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Liu  Xuefeng  Wu  Yuntao  Rong  Lijun 《中国病毒学》2020,35(3):280-289
Cancer cell lines have been used widely in cancer biology, and as biological or functional cell systems in many biomedical research fields. These cells are usually defective for many normal activities or functions due to significant genetic and epigenetic changes. Normal primary cell yields and viability from any original tissue specimens are usually relatively low or highly variable. These normal cells cease after a few passages or population doublings due to very limited proliferative capacity. Animal models(ferret, mouse, etc.) are often used to study virus-host interaction. However, viruses usually need to be adapted to the animals by several passages due to tropism restrictions including viral receptors and intracellular restrictions. Here we summarize applications of conditionally reprogrammed cells(CRCs), long-term cultures of normal airway epithelial cells from human nose to lung generated by conditional cell reprogramming(CR) technology, as an ex vivo model in studies of emerging viruses. CR allows to robustly propagate cells from non-invasive or minimally invasive specimens, for example, nasal or endobronchial brushing. This process is rapid(2 days) and conditional. The CRCs maintain their differentiation potential and lineage functions, and have been used for studies of adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza viruses, parvovirus, and SARS-CoV. The CRCs can be easily used for airliquid interface(ALI) polarized 3 D cultures, and these coupled CRC/ALI cultures mimic physiological conditions and are suitable for studies of viral entry including receptor binding and internalization, innate immune responses, viral replications, and drug discovery as an ex vivo model for emerging viruses.  相似文献   

Bats carry a variety of paramyxoviruses that impact human and domestic animal health when spillover occurs. Recent studies have shown a great diversity of paramyxoviruses in an urban-roosting population of straw-colored fruit bats in Ghana. Here, we investigate this further through virus isolation and describe two novel rubulaviruses: Achimota virus 1 (AchPV1) and Achimota virus 2 (AchPV2). The viruses form a phylogenetic cluster with each other and other bat-derived rubulaviruses, such as Tuhoko viruses, Menangle virus, and Tioman virus. We developed AchPV1- and AchPV2-specific serological assays and found evidence of infection with both viruses in Eidolon helvum across sub-Saharan Africa and on islands in the Gulf of Guinea. Longitudinal sampling of E. helvum indicates virus persistence within fruit bat populations and suggests spread of AchPVs via horizontal transmission. We also detected possible serological evidence of human infection with AchPV2 in Ghana and Tanzania. It is likely that clinically significant zoonotic spillover of chiropteran paramyxoviruses could be missed throughout much of Africa where health surveillance and diagnostics are poor and comorbidities, such as infection with HIV or Plasmodium sp., are common.  相似文献   

