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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Production of correctly disulfide bonded proteins to high yields remains a challenge. Recombinant protein expression in Escherichia coli is the popular choice, especially within the research community. While there is an ever growing demand for new expression strains, few strains are dedicated to post-translational modifications, such as disulfide bond formation. Thus, new protein expression strains must be engineered and the parameters involved in producing disulfide bonded proteins must be understood. RESULTS: We have engineered a new E. coli protein expression strain named SHuffle, dedicated to producing correctly disulfide bonded active proteins to high yields within its cytoplasm. This strain is based on the trxB gor suppressor strain SMG96 where its cytoplasmic reductive pathways have been diminished, allowing for the formation of disulfide bonds in the cytoplasm. We have further engineered a major improvement by integrating into its chromosome a signal sequenceless disulfide bond isomerase, DsbC. We probed the redox state of DsbC in the oxidizing cytoplasm and evaluated its role in assisting the formation of correctly folded multi-disulfide bonded proteins. We optimized protein expression conditions, varying temperature, induction conditions, strain background and the co-expression of various helper proteins. We found that temperature has the biggest impact on improving yields and that the E. coli B strain background of this strain was superior to the K12 version. We also discovered that auto-expression of substrate target proteins using this strain resulted in higher yields of active pure protein. Finally, we found that co-expression of mutant thioredoxins and PDI homologs improved yields of various substrate proteins. CONCLUSIONS: This work is the first extensive characterization of the trxB gor suppressor strain. The results presented should help researchers design the appropriate protein expression conditions using SHuffle strains.  相似文献   

The use of cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) for recombinant protein production is emerging as an important technology. For example, the openness of the cell-free system allows control of the reaction environment to promote folding of disulfide bonded proteins in a rapid and economically feasible format. These advantages make cell-free protein expression systems particularly well suited for producing patient specific therapeutic vaccines or antidotes in response to threats from natural and man-made biological agents and for pharmaceutical proteins that are difficult to produce in living cells. In this work we assess the versatility of modern cell-free methods, optimize expression and folding parameters, and highlight the importance of rationally designed plasmid templates for producing mammalian secreted proteins, fusion proteins, and antibody fragments in our E. coli-based CFPS system. Two unique CFPS platforms were established by developing standardized extract preparation protocols and generic cell-free reaction conditions. Generic reaction conditions enabled all proteins to express well with the best therapeutic protein yield at 710 microg/mL, an antibody fragment at 230 microg/mL, and a vaccine fusion protein at 300 microg/mL; with the majority correctly folded. Better yields were obtained when cell-free reaction conditions were optimized for each protein. Establishing general CFPS platforms enhances the potential for cell-free protein synthesis to reliably produce complex protein products at low production and capital costs with very rapid process development timelines.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are a group of proteins that protect organisms from deep freezing temperatures and are expressed in vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, bacteria, and fungi. The nuclear magnetic resonance, x-ray structure, and many spectroscopic studies with AFPs have been instrumental in determining the structure-function relationship. Mutational studies have indicated the importance of hydrophobic residues in ice binding. Various studies have pointed out that the mechanism of AFP action is through its adsorption on the ice surface, which leads to a curved surface, preventing further growth of ice by the "Kelvin effect." The AFPs have potential industrial, medical, and agricultural application in different fields, such as food technology, preservation of cell lines, organs, cryosurgery, and cold hardy transgenic plants and animals. However, the applications of AFPs are marred by high cost due to low yield. This review deals with the source and properties of AFPs from an angle of their application and their potential. The possibility of production using different molecular biological techniques, which will help increase the yield, is also dealt with.  相似文献   

Previously, it has been reported that a mammalian protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), when expressed on a single copy number plasmid, can rescue growth of a PDI1-disrupted yeast. However, here, for the first time we demonstrated by tetrad analysis that human PDI (hPDI) is unable to replace yeast PDI (yPDI) when hPDI cDNA is integrated into the yeast chromosome. This observation indicates that hPDI is not functionally equivalent to yPDI. Estimation of the actual copy number of the plasmid, as well as comparison of isomerase and chaperone activities between human and yeast PDI homologues, indicates that one copy of hPDI cDNA is not sufficient to rescue the PDI1-disrupted strain. Notably, the isomerase activities of yPDI family proteins, Mpd1p, Mpd2p, and Eug1p, were extremely low, although yPDI itself exhibited twice as much isomerase activity as hPDI in vitro. Moreover, with the exception of Mpd1p, all hPDI and yPDI family proteins had chaperone activity, this being particularly strong in the case of yPDI and Mpd2p. These observations indicate that the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is completely dependent on the isomerase activity of yPDI.  相似文献   

