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British Umbelliferae form a natural cohesive taxon, having patterns of habitat distribution, reproductive biology and life-history that distinguish them from other British dicotyledons. They are usually found in open sites, and are local or rare in distribution.
Almost half of British species have the andromonoecious sex habit. Perfect flowers are usually protandrous. The floral composition of umbels, and the pattern of opening of the inflorescence combine to produce a protogynous effect. These have been interpreted as mechanisms which decrease competition for resources between male and female functions in the plant, such that separate maternal and paternal fitness can become optimal.
Seeds often require a chilling treatment, alternating temperatures, or a period of after-ripening before they are capable of germination. Schizocarps are of low weight. This seems to relate to the relative openness of habitat wherein unbellifers are found. Patterns of dry matter distribution reflect the life-history strategies of various umbellifer species. Agromyzid leaf miners parasitize the more widespread species, and those which arc found in a greater number of different habitats.  相似文献   


The Atlantic broad-leaved woodlands of Britain are of international renown for their lichen floras. They are inhabited by 517 lichens, representing 28.3% of the total lichen flora and 73.2% of all British woodland lichens, and they are the main habitat for 165 species. Of these, 31 have a marked southern distribution and do not reach Scotland, whereas 26 species are found in Scotland, but not England or Wales. Their British Red-listed species are outnumbered by the 86 species for which Britain has International Responsibility.

Within the Atlantic broad-leaved woodlands, only 30 lichens show a preponderance for oak. With the exception of some ancient oakwoods in southern England, a high lichen biodiversity is rarely dependent on a dominance of oak in the woodland canopy, more usually it is the result of a long ecological continuity, often a varied tree and shrub composition, a varied canopy density, and good air quality. Consequently, the oak stands within former ‘industrial’ woodlands have a much lower lichen biodiversity compared with woodlands that have a history as ‘pasture woodland’ or, as with some ravine woodlands, have otherwise escaped intensive management.

The life-history of an oak tree is considered in relation to the niches it provides for lichen colonisation with time. Some management scenarios are provided with the enhancement of the lichen interest of former ‘industrial’ oakwoods as an objective.  相似文献   

We surveyed fish distribution in three lagoons and adjacent forereefs in the British Virgin Islands recording about 28,000 fish from 40 families and 118 species. Canonical correspondence indicated that rock, sand, fleshy algae, gorgonians, mangroves and live hard coral were the most important habitat types influencing fish assemblage composition. About 47% of fishes occurring at more than 10 stations displayed evidence of ontogenetic partitioning between reefs and lagoons but post-settlement ontogenetic life history strategies were quite varied depending on the species. For example Chaetodon striatus juveniles occurred exclusively in lagoons and all sexually mature adults were found on reefs. Some differences were less pronounced as seen in Halichoeres bivittatus where individuals of all sizes occurred on reefs and lagoons, but when analysed it was found that reefs had larger individuals than lagoons. Some species, such as Acanthurus bahianus, were primarily reef species whose juveniles also used lagoon habitats while others, such as Gerres cinereus, were generally lagoon species whose adults occasionally moved onto reefs. Even with all this variation in life-history strategies, all the species that exhibited bay-reef partitioning used the lagoons as juveniles then moved onto reefs as adults and not vice versa, supporting the hypothesis that bays are important nursery areas for reef-dwelling fishes. These results show that a detailed review of the natural life-history strategies and habitat requirements are required before making further generalisations about the role of near-shore habitat types as nurseries for reef fishes. This is especially important given the rapid changes in tropical near-shore habitats around the world.  相似文献   

Life-history studies provide a global framework for comparison of fish species responses and trade-offs facing ecological and environmental constrains. A broad comparison among fishes’ early growth and condition traits is performed in order to determine ecological patterns of early development regarding latitudinal distribution, habitat use and life-history strategies. Based on Winemiller and Rose (1992) classification of life-history strategies, data on early growth and condition indices of 46 fish species worldwide was analysed. Available information on fishes’ early features, namely first year length percentage (relative to species maximum theoretical length), age at maturation and Fulton’s condition index (K), provided a good segregation of species by latitudinal distribution and habitat use, and evidenced the categories of the three-endpoint model. Higher larvae and juvenile growth rates and condition indices (K, mean RNA–DNA ratios and protein contents) were associated with tropical and temperate fish species that occur in complex or variable habitats (respectively coral reefs and estuaries). These species selected for the opportunistic and periodic strategies, investing highly in rapid growth in order to increase survival probability to counter high mortality rates during early stages or unstable habitat conditions. Later age at maturation, slower larvae and juvenile growth as well as lower mean condition indices were consistent with fish species from more stable or predictable environments, as polar regions and freshwater habitats, which selected for the equilibrium strategy. Nonetheless, differences in energy allocation strategies during early stages were not observed, evidencing the scarcity of available data regarding condition indices and/or the importance of integrating life-history intermediate strategies. Future research into condition indices and other physiological processes, for a broader set of species and for a wider latitudinal and habitat range including seasonal variability (particularly for species from tropical and polar regions), is essential to better understand or test current theories of species ecological patterns. The use of direct quantitative measures of young fishes’ metabolic investment and fitness constitutes a new approach for life-history studies, and should be fundamental for predicting species’ responses to acute environmental or human constrains, especially in a global climate change scenario that is expected to affect distribution and abundance of fish species worldwide.  相似文献   

