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HeLa cell mitochondria were allowed to incorporate 3H-thymidine in a cell free system and the effect of ethidium bromide, cytosine arabinoside and cytosine arabinoside triphosphate on the labeling of mitochondrial DNA was studied. The labeled products, isolated by sedimentation velocity in CsCl-ethidium bromide two-step gradients, showed similar sedimentation profiles as in vivo labeled mtDNA. Cytosine arabinoside triphosphate and ethidium bromide strongly inhibited the labeling of mitochondrial DNA, whereas cytosine arabinoside appeared to be much less effective. Tritiated deoxycytidine was found to be incorporated by isolated mitochondria, whereas cytosine arabinoside was shown to enter the mitochondrial acid-soluble pool but not to be incorporated in acid-insoluble form. These results are in agreement with the previously reported findings of in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

Summary A replica-plating technique is described which was used for the isolation of G-6-PD-deficient mutants in cultures of mutagen-treated Chinese hamster cells. Mutants were recognized by their failure to stain in a histochemical G-6-PD-specific staining reaction. Four mutants were isolated and characterized by growth properties, stability of their variant phenotypes, and reduced G-6-PD activity. One of these mutants on electrophoresis exhibited a variant G-6-PD and thus is very likely the result of a mutation in the structural gene for G-6-PD.  相似文献   

A replica plating method was used for the isolation of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants after treatment of Chinese hamster cells with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). No significant increase in ts mutants was found after this treatment. The limitations and advantages of the replicating procedure to detect such differences, as well as an alternative method, are discussed.Mutants isolated were classified into two general groups—density-dependent and clear-cut—as measured by survival at low and high cell densities at the restrictive temperature. The density-dependent mutants may be truly “leaky”, losing a metabolite to the medium at an excessive rate at the restrictive temperature. On the other hand, the one clear-cut mutant analyzed extensively dies at a rate determined by its ability to utilize one or more components from the medium. It shows an inverse density relationship in rate of death, as inferred from rates of macromolecular synthesis, as opposed to its growth rate at the permissive temperature.  相似文献   

J Hatzfeld  G Buttin 《Cell》1975,5(2):123-129
A thermosensitive line (TS 111) was isolated from a suspension culture of Chinese hamster fibroblasts, using a BUdR suicide selection technique. In this line, cytokinesis is blocked at 39 degrees C. DNA and protein synthesis are not arrested but keep on at a steady rate. Giant cells are produced which accumulate either numerous nuclei or one big nucleus with several nucleoli and more than a hundred chromosomes. At each nuclear cycle, all the chromosomes in the cell appear to condense in a synchronous manner, although it is possible that not all the sets of chromosomes duplicate. When the culture is returned to the permissive temperature (34 degrees C) after a prolonged arrest at the restrictive temperature, cytokinesis resumes with early extrusion of karyoplasts from multinucleated cells. The division block is independent of cell density in suspension culture and is not prevented by cell contact when cells grow attached to Petri dishes. At 34 degrees C, a residual expression of the mutation is indicated by the presence of binucleate and up to 30% anucleate cells. A remarkable similarity and some synergism exists between the mutation and cytochalasin B effects.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant of Chinese hamster cells is described which has two interesting properties: (1) it is a cell cycle mutant and (2) glycoprotein synthesis appears to be affected at the at the non-permissive temerature (40degreesC). Synchronized cells shifed to 40degreesC in the beginning of their G1 phase do not incorporate [3H]-thymidine into DNA during the expected S-phase, but once DNA synthesis has been initiated ( approximately 10 hours after termination of serum starvation) a shift to 40 degrees C no longer leads to an arrest of DNA synthesis. Flow microfluorimetric analysis of DNA content/cell supports this conclusion and indicates that a majority of cells become arrested in the G1 phase of the cell cycle when a non-synchronized population of cells is transferred to 40degreesC. Apparently at all times in the cell cycle there is a drastic reduction if incorporation of labeled sugars (particularly fucose) into glycoproteins. The uptake of fucose and its conversion to GDP-fucose appears to be normal at 40degreesC. Chromatographic analysis indicates that all classes of glycoproteins are affected, and we do not find any evidence for partially completed oligosaccharides at 40 degrees C. Overall protein synthesis is not reduced at he nonpermissive temperature during the time interval under consideration and the number of polysomes attached to membranes (RER) is also normal at 40degreesC. This suggests that the defect is at an early step in the synthesis or regulation of synthesis of glycoproteins. The mutation is a recessive mutation in hybrid cells and mutagen induced revertants can be obtained which grow normally at 40degreesC and in which glycoprotein synthesis at 40 degrees C is restored to normal, wild type levels.  相似文献   

