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p53的稳定与活化是细胞应对癌基因激活或DNA损伤等刺激的关键早期事件。可逆的翻译后修饰可严密调控p53的总蛋白质水平和反式激活能力,对维持正常的细胞生长、抑制细胞的早期癌变及肿瘤的发生至关重要。最新研究发现,除了磷酸化、泛素化和乙酰化修饰外,p53还能发生多个位点的甲基化、类泛素化和糖基化等修饰。这些翻译后修饰之间彼此联系,构成一个复杂的调控网络,对p53的稳定及其功能产生深远影响。  相似文献   

Yang WH  Kim JE  Nam HW  Ju JW  Kim HS  Kim YS  Cho JW 《Nature cell biology》2006,8(10):1074-1083
Post-translational addition of O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) to p53 is known to occur, but the site of O-GlcNAcylation and its effects on p53 are not understood. Here, we show that Ser 149 of p53 is O-GlcNAcylated and that this modification is associated with decreased phosphorylation of p53 at Thr 155, which is a site that is targeted by the COP9 signalosome, resulting in decreased p53 ubiquitination. Accordingly, O-GlcNAcylation at Ser 149 stabilizes p53 by blocking ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. Our results indicate that the dynamic interplay between O-GlcNAc and O-phosphate modifications coordinately regulate p53 stability and activity.  相似文献   

Tumor suppressor p53 functions as a "guardian of the genome" to prevent cells from transformation. p53 is constitutively ubiquitinated and degradated in unstressed conditions, thereby suppressing the expression. However, cellular stimuli enable p53 to escape from the negative regulation, and then stably expressed p53 transactivates its target genes to induce cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, or apoptosis. Promoter preference of target genes is determined by modification status of p53. Because p53 has two critical roles in the decision of cell fate, stopping cell cycle to repair damaged DNA or induction of apoptotic cell death in response to DNA damage, elucidation of switching mechanisms on p53 functions is of particular importance. Here we review recent evidence how several post-translational modifications of p53 including methylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, and ubiquitination, affect the functions of p53 in response to cellular stress.  相似文献   

蛋白质翻译后修饰研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
蛋白质是执行细胞功能的基本功能单元,其表达受基因组和表观遗传学的调控。通常,蛋白质在表达以后还需要经过不同程度的修饰才能发挥所需要的功能。这种翻译后修饰过程受到一系列修饰酶和去修饰酶的严格调控,使得在某一瞬间细胞中蛋白质表现出某种稳定或动态的特定功能。最新的研究表明,真核细胞中存在着各种各样的蛋白质修饰过程,其中大约70%目前还无法解释。有理由认为,这种经过了特定修饰的蛋白质,更客观地反映了细胞的各种生理以及病理过程。因此,除了基因组所编码的"裸"蛋白质组的表达以外,更需要对经过翻译后修饰的蛋白质及蛋白质组的调控过程进行深入的研究。该文对常见翻译后修饰以及研究方法进行了综述。  相似文献   

The p53 protein is modified by as many as 50 individual posttranslational modifications. Many of these occur in response to genotoxic or nongenotoxic stresses and show interdependence, such that one or more modifications can nucleate subsequent events. This interdependent nature suggests a pathway that operates through multiple cooperative events as opposed to distinct functions for individual, isolated modifications. This concept, supported by recent investigations, which provide exquisite detail as to how various modifications mediate precise protein–protein interactions in a cooperative manner, may explain why knockin mice expressing p53 proteins substituted at one or just a few sites of modification typically show only subtle effects on p53 function. The present article focuses on recent, exciting progress and develops the idea that the impact of modification on p53 function is achieved through collective and integrated events.  相似文献   

