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In Experiment 1, infant Japanese monkeys and rhesus monkeys were artificially reared in pairs with conspecific or heterospecific monkeys. Preferences of these monkeys for a variety of pictures of Japanese monkeys and rhesus monkeys were repeatedly tested during the first 1 or 2 years of life. The duration of lever-pressing responses to see those pictures was a measure of the preference. All monkeys, Japanese or rhesus, preferred pictures of rhesus monkeys to pictures of Japanese monkeys, without regard to their social experiences. Experiment 2, with an adult Japanese monkey as the subject, and Experiment 3, with different pictures as stimuli, suggested that this preference was not a consequence of any bias in the pictures used. In Experiment 4, a Japanese monkey reared by a rhesus foster mother and rhesus monkeys reared by Japanese monkey mothers received the same preference test. The Japanese monkey infant preferred to see pictures of rhesus monkeys. However, rhesus infants did not show clear species preferences. These results suggest that infants of both Japanese and rhesus monkeys have a native tendency to prefer to see physical characteristics of rhesus monkeys over Japanese monkeys.  相似文献   

Three adult pigtail monkeys pressed a lever to see pictures of pigtail and Japanese monkeys with a variety of physical features being removed. The features included head, tail, body, background, and color. The duration and the interval of exposure of these visual stimuli were dependent upon subjects' responding. Preferences for those pictures were evaluated by the ratio of lever-pressing duration to interval of lever-pressing. Two of the subjects showed a consistent preference to see pictures of pigtail monkeys over those of Japanese monkeys. Though this preference tended to maintain when these physical features were removed, it became relatively weak when head and head + tail were removed. These results suggest that pigtail macaques may discriminate species based not on a single characteristics but on some combination of features, and that head may be relatively important than the other features.  相似文献   

A series of work by the first author have demonstrated that many macaque species show a visual preference for the pictures of their own species when the monkeys actively press a lever to see the pictures. We expanded this study to Sulawesi macaques kept as a pet by local people with slight modification. All seven species of Sulawesi macaques were passively exposed to a variety of colored slides of Sulawesi macaques. The experimenter recorded the duration of visual fixation onto the pictures. Male monkeys of all the seven species clearly watched the pictures of their own species for longer duration than those of the other species. Such visual preference suggested that the seven Sulawesi macaques discriminate each other species and, thus, they may not be integrated into fewer number of species. This visual preference may work to prevent overall intergradation of the Sulawesi macaques who sometimes have hybrid zones only in limited areas. This preference was in general weaker in female monkeys. In one species,Macaca ochreata, females actively avoided to see the pictures of conspecifics. These results may be related to how female monkeys interact with other individuals.  相似文献   

With a free-choice task, visual preference was estimated in five adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). The subjects were presented with digitized color photographs of various species of primates on a CRT screen. Their touching responses to the photographs were reinforced by food reward irrespective of which photographs they touched. The results revealed that all chimpanzees touched the photographs of humans significantly more than any other species, or phylogenetic families of primates. This tendency was consistent across different stimulus sets. The results suggest that the chimpanzees showed visual preference for the photographs of humans over those of their own species. The results also suggest that the degree of this visual preference was not in accordance with phylogenetic distance from the subjects' species, chimpanzees. The preference for humans was stronger in the case of the colored photographs than in monochromatic ones. All of the five chimpanzees had been in captivity for at least 16 years. They were reared by humans from just after their birth, or at least from 1.5 years old. Their preference might have developed through social experience, especially that during infanthood. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In a study by Tanaka (2003) five captive chimpanzees preferred photographs of humans to those of chimpanzees. All the subjects were raised by humans and lived in captivity for many years. This suggests their preference might have developed through social experience. In this study examined this hypothesis by using three young chimpanzees raised by their mothers in a captive chimpanzee community. The young chimpanzees were tested four times before six years of age. I also tested eight adult chimpanzees that had been in captivity for more than 20 years. Each subject was presented with digitized color photographs of different species of primates on a touch-sensitive screen. The subjects received a food reward when they touched a photograph, irrespective of which photograph they touched. All the adult chimpanzees touched photographs of humans more frequently than those of any other species of primate. Two of the young chimpanzees showed no species preference before reaching 5 years of age, when they started to show preference for humans. The remaining young chimpanzee consistently preferred chimpanzees. These results suggest that development of visual preference of chimpanzees is affected by social experience during infancy.  相似文献   

