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Oxidative decarboxylation of [1-14C]pyruvate was studied in primary cultures of neurons and of astrocytes. The rate of this process, which is a measure of carbon flow into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and which is inhibited by its end product, acetyl CoA, was determined under conditions which would either elevate or reduce the components of the malate-aspartate shuttle (MAS). Addition of aspartate (1 mM) was found to stimulate pyruvate decarboxylation in astrocytes whereas addition of glutamate (or glutamine) had no effect. Since aspartate is a precursor for extramitochondrial malate, and thus intramitochondrial oxaloacetate, whereas glutamate and glutamine are not, this suggests that an increase in oxaloacetate level stimulates TCA cycle activity. Conversely, a reduction of the glutamate content by 3 mM ammonia, which might reduce exchange between glutamate and aspartate across the mitochondrial membrane, suppressed pyruvate decarboxylation. This effect was abolished by addition of glutamate or glutamine or exposure to methionine sulfoximine (MSO). These findings suggest that impairment of MAS activity by removal of MAS constituents decreases TCA cycle activity whereas replenishment of these compounds restores the activity of the TCA cycle. No corresponding effects were observed in neurons.  相似文献   

In the present investigation a method is described for culturing cerebellar granule cells (glutamatergic neurons), cerebral cortical neurons (GABAergic neurons) and cortical astrocytes on Cytodex 3 microcarriers. It was possible to obtain a high yield of attached neurons and astrocytes on the microcarriers and the cell specific characteristics such as the ability to release neurotransmitter (neurons) and a high activity of glutamine synthetase (astrocytes) were preserved. This system, allowing mixtures of neurons and astrocytes at any given ratio to be produced, may constitute an attractive model system by which the interaction between neurons and astrocytes with regard to exchange of neurotransmitter precursors as well as other compounds may be studied.  相似文献   

Pyruvate recycling was studied in primary cultures of mouse cerebrocortical astrocytes, GABAergic cerebrocortical interneurons, and co-cultures consisting of both cell types by measuring production of [4-13C]glutamate from [3-13C]glutamate by aid of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This change in the position of the label can only occur by entry of [3-13C]glutamate into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, conversion of labeled -ketoglutarate to malate or oxaloacetate, malic enzyme-mediated decarboxylation of malate to pyruvate or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase-mediated conversion of oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate and subsequent hydrolysis of the latter to pyruvate, and introduction of the labeled pyruvate into the TCA cycle, i.e., after exit of the carbon skeleton of pyruvate from the TCA cycle followed by re-entry of the same pyruvate molecules via acetyl CoA. In agreement with earlier observations, pyruvate recycling was demonstrated in astrocytes, indicating the ability of these cells to undertake complete oxidative degradation of glutamate. The recycled [4-13C]glutamate was not further converted to glutamine, showing compartmentation of astrocytic metabolism. Thus, absence of recycling into glutamine in the brain in vivo cannot be taken as indication that pyruvate recycling is absent in astrocytes. No recycling could be demonstrated in the cerebrocortical neurons. This is consistent with a previously demonstrated lack of incorporation of label from glutamate into lactate, and it also indicates that mitochondrial malic enzyme is not operational. Nor was there any indication of pyruvate recycling in the co-cultures. Although this may partly be due to more rapid depletion of glutamate in the co-cultures, this observation at the very least indicates that pyruvate recycling is not up-regulated in the neuronal-astrocytic co-cultures.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of both mouse astrocytes and neurons accumulate more125I than36Cl from the medium. The average cell/medium ratio of125I of astrocytes (1.01) is greater than that of neurons (0.74), whereas the ratio of36Cl of neurons (0.47) is greater than that of astrocytes (0.25). The equilibrium potentials of both125I and36Cl calculated from the cell/medium ratios in astrocytes and neurons are significantly lower than their corresponding resting transmembrane potentials which suggest that both iodide and chloride are actively transported into both cell types. With respect to different transport inhibitors, thiocyanate is more effective in inhibiting125I uptake whereas furosemide is more effective in inhibiting36Cl uptake. Radioiodide uptake by mouse astrocytes was directly proportional to the [Na+]o but was not significantly affected by changes of [Cl]o or [HCO 3 ]o, except that it is low in bicarbonate-free medium. Radiochloride uptake by astrocytes was inversely related to [Cl]o and [HCO 3 ]o and was not affected [Na+]o, except that it was low in sodium-free medium. Radioiodide uptake by neurons was directly related to [Na+]o between 60 and 140 mM and inversely related to [HCO 3 ]o between 10 and 40 mM, but it was not affected by [Cl]o. Radiochloride uptake by neurons was directly related to [Cl]o and to [Na+]o between 60 and 140 mM and was not affected by [HCO 3 ]o. However, in sodium-free medium both125I and36Cl uptakes into neurons were higher than those in [Na+]o between 5 and 60 mM. These results indicate that uptake of125I and36Cl into astrocytes and neurons are different in their ion dependence and that they are under separate regulation.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras  相似文献   

