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Prothonotary Warblers (Protonotaria citrea) are Nearctic‐Neotropic migrants that have experienced declining populations over the past 50 yr. Determining their migration routes and wintering areas are critical steps in identifying habitats used by species and populations of conservation concern. We captured a male Prothonotary Warbler on its breeding territory in Louisiana in June 2013 and attached a geolocator. We recaptured this male in March 2014 and analysis of the geolocator data revealed that the male traveled an estimated 7950 km through seven countries. Fall migration was characterized by movements south into Central America on 13 August 2014, then east to the Greater Antilles for about 1 mo, followed by a second movement south to Panama or Colombia on 15 November 2014 where the male remained for the rest of the winter. Spring migration occurred rapidly, with the bird leaving its southern wintering area on 4 March 2014 and returning to its breeding territory on 23 March 2014. The movements of this male Prothonotary Warbler add to accumulating evidence that many migrant birds exhibit either prolonged stopover behavior or secondary migratory movements. Factors contributing to prolonged stopover behavior or additional migratory movements of the Prothonotary Warbler in our study warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia) are abundant breeding birds in North America, but their migratory and non‐breeding biology remain poorly understood. Studies where genetic and isotopic techniques were used identified parallel migration systems and longitudinal segregation among eastern‐ and western‐breeding populations of Yellow Warblers in North America, but these techniques have low spatial resolution. During the 2015 breeding season, we tagged male Yellow Warblers breeding in Maine (= 10) and Wisconsin (= 10) with light‐level geolocators to elucidate fine‐scale migratory connectivity within the eastern haplotype of this species and determine fall migration timing, routes, and wintering locations. We recovered seven of 20 geolocators (35%), including four in Maine and three in Wisconsin. The mean duration of fall migration was 49 d with departure from breeding areas in late August and early September and arrival in wintering areas in mid‐October. Most individuals crossed the Gulf of Mexico to Central America before completing the final eastward leg of their migration to northern South America. Yellow Warblers breeding in Maine wintered in north‐central Colombia, west of those breeding in Wisconsin that wintered in Venezuela and the border region between Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. Our results provide an example of crosswise migration, where the more easterly breeding population wintered farther west than the more westerly breeding population (and vice versa), a seldom‐documented phenomenon in birds. Our results confirm earlier work demonstrating that the eastern haplotype of northern Yellow Warblers winters in northern South America, and provide novel information about migratory strategies, timing, and wintering locations of birds from two different populations.  相似文献   

Bird migration is often framed as a straightforward journey between one breeding site and one wintering site, but recent research has shown that the reality is often more complex. Many species of birds undertake short‐distance movements separate from long‐distance migration. Such movements appear to be common in species that breed in western North America, where mountainous terrain creates a mosaic of habitats and climatic conditions. However, individual‐based tracking studies have disproportionately focused elsewhere, leaving gaps in our understanding of the year‐round movements of western species. I used tracking data from light‐level geolocators and citizen science data from eBird to study the movements of Cassin’s Vireos (Vireo cassinii) breeding in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, USA. During three breeding seasons (2013–2015), my observations suggested that Cassin’s Vireos vacate their breeding territories during the post‐breeding period in July and August. In April and May 2016, I tagged 22 Cassin’s Vireos with light‐level geolocators and, in April and May 2017, recaptured four that had retained their geolocators. Geolocator data showed that these four birds remained in the same geographic region as their breeding territories (likely the same mountain range) during the post‐breeding period in July and August 2016, ruling out the possibility of long‐distance movements during this time. Analysis of eBird citizen science data suggested that Cassin’s Vireos undertake short‐distance molt‐migration to higher elevations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains during the post‐breeding period. Geolocator data revealed that long‐distance fall migration took place in September and spring migration in April or May, and the four birds spent the winter in different parts of the Mexican winter range of Cassin’s Vireos. These results add to the body of literature on the complex movements of migratory songbirds breeding in the mountains of western North America, an understanding that will be important for effective conservation in the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT On the breeding grounds, migratory birds have limited time to breed and molt before autumn migration. However, few studies of long‐distance migrants have examined the phenology of these events to determine what life‐history trade‐offs might result if these activities overlap. From 2000 to 2007, I used banding data to determine the timing of migration, breeding, and primary molt for Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia), Yellow‐rumped Warblers (D. coronata coronata), American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla), Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla), and Canada Warblers (Wilsonia canadensis) at a study site in Alberta, Canada. Hatching date did not differ among species (P= 0.63), with means ranging from 27 June to 3 July. All species began primary molt between 12 July and 18 July, near the expected fledging date of offspring, and therefore all species exhibited overlap between postfledging parental care and molt. The duration of primary molt ranged from 28 d for Canada Warblers to 69 d for Yellow‐rumped Warblers. Yellow Warblers, Yellow‐rumped Warblers, and American Redstarts began autumn migration having completed about 50% of their primary molt. However, Ovenbirds departed when 21% of molt was complete, and Canada Warblers departed 2 d after completing molt. For all five species of warblers, molt did not overlap with nest‐bound breeding activities. However, molt did overlap with both postfledging care and migration. This suggests that initiating migration as soon as possible is important, possibly because earlier arrival on the wintering grounds may improve access to high quality winter habitat. Overall, warblers may maximize individual fitness by combining life‐history events that result in overlapping portions of the breeding cycle, molt, and migration.  相似文献   

