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Rhoicosphenia Grun. has been placed by some authors in the monoraphid group with Achnanthes Bory and Cocconeis Ehrenb., and by others near Gomphonema Ehrenb. In order to clarify the systematic position of the genus, the morphology and anatomy of the vegetative cells of Rh. curvata (Kütz.) Grun. were investigated using light and electron microscopy. The structure and formation of the two types of valve are described, and the heterovalvy shown to be of a different type from that of the monoraphids; on the basis of raphe, valve and girdle structure a close relationship between these and Rhoicosphenia is unlikely. Rhoicosphenia shows many resemblances to Gomphonema but the types of pore occlusion present, coupled with apparently slight differences in the mucilage-secreting structures and the girdle, suggest that classification in the same family is unwise. The cryptic asymmetry of the valves, and in particular of the raphe system, is noted and explained with reference to their formation; with respect to this asymmetry two configurations of the valves can occur (named cis and trans types) and the distribution of these in raphid genera is discussed briefly. In view of the lack of evidence in raphid diatoms supporting a classification of bands into copulae and pleurae, it is recommended that this practice be suspended.  相似文献   

The initial epivalve of Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kütz.) Grun. differs from vegetative valves in having a strongly arched section, a wide hyaline marginal strip, no pseudosepta, an unthickened margin, and a terminal raphe fissure at the head pole. The initial epivalve is of the D type, with short raphe fissures. The epicingulum consists of three bands as usual, but they are narrower and more delicate than those of vegetative cells. The initial hypovalve and hypocingulum are similar in every way to those of vegetative cells, except for the rounded section of the hypovalve. During size reduction the almost isopolar outline of the initial valves and their immediate descendants gives way to an increasingly strong heteropolarity, and this is accompanied by changes in the relative lengths of the raphe slits and the shape of the central area. Different populations have different gametangium and initial cell sizes, suggesting the presence of races within the species. The structure of the initial cell indicates that Rhoicosphenia is less closely related to the monoraphid genera than to the gomphocymbelloid genera, confirming conclusions reached from studies of the vegetative cell and auxospore formation. Rhoicosphenia should therefore be separated into a new family, the Rhoicospheniaceae, which is described.  相似文献   

Rhoicosphenia Grun. is a relatively isolated genus among the biraphid diatoms. Morphological changes in an isopolar member of the genus, Rh. genuflexa (Kütz.) Medlin, were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The fully raphid valve showed changes in its flexure that could be correlated with size reduction during its life history from the initial cells to the smallest cells found in the population. Bands showed changes in number (from three to one) related to size reduction. Rh. genuflexa is morphologically similar to Rh. abbreviata (C. Ag.) Lange-Bert. (=Rh. curvata (Kütz.) Grun.), although the two are distinct taxa. These observations support previous contentions that Rhoicosphenia is a natural taxonomic grouping.  相似文献   

This paper describes the perizonium and initial valve formation in Navicula cuspidata Kütz., based on light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations. The perizonium consists of concentric over-lapping bands, laid down sequentially at the tips of the expanding biconical auxospore during its elongation. The central perizonial band has fimbriate edges and is considerably more rigid than the more distal bands. During auxospore elongation and the band secretion, the chloroplasts continuously oscillate between the two ends of the cell; this oscillation ceases once the elongation is complete. The initial valves, formed within the perizonium, are molded into the basically biconical shape of the perizonium except for a central flattening of each valve face. In contrast to the raphes in gametangial and vegetative valves which are surrounded by a smooth axial area, the raphes in initial valves lie within a raised ridge running along the apical axis of the valve. The regular pattern of apically oriented ridges on the outer surface of vegetative valves is also lacking on initial valves. Comparison of pore–pore spacing within striae of gametangial valves, initial values and post-initial valves (first division and vegetative cells) reveals that the pore–pore distance within striae is conserved at all sexual stages. However, the distance between striae is considerably larger in initial valves than in gametangial and post-initial valves. Vegetative interstriae spacing as well as the planar morphology of the valve face is regained at the first division of the initial cell. This suggests that the spacing between striae is dependent on the sexual stage of the cell during valve formation (i.e. not directly dependent on the cell size) and can be altered independently of the pore–pore spacing.  相似文献   

