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The hormonal regulation of axillary bud growth in Arabidopsis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Apically derived auxin has long been known to inhibit lateral bud growth, but since it appears not to enter the bud, it has been proposed that its inhibitory effect is mediated by a second messenger. Candidates include the plant hormones ethylene, cytokinin and abscisic acid. We have developed a new assay to study this phenomenon using the model plant Arabidopsis. The assay allows study of the effects of both apical and basal hormone applications on the growth of buds on excised nodal sections. We have shown that apical auxin can inhibit the growth of small buds, but larger buds were found to have lost competence to respond. We have used the assay with nodes from wild-type and hormone-signalling mutants to test the role of ethylene, cytokinin and abscisic acid in bud inhibition by apical auxin. Our data eliminate ethylene as a second messenger for auxin-mediated bud inhibition. Similarly, abscisic acid signalling is not to be required for auxin action, although basally applied abscisic can enhance inhibition by apical auxin and apically applied abscisic acid can reduce it. By contrast, basally applied cytokinin was found to release lateral buds from inhibition by apical auxin, while apically applied cytokinin dramatically increased the duration of inhibition. These results are consistent with cytokinin acting independently to regulate bud growth, rather than as a second messenger for auxin. However, in the absence of cytokinin-signalling mutants, a role for cytokinin as a second messenger for auxin cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Summary The alc mutation affects the ripening and storability of tomato fruit. The alteration of fruit color in alc lines is due to a reduction in total pigment and a reduction in lycopene relative to total carotinoids. Polygalacturonase (PG) activity is reduced to less than 5% of normal, and the isozymes PG2a and PG2b are absent in alc fruit. The level of anti-PG precipitable proteins is also reduced to less than 5% of normal. Total polyA + mRNA is not significantly reduced in ripening alc fruit, but hybridization of polyA + mRNA to different ripening-related cDNA clones showed that specific mRNAs are present at reduced levels in the mutant. Specific mRNA levels were reduced to 10%–80% of normal levels, depending on the cDNA clone used as the probe. PG mRNA was present at 5%–10% of the normal level.All effects of alc on fruit ripening are relived in the line Alcobaca-red, which arose spontaneously from the original alc line, Alcobaca. The Alcobaca-red trait segregates as a single dominant trait at or very near the alc locus, and it is probably the result of a reverse mutation at the alc locus.The chromosomal locations of regions homologous to 5 ripening-related cDNA probes were determined. Regions homologous to 4 of these probes map to chromosomes other than chromosome 10, indicating that the effects of alc are transactive. A cDNA clone for PG was homologous to only one chromosomal region. This region is located on chromosome 10, which is also the chromosome on which alc and nor are located.  相似文献   

Excised shoot tips of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (dodder), a rootless and leafless angiospermic plant parasite, were cultured in vitro for the study of the control of lateral bud development by the apex. In a chemically defined medium lacking hormones, the basal bud alone developed into a shoot. The addition of coconut milk to the growth medium induced the activation of multiple lateral buds, but only a single bud developed further into a shoot. The decapitation of this shoot induced the development of another shoot and the process could be repeated. This showed the controlling effect of the apex in correlative control of bud development. Application of indole-3-acetic acid to the shoot tip explant delayed the development of the lateral bud. Gibberellic acid A3 induced a marked elongation growth of the explant and reinforced apical dominance. The direct application of cytokinin to an inhibited bud relieved it from apical dominance. A basipetally decreasing concentration gradient of auxin may prevail at the nodes. Bud outgrowth is probably stimulated by cytokinin produced locally in the bud.  相似文献   

