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非繁殖期成年雄性布氏田鼠对群体气体的辨别   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
张立  房继明 《兽类学报》1996,16(4):285-290
本文研究了非繁殖期成年雄性布氏田鼠对陌生群本气味,本群体气体的社会探究行为和尿标记行为,探讨了布氏田鼠利用气味信号进行群体辨别的能力。在熟悉相的辨别实验中,雄鼠对陌生群体气味的社会探究和尿标记行为明显我于本群体气味和对照组,优势个体的探究和尿尿行为显著高于从属个体。实验结果表明,布氏田鼠具体对群体气味的辨别能力,在巢垫物中存在用于群体识别的化学通讯成分,优势鼠的气味标记可能性种内群体间的嗅觉通讯中  相似文献   

雌性布氏田鼠对雄鼠气味的辨别   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张立  房继明 《动物学报》1999,45(3):294-301
通过雌性布氏田导其配偶和陌生雄鼠气味的辨别实验,以及无交配经历的成年雌鼠对社会等级不同的陌生雄鼠气的辨别实验发现,有生育经历的雌鼠对陌生雄鼠气味的探究行为明显多于对配偶气味的控究,但雌鼠在配偶雄鼠气味周围的停留时间、自身修饰行为和何处行为的发生频次和持续地陌生雄鼠,没有交配经历的雌鼠对处于从鼠地位的雄性个体气味探究行为多于对优势雄性的控究,而其他行为表现没有明显差异。表明,雌性布氏田鼠可以利用气味  相似文献   

雄性根田鼠的同胞竞争及其对同性个体的气味识别   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用两两互作实验并以尿标记来确定共居至成年的2雄性根田鼠同胞在行为竞争上的差异,之后在行为选择箱中分别观察它们对来自熟悉和陌生同性个体的新鲜尿气味的行为反应,以确定气味识别差异。结果表明:①雄性根田鼠两两互作时,尿标记的多少可以作为判断其社会等级的标准;②从属鼠对熟悉气味存在明显偏好,其对熟悉气味的访问时间、接近频次和自我修饰频次都显著高于陌生气味;③优势鼠则优先访问陌生气味,其对陌生气味的访问时间、嗅舔频次、嗅舔时间、自我修饰及反标记均显著高于熟悉气味;④对于陌生气味,优势鼠和从属鼠之间存在明显不同的行为反应模式。本实验结果提示,雄性根田鼠对同性尿气味识别的差异以及对陌生气味的行为反应,可能暗含着其领域防卫的信息。  相似文献   

啮齿动物的社会识别包括对化学信号的辨别、学习和记忆。田鼠属动物雌雄成年个体共居一定时间后,可以利用气味信号来识别配偶。本研究将成年雌雄布氏田鼠配对饲养12 h、18 h、24 h,确认发生交配行为形成配对关系后,分开单独饲养6 h,取配偶雄鼠和陌生雄鼠巢垫物作为个体气味,在气味选择箱中观察雌鼠对配偶雄鼠和陌生雄鼠气味信号的探究和选择行为,从而探讨不同共居时间雌性布氏田鼠对配偶气味信号的识别与记忆的影响。研究结果表明:共居时间影响雌性布氏田鼠对配偶气味的识别与记忆;共居时间越长,雌鼠在气味探究和选择时间上对配偶气味偏好越明显;共居24 h 后,雌性布氏田鼠能够识别出配偶雄鼠的气味信号并形成记忆,这样的记忆维持时间至少是6 h。  相似文献   