Surirella cf. fastuosa is an apparently isopolar elliptic marine raphid diatom. We observed cells before and after sexual reproduction in monoclonal cultures using light and scanning electron microscopy (LM and SEM). After sexual reproduction cells were approximately twice as large as before, in valve length and width. The stria and infundibula densities were stable during the life cycle. Subtle morphological differences were detectable between the two poles of the frustule. One pole (pole A) was characterized by endings of the external raphe fissure that turned toward the valve face, continuity of the domed wall of the raphe canal externally, an elliptic chamber visible internally, a shallow nick in the interior of the valvocopula. The other pole (pole B) was with the following: straight endings of the external raphe fissures, a dent in the domed wall of the raphe canal externally, a double chamber internally, presence of the open ends of the valvocopula nearby, a deep nick in the valvocopula. Furthermore, at pole A virgae developed at an early stage in morphogenesis, whereas at pole B they were not formed. In the auxospores, pole A was situated beneath the primary transverse perizonial band. Pole A is suggested to be homologous with the head pole in heteropolar Surirella and is the “protopole” likely equivalent to the central nodule in naviculoid taxa. Pole B is homologous with the foot pole in heteropolar Surirella and is the “synaptic pole” formed by fusion of components equivalent to both poles of naviculoid taxa.  相似文献   

The morphology of initial frustules of Gomphoneis mesta Passy-Tolar & Lowe was studied with light and scanning electron microscopy The structure of the raphe, central nodule, stigma, striae, and apical pore field in post-auxospore generations was described. Discovery of internal chambers and an axial plate in very early stages of the life cycle of G. mesta reveals a possible evolutionary connection with the Herculeana group (sensu Kociolek and Stoermer 1989) and suggests that the loss of axial plates is a secondary event. Polarization of the characters “stigma number” and “outline of the internal stigmal opening” is proposed. A perizonium, composed of transverse and longitudinal bands, is reported for the first time in the genus Gomphoneis.  相似文献   

Size restoration by the auxospore that develops from the zygote is a crucial stage in diatom life cycles. However, information on sexual events in pelagic diatom species is very limited. We report for the first time auxospore formation by the pennate diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (O'Hara) Hustedt during an iron‐induced bloom in the Southern Ocean (EIFEX, European Iron Fertilization EXperiment). Auxospores of F. kerguelensis resembled those described for Pseudo‐nitzschia species. The auxospore was characterized by an outer coating, the perizonium; two caps, one at each distal end; and four chloroplasts, one at each end and two in the central part. Different stages of auxospore elongation were recorded, with a length of 24–91 μm, but only the largest auxospores contained the initial cell, whose apical axis ranged between 76 and 90 μm. Gametangial cell walls were often attached to the auxospores and ranged from 10 to 31 μm in length. Auxospore abundances were consistently higher in the fertilized patch, where an increase in the F. kerguelensis population was observed, as compared with surrounding waters.  相似文献   

Recent studies have led to a rapid increase in knowledge of auxospore formation in diatoms. However, these studies have been limited to centric and raphid pennate diatoms, and there is still very little information for the araphid pennate diatoms. Using LM and SEM, we studied the development of the auxospore and the initial cell of the marine epiphytic diatom Gephyria media Arnott. Auxospores were bipolar and curved in side view, as in many other pennate diatoms. SEM revealed many transverse perizonial bands, all of which were incomplete rings. There was an elongate, sprawling, silicified structure beneath the ventral suture of the transverse perizonial bands. This structure is presumably equivalent to the longitudinal perizonial band in other pennate diatoms, although we could not determine the homologous relationship between the two features. Scales were found both in the inner wall of the perizonium and around the primary perizonial bands. The presence or absence of scales may be of phylogenetic significance in diatoms, only during the final stages of auxospore formation because scales are found in early spherical stages. The distinctive finger‐like structures observed throughout all stage of G. media have not been observed before in the other diatom taxa.  相似文献   

Studies of the life cycle of a centric diatom, tentatively identified as Stephanodiscus neoastraea Håkansson & Hickel, showed that sexual reproduction occurred every year in a freshwater lake (Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland). Male and female gametes were produced in cells below 55% of the maximum diameter during a 3–4-week period in late summer, following the return of nitrate concentrations above 10 μM NO3-N. The frequency of sexual reproduction was linked to the cycle of diameter size reduction and regeneration. The times of largest decreases in cell diameter were during nutrient stress in summer and low light conditions in late autumn, rather than during the main spring growth period. So, environmental conditions (combined with the limited life-spans of individual cells) affected the rate of diameter reduction and, therefore, the length of the life cycle (3–4 years).  相似文献   

Growth and sexual reproduction of the marine littoral diatom Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenb. var. ornata Grun. were investigated at 30 different combinations of temperature (5, 10, 14, 18, 22° C), irradiance (20, 60, 100 μE·m?2·s?1) and daylength (14:10 and 10:14 h LD cycle). Growth occurred at all combinations. The optimal growth was observed at 14–18° C, long daylength and highest-to-moderate irradiance, and at 18° C, short daylength and highest irradiance. Sexual reproduction on the other hand occurred between 5 and 18° C, and the optimal condition was 10–14° C and short daylength. Annual cyclic, and sesonal changes in the distribution of cell size (valve length) were observed in a field population. These changes were characterized by an annual minimum in mean cell size in autumn, an annual maximum in winter, a slight decrease from the mean in spring–middle summer, a rapid decrease from the mean in late summer–early autumn, and appearance of bimodal distribution of cell size in winter. These changes were caused by sexual reproduction in autumn, rapid growth in late summer–early autumn and slow growth in other seasons, and poor viability of small cells near the lower end of the size range.  相似文献   