Tritium suicide was shown to be highly efficient method for isolating mutants defective in hypoxanthine incorporation in the Chinese hamster lung cell line V79. The tritium suicide procedure consisted of 3 kill cycles. Survivors of one kill cycle were used for the next kill cycle. The kill cycles involved incorporation of [3H]hypoxanthine for 5 or 10 min, followed by storage of 3H-labelled cells at ?70°C for 4–10 days. 12 clones that survived the 3rd kill cycle were tested for incorporation of [3H]hypoxanthine and all were found to be defective. At least 6 of the clones have defective hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) activity. One mutant, H19, chosen for further characterization, had HPRT with a 13-fold elevation in apparent Km for phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP). Thin-layer chromatography of cell extracts showed that this mutant was incapable of converting intracellular hypoxanthine to IMP or to other purine metabolites. In addition, H19 was resistant to 6-thioguanine.  相似文献   

We mutagenized RH delta hxgprt strain tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii using N-nitroso-N-ethylurea and analyzed 40 clonal isolates (of 3680 ENU mutants) that were unable to grow in cell culture at 40 degrees C. These isolates grew normally at 34 degrees C, but showed variable growth at temperatures between 34 and 39 degrees C. The inability to grow at 40 degrees C was also correlated with a loss of virulence in mice for those mutants examined. We further characterized the temperature-sensitive (ts) isolates using flow cytometry and propidium iodide staining and identified three types of cell cycle-related mutations. Regardless of temperature, in the isolates ts1C12, ts7B4, and ts7B10, the distribution of parasites with a haploid DNA content was substantially higher (congruent with 85%) than that observed for RH delta hxgprt (congruent with 60%). Four other isolates, ts4F6, ts6C11, ts8G10, and ts11F5, contained G1-related mutations, and in each case, the DNA distribution among parasites at the permissive temperature was similar to that of the parental strain, but at 40 degrees C only a single population containing a 1N nuclear DNA complement was evident. Furthermore, there was no evidence of nuclear division or cytokinesis at 40 degrees C, and these parasites demonstrated a distended cytoplasm typical of G1 arrest in other cell types. Finally, parasites of the ts11C9 mutant arrested in two near-equal populations with either 1N or 2N complements of nuclear DNA. All arrested ts11C9 parasites contained a single nucleus, and a major subfraction of the 2N population contained abnormal and incompletely formed daughters-indicating that the initiation of daughter formation can occur in the absence of nuclear division.  相似文献   

The isolation of a temperature sensitive cell line from the Chinese hamster line CCL39 of the American Type Culture Collection is described. At the nonpermissive temperature (39°C) the cells become attached to the surface of tissue culture dishes, but no microscopically observable colonies are formed upon prolonged incubation. Exposure to the high temperature for more than 24 hours leads to an almost complete loss in viability. A karyotypic analysis showed that this new line has lost one of the medium-sized metacentric chromosomes, although no proof is available so far to show that this loss is not simply coincidental. In nonsynchronized cultures transferred to 39°C DNA synthesis stops first, RNA synthesis shortly thereafter, while protein synthesis (turnover) continues for a longer time. After such a shift the cell number increases by less than 15% as measured with the Coulter counter. Studies with synchronized cultures give the following results: (1) one round of DNA synthesis can occur at 39°C when the cells are released from serum starvation or a hydroxyurea block, or when mitotic cells are placed at 39°C; (2) the entry of cells into metaphase of mitosis at 39°C is almost normal when the preceding time interval at 39°C is only eight hours (release of cells from G1/S boundary), but considerably reduced when the cells spend an additional 12 to 15 hours at 39°C in G1 (release from serum starvation). Infection by SV40 virus temporarily induces DNA synthesis after it has come to a stop at the nonpermissive temperature, but cells permanently transformed by SV40 still exhibit the temperature-sensitive phenotype.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of cell surface glycosaminoglycans in fibronectin-mediated cell adhesion by analyzing the adhesive properties of Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants deficient in glycosaminoglycans. The results of our study suggest that the absence of glycosaminoglycans does not affect the initial attachment and subsequent spreading of these cells on substrata composed of intact fibronectin or a fibronectin fragment containing the primary cell-binding domain. However, in contrast to wild-type cells, the glycosaminoglycan- deficient cells did not attach to substrate composed of a heparin- binding fibronectin fragment. Furthermore, the wild-type but not the glycosaminoglycan-deficient cells formed F-actin-containing stress fibers and focal adhesions on substrata composed of intact fibronectin. We propose, therefore, that cell surface proteoglycan(s) participate in the transmembrane linking of intracellular cytoskeletal components to extracellular matrix components which occurs in focal adhesions.  相似文献   