Phosphate activated glutaminase comprises two kinetically distinguishable enzyme forms in cultures of cerebellar granule cells, of cortical neurons and of astrocytes. Specific activity of glutaminase is higher in cultured neurons compared with astrocytes. Glutaminase is activated by phosphate in all cell types investigated, however, glutaminase in astrocytes reguires a much higher concentration of phosphate for half maximal activation. One of the products, glutamate, inhibits the enzyme strongly, whereas the other product ammonia has only a slight inhibitory action on the enzyme.  相似文献   

To provide insights into the effects of temporary focal ischemia on the function of neurons and astrocytes in vivo, we measured the incorporation of radiolabel from [U-14C]glucose into both glutamate and glutamine in brain subregions at 1 h of reperfusion following occlusion of the middle cerebral artery for 2 or 3 h. Under the experimental conditions used, 14C-glutamate is mainly produced in neurons whereas 14C-glutamine is generated in astrocytes from 14C-glutamate of both neuronal and astrocytic origin. Radiolabel incorporation into both amino acids was greatly decreased. The change in 14C-glutamate accumulation provides strong evidence for substantial reductions in neuronal glucose metabolism. The resulting decrease in delivery of 14C-glutamate from the neurons to astrocytes was probably also the major contributor to the change in 14C-glutamine content. These alterations probably result in part from a marked depression of glycolytic activity in the neurons, as suggested by previous studies assessing deoxyglucose utilization. Alterations in 14C-glucose metabolism were not restricted to tissue that would subsequently become infarcted. Thus, these changes did not inevitably lead to death of the affected cells. The ATP : ADP ratio and phosphocreatine content were essentially preserved during recirculation following 2 h of ischemia and showed at most only moderate losses in some subregions following 3 h of ischemia. This retention of energy reserves despite the decreases in 14C-glucose metabolism in neurons suggests that energy needs were substantially reduced in the post-ischemic brain. Marked increases in tissue lactate accumulation during recirculation, particularly following 3 h of ischemia, provided evidence that impaired pyruvate oxidation probably also contributed to the altered 14C-glucose metabolism. These findings indicate the presence of complex changes in energy metabolism that are likely to greatly influence the responses of neurons and astrocytes to temporary focal ischemia.  相似文献   

