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We used restriction endonucleases to prepare physical maps of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-specific DNA endogenous to the BALB/c mouse strain. The mapping was facilitated by the DNA transfer procedure, using complementary DNAs specific for the whole and for the 3' terminus of MMTV RNA to detect fragments containing viral sequences. The strategies used for the arrangement of fragments into physical maps included sequential digestions with two or three enzymes; preparative isolation of EcoRI fragments containing viral sequences; and comparisons of virus-specific fragments derived from the DNA of several mouse strains. Most of the MMTV-related DNA in the BALB/c genome is organized into two units (II and III) which strongly resemble proviruses acquired upon horizontal infection with milk-borne strains of MMTV and other retroviruses. These units contain approximately 6.0 x 10(6) Mr of apparently uninterrupted viral sequences, they bear redundant sequences totaling at least 700 to 800 base pairs at their termini, and the terminal redundancies include sequences derived from the 3' end of MMTV RNA. Units II and III are closely related in that they share 12 of 14 recognition sites for endonucleases, but cellular sequences flanking units II and III are dissimilar by this criterion. The remainder of the MMTV-related DNA endogenous to BALB/c mice is found in a single subgenomic unit (unit I) with a complexity of ca. 2 x 10(6) Mr; the structure of this unit has not been further defined. These results support the hypotheses that endogenous proviruses have been acquired by infection of germinal tissues with MMTV. The physical maps are also useful for identifying the MMTV genomes endogenous to BALB/c mice in studies of the natural history of mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of glucocorticoids and prolactin on murine mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) RNA expression in preneoplastic outgrowth lines and mammary tumors in BALB/c mice were investigated. Hyperplastic alveolar nodules (HAN) and a ductal hyperplasia (DH) are induced in virgin BALB/c mice by prolonged hormonal stimulation or treatment with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene or both. Mice bearing HAN or DH outgrowth lines and mammary tumors that arose from the outgrowth lines were treated with glucocorticoids or prolactin. MuMTV RNA was quantitated by hybridization with a representative complementary DNA probe specific for MuMTV RNA. Prolactin treatment did not increase MuMTV RNA in the BALB/c HAN or DH outgrowth lines or tumors. MuMTV RNA increased after glucocorticoid treatment in the C3, C4, and C5 HAN outgrowth lines and in tumors that arose from the D1, D2, C4, and C5 HAN and CD8 DH outgrowth lines. No increase in MuMTV RNA with glucocorticoid treatment was observed in the D1 or D2 HAN outgrowth line, in the CD8 DH outgrowth lines, and in tumors that arose from the C3 HAN outgrowth line. The ability of glucocorticoids to stimulate MuMTV expression was specific since the response was dose dependent and specific for glucocorticoid hormones. Glucocorticoid treatment did not increase the level of type C viral RNA in the majority of hormone- or 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced HAN outgrowth lines or tumors. These observations suggested that glucocorticoids may influence MuMTV expression during mammary tumorigenesis in BALB/c mice.  相似文献   

Amplified expression of the endogenous retrotransposons, intracisternal A particles (IAPs) and murine leukemia virus-related elements (MLVEs), along with decreased expression of VL30 elements frequently occurs during mouse mammary tumorigenesis. We have now analyzed the expression of these retroelements during the normal developmental and differentiation cycle of the mammary gland as found in virgin, pregnant, lactating, and post-lactation adult female BALB/c mice. Retrotransposon expression was either unchanged or decreased during the progressive stages of the cycle compared to virgin tissue. Likewise, growth of mammary epithelial cells in primary culture had little or no effect on expression of IAPs, MLVEs and VL30 sequences. Thus, the dramatic changes involving these retrotransposons in many mouse mammary tumors appear unrelated to any normal state.  相似文献   

R Callahan  D Gallahan    C Kozak 《Journal of virology》1984,49(3):1005-1008
We have examined EcoRI-restricted cellular DNA from BALB/c mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids by blot hybridization for the presence of mouse mammary tumor virus-related sequences. Results of this analysis show that mouse mammary tumor virus-related proviral copies are located on chromosomes 16 (16-kilobase-pair fragment) and 12 (10.5- and 7.7-kilobase-pair fragments).  相似文献   

