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An attempt was made to identify the neurophysiological processes involved in entrainment of the circadian rhythm of spontaneous optic nerve potentials from the Aplysia eye by determining whether pharmacological agents or ion substitutions could block phase shifts produced by single light pulses. Knowing which physiological processes are involved in entrainment should help define the morphological pathway traveled by entrainment information. A secretory step does not appear to be involved in the flow of entrainment information from the environment to the circadian oscillator. A treatment (HiMg LoCa) capable of inhibiting secretion did not interfere with phase shifting by light. Furthermore, treating eyes with putative transmitters or extracts of eyes did not phase shift the free running rhythm. Also, the phase shifting information is not translated into action potentials before reaching the oscillator since TTX–HiMg LoCa solutions did not block the light-induced phase shift. The photoreceptor potential does seem to be important for light-induced phase shifts. A correlation was found between the effects of treatments on the ERG and their effects on the light-induced phase shift. Solutions which decreased the ERG by 90% or more blocked phase shifting whereas solutions which decreased the ERG by less than 74% had no effect on phase shifting by light. The results from these studies are consistent with two pathways for the flow of phase shifting information to the circadian oscillator. The circadian oscillator may be associated with receptor cells and the entrainment pathway would include a step involving the photoreceptor potential. Alternatively, the circadian oscillator may be associated with secondary cells and receive entrainment information via the photoreceptor potential and passive spread of current through a gap junction. Higher order cells than second-order ones are probably not involved in the entrainment pathway.  相似文献   

Serotinin (5-HT) shifts the phase of the circadian oscillator of the eye of Aplysia californica in a phase dependent manner. This indicates that 5-HT acts, either directly or through some intermediaries, on a component of the oscillator. Since our goal is to identify the components of the oscillator, we are following the pathway through which 5-HT has its effect on the rhythm. The effect of 5-HT on the rhythm has been shown to be mediated by an increase in intracellular cyclic adenosine-3′,5′-monophosphate (cAMP). The most likely action of cAMP is to activate cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Therefore, we used two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to investigate changes in 32P labelled phosphoproteins which occur with 5-HT and other treatements. Fourteen proteins showed increased incorporation of 32P when eyes were exposed to treatments of 5-HT from CT 06 to 12. Two proteins showed decreased incorporation. 8-bt-cAMP mimicked all but one of the increases and both decreases in incorporation produced by 5-HT. 8-bt-cAMP increased incorporation into three additional proteins and decreased incorporation into three additional proteins and decreased incorporation into three other that were not affected by 5-HT. Incorporation into one protein was increased by 5-HT but decreased by 8-bt-cAMP. By comparison, light, which has little or no effect on the rhythm at this phase, only affected one protein. The protein increased by light was also increased by 5-HT. Tetradecanoic phorbol acetate (TPA), administered during CT 06-12, also had little effect on the rhythm at this phase. TPA increased incorporation into twenty proteins and decreased incorporatoin into three. Seven of the increased proteins were also increased by 5-HT. Some of the phosphoproteins altered by 5-HT and cAMP analogue may mediate the effect of 5-HT on the circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations in the concentrations of major organic compounds occurred in xylem fluid extracted from Lagerstroemia indica L. The concentration of amino acids and the N/C ratio was at a maximum and that of organic acids was at a minimum between 1230 and 2030 h. Since the concentrations of total organic nitrogen, total amino acids and most individual amino acids (but not organic acids or sugars) were also proportional to xylem tension two experiments were performed to discern whether variations in chemistry were a consequence of diurnal changes in moisture stress. In the first experiment, L. indica , exposed to variable levels of moisture stress during midday, manifested an increase in organic acids and a reduction in the N/C ratio. In the second experiment, chemical profiles of xylem fluid were collected and compared for plants exposed to a natural photoperiod, constant darkness or continuous light at noon and midnight. After 1 day amino acids increased in concentration during midday for all treatments; the variation was greatest (10-fold) for plants in constant darkness where xylem tension varied from 0.20 to 0.25 MPa. Only plants exposed to continuous light lost a diurnal rhythm after 3 days. Thus, the circadian rhythm was endogenous, terminated in continuous light and was not mediated by changes in moisture stress. Glutamine accounted for most of the diurnal variation in total amino acids, organic nitrogen and the N/C ratio in xylem fluid.  相似文献   

