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Yoneva, A., Georgieva, K., Mizinska, Y., Nikolov, P. N., Georgiev, B. B. and Stoitsova, S. R. 2010. Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and mature spermatozoon of Anonchotaenia globata (von Linstow, 1879) (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Paruterinidae). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 184–192 The ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and of the spermatozoon of a species of the family Paruterinidae is described for the first time. The spermiogenesis of Anonchotaenia globata starts with the formation of a differentiation zone with two centrioles associated with thin striated roots. One of the centrioles gives rise to a free flagellum followed by a slight flagellar rotation and a proximodistal fusion of the flagellum with the cytoplasmic protrusion. This pattern corresponds to Type III spermiogenesis in cestodes. The spermatozoon consists of five distinct regions. The anterior extremity possesses an apical cone and a single helically coiled crested body. The cortical microtubules are spirally arranged. The axoneme is surrounded by a periaxonemal sheath and a thin layer of cytoplasm filled with electron‐dense granules in Regions I–V. The periaxonemal sheath is connected with the peripheral microtubules by transverse intracytoplasmic walls in Regions III and IV. The nucleus is spirally coiled around the axoneme. Anonchotaenia globata differs from Dilepididae (where paruterinids have previously been classified) in the type of spermiogenesis, the lack of glycogen inclusions and the presence of intracytoplasmic walls. The pattern of spermiogenesis is similar to that in Metadilepididae and Taeniidae, which are considered phylogenetically close to Paruterinidae.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Castrada cristatispina begins with the formation of a zone of differentiation containing two centrioles with associated striated rootlets and an intercentriolar body between them. The centrioles give rise to two parallel, free flagella of the Trepaxonemata 9 + '1' pattern, growing out in opposite directions. Spermatids undergo a latero-ventral rotation of the flagella and a subsequent disto-proximal rotation of centrioles, and a distal cytoplasmic projection appears. The former rotation involves the compression of a row of microtubules and allows the recognition of a ventral side and a dorsal side. At the end of the differentiation, the centrioles and cortical microtubules lie parallel to the sperm axis. The modifications of the intercentriolar body and the migration of the nucleus and the centrioles toward the distal projection are described. The mature spermatozoon of C. cristatispina is filiform, tapered at both ends and shares several features with the other Rhabdocoela gametes. Nevertheless, the posterior extremity is capped by an electron-dense material. A gradient between mitochondria and dense bodies exists along the sperm axis. This study has enable us a phylogenetic approach of the Rhabdocoela through a comparison of the ultrastructural features of C. cristatispina with the other Rhabdocoela taxa. We propose the disto-proximal rotation of centrioles as a synapomorphy of the Rhabdocoela.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural observations of the giant axon of Myxicola infundibulum reveal that the axoplasm contains neurofilaments, a few neurotubules and mitochondria. Finger-like projections issuing from the glial cells of the sheath encircle the giant axon at various angles. The space between the axolemma and sheath is 125 Å. Branches of the giant axon are also surrounded by a glial sheath as they course through the neuropil. Some branches of the giant axon seem to fuse with certain neurons, creating a syncytial arrangement between the giant axon and these neurons.Many small nerve fibers course longitudinally in the neuropil of the nerve cord. Most of these axons are separated from each other by a space of 200 Å without intervening glial processes. Synapses in the neuropil have both clear 600 Å vesicles and larger dense core vesicles suggesting chemical transmission. Some, but not all, of the synaptic areas show thickened membranes and dense material in the synaptic cleft.This study was supported in part by PHS NS-07740 to R.L.P., J.A.B. is a NDEA Predoctoral Fellow in the Department of Physiology.  相似文献   

This study details the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of the American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. American Alligator spermatozoa are filiform and slightly curved. The acrosome is tapered at its anterior end and surrounded by the acrosome vesicle and an underlying subacrosomal cone, which rests just cephalic to the nuclear rostrum. One endonuclear canal extends from the subacrosomal cone through the rostral nucleus and deep into the nuclear body. The neck region separates the nucleus and midpiece and houses the proximal centriole and pericentriolar material. The distal centriole extends through the midpiece and has 9 × 3 sets of peripheral microtubules with a central doublet pair within the axoneme that is surrounded by a dense sheath. The midpiece is composed of seven to nine rings of mitochondria, which have combinations of concentrically and septate cristae. The principal piece has a dense fibrous sheath that surrounds an axoneme with a 9 + 2 microtubule arrangement. The sheath becomes significantly reduced in size caudally within the principal piece and is completely missing from the endpiece. Dense peripheral fibers, especially those associated with microtubule doublets 3 and 8, penetrate into the anterior portion of the principal piece axoneme. The data reported here hypothesize that sperm morphology is highly conserved in Crocodylia; however, specific morphological differences can exist between species. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of the mite, Parasitus niveus, are rod-shaped cells possessing a very elongated and zig-zag shaped nucleus. The cytoplasm is filled by so-called “striated bodies” and mitochondria. The plasmalemma forms five complicated structures, called stiff bands. In the peripheral cytoplasm lie flattened canaliculi and flattened cisternae. The morphology of the spermatozoa is compared with that of other mite spermatozoa described in the literature.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of the neotropical hystricomorph rodent Ctenomys maulinus have been examined cytochemically and under the transmission electron microscope. The head is flattened dorsoventrally. At the caudal end of the head there is a process oriented parallel to the tail. This process corresponds to a cylindrical extension of the nucleus, which constitutes a unique feature among mammals.  相似文献   