Summary The role of abscisic acid (ABA) in stamen and pistil development of the normal and solanifolia (sf/sf) mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) was analyzed. The solanifolia mutant produces flowers with separate floral organs, unlike the fused organs of normal flowers, and has greater number of carpels and locules per ovary than the normal. Applications of 10–5 M ABA to normal floral buds produced flowers with separate stamens, but higher concentrations (10–4 M ABA) resulted in the complete suppression of stamen growth or stamens that were devoid of anthers. ABA at both 10–4 and 10–5 M also induced an increase in the number of carpels and locules in normal flowers, but not in mutant ones. Analysis of endogenous ABA by a radioimmunoassay revealed that the pistils of mutant flowers contained a significantly higher level of ABA than those of normal flowers, but there was no difference in the ABA content of the stamens. The non-fusion of the stamens and the high number of carpels and locules in solanifolia mutant flowers may be explained by the high level of ABA in the floral apex during the initiation and development of carpels.  相似文献   

The incorporation of labelled adenine into cytokinin-like compounds was investigated in intact tomato plants, decapitated tomato roots and cell-free root extracts. In all three cases evidence was found for the incorporation of adenine into endogenous cytokinins. In intact plants and decapitated root systems no evidence was found for the incorporation into cytokinin nucleotides. Cytokinin bases and nucleosides were however, labelled. In the cell-free root extract there was some evidence for the incorporation of labelled adenine into cytokinin nucleotides. This suggests that the biosynthetic process may be strictly compartmentalized. The present results provide no evidence for the relative importance of cytokinin nucleotides in the biosynthetic process. What is clear is that the rate of adenine incorporation into cytokinins is extremely low and that only a small proportion of the cytokinins which became labelled were exported to the shoot via the root exudate.The financial support of the CSIR/Israel Collaborative Programme is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Two histone H4 cDNA clones were isolated from a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) shoot-tip cDNA library using a heterologous probe from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Both cDNAs, which are 81% identical in the coding region, are polyadenylated and belong to a small gene family in the tomato genome. Histone H4 message is abundant in young tissues and rare in older tissues. In the shoot apical meristem, the distribution of H4-expressing cells changes during development. In a juvenile vegetative apex, H4 message is detectable in the central region and the peripheral parts of the meristem. In a mature vegetative apical meristem, H4-expressing cells are localized in the peripheral zone extending into the provascular strands and the rib meristem whereas the central zone is almost devoid of H4 mRNA. After floral transition, H4 mRNA is found throughout the floral meristem, indicating a second change in the pattern of H4 expression. The observed changes in H4 expression are indicative of changes in the distribution of mitotic activity in the shoot apical meristem during plant development. In addition, H4-expressing cells were found to occur frequently in clusters, which may indicate a partial synchronization of cell divisions in the shoot apex.  相似文献   

The levels and synthesis of proteins during the ontogeny of normal and male sterile stamenless-2 (sl-2/sl-2) mutant stamens of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) were examined. The mutant stamens contained low levels of soluble protein which were related to reduction in protein synthesis. The mutant stamens, however, possessed many polypeptides similar to the normal and synthesized a 53-kd polypeptide at stages when there are abnormalities in tapetum development. The mutant stamens also possessed a 23-kd and some low molecular weight polypeptides that were considered as degradative proteins. Normal stamens exhibited the synthesis of many polypeptides not found in the mutant, from microspore mother cell to the preanthesis stages. In addition, at the time of pollen maturation there was a greater synthesis of several polypeptides, particularly those of 42 and 37 kd. Although the causative mechanisms of male sterility in the sl-2/sl-2 mutant are not known, the synthesis, and the lack, of specific polypeptides reported here appears to be associated with pollen degeneration.This work was supported by an operating grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to V.K.S.  相似文献   

