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Many ecosystems have been modified by humans, creating novel habitats that include human-provided resources. Gardens adjacent to native habitats may affect plant–pollinator interactions by altering the determinants of interactions and species specialization. Here, we characterized a network comprising plants and hummingbirds interacting in a birdwatching garden with human-provided resources (nectar feeders and exotic plants) and adjacent Andean cloud forest in Colombia. Specifically, we investigated the proportion of hummingbirds visiting feeders and native/exotic plants to evaluate the connection between the habitats and the ecological determinants of the interaction network. Hummingbirds relied heavily on artificial nectar feeders in the garden, leaving the natural cloud forest for resources. Morphological matching was the single most important predictor of the observed pairwise interactions, for both hummingbirds and plants. At the species level, longer flowering phenology and a higher amount of sugar in nectar led to a higher degree for plants (i.e. the number of visiting hummingbird species). In contrast, a longer floral corolla was associated with lower specialization. Abundance was the best predictor of the number of partners for hummingbirds. The garden created for birdwatching attracted most, but not all, hummingbird species beyond their natural cloud forest habitat. Interestingly, the most frequently visited plants in the garden were native, especially the endemic and endangered tree Zygia lehmannii (Fabaceae). Our results show that some ecological mechanisms determining interactions in natural communities still hold in intensively modified habitats. Furthermore, a compromise between conservation and hummingbirds’ attraction to birding lodges/gardens is possible, for instance by favouring native and endemic plant species that are highly attractive for pollinators.  相似文献   

Aim: Species‐rich Nardus grasslands are high nature‐value habitats. In Switzerland, many of these grasslands are degraded even though they have been under protection since the 1980s. Degradation shows two divergent trends: Nardus grasslands are either dominated by Nardus stricta or by eutrophic plants, both trends leading to the disappearance of typical Nardus grassland species. With this study, we aim to identify the factors that could be adjusted to conserve the integrity of this habitat. Location: Bernese Alps, Switzerland. Methods: In 2016, we investigated the underlying causes of this degradation process by assessing vegetation composition in 48 Nardus grasslands located in the Swiss northern Alps of canton Bern and linking it to soil, management and environmental variables. To explore the effect of the degradation on higher trophic levels, orthopteran species richness and densities were assessed. Results: Results show that Nardus meadows (mown) are rarely degraded compared to Nardus pastures (grazed). Within pastures, eutrophic plants are most abundant on small pastures with low soil carbon/nitrogen ratio, indicating high nutrient availability. Nardus stricta dominance is most problematic on north‐exposed slopes and in summer pastures. A plausible driver of both degradation trends is the grazing management regime: within small pastures at low elevation where the grazing periods are short but intense, soil carbon/nitrogen ratio is low because of high dung deposition, thus the eutrophic species become dominant. Contrastingly, on large summer pastures with low‐intensity and long‐term grazing, N. stricta becomes dominant due to selective grazing. Both degradation trends show a negative impact on the orthopteran density. Conclusion: Species‐rich Nardus grasslands are a precious alpine habitat for specialised plant species and orthopterans. With an extensive mowing regime or a more controlled grazing regime that homogenises intensity in time and space, species‐rich Nardus grasslands can be conserved in Switzerland.  相似文献   