Molt is critical for birds as it replaces damaged feathers and worn plumage, enhancing flight performance, thermoregulation, and communication. In passerines, molt generally occurs on the breeding grounds during the postbreeding period once a year. However, some species of migrant passerines that breed in the Nearctic and Western Palearctic regions have evolved different molting strategies that involve molting on the overwintering grounds. Some species forego molt on the breeding grounds and instead complete their prebasic molt on the overwintering grounds. Other species molt some or all feathers a second time (prealternate molt) during the overwintering period. Using phylogenetic analyses, we explored the potential drivers of the evolution of winter molts in Nearctic and Western Palearctic breeding passerines. Our results indicate an association between longer photoperiods and the presence of prebasic and prealternate molts on the overwintering grounds for both Nearctic and Western Palearctic species. We also found a relationship between prealternate molt and generalist and water habitats for Western Palearctic species. Finally, the complete prealternate molt in Western Palearctic passerines was linked to longer days on the overwintering grounds and longer migration distance. Longer days may favor the evolution of winter prebasic molt by increasing the time window when birds can absorb essential nutrients for molt. Alternatively, for birds undertaking a prealternate molt at the end of the overwintering period, longer days may increase exposure to feather‐degrading ultra‐violet radiation, necessitating the replacement of feathers. Our study underlines the importance of the overwintering grounds in the critical process of molt for many passerines that breed in the Nearctic and Western Palearctic regions.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based plumage coloration plays a critical role for both inter‐ and intrasexual communication. Habitat and diet during molt can have important consequences for the development of the ornamental signals used in these contexts. When molt occurs away from the breeding grounds (e.g., pre‐alternate molt on the wintering grounds, or stopover molt), discerning the influence of habitat and diet can be particularly important, as these effects may result in important carryover effects that influence territory acquisition or mate choice in subsequent seasons. Several species of songbirds in western North America, including the Bullock's oriole (Icterus bullockii), migrate from the breeding grounds to undergo a complete prebasic (post‐breeding) molt at a stopover site in the region affected by the Mexican monsoon climate pattern. This strategy appears to have evolved several times independently in response to the harsh, food‐limited late‐summer conditions in the arid West, which contrast strongly with the high productivity driven by heavy rains that is characteristic of the Mexican monsoon region. Within this region, individuals may be able to optimize plumage coloration by molting in favourable areas characterized by high resource abundance. We used stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N) to ask whether the diet and molt habitat/location of Bullock's orioles influenced their expression of carotenoid‐based plumage coloration as well as plumage carotenoid content and composition. Bullock's orioles with lower feather δ15N values acquired more colorful plumage (orange‐shifted hue) but had feathers with lower total carotenoid concentration, lower zeaxanthin concentration, and marginally lower canthaxanthin and lutein concentration. Examining factors occurring throughout the annual cycle are critical for understanding evolutionary and ecological processes. Here, we demonstrate that conditions experienced during a stopover molt, occurring hundreds to thousands of kilometers from the breeding grounds, influence the production of ornamental plumage coloration, which may carryover to influence inter‐ and intrasexual signaling in subsequent seasons.  相似文献   