The spermiogenesis of Tetrabothrius erostris is characterized by the following events: formation of a differentiation zone containing 2 basal bodies and a pair of rootlets; one of the basal bodies gives rise to a free flagellum, the other induces formation of a flagellar bud; rotation at 90° of the flagellum prior to its fusion with the middle cytoplasmic process of the differentiation zone and partial rotation of the flagellar bud; penetration of the nucleus between the rootlets and appearance of a spur-like protrusion in the differentiation zone; elongation and twisting of the differentiation zone, resulting in twisting of the peripheral microtubules and migration of the nucleus; formation of a crested body; proximal densification of the spermatozoon prior to its detachment from the spermatid rosette. The mature spermatozoon has a single axoneme of 9+“1” type and twisted peripheral microtubules. It consists of 3 portions: a proximal part with a crested body, a middle region rich in β-glycogen, and a distal part containing the nucleus. The pattern of spermiogenesis resembles most closely that in phyllobothriid tetraphyllideans, and probably reflects a relationship of the family Tetrabothriidae with this group.  相似文献   

In this transmission electron microscopy study, we describe the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Heterotis niloticus (Osteoglossiformes), which is distinguished by having two flagella. Our investigation also highlights the great diversity of sperm cell structures observed across osteoglossiform families, such as aflagellate (Gymnarchidae, Mormyridae), monoflagellate (Notopteridae, Pantodontidae) and biflagellate spermatozoa. As biflagellate spermatozoa are rare in vertebrates, we also summarize the orders and families known to possess this ultrastructural character, most of which are fishes.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Apus apus is typical of non‐passerines in many respects. Features shared with palaeognaths and the Galloanserae are the conical acrosome, shorter than the nucleus; the presence of a proximal as well as distal centriole; the elongate midpiece with mitochondria grouped around an elongate distal centriole; and the presence of a fibrous or amorphous sheath around the principal piece of the axoneme. The perforatorium and endonuclear canal are lost in A. apus as in some other non‐passerines. All non‐passerines differ from palaeognaths in that the latter have a transversely ribbed fibrous sheath whereas in non‐passerines it is amorphous, as in Apus, or absent. The absence of an annulus is an apomorphic but homoplastic feature of swift, psittaciform, gruiform and passerine spermatozoa. The long distal centriole, penetrating the entire midpiece, is a remarkably plesiomorphic feature of the swift spermatozoa, known elsewhere only in palaeognaths. The long centriole of Apus, if not a reversal, would be inconsistent with the former placement of the Apodiformes above the Psittaciformes from DNA–DNA hybridization. In contrast to passerines, in A. apus the microtubules in the spermatid are restricted to a transient single row encircling the cell. The form of the spermatozoon fully justifies the exclusion of swifts from the passerine family Hirundinidae.  相似文献   

