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The population structure and genetic diversity of 57 European and Middle Eastern marginal and cosmopolitan sheep breeds from 15 countries were analysed by typing 31 microsatellite markers. Mean unbiased expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.63 in British Exmoor Horn to 0.77 in Albanian Ruda. South-eastern European and Middle-Eastern sheep breeds were significantly more variable than northwestern and western European breeds. An overall heterozygote deficiency (f) across all loci was observed (P < 0.001), while genetic differentiation (theta) was 5.7%. Principal component analysis and Bayesian model-based clustering indicate a south-east to north-west cline, but also revealed distinct groups of Middle-Eastern fat-tailed sheep, south-eastern European sheep and north-western/western European sheep. Within the last group, two less-distinct clusters comprised the Merino-type and Alpine breeds respectively. The incomplete demarcations of most clusters probably reflects cross-breeding and/or upgrading.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected from 743 animals from 15 indigenous, 2 old imported, and 3 commercial North European cattle breeds. The samples were analyzed for 11 erythrocyte antigen systems, 8 proteins, and 10 microsatellites, and used to assess inter- and intrabreed genetic variation and genetic population structures. The microsatellites BoLA-DRBP1 and CSSM66 were nonneutral markers according to the Ewens-Watterson test, suggesting some kind of selection imposed on these loci. North European cattle breeds displayed generally similar levels of multilocus heterozygosity and allelic diversity. However, allelic diversity has been reduced in several breeds, which was explained by limited effective population sizes over the course of man-directed breed development and demographic bottlenecks of indigenous breeds. A tree showing genetic relationships between breeds was constructed from a matrix of random drift-based genetic distance estimates. The breeds were classified on the basis of the tree topology into four major breed groups, defined as Northern indigenous breeds, Southern breeds, Ayrshire and Friesian breeds, and Jersey. Grouping of Nordic breeds was supported by documented breed history and geographical divisions of native breeding regions of indigenous cattle. Divergence estimates between Icelandic cattle and indigenous breeds suggested a separation time of more than 1,000 years between Icelandic cattle and Norwegian native breeds, a finding consistent with historical evidence.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity studies in domestic animals aim at evaluating genetic variation within and across breeds mainly for conservation purposes. In Sicily, dairy sheep production represents an important resource for hilly and mountain areas economy. Their milk is used for the production of traditional raw milk cheeses, sometimes protected designation of origin (PDO) cheeses. In some cases, the quality of these products is linked to a specific breed, i.e. mono-breed labelled cheeses and it is therefore important to be able to distinguish the milk of a breed from that of others, in order to guarantee both the consumer and the breed itself. In order to investigate the genetic structure and to perform an assignment test, a total of 331 individuals (Barbaresca, BAR n = 57, Comisana, COM n = 65, Pinzirita, PIN n = 75, Sarda, SAR n = 64, and Valle del Belice, VDB n = 70) were analysed using a panel of 20 microsatellite markers. A total of 259 alleles were observed with average polymorphic information content equal to 0.76, showing that the microsatellites panel used was highly informative. Estimates of observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.65 in the BAR breed to 0.75 in the COM breed. The low value of genetic differentiation among breeds (Fst = 0.049) may indicate that these breeds are little differentiated probably due to common history and breeding practices. The low Fis and Fit values indicated low level of inbreeding within and among breeds. The unrooted neighbor-joining dendrogram obtained from the Reynold's genetic distances, and factorial correspondence analysis revealed a separation between BAR and the other sheep breeds. Recent migration rates were estimated, showing that four out of the five breeds have not received a significant proportion of migrants. Only for the PIN breed a recent introgression rate from the VDB breed (7.2%) was observed. The Bayesian assignment test showed that BAR and SAR breeds had a more definite genetic structure (proportion of assignment of 92% and 86.6%, respectively), whereas the lowest assignment value was found in the PIN breed (67.1%). Our results indicated high genetic variability, low inbreeding and low genetic differentiation, except for BAR breed, and were in accordance with geographical location, history, and breeding practices. The low robustness of the assignment test makes it unfeasible for traceability purposes, due to the high level of admixture, in particular for COM, PIN and VDB.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among European cattle breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic relationships among 37 European cattle breeds were investigated using blood group and serum protein polymorphisms. The 18 859 animals included in the study represented a random sample from pedigree populations in the UK. Within-breed variation was estimated by average heterozygosity and number of alleles observed, and breed relationships were evaluated by genetic distance. Standard errors of the heterozygosity, number of alleles and genetic distance were obtained by bootstrapping. The significance of breed differences was tested using an exact test of differentiation. French, Italian and Channel Island breeds were found to have generally higher heterozygosities and a greater number of alleles than breeds from mainland Britain and North Europe. Genetic distances ranged between 0·011 (±0·005) and 0·309 (±0·071). Two major breed groups were identified; a group of French, Italian and Channel Island breeds together with the Simmental and Gelbvieh, and a second group consisting of the mainland British and North European breeds. The exact test of breed differentiation showed all breeds to be significantly different from one another ( P < 0·0001). Overall relationships among breeds reflected their geographical origin and common ancestry rather than the agricultural use for which the breeds have been selected.  相似文献   