Declining numbers of Blackpoll Warblers (Setophaga striata) have been documented at long‐term migration monitoring sites as well as in breeding areas. However, the “loop migration” of Blackpoll Warblers makes it difficult to ascribe population change at migration monitoring sites to specific breeding populations. Individuals from all populations across the breeding range of Blackpoll Warblers concentrate in fall along the Atlantic coastline of eastern North America prior to initiating a transoceanic flight to wintering areas. In spring, Blackpoll Warblers return along a different route, moving north into the southeastern United States where birds from eastern and western breeding populations then diverge during migration to reach their respective breeding areas. To monitor breeding populations outside of breeding areas and identify factors potentially affecting those populations, we must be able to identify where birds captured during migration breed and map seasonal variation in population‐specific flyways. To “map” population‐specific migration movements of Blackpoll Warblers, we used feather deuterium (δ2Hf) values and a spatially explicit model to assign molt origins of 289 Blackpoll Warblers moving through sites in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) region and at three locations further west and south (northern Great Lakes area, Pennsylvania, and Florida). The assignment method was validated with feather samples from 35 birds captured during the breeding season at Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. As predicted, the spatial pattern of movement within and between seasons reflected “loop migration.” Blackpoll Warblers captured during fall migration in the GOM region included birds from across their breeding range, whereas birds captured during the spring were exclusively from northeastern populations. During fall migration, Blackpoll Warblers captured at two sites west of the GOM were from breeding areas further northwest than those from western Canada that were captured in the GOM. Blackpoll Warblers captured in eastern Florida during spring migration were assigned exclusively to breeding areas in the northeast, suggesting that eastern and western populations diverge soon after entering the United States. Finally, most Blackpoll Warblers sampled at Manomet Bird Observatory originated from breeding populations in Alaska and western Canada that have shown a similar (70–90%) decline over the same period. Our results, therefore, not only document the “loop migration” pattern of Blackpoll Warblers, but, by mapping patterns of connectivity between breeding and non‐breeding areas, may help target conservation efforts for breeding populations of Blackpoll Warblers where most needed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Molt phenology plays an important role in the annual cycles and energetic budgets of migratory birds. The timing and sequence of molt of Nearctic‐Neotropical migratory passerines is generally known for species that undergo a complete prebasic molt on or near the breeding grounds. However, for the few passerine species such as Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) that undergo a complete prealternate molt, the phenology of this molt on the wintering grounds has received little attention. Most studies evaluate prebasic molt, often carried out in conjunction with a different set of competing energetic demands and under dramatically different conditions (e.g., climate and food availability). The prebasic molt of Bobolinks has been described based on limited museum collections, but the sequence and phenology of the prealternate molt have not been examined. We collected molt data from 242 Bobolinks captured from January to March in Bolivia (2005–2007) and Argentina (2008). We quantified prealternate molt sequence and used a maximum likelihood approach to estimate molt initiation date and duration. We used AIC model selection to evaluate the potential effects of region, year, and sex on prealternate molt phenology. Onset and duration of molt did not differ among years or between males and females. Estimated molt duration was 13 d longer at Bolivia sites than at sites 1200 km further southeast in Argentina, but molt duration in Argentina varied and the difference was not statistically significant. Molt sequence was consistent among populations, and showed only slight deviations from what has been previously reported for Bobolinks. Our results suggest that regional wintering populations of Bobolinks do not mix in a given year, and local factors such as climate and food availability may influence molt phenology.  相似文献   