Environmental factors often affect plant growth bymodifying the levels of endogenous gibberellins (GAs).In this study, the involvement of GAs in theregulation of enhanced shoot growth in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants grown in soiltreated by solarization (a soil disinfestation method)was investigated. Seedlings at the cotyledonary stagewere transplanted into either solarized or untreatedcontrol soil. Plants in both soils grew free of anydisease symptoms. As soon as four days after planting,seedlings in solarized soil had a higher dry weightcompared to the control. Throughout most of theexperimental period of 18 days, leaf weight ratio washigher in the solarized vs. the control soil. Treatingshoot tips of control plants with 0.1 mg.L-1GA3 resulted in enhanced leaf and stem growth,thus reaching values similar to those of plants grownin solarized soil. The opposite effect was obtained bytreating plants grown in solarized soil with1 mg.L-1 uniconazole, a GA biosynthesisinhibitor. Quantitative GC-MS analyses revealed thatGA1 content in one and two-weeks old transplantsgrown in various solarized soils was up to 1.8 fold,and that GA3 content in two-weeks old plants wasup to five fold the values in the control. Theseincreases were linearly correlated with the increasein leaf dry weight. It was concluded that theincreased quantities of GA1, and eventuallyGA3, play a role in the increased growth oftomato shoots in solarized soil as early as seven daysafter transplanting.deceased  相似文献   

The role of the chitinolytic enzymes in plants is not necessarilyrestricted to plant defense. Tomato plants transformed with an endochitinaseand a chitobiosidase gene from Streptomyces albidoflavus andgrowth under greenhouse conditions showed a significant reduction in plantheight, and reduced time to flowering compared with the control(non-transformed) plants. The levels of chitobiosidase and endochitinaseactivity in the transgenic tomato plants were positively correlated with earlyflowering, and negatively correlated with plant height. We have not determinedwhether these effects are exclusively due to the expression of the transgenesof endochitinase and chitobiosidase from S. albidoflavus orthe additive effect of these 2 enzymes combined with the endogenouschitinolytic enzymes produced by the plants. However, when control plants were trimmed,early flowering was observed compared with the controls that were not trimmed, whichindicates that wound induced proteins such as chitinolytic enzymes affect thetime of flowering. In addition, the expression of the endochitinase andchitobiosidase genes significantly increased the number of flowers and fruit onthe plants, resulting in an increase in yield of fruit. One of the primarygoals of crop breeding programs is to increase the productivity of plants. These twogenes were directly associated with plant productivity, and should be studied further.  相似文献   

Summary In the stamenless-2 (sl-2) mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), the breakdown in microsporogenesis corresponded with various abnormalities in the ultrastructure of the tapetal cell wall. In some mutant anthers, the inner tangential wall was excessively loosened allowing the passage of tapetal cell wall material and cytoplasmic contents into the anther locule. This presumably altered the osmoticum of the locule and resulted in plasmolysis of the microspores. Membranous fragments commonly observed in the normal tapetal cell wall, and presumed to have a role in transfer of materials from the tapetum to microspores, were absent from thesl-2 mutant. This was associated with reduced transfer of materials, such as lipids, to the developing pollen grains. In addition, a lining of sporopollenin-like deposits that coated the inner tangential wall of the normal tapetum, was discontinuous in the mutant. In mutant anthers where the tapetal cell wall did not loosen, the transfer of all materials was restricted and this resulted in the collapse of sporogenous material.  相似文献   

Summary Stamenless-2 (sl2/sl2) is a temperature-sensitive mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) which exhibits altered stamen development under different temperatures (Sawhney 1983). By using scanning electron microscopy, this study was conducted to investigate the differentiation of surface features of mutant and normal stamens grown under different temperatures, with the view to further determine the role of temperature in gene expression in stamen development. Mutant stamens grown under intermediate temperatures (23 °C day/18 °C night) differed from the normal in hair production, the shape of epidermal cells and in the pattern of cuticular thickenings. Under low temperatures (18 °C day/15 °C night), all surface features of mutant stamens closely resembled the normal, whereas under high temperatures (28 °C day/23 °C night), the patterns and types of hairs, epidermal cells, stomata, and cuticular thickenings on mutant stamens were similar to that of a gynoecium. The staminal features of normal stamens were not affected by different temperatures. This study shows that the expression of the sl2/sl2 allele is influenced by temperature conditions to the extent that the pattern of cellular differentiation characteristic of either the stamens or the carpels can be induced in mutant stamens.  相似文献   