The geographical relationships of British and Irish vascular plants   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Classifications of British and Irish vascular plants into floristic elements are reviewed. Only H.C. Watson and J.R. Matthews have attempted to devise a more or less comprehensive classification, based on the British range of the species (Watson) or the European distribution (Matthews). A new classification of 1481 native species is presented, based on their range in the Northern Hemisphere. Species are classified by their occurrence in one or more major biomes (Arctic, Boreal, Temperate, Southern) and their longitudinal distribution (Oceanic, Suboceanic, European, Eurosiberian, Eurasian, Circumpolar). The distribution of species in the floristic elements is illustrated by coincidence maps for the British Isles and Europe. The British and Irish flora is dominated by Boreo-temperate, Temperate and Southern-temperate species, with the Temperate species being the most numerous. Species with continental distributions (i.e. species which are rarer than expected in western Europe) are listed; most of these are in the Boreo-temperate and Temperate elements. The floristic elements are discussed in relation to the life-form spectra, habitat preferences and altitudinal limits of the component species, and analysed in terms ol˜ Ellenberg indicator values for temperature and continentality. The new classification is compared with that of Matthews. An additional 48 species which are endemic to the British Isles are listed. The scope for extending this method of classification to other organisms and for adapting it for use outside the British Isles is discussed.  相似文献   

We analysed the relationship between three life history characteristics (mobility, length of flight period and body size) and niche breadth (larval host plant specificity and adult habitat breadth), resource availability (distribution and abundance of host plants) and range position (distance between the northernmost distribution record and southernmost point of Finland) of the butterfly fauna of Finland. The data is based on literature and questionnaires. Often in across species studies phylogeny may create spurious relationships between life-history and ecological variables. We took the phylogenetic relatedness of butterfly species into account by analysing the data with phylogenetically independent contrasts (CAIC method). Butterfly mobility was positively related to the niche breadth, resource availability and range position. The length of the flight period was negatively related to the range position, indicating that the species at the northern edge of their distribution range have shorter flight period than species which are further way from the range edge. After controlling for the phylogenetic relatedness we found no significant correlations between body size and niche breadth, resource availability or range position. We suggest that the relationship between the length of the flight period and range position may arise as a consequence of lower hatching asynchrony in edge species as a result of lower environmental variance in larval growth conditions. Our results on the mobility suggest that there is selection pressure towards lower migration rate in species that have restricted niche breadth, low resource availability and in species that are on the northern edge of their geographical distribution range. In such species, selection against mobile individuals is likely to result from the decreased probability of finding another habitat patch suitable for egg laying.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the evolutionary patterns among larviparous and oviparous species of the family Ostreidae. The data reveal that larviparous species have experienced a wider range of environmental variables, life history traits, and levels of genetic variation than have oviparous species. Non-parametric correlation coefficients were obtained among fifteen variables (i.e., two genetic, four environmental and nine life-history variables). Among the life-history variables, mode of larval development, fecundity, egg size, initial size of the planktonic larva and planktonic larval period were found to covary significantly with the genetic variables. In a comparison of environmental and life-history variables, the mode of larval development and habitat water depth were found to covary. The implications of these results are discussed with reference to the evolution of the family Ostreidae.  相似文献   