Cell division in Scenedesmus is fairly typical of other chlorococcalean genera. The closed spindle has centrioles at polar fenestrae and apparently a series of nuclear divisions precedes cytokinesis. The phycoplast system of cytokinetic microtubules predicts the path of cleavage furrows whose mode of formation is obscure. Before and during cell division, the endoplasmic reticulum invariably accumulates granular material which later, during cytokinesis, appears to he secreted via the golgi bodies. Similar dense granular material then at accumulates outside the forming daughter cells but inside the parental wall, as the latter begins eroding away. By the end of colony formation, the cellulosic parental wall has disappeared, leaving its outer sheath and attached ornamentative features (spines, combs, reticulate or warty layer, etc.) intact as a “ghost.” The spines and combs of new colonies appear to condense out of the extracellular aggregate; their precise mode of formation is obscure. As they form, the daughter cells, having become rearranged within the parental wall, stick to one another apparently at specific sites on their outer surface. A trilaminar (sporopollenin-containing) layer arises first in each cell at these adhesive sites and immediately afterwards, dense material aggregates between the adjacent layers to give rise to the coenobial adhesive. Plaques of the trilaminar layer later appear over the rest of the cell's surface; they grow and fuse so that eventually each cell is enclosed by one continuous Trilaminar Sheath (TLS). While the plaques are forming, another dense layer materializes around the whole coenobium. Depending on the species, this layer turns into either the warty layer, in which instance it is applied directly on to the surface of the TLS except near the coenobial adhesive, or else it becomes the reticulate layer, in which instance it remains entirely separate from the TLS, soon acquiring the complex system of propping spikelets which suspend it from the coenobial surface. When fully farmed, the daughter coenobium is tightly compressed within the parental TLS, with its spines folded lengthwise along the daughter cells. Release of the colony follows a quite explosive rupturing of the parental TLS, and immediately upon release, the daughter colony flattens out and erects its spines.  相似文献   

Papenfussiella callitricha (Rosenv.) Kylin from eastern Canada was studied in culture. Zoids from unilocular sporangia develop into microscopic, filamentous, dioecious gametophytes which produce isogametes in filament cells and few-chambered plurilocular gametangia. Unfused gametes germinate to reproduce the gametophytes. Fusion takes place between a settled (“female”) and a motile (“male”) gamete. The zygote gives rise to a filamentous plethysmothallus that reproduces asexually by zoids formed in thallus cells and in few-chambered plurilocular zoidangia. Erect macrothalli are produced on the plethysmothallus, beginning with the formation of upright filaments. Later on, these filaments become the terminal assimilators of the macrothalli. Further assimilatory filaments, rhizoids, and unilocular sporangia are produced in a branching region at the base of the terminal assimilator. Zoids from unilocular sporangia formed in culture germinate to reestablish the gametophyte phase. Chromosome counts yielded n = 19 ± 3 for the gametophytes, and 32 ± 6 for the sporophyte, both plethysmothallus and macrothallus.  相似文献   

Homothallic sexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas monoica Strehlow culminated in the formation of mature, chloroform-resistant zygospores (zygotes) in clonal culture. Early in the zygote maturation process, a distinctive “primary zygote wall” was released into the culture medium where it remained stable for at least several days. This wall appeared as a rigid, darkly-outlined, and often multilayered structure, as viewed by phase contrast microscopy. From a sample, of 2500 individual clones isolated after ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis, five maturation-defective strains (zym) produced abnormal zygotes which failed to release a primary zygote wall, failed to develop the normal reticulate zygospore wall, and disintegrated within five days. These strains were utilized to identify additional mutants which were sexually competent, but self-sterile (het). Mixed cultures of the zym and het mutant strains were found to contain numerous, fully-matured, chloroform-resistant zygospores and discarded primary zygote walls. In combination, the two types of mutants provided a useful system for the selective recovery of heterozygous zygospores, thus facilitating genetic studies on a homothallic Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

A nitrogen limitation technique elicited the entire life cycle of the marine centric diatoms Chaetoceros diadema (Ehr.) Gran and Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve. In C. diadema the sexual cycle followed the same pattern as in the previously investigated C. didymus. Sexuality took place in narrow diameter cells, only at 2 and 5° C, and was seldom seen. Resting spore formation took place in cells of all sizes and at all temperatures at which the species grew vegetatively (2–15° C). The L. danicus life cycle is probably unique among diatoms. Nitrogen depletion induced sexuality in the entire culture at 10 and 15° C if the cell diameter was narrow (3–8 μm). Auxospore formation was followed by resting spore formation directly within the auxospore. In C. diadema, as in most centric diatoms, resting spores are not an obligate part of the life cycle, but they are in L. danicus. Resting spore formation is a versatile adaptive response in C. diadema, depending only on nitrogen depletion, although promoted by low temperatures. In L. danicus the linkage to the sexual process sharply limits conditions under which resting spores can form.  相似文献   