光周期对雄性布氏田鼠种内个体气味辨别的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张立  房继明  孙儒泳 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):304-310
本文研究了成年雄性布氏田鼠对不同光照周期下(长光照: LD; 短光照: SD) 的陌生雌鼠和陌生雄鼠气味的行为表现。实验发现: 所有被试雄鼠对LD 雄鼠、雌鼠气味比SD 雄鼠、雌鼠气味有更多的社会探究行为。LD 雄鼠比SD 雄鼠对同性或异性陌生个体气味的嗅闻和挖掘行为要多, 而且差异显著。在探究LD 动情雌鼠气味源时, LD 雄鼠比SD 雄鼠表现出更多的嗅闻和挖掘行为; 在探究SD 动情雌鼠气味源时, LD 和SD 雄鼠的行为反应没有明显差别。所有被试雄鼠在LD 雄鼠气味源箱中的停留时间都显著多于在SD 雄鼠气味源箱中的停留时间。LD 雄鼠在LD 雌鼠气味源箱中的停留时间显著多于在SD 雌鼠气味源箱中的停留时间; 而SD 雄鼠在LD 和SD 雌鼠气味源箱中的进入频次和停留时间没有明显差别。同时, LD 雄鼠对LD 动情雌鼠的气味在嗅闻频次和嗅闻时间上多于非动情LD 雌鼠, 而对SD 动情和非动情雌鼠的气味没有表现出明显的偏好; SD 雄鼠对LD 和SD 动情雌鼠的嗅闻行为仅在频次上显著多于对非动情雌鼠的嗅闻, 而在时间上没有显著差别。结果表明: 布氏田鼠嗅觉通讯中的个体气味及其对气味进行辨别过程中的行为反应都随着光照周期的不同而发生变化。动物的个体气味带有季节性信息, 来源于长光照下的气味比短光照下的气味更具有性吸引; 短光照在一定程度上可能抑制了雌鼠的动情和雄鼠的性行为反应。其嗅觉通讯行为的适应意义可能在于: 减少秋季短日照环境下的繁殖活动, 提高雄性个体之间的社会容忍性以利于集群越冬。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠嗅觉通讯的行为发育─幼体对群体气味的辨别   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
对15~30日龄的布氏田鼠幼体对不同本气味的行为反应进行了研究,探讨了幼体的嗅觉通讯行为发育及其对群体气味的识别能力。幼体对自身群体气味的探究行为明显多于对陌生群体的探究,但这种关仅在24日龄以后才表现出显性;幼体通常避开陌生幼体的巢垫物而更多地从自身群体巢垫物上跨过;对陌生群体气味的闻频次上雄性群体明显高于雌体,而雌体的挖掘行地雄体。随着日龄的增加,幼体对群体气味的嗅闻行为无明显变化,而对巢垫  相似文献   

通过雄性布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)对配偶和陌生雌鼠气味的辨别实验发现:(1)雌鼠动情状况对雄鼠气味行为反应的影响,当配偶雌鼠处于动情期时,被试雄鼠对动情陌生雌鼠巢垫物的溴闻和舔舐的持续时间都明显多于对非动情陌生雌鼠巢垫物的嗅闻和舔舐时间,而其他行为没有明显判别当配偶雌鼠处于非动情期时,雄鼠对动情的和非动情的陌生雌鼠的气味行为反应都没有明显判别当陌生雌鼠处于动情期时,被试雄鼠对动情配偶气味的嗅闻时间明显多于对非动情配偶的嗅闻时间,而其他行为反应没有明显差异;当陌生雌鼠处于非动情期时,被试雄鼠对动情配偶雌鼠巢垫物的嗅闻时间,挖掘频次,舔舐频次和时间都明显多于对非动情配偶气味的嗅闻,而且雄鼠在动情配偶气味周围搔扒体侧行为的发生频次和持续时间也多于在非动情配偶气味周围的搔扒行为;(2)熟悉性对雄鼠气味行为反应的影响,当配偶雌鼠和陌生雌鼠都处于动情期或都处于非动情期时,被试雄鼠对陌生雌鼠气味的探究行为(嗅问、挖掘和舔噬)和搔扒体侧行为明显多于对配偶雌鼠气味的探究;雄鼠访问陌生雌鼠气味源箱的频次和在其中的停留时间也都多于访问配偶雌鼠气味源箱的频次和停留时间;当配偶雌鼠处于动情期而陌生雌鼠处于非动情期时,被试雄鼠对配偶气味的嗅闻,挖掘和自身修饰行为明显多于对陌生雌鼠气味的行为反应,进入配偶气味源箱中的访问频次也多于进入陌生雌鼠气味源箱的访问频次。结果说明:雌鼠与被试雄鼠的熟悉程度和雌鼠的动情状况直接影响雄性布氏田鼠的社会探究和气味选择行为,即雄鼠偏好并选择动情雌鼠和陌生雌鼠,雄性布氏田鼠对雌鼠气味的行为反应也表现出田鼠属动物典型的多配制种类特征。  相似文献   