Rapp A  Gmeiner B  Hüttinger M 《Biochimie》2006,88(5):473-483
Apolipoprotein E (apoE) has been genetically linked to late-onset Alzheimer's disease. From the three common alleles (epsilon2, epsilon3 and epsilon4), epsilon4 has been suggested to promote amyloid beta (Ass) plaque fibrillation, one hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. It has been demonstrated that altered lipid content of hippocampal plasma membrane coincides with the disease. In this study, we show for the first time that the apoE dependent cholesterol metabolism in hippocampal neurons is higher than that of hippocampal astrocytes. Further, apoE-bound cholesterol is highly incorporated in membranous compartments in hippocampal neurons, whereas hippocampal astrocytes show higher intracellular distribution. This is an effect that coincides with cell-type dependent difference of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) family member expression. Hippocampal neurons express high levels of the LDLR related protein (LRP), whereas hippocampal astrocytes are highly positive for LDLR. We could also demonstrate an apoE isoform (apoE2, apoE3 and apoE4) dependent cholesterol uptake in both cells types. In hippocampal neurons, we could find a decreased apoE4-bound cholesterol uptake. In contrast, hippocampal astrocytes show decreased internalization of apoE2-bound cholesterol. In addition, lipidated apoE4 is little associated with neurites in hippocampal neurons in comparison to the other two isoforms. In contrary, hippocampal astrocytes show faint apoE2 immunocytostaining intensity. Data presented indicate that the role of apoE4 in cholesterol homeostasis and apolipoprotein cell association is more pronounced in hippocampal neurons, showing significant alterations compared to the other two isoforms, suggesting that hippocampal neurons are affected by apoE4 associated altered cholesterol metabolism compared to hippocampal astrocytes.  相似文献   

-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and L-glutamic acid (L-Glu) are transmitters of GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons in the enteric interneurons, targeting excitatory or inhibitory GABA receptors or glutamate receptors that modulate gastric motility and mucosal function. GABAergic and glutamatergic neuron immunoreactivity have been found in cholinergic enteric neurons in the stomach. GABA and L-Glu may also subserve hormonal and paracrine signaling. Disruption in gastrointestinal function following perturbation of enteric GABA receptors and glutamate receptors presents potential new target sites for drug development.  相似文献   

The enzymatic mechanism and the kinetic parameters of GABA-transaminase extracted from cultured mouse cerebral cortex neurons and astrocytes were studied. Neuronal as well as astrocytic GABA-transaminase obeyed a bi bi ping-pong reaction mechanism. The estimated Km-values for -ketoglutarate and GABA were significantly lower for astroglial GABA-transaminase compared to the neuronal enzyme suggesting a possible existence of cell specific isozymes of GABA-transaminase. The observed enzymatic mechanism and the magnitude of the estimated kinetic parameters imply that GABA-transaminase synthesized in the two types of cultured neural cells is mechanistically and kinetically equivalent to the enzyme synthesized in the brainin vivo.  相似文献   

The functional activity in the brain is primarily composed of an interplay between excitation and inhibition. In any given region the output is based upon a complex processing of incoming signals that require both excitatory and inhibitory units. Moreover, these units must be regulated and balanced such that an integrated and finely tuned response is generated. In each of these units or synapses the activity depends on biosynthesis, release, receptor interaction, and inactivation of the neurotransmitter in question; thus, it is easily understood that each of these processes needs to be highly regulated and controlled. It is interesting to note that in case of the most prevailing neurotransmitters, glutamate and GABA, which mediate excitation and inhibition, respectively, the inactivation process is primarily maintained by highly efficient, high-affinity transport systems capable of maintaining transmembrane concentration gradients of these amino acids of 104–105-fold. The demonstration of the presence of transporters for glutamate and GABA in both neuronal and astrocytic elements naturally raises the question of the functional importance of the astrocytes in the regulation of the level of the neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft and hence for the activity of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission. Obviously, this discussion has important implications for the understanding of the role of astrocytes in disease states in which imbalances between excitation and inhibition are a triggering factor, for example, epilepsy and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

ATP has recently emerged as a key molecule mediating pathological pain. The aim of this study was to examine whether spinal cord astrocytes could be a source of ATP in response to the nociceptive neurotransmitters glutamate and substance P. Glutamate stimulated ATP release from these astrocytes and this release was greatly potentiated by substance P, even though substance P alone did not elicit ATP release. Substance P also potentiated glutamate-induced inward currents, but did not cause such currents alone. When glutamate was applied alone it acted exclusively through alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-proprionate receptors to stimulate Ca(2+) influx-dependent ATP release. However, when substance P was co-applied with glutamate, ATP release could be elicited by activation of NMDA and metabotropic glutamate receptors. Activation of neurokinin receptor subtypes, protein kinase C and phospholipases A(2), C and D were needed for substance P to bring about its effects. These results suggest that astrocytes may be a major source of ATP in the spinal cord on activation of nerve fibres that release substance P and glutamate.  相似文献   