Migratory species employ a variety of strategies to meet energetic demands of postbreeding molt. As such, at least a few species of western Neotropical migrants are known to undergo short‐distance upslope movements to locations where adults molt body and flight feathers (altitudinal molt migration). Given inherent difficulties in measuring subtle movements of birds occurring in western mountains, we believe that altitudinal molt migration may be a common yet poorly documented phenomenon. To examine prevalence of altitudinal molt migration, we used 29 years of bird capture data in a series of linear mixed‐effect models for nine commonly captured species that breed in northern California and southern Oregon. Candidate models were formulated a priori to examine whether elevation and distance from the coast can be used to predict abundance of breeding and molting birds. Our results suggest that long‐distance migrants such as Orange‐crowned Warbler (Oreothlypis celata) moved higher in elevation and Audubon's Warbler (Setophaga coronata) moved farther inland to molt after breeding. Conversely, for resident and short‐distance migrants, we found evidence that birds either remained on the breeding grounds until they finished molting, such as Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) or made small downslope movements, such as American Robin (Turdus migratorius). We conclude that altitudinal molt migration may be a common, variable, and complex behavior among western songbird communities and is related to other aspects of a species’ natural history, such as migratory strategy.  相似文献   

M. MÖNKKONEN  P. HELLE  D. WELSH 《Ibis》1992,134(S1):7-13
In this paper we compare ecological attributes of tropical migrant passerines from the Nearctic and western Palaearctic, focusing particularly on habitat association patterns during both breeding and wintering seasons. Three regions were compared: Europe, western and eastern North America. Breeding bird census data from 32 studies (each including at least four stages of forest succession) were used to assess the association patterns of breeding habitats among tropical migrants. For each species we calculated an index of habitat diversity and habitat preference.
Tropical migrants preferred earlier successional stages than other birds in Europe. The opposite was true in eastern North America. In eastern North America, tropical migrants tended to be associated with a smaller range of serai stages than other passerine species. In their winter quarters, Palaearctic migrants live primarily in open habitats, such as savannas, whereas eastern Nearctic migrants make more frequent use of evergreen forests. Migrants from western North America show the greatest match between breeding and wintering habitats.
We relate the results to the taxonomy and probable history of contemporary avifaunas and vegetation formations of the Old and New World. Taxonomically, tropical migrants from different parts of the Holarctic are less closely related to each other than residents and short-distance migrants. Tropical and temperate avifaunas are more closely related to each other in the New World than in the Old World. Conservation implications of the between-continent differences are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

I made observations of a central California population of Wilson''s Warbler, Cardellina pusilla, after July 1 over 10 breeding seasons. I sighted males in definitive prebasic molt from July 4 (in 2007) to September 1 (in 1999). Most territorial males molted on their breeding territories, and individual molt lasted up to 46 days. Following prebasic molt, territorial males engaged in subdued “post‐molt singing,” which lasted about 7 days in some males, and which I first heard on August 13 (in 2004) and last heard on September 6 (in 1999). I sighted no female in definitive prebasic molt, or in fresh basic plumage, during the study. Of 13 females sighted ≥ July 21, 11 were in late breeding season uniparental brood care, and I could not rule out late brood care for the other two. Most, and possibly all, females not engaged in late season uniparental brood care apparently vacated their breeding territories before July 21. This departure was much earlier than for resident males, the last of which I sighted on September 10 (in 1999). Early‐departing females presumably underwent prebasic molt after July 21 at locations not known. Remaining late‐nesting females must have molted much later than resident males and likely later than early‐departing females, and at locations unknown. I last sighted two uniparental brood‐tending females, still in worn plumage, on August 26 and 29, respectively. Two unique findings of this study are a male/female difference in location of prebasic molt, and a likely dichotomy of prebasic molt timing between females leaving their breeding territories early and those remaining in uniparental brood care. Another finding, post‐molt singing in most and possible all territorial males, is a largely unrecognized behavior, but one previously reported in several passerine species. Post‐molt singing may reliably indicate completion of prebasic molt.  相似文献   