Species recognition by five macaque monkeys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixteen monkeys of five macaque species (Macaca fuscata fuscata, M. mulatta, M. radiata, M. nemestrina, andM. arctoides) pressed a lever to see a variety of pictures (35 mm slides) of seven macaque species including their conspecifics. The subjects were allowed to see the same picture for the duration of the lever press and were able to see the same picture repeatedly by pressing the lever within 10 sec after the previous release of the lever. When 10 sec passed after releasing the lever, the next picture was set on the slide projector. All monkeys exceptM. arctoides and two infantM. fuscata fuscata pressed the lever to see their conspecifics for the longest duration. For all of the adult subjects, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) based on the mean duration of lever pressing responses (D) and the mean interval between the responses (I) revealed that the data for conspecific stimuli were distributed at significantly different locations from those for at least one of six close species on a two-dimensional space constructed with D and I. These results suggest that adult macaque monkeys visually discriminate their conspecifics from close species based on the still images of them.  相似文献   

Zebra finches, like many other animals, have close social relationships mainly with the family at young ages but begin to express interest in opposite-sex extra-family animals as they enter the late juvenile period and sexual maturity. This experiment tested a set of hypotheses that sex steroids are involved in this developmental transition. At 25-30 days, subjects were implanted subcutaneously with Silastic tubes that were empty (controls), filled with testosterone propionate, filled with estradiol benzoate, or filled with a combination of ATD (an aromatization inhibitor) and flutamide (an anti-androgen). Once a week between ages 30 and 90 days, they were given three-choice tests where the three stimulus types were the family members, unpaired males, or unpaired females. The preferred category was defined as the one adjacent to the proximity zone in which the subject spent the most time. Control males were more likely to prefer females and less likely to prefer the family as they got older, and control females were increasingly likely to prefer males. Males treated with testosterone or estradiol showed a premature increase in preferences for females. Females treated with ATD plus flutamide failed to show the normal increase in preferences for males shown by controls. These results indicate an involvement of sex steroids in the maturation of sexual preferences in a socially monogamous species that relies on visual and auditory, rather than olfactory, cues for sexual or other social behavior.  相似文献   

Female phonotaxis of Tettigonia viridissima and T. caudata was investigated on a walking compensator to determine the temporal parameters of the male song used for song recognition, and to compare them with the previously described pulse rate filtering of T. cantans. The T. cantans song is continuous with a ≈30-Hz pulse rate. The T. caudata song has a higher pulse rate (≈40 Hz) and duty cycle than T. cantans and a distinct verse structure. The T. viridissima song is continuous with a double-pulse pattern. While the pulse rate is essential for song recognition in T. cantans, neither pulse rate not verse structure were essential for song recognition in T. caudata: females responded to signals above a minimum duty cycle. T. viridissima females did not require the double-pulse structure, but a single long pulse, equivalent to the duration of the double pulses and interval between them, was effective. Song attractiveness was limited by a minimum duration of the merged double pulse, and by minimum and maximum duration of the interval between them. Pulse rate recognition had little if any importance in either of the species investigated. Thus, the three congeners use different mechanisms for temporal song recognition. Accepted: 18 June 1998  相似文献   

Elevated jasmonic acid (JA) concentrations in response to herbivory can induce wounded plants to produce defences against herbivores. In laboratory and field experiments we compared the effects of exogenous JA treatment to two closely related cabbage species on the host‐searching and oviposition preference of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella. JA‐treated Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris) was less attractive than untreated Chinese cabbage to ovipositing DBM, while JA‐treatment of common cabbage (B. oleracea) made plants more attractive than untreated controls for oviposition by this insect. Similar effects were observed when plants of the two species were damaged by DBM larvae. In the absence of insect‐feeding, or JA application, Chinese cabbage is much more attractive to DBM than common cabbage. Inducible resistance therefore appears to occur in a more susceptible plant and induced susceptibility appears to occur in a more resistant plant, suggesting a possible balance mechanism between constitutive and inducible defences to a specialist herbivore.  相似文献   