Passerine spermatozoa exhibit apomorphies that distinguish them from non‐passerine neognaths and palaeognaths. The acrosome is longer than the nucleus (excepting the suboscines, most Corvida, and a few Passerida). A perforatorium and endonuclear canals are absent. The proximal centriole is absent (except in the suboscines). The distal centriole is secondarily short, contrasting with its elongate condition in palaeognaths and Galloanserae. In the Passerida a single mitochondrial strand winds extensively along the axoneme (restricted to the anterior axoneme in suboscines and Corvida). A fibrous, or amorphous, periaxonemal sheath, seen in palaeognaths and many non‐passerines, respectively, is absent. The acrosome in Myrmecocichla formicivora and Philetairus socius is bipartite: an acrosome core is surmounted by an acrosome crest; the core is ensheathed by a layer which is a posterior extension of the crest. The acrosome helix is a lateral extension of the crest and the crest layer with (Myrmecocichla) or without (Philetairus) protrusion of material of the acrosome core into it. In M. formicivora, as in other muscicapoids, a fibrous helix is intertwined with at least the more proximal region of the mitochondrial helix. The fibrous helix is absent at maturity in Philetairus and other described passeroid spermatozoa with the possible exception of Passer italiae. In Philetairus a granular helix precedes the mitochondrial helix.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the mature spermatozoon of the type genus of the Plagiorchiidae Plagiorchis elegans (Rudolphi, 1802), a parasite of the Golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus is described. This study is the first ultrastructural study of the spermatozoon of a Plagiorchis, the second of a plagiorchiid species and only the third in the Plagiorchioidea. Previously data on spermatozoon ultrastructure existed only for the plagiorchiid Enodiotrema reductum and the omphalometrid Rubenstrema exasperatum. The mature spermatozoon of P. elegans exhibited the general pattern described in most digenean species, namely two axonemes of the 9 + “1” Trepaxonemata pattern, nucleus, mitochondria, external ornamentation of the plasma membrane, spine‐like bodies, and glycogen granules. However, the rather typical expansion of the plasma membrane is not found in P. elegans. Another peculiarity of the spermatozoon of P. elegans is the presence of a structure called thin cytoplasm termination. Spermatozoon ultrastructure of P. elegans is compared with that of E. reductum and R. exasperatum. Spermatozoon of P. elegans conforms to the general pattern described in E. reductum. Thus, this study further expands our knowledge on the spermatozoon ultrastructure among the members of the Plagiorchioidea, one of the most phylogenetically derived groups of the digenea. J. Morphol. 274:965–972, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The sperm of Luidia clathrata are morphologically typical of asteroid sperm. The head is spherical and contains the nucleus and acrosomal complex. The nucleus has an anterior indentation in which rests the acrosomal complex. There is no evidence of a centriolar fossa along the posterior border of the nucleus. The acrosome is a cup-shaped structure containing a less electron dense central region. The periacrosomal material is homogeneous in nature, and the subacrosomal specialization of the periacrosomal materials appear as bands of varying electron density. The middle piece is an annular band of mitochondria which surrounds the proximal and distal centrioles. The centrioles exhibit the typical nine triplet arrangement. Both the centrioles and the axoneme project to one side of the middle piece region. Associated with the distal centriole is an elaborate pericentriolar process.  相似文献   

The sperm of Marthasterias glacialis (Linnaeus) was studied by light and electron microscopy. It is a long uniflagellated cell of the “primitive” type. The head has a spherical shape and contains a nucleus with a spheroid acrosome lying in a cup-shaped anterior fossa. The acrosome is formed by an acrosomal vesicle surrounded by the periacrosomal material. The basal specializations of the acrosomal vesicle show a clear differentiation of its constituents resembling the structure of membrane. The midpiece contains a very large annular mitochondrion which encircles two perpendicular centrioles. The distal centriole is in close association with a pericentriolar radial complex. The tail, containing a common microtubular axoneme, is projected to a variable position.  相似文献   

Miquel, J., Torres, J., Foronda, P. and Feliu, C. 2010. Spermiogenesis and spermatozoon ultrastructure of the davaineid cestode Raillietina micracantha. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 212–221 The spermiogenesis and the ultrastructural organization of the spermatozoon of the davaineid cestode Raillietina micracantha are described by means of transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis begins with the formation of a zone of differentiation containing two centrioles. One of the centrioles develops a free flagellum that later fuses with a cytoplasmic extension. The nucleus migrates along the spermatid body after the proximodistal fusion of the flagellum and the cytoplasmic extension. During advanced stages of spermiogenesis a periaxonemal sheath and intracytoplasmic walls appear in the spermatids. Spermiogenesis finishes with the appearance of two helicoidal crested bodies at the base of spermatids and, finally, the narrowing of the ring of arched membranes detaches the fully formed spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon of R. micracantha is a long and filiform cell, tapered at both ends, which lacks mitochondria. It exhibits two crested bodies of different lengths, one axoneme of the 9 + ‘1’ pattern of trepaxonematan Platyhelminthes, twisted cortical microtubules, a periaxonemal sheath, intracytoplasmic walls, granules of glycogen and a spiralled nucleus. The anterior extremity of the spermatozoon is characterized by the presence of an electron‐dense apical cone and two spiralled crested bodies while the posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits only the axoneme and an electron‐dense posterior tip.  相似文献   