Tomato mesophyll protoplasts were cultured in TM2 medium containing 5.7 M -naphthaleneacetic acid and 2.4 M benzyladenine and were incubated either in stationary culture or on an orbital shaker at 25–30 strokes per min, in combination with interval addition of fresh medium. The effects of stationary and shaking conditions on the growth of the colonies and their subsequent shoot organogenesis were significantly different. The cultures maintained in stationary condition without adding fresh medium accumulated a thin membranous layer on the medium surface and whitish substance in the medium that seemed to precede cell browning and premature colony death. Mild shaking conditions along with the reduction of colony density by one half by dividing the contents of one dish into two dishes, after adding 2 ml of fresh medium on the 4th day and further addition of fresh medium (0.5 ml) on the 8th day of plating, provided optimal conditions for colony growth and suppressed thin layer and whitish substance accumulation. Ten-day-old colonies raised through this protocol regenerated shoots rapidly (within 19–20 days after initial plating) after transfer to regeneration medium (MS medium with 2.8 M zeatin riboside, 0.06–0.1 M gibberellic acid, 4% sucrose and 1% type VII agarose) directly bypassing the callus phase.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indoleacetic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - SPM stroke per min - GLM General Linear Models - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. VF 145) plants were grown with Typic Xerofluvents soil in a greenhouse irrigated with recycled nutrient solutions having increasing levels of N and salinity. Positive response of plants to increasing levels of N was obtained at the lowest initial salinity level of 1 dS/m (dS/m=mmho/cm, referenced at 25°C). At the higher initial salinity levels of 5 and 9 dS/m, increasing N was ineffective in counteracting adverse effects on growth and yield caused by the presence of enhanced salt concentrations of the nutrient solution. Total N uptake was linearly correlated with the total water uptake and was severely suppressed by impaired growth associated with the two higher initial salinity levels, irrespective of N levels. The effect of salinity on leaf N concentrations changed over time. Leaf Cl and P concentrations indicated a possible suppressing effect of Cl on P uptake into plant tops.Based on portions of the thesis submitted by the senior author in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Soil Science. Supported in part by a grant from the Kearney Foundation of Soil Science.  相似文献   

Summary The au w mutant allele of the aurea locus in tomato has previously been shown to cause deficiency for the phytochrome polypeptide (Parks et al. 1987). We have begun to characterize the molecular basis and consequences of this deficiency. Genomic Southern blot analysis indicates that there are at least two and probably more phytochrome polypeptide structural genes in tomato. RNA blot analysis shows that the au w mutant contains normal levels of phytochrome mRNA and in vitro translation of au w poly(A)+ RNA yields a phytochrome apoprotein that is quantitatively and qualitatively indistinguishable on SDS-polyacrylamide gels from that synthesized from wild-type RNA. These results indicate that the phytochrome deficiency in aurea is not the result of lack of expression of phytochrome genes but is more likely due to instability of the phytochrome polypeptide in planta. Possible reasons for such instability are discussed. Analysis of the molecular phenotype of aurea indicates that the phytochrome-mediated increase in the abundance of the mRNA encoding chlorophyll a/b binding protein (cab) is severely restricted in the mutant as compared with wild-type tomato. Thus, the au w strain exhibits defective photoregulation of gene expression consistent with its very reduced level of the phytochrome photoreceptor.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of genotype and explant orientation on shoot regeneration from cotyledonary explants of tomato were studied using 10 commercially important cultivars. The explant orientation affected shoot regeneration in all the tested genotypes. Cotyledons placed in abaxial (lower surface facing down) orientation consistently produced better shoot regenerative response and produced greater numbers and taller shoots compared to those inoculated in adaxial (upper surface facing down) orientation. Genotypic variation in terms of shoot regeneration response, number of shoots, and shoot height was apparent. Wounding of cotyledonary explants increased shoot regeneration response. However, shoot height was much lower in shoots regenerated from wounded explants compared to those that originated from intact cotyledons. Shoots produced from wounded cotyledons were abnormal in their form and structure.  相似文献   