While it is a truism that species rarity is non-randomly distributed across regions, habitats, and taxa, there is little consensus on which factors are the best predictors of low abundances and restricted geographical ranges. In this study, we evaluate the effects of ecological and life-history traits, as well as phylogeny, on rarity in the abundance and distribution of land birds inhabiting forest habitats in the Mediterranean and temperate regions of Chile. We use data on abundance collected at 16 sites and data on latitudinal distribution obtained from a literature compilation. Statistical analyses were based on multiple regression and multivariate models. We used Signed Mantel test to analyse the relationship between species ecological and life-history traits and rarity, taking into account the effect of phylogenetic relatedness. We found that rarity, in terms of distribution, is associated with a low investment in reproduction, non-migratory status, and degree of habitat specialization. These ecological and life-history traits, in association with forest loss due to climatic changes and human impacts, may explain the narrow distribution of most endemic forest birds species. Rarity in abundance, on the other hand, is more difficult to explain. However, the fact that large species with an insectivorous diet showed low density in the assemblages studied suggests that abundance is mostly regulated by energy (resource) requirements and availability. Finally, our study shows that there is no phylogenetic influence in the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Part of the abandoned cropland in Mediterranean landscapes is being subjected to afforestation dominated by pines. Here we simultaneously evaluate the effect of three categories of factors as predictors of the interspecific variation in bird habitat occupancy of fragmented afforestations, namely regional distribution, habitat preferences, and life-history traits of species. We use the “natural experiment” that highly fragmented pine plantations of central Spain represent due to the prevailing pattern of land ownership of small properties. Many species with marked habitat preferences for woodland habitats were very scarce or were never recorded in this novel habitat within a matrix of deforested agricultural landscape. Interspecific variability in occurrence was mainly explained by regional distribution patterns: occurrence was significantly and positively associated with the proportion of occupied 10 × 10 UTM km squares around the study area, habitat breadth, and population trend of species in the period 1998–2011. It was also positively associated with regional occupancy of mature and large pine plantations. Other predictor variables related to habitat preferences (for woodland, agricultural and urban habitats) or life-history traits (migratory strategy, body mass, and clutch size) were unrelated to the occurrence of species. Thus, small man-made pinewood islands funded by the Common Agrarian Policy within a landscape dominated by Mediterranean agricultural habitats only capture widespread and habitat generalist avian species with increasing population trends, not contributing to enhance truly woodland species.  相似文献   