Lactate release by astrocytes is postulated to be of importance for neuroenergetics but its regulation is poorly understood. Basigin, a chaperone protein for specific monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), represents a putatively important regulatory element for lactate fluxes. Indeed, basigin knockdown by RNA interference in primary cultures of astrocytes partially reduced both proton-driven lactate influx and efflux. But more strikingly, enhancement of lactate efflux induced by glutamate was prevented while the effect of sodium azide was significantly reduced by treatment of cultured astrocytes with anti-basigin small interfering RNA. Enhancement of glucose utilization was unaffected under the same conditions. Basal lactate uptake and release were significantly reduced by MCT1 knockdown, even more so than with basigin knockdown, whereas glutamate-driven or sodium azide-induced enhancement of lactate release was not inhibited by either MCT1, 2, or 4 small interfering RNAs. In conclusion, MCT1 plays a pivotal role in the control of basal proton-driven lactate flux in astrocytes while basigin is only partly involved, most likely via its interaction with MCT1. In contrast, basigin appears to critically regulate the enhancement of lactate release caused by glutamate (or sodium azide) but via an effect on another unidentified transporter at least present in astrocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

Accumulation of radioactivity was studied in primary cultures of mouse astrocytes as a function of time of exposure (4–60 min) to 50 M glutamate and 200 M glutamine (initial concentrations), of whicheither glutamateor glutamine was14C-labeled. Both the glutamate pool and the glutamine pool were compartmentalized. Initially, by far the major intracellular glutamate pool (90%) was derived from extracellular glutamate and could be converted to glutamine. This allowed a rather accurate determination of metabolic flux from glutamate to glutamine, which under control conditions amounted to 2.0–2.2 nmol/min per mg protein. After chronic exposure to 3 mM ammonia for 3 days this flux was significantly increased to 3.1–3.6 nmol/min per mg protein. Acute exposure to ammonia caused a smaller, apparent increase, which was not statistically significant. The glutamine content was compartmentalized at all stages of the incubation. It consisted of at least two different pools. One of these was accessible to extracellular glutamine and could be converted to intracellular glutamate (constituting a sizeable fraction of the total glutamate pool after longer incubation), whereas the other constituted endogenously derived glutamine, formed from accumulated glutamate. The specific activity of the precursor pool for glutamate synthesis could not beaccurately determined and relatively exact fluxes therefore not be calculated. There was, however, no evidence that chronic exposure to ammonia decreases the rate of glutamine hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Na+-coupled carboxylate transporters (NaCs) mediate the uptake of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates in mammalian tissues. Of these transporters, NaC3 (formerly known as Na+-coupled dicarboxylate transporter 3, NaDC3/SDCT2) and NaC2 (formerly known as Na+-coupled citrate transporter, NaCT) have been shown to be expressed in brain. There is, however, little information available on the precise distribution and function of both transporters in the CNS. In the present study, we investigated the functional characteristics of Na+-dependent succinate and citrate transport in primary cultures of astrocytes and neurons from rat cerebral cortex. Uptake of succinate was Na+ dependent, Li+ sensitive and saturable with a Michaelis constant (Kt) value of 28.4 microM in rat astrocytes. Na+ activation kinetics revealed that the Na+ to succinate stoichiometry was 3:1 and the concentration of Na+ necessary for half-maximal transport was 53 mM. Although uptake of citrate in astrocytes was also Na+ dependent and saturable, its Kt value was significantly higher (approximately 1.2 mM) than that of succinate. Unlabeled succinate (2 mM) inhibited Na+-dependent [14C]succinate (18 microM) and [14C]citrate (4.5 microM) transport completely, whereas unlabeled citrate inhibited Na+-dependent [14C]succinate uptake more weakly. Interestingly, N-acetyl-L-aspartate, which is the second most abundant amino acid in the nervous system, also completely inhibited Na+-dependent succinate transport in rat astrocytes. The inhibition constant (Ki) for the inhibition of [14C]succinate uptake by unlabeled succinate, N-acetyl-L-aspartate and citrate was 15.9, 155 and 764 microM respectively. In primary cultures of neurons, uptake of citrate was also Na+ dependent and saturable with a Kt value of 16.2 microM, which was different from that observed in astrocytes, suggesting that different Na+-dependent citrate transport systems are expressed in neurons and astrocytes. RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry revealed that NaC3 and NaC2 are expressed in cerebrocortical astrocytes and neurons respectively. These results are in good agreement with our previous reports on the brain distribution pattern of NaC2 and NaC3 mRNA using in situ hybridization. This is the first report of the differential expression of different NaCs in astrocytes and neurons. These transporters might play important roles in the trafficking of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and related metabolites between glia and neurons.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has worked extensively on glutamatergic and GABA-ergic channels, predominantly in crayfish, but also in locust,Drosophila and recentlyAscaris. Channel currents were recorded in the different modes of the patch-clamp technique (Hamillet al., 1981). The opening kinetics of the channels were derived from open and closed time histograms obtained from single channel recordings. From these, channel conductances could also be evaluated. The most relevant data were obtained by very rapidly rising and falling pulses (time of change about 0.1 ms) of agonists applied to outside-out patches containing the respective channels (Frankeet al., 1987). From such recordings we constructed dose-response curves for peak and steady-state currents, for the rise times of the currents and for the time constants of desensitization. In double-pulse experiments we measured recovery from desensitization and predesensitization due to low agonist concentrations. For most of the channel types, we succeeded in constructing a reaction scheme which in computer simulations mimicked channel behaviour to a good approximation.  相似文献   