Genotype data from 20 microsatellites typed in 253 animals is used here to assess the genetic structure of seven European pedigree cattle breeds. Estimation of genetic subdivision using classical drift-based measures shows that the average proportion of genetic variation among breeds varies between 10 and 11% of the total, depending on the estimator used. We demonstrate that a simple allele-sharing genetic distance parameter can be used to construct a dendrogram of relationships among animals. This phylogenetic tree displays a remarkable degree of breed clustering and reflects an extensive underlying kinship structure, particularly for the Swiss Simmental breed and four breeds originating from the British Isles. Condensation of allele frequencies and individual genotypic compositions using principal component analysis is also used to investigate genetic structure among breeds and individual animals. In addition, the underlying genetic demarcation of European cattle breeds is emphasized in simulations of breed assignment using allele frequency distributions from samples of microsatellite loci. Correct breed designation can be inferred with accuracies approaching 100% using data from a panel of 10 microsatellite loci.  相似文献   

A set of eleven pig breeds originating from six European countries, and including a small sample of wild pigs, was chosen for this study of genetic diversity. Diversity was evaluated on the basis of 18 microsatellite markers typed over a total of 483 DNA samples collected. Average breed heterozygosity varied from 0.35 to 0.60. Genotypic frequencies generally agreed with Hardy-Weinberg expectations, apart from the German Landrace and Schwäbisch-Hällisches breeds, which showed significantly reduced heterozygosity. Breed differentiation was significant as shown by the high among-breed fixation index (overall FST = 0.27), and confirmed by the clustering based on the genetic distances between individuals, which grouped essentially all individuals in 11 clusters corresponding to the 11 breeds. The genetic distances between breeds were first used to construct phylogenetic trees. The trees indicated that a genetic drift model might explain the divergence of the two German breeds, but no reliable phylogeny could be inferred among the remaining breeds. The same distances were also used to measure the global diversity of the set of breeds considered, and to evaluate the marginal loss of diversity attached to each breed. In that respect, the French Basque breed appeared to be the most "unique" in the set considered. This study, which remains to be extended to a larger set of European breeds, indicates that using genetic distances between breeds of farm animals in a classical taxonomic approach may not give clear resolution, but points to their usefulness in a prospective evaluation of diversity.  相似文献   

Selection for performance in diverse production settings has resulted in variation across sheep breeds worldwide. Although sheep are an important species to the United States, the current genetic relationship among many terminal sire breeds is not well characterized. Suffolk, Hampshire, Shropshire and Oxford (terminal) and Rambouillet (dual purpose) sheep (n = 248) sampled from different flocks were genotyped using the Applied Biosystems Axiom Ovine Genotyping Array (50K), and additional Shropshire sheep (n = 26) using the Illumina Ovine SNP50 BeadChip. Relationships were investigated by calculating observed heterozygosity, inbreeding coefficients, eigenvalues, pairwise Wright’s FST estimates and an identity by state matrix. The mean observed heterozygosity for each breed ranged from 0.30 to 0.35 and was consistent with data reported in other US and Australian sheep. Suffolk from two different regions of the United States (Midwest and West) clustered separately in eigenvalue plots and the rectangular cladogram. Further, divergence was detected between Suffolk from different regions with Wright’s FST estimate. Shropshire animals showed the greatest divergence from other terminal breeds in this study. Admixture between breeds was examined using admixture , and based on cross-validation estimates, the best fit number of populations (clusters) was K = 6. The greatest admixture was observed within Hampshire, Suffolk, and Shropshire breeds. When plotting eigenvalues, US terminal breeds clustered separately in comparison with sheep from other locations of the world. Understanding the genetic relationships between terminal sire breeds in sheep will inform us about the potential applicability of markers derived in one breed to other breeds based on relatedness.  相似文献   