Definition of northern British grassland Auchenorrhyncha habitats was carried out using a classification based on analysis of data from 351 sites, involving 121 species, located between Greater Manchester and northern Scotland. Ten habitats were identified showing little influence of geographical position and exhibiting a basic upland-lowland trend. Other factors influencing habitat and species assemblage distribution were soil water, vegetation structure and land cover. An analysis of the species data with satellite-derived land cover data indicated that the lowland covers of tilled land, coast and urban and the upland covers of heath grassland and shrub heath were most important in affecting both species and assemblage distribution. The large-scale survey of grassland sites provided new information on both the ecology and distribution of individual Auchenorrhyncha species. Some were limited to specific habitat types but a considerable number were generalist species found in most or all of the 10 habitat types but showing preferences within upland to lowland or wet to dry site gradients. The ability to generate a subtle grassland Auchenorrhyncha habitat classification with large-scale survey results from standardised and reproducible sampling increases the potential for using habitat diversity for the conservation of grassland Auchenorrhyncha. Habitat preservation would also ensure that species richness (biodiversity) is maintained and that the habitats of rare species are conserved.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Habitat loss and fragmentation are the main causes of changes in the distribution and abundance of organisms, and are usually considered to negatively affect the abundance and species richness of organisms in a landscape. Nevertheless, habitat loss and fragmentation have often been confused, and the reported negative effects may only be the result of habitat loss alone, with habitat fragmentation having nil or even positive effects on abundance and species richness.
2. Manipulated alfalfa micro-landscapes and coccinellids (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are used to test the effects habitat loss (0% or 84%), fragmentation (4 or 16 fragments), and isolation (2 or 6 m between fragments) on the density, species richness, and distribution of native and exotic species of coccinellids.
3. Generally, when considering only the individuals in the remaining fragments, habitat loss had variable effects while habitat fragmentation had a positive effect on the density of two species of coccinellids and on species richness, but did not affect two other species. Isolation usually had no effect. When individuals in the whole landscape were considered, negative effects of habitat loss became apparent for most species, but the positive effects of fragmentation remained only for one species.
4. Native and exotic species of coccinellids did not segregate in the different landscapes, and strong positive associations were found most often in landscapes with higher fragmentation and isolation.
5. The opposing effects of habitat loss and fragmentation may result in a nil global effect; therefore it is important to separate their effects when studying populations in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim  To identify priority areas for amphibian conservation in southeastern Brazil, by integrating species life-history traits and patterns of deforestation.
Location  State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Methods  We used the software M arxan to evaluate different scenarios of amphibian conservation planning. Our approach differs from previous methods by explicitly including two different landscape metrics; habitat split for species with aquatic larvae, and habitat loss for species with terrestrial development. We evaluated the effect of habitat requirements by classifying species breeding habitats in five categories (flowing water, still water permanent, still water temporary, bromeliad or bamboo, and terrestrial). We performed analyses using two scales, grid cells and watersheds and also considered nature preserves as protected areas.
Results  We found contrasting patterns of deforestation between coastal and inland regions. Seventy-six grid cells and 14 watersheds are capable of representing each species at least once. When accounting for grid cells already protected in state and national parks and considering species habitat requirements we found 16 high-priority grid cells for species with one or two reproductive habitats, and only one cell representing species with four habitat requirements. Key areas for the conservation of species breeding in flowing and permanent still waters are concentrated in southern state, while those for amphibians breeding in temporary ponds are concentrated in central to eastern zones. Eastern highland zones are key areas for preserving species breeding terrestrially by direct or indirect development. Species breeding in bromeliads and bamboos are already well represented in protected areas.
Main conclusions  Our results emphasize the need to integrate information on landscape configuration and species life-history traits to produce more ecologically relevant conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Recent studies on species coexistence suggest that density dependence is an important mechanism regulating plant populations. However, there have been few studies of density dependence conducted for more than one life-history stage or that control for habitat heterogeneity, which may influence spatial patterns of survival and mask density dependence. We explored the prevalence of density dependence across multiple life stages, and the effects of controlling for habitat heterogeneity, in a temperate forest in northeast China. We used generalized linear mixed-effects models to test for density-dependent mortality of seedlings and spatial point pattern analysis to detect density dependence for sapling-to-juvenile transitions. Conspecific neighbors had a negative effect on survival of plants in both life stages. At the seedling stage, we found a negative effect of conspecific seedling neighbors on survival when analyzing all species combined. However, in species-level analyses, only 2 of 11 focal species were negatively impacted by conspecific neighbors, indicating wide variation among species in the strength of density dependence. Controlling for habitat heterogeneity did not alter our findings of density dependence at the seedling stage. For the sapling-to-juvenile transition stage, 11 of 15 focal species showed patterns of local scale (<10 m) conspecific thinning, consistent with negative density dependence. The results varied depending on whether we controlled for habitat heterogeneity, indicating that a failure to account for habitat heterogeneity can obscure patterns of density dependence. We conclude that density dependence may promote tree species coexistence by acting across multiple life-history stages in this temperate forest.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of Ferula L. (Umbelliferae) were examined for their leaf flavonoids, and at least 9 glycosides of quercetin, kaempferol and apigenin are detected in 13 species. While most of the constituents reported are common in the Umbelliferae, the unusual one, apigenin-6, 8-C-diglucoside, which was found in Ostericum Hoffm. in an earlier survey has been detected in F. moschata (F. sumbul) The three species (F. sinkiangensis, F. fukangensis and F. krylovii) from which flavonoids have not been found, are all medicinal plants with strong garliky odor due to a high concentration of essential oils containing disulfides. The subgenus Peucedanoides is found to be rich in quercetin glycosides, and the aglycon pattern seems to have some relationship with habitat conditions in the genus: the species occurring in comparatively humid habitats are often large herbs and often characterized by the presence of quercetin, while those growing in dry habitats contain apigening kaepferol, as well as quercetin. Nevertheless, any conclusion with certainty needs examining more species of the genus. It is interesting to note that F. moschata, from which the glycosylapigenin was found, and F. pseudooreoselinum, which probably has a trace amount of kaempferol glycoside, are peculiar in Ferula in their inflorescence morphology. The phytochemic results also raise a suspicion against their systematic position within the genus. F. bungeana, previously placed in the subgenus Peucedanoides, has relatively great similarities with F. syreitschkowii of the subgenus Narthex in their general morphology and fruit anatomy. In the present survey apigenin-7-glycoside is detected from both, and thus it seems more suitable to transfer the former species into the subgenus Narthex. The same compounds have been found in F. licentiana and F. tunshanica, which also share the characters of morphology and anatomy. The fact does support the view that the lattershould be included in F. licentiana as a variety.  相似文献   