Culture and morphological studies showed that Galaxaura oblongata (Ellis et Solander) Lamouroux has a triphasic life history with conspicuous gametophytes and small filamentous tetrasporophytes. Development of male and female reproductive structures is very similar and both begin with the enlargement of a terminal cell of a filament branch occupying a normal vegetative position within the apical pit of a thallus branch. In male thalli this modified branch forms a conceptacle in which spermatangia are produced. In female thalli, this modified branch forms a three-celled carpogonial branch consisting of a carpogonium, hypogynous cell and basal cell. Filament branches from the basal cell form a pericarp and the gonimoblast develops directly from the carpogonium. Carposporangia are produced in conceptacles which resemble the male conceptacles. About the time the first carposporangia are produced, the carpogonium, hypogynous cell and basal cell form a large fusion cell. Released carpospores germinate in a unipolar or bipolar manner and form small filamentous thalli. Under short day conditions, cruciate tetrasporangia are produced in small clusters. Tetraspores germinate similarly to carpospores and also form small filamentous thalli. Under low nutrient conditions, small cylindrical thalli develop on the filaments and these appear similar to gametophytes collected in nature.  相似文献   

The centric diatom, Thalassiosira weissflogii Grun., can be induced to undergo spermatogenesis by exposing cells maintained at saturating levels of continuous light to either dim light or darkness. Using flow cytometry to determine the relative DNA and chlorophyll content per cell, the number of cells within a population that responded to and induction signal was measured. From 0 to over 90% of a population differentiated into male gametes depending upon both the induction trigger and the population examined, regardless of the average cell size of the population. Through the use of synchromized cultures, we demonstrated that responsiveness to an induction trigger was a function of cell cycle stage; cells in early G1 were not yet committed to complete mitosis and were induced to form male gametes, whereas cells further along in their cell cycle were unresponsive to these same cues. A simple model combining the influence of light on the mitotic cell cycle and on the induction of spermatogenesis is proposed to explain the observed diversity in population responses to changes in light conditions.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy were used to investigate the complex structure of the frustule of Paralia sulcata (Ehrenb.) Cleve. Rimoportulae are reported for the first time in this diatom and two types of linking processes are described. The ease with which the cingulum is lost is explained with regard to its attachment to the valve. Two kinds of heterovalvy were observed and the taxonomic significance of one of these is discussed. The validity of Heiberg's genus Paralia is confirmed and a type slide of the species is designated.  相似文献   

Uniparental auxosporulation was observed in a monoclonal culture of a Sellaphora clone isolated from the epipelon of a fishpond in the Czech Republic. The cox1 sequence for the clone confirmed that it belonged to the Sellaphora pupula–bacillum species complex but showed significant differences from all previously characterized Sellaphora species, and it is therefore described as S. marvanii sp. nov. Protoplast, valve, and girdle structure resembled those of other Sellaphora species, but a novel finding for all diatoms was a change in girdle structure during the life cycle: the most advalvar girdle band (valvocopula) bore a single line of pores in enlarged postauxospore cells but was entirely plain in small cells and gametangia. The young auxospores were covered by incunabula containing large, delicate, ± circular scales, resembling those of centric diatom auxospores; similar scales have been reported in a few other raphid diatoms (Pseudo‐nitzschia multiseries, Diploneis sp.) but contrast with the strip incunabula of some Nitzschia and Pinnularia and the helmet‐like caps of Neidium. The scales persisted during auxospore expansion, mostly as two caps over the auxospore poles. The transverse perizonium comprised a very wide, closed primary band, flanked by numerous secondary bands whose open ends were strongly incurved toward the center. Initial valves were differentiated from their immediate descendants by the very strong external demarcation of the raphe sternum, irregular shape, and curved transapical profile.  相似文献   

This article reviews current knowledge of wall morphogenesis in pennate diatoms in relation to the way characters are defined and described for taxonomic and systematic analyses. It argues that an understanding of ontogeny is essential for the accurate identification of character homologies, which in turn must underpin all phylogenetic and systematic analyses. Terminology should reflect character homology, but most diatom terminology fails to do this, with concomitant confusion and potential taxonomic mistakes. Identifying where information is lacking or misinterpreted are first steps toward improving our understanding of diatom structure and relationships. After reviewing the current knowledge on pennate diatom structure and its development, this article briefly discusses the significance of morphological variation, character polarity, and the vital importance of applying diatom terminology correctly.  相似文献   

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