李文轲  马春森 《生命科学》2012,(10):1089-1097
抗冻蛋白(antifreezeproteins,AFPs)可以通过抑制冰晶生长保护生物体免受低温冻害,具有重要的生物学意义和应用价值。现在在鱼类、节肢动物、植物及微生物中均发现有AFPs的存在。基于对已有研究文献和相关网络数据的系统调查统计,详细描述了AFPs数据的类别特征,并对其作用机理的研究历史和最新取得的突破性进展作了较为系统的阐述,并对AFPs预测所取得的成果作了介绍,还对AFPs研究的现状和未来研究方向作了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Different types of ice-growth-inhibiting antifreeze proteins, first recognized in fish, have now been isolated from insects and plants, and the list continues to expand. Their structures are amazingly diverse; how they attain the same function are subjects of intense research. Evolutionary precursors of several members have been identified — divergent proteins of apparently unrelated function. The hybridization of information from structural and molecular evolution studies of these molecules provides a forum in which issues of selection, gene genealogy, adaptive evolution, and invention of a novel function can be coherently addressed.  相似文献   

Renaturation of two enzymes lacking disulfide bonds, citrate synthase (CS), and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and another protein containing disulfide bonds, lysozyme (LZM), were studied in order to dissect the possible chaperone function from the isomerase function of yeast protein disulfide isomerase (PDI). Our findings suggest no independent chaperone activity of yeast PDI with respect to the two enzymes lacking disulfide bonds, GAPDH and CS, since neither of these enzymes required PDI for renaturation. In contrast, a high level of renaturation of LZM was observed in the presence of PDI. Renaturation of LZM involved formation and rearrangement of disulfide bonds. Additional studies using LZM as a substrate were done to examine the role of cysteine residues in the two active sites of PDI. Studies with a series of cysteine to serine mutants and truncation mutants of yeast PDI revealed that the two active sites of PDI were not equal in activity. An intramolecular disulfide bond in at least one active site of PDI was required for the oxidation of reduced LZM. The first cysteine in each active site was necessary for disulfide bond rearrangement, i.e., isomerization, in LZM, while the second cysteine was not.  相似文献   

Structure and function of antifreeze proteins   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
High-resolution three-dimensional structures are now available for four of seven non-homologous fish and insect antifreeze proteins (AFPs). For each of these structures, the ice-binding site of the AFP has been defined by site-directed mutagenesis, and ice etching has indicated that the ice surface is bound by the AFP. A comparison of these extremely diverse ice-binding proteins shows that they have the following attributes in common. The binding sites are relatively flat and engage a substantial proportion of the protein's surface area in ice binding. They are also somewhat hydrophobic -- more so than that portion of the protein exposed to the solvent. Surface-surface complementarity appears to be the key to tight binding in which the contribution of hydrogen bonding seems to be secondary to van der Waals contacts.  相似文献   

There are no reports on the use of antifreeze proteins (AFP) and antifreeze glycoproteins (AFGP) for the use of bull sperm cryopreservation despite studies in the ram, mouse and chimpanzee. The effect of freezing and thawing on bull sperm viability, osmotic resistance and acrosome integrity were observed following the addition of AFP1, AFPIII and AFGP at four concentrations (0.1, 1, 10 and 100 microg/ml). In a second part of the experiment, fluorescein was conjugated to the AFPs and AFGP and observations were made using fluorescence microscopy to determine whether binding occurred between the sperm cell membranes and the proteins. In the final part of the study the cryopreservation media were cooled in the presence of the AFPs and AFGPs at the four concentrations on a cryomicroscope to mimic similar cooling curves as those used in the presence of sperm. Following freeze-thaw, AFPI resulted in increased osmotic resistant cells at 0.1-10 microg/ml compared to the control (P<0.01). AFPI and AFPIII did bind to the sperm cells. There was no visual difference in ice structure between the control, AFPIII and AFGP but AFPI resulted in parallel crystals at 0.1, 1 and 10 microg/ml. We suggest that the increased osmotic resistance in the spermatozoa cryopreserved in AFPI is due to the cells orientating between the ice crystals, reducing mechanical stress to the cell membrane. Previous research has shown that osmotic resistance correlates with bull fertility, suggesting that bull spermatozoa cryopreserved in the presence of AFPI may have increased fertility in vivo.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) provide protection for organisms subjected to the presence of ice crystals. The psychrophilic diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus which is frequently found in polar sea ice carries a multitude of AFP isoforms. In this study we report the heterologous expression of two antifreeze protein isoforms from F. cylindrus in Escherichia coli. Refolding from inclusion bodies produced proteins functionally active with respect to crystal deformation, recrystallization inhibition and thermal hysteresis. We observed a reduction of activity in the presence of the pelB leader peptide in comparison with the GS-linked SUMO-tag. Activity was positively correlated to protein concentration and buffer salinity. Thermal hysteresis and crystal deformation habit suggest the affiliation of the proteins to the hyperactive group of AFPs. One isoform, carrying a signal peptide for secretion, produced a thermal hysteresis up to 1.53 °C ± 0.53 °C and ice crystals of hexagonal bipyramidal shape. The second isoform, which has a long preceding N-terminal sequence of unknown function, produced thermal hysteresis of up to 2.34 °C ± 0.25 °C. Ice crystals grew in form of a hexagonal column in presence of this protein. The different sequences preceding the ice binding domain point to distinct localizations of the proteins inside or outside the cell. We thus propose that AFPs have different functions in vivo, also reflected in their specific TH capability.  相似文献   

Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) provide protection for organisms subjected to the presence of ice crystals. The psychrophilic diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus which is frequently found in polar sea ice carries a multitude of AFP isoforms. In this study we report the heterologous expression of two antifreeze protein isoforms from F. cylindrus in Escherichia coli. Refolding from inclusion bodies produced proteins functionally active with respect to crystal deformation, recrystallization inhibition and thermal hysteresis. We observed a reduction of activity in the presence of the pelB leader peptide in comparison with the GS-linked SUMO-tag. Activity was positively correlated to protein concentration and buffer salinity. Thermal hysteresis and crystal deformation habit suggest the affiliation of the proteins to the hyperactive group of AFPs. One isoform, carrying a signal peptide for secretion, produced a thermal hysteresis up to 1.53 °C ± 0.53 °C and ice crystals of hexagonal bipyramidal shape. The second isoform, which has a long preceding N-terminal sequence of unknown function, produced thermal hysteresis of up to 2.34 °C ± 0.25 °C. Ice crystals grew in form of a hexagonal column in presence of this protein. The different sequences preceding the ice binding domain point to distinct localizations of the proteins inside or outside the cell. We thus propose that AFPs have different functions in vivo, also reflected in their specific TH capability.  相似文献   

黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor L.抗冻蛋白基因家族有多个成员,其氨基酸数量和蛋白结构存在差异。尽管有报道发现冷驯化后这些抗冻蛋白的表达量会升高,但不同家族成员是否存在功能分化尚不清楚。本研究中,检测了冷驯化对低温死亡率的效应和对不同类型的抗冻蛋白家族成员基因表达量的影响。结果表明,冷驯化可以显著降低黄粉虫幼虫的低温死亡率和提高不同类型抗冻蛋白基因的表达量。其中,长的抗冻蛋白和低温死亡率的相关关系最为明显。说明不同的抗冻蛋白家族成员的功能有明显的分化,为进一步理解抗冻蛋白的活性和利用抗冻蛋白提供了新的认识。  相似文献   

Expression of antifreeze proteins in transgenic plants   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
The quality of frozen fruits and vegetables can be compromised by the damaging effects of ice crystal growth within the frozen tissue. Antifreeze proteins in the blood of some polar fishes have been shown to inhibit ice recrystallization at low concentrations. In order to determine whether expression of genes of this type confers improved freezing properties to plant tissue, we have produced transgenic tobacco and tomato plants which express genes encoding antifreeze proteins. Theafa3 antifreeze gene was expressed at high steady-state mRNA levels in leaves from transformed plants, but we did not detect inhibition of ice recrystallization in tissue extracts. However, both mRNA and fusion proteins were detectable in transgenic tomato tissue containing a chimeric gene encoding a fusion protein between truncated staphylococcal protein A and antifreeze protein. Furthermore, ice recrystallization inhibition was detected in this transgenic tissue.  相似文献   

黄粉虫Tenebrio molitorL.抗冻蛋白基因家族有多个成员,其氨基酸数量和蛋白结构存在差异.尽管有报道发现冷驯化后这些抗冻蛋白的表达量会升高,但不同家族成员是否存在功能分化尚不清楚.本研究中,检测了冷驯化对低温死亡率的效应和对不同类型的抗冻蛋白家族成员基因表达量的影响.结果表明,冷驯化可以显著降低黄粉虫幼虫的低温死亡率和提高不同类型抗冻蛋白基因的表达量.其中,长的抗冻蛋白和低温死亡率的相关关系最为明显.说明不同的抗冻蛋白家族成员的功能有明显的分化,为进一步理解抗冻蛋白的活性和利用抗冻蛋白提供了新的认识.  相似文献   

Vectors for the expression and analysis of DNA-binding proteins in yeast.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J J Bonner 《Gene》1991,104(1):113-118