Differential expression of keratin genes during mouse development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suprabasal layers of the newborn mouse epidermis contain two mRNAs of 2.0 and 2.4 kb which are translated into keratins of 59 and 67 kDa, respectively. To study their expression during development, cDNA sequences corresponding to the 2.0- and the 2.4-kb mRNAs were cloned, characterized by hybridization selection assay, and used as probes to detect keratin sequences in polyadenylated RNA from Day 11, 13, 15, and 17 embryos. In RNA from Day 11 of gestation, two RNAs of 2.8 and 1.8 kb were identified. They were found to have homologies with both epidermal RNAs, suggesting that they are coding for proteins of the keratin family. These two sequences were not detected in sample of later stages. RNAs comigrating with the two epidermal keratin RNAs were identified only in Day 15 and 17 embryos indicating that their expression was induced between Day 13 and 15. Finally, the localization of the 59-kDa keratin mRNA was examined by in situ hybridization. The spinous and granulous cell layers were found to be heavily covered with grains while other regions of the tissue sections were unlabeled. All these results support the hypothesis of a sequential expression of keratins during differentiation of epidermal cells and suggest that proteins related to the keratins expressed specifically in keratinizing cells are expressed earlier during development.  相似文献   

The absence of endogenous mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTVs) in the congenic mouse strain, BALB/Mtv-null, restricts the early steps of exogenous C3H MMTV infection, preventing the superantigen (Sag) response and mammary tumorigenesis. Here we demonstrate that BALB/Mtv-null mice also resist tumor induction by FM MMTV, which encodes a stronger Sag compared to C3H MMTV. In contrast to infections with C3H MMTV, Mtv-null mice show FM-MMTV Sag-specific responses comparable to those observed in susceptible BALB/c mice. Neither virus shows significant replication in the spleen or mammary gland. Thus, Mtv-null mice restrict MMTV replication and mammary tumorigenesis even after a robust Sag response.  相似文献   

The involvement of mouse mammary tumor virus (MTV) in the development of mammary tumors of nonviral etiology in BALB/c mice was studied by measuring the levels of MTV RNA, MTV DNA, and MTV proteins in spontaneously arising and hormonally, chemically, and/or physically induced mammary tumors of BALB/c females. The following results were obtained. (i) Spontaneous mammary tumors contained very low levels of MTV RNA; 4 X 10(-6)% of the the cytoplasmic RNA was MTV RNA. No MTV proteins could be demonstrated by using sensitive radioimmunoassays for MTV proteins p27 and gp52. (ii) Mammary tumors induced by treatments with urethane or X-irradiation alone contained higher levels of MTV RNA; these tumors contained 3- and 19-fold more MTV RNA, respectively, compared with spontaneous mammary tumors. (iii) Mammary tumors induced by combined treatment with urethane and X-irradiation expressed high levels of MTV RNA in the mammary tumors; a 1,724-fold increase in MTV RNA content compared with spontaneous mammary tumors was observed. However, very low levels of MTV proteins gp52 and p27 were detected, suggesting some kind of impairment at the translation of the MTV RNA. MTV RNA was also induced by this treatment in mammary glands and spleens, but not in the livers of tumor-bearing animals. (iv) Balb/c females continuously exposed to prolactin contained high levels of MTV RNA and MTV proteins in stimulated mammary glands and in the hormonally induced mammary tumors. These findings suggest that MTV is not responsible for the maintenance and probably also not for the development of all murine mammary cancers.  相似文献   

Cytokeratins are intermediate filament proteins found in most epithelial cells including the mammary epithelium. Specific cytokeratin expression has been found to mark different epithelial cell lineages and also to associate with putative mammary stem/progenitor cells. However, a comparative analysis of the expression of cytokaratins during embryonic and postnatal mammary development is currently lacking. Moreover, it is not clear whether the different classes of putative mammary stem/progenitor cells exist during embryonic development. Here, we use double/triple-label immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry to systematically compare the expression of cytokeratin 5 (K5), cytokeratin 6 (K6), cytokeratin 8 (K8), cytokeratin 14 (K14) and cytokeratin 19 (K19) in embryonic and early postnatal mouse mammary glands. We show that K6+ and K8+/K14+ putative mammary progenitor cells arise during embryogenesis with distinct temporal and spatial distributions. Moreover, we describe a transient disconnection of the expression of K5 and K14, two cytokeratins that are often co-expressed, during the first postnatal weeks of mammary development. Finally, we report that cytokeratin expression in cultured primary mammary epithelial cells mimics that during the early stages of postnatal mammary development. These studies demonstrate an embryonic origin of putative mammary stem/progenitor cells. Moreover, they provide additional insights into the use of specific cytokeratins as markers of mammary epithelial differentiation, or the use of their promoters to direct gene overexpression or ablation in genetic studies of mouse mammary development.  相似文献   