With increasing pressures on land for human use, it is important to identify the habitat requirements of key species, not just in terms of a correlation with a given habitat feature, but also the relationship between species presence and its coverage, proximity to other habitat types, and importance at different spatial scales. We used maximum entropy to estimate the optimal proportions of 18 habitat types, plus elevation and habitat richness associated with the presence of leks of Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix within an 800‐km2 study area in Perthshire, Scotland. We repeated the analysis at several radii (0.2–3 km) to assess how the importance of different habitats changed with proximity to lek and scale. We then examined habitat features or combinations of features that were associated with large leks or positive lek growth. Models at all radii had satisfactory predictive power. Using response curves from maxent , we constructed ideal habitat mixes for leks at each radius. At the 2‐km radius, suitability was highest with around 20% each of three moorland types and open/mixed forestry, whereas close to leks (0.2 km), higher proportions of grouse moor and lower proportions of closed‐canopy woodland were optimal. The relationship between habitat and lek size or direction of lek growth was complex, indicating that a landscape containing large or productive leks can be the result of more than one combination of habitats. This demonstrates a degree of flexibility in designing landscapes for Black Grouse conservation, so landowners can prioritize combinations of habitats that are the most practical and/or economical, while still serving the requirements of the target species.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean coastal dune habitats, the facilitative mechanisms among plants could be crucial for the persistence of several plants for which survival is linked to a fragile equilibrium with the surrounding microenvironment. The aim of this study was to verify whether there exists a facilitative effect on Dianthus morisianus Vals., a narrow endemic plant of Sardinia, and to analyze the potential importance of facilitative effects via the analysis of the interaction outcome with the nurse plants. Forty‐five plots of 1 × 1 m were randomly placed within the habitat where D . morisianus grows preferentially, composed of sclerophyllous shrubs (Cisto‐Lavanduletalia sensu Habitats Directive). All D . morisianus plants recorded within the plots were assigned to one of the three microhabitats identified: (i) open areas in the inter‐shrub discontinuities, (ii) under shrubs canopy influence and (iii) inside the shrubs. For each D . morisianus plant, the reproductive or vegetative status and both morphological and reproductive traits, as well as the possible physical damage (grazing and trampling), were measured. Inside the Cisto‐Lavanduletalia habitat there was a greater number of reproductive plants, whereas in the open patches the vegetative plants prevailed. Morphological and reproductive parameters varied significantly among microhabitats and showed higher values inside the shrubs. As expected, grazing and trampling negatively affected mainly plants growing in the open and below microhabitats. A strong facilitative interaction between D . morisianus and the coastal Cisto Lavanduletalia habitat was found: this habitat had a crucial positive effect on the persistence of D . morisianus and preserved this threatened plant; therefore, it is essential to primarily conserve the Cisto‐Lavanduletalia habitat.  相似文献   

Through their tissues or activities, engineer species create, modify, or maintain habitats and alter the distribution and abundance of many plants and animals. This study investigates key ecological functions performed by an engineer species that colonizes coastal ecosystems. The gregarious tubiculous amphipod Haploops nirae is used as a biological model. According to previous studies, the habitat engineered by H. nirae (i.e., Haploops habitat) could provide food and natural shelter for several benthic species such as benthic diatoms belonging to the gender Navicula, the micrograzer Geitodoris planata, or the bivalve Polititapes virgineus. Using data from scientific surveys conducted in two bays, this study explored whether (1) the Haploops sandy‐mud community modifies invertebrate and ichthyologic community structure (diversity and biomass); (2) H. nirae creates a preferential feeding ground; and (3) this habitat serves as a refuge for juvenile fish. Available Benthic Energy Coefficients, coupled with more traditional diversity indices, indicated higher energy available in Haploops habitat than in two nearby habitats (i.e., Sternaspis scutata and Amphiura filiformis/Owenia fusiformis habitats). The use of isotopic functional indices (IFIs) indicated (1) a higher functional richness in the Haploops habitat, related to greater diversity in food sources and longer food chains; and (2) a higher functional divergence, associated with greater consumption of a secondary food source. At the invertebrate‐prey level, IFIs indicated little specialization and little trophic redundancy in the engineered habitat, as expected for homogenous habitats. Our results partly support empirical knowledge about engineered versus nonengineered habitats and also add new perspectives on habitat use by fish and invertebrate species. Our analyses validated the refuge‐area hypothesis for a few fish species. Although unique benthic prey assemblages are associated with Haploops habitat, the hypothesis that it is a preferential feeding area was not verified. However, specialist feeding behavior was observed for predators, which calls for further investigation.  相似文献   

