only because it harbours a considerable number of immunologically competent cells of the lymphoid series; functional interrelationships between the reticular and lymphoid cells in the nodes are, of course, not excluded.To Prof. F. E. Lehmann on his sixtieth birth day.Supported by a grant of C.N.R.  相似文献   

Pygidiopsis macrostomum Travassos, 1928, a poorly known species originally described from a single specimen from Rattus norvegicus (Erxleben, 1777) in Brazil, is redescribed on the basis of metacercariae from the mesenteries of naturally infected guppies Poecilia vivipara Bloch and Schneider, 1801 (Poeciliidae), and adults obtained from an experimental infection of hamsters. Pygidiopsis macrostomum is characterized by the absence of oral spines, vitellaria extending forward to ventral sucker, uterus reaching pharyngeal level, X-shaped excretory vesicle, and an oral sucker/acetabulum ratio of 1:0.8. The surface ultrastructure shows that the tegument of the metacercaria does not strongly differ from that of adults. The brush-shaped spines of P. macrostomum are similar to those reported for Pygidiopsis summa and Pygidiopsis ardeae, but no differences in spine shape were observed throughout the body.  相似文献   

Gynaecotyla squatarolae (Digenea: Microphallidae) adult flukes were recovered from experimental chicks at day 4-6 post-infection and their tegumental ultrastructure was observed with a scanning electron microscopy. They were pyriform in shape, and their anterior halves were concaved ventrally. The whole body surface was covered with tegumental spines, which were wide and 16-17 digitated between oral and ventral suckers. The density of spines and number of digits decreased posteriorly. The oral sucker was subterminal and the excretory pore was at the posterior end of the worm. Two ventral suckers were similar in appearance and protruded near midline of the worm. The genital atrium was dextral to the small ventral sucker. The dorsal surface was covered with tegumental spines, but the spines were sparser than on the ventral surface. On the middle portion of the dorsal surface, a small opening presumed to be the Laurer's canal was seen. From these findings, it has been confirmed that the adult G. squatarolae has unique characteristics in the surface ultrastructure.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of juvenile and adult Himasthla alincia (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) was observed by scanning electron microscopy. One-, 5- (juveniles) and 20-day-old worms (adults) were harvested from chicks experimentally fed metacercariae from a bivalve, Mactra veneriformis. The juvenile worms were elongated and curved ventrally. The head crown bore 31 collar spines, arranged in a single row. The lip of the oral sucker had 12 paired, and 3 single type I sensory papillae, and the ventral sucker had about 25 type II sensory papillae. The anterolateral surface between the two suckers was densely packed with tegumental spines with 4-7 pointed tips. The adult worms were more elongated and filamentous, and had severe transverse folds over the whole body surface. On the head crown and two suckers, type I and II sensory papillae were more densely distributed than in the juvenile worms. Retractile brush-like spines, with 8-10 digits, were seen on the anterolateral surface, whereas claw-shaped spines, with 2-5 digits, were sparsely distributed posteriorly to the ventral sucker. The cirrus characteristically protruded out, and was armed with small spines distally. The surface ultrastructure of H. alincia was shown to be unique among echinostomes, especially in the digitation of its tegumental spines, the distribution of sensory papillae and by severe folds of the tegument.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of juvenile and adult Acanthoparyphium tyosenense (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) was observed by scanning electron microscopy. One- to 3-day-old juveniles and 10-day-old adults were harvested from chicks experimentally fed metacercariae from a bivalve, Mactra veneriformis. The juvenile worms were minute, curved ventrally, and had 23 collar spines characteristically arranged in a single row. The lips of the oral sucker had 7 single aciliated sensory papillae and 4 grouped uniciliated sensory papillae. The ventral sucker had 25 aciliated round swellings on its lip. The anterolateral surface between the 2 suckers was densely packed with tongue-shaped tegumental spines, and the ventral surface just posterior to the ventral sucker was covered with peg-like spines. Retractile, peg-like spines were seen on the anterolateral surface, whereas scale-like spines with round tips and broad bases were sparsely distributed posterior to the ventral sucker. The cirrus was characteristically protruding and armed with minute spines. The surface ultrastructure of A. tyosenense was unique, especially in the number and arrangement of collar spines, shape, and distribution of tegumental spines and in distribution of sensory papillae.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopic study was performed on the surface ultrastructure of Pygidiopsis summa (Digenea: Heterophyidae) adults. Metacercariae were collected from gills and muscles of mullets (Mugil cephalus) caught in a known endemic area, and adult flukes were harvested from dogs after 8 weeks of experimental infection. The worm was calabash form with its posterior part broader than the anterior part. Tegumental spines were densely distributed over the body surface, except on the suckers and genital apparatus, and around the excretory pore. Well differentiated spines were observed on the anterior half of the body, with 14-16 tips ventrally, and 19-20 tips dorsally. On the oral sucker, three pairs of type I sensory papillae (uni-ciliated knob-like swellings) and one pair of type II sensory papillae (aciliated round-swellings) were observed on the anterior and posterior parts of the lip, respectively. On the lip of the ventral sucker, one pair of type II sensory papillae was distributed only on its posterior part. Sperms were seen emerging from or entering into the genital apparatus. The results showed that the surface ultrastructure of P. summa was unique among the heterophyid trematodes, especially in digitation of tegumental spines and in distribution of sensory papillae on oral and ventral suckers.  相似文献   