Group sizes in free‐living juvenile black perch Embiotoca jacksoni were quantified and predictions of the hypothesis that such groups comprise sibling brood‐mates were tested. Group sizes in the field were within the range of female brood sizes and often occurred close to each other but did not merge. In captivity, juveniles formed groups immediately after birth. In laboratory experiments, they also associated significantly more with chambers containing familiar members of their own brood than empty chambers but did not associate more with chambers containing similar‐sized juveniles from a different brood. Juvenile E. jacksoni also associated significantly more with chambers containing familiar brood‐mates than with chambers containing unfamiliar members of a different brood. The strength of this preference increased with the number of days fish had been together since birth. When two broods were placed in a large outdoor tank, all individuals from both broods directed significantly more aggressive acts towards members of the other brood than towards members of their own brood. While the relative effects of familiarity and relatedness cannot be completely separated in this viviparous species, associating with familiar individuals would facilitate the maintenance of sibling groups in the field.  相似文献   

 We have developed microsatellite markers (SSRs) applicable to Fagus crenata using the RAHM method and investigated their polymorphisms. We also applied the SSRs in an analysis of a closely related species, F. japonica. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of nine polymorphic microsatellite markers, of which eight are applicable to both species. Among 30 individuals of each of F. crenata and F. japonica we detected a total of 79 and 77 alleles, respectively, with an average of 9.9 and 8.6 alleles per locus. The mean expected heterozygosity (He) was 0.615 (range: 0.216–0.925) in F. crenata and 0.660 in F. japonica (range: 0.259–0.827). The He values were considerably higher than those previously found for isozymes. Paternity exclusion probabilities for multiple loci, calculated over all loci, were extremely high (0.999 and 0.998 in F. crenata and F. japonica, respectively): sufficiently high to study pollen flow in both species. Received: 5 December 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Experiments designed to reveal variation among individual parasites in preference for different host species may generate misleading results. Apparent variation in the order of preference among host species can be generated solely from variation in the strength of discriminations made within host species. We illustrate this with a study of oviposition preference in the butterfly Melitaea cinxia. All butterflies were tested on the same six individual plants, three Plantago lanceolata (P) and three Veronica spicata (V). Some insects repeatedly preferred all individual P over all individual V or vice versa. We designated these as "pure" species ranks. Other insects repeatedly produced "mixed" ranks, preferring some individual V over some P, and some individual P over some V. We show how a "mixed" rank butterfly could differ from a "pure" rank insect by discriminating either more within plant species and/or less between them. Therefore, discrimination within host species can mask or confound discrimination among species. We discuss implications for the design of preference experiments.  相似文献   