Plebejus argyrognomon is one of the grassland‐dwelling butterflies undergoing rapid decline in recent decades. Grassland habitats for butterflies are generally threatened by fragmentation and invasive species, hence are among the most vulnerable ecosystems. We studied the seasonal abundance of P. argyrognomon at habitat patches along the banks of the Kinugawa River in eastern Japan, to identify environmental factors suitable for population persistence of this species, including habitat patch connectivity. Results showed that the patch's host plant cover had a positive effect on abundance in all three seasons, while the shading of the host plants by surrounding non‐host plants and nearby forested area showed negative effects. Additionally, habitat patch connectivity and nectar richness could be considered as positive factors in autumn and summer, respectively. Analysis of habitat connectivity also showed that the Kinugawa River did not appear to act as a dispersal barrier for P. argyrognomon. Our findings emphasize the importance of understanding environmental factors that may vary among seasons, and such understanding could contribute to habitat management of multivoltine butterflies in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

While it is generally assumed that specialist species are more vulnerable to disturbance compared with generalist counterparts, this has rarely been tested in coastal marine ecosystems, which are increasingly subject to a wide range of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Habitat specialists are expected to be more vulnerable to habitat loss because habitat availability exerts a greater limitation on population size, but it is also possible that specialist species may escape effects of disturbance if they use habitats that are generally resilient to disturbance. This study quantified specificity in use of different coral species by six coral‐dwelling damselfishes (Chromis viridis, C. atripectoralis, Dascyllus aruanus, D. reticulatus, Pomacentrus moluccensis, and P. amboinensis) and related habitat specialization to proportional declines in their abundance following habitat degradation caused by outbreaks of the coral eating starfish, Acanthaster planci. The coral species preferred by most coral‐dwelling damselfishes (e.g., Pocillopora damicornis) were frequently consumed by coral eating crown‐of‐thorns starfish, such that highly specialized damselfishes were disproportionately affected by coral depletion, despite using a narrower range of different coral species. Vulnerability of damselfishes to this disturbance was strongly correlated with both their reliance on corals and their degree of habitat specialization. Ongoing disturbances to coral reef ecosystems are expected, therefore, to lead to fundamental shifts in the community structure of fish communities where generalists are favored over highly specialist species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Over the past several decades, there have been numerous reports of hummingbirds wintering in the southeastern United States. However, little is known about the species present and their relative abundance. From November 1998 to March 2008, we examined the species diversity, sex and age ratios, and site fidelity of hummingbirds wintering in southern Alabama and northern Florida. We captured and banded 1598 individuals representing 10 species, and the most frequently captured species were Rufous Hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus; 51.6%), Ruby‐throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris; 23.5%), and Black‐chinned Hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri; 16.9%). Other species captured included Buff‐bellied Hummingbirds (Amazilia yucatanensis), Calliope Hummingbirds (Stellula calliope), Allen's Hummingbirds (Selasphorus sasin), Broad‐tailed Hummingbirds (Selasphorus platycercus), Broad‐billed Hummingbirds (Cynanthus latirostris), Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna), and Costa's Hummingbirds (Calypte costae). Most hummingbirds (71.8%) were captured in December and January. For most species, sex ratios were male‐biased for juveniles and female‐biased for adults, indicating possible differential mortality. Of 1598 hummingbirds captured, 144 representing five species returned to the same wintering location at least once. Female Rufous Hummingbirds (20.4% of individuals captured) exhibited the greatest site fidelity. Recaptures of banded Rufous Hummingbirds in autumn and early winter revealed that some individuals moved south into Alabama or Florida from Tennessee, northern Georgia, and northern Louisiana. Same‐season recaptures of banded Rufous Hummingbirds suggest that their spring migration route is west along the Gulf Coast. Our results suggest that Alabama and Florida are viable overwintering areas for several species of hummingbirds, with numbers of species and individuals higher than previously recognized. However, more study is needed to confirm migration routes and to determine if Ruby‐throated Hummingbirds wintering in our study area are year‐round residents or migrants.  相似文献   