Alterations of the p53 gene have been attributed a major role in the development and resistance to therapy of several human cancers. Accumulation of p53 in tumor cells may result from mutations associated with prolonged half-life or from stabilization of wild-type p53 by different mechanisms. To address the role of p53 accumulation in the response of malignant glioma cells to radiochemotherapy, we expressed the p53 mutant p53V143A in five human malignant glioma cell lines with different genetic and functional p53 status. Accumulation of p53V143A modulated proliferation in three and clonogenicity in four of five cell lines without a clear pattern with regard to their endogenous p53 status. p53V143A inhibited the camptothecin-induced accumulation of p21WAF1/CIP1 in cell lines with p53 functional wild-type activity, but not in cell lines lacking p53 activity, consistent with a transdominant-negative effect of p53V143A. Irradiation induced a moderate G2/M arrest in all cell lines, irrespective of the p53 status, that was unaffected by p53V143A. Radiosensitivity as well as sensitivity to BCNU, teniposide (VM26), topotecan, vincristine, Taxol, and cisplatin both in cytotoxic cell death and in clonogenic cell death was unchanged in p53V143A-transfected cells with few exceptions. These data do not support the hypothesis that accumulation of mutant p53 is a major determinant of the response to adjuvant radiochemotherapy in human malignant glioma cells.  相似文献   

RelA/p65是NF-κB的一个亚单位,其翻译后修饰能够精细地调控NF-κB的转录激活,并在炎症反应及炎症反应相关疾病的发生和发展过程中发挥重要的作用. RelA的翻译后修饰主要包括磷酸化、乙酰化、甲基化以及泛素化等.这些翻译后修饰不仅能在生理和病理的条件下有效地调控NF-κB的转录激活,彼此之间还存在着复杂的相互作用,一种翻译后修饰可以使另一种修饰增强或是抑制,从而综合而完善地调控NF κB的转录活性.本文就近年来RelA的翻译后修饰及这些修饰之间的相互作用对NF-κB信号通路影响的最新研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   



Leptospirosis, a re-emerging disease of global importance caused by pathogenic Leptospira spp., is considered the world''s most widespread zoonotic disease. Rats serve as asymptomatic carriers of pathogenic Leptospira and are critical for disease spread. In such reservoir hosts, leptospires colonize the kidney, are shed in the urine, persist in fresh water and gain access to a new mammalian host through breaches in the skin.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Previous studies have provided evidence for post-translational modification (PTM) of leptospiral proteins. In the current study, we used proteomic analyses to determine the presence of PTMs on the highly abundant leptospiral protein, LipL32, from rat urine-isolated L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni compared to in vitro-grown organisms. We observed either acetylation or tri-methylation of lysine residues within multiple LipL32 peptides, including peptides corresponding to regions of LipL32 previously identified as epitopes. Intriguingly, the PTMs were unique to the LipL32 peptides originating from in vivo relative to in vitro grown leptospires. The identity of each modified lysine residue was confirmed by fragmentation pattern analysis of the peptide mass spectra. A synthetic peptide containing an identified tri-methylated lysine, which corresponds to a previously identified LipL32 epitope, demonstrated significantly reduced immunoreactivity with serum collected from leptospirosis patients compared to the peptide version lacking the tri-methylation. Further, a subset of the identified PTMs are in close proximity to the established calcium-binding and putative collagen-binding sites that have been identified within LipL32.


The exclusive detection of PTMs on lysine residues within LipL32 from in vivo-isolated L. interrogans implies that infection-generated modification of leptospiral proteins may have a biologically relevant function during the course of infection. Although definitive determination of the role of these PTMs must await further investigations, the reduced immune recognition of a modified LipL32 epitope suggests the intriguing possibility that LipL32 modification represents a novel mechanism of immune evasion within Leptospira.  相似文献   