High pressure liquid chromatography was used to determine the base, nucleoside, and nucleotide levels in wild type and a series of respiration-deficient Chinese hamster cell mutants. From this analysis the size of the total adenylate pool and the energy charge could be calculated for each cell line. We find a constant energy charge, as expected, but the adenylate pool seems to be considerably lower in the respiration-deficient mutants.  相似文献   

E36 ts24 is a temperature-sensitive cell cycle mutant which has been derived from the Chinese hamster lung cell line E36. This mutant is arrested in phase S when incubated at the restrictive temperature (40.3 degrees C) for growth. At this temperature, proliferation of the mutant cells ceases after 10 h. About 2 h earlier, DNA synthesis is arrested. These kinetic studies indicate that the execution point of the mutant cells is in early S phase well beyond the G1/S boundary. The pattern of replication bands in E36 ts24 cell grown for 9 h at 40.3 degrees C strengthen the kinetic studies and map the execution point to early S phase. The exact point of arrest of the mutant cells in phase S was mapped in early S phase near the execution point. At the point of arrest the cells continue to synthesize DNA at at a high rate but practically all of the newly synthesized DNA is degraded. This high rate of DNA degradation is limited to nascent DNA at the point of arrest. In the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (5-BudR), the last E36 ts24 cells which reach mitosis at the restrictive temperature for growth show asymmetric replication bands which illustrate DNA degradation and resynthesis occurring in these cells at 40.3 degrees C.  相似文献   

A large number of mutants that are temperature sensitive (ts) for growth have been isolated from mouse mammary carcinoma FM3A cells by an improved selection method consisting of cell synchronization and short exposures to restrictive temperature. The improved method increased the efficiency of isolating DNA ts mutants, which showed a rapid decrease in DNA-synthesizing ability after temperature shift-up. Sixteen mutants isolated by this and other methods were selected for this study. Flow microfluorometric analysis of these mutants cultured at a nonpermissive temperature (39 degrees C) for 16 h indicated that five clones were arrested in the G1 to S phase of the cell cycle, six clones were in the S to G2 phase, and two clones were arrested in the G2 phase. The remaining three clones exhibited 8C DNA content after incubation at 39 degrees C for 28 h, indicating defects in mitosis or cytokinesis. These mutants were classified into 11 complementation groups. All the mutants except for those arrested in the G2 phase and those exhibiting defects in mitosis or cytokinesis showed a rapid decrease in DNA synthesis after temperature shift-up without a decrease in RNA and protein synthesis. The polyomavirus DNA cell-free replication system, which consists of polyomavirus large tumor antigen and mouse cell extracts, was used for further characterization of these DNA ts mutants. Among these ts mutants, only the tsFT20 strain, which contains heat-labile DNA polymerase alpha, was unable to support the polyomavirus DNA replication. Analysis by DNA fiber autoradiography revealed that DNA chain elongation rates of these DNA ts mutants were not changed and that the initiation of DNA replication at the origin of replicons was impaired in the mutant cells.  相似文献   

The temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) G1 mutants cdc28 and cdc35 show decreased mitochondrial volumes with respect to the wild type strain A364A (WT) at the restrictive temperature. Of the three criteria of mitochondrial biogenesis studied, that is, number of mitochondria per cell, relative area of the cell occupied by mitochondria, or relative area of mitochondria occupied by inner membranes, only the second indicator was significantly lower in cdc mutants than in the WT. The mitochondrial inner membranes development did not compensate for the decrease in the organelles volume. Apparently, the reduced mitochondrial biogenesis was not due to the temperature shift because the relative area of the cell occupied by mitochondria was already significantly lower at 25°C in cdc mutants. The specific fluxes of oxygen consumption confirmed that the respiratory capacity of cdc mutants is largely impaired in respect to the WT. Cdc28 and cdc35 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae had been previously shown to exhibit high respiratory quotients (from 3 to 7) in respect to the WT (RQ 1.0), which correlated with carbon and energy uncoupling probably the result of glucose-induced catabolite repression [Aon MA, Mónaco ME, Cortassa S (1995) Exp Cell Res 217, 42–51; Mónaco ME, Valdecantos PA, Aon MA (1995) Exp Cell Res 217, 52–56].  相似文献   

The selection of somatic cell mutants after irradiation of BUdR-labelled cells is improved with the use of a mercury lamp combined with a plastic sheet which filters the unwanted wave lengths below 303 nm. New somatic cell mutants defective for galactose metabolism or auxotrophe for fetal calf serum were thus isolated.  相似文献   