A large proportion of phytophagous insect species are specialised on one or a few host plants, and female host plant preference is predicted to be tightly linked to high larval survival and performance on the preferred plant(s). Specialisation is likely favoured by selection under stable circumstances, since different host plant species are likely to differ in suitability—a pattern usually explained by the “trade-off hypothesis”, which posits that increased performance on a given plant comes at a cost of decreased performance on other plants. Host plant specialisation is also ascribed an important role in host shift speciation, where different incipient species specialise on different host plants. Hence, it is important to determine the role of host plants when studying species divergence and niche partitioning between closely related species, such as the butterfly species pair Leptidea sinapis and Leptidea reali. In Sweden, Leptidea sinapis is a habitat generalist, appearing in both forests and meadows, whereas Leptidea reali is specialised on meadows. Here, we study the female preference and larval survival and performance in terms of growth rate, pupal weight and development time on the seven most-utilised host plants. Both species showed similar host plant rank orders, and larvae survived and performed equally well on most plants with the exceptions of two rarely utilised forest plants. We therefore conclude that differences in preference or performance on plants from the two habitats do not drive, or maintain, niche separation, and we argue that the results of this study do not support the trade-off hypothesis for host plant specialisation, since the host plant generalist Leptidea sinapis survived and performed as well on the most preferred meadow host plant Lathyrus pratensis as did Leptidea reali although the generalist species also includes other plants in its host range. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Studies of adaptation and speciation have greatly benefited from rapid progress of DNA sequencing and genotyping technologies. Comparative genomics of closely related taxa has great potential to advance evolutionary research on genetic architecture of adaptive traits and reproductive isolation. Such studies that utilized closely related plant species and ecotypes have already provided some important insights into genomic regions and/or genes that are potentially involved in local adaptation and speciation. The choice of an appropriate species model for such research is crucial. The paper discusses current approaches used to reveal the patterns of intra‐ and interspecific divergence due to natural selection. Its outcomes in herbaceous plants and forest trees are briefly summarized and compared to reveal general regularities concerning evolutionary processes. We then highlight the importance of multispecies studies and discuss the utility of several related pine taxa as fine candidates for evolutionary inferences. Genetically similar but ecologically and phenotypically diverged taxa seem a promising study system to search for genomic patterns of speciation and adaptive variation.  相似文献   

A microsatellite library was developed using genomic DNA of the endangered dusky gopher frog, Rana sevosa. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and conditions are presented for R. sevosa (eight loci) and two sister taxa — other gopher frogs, Rana capito (seven loci) and crawfish frogs, Rana areolata (three loci). Polymorphism of each microsatellite locus was evaluated for each species. All loci have moderate to high genetic variation in terms of allelic richness (four to 10 alleles per locus), observed heterozygosity (0.595–0.946), and expected heterozygosity (0.531–0.856).  相似文献   

All bird species reproduce sexually and individuals need to correctly identify conspecifics for successful breeding. Captive zebra finches are a model system for studying the factors involved in species recognition and mate choice. However, male zebra finches’ behavioural responses in a spatial preference paradigm to a range of estrildid finch species, other than domesticated Bengalese finches, remain unknown. We investigated spatial and display responses of male zebra finch subjects to stimulus females between conspecific and four phylogeographically relevant finch species, in addition to female Bengalese finches. Surprisingly, male subjects did not show consistent spatial association with conspecific over heterospecific females. Overall, as predicted by sexual selection theory, the spatial proximity responses of males were less discriminatory compared to female zebra finches’ responses tested previously using the same paradigm. However, male subjects showed consistently more behavioural displays towards female conspecifics than heterospecifics which were positively related to the behavioural display rates of the respective female stimuli. Some male behavioural responses, other than song, also showed significant differences between the different stimulus species and consistently differed across individual test subjects, with the most individual subject variation seen in choice trials between female conspecific and Bengalese finch stimuli. The results are important for the design and interpretation of future behavioural and neurobiological experiments on species recognition systems using the zebra finch as a model species.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of Trochulus phorochaetius and its phylogenetic relationships to Trochulus plebeius and Trochulus hispidus were evaluated based on molecular, morphological, and genital anatomy data. The canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) of shell morphology allowed the clear differentiation between these three nominal species, whereas the genitalia revealed their high similarity. Analyses of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences were not always congruent with the differentiation between these three species by shell characters. None of them formed a monophyletic group covering all its sequences. Instead, many sequences obtained from individuals classified to the same morphospecies, and/or usually collected from the same region or country, created highly supported separate clades and delimited clusters. Three distinct clades containing sequences of two morphospecies originating from the same country were identified in molecular phylogenetic and species delimitation studies: (1) T. plebeius + T. hispidus from Great Britain; (2) T. plebeius + T. hispidus from Poland; and (3) T. phorochaetius + T. hispidus from France. In the latter case some of the sequences were even identical. Their genetic similarity could indicate the ability to hybridize, which may be evidenced by the lack of major differences in their reproductive system. The assignment of distinctive morphospecies, and thus existing taxonomic names, to genetically defined evolutionary lineages is premature and arbitrary to some extent at this stage. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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