成年布氏田鼠对个体气味信号的识别与记忆   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
林琳  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(1):52-56
将配对饲养的成年雌雄布氏田鼠分离, 通过分开单独饲养12 h , 1 d、2 d、3 d、5 d 和7 d 后雌、雄鼠对原配偶异性和陌生异性气味信号的选择实验, 探讨布氏田鼠对气味信号的识别和记忆。实验表明: 在分离12 h 和1 d 后, 雄鼠对陌生雌性气味的选择和探究行为显著多于对熟悉雌鼠气味, 而雌鼠对两种气味并未表现显著的探究差异; 布氏田鼠对气味信号的记忆维持的强度和时间随个体不同而产生差异, 雄鼠在分离后12 h、1d、2 d 中对陌生雌鼠气味均表现出差异明显的探究行为, 而后, 各项探究行为的差异均不明显。雌鼠探究行为变化比较缓慢。据此推测雄鼠对气味的记忆维持在2 d 左右。  相似文献   

张立  房继明  孙儒泳 《兽类学报》2001,21(4):292-300
研究了成年布氏田鼠在10min内,对不同光照周期下(长光照:LD;短光照:SD)陌生雌/雄个体尿液和粪便两种单一个体气味源的气味行为反应,实验发现:所有雌雄被试鼠对LD气味源比SD气味源表现出更多的嗅闻行为。LD和SD被试鼠对同性/异性尿液气味的嗅闻行为没有表现出明显的差别,但LD被试雄鼠对陌生雌鼠粪便的嗅闻频次显多于SD被试雄鼠,从嗅闻行为特征量(嗅闻行为占所有行为的百分比)来看,所有LD和SD被试雌,雄鼠对尿液的嗅 明显多于粪便,除SD粪便气味外,被试鼠对异性气味源的嗅闻明显多于同性,实验结果表明:作为两种个体气味源,尿液和粪便都带有季节性信息,而且是具有性别特性的。异性的个体气味源比同性的个体气味源更具吸引力;长光照动物的个体气味比短光照动物的气味更具吸引力。  相似文献   

根田鼠气味识别的性二型   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
孙平  赵亚军  赵新全 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):315-321
以新鲜尿和粪作气味源,在行为选择箱中观察根田鼠的行为识别模式,结果表明:雌鼠对陌生同性尿、粪气味源行为识别的差异不显,雄鼠对陌生同性尿、粪气味源的行为识别在多个指标上存在显差异;根田鼠对陌生异性尿、粪的行为响应模式无明显差异;除嗅舔时间外,雌、雄鼠对粪气味的行为识别在其他指标上不存在明显差异;比较雌、雄鼠对尿刺激的行为识别发现,雄鼠对尿刺激的访问频次和反标记显大于雌鼠,雌性嗅舔时间显大于雄性,其他方面二之间并无显差异。因此,雌、雄性根田鼠对粪气味的行为识别模式不存在性别差异;对尿气味的行为识别模式存在性别差异。  相似文献   

Chemical communication plays an essential role in several social and reproductive behaviors of many animals. In lizards, the main sources of semiochemicals are femoral or pre‐anal gland secretions and feces. In male lizards Psammodromus algirus, there are age‐related differences in the chemical composition of femoral gland secretions and in the reproductive strategies, with older males defending territories and females, while younger males adopting sneak‐mating strategies. Females flee more often from mating advances of young males than from those of old males, which are more successful in obtaining matings. This suggests that age discrimination of males may be important for females. We tested here whether females showed differential chemosensory responses to chemical cues (femoral gland secretion and feces) of males of two age classes, and whether females use information from substrate scent marks of males of different ages to select where to stay. We found that females elicited more tongue‐flicks to the secretion and feces of old males than to control or secretion and feces of young males. Also, the time spent by females on a scented paper depended on the treatment, suggesting that females tended to spend more time on scent marks made with femoral secretions of old males. Adult females seemed capable to discriminate between young and old males based on chemical cues alone and showed more interest in scents of old males. However, substrate scent marks did not seem to entirely determine site selection by females, suggesting that females might need additional cues to perform the choice. These results can be explained by the different age‐dependent reproductive strategies of males, which can affect differentially to females.  相似文献   