Rhizocephalan barnacles are parasites of Crustacea. They lack even the rudiments of an alimentary canal, but infiltrate their hosts with a nutrient-absorbing system of rootlets. We review the ultrastructure of the rootlets using light microscopy, SEM, and TEM in nine species from five families, representing both suborders of the Rhizocephala: from the Kentrogonida Peltogaster paguri, P. curvatus, Peltogasterella sulcata, Cyphosaccus norvegicus (Peltogastridae); Lernaeodiscus porcellanae (Lernaeodiscidae); and Sacculina carcini (Sacculinidae); and from the Akentrogonida Clistosaccus paguri (Clistosaccidae); Chthamalophilus delagei, and Boschmaella japonica (Chthamalophilidae). With the exception of Chthamalophilus delagei, the root system of the investigated species shares numerous apomorphies at the ultrastructural level and displays at all levels specializations that maximize the surface area. The rootlets consist of a cuticle, an epidermis and a subjacent layer of axial cells that often, but not always surround, a central lumen. The rootlets are at all times enclosed in a less than 0.5 microm thick cuticle, which is never molted. The cuticle consists of an inner homogeneous layer with a slightly fibrous structure and an outer, less than 15-nm thick electron-dense layer, from which numerous microcuticular projections extend into the hemolymphatic space of the host. The microcuticular projections consist of the outer electron-dense layer and sometimes a core of the more translucent homogeneous layer. They vary among the species from being simple in Sacculina carcini to exhibiting complex branching patterns in Peltogasterella sulcata and Cyphosaccus norvegicus. Beneath the cuticle the epidermal plasma membrane is thrown into irregularly shaped projections. The epidermal cells are joined by long septate junctions and exhibit the characteristics of a transporting epithelium. Experiments with acid phosphatase revealed activity both in the epidermis and among the microcuticular projections. The projections may therefore form a domain that is important in absorption and extracellular digestion of nutrients from the host. The axial cells contain abundant endoplasmic reticulum and seem to convert absorbed carbohydrates into lipid, which is stored in large droplets. Subepidermal muscle cells cause sinuous movements of the rootlets, but it remains unknown how nutrients are transported along the rootlets towards the external reproductive body. In C. delagei the single, bladder-shaped rootlet lacks both the apical projections in the epidermis, the electron-dense cuticle layer, and the microcuticular projections. We review previous studies on the rhizocephalan root system and discuss functional and phylogenetic aspects of the morphology.  相似文献   

The wall of the spermathecal ampulla in Tubifex tubifex consists of epithelial, muscular and peritoneal layers. The epithelial surface contains closely microvilli while lateral and basal plasma membranes are extensively convoluted. Epithelial cytoplasm exhibits a vertical zonation of subcellular components. The distal zone contains filiform secretory particles which are orientated perpendicular to the apical surface; extrusion occurs by their fusion with the plasma membrane between the bases of neighbouring microvilli. Mitochondiral and Golgi zones, the latter containing the nucleus, subtend the distal zone. The basal zone, composed of vertical compartments formed by the folded plasma membrane, is rich in α-glycogen rosettes. The distal epithelium and lumen material contain neutral mucopolysaccharides and carboxylated acid mucopolysaccharides in conjunction with neutral protein. The ultrastructure of the spermathecal duct wall is comparable with that of the ampulla but is characterized by extremely long microvilli and a prominent musculature.  相似文献   