Ligusticum is a highly specialized genus in the tribe Ammineae Koch of the subfamily Apioideae. It is transitional between the tribe Ammineae Koch and the tribe Peucedaneae DC., and shows a very close affinity to the genus Selinum. In the present paper, the taxonomic history is reviewed; the external morphology, pollen morphology and geographic distribution are analysed, and its evolutionary tendencies are discussed. In addition, a key to the 34 species is provided, and economic uses reported in the literature are summarized. Ligusticum consists of over 60 species widely distributed in Eurasia and North America; the genus is typically temperate. There are two principal distribution centers, one in the Himalayas, including the Hengduan Mountains of western China, and the other in North America. Thirty-four species occur in China, most of which are distributed in the alpine belt of south-western China, with only a few species occurring in northern China. They usually grow in alpine thicket meadows or in alpine meadows. Among them are 28 species endemic to China, 4 of which are described as new in the present paper, i. e. L.yuayuanense, L.litanense, L.filifolium, and L.yunnanense. L.elatum (Edgew.) C. B. Clarke, a species of India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and L. thomsonii C.B.Clarke var. evolutior C. B. Clarke, of India, Pakistan and Kashmir, are reported from China for the first time. Some species are important in traditional Chinese medicine, for example, L. sinense Oliv., L. sinense Oliv. cv. Chuanxiong, L. sinense Oliv. cv. Fuxiong, L. delavayi Franch., L. jeholense (Nakai et Kitagawa) Nakai et Kitagawa, L. tachiroei (Franch. et Sav.) Hiroe et Constance, etc. The genus Tilingia was established by Regel in 1858, based on Tilingia ajanensis. The chief characters of the genus are distinct calyx teeth and carpels bearing a solitary vitta in each furrow. However, these characters do not differentiate Tilingia from Ligusticum, so that Tilingia was transferred to Ligusticum by Kozo-Poljansky in 1916. Tilingia tachiroei (Franch. et Sav.) Kitagawa was transferred to Ligusticum by Hiroe et Constance in 1958. Shan et Sheh in “F1. Reip. Pop. Sin.” Tom. 55 supported the treatment by Kozo-Poljansky and Hiroe and Constance The genus Ligusticopsis was separated from Ligusticum by Leute in 1969, based on the prominent calyx teeth of the former. Ligusticopsis included 14 species, all confined to China. But this genus has not been accepted by any other botanists since its establishment. The subdivision of Ligusticum in this paper is based mainly on the characters of involucel bracteoles and mericarps, combined with the shape and aperture types of pollen grains. The genus is divided into the following two sections. Sect.1 Ligusticum, Bracteoles linear or lanceolate, entire; mericarps slightly lateral-compressed to slightly dorsal-compressed; vittae solitary to numerous in each furrow; leaf-segments ovate, lanceolate, or linear; pollen grains mainly rhomboidal or ellipsoidal; apertures gonitreme. Sect. 2 Pinnatibracteola Pu. Bracteoles 1-3-pinnatisect or 2-3-lobed at apex; mericarps dorsal-compressed; vittae usually numerous in each furrow; leaf-segments usually linear, rarely ovate or lanceolate; pollen grains rectangular, elongate-rhomboidal, or equatorially constricted; apertures mainly peritreme, rarely gonitreme or intermediate.  相似文献   