There is an overdue and urgent need to establish patterns of migratory connectivity linking breeding grounds, stopover sites, and wintering grounds of migratory birds. Such information allows more effective application of conservation efforts by applying focused actions along movement trajectories at the population level. Stable isotope methods, especially those using stable hydrogen isotope abundance in feathers (δ2Hf) combined with Bayesian assignment techniques incorporating prior information such as relative abundance of breeding birds, now provide a fast and reliable means of establishing migratory connectivity, especially for Neotropical migrants that breed in North America and molt prior to fall migration. Here we demonstrate how opportunistic sampling of feathers of 30 species of wintering birds in Cuba, Venezuela, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and Mexico, regions that have typically been poorly sampled for estimating migratory connectivity, can be assigned to breeding areas in North America through both advanced spatial assignment to probability surfaces and through simpler map lookup approaches. Incorporating relative abundance information from the North American Breeding Bird Survey in our Bayesian assignment models generally resulted in a reduction in potential assignment areas on breeding grounds. However, additional tools to constrain longitude such as DNA markers or other isotopes would be desirable for establishing breeding or molt origins of species with broad longitudinal distributions. The isotope approach could act as a rapid means of establishing basic patterns of migratory connectivity across numerous species and populations. We propose a large‐scale coordinated sampling effort on the wintering grounds to establish an isotopic atlas of migratory connectivity for North American Neotropical migrants and suggest that isotopic variance be considered as a valuable metric to quantify migratory connectivity. This initiative could then act as a strategic template to guide further efforts involving stable isotopes, light‐sensitive geolocators, and other technologies.  相似文献   

The conservation of migratory songbirds is often impeded by a lack of understanding of how populations in breeding and wintering areas are geographically linked (migratory connectivity). In recent years, light‐level geolocators have improved our understanding of migratory connectivity. Such information is valuable for evaluating how conservation efforts align between the breeding and non‐breeding areas of at‐risk species, and help to more effectively prioritize the allocation of conservation funding. Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) are imperiled migratory songbirds, but the extent to which conservation efforts in their breeding and non‐breeding areas coincide with patterns of migratory connectivity are not well known. We used light‐level geolocators to evaluate the extent to which conservation actions targeting Golden‐winged Warblers in Nicaragua and in their breeding range in North America align with patterns of migratory connectivity. We recovered six of 22 geolocators that had been deployed on male Golden‐winged Warblers at the El Jaguar Reserve during the winter of 2015–2016. All six males migrated to breeding areas in the western Great Lakes region that includes eastern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, southwestern Ontario, and Michigan's Upper Peninsula. All six males also had similar migration routes, with spring stopovers in southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, a trans‐Gulf flight, and a stopover in the region of Louisiana, Arkansas, eastern Oklahoma, and Texas. Our results, in combination with those of previous studies, demonstrate strong migratory connectivity between portions of the breeding and winter distributions of Golden‐winged Warblers currently targeted for conservation. However, additional studies are needed to improve our understanding of the stopover ecology of Golden‐winged Warblers, especially in areas where they remain for extended periods of time. Finally, patterns of migratory connectivity revealed in our study should be used in combination with existing demographic parameters for Golden‐winged Warblers in the western Great Lakes and Nicaragua to help inform full life cycle population models for this imperiled songbird.  相似文献   