Aim When interpreting genetic patterns across a landscape it is surprisingly difficult to disentangle the effects of landscape connectivity from those of species biology. Here, the spatial distributions of genetic variation of two sympatric elephant‐shrew species, the western rock elephant‐shrew (Elephantulus rupestris) and the round‐eared elephant‐shrew (Macroscelides proboscideus), are determined and compared. We selected these species because they have similar biologies but differ markedly in habitat use, the rationale being that differences in their genetic structure should be a result largely of landscape variables directly or indirectly affecting dispersal rather than of the biology of the species. Location South Africa and Namibia. Methods Mitochondrial sequence data (control region and cytochrome b) were used to describe the phylogeographic structure of these elephant‐shrew species across their distribution. To determine whether genetic variation is significantly structured, spatial analyses of molecular variation were performed. Isolation‐by‐distance versus alternative patterns of genetic structure was investigated using a Mantel test. Results Our analyses indicated an overall structured genetic profile for E. rupestris, a species closely associated with rocky outcrops. This was in contrast to a pattern mostly of isolation‐by‐distance across the distribution of M. proboscideus, a species found on gravel plains. Main conclusions Specific landscape features will differentially affect gene flow (both historical and current), and therefore also the spatial genetic structure, of species with markedly different habitat requirements. The genetic profiles for the two species included here support predictions based on the connectivity of their respective occupied habitats. The results also support the more general prediction that species with a naturally clustered distribution (such as E. rupestris) should have a more structured genetic pattern than those having a more continuous distribution (M. proboscideus).  相似文献   

Several hummingbird‐pollinated plant lineages have been demonstrated to show increased rates of diversification compared to related insect‐pollinated lineages. It has been argued that this pattern is produced by a higher degree of specialization on part of both hummingbirds and plants. We here test an alternative hypothesis: The often highly territorial hummingbirds may on average carry pollen over shorter distances than other pollinators and drive diversification by reducing gene flow distances. We present experimental data from pollen analogue tracking showing shorter dispersal distances in hummingbird‐pollinated than in bee‐pollinated species among ten Neotropical species of Justicia (Acanthaceae). Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

  • Ornithophily has evolved in parallel several times during evolution of angiosperms. Bird pollination is reported for 65 families, including Bromeliaceae. One of the most diverse bromeliad is Billbergia, which comprises species pollinated mainly by hummingbirds.
  • Based on investigations on flowering phenology, morpho‐anatomy, volume and concentration of nectar, pollinators and breeding system, this paper explores the reproductive biology and pollinator specificity of B. distachia in a mesophytic semi‐deciduous forest of southeastern Brazil.
  • The results have show that B. distachia is pollinated by a single species of hermit hummingbird, Phaethornis eurynome, which search for nectar produced by a septal nectary, where the secretory tissue is located above the placenta. The species is self‐incompatible. The combination of pollinator specificity, due to long corolla tubes that exclude visitation of short‐billed hummingbirds, complete self‐incompatibility and non‐territorial behaviour of pollinators, it is very important to reduce pollen loss and increase gene flow within population.
  • Our results indicate that studies on pollination biology and reproduction are essential to understand the evolutionary history of pollination systems of plants since, at least in Billbergia, variation in the pollinator spectrum has been recorded for different habitats among Brazilian forests. Furthermore, according to our data, foraging of Phaethornis on flowers is independent of air temperature and humidity, while the main factor influencing hummingbird visitation is daylight. Considering current knowledge on climatic parameters influencing hummingbird foraging, pollination and reproductive biology of Neotropical flora and environment of the hermit hummingbird in tropical forests, new insights on plant–pollinator interaction are provided.