The effects of pulse application of puromycin (PURO) or cycloheximide (CHX) were tested on the circadian rhythm (CR) of spontaneous compound action potential (CAP) activity in the isolated Aplysia eye. CAP activity was recorded from the optic nerve in constant darkness at 15degreesC. PURO pulses (6, 12 h; 12--134 mug/ml) and CHX pulses (12 h, 500--2,000 mug/ml) caused dose-dependent phase delays in the CR when administered during projected night. PURO pulses (6 h, 125 mug/ml) caused phase advances when given during projected day and caused phase delays when given during projected night. In biochemical experiments PURO (12 h, 20 mug/ml) and CHX (12 h, 500 mug/ml) inhibited leucine incorporation into the eye by about 50%. PURO (12 h; 50, 125 mug/ml) also changed the molecular weight distribution of proteins synthesized by the eye during the pulse. The effect of PURO (12 h, 125 mug/ml) on the level of incorporation was almost completely reversible within the next 12 h but the phase-shifted eye showed an latered spectrum of proteins for up to 28 h after the pulse. In electrophysiological experiments spontaneous CAP activity and responses to light were measured before, during, and after drug treatments. In all, eight parameters in three periods were analyzed quantitatively. Of these 24 indices, only 3 showed significant changes. PURO increased spontaneous CAP frequency by 67% 0-7 h after the drug pulse and increased the CAP amplitude of the tonic light response by 23% greater than 7 h after the pulse. CHX increased the intraburst spontaneous CAP frequency by 33% during the pulse and CAP frequency of the tonic light response by 32% 0- 7 h after the pulse. The above data indicate that phase-shifting doses of PURO and CHX inhibit protein synthesis in the eye without causing adverse electrophysiological effects, and suggest that protein synthesis is involved in the production of the CR of the isolated Aplysia eye.  相似文献   

The clock mechanism for circatidal rhythm has long been controversial, and its molecular basis is completely unknown. The mangrove cricket, Apteronemobius asahinai, shows two rhythms simultaneously in its locomotor activity: a circatidal rhythm producing active and inactive phases as well as a circadian rhythm modifying the activity intensity of circatidal active phases. The role of the clock gene period (per), one of the key components of the circadian clock in insects, was investigated in the circadian and circatidal rhythms of A. asahinai using RNAi. After injection of double-stranded RNA of per, most crickets did not show the circadian modulation of activity but the circatidal rhythm persisted without a significant difference in the period from controls. Thus, per is functionally involved in the circadian rhythm but plays no role, or a less important role, in the circatidal rhythm. We conclude that the circatidal rhythm in A. asahinai is controlled by a circatidal clock whose molecular mechanism is different from that of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

1. Questions regarding the availability of free amino acids and their importance as precursors and direct participants in neural functions are essential to our understanding but cannot be answered without basic data. 2. A profile of 22 circulating amino acids was developed for the often studied Aplysia californica.  相似文献   

Summary The eye of the mollusk Bulla gouldiana contains a pacemaker that generates a circadian rhythm in compound action potentials (CAPs) in the optic nerve. In this paper, we present evidence of a second circadian rhythm in the optic nerve of the eye maintained in darkness at 15 °C. This is a rhythm in the frequency of small (10–40 V) neural impulses that occurs about 12 h out-of-phase with the rhythm in CAPs. Typically, the small-spike frequency is at a minimum within an hour of the peak in CAP frequency and is maximal during the subjective night. Like the CAP rhythm, the phase of the small-spike rhythm is determined by the prior light/dark cycle. A rebound in small-spike activity following the end of a light pulse and the presence of photoinhibited impulses in surgically reduced eyes suggests that the cells that generate the small-spikes may be photoreceptors that are inhibited by light. In addition, by using isolated nervous system preparations, we have found that smallspikes occur in the two optic nerves in a one-for-one relationship immediately following a light-to-dark transition. This inter-eye communication may be involved in the coupling of the ocular pacemakers.Abbreviations ASW artificial sea water - BRN basal retinal neuron - CAP compound action potential  相似文献   