Understanding the population dynamics of migratory animals and predicting the consequences of environmental change requires knowing how populations are spatially connected between different periods of the annual cycle. We used stable isotopes to examine patterns of migratory connectivity across the range of the western sandpiper Calidris mauri. First, we developed a winter isotope basemap from stable‐hydrogen (δD), ‐carbon (δ13C), and ‐nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes of feathers grown in wintering areas. δD and δ15N values from wintering individuals varied with the latitude and longitude of capture location, while δ13C varied with longitude only. We then tested the ability of the basemap to assign known‐origin individuals. Sixty percent of wintering individuals were correctly assigned to their region of origin out of seven possible regions. Finally, we estimated the winter origins of breeding and migrant individuals and compared the resulting empirical distribution against the distribution that would be expected based on patterns of winter relative abundance. For breeding birds, the distribution of winter origins differed from expected only among males in the Yukon‐Kuskokwim (Y‐K) Delta and Nome, Alaska. Males in the Y‐K Delta originated overwhelmingly from western Mexico, while in Nome, there were fewer males from western North America and more from the Baja Peninsula than expected. An unexpectedly high proportion of migrants captured at a stopover site in the interior United States originated from eastern and southern wintering areas, while none originated from western North America. In general, we document substantial mixing between the breeding and wintering populations of both sexes, which will buffer the global population of western sandpipers from the effects of local habitat loss on both breeding and wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Black‐headed Grosbeaks (Pheucticus melanocephalus) have been observed to undergo prebasic molt during fall in the North American Monsoon region of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, but it is unknown whether molt migration is pervasive across populations of the species. During the 2014 breeding season, we GPS‐tagged (where GPS is global positioning system) nine adult Black‐headed Grosbeaks in Yosemite National Park with archival GPS tags to determine specific locations where grosbeaks breeding in Yosemite spent portions of the non‐breeding season, and to assess whether those locations were consistent with molt migration. On 2 June 2015, one of these birds, a male GPS‐tagged on 19 June 2014, was recaptured with its GPS unit still attached. Data downloaded from the unit revealed that, by 20 August 2014, the bird had moved 1300 km from Yosemite National Park to Sonora, Mexico, where it remained until at least 15 October 2014. By 24 November 2014, the grosbeak had moved >1300 m from Sonora to the Michoacán‐Jalisco border region, where it remained until the last GPS‐determined location was obtained on 24 March 2015. The seasonal timing of these movements and the length of stay in Sonora are consistent with the expected behavior of a molt‐migrating bird. Remote‐sensed enhanced vegetation index (EVI) data indicated that the grosbeak arrived in the monsoon region near the area's annual peak in EVI, and then, as the index was declining sharply, departed for the Michoacán‐Jalisco region, where the index also declined during the same period, but substantially less so than in Sonora. Climate change in the coming decades is expected to delay the annual onset of the monsoon while also accelerating the initiation of arid, summer‐like conditions throughout much of western North America, possibly yielding a temporal mismatch between fall migration and the monsoon‐driven conditions that may be critical for molt‐migrating birds.  相似文献   

Our earlier report of breeding/natal ground assignment, through the use of feather deuterium samples (δ2Hf) of Blackpoll Warblers (Setophaga striata) during spring and fall migration at various sites in North America, contained an erroneous breeding origin map derived for a group of birds sampled during spring migration in Florida. Updated analyses revealed a broader breeding range assignment than previously reported, but this change does not affect our original conclusions that Blackpoll Warblers exhibit a “loop migration” pattern as they move between breeding and wintering areas.  相似文献   

Molt strategies have received relatively little attention in current ornithology, and knowledge concerning the evolution, variability and extent of molt is sparse in many bird species. This is especially true for East Asian Locustella species where assumptions on molt patterns are based on incomplete information. We provide evidence indicating a complex postbreeding molt strategy and variable molt extent among the Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Locustella certhiola, based on data from six ringing sites situated along its flyway from the breeding grounds to the wintering areas. Detailed study revealed for the first time that in most individuals wing feather molt proceeds from the center both toward the body and the wing‐tip, a molt pattern known as divergent molt (which is rare among Palearctic passerines). In the Russian Far East, where both breeding birds and passage migrants occur, a third of the adult birds were molting in late summer. In Central Siberia, at the northwestern limit of its distribution, adult individuals commenced their primary molt partly divergently and partly with unknown sequence. During migration in Mongolia, only descendantly (i.e., from the body toward the wing‐tip) molting birds were observed, while further south in Korea, Hong Kong, and Thailand the proportion of potential eccentric and divergent feather renewal was not identifiable since the renewed feathers were already fully grown as expected. We found an increase in the mean number of molted primaries during the progress of the autumn migration. Moderate body mass levels and low‐fat and muscle scores were observed in molting adult birds, without any remarkable increase in the later season. According to optimality models, we suggest that an extremely short season of high food abundance in tall grass habitats and a largely overland route allow autumn migration with low fuel loads combined with molt migration in at least a part of the population. This study highlights the importance of further studying molt strategy as well as stopover behavior decisions and the trade‐offs among migratory birds that are now facing a panoply of anthropogenic threats along their flyways.  相似文献   