The sheep (Ovis aries L.) has been an important farm animal species since its domestication. A wide array of indigenous sheep breeds with abundant phenotypic diversity exists for domestication and selection. Therefore, assessing the genetic diversity of a local sheep resource using a multi-molecular system is helpful for maintaining and conserving those breeds. This study aimed to investigate the genetic diversity of three native Chinese sheep breeds (Tibetan sheep, Sishui Fur sheep, and Small-tailed Han sheep) using 15 microsatellite markers and the second exon of the DRA gene. In regards to the microsatellites, on average, 19 alleles per loci were observed among all individuals. Across loci, the HO within the population was 0.652 ± 0.022 in Tibetan sheep, 0.603 ± 0.023 in Small-tailed Han sheep and 0.635 ± 0.022 in SFS, and for most populations, the H E and H O were inconsistent. In addition, affluent private alleles within the breed indicated that the breeds have different domestication histories or sites. In regards to the 2 exon of the DRA gene, three haplotypes were constructed by seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which were identified in the second DRA exon and inferred the potential for phenotypic variety in these Chinese native sheep. In summary, the current study reveals the importance of implementing effective conservation strategies for these three native Chinese sheep.  相似文献   

North European short-tailed breeds of sheep: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The short-tailed sheep, native of an area stretching from Russia to Iceland, are generally considered a primitive type. These robust northern sheep seem to have been spread by Norse vikings to several countries in this area from the late eighth century to the middle of the eleventh century ad. They have several common characteristics in addition to the fluke-shaped and tapered short tail, such as a wide range of colour patterns, dual-coated wool and the ability to thrive under harsh environmental conditions, often in isolated marginal areas. While 34 short-tailed breeds of North European origin can still be identified, it is clear that their population sizes have declined in most cases and several of them are now rare and endangered. Although these breeds have mainly been confined to certain localities, some of them have gained considerable distribution due to their genetic merits, such as prolificacy. Of these, the Finnsheep and the Romanov are best known being exported to several countries in the world where their genetic material has been utilized through crossbreeding with local sheep. This has resulted in the production of some new synthetic breeds. Meat is now generally the main product of the North European short-tailed breeds and their crossbreds, whereas wool, skins and milk are normally regarded as byproducts, yet of considerable economic importance in some cases. Such breeds have clearly a role to play in sustainable grassland-based production systems in the future.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and variability in Alpine sheep breeds   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The aim of this study was to analyze, through the use of microsatellite molecular markers, the genetic diversity and variability of nine Alpine sheep breeds reared in Italy (Bergamasca, Biellese, Schwarzbraunes Bergschaf, Tiroler Bergschaf, and Schnalserschaf), Germany (Brillenschaf and Weisses Bergschaf) and Slovenia (Bovška and Jezerzkǒ-Solčavska), and one Italian crossbreed population. Allelic richness was rather high in each breed highlighting a considerable genetic diversity. However, the study evidenced a significant departure from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in all analyzed breeds caused by a heterozygote deficiency. Such lack seems to be caused both to the presence of population substructure within breed and to a rather high level of inbreeding. The genetic differentiation among breed was rather low (FST = 0.057) but significant. The clustering analysis performed with STRUCTURE detected the presence of eight clusters; Schwarzbraunes Bergschaf and Tiroler Bergschaf were grouped together and Biellese and Bergamasca as well, evidencing a high similarity of their genetic make up. Reynolds’ genetic distance estimates confirmed the close relationship between these pairs of breeds. Moreover, Bovška, Jezerzkǒ-Solčavska and Brillenschaf resulted rather similar as expected according to their region of origin and to their common ancestors. Molecular coancestry confirmed as well such findings, suggesting that the studied breeds had origin from different ancestral populations. Concluding, microsatellite resulted a useful tool to investigate breed variability and to characterize Alpine sheep breeds. Obtained findings suggest the need to set up a conservation plan aiming to safeguard and increase the genetic variability of the studied breeds compromised by the high level of inbreeding. Microsatellites genotyping could help to monitor breed variability and to organize matings.  相似文献   

Analysis of 6 cattle breeds (5 local Ukrainian breeds and the Holstain breed) on the 9 polymorphous molecular-genetic markers (transferrin, ceruloplasmin, amylase-1, posttransferrin, receptor to vitamin D, haemoglobin, leptin, kapa-casein) was carried out. The rare allele of transferrin was revealed in two local breeds and the rare allele of leptin--in two another local breeds. Associations between syntenic loci (transferrin, ceruloplasmin, kappa-casein, receptor to vitamin D) were observed only in the local breeds but not in the Holstain one. Locus-specific conservation of the ancestor allelic variants in the local breeds and effect of selection on interloci associations are discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic variation and distances of five Italian native sheep breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic distances among five of the most important Italian native sheep breeds were estimated by using gene frequencies of four blood group and seven blood protein loci and by three different computing methods. The values of the three distance matrices were highly correlated. Genetic distances were found within the range values reported in the literature for local breeds. Shorter distances fitted the historical evidence of migrations.  相似文献   