Temperate Lepidoptera typically have life cycles of a year or less. The time available to feed and attain a suitable state for reproduction might thus constrain potential life-history patterns, and species characteristics such as adult size, overwintering stage, first month of larval feeding and feeding specificity may only occur in particular combinations. Several studies have documented correlates of feeding ecology which suggest this is indeed the case. We use data for more than 900 British macrolepidoptera to establish relationships among several ecological and life-history variables to determine whether only particular combinations can occur. Few patterns of feeding characteristics predicted in the literature are observed. Distinct, consistent life-history syndromes cannot be defined; almost any combination of the life-history characteristics we looked at can occur. So long as it is possible to fit in with timing constraints at certain critical times of year, there seems to be a great deal of flexibility in how the rest of the time can be filled. However, several broad and potentially interesting patterns still emerge. Polyphagous species are larger than specialists; the month in which species start to feed inlinked to both their overwintering stage and the growth form of the plant they feed upon; and there are no species overwintering in the egg stage and having two broods per year.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of habitat fragmentation on reproductive success in natural populations of four forest herbs with differing life-history traits and whose distribution patterns appeared to be negatively affected by decreased habitat size and/or increased isolation: Carex sylvatica, Galium odoratum, Sanicula europaea and Veronica montana. Our aims were to test (1) whether habitat size and isolation are positively correlated with population size and isolation, respectively, (2) whether plant reproductive success, a major component of plant fitness, is reduced in small and/or isolated populations when also accounting for differences in habitat quality (edaphic conditions, light intensity) and the effects of plant size, and (3) whether species with different life histories are affected differently. There were significant positive relationships between habitat and population size and between habitat and population isolation in some, but not all of the species. We mostly found no negative effects of small population size or isolation on reproduction. However, reproductive success was reduced in small populations of Sanicula, and this effect was independent of differences in plant size and environmental conditions. The reduced fecundity in small populations may be a consequence of the Allee-effect, a possible mechanism being pollen limitation. Furthermore, the proportion of flowering ramets was reduced in small and isolated populations of Galium, which may have been caused by changes in population structure. Lastly, we found some evidence for largely outcrossing, non-clonal species to be more sensitive to reductions in population size, at least in terms of their reproductive success.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of a tree species is an important characteristic of plant communities, providing critical information to explain species coexistence. The spatial distribution and association of four different successional species were analyzed among different life-history stages in an old-temperate forest. Significant aggregation patterns were found, and the degree of aggregation decreased with the scales and life-history stages. Significant interspecific spatial associations were detected. In comparing the relationships among the different life-history stages, positive associations were found at small scales in all of the juvenile species pairs. In the adult stage, negative associations were detected in coniferous vs. deciduous species pairs, while the deciduous species pairs, which have identical resource requirements, showed a positive association in this study. The coniferous species pairs showed a positive association at small scales. We infer that seed dispersal, competitive ability, or the requirement for specific topographic and light environments may contribute to the coexistence of these species.  相似文献   



In the Neotropics, nearly 35% of amphibian species are threatened by habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and habitat split; anuran species with different developmental modes respond to habitat disturbance in different ways. This entails broad-scale strategies for conserving biodiversity and advocates for the identification of high conservation-value regions that are significant in a global or continental context and that could underpin more detailed conservation assessments towards such areas.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We identified key ecoregion sets for anuran conservation using an algorithm that favors complementarity (beta-diversity) among ecoregions. Using the WWF''s Wildfinder database, which encompasses 700 threatened anuran species in 119 Neotropical ecoregions, we separated species into those with aquatic larvae (AL) or terrestrial development (TD), as this life-history trait affects their response to habitat disturbance. The conservation target of 100% of species representation was attained with a set of 66 ecoregions. Among these, 30 were classified as priority both for species with AL and TD, 26 were priority exclusively for species with AL, and 10 for species with TD only. Priority ecoregions for both developmental modes are concentrated in the Andes and in Mesoamerica. Ecoregions important for conserving species with AL are widely distributed across the Neotropics. When anuran life histories were ignored, species with AL were always underrepresented in priority sets.


The inclusion of anuran developmental modes in prioritization analyses resulted in more comprehensive coverage of priority ecoregions–especially those essential for species that require an aquatic habitat for their reproduction–when compared to usual analyses that do not consider this life-history trait. This is the first appraisal of the most important regions for conservation of threatened Neotropical anurans. It is also a first endeavor including anuran life-history traits in priority area-selection for conservation, with a clear gain in comprehensiveness of the selection process.  相似文献   

Two processes are thought to generate positive relationships between species richness and island area. The areaper se hypothesis states that larger islands maintain larger populations, which are less susceptible to extinction. The habitat hypothesis states that larger islands contain more habitats, and therefore a greater number of habitat specialists. However, the importance of each mechanism is debated. I tested the areaper se and habitat hypotheses by comparing relationships between plant abundance, age and island area in five shrub species on islands off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Results showed that two shrub species increased in both abundance and age with island area. The remaining three species showed no differences in abundance and age with island area. Conifer abundances increased with island area, which generated differences in habitat availability. Smaller islands were dominated by open habitat, while larger islands contained both open and forested habitats. Changes in habitat availability with island area could explain patterns in plant abundance and age. The two species that increased in abundance with island area were commonly found in conifer forest on the mainland, and their distributions were consistent with the distribution forest habitat. Positive relationships between plant age and island area in these two species may result from lower survivorship in the open habitat, which dominated small islands. The three species that showed no relationship between abundance and island area are commonly found in open habitat on the mainland, and their island distributions paralleled the availability of open habitat on islands. Similar plant ages on different sized islands may result from their occurrence in open habitat on both large and small islands. Overall results support the habitat hypothesis and indicate that species distributions result from the interaction between habitat affinities and changes in habitat availability with island area.  相似文献   

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