The claudins are a family of tight junction proteins that display varied tissue distribution and preferential specificity. We recently identified by microarray analysis, members of this family, particularly claudin 1 (cldn1), as highly upregulated genes in the mouse mammary gland during early involution. Gene expression was confirmed by immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR. We then examined gene and protein expression throughout normal mammary gland development. The cldn3 gene showed a steady increase in expression from pregnancy to involution, while cldn1 and cldn4 gene expression increased during pregnancy, but decreased sharply by D10 of lactation, and once again was significantly increased by D1 of involution (P < 0.001 for both genes). The different patterns of gene expression observed between cldn3, and cldn1, and 4 suggest that different family members may be functionally important at different times during mouse mammary gland development. All three genes exhibited a high level of expression at day 1 (D1) of involution, followed by a dramatic decrease in gene expression to day 10 of involution. Immunostaining with the cldn3 antibody showed intense staining of epithelial cells; however, a lesser degree of staining was evident with the cldn1 antibody. In addition to the lateral staining of epithelial cells, basal staining was evident at D1 and D2 of involution and cytoplasmic staining was evident during lactation. Since claudins are known to play a role as tight junction proteins, lateral and basal staining may suggest a role in other functions such as vesicle trafficking or remodeling of tight junctions at different stages of mammary gland development. Cldn1 and 3 antibodies also stained epithelial cells in mouse mammary tumors. In summary, cldn1, 3, and 4 are differentially expressed in the mammary gland during pregnancy, lactation, and involution, suggesting different roles for these proteins at different stages of mammary gland function. In addition, cldn1 and cldn3 are detected in mammary tumors and the wide distribution of cldn3 in particular, suggest specific roles for these proteins in mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs) have a number of biological functions and some of them are thought to regulate collagen mineralizaton in bone and tooth. We have previously identified and immunolocalized two members of the SLRPs family, decorin and biglycan, in bovine tooth/periodontium. To investigate their potential roles in tooth development, we examined the mRNA expression patterns of decorin, biglycan and type I collagen in newborn (day 19) mice tooth germs by in situ hybridization. At this developmental stage, the first maxillary and mandibular molars include stages before and after secretion of the predentin matrix, respectively. The expression of decorin mRNA coincided with that of type I collagen mRNA and was mostly observed in secretory odontoblasts, while the biglycan mRNA was expressed throughout the tooth germ, including pre-secretory odontoblasts/ameloblasts, dental papilla and stellate reticulum. However, its signal in secretory odontoblasts was not as evident as that of decorin. In mandibular incisors, where a significant amount of predentin matrix and a small amount of enamel matrix were already secreted, a similar differential expression pattern was observed. In secretory ameloblasts the biglycan mRNA expression was apparent, while that of decorin was not. These differential expression patterns suggest the distinct roles of biglycan and decorin in the process of tooth development.  相似文献   

Spontaneous, transplantable leukemias of DBA/2 mice express an antigen (ML) which cross-reacts with antigens of murine mammary tumor virus (MuMTV). The MuMTV cross-reactive antigen of the DBA/2 leukemias (ML cells) was found to be a glycoprotein of 78,000 molecular weight containing antigenic determinants of the major MuMTV glycoprotein gp52. No MuMTV particles were produced by the ML cells, although they did contain type A particles--the pronucleocapsids of MuMTV. The ML antigen appeared to be an aberrant form of the intracellular MuMTV env precursor molecular prgp70, which was not processed properly but instead acquired extra carbohydrate groups and was expressed in uncleaved form on the cell surface. Isolation of MuMTV core protein p28 from the leukemic cells and subsequent tryptic peptide mapping analysis showed that the p28 from leukemia cells differed from the p28 of MuMTV isolated from DBA/2 mouse milk. These observations indicate that the MuMTV expressed in DBA/2 leukemic spleen cells is of a different strain than the virus secreted in lactating mammary glands of DBA/2 mice and probably represents the expression of an endogenous DBA/2 provirus.  相似文献   