The genetic polymorphism of the beta-lactoglobulin gene was investigated in three native Turkish sheep breeds. The study was carried out on 108 sheep (29 Kivircik, 38 G?k?eada, and 41 Sakiz) by means of PCR-RFLP methods. Two genetic variants (A and B) and three genotypes (AA, AB, and BB) of beta-lactoglobulin have been identified. The gene frequencies of beta-LG A and B were 0.7759 and 0.2241 in Kivircik, 0.7632 and 0.2368 in G?k?eada, and 0.9756 and 0.0244 in Sakiz breeds, respectively. The populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all samples from the three breeds.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was investigated among 11 local Sudanese sheep populations. These populations were: Desert, with 6 sub-populations; Nilotics; Arid upland; West African; and Nilodesert, with 2 sub-populations. 15 microsatellites were used, a total number of 263 alleles being found, with expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.726 to 0.811. Principal component analysis revealed a distinct demarcation between the West African population and all other populations in Sudan and a moderate distance of Desert Dongla sheep from all other Desert populations. Structure modelling clustered West African, Arid upland and Nilotics populations in one group, and divided the Desert and Nilodesert populations into 2 mixed clusters with incomplete demarcation, reflecting cross breeding between these populations. Mitochondrial analysis indicated the dominance of the B haplotype in all populations, with about 10% of sheep carrying the A haplotype. The presence of the A and B haplotypes suggest that Sudan may be a contact zone between Asian and African sheep ancestors.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,91(1-3):88-94
To determine the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among Chinese sheep, 10 indigenous breeds and one introduced breed were genotyped for 19 microsatellite loci. The mean number of alleles per breed ranged from 5.44 (Guide Black Fur sheep) to 9.13 (Ujumqin sheep and Hulunbeier sheep), the expected heterozygosity varied from 0.623 (Guide Black Fur sheep) to 0.737 (Zhaotong sheep), and the allelic richness ranged from 5.169 (Guide Black Fur sheep) to 7.610 (Zhaotong sheep). The deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was statistically significant (P < 0.05) at three loci (SRCRSP5, OarAE129 and DYMS1) in most of the breeds. Chinese sheep breeds had maintained a high level of within-population genetic differentiation (95.23%), with the remainder explained by differentiation among populations (4.77%). The genetic differentiation pattern and genetic relationships among Chinese sheep breeds displayed a high consistency with the traditional classification. Both the Bayesian cluster and principal component analyses showed a reliable clustering pattern, which revealed three major clusters in Chinese indigenous sheep (Mongolian sheep, Kazakh sheep and Tibetan sheep), except Zhaotong and Guide Black Fur sheep. There were probably caused by different breeding history, geography isolation and different levels of inbreeding. This study will help to interpret the genetic characters of Chinese indigenous sheep and benefit to the future conservation programs.  相似文献   

Studies of domestic animals are performed on breeds, but a breed does not necessarily equate to a genetically defined population. The division of sheep from three native and four modern Baltic sheep breeds was studied using 21 microsatellite loci and applying a Bayesian clustering method. A traditional breed-wise approach was compared to that relying on the pattern of molecular diversity. In this study, a breed was found to be inconsistent with a distinct genetic population for three reasons: (i) a lack of differentiation between modern Baltic breeds, since the majority of the studied sheep formed a single population; (ii) the presence of individuals of foreign ancestry within the breed; and (iii) an undefined local Saaremaa sheep was referred to as a breed, but was shown to consist of separate populations. In the breed-wise approach, only the clearly distinct Ruhnu sheep demonstrated low within-breed variation, although the newly identified Saaremaa populations also have low variability. Providing adequate management recommendations for the Saaremaa sheep is not possible without further studies, but the potential harmful effects of inbreeding in the Ruhnu sheep could be reduced through the use of two genetically related Saaremaa populations. In other breeds, excessive crossing appears to be a larger concern than inbreeding. Assigning individuals into populations based on the pattern of genetic diversity offers potentially unbiased means of elucidating the genetic population structure of species. Combining these genetic populations with phenotypic and aetiological data will enable formulation of the most informed recommendations for gene resource management.  相似文献   

Eleven flocks of three Spanish sheep breeds have been studied: four Churra, four Lacha and three Manchega. Genetic variations between flocks of the same and different breeds have been analysed, using eight genetic blood systems and a wide range of statistical methods. The results show that the Churra, Lacha and Manchega breeds present significant differences between each other. Significant intraracial variations have been observed in Churras and Lachas, although they were almost non-existent in Manchegas. In some cases the genetic distances between flocks of the same breed were greater than the distances between flocks of different breeds. The data indicate that the closest breeds genetically are Lacha and Manchega.  相似文献   

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