In theory, competition among species in a shared habitat results in niche separation. In the case of small recondite mammals such as shrews, little is known about their autecologies, leaving open questions regarding the degree to which closely related species co‐occur and how or whether ecological niches are partitioned. The extent to which species are able to coexist may depend on the degree to which they exploit different features of their habitat, which may in turn influence our ability to recognize them as species. We explored these issues in a biodiversity hotspot, by surveying shrew (genus Crocidura) diversity on the Indonesian island of Java. We sequenced portions of nine unlinked genes in 100–117 specimens of Javan shrews and incorporated homologous data from most known Crocidura species from other parts of island South‐East Asia. Current taxonomy recognizes four Crocidura species on Java, including two endemics. However, our phylogenetic, population genetic and species delimitation analyses identify five species on the island, and all are endemic to Java. While the individual ranges of these species may not overlap in their entirety, we found up to four species living syntopically and all five species co‐occurring on one mountain. Differences in species' body size, use of above ground‐level habitats by one species and habitat partitioning along ecological gradients may have facilitated species diversification and coexistence.  相似文献   

Large seeds contain more stored resources, and seedlings germinating from large seeds generally cope better with environmental stresses such as shading, competition and thick litter layers, than seedlings germinating from small seeds. A pattern with small‐seeded species being associated with open habitats and large‐seeded species being associated with closed (shaded) habitats has been suggested and supported by comparative studies. However, few studies have assessed the intra‐specific relationship between seed size and recruitment, comparing plant communities differing in canopy cover. Here, seeds from four plant species commonly occurring in ecotones between open and closed habitats (Convallaria majalis, Frangula alnus, Prunus padus and Prunus spinosa) were weighed and sown individually (3200 seeds per species) in open and closed‐canopy sites, and seedling emergence and survival recorded over 3 years. Our results show a generally positive, albeit weak, relationship between seed size and recruitment. In only one of the species, C. majalis, was there an association between closed canopy habitat and a positive seed size effect on recruitment. We conclude that there is a weak selection gradient favouring larger seeds, but that this selection gradient is not clearly related to habitat.  相似文献   

  1. Pollination syndromes refer to stereotyped floral characteristics (flower colour, shape, etc.) that are associated with a functional group of pollinators (bee, bird, etc.).
  2. The trumpet creeper Campsis radicans, endemic to the southeast and mid‐west United States, has been assigned to the hummingbird‐pollination syndrome, due mainly to its red, trumpet‐shaped flowers.
  3. Previous studies demonstrated that the ruby‐throated hummingbird Archilochus colubris is C. radicans' primary pollinator, but anecdotal data suggest various bee species may provide pollination service when hummingbirds are absent.
  4. This study characterised C. radicans nectar volume and concentration by time of day. Nectar volume was suitable for hummingbirds, but concentration was higher than typical hummingbird‐pollinated plants (~20% w/w); at ~30% w/w, it approached the concentration expected in bee‐pollinated plants (~50% w/w). We also found substantial amounts of nectar at night.
  5. Two C. radicans populations received virtually no hummingbird visits, but the number of bees were markedly higher than in the populations previously described. Interestingly, there were no night‐time visitors despite the large quantity of nocturnal nectar.
  6. Based on previously published pollen delivery per visit by various species, this study estimated that cumulative deposition by bees routinely reached pollen deposition thresholds for setting fruit in C. radicans. They are, unequivocally, the predominant pollinators in these populations, thus providing pollination service in the absence of hummingbirds.
  7. These results highlight C. radicans as a food source for native bees and add to the understanding of how floral phenotypes can facilitate pollination by disparate functional groups.