In order to establish the genetic relatedness of the inbred mouse strains kept in Nara, genetic marker patterns were determined in conjunction with a study on endogenous mammary tumor viral genes in these strains. Isoenzyme patterns combined with patterns of other genetic markers, show that the unrelatedness between various inbred strains of the dd stock is as high or even higher as between strains of known different origin and geneology. Based on endogenous viral gene patterns the dd stock derived mice can be subdivided into three group, DDD, DDN, DDO, KF and DD/Tbr. The DD/Tbr and its foster-nursed substrain (DD/Tbrf) have the lowest number of endogenous viral genes, i.e. two, while the other strains carry 4-6 such genes. The SLN and SHN strains, derived from a Swiss stock, have a similar pattern of viral genes different that of all other strains studied, also strains of Swiss origin from other sources, such as the NFS and the GR.  相似文献   

Thymocyte subpopulations during early fetal development in the BALB/c mouse   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Phenotypic analysis of thymocytes during murine fetal development may be of use in determining the pathways of thymocyte differentiation. The expression of the functionally significant molecules Lyt-2 (CD8), L3T4 (CD4), and the TCR has already been described. However, mAb specific for several other murine lymphocyte surface markers are now available and, although these have been used to characterize adult thymocytes, a detailed analysis of fetal thymocytes with these antibodies has not previously been undertaken. In this study, we have used mAb specific for Thy-1, J11d, Pgp-1, and the IL-2R, in addition to those for Lyt-2 and L3T4, to identify subpopulations of early fetal thymocytes. By using two-color flow cytometric analysis of cells obtained from fetal thymuses on sequential days of gestation, we have been able to follow the development of various subpopulations through early fetal ontogeny. Our data indicate that the earlier thymocytes are found in the J11d+/Pgp-1+ subset which is abundant at fetal day 14 but constitute a numerical minority by day 16.  相似文献   

The endogenous proviral copies of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) were selected from a gene library of GR mouse DNA. We obtained five different lambda. MMTV recombinant clones. Four of them correspond to the 3' Eco RI fragments of the endogenous proviruses an one comprises an intact MMTV provirus with 2 to 3 kb of flanking mouse genomic DNA. Heteroduplex formation followed by S1 digestion under stringent conditions shows that there is nucleotide sequence heterology among the cloned endogenous proviral copies. Only one endogenous proviral copy, associated with the mtv-2 locus, was found to be totally homologous to the exogenous proviral DNA.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid regulation of mouse mammary tumor virus gene expression.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Glucocorticoid hormones act rapidly and specifically to stimulate the synthesis of mouse mammary tumor virus RNA in a variety of mouse mammary tumor cells and infected heterologous cells. The increase in viral RNA production appears to be mediated by receptor proteins and requires the presence of basal levels of viral RNA. Infection of heterologous cells with MMTV may alter host cell responses to glucocorticoids; in addition, production of unintegrated viral DNA in these cells has provided reagents required for studying the structure and function of the viral DNA itself. The advent of new techniques for genetic manipulation of eukaryotic cells and for isolation of large amounts of specific DNA sequences should now permit detailed analyses of steroid hormone action in this system.  相似文献   

The rearrangement and expression of six different mouse T-cell receptor TCRDV (V) gene subfamilies have been studied in BALB/c mouse spleen. The results show that all the TCRDV gene segments studied can be rearranged and expressed with both the TCRA () and the TCRD () chain. The apparently restricted and separated V gene repertoire for the TCRD and TCRAT-cell receptor may result from thymus and peripheral selection rather than from selective rearrangement in the DNA level. Several J gene segment show how much higher concentration in spleen with TCRDV gene segments, however, these J gen segments do not tend to be located at either end of the J gene cluster.  相似文献   

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