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an essential protein folding assistant of the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum that catalyzes both the formation of disulfides during protein folding (oxidase activity) and the isomerization of disulfides that may form incorrectly (isomerase activity). Catalysis of thiol-disulfide exchange by PDI is required for cell viability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but there has been some uncertainty as to whether the essential role of PDI in the cell is oxidase or isomerase. We have studied the ability of PDI constructs with high oxidase activity and very low isomerase activity to complement the chromosomal deletion of PDI1 in S. cerevisiae. A single catalytic domain of yeast PDI (PDIa') has 50% of the oxidase activity but only 5% of the isomerase activity of wild-type PDI in vitro. Titrating the expression of PDI using the inducible/repressible GAL1-10 promoter shows that the amount of wild-type PDI protein needed to sustain a normal growth rate is 60% or more of the amount normally expressed from the PDI1 chromosomal location. A single catalytic domain (PDIa') is needed in molar amounts that are approximately twice as high as those required for wild-type PDI, which contains two catalytic domains. This comparison suggests that high (>60%) PDI oxidase activity is critical to yeast growth and viability, whereas less than 6% of its isomerase activity is needed.  相似文献   

The sequence and activity of antifreeze proteins from two right eye flounder species were compared to assess the influence of structural variations on antifreeze capacity. The cDNA encoding the major serum antifreeze protein in the yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) was cloned from liver tissue. Its DNA sequence shows that the precursor to the antifreeze is a 97-residue preproportion. Edman degradation identified the N-terminus of the 48-amino-acid mature serum antifreeze protein and confirmed the sequence of the first 36 residues. A comparison with the previously determined winter flounder antifreeze protein and mRNA sequences shows strong homology through the 5' and 3' untranslated regions and in the peptide region. The mature protein section has the greatest sequence variation. Specifically, the yellowtail antifreeze protein, in contrast to that of the winter flounder, contains a fourth 11-amino-acid repeat and lacks several of the hydrophilic residues that have been postulated to aid in the binding of the protein to ice crystals. Intramolecular salt bridges are present in the antifreeze proteins from both species but in different registries with respect to the 11-amino-acid repeats. On a mass basis the yellowtail flounder antifreeze, though longer than that of the winter flounder, is only 80% as effective at depressing the freezing temperature of aqueous solutions. This lower activity might be due to the reduced number of hydrophilic ice-binding residues per molecule.  相似文献   

Biochemical and structural analysis of membrane proteins often critically depends on the ability to overexpress and solubilize them. To identify properties of eukaryotic membrane proteins that may be predictive of successful overexpression, we analyzed expression levels of the genomic complement of over 1000 predicted membrane proteins in a recently completed Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein expression library. We detected statistically significant positive and negative correlations between high membrane protein expression and protein properties such as size, overall hydrophobicity, number of transmembrane helices, and amino acid composition of transmembrane segments. Although expression levels of membrane and soluble proteins exhibited similar negative correlations with overall hydrophobicity, high-level membrane protein expression was positively correlated with the hydrophobicity of predicted transmembrane segments. To further characterize yeast membrane proteins as potential targets for structure determination, we tested the solubility of 122 of the highest expressed yeast membrane proteins in six commonly used detergents. Almost all the proteins tested could be solubilized using a small number of detergents. Solubility in some detergents depended on protein size, number of transmembrane segments, and hydrophobicity of predicted transmembrane segments. These results suggest that bioinformatic approaches may be capable of identifying membrane proteins that are most amenable to overexpression and detergent solubilization for structural and biochemical analyses. Bioinformatic approaches could also be used in the redesign of proteins that are not intrinsically well-adapted to such studies.  相似文献   

A yeast mutant lacking the two major cytosolic sources of NADPH, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Zwf1p) and NADP+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (Idp2p), has been demonstrated to lose viability when shifted to medium with acetate or oleate as the carbon source. This loss in viability was found to correlate with an accumulation of endogenous oxidative by-products of respiration and peroxisomal beta-oxidation. To assess effects on cellular protein of endogenous versus exogenous oxidative stress, a proteomics approach was used to compare disulfide bond-containing proteins in the idp2Deltazwf1Delta strain following shifts to acetate and oleate media with those in the parental strain following similar shifts to media containing hydrogen peroxide. Among prominent disulfide bond-containing proteins were several with known antioxidant functions. These and several other proteins were detected as multiple electrophoretic isoforms, with some isoforms containing disulfide bonds under all conditions and other isoforms exhibiting a redox-sensitive content of disulfide bonds, i.e., in the idp2Deltazwf1Delta strain and in the hydrogen peroxide-challenged parental strain. The disulfide bond content of some isoforms of these proteins was also elevated in the parental strain grown on glucose, possibly suggesting a redirection of NADPH reducing equivalents to support rapid growth. Further examination of protein carbonylation in the idp2Deltazwf1Delta strain shifted to oleate medium also led to identification of common and unique protein targets of endogenous oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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