The giant aflagellate spermatozoa of P. quadrioculatum are composed of two different parts: a thicker head piece and a more slender tail piece. In the head there exist a large elongated nucleus and an elongated mitochondrial derivative situated in a groove-like cavity of the nucleus. In mature spermatozoa the nuclear material is arranged in many small membrane bounded areas. Both structures, nucleus and mitochondrial derivative, are spirally coiled. The outer part of the membrane in the mitochondrial derivative forms many loop-like foldings. Both organelles continue to the tail in form of two small, helically coiled ribbons; the nucleus is anchored within the mitochondrial derivative by an electron-opaque process. A sheath of spirally-orientated cortical microtubules starting from the tip of the head runs to the tip of the tail under the cell membrane. In addition, a second sheath of tubules occurs in the tail region, these tubules also run parallel to each other, but in the opposite direction to the microtubules of the outer sheath.The possible relations between the structures observed and the motility of the spermatozoa are discussed; in addition, some phylogenetic comments are attempted.Abbreviations c — cerebrum - com — cortical microtubules - cop — copulatory organ - fm — foldings of the mitochondrial membrane - l — lattice - mid — mitochondrial derivative - mt — microtubules - n — nucleus - ne — nuclear envelope - ph — pharynx - pn — protonephidium - rp — ribbon-like nuclear process - te — testis - tt — testis - tt — tip of the tail - vi — vitellarium - vs — vesicula seminalis  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure was studied in two Atlantic species of bivalve mollusks Geukensia demissa and Modiolus modiolus (Mytilidae). These spermatozoa have a classic structure common for species with external fertilization: the head of the spermatozoon of G. demissa and M. modiolus consists of an acrosome, including an acrosomal vesicle and periacrosomal material, a nucleus, and a middle part with two mutually perpendicular centrioles, surrounded by a ring of spherical mitochondria. The spermatozoa of G. demissa and M. modiolus differ in the general shape and size of the head (M. modiolus, 5.8 × 4 m; G. demissa, 4.2 × 2.5 m), as well as the structure of the acrosome and the number of mitochondria (M. modiolus, 8–12; G. demissa, 5–6). The spermatozoa of the Atlantic species M. modiolus and M. modiolus (M. kurilensis) from the Sea of Japan are close in ultrastructure, but differ in the number of mitochondria. This could possibly be a reason to consider M. modiolus from the Sea of Japan as a separate subspecies, M. modiolus kurilensis. In ultrastructure, the spermatozoa of G. demissa differ significantly from the spermatozoa of M. modiolus, but are similar to the spermatozoa of species of the genus Brachidontes.  相似文献   

The Eurasian bullfinch spermatozoon differs from typical passeridan spermatozoa in several major respects. The mature acrosome consists of a concavo‐convex vesicle differing from the typical passeridan acrosome, which is a helical structure, is usually longer than the nucleus and has a prominent helical keel. The nucleus differs from that of other oscines in not showing a twisted cylindrical form, in being shorter, and in tending to be an elongate ellipsoid in shape. The chromatin often appears in an uncondensed form reminiscent of a spermatid and consists of discrete fascicles. A small proportion of the mature sperm population however, is characterized by marked chromatin condensation. The midpiece comprises a small group of mitochondria clustered around the nuclear–axonemal junction in contrast to the single, long mitochondrion wound helically around the axoneme that is found in typical Passerida. The presence of a proximal centriole (in addition to the distal one) is a notable difference from all other oscine passerines. We suggest that the unusual morphology of the Eurasian bullfinch spermatozoon, resembling that of a spermatid, is the result of the progressive suppression of the final stages of spermiogenesis and is associated with the likelihood that sperm competition is infrequent in this species.  相似文献   

Rhynchocinetes typus spermatozoa obtained from the vas deferens have the shape of a round-headed nail. The head measures 30 μm in diameter and 14 μm of height. At the center of the flat face of the head emerges a single rigid spike of 53 μm in length. Cross sections of this spike show that it has a wall of 0.4 μm in thickness and a core of 0.6 to 0.8 μm. The outer surface of the spike has a longitudinal striation. When the spermatozoa are placed in sea water it is possible to observe the unfolding of rays. The number of rays in different spermatozoa of the same individual varies from 9 to 13. Each ray is formed by a channel-like sheath that contains a rigid rod that occupies about 1/3 the length of the ray. This rod has a transverse striation with a periodicity of 185A. The rays are bound among them by a thin membranous sheet that is highly folded in vas deferens spermatozoa. At the distal end of each ray there is a rigid spine of 50 μm in length. The nucleus is coplanar to the radial plane and it extends through the rays. The structure and ultrastructure of R typus spermatozoa depart from that reported for spermatozoa of other Caridea species.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa are produced by males of the fish-parasitic copepod, Lernaeocera branchialis, on the flounder (Platichthys flesus) host and packaged into spermatophores. Mature spermatozoa from spermatophores have been investigated with light microscopy and t.e.m. and s.e.m. techniques. Each is a filiform cell up to 30 µm long and 1 µm in diameter, being symmetrically tapered at each end to produce a javelin-shaped configuration. Surface s.e.m. appearances suggest that the cell is helically twisted. The spermatozoon possesses no flagellum, no nuclear envelope, no mitochondria and no orthodox acrosome. For most of its length the cell has a four-lobed appearance in transverse section and contains little more than a cylindrical sleeve of pseudomembranous material with which is associated finely filamentous or granular material which is assumed to be nuclear chromatin. The spermatozoon is immobile in seawater.The ultrastructure of L. branchialis spermatozoa has been compared with that of eight other copepod species.  相似文献   

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