Rich TJ  Hurst JL 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(5):1027-1037
Scent marking on top of (overmarking), or in the vicinity of, a scent mark already present is commonly termed countermarking. Scent marks and countermarks provide a continuous record of competitive challenges between conspecifics, thus providing a reliable advertisement of an individual's ability to dominate or defend an area to other competitors and potential mates. To test the hypothesis that females should prefer males that countermark competing scent marks in their territory over those whose own marks are partially countermarked by a competing male, we manipulated scent marks in the territories of neighbouring male house mice (captive-bred Mus domesticus). As predicted, oestrous females were more strongly attracted to approach territory owners that countermarked the scent mark challenges of competitors than those that had been countermarked, and females themselves deposited more scent marks near the scents of these males. To investigate whether female mice use scent age, overlap or intrinsic qualitative or quantitative differences between scent marks and countermarks to make this discrimination, we redeposited male scent marks artificially as marks and partially overlapping countermarks, with or without a 24-h age difference between them. While the intrinsic quality or quantity of countermarks did not affect discrimination, an age difference between the original mark and subsequent countermark was important for consistent discrimination. The ultimate function of such competitive scent signalling thus may be to provide potential mates with a reliable indicator of the competitive ability of individuals advertising their high status. Since scent marks remain in the environment and are continuously available to challenge and investigation, they may provide a particularly effective and reliable means of dominance advertisement. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

个体辨别对于减少同种争斗以及配偶选择具有重要意义。我们用棉棒粘取鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)尿液作为气味源,以香水作为对照,测定鳄蜥对熟悉个体气味、陌生个体气味以及香水的舔舌次数和舔舌潜伏期,来探讨鳄蜥通过化学信息辨别熟悉和陌生个体的能力。结果显示,不论是雌性还是雄性,对不同个体尿液的舔舌次数均显著高于对香水的,舔舌潜伏期显著短于香水的;尽管雄性对陌生同性个体气味与熟悉同性个体气味的舔舌次数无显著差异,但对前者的舔舌潜伏期显著短于后者;雄性对陌生雌性气味的舔舌次数显著多于熟悉雌性气味的,对前者的舔舌潜伏期显著短于后者;雌性对陌生雄性气味的舔舌潜伏期显著短于对熟悉雄性气味的;雄鳄蜥对陌生雌性气味的舔舌次数显著多于雌鳄蜥对陌生雄性的。结果表明,鳄蜥能辨别同种个体的化学信息,并能通过化学信息来辨别熟悉和陌生个体,推测鳄蜥的这种辨别能力对其领域分配以及繁殖交配有重要作用。  相似文献   

Biological odours that convey cues regarding individual identity can provide valuable information mediating many aspects of mammalian social relationships such us dominance hierarchies, group memberships, territorial and mating activities. The ability of the subterranean rodent, tuco‐tuco (Ctenomys talarum), to discriminate between soiled shavings, urine and faeces from different individuals was investigated using the habituation–discrimination paradigm. Discrimination by both males and females was tested using scents obtained from same‐ and opposite‐sex individuals. Each test subject was habituated for three consecutive days to odour samples from the same individual; on the fourth day a scent from a novel individual was provided. For all odour sources, animals spent significantly less time investigating the habituation scent over successive trials, indicating that animals perceived the stimulus as familiar. For all stimuli, test subjects spent more time investigating the novel odour, rather than the familiar one. Animals spent more time investigating soiled shavings than urine or faeces. Both males and females discriminated novel from familiar odours in shavings and urine regardless of the gender of the odour donors. In contrast, test animals discriminated between familiar and novel odours in feces only when the fecal donors were of different sex from subjects. Possible territorial and reproductive functions of individual scent discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