Summary Among temperature-sensitive mutants which were defective in septum formation and formed nonseptate filaments at nonpermissive temperatures three (ts31, ts341, ts526) were identified among 434 temperature-sensitive mutants isolated at random from a mutagenized population of Bacillus subtilis 168. The results of morphological observations and characterization of these mutants showed that ts31 and ts341 were septum-initiation mutants and that ts526 was a DNA elongation mutant. The above mutations, and other mutations affecting septum initiation (div355 and tms12) were mapped by PBS1-mediated transduction on the chromosome in three separate regions as follows: pur A16-ts526-div355-cysA14; metC3-(ts31, tms12)-pyrD1-recA1; ebr-2-ts341-uvrA1-hisA1-cysB3. Our results suggest that the initiation process of septum formation requires at least four kinds of gene product. In addition, the sesult obtained with ts526 suggests an intimate connection between septum initiation and DNA replication.  相似文献   

We searched for novel Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants defective in peroxisome biogenesis by an improved method using peroxisome targeting signal 2 (PTS2)-tagged enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). From mutagenized TKaEG2 cells, the wild-type CHO-K1 stably expressing rat Pex2p and PTS2-EGFP, cell colonies resistant to the 9-(1(')-pyrene)nonanol/ultraviolet treatment were examined for intracellular location of PTS2-EGFP. Of six mutant cell clones two, ZPEG227 and ZPEG231, showed cytosolic PTS2-EGFP, indicative of impaired PTS2 import, and numerous PTS1-positive particles. PEX7 expression restored the impaired PTS2 import in both mutants. Cell fusion with fibroblasts from a patient with PEX7-defective rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata did not complement PTS2 import defect of ZPEG227 and ZPEG231, confirming that these two are pex7 mutants. Mutation analysis of PEX7 by reverse transriptase (RT)-PCR indicated that ZPEG227-allele carried an inactivating nonsense mutation, Trp158Ter. Therefore, ZPEG227 is a pex7 mutant possessing a newly identified mutation in mammalian pex7 cell lines.  相似文献   

We have enriched a mutagenized population of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells for those defective in endocytosis by selection for survival to treatment with transferrin (Tf)-ricin and Tf-diphtheria toxin conjugates. Surviving cells were screened with a fluorescently labeled Tf uptake assay to identify cells with mor-phologically aberrant endocytic phenotypes. One of the cell lines identified, B104-5, has a striking temperature-induced alteration in the morphology of its endocytic receptor recycling compartment. In parental cells the tightly clustered endocytic recycling compartment is located near the Golgi complex. In the mutant cells, following incubation at 40°C, this compartment appears fragmented and widely dispersed. Surprisingly, this alteration in the morphology of the recycling compartment has no effect on the kinetics of Tf internationalization and recycling. The wild-type endocytic compartment is closely aligned with the microtubule-organizing center and the Golgi apparatus, and like the Golgi, its clustered appearance is dependent upon intact microtubules. Although the disruption of the B104-5 receptor recycling compartment morphology can be phenocopied in wild-type cells by microtubule depolymerizing drugs, the microtubule cytoskeleton in B104-5 cells appears normal in immunofluorescent staining. B104-5 cells, unlike the parental cells, do not proliferate at 40°C. The mutation in B104-5 cells is recessive, as fusion with wild-type cells results in a reversion of the B104-5 phenotype. The finding that the morphology of the recycling compartment in CHO cells can be altered without affecting recycling of endocytosed Tf is consistent with the variety of recycling compartment morphologies observed among different cell lines. An interpretation of this result is that the lesion in B104-5 cells is in a gene that is involved in determining the endocytic compartment morphologies observed in different cell lines. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants defective in the NPC1 gene (NPC1-trap) were generated by retrovirus-mediated gene trap mutagenesis from a parental cell line JP17 expressing an ecotropic retrovirus receptor. Insertion of the gene trap vector in the NPC1 gene and the absence of the gene product were verified by 5'RACE and immunological analyses, respectively. NPC1-trap cells showed intracellular accumulation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-derived cholesterol and had an increased level of unesterified cellular cholesterol. Cholesterol biosynthesis through the mevalonate pathway was upregulated in the mutant cells as assessed by [(14)C]acetate incorporation into cellular sterols. When JP17 cells were depleted of lipoproteins and then loaded with LDL, cell surface LDL receptors were promptly downregulated and the mature form of the sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 disappeared from the nucleus. These responses to LDL were obviously retarded in NPC1-trap cells, suggesting an impaired response of the cholesterol-regulatory system to LDL. NPC1-trap cells will be a useful tool to study the regulation of cellular cholesterol homeostasis and the pathogenesis of Niemann-Pick disease type C.  相似文献   

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