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Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis is the standard method for detection of Helicobacter spp. infections in laboratory rodents, with H. hepaticus, H. bilis, and H. typhlonius considered primary pathogens. Fluorogenic nuclease PCR assays that detect all known rodent Helicobacter spp., or that specifically detect H. hepaticus, H. bilis, or H. typhlonius were developed to eliminate post-PCR processing, enhance specificity, and provide quantitative data on starting template concentration. Each fluorogenic PCR assay detected a minimum of 10 copies of target template, had comparable or greater sensitivity when compared directly with corollary gel detection PCR assays, and detected only targeted species when numerous Helicobacter spp. and other enteric bacteria were analyzed. Fluorogenic nuclease PCR analysis of fecal DNA samples obtained from numerous laboratory mice sources detected all samples with positive results by use of Helicobacter spp., H. hepaticus, H. bilis, and/or H. typhlonius gel detection PCR analysis, except for one sample that had positive results by H. typhlonius gel detection PCR but negative results by H. typhlonius fluorogenic nuclease PCR analysis. Among fecal DNA samples that were Helicobacter spp. negative by use of all gel detection PCR assays, the fluorogenic nuclease PCR assays detected target template in only one sample that was positive by use of the Helicobacter spp. and the H. bilis fluorogenic nuclease PCR assays. In conclusion, fluorogenic nuclease PCR assays provide sensitive, specific, and high-throughput diagnostic assays for detection of Helicobacter spp., H. hepaticus, H. bilis, and H. typhlonius in laboratory rodents, and the quantitative data generated by these assays make them potentially useful for bacterial load determination.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pulmonis induces persistent infections in laboratory mice and rats and can contaminate biological materials. We developed a fluorogenic nuclease polymerase chain reaction (fnPCR) assay to detect M. pulmonis specifically. Primer and probe sequences for the assay were targeted to 16S rRNA sequences specific to M. pulmonis. The assay consistently detected the equivalent of fewer than 10 copies of template DNA. When evaluated against a panel of 24 species of bacteria, the M. pulmonis assay detected only M. pulmonis isolates. Evaluation of 10-fold serial dilutions of cultured M. pulmonis showed that the M. pulmonis fnPCR assay and culture on Dutch agar had comparable sensitivity in detecting viable M. pulmonis organisms, whereas the mouse antibody production test displayed positive serologic results at dilutions higher than those in which viable organisms could be detected. Finally, the M. pulmonis fnPCR assay was able to detect M. pulmonis DNA in nasopharyngeal wash fluid and trachea, lung, and uterus tissue collected from mice naturally infected with M. pulmonis but did not detect the organism in similar samples collected from uninfected, negative control mice. The M. pulmonis fnPCR assay provides a high-throughput, PCR-based method to detect M. pulmonis in infected rodents and contaminated biological materials.  相似文献   

Detection of Salmonella typhi by polymerase chain reaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rapid and sensitive method for detection of Salmonella typhi would help in preventing the spread of outbreaks and in clinical diagnosis. In order to develop unique PCR primers to detect Salm. typhi , ribosomal RNA genes from Salm. typhi (Rawlings) were cloned in pUC18. The resulting clone was confirmed by sequencing. The cloned DNA fragment contained the 5S, part of the 23S rRNA genes and the 5S-23S spacer region (EMBL/GenBank accession No. U04734).
It was expected that the 5S-23S spacer region is divergent unlike the highly conserved 23S+5S genes. This was confirmed by comparison with the rRNA gene sequences in the EMBL/GenBank database. A pair of PCR primers specific for Salm. typhi was obtained, based on this spacer region sequence. The specificity of this pair of primers was tested with 54 Salm. typhi strains (of 27 different phage types). All these Salm. typhi strains showed the positive 300 bp PCR product with this pair of primers. Six other Salmonella species as well as six other non- Salmonella bacteria were tested and none showed the 300 bp PCR product. The sensitivity of the detection level was 0·1 pg of pure Salm. typhi genomic DNA, or approximately 40 Salm. typhi cells in a spiked food sample. This pair of primers therefore has the potential for development into a diagnostic tool for the rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever.  相似文献   

Detection of Nitrosomonas spp. by polymerase chain reaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract A unique genomic DNA fragment was isolated from Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718. Based on the sequence of this fragment, oligonucleotide primers for polymerase chain reaction amplification were prepared which amplify sequences of 775 and 658 bp. The predicted DNA fragments were both amplified from the genome of N. europaea and a Nitrosomonas spp. isolated from a local oxidation pond. The primers failed to amplify DNA from the genomes of the ammonia oxidiser Nitrosolobous multiformis , the nitrite oxidiser Nitrococcus mobilis as well as from the genomes of other unrelated heterotrophic bacteria. These DNA sequences could be amplified from 0.01 ng of N. europaea genomic DNA or from 100 intact cells, and it was possible to detect Nitrosomonas DNA in a DNA mixture extracted from water samples drawn from a local oxidation pond.  相似文献   