Chen WY  Liu SY 《生理科学进展》1998,29(2):161-164
自从发现视交叉上核(SCN)中有直接的视网膜下丘脑投射纤维以来,SCN的内源性节律及其调节机制受到广泛重视,已成为令人感兴趣的新课题。哺乳动物的24h昼夜节律而言,SCN是主要的启步者,但SCN内源性的振荡节律又受到环境光暗周期、谷氨酸和一氧化氮的拖拽。  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms of the pacemakers underlying circadian rhythms are not well understood. One molecule that presumably functions in the circadian clock of Drosophila is the product of the period (per) gene, which dramatically affects biological rhythms when mutated. An antibody specific for the per protein labels putative circadian pacemaker neurons and fibers in eyes of two marine gastropods, Aplysia and Bulla. As was found for the Drosophila per protein, there is a daily rhythm in the levels of the per-like antigen in Aplysia eyes. Thus, certain molecular features of the per protein, as well as aspects of the temporal regulation of its expression, may be conserved in circadian pacemakers of widely divergent species.  相似文献   

Summary The eye of the marine mollusk Aplysia californica contains a photo-entrainable circadian pacemaker that drives an overt circadian rhythm of spontaneous compound action potentials in the optic nerve. Serotonin is known to influence the phase of this ocular rhythm. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether potassium channels are involved in effects on the ocular circadian rhythm. Our experimental approach was to study the effect of the potassium channel antagonist barium on serotonin-induced phase shifts of this rhythm. The application of barium was found to block serotonininduced phase shifts whereas barium alone did not cause significant phase shifts. The effects of barium were found to be dose dependent. In addition, barium blocked forskolin-induced phase advances but did not interfere with serotonin-induced increases in cAMP content. Finally, barium antagonized serotonin-induced suppression of compound action potential activity. These results are consistent with a model in which the application of serotonin phase shifts the ocular pacemaker by causing a membrane hyperpolarization which is mediated by a cAMP-dependent potassium conductance.Abbreviations ASW artificial seawater - Ba+ + barium - CAP compound action potential - CT circadian time - 5-HT serotonin - TEA tetraethylammonium  相似文献   


The relationship between left and right circadian oscillations in the ERG of the crayfishProcambarus bouvieri have been studied in intact animals and in animals with cerebral ganglion damage. Except in split‐brain preparations, the ERG oscillations of both sides were always in phase. Surgical bisection of the cerebral ganglion, also results in a shortening of the period length; this suggests that ERG circadian pacemakers normally receive a bilateral input of light stimulation. The neural connections between the eyestalks at the protocerebrum seem to have the most important role in the synchronization of the ERG oscillations of both sides.  相似文献   

The effects of light on a circadian rhythm of conidiation in neurospora   总被引:36,自引:20,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Sargent ML  Briggs WR 《Plant physiology》1967,42(11):1504-1510
The expression of a circadian rhythm of conidiation by timex, a strain of Neurospora crassa, is inhibited by growth in continuous white light. The action spectrum for this effect has a strong peak (with minor subpeaks) in the blue region of the visible spectrum, and a broad shoulder in the near ultraviolet. This action spectrum suggests that a carotenoid or flavin compound may be the photoreceptor, but does not allow one to determine conclusively whether the receptor is indeed a carotenoid, flavin, or some other unrelated pigment. Two lines of evidence suggest that a carotenoid is not the photoreceptor. First, the in vivo absorption spectrum of timex (representing the sum of the spectra of the individual pigments present, predominantly carotenoids) has peaks at wavelengths 10 to 20 mμ longer than those of the action spectrum peaks. Second, an albino-timex has normal photosensitivity, a situation requiring that the photoreceptor, if carotenoid, be a quantitatively minor constituent of the total carotenoid complement.

The magnitude and direction of phase-shift resulting from a standard dose of white light given at different times in the daily cycle of timex varies in the manner reported for other organisms. Additional phase-shift experiments have shown that there are no major transients in the attainment of a new equilibrium after a phase-shifting perturbation, and that 2 light reactions (rapidly and slowly saturating) may be involved in the phase-shift response.


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