Interacting species of pollinator–host systems, especially the obligate ones, are sensitive to habitat fragmentation, due to the nature of mutual dependence. Comparative studies of genetic structure can provide insights into how habitat fragmentation contributes to patterns of genetic divergence among populations of the interacting species. In this study, we used microsatellites to analyse genetic variation in Chinese populations of a typical mutualistic system – Ficus pumila and its obligate pollinator Wiebesia sp. 1 – in a naturally fragmented landscape. The plants and wasps showed discordant patterns of genetic variation and geographical divergence. There was no significant positive relationship in genetic diversity between the two species. Significant isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) patterns occurred across the populations of F. pumila and Wiebesia sp. 1 as whole, and IBD also occurred among island populations of the wasps, but not the plants. However, there was no significant positive relationship in genetic differentiation between them. The pollinator populations had significantly lower genetic variation in small habitat patches than in larger patches, and three island pollinator populations showed evidence of a recent bottleneck event. No effects of patch size or genetic bottlenecks were evident in the plant populations. Collectively, the results indicate that, in more fragmented habitats, the pollinators, but not the plants, have experienced reduced genetic variation. The contrasting patterns have multiple potential causes, including differences in longevity and hence number of generations experiencing fragmentation; different dispersal patterns, with the host's genes dispersed as seeds as well as a result of pollen dispersal via the pollinator; asymmetrical responses to fluctuations in partner populations; and co‐existence of a rare second pollinating wasp on some islands. These results indicate that strongly interdependent species may respond in markedly different ways to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Alpine plants often occupy diverse habitats within a similar elevation range, but most research on local adaptation in these plants has focused on elevation gradients. In testing for habitat‐related local adaptation, local effects on seed quality and initial plant growth should be considered in designs that encompass multiple populations and habitats. We tested for local adaptation across alpine habitats in a morphologically variable daisy species, Brachyscome decipiens, in the Bogong High Plains in Victoria, Australia. We collected seed from different habitats, controlled for maternal effects through initial seed size estimates, and characterized seedling survival and growth in a field transplant experiment. We found little evidence for local adaptation for survival or plant size, based on three adaptation measures: Home versus Away, Local versus Foreign, and Sympatric versus Allopatric (SA). The SA measure controlled for planting site and population (site‐of‐origin) effects. There were significant differences due to site‐of‐origin and planting site effects. An important confounding factor was the size of plants directly after transplantation of seedlings, which had a large impact on subsequent seedling survival and growth. Initial differences in plant width and height influenced subsequent survival across the growing season but in opposing directions: wide plants had higher survival, but tall plants had lower survival. In an additional controlled garden experiment at Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens, site‐of‐origin effects detected in the field experiments disappeared under more benign homogeneous conditions. Although B. decipiens from different source areas varied significantly when grown across a range of alpine habitats, these differences did not translate into a local or habitat‐related fitness advantage. This lack of local advantage may signal weak past selection, and/or weak adaptive transgeneration (plasticity) effects.  相似文献   