Detection of mycoplasma contaminations by the polymerase chain reaction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used for the general detection ofMollicutes. 25Mycoplasma andAcholeplasma species were detected including important contaminants of cell cultures such asM. orale, M. arginini, M. hyorhinis, M. fermentans, A. laidlawii and additional human and animal mycoplasmas. PCR reactions were performed using a set of nested primers defined from conserved regions of the 16S rRNA gene. The detection limit was determined to be 1 fg mycoplasma DNA, which is equivalent to 1–2 genome copies of the 16S rRNA coding region. The identity of the amplification products was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis and restriction enzyme analysis. DNA from closely and distantly related micro-organisms did not give rise to specific amplification products. The method presented here offers a much more sensitive, specific and rapid assay for the detection of mycoplasmas than the existing ones.  相似文献   

The review deals with the problem of the detection of the causative agent of lepra in different biological samples with the use of polymerase chain reaction. Special attention is drawn to the characterization of the specificity and sensitivity of different target areas of M. leprae DNA.  相似文献   

We evaluated a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for detecting Yersinia ruckeri, the bacterial pathogen causing enteric redmouth disease (ERM), in blood of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Identification of the PCR product was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization with a 32P-labeled oligonucleotide probe matching a sequence within the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of Y. ruckeri. Following a 1 h immersion of rainbow trout in water with 4.5 x 10(6) colony-forming units of Y. ruckeri l(-1), the PCR was positive for all blood samples from 1 h (first sample) to 5 d and was negative from 9 to 30 d (last sample). Fish in this experiment did not show signs of disease, probably because they had been vaccinated against Y. ruckeri. To test this method with naturally infected fish, 42 rainbow trout from hatcheries were examined. Four of these fish had clinical signs of ERM and were infected with Y. ruckeri based on bacteriological culture. The PCR method detected Y. ruckeri in blood, intestine, liver, and trunk kidney from the 4 fish with ERM and from 5 additional rainbow trout that were bacteriologically negative for Y. ruckeri. Three of 5 rainbow trout from streams receiving effluent from hatcheries were positive for Y. ruckeri when tested with PCR, although there was no growth of Y. ruckeri on culture plates inoculated with the same samples. Samples were successfully stored for 1 wk in lysis buffer at 25 degrees C. This study demonstrated that a non-lethal blood sample can be used with PCR to detect Y. ruckeri.  相似文献   

Specific primers for the detection of the FIV provirus in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by seminested PCR (snPCR) were developed. Forty cats (patients from veterinary hospitals) were investigated for the presence of FIV serum antibodies by immunoblot and for the presence of provirus in PBMC by snPCR. Seventeen of the 40 examined samples (42.5%) showed the presence of antibodies against FIV. The total number of animals that were found positive in snPCR was 19 (47.5%). Fourteen of the seropositive animals (35%) were positive by snPCR whereas three seropositive animals (7.5%) turned out to be snPCR negative. Of twenty-three animals that were negative by immunoblot, five (12.5%) were found to be positive by snPCR.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction and oligonucleotide probe hybridization technique were applied to the detection of two common mutations of the beta-globin gene found in Chinese, namely the 4-base pair deletion at the 41-42 codons and the C to T substitution at nucleotide 654 of IVS-2. The accuracy of the method was established using beta-thalassemia cases with known mutations or haplotypes of the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). A further 11 cases of thalassemia intermediate and thalassemia minor were then analysed with the same approach. Our results showed that 5 of the 11 cases carried the TCTT-deletion at codons 41-42. Our method is economical both in terms of materials and time needed and in an alternative to the use of the molecular RFLP approach in the prenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia.  相似文献   

Most studies focusing on detecting microorganisms in air by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have used a liquid impinger to sample bioaerosols, mainly because a liquid sample is easy to be processed by PCR analysis. Nevertheless, the use of multiple-hole impactors for the analysis of bioaerosols by PCR has not been reported despite its great utility in culture analysis. In this study we have modified the impaction onto an agar surface sampling method to impaction onto a liquid medium using the MAS-100 air sampler (Merck) (single-stage multiple-hole impactor). To evaluate the recovery of airborne microorganisms of both sampling methods, a suspension containing Escherichia coli was artificially aerosolized and bioaerosols were collected onto Tergitol-7 agar and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with the MAS-100. A linear regression analysis of the results showed a strong positive correlation between both sampling methods (r = 0.99, slope 0.99, and y intercept 0.07). Afterwards, the method of impingement into a liquid medium was used to study airborne Legionella pneumophila by PCR. A total of 64 samples were taken at a wastewater treatment plant, a chemical plant, and an office building and analyzed by culture and PCR. Results showed that three samples were positive both by PCR and plate culture, and that nine samples negative by plate culture were positive by PCR, proving that L. pneumophila was present in bioaerosols from these three different environments. The results demonstrate the utility of this single-stage multiple-hole impactor for sampling bioaerosols, both by culture and by PCR.  相似文献   

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