As part of a study on trichopteran silk secretion, the histology, histochemistry, and ultrastructure of the silk glands of two species of limnephilid trichopteran larvae, Pycnopsyche guttifer (Walk.) and Neophylax concinnus McL., were investigated. The silk glands consist of three anatomically distinct regions: a long, posterior silk-secreting region; a shorter, anterior conducting tube; and a terminal press/common duct. In Pycnopsyche, there is also a modified bulbous region between the secreting and conducting areas. Each anatomical region has a distinct cell type. There are two structurally and histochemically different components of the secretion in the glandular lumen: a core and a peripheral layer. Both components are produced all along the gland and are principally proteinaceous. However, the peripheral layer is also PAS and alcian blue (pH. 2.5) positive and shows β-metachromasia with toluidine blue (pH 3.5), indicating the presence of both neutral and acidic polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The morphology and fine structure of the female reproductive system of allassogonoporid trematode Allassogonoporus amphoraeformis have been described for the first time. The ovary consists of the germ cells being at various developmental stages and supporting cells of two types. The oviduct, seminal receptacle with its short duct and the proximal portion of Laurer's canal are lined by flattened cellular epithelium with lamellae and cilia on its luminal surface and well-developed basal infoldings. The distal part of Laurer's canal and metraterm are tegumental in structure and are characterized by sparse secretory inclusions and lacking of spines. Mehlis' glands of two types open into ootype. The uterus wall is composed of highly flattened epithelial cells surrounded by basal lamina and sparse muscle bundles. Vitelline lobules consist only of the vitelline cells at various developmental stages. The mature vitelline cells contain two types of inclusions: vitelline droplets and rarely scattered lipids. Vitelline ducts are lined by cellular epithelium with highly folded luminal surface and devoid of cilia. Presented results are compared with earlier obtained data on other lecithodendrioiden trematode Prosthodendrium ascidia ([symbol: see text], 1990).  相似文献   

Administration of niridazole to Saccostomus campestris produced changes in enzyme activity in Schislosoma haematobium females as indicated histochemically by a decrease in the activity of cytochrome oxidase (EC, malate (NAD) dehydrogenase (EC, malate (NADP) dehydrogenase (EC, succinate dehydrogenase (EC, isocitrate (NAD) dehydrogenase (EC, isocitrate (NADP) dehydrogenase (EC, lactate dehydrogenase (EC, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, NADH: tetrazolium oxidoreductase, NADPH: tetrazolium oxidoreductase, and a disappearance of both the activity of phenolase (EC and the reactivity of vitelline phenols. These changes were associated with the following alterations in the ultrastructure of the parasites: a decrease in number of immature vitelline cells of gonial type, a disruption of the tegument surface, a swelling of mitochondria in vitelline cells, a disappearance of the regular structure of the endoplasmic reticulum and a vaeuolization of the cytoplasm in vitelline cells, an appearance of areas of focal cytoplasmic degradation in vitelline cells, and a disruption of shell globules. The degree of changes in enzyme activity and ultrastructure increased both with increase in the dose of niridazole administered to the hosts, and with length of time after treatment.Preincubation of control sectioned material in a buffered niridazole-sucrose solution produced total inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase activity, whereas the activity of other enzymes examined remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Naidoo Y  Karim T  Heneidak S  Sadashiva CT  Naidoo G 《Planta》2012,236(4):1215-1226
This study was initiated to characterize the distribution, morphology, secretion mode, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the glandular trichomes of Ceratotheca triloba using light and electron microscopy. Its leaves bear two morphologically distinct glandular trichomes. The first type has long trichome with 8-12 basal cells of pedestal, 3-14 stalk cells, a neck cell and a head of four cells in one layer. The second type has short trichome comprising one or two basal epidermal cells, a unicellular or bicellular stalk and a multicellular head of two to eight cells. There is a marked circular area in the upper part of each head cell of the long trichome. This area is provided with micropores to exudate directly the secretory product onto the leaf surface by an eccrine pathway. The secretory product has copious amount of dark microbodies arising from plastids which are positive to Sudan tests and osmium tetroxide for unsaturated lipids. The secretion mode of short trichomes is granulocrine and involves two morphologically and histochemically distinct vesicle types: small Golgi-derived vesicles which are positive to Ruthenium Red test for mucilaginous polysaccharides; the second type is dark large microbodies similar to that of long trichomes with low quantity. These two types are stored in numerous peripheral vacuoles and discharge their contents accompanied by the formation of irregular invaginations of the plasmalemma inside the vacuoles via reverse pinocytosis. These two secretion modes of long and short trichomes are reported for the first time in the family Pedaliaceae. The long trichomes have more unsaturated lipids, while the short trichomes contain more mucilaginous polysaccharides.  相似文献   