The apparent involvement of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and putrescine in the early stages of fruit growth in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) has been previously described. Further evidence presented here supports the direct involvement of ODC and putrescine in the cell division process in tomato fruits. In tomato fruits grown in vitro, in which basic growth processes are inhibited, the activity of ODC and arginine decarboxylase (ADC) and the level of free polyamines were reduced. While ODC and ADC activity was correlated with the period of cell division in the tomato fruit, the free polyamine content was correlated with the DNA content, cell size, and fruit fresh weight. The addition of exogenous putrescine, however, did not restore the basic growth processes in the fruits grown in vitro.  相似文献   

Besford  R. T. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):441-448
The effects of prolonged CO2 enrichment of tomato plants on photosynthetic performance and Calvin cycle enzymes, including the amount and activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPco), were determined. Also the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis (Pmax) of the 5th leaf throughout leaf development was predicted based on the amount and kinetics of RuBPco. With short-term CO2 enrichment, i.e. only during the photosynthesis measurements, Pmax of the young leaves did not increase while the leaves reaching full expansion more than doubled their net rate of CO2 fixation. However, with longer-term CO2 enrichment, i.e. growing the crop in high CO2, the plants did not maintain this photosynthetic gain. Compared with leaves of plants grown in normal ambient CO2 the high CO2-grown leaves, when almost fully expanded, contained only about half as much RuBPco protein and Pmax in 300 and 1000 vpm CO2 was similarly reduced.The loss of RuBPco protein may be a factor associated with the accelerated fall in Pmax since Pmax was close to that predicted from the amount and kinetics of RuBPco assuming RuBP saturation. Acclimation to high CO2 is fundamentally different from acclimation to high light. In contrast to acclimation to high light, acclimation to high CO2 does not usually involve an increase in photosynthetic machinery so the synthesis and maintenance costs (as indicated by the dark respiration rate) are generally lower.  相似文献   

Significant yield losses in commercial tomato production caused by tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) are the reason why we have undertaken studies on resistance to this pathogen. One of the possible sources of resistance can be the incorporation of the nucleoprotein N viral gene by Agrobacterium transformation. The N gene was introduced into three Lycopersicon esculentum forms. Out of the total of 3044 cotyledon explants 14.7% regenerated shoots, but only a few were rooted on medium containing kanamycin. The preliminary analysis indicated that 18 plants are putative transformants.  相似文献   

The effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and four IAA conjugates, indoleacetylalanine (IAAla), indoleacetylaspartic acid (IAAsp), indoleacetylglycine (IAGly), and indoleacetylphenylalanine (IAPhe), on growth and morphogenesis in tomato leaf discs in vitro were examined. Free IAA stimulated root initiation in the absence of cytokinin and stimulated callus growth in the presence of 0.89 M benzylaminopurine (BAP). Free IAA also inhibited shoot initiation obtained with 8.9 M BAP. The activities of the IAA conjugates depended on the conjugating amino acid, the concentration of the conjugate, and the response being measured. IAAsp had little or no activity in promoting root initiation or callus growth or in inhibiting shoots, while IAPhe was similarly inactive except at the highest concentration tested (100 M). IAAla and IAGly were both very active in inhibiting shoots and promoting callus growth, but were much less active in stimulating rooting, except at 100 M, at which concentration they were as effective as free IAA. Thin-layer chromatography of the IAA conjugates revealed that IAAla, IAGly and IAPhe were largely stable to autoclaving, but that IAAsp underwent some hydrolysis to products identical with free IAA and aspartic acid. Pretreatment of seedlings with IAA, IAAla or IAGly altered the subsequent shoot initiation response from leaf discs on media with and without IAA.  相似文献   

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