The endogenous protein phosphorylation patterns in plasma membranes of bulk isolated neurons and astroglia from control and chronic ethanol treated rats have been investigated. Chronic ethanol treatment resulted in increased phosphorylation of specific proteins with molecular weights 116, 63 and 60 kDa in both neurons and astrocytes. These proteins were further resolved by 2-DE and the analysis suggested an increased phosphorylation of 10–15 proteins, of which 116 kDa protein is phosphorylated to a higher extent by ethanol. Further, decreased phosphorylation was noticed in D-95 and D-63 proteins in neurons and D-78 and D-54 proteins in astrocytes. Alkali stability experiments for identifying the phosphoamino acid involved in phosphorylation of 116, 63 and 60 kDa proteins suggested that tyrosine and threonine are not involved and probably serine is the likely site for phosphorylation during chronic ethanol treatment. The phosphorylation of specific membrane proteins during chronic ethanol treatment might contribute to ethanol evoked cellular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Astrocytes and neurons cultured from mouse cerebellum and cerebral cortex were analyzed with respect to content and synthesis of amino acids as well as export of metabolites to the culture medium and the response to fluorocitrate, an, inhibitor of aconitase. The intracellular levels of amino acids were similar in the two astrocytic populations. The release of citrate, lactate and glutamine, however, was markedly higher from cerebellar than from cortical astrocytes. Neurons contained higher levels of glutamate, aspartate and GABA than astrocytic cultures. Cortical neurons were especially high in GABA and aspartate, and the level of aspartate increased specifically when the extracellular level of glutamine was elevated. Fluorocitrate inhibited the TCA cycle in the astrocytes, but was less effective in cerebellar neurons. Whereas neurons responded to fluorocitrate with an increase in the formation of lactate, reflecting, glycolysis, astrocytes decreased the formation of lactate in the presence of fluorocitrate, indicating that astrocytes to a high degree synthesize pyruvate and hence lactate from TCA cycle intermediates.  相似文献   

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