and 1992. Ultrastructure and histochemistry of the protonephridial system of juvenile Paramphistomum epiclitum and Fischoederius elongatus (Paramphistomidae: Digenea) during migration in Indian ruminants. International Journal for Parasitology 22: 1103–1115. The protonephridial system of juvenile Paramphistomum epiclitum and Fischoederius elongatus consists of a bilaterally symmetrical arrangement of primary, secondary and tertiary ducts which connect individual flame cells with a simple common bladder. Primary and secondary ducts are formed from columns of adjoining cells which provide an epithelial lining, whose luminal surface is elaborated with either short tubercles or lamellae. Groups of cilia project from the luminal surface at frequent intervals along secondary ducts. By contrast, the tertiary ducts and bladder are lined with a nucleated syncytium which ends at a junctional complex formed with the terminal canal. The latter is continuous with the tegumental syncytium and opens at a nephridiopore on the postero-dorsal surface. Tertiary ducts of mature cercariae contain concretions which are voided by migrating juveniles in whose tertiary ducts lipids are progressively accumulated. Evidence for the role of protonephridia in excretion and possibly in osmoregulation and ionic balance is currently examined.  相似文献   

The morphology and histochemistry of the glycocalyx of the tegument was investigated by electron microscopy. The results showed that both the morphology and histochemistry of the glycocalyx varied depending on the environment immediately prior to fixation and also on postfixation treatments. Conventional electron microscope fixation appeared to preserve only about half the total thickness of the glycocalyx, and only histochemical tests applied en bloc gave a true morphological and histochemical picture. The glycocalyx, therefore, consists of two parts, an inner continuous layer which is tightly bound to the apical plasma membrane and is always preserved, and an outer fibrillar layer, which is not always preserved by conventional fixation. Both layers are anionic and carbohydrate-rich and therefore contain glycoproteins and sialic acids. The surface of Fasciola hepatica, therefore, has morphological and chemical features very like those proposed for the “greater membrane” by Lehninger.  相似文献   

The monostratified clitellar epidermis of Lumbricillus rivalis consists of supporting cells, granular secretory cells, and globular secretory cells, together with the acid mucous cells typical of normal skin in the anterior and posterior transition zones. The secretion of the granular cells is a neutral glycoprotein with low levels of bound lipid, and that of the globular cells is a sulphated acid mucopolysaccharide lacking detectable protein or lipid.
Ultrastructurally the granular cells possess 1 μm, membrane-bound granules of variable electron density suggestive of maturation changes. The formative granules arise from Golgi vesicles and are moderately electron translucent. They contain parallel-aligned, tubule-like inclusions of 14 nm diameter, observed also in the mature regions of the Golgi. Granules in the mid or apical part of the cell show increased electron density, the formative pattern being wholly or partially obscured and the subunit alignment, when discernable, no longer uniform. Moiré fringe patterns are evident in some granules. The patterns and electron density are lost after pronase digestion. The globular cells contain electron translucent, membrane-bound globules of 2–3 μm diameter with finely fibrous contents. They arise from mature Golgi vesicles and are unaffected by pronase treatment.
The results suggest that the granular cells secrete the cocoon wall and the globular cells the material that surrounds the developing embryos, and are compared with published accounts of other microdrile clitella and with those of the clitellum of lumbricid earthworms.  相似文献   

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