Extreme inbreeding will compromise an animal's ability to discriminate between individuals and, thus, assess familiarity and kinship with conspecifics. In rodents, a large component of individual recognition is mediated through chemical communication. The counter-marking of competitor males' scent marks provides a measure of discrimination between their own scent and that from other individuals. We investigated whether males in common outbred (ICR(CD-1) and TO) and inbred (BALB/c) strains of laboratory mice could recognize the urinary scents of other individuals by measuring their investigation and counter-marking responses. Dominant males of outbred strains investigated and counter-marked scents from other males, whether of the same or another strain. Dominant inbred BALB/c males investigated but did not counter-mark their own strain scents, counter-marking only those from another strain. They did not use environmentally induced status differences in odours to recognize scents from other males. The inability of the inbred mice to discriminate between their own scent marks and those of other males is likely to alter their competitive behaviour, which could influence responses in experiments and the welfare of caged laboratory mice.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate odour cues from different conspecifics has been demonstrated in a variety of small mammalian species. We used a habituation-dishabituation procedure to investigate whether 10-week-old female pigs,Sus scrofa , are able to discriminate between urinary odours from similar-aged conspecifics that were unfamiliar (not encountered for at least 7 weeks). We also examined whether environmental factors can affect the ease with which urine from different individuals is discriminated. Subjects receiving urine samples from the same unfamiliar individual in two successive 2-min exposures separated by a 15-min interval showed habituation in their investigation response to the urine in the second exposure. This habituation was maintained in a third 2-min exposure, 15 min later, if the urine sample was again from the same individual. However, if the urine sample was from a different unfamiliar individual, there was a dishabituation of the investigation response. This was taken to indicate an ability to discriminate the two samples. These data indicate that young pigs could use urinary cues to discriminate other individuals. Effective individual discrimination should facilitate the formation and maintenance of stable social groupings but could be disrupted if, for example, animals from the same group share common odour cues that mask individually distinctive scents. However, urine samples from individuals living in the same group appeared to be no more difficult to discriminate than those from individuals living in different groups. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Do scent marks increase predation risk of microtine rodents?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Reproductive activities, including signalling with scents, may increase the risk of predation. Mammalian predators, like small mustelids, find voles by using odour cues of scent marks. Scent marks are also visible in ultraviolet light, and at least some diurnal raptors are attracted to these markings in the field. We performed a field experiment to find out whether manipulation of scent markings affects the density, survival and mobility of free-living voles, and the activity of mammalian and avian predators. A total of 20 plots (each 1 ha) were randomly divided into two treatments: scent manipulation and control plots. Scent manipulation plots were treated with vole scent-liquid and control plots with water. From each plot 1–2 voles were radio-collared and tracked for three weeks. Predators hunted more often on scent manipulation plots than on control plots leading to lower survival time of voles. Although scent manipulation attracted more avian predators, small mustelids were the main predators of voles. The density or the mobility of voles did not differ significantly between manipulation and control plots. Our results suggest that odour of scent marks may be a larger risk to voles than UV visibility of scent marks.  相似文献   

Chemical cues play an important role in sexual recognition in several lizard species. Here, we investigated whether the neotropical lizard, Liolaemus pacha (Iguania: Liolaemidae) can discriminate between chemical information obtained from males or females. In addition, we also considered the effect of season (reproductive vs. post-reproductive) and the sex of the tested individual. We experimentally tested scent discrimination, using a terrarium previously occupied by a male, a female, and an untreated terrarium as control as sources of different chemical scents. We counted the number of tongue flicks, a measure of chemical exploratory behavior, and the visual displays triggered by these scents for 10 min. Males performed significantly more tongue flicks when female scent was present than when male and control scents were present, indicating sexual recognition. However, females did not show a significant difference in those same conditions, indicating a lack of sexual recognition. For visual displays, males showed significantly higher rates to female and male scents than to control, whereas females did not show any difference. During the reproductive season, the number of tongue flicks and visual displays were higher than during the post-reproductive season. Our results suggest that for male L. pacha, chemical cues play an important role in mate recognition. We discuss the apparent lack of recognition in females. We suggest that the observed seasonal behavioral differences might be associated with physiological changes related mainly to reproduction.  相似文献   

Scent marking is common among male and female rodents and might be used in male-male competition and as a mechanism for mate attraction. I tested the hypotheses that females would choose males based on their frequency and placement of scent marks, and that a female would advertise interest in a particular male by placing her scent marks on or near those of a preferred mating partner. In a series of experiments conducted with prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster, females did not choose mates based on the frequency or placement of scent marks by males nor did they advertise their interest in a particular male through the frequency or placement of scent marks. The number of males chosen that scent-marked more than their opponents did not differ significantly between females exposed (11 of 15) and not exposed (10 of 15) to scents of males. Females exposed and not exposed to scents of males preferred seven of the same males that had scent-marked more than their opponents. When a third group of females was exposed to four times more scent of the less preferred than preferred males, they still chose the preferred males. Thus, the frequency and placement of scent marks by males were not used to assess males for mate choice nor did female prairie voles use scent to advertise their preference for a mating partner. In that scent marking is common in male and female mammals, scent quality might be more important than quantity in male-male competition and mate attraction.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved .  相似文献   

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