The cloud forests of Mesoamerica are highly endangered habitats and the existence of narrowly distributed cryptic endemics will increase the number of taxa at potential risk of extinction. Here, we investigate genetic divergence between populations of the azure‐crowned hummingbird (Amazilia cyanocephala), a species complex of endemic hummingbirds to the montane forests of Mesoamerica, by analysing DNA sequences of four mitochondrial markers, morphological data and ecological niche modelling. Our results revealed the presence of two mtDNA lineages corresponding to subspecies A. c. cyanocephala distributed from Tamaulipas to Chiapas in Mexico and Amazilia c. guatemalensis distributed from southern Chiapas to Guatemala. The lineage split can be explained as a consequence of relative isolation of the populations in the different mountain ranges separated by the Motagua‐Polochic‐Jocotán fault system and corresponds to differences in morphology and to the lack of overlap in environmental space between subspecies. The divergence time estimates do not support the proposed model of a highly constrained temporal window at the end of the Pliocene as divergence at this barrier between cyanocephala and guatemalensis and splits of other bird taxa occurred during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The reasons for plant rarity have been the focus of many studies, especially because rare species are more prone to extinction than common species. Under the same habitat conditions, rare plants are expected to attract fewer flower visitors and to show some limitation in their reproductive success. Here, using one of the most emblematic Neotropical plant genus (Tibouchina) we tested whether narrow endemic and threatened species in Ecuador have a lower reproductive success or are visited by fewer pollinators than common species, in 13 populations monitored from 2011 to 2013. We also assessed whether interspecific gene flow could be considered a threat to the rare species. However, contrary to expectations, we found that few pollinators visited the flowers, independently of species rarity. Natural outcross pollinations were always very low in all small‐size populations, leading to high levels of pollen limitation. Interspecific crossing experiments also revealed weak reproductive barriers in some species. This study reveals that both narrow and common species of Tibouchina have similar reproductive and pollinator patterns in Ecuador and, therefore, other causes of the rarity of these species should be considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As tropical habitats continue to be cleared or degraded, obtaining basic information about the ecology of birds in intact habitats is essential for understanding their life histories. We studied the breeding biology of Orange‐breasted Trogons (Harpactes oreskios) and Red‐headed Trogons (H. erythrocephalus) in Khao Yai National Park in Thailand from 2003 to 2009. Nests were in excavated cavities in well‐rotted stumps or other tree parts. Mean cavity heights were 2.1 m (N= 19) for Orange‐breasted Trogons and 2.0 m (N= 49) for Red‐headed Trogons. Eggs were laid every other day. For Orange‐breasted Trogons, the mean clutch size was 2.4 ± 0.1 (SE) eggs (N= 17); incubation periods for two nests were 17 and 18 d, respectively, and the nestling period ranged from 12 to at least 14 d (N= 4). For Red‐headed Trogons, the mean clutch size was 2.6 ± 0.1 eggs (N= 48), the mean incubation period was 18 d (N= 9), and the mean nestling period was 13.4 d (N= 5). In both species, both males and females excavated nest sites, incubated eggs, and brooded and provisioned nestlings. Only females incubated and brooded at night, and males provisioned nestlings more than females. Breeding seasons lasted from January to March for Orange‐breasted Trogons, and from late February to July for Red‐headed Trogons. Mayfield estimates of nest success were 8% and 9% for Orange‐breasted and Red‐headed trogons, respectively. Unusual for cavity nesters, nest failure due to predation was high and nestling periods short. The low nesting success is typical of many other tropical species, but considerably lower than reported for some Neotropical trogons, possibly due to the unenclosed structure of the nests of these Asian trogons.  相似文献   

Surveys of colonial‐nesting waterbirds are needed to assess population trends and gain insight into the health of wetland ecosystems. Use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for such surveys has increased over the past decade, but possible sources of bias in surveys conducted with UAS have not been examined. We examined possible visibility biases associated with using a UAS to survey waterbird colonies in cypress‐tupelo watersheds and coastal island habitats in Texas in 2016. We used known numbers of four waterbird decoy types, including Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger), terns, and white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons, to estimate their detectability in each habitat. Six observers independently counted decoys from aerial imagery mosaics taken with a consumer‐grade, off‐the‐shelf quadcopter drone. We used generalized linear mixed‐effects models to estimate detection probabilities of each decoy type. Black Skimmers at the coastal island had a detection probability of just 53%. Detectability of both white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons was lower in the canopied cypress‐tupelo habitat than the coastal island. In addition, cloud cover > 50% further reduced detectability of white heron decoys in cypress‐tupelo habitat. Use of the double‐count method yielded biased‐low abundance estimates for white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons in canopied sites, suggesting that habitat differences were a greater source of bias than observer error. Black Skimmers were the only decoy type to be imperfectly detected at the coastal island, a surprising result given the stark contrast of their plumage with their sand and shell nesting substrate. Our results indicate that UAS‐derived photographic surveys are prone to low detection probabilities at sites where vegetation occludes nests. In habitats without canopy, however, UAS surveys show promise for obtaining accurate counts of terns, white herons, and dark herons.  相似文献   

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