Neotropic migratory birds are declining across the Western Hemisphere, but conservation efforts have been hampered by the inability to assess where migrants are most limited—the breeding grounds, migratory stopover sites or wintering areas. A major challenge has been the lack of an efficient, reliable and broadly applicable method for measuring the strength of migratory connections between populations across the annual cycle. Here, we show how high‐resolution genetic markers can be used to identify genetically distinct groups of a migratory bird, the Wilson's warbler (Cardellina pusilla), at fine enough spatial scales to facilitate assessing regional drivers of demographic trends. By screening 1626 samples using 96 highly divergent single nucleotide polymorphisms selected from a large pool of candidates (~450 000), we identify novel region‐specific migratory routes and timetables of migration along the Pacific Flyway. Our results illustrate that high‐resolution genetic markers are more reliable, precise and amenable to high throughput screening than previously described intrinsic marking techniques, making them broadly applicable to large‐scale monitoring and conservation of migratory organisms.  相似文献   

Molt is energetically demanding and various molt strategies (i.e., molt series, duration, intensity, timing, and location) have evolved to reduce the negative fitness consequences of this process. As such, molt varies considerably among species. Identifying where and when specific feathers are molted is also crucial to inform species‐specific studies using stable isotope markers to assign individuals to geographical regions where they molt. Using museum specimens, we examined the molt of three species of migratory swallows in the Americas: Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia), Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica), and Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota). All three species have one primary and two secondary molt series. Bank and Cliff swallows had one rectrix molt series, and Barn Swallows molted the outer rectrix (R6) separately from the inner five rectrices (R1‐5). All three species have a relatively long flight feather molt duration (i.e., 140–183 days) and low molt intensity. Barn Swallows initiated flight feather molt in the fall, about 2 months later than Bank and Cliff swallows. Barn Swallows likely delay molt because of constraints associated with double brooding. For all three species, molt started with the primaries and inner secondaries and was closely followed by the rectrices and, finally, the outer secondaries. For those that began and then interrupted molt either in breeding areas or during fall migration, the first feathers molted were predominantly S8 and P1. All three species underwent body molt throughout the year, but most individuals molted their body plumage in wintering areas. We recommend that the most appropriate feathers for stable isotope research examining migratory connectivity and habitat use are either R2‐R4 or S2‐S4.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of migratory connectivity can facilitate effective conservation of Neotropical migrants by helping biologists understand where and when populations may be most limited. We studied the migratory behavior and non‐breeding distribution of two closely related species of conservation concern, the Golden‐winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) and Blue‐winged Warbler (Vermivora cyanoptera). Although both species have undergone dynamic range shifts and population changes attributed to habitat loss and social interactions promoting competition and hybridization, full life‐cycle conservation planning has been limited by a lack of information about their non‐breeding ecology. Because recent work has demonstrated that the two species are nearly identical genetically, we predicted that individuals from a single breeding population would have similar migratory timing and overwintering locations. In 2015, we placed light‐level geolocators on 25 males of both species and hybrids in an area of breeding sympatry at the Fort Drum Military Installation in Jefferson and Lewis counties, New York. Despite extreme genetic similarity, non‐breeding locations and duration of migration differed among genotypes. Golden‐winged Warblers (N = 2) overwintered > 1900 km southeast of the nearest Blue‐winged Warbler (N = 3) and spent nearly twice as many days in migration; hybrids (N = 2) had intermediate wintering distributions and migratory timing. Spring migration departure dates were staggered based on distance from the breeding area, and all birds arrived at the breeding site within 8 days of each other. Our results show that Golden‐winged Warblers and Blue‐winged Warblers in our study area retain species‐specific non‐breeding locations despite extreme genetic similarity, and suggest that non‐breeding locations and migratory timing vary along a genetic gradient. If the migratory period is limiting for these species, our results also suggest that Golden‐winged Warblers in our study population may be more vulnerable to population decline than Blue‐winged Warblers because they spend almost twice as many days migrating.  相似文献   

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