超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)是生物体内存在的一种抗氧化金属酶,它能够催化超氧阴离子自由基歧化生成氧(O2)和过氧化氢(H2O2),在机体氧化与抗氧化平衡中起到至关重要的作用,且与很多疾病的发生、发展密不可分。对SOD的活性调节一直是研究热点,大多数研究都集中在转录水平(基因表达)和翻译水平(酶蛋白合成)两个方面。随着研究的深入,发现蛋白质翻译后修饰(PTM)对SOD的酶活性有重要影响。近年来,研究蛋白质翻译后修饰对SOD的酶活性的影响越来越受到重视。总结了硝基化、磷酸化、S-谷胱甘肽化、糖基化、乙酰化、次磺酸化、亚磺酸化、SUMO化等几种SOD翻译后的修饰方式,讨论了修饰后对SOD酶活性的影响和生理意义,并对SOD翻译后修饰的发展及面临的挑战进行了展望,为相关疾病的研究、治疗及靶向药物的研制提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

蛋白质翻译后修饰(Protein post-translational modification,PTMs)是一种重要的细胞调控机制,通过在蛋白质的氨基酸侧链上共价结合一些化学小分子基团来调节蛋白质的活性、结构、定位和蛋白质间的互作关系,从而精细调控蛋白质生物学功能的动态变化。PTMs是植物对环境变化最快、最早的反应之一,是植物蛋白质组多样性的关键机制,在植物生长发育和对环境适应中起重要作用。主要介绍了近年来植物磷酸化、乙酰化、琥珀酰化、糖基化、泛素化、巴豆酰化、S-亚硝基化及2-羟基异丁酰化等PTMs研究进展,旨为认识植物PTMs的关键生物学功能和研究前景提供参考。  相似文献   

综述了蛋白质巯基亚硝基化修饰的特点、检测方法、功能研究、相关疾病和发展态势.蛋白质巯基亚硝基化(S-nitrosation)是指一氧化氮(nitricoxide,NO)及其衍生物修饰蛋白质半胱氨酸(cysteine,Cys)巯基—SH生成—SNO,其是一种典型的氧化还原依赖的蛋白质翻译后修饰,也是一氧化氮发挥其广泛信号转导作用的新的重要途径.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications of p21rho proteins.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Post-translational modifications of the ras proteins, which are required for plasma membrane localization and biological function of the proteins, have been shown to include prenylation and carboxymethylation at the carboxyl terminal cysteine residue of the cysteine-aliphatic amino acid-aliphatic amino acid-any amino acid (CAAX) box. In addition, p21Ha-ras and p21N-ras, but not p21K-ras (B), are palmitoylated. The three mammalian rho proteins (A, B, and C) are also members of the ras superfamily but have distinct biological activities and different intracellular distributions from p21ras. Analysis showed all three rho proteins are modified by a COOH-terminal carboxymethylation similar to p21ras, whereas p21rhoC labeled with [3H]mevalonic acid in vivo revealed the presence of a C20 prenoid, similar to that already described for p21rhoA. However, in vivo and in vitro studies of p21rhoB showed this protein to be modified by both C15 and C20 prenoids. Mutation of C193 in the CAAX box abolished prenylation, whereas mutation of the adjacent C192 resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of the C20, but not C15 prenoid, recovered from p21rhoB. In vivo labeling studies with [3H]palmitic acid and mutational analysis showed that both cysteine residues at 189 and 192 upstream of the CAAX box in p21rhoB are sites for palmitoylation. We conclude that there are different populations of post-translationally modified p21rhoB in the cell and that the sequence specificity for geranylgeranyl- and farnesyltransferases may be more complicated than previously proposed.  相似文献   

张静  侯岁稳 《植物学报》1983,54(3):300-315
脱落酸(ABA)是植物生长发育和逆境适应过程中非常关键的植物激素。植物响应ABA信号转导过程由信号识别、转导及响应级联完成, 其中心转导途径由ABA受体RCAR/PYR/PYLs、磷酸酶PP2Cs、激酶SnRK2s、转录因子和离子通道蛋白构成。蛋白磷酸化、泛素化、类泛素化和氧化还原等翻译后修饰在ABA转导途径中起重要作用。该文综述了翻译后修饰在ABA信号转导中的作用。  相似文献   

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