Bats are hosts to a variety of viruses capable of zoonotic transmissions. Because of increased contact between bats, humans, and other animal species, the possibility exists for further cross-species transmissions and ensuing disease outbreaks. We describe here full and partial viral genomes identified using metagenomics in the guano of bats from California and Texas. A total of 34% and 58% of 390,000 sequence reads from bat guano in California and Texas, respectively, were related to eukaryotic viruses, and the largest proportion of those infect insects, reflecting the diet of these insectivorous bats, including members of the viral families Dicistroviridae, Iflaviridae, Tetraviridae, and Nodaviridae and the subfamily Densovirinae. The second largest proportion of virus-related sequences infects plants and fungi, likely reflecting the diet of ingested insects, including members of the viral families Luteoviridae, Secoviridae, Tymoviridae, and Partitiviridae and the genus Sobemovirus. Bat guano viruses related to those infecting mammals comprised the third largest group, including members of the viral families Parvoviridae, Circoviridae, Picornaviridae, Adenoviridae, Poxviridae, Astroviridae, and Coronaviridae. No close relative of known human viral pathogens was identified in these bat populations. Phylogenetic analysis was used to clarify the relationship to known viral taxa of novel sequences detected in bat guano samples, showing that some guano viral sequences fall outside existing taxonomic groups. This initial characterization of the bat guano virome, the first metagenomic analysis of viruses in wild mammals using second-generation sequencing, therefore showed the presence of previously unidentified viral species, genera, and possibly families. Viral metagenomics is a useful tool for genetically characterizing viruses present in animals with the known capability of direct or indirect viral zoonosis to humans.Bats belong to one of the most diverse, abundant, and widely distributed group of mammals. More than 1,100 bat species belong to the order of Chiroptera, representing approximately 20% of all mammalian species (54). Most bat species feed on insects and other arthropods, while others feed on fruit nectar, bird or mammal blood, and small vertebrates such as fish, frogs, mice, and birds (30). Of the 47 species of bats reported in the United States, most of them are insectivorous (http://www.batcon.org/).Bats are considered the natural reservoir of a large variety of zoonotic viruses causing serious human diseases such as lyssaviruses, henipaviruses, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and Ebola virus (6, 38, 46, 59, 63, 65). Characteristics of bats, including their genetic diversity, broad geological distribution, gregarious habits, high population density, migratory habits, and long life span (30, 58), likely endow them with the ability to host diverse viruses, some of which are also able to infect humans and other mammals (41, 63).More than 80 virus species have been isolated or detected in bats using nucleic acid-based methods (6, 38, 59, 65). Viruses that have been recently discovered in bats include astroviruses, adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), adenoviruses, herpesviruses, and polyomavirus (8, 9, 13, 31, 32, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 61, 62, 68). For example, it was recently reported that a newly identified adenovirus isolated from bat guano was capable of infecting various vertebrate cell lines, including those of humans, monkeys, dogs, and pigs (35). With increasing human populations in previously wild areas, contact of bats with humans and with wild and domestic animals has increased, providing greater opportunities for cross-species transmissions of potentially pathogenic bat viruses. To better understand the range of viruses carried by bats, we undertook an initial characterization of the guano viromes of several common bat species in the United States.The development of massively parallel sequencing technology makes is possible to reveal uncultured viral assemblages within biological or environmental samples (11, 28). To date, this approach has been used to characterize viruses in equine feces (7), human blood (5), tissue (14), human feces (3, 4, 15, 45, 60, 67), and human respiratory secretions (64), which in turn has facilitated the discovery of many novel viruses (18, 20, 25, 33, 47, 50). In the present study, we analyzed the viruses present in guano from several bat species in California and Texas, using sequence-independent PCR amplification, pyrosequencing, and sequence similarity searches.  相似文献   

Current methods of microscope stage perfusion do not take full advantage of existing technology for precise fluid control. The concept of flow injection, used extensively by analytical chemists, is described and its application to the fluorescence microscopic study of cultured cells is proposed. Using this technique, cells may be exposed to single or multiple reagent zones of almost any profile, sequence, and duration, with computer-controlled precision. A flow injection system is employed in conjunction with a novel perfusion chamber—the fountain cell. The ability of the flow injection system to perfuse cells with a reagent with a reproducibility of 1% RSD is demonstrated. The system was used to monitor changes in calcium levels in baby hamster kidney cells loaded with FURA-2 as a result of stimulation with a precisely timed concentration of ionomycin. The unique feature of the technique is that it allows a series of responses of a given cell to be directly compared to each other.  相似文献   

Ca2+ activated Cl channels (CaCC) are up-regulated in cystic fibrosis (CF) airway surface epithelia. The presence and functional properties of CaCC make it a possible therapeutic target to compensate for the deficiency of Cl secretion in CF epithelia. CaCC is activated by an increase in cytosolic Ca2+, which not only activates epithelial CaCCs, but also inhibits epithelial Na+ hyperabsorption, which may also be beneficial in CF. Our previous study has shown that spiperone, a known antipsychotic drug, activates CaCCs and stimulates Cl secretion in polarized human non-CF and CF airway epithelial cell monolayers in vitro, and in Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) knockout mice in vivo. Spiperone activates CaCC not by acting in its well-known role as an antagonist of either 5-HT2 or D2 receptors, but through a protein tyrosine kinase-coupled phospholipase C-dependent pathway. Moreover, spiperone independently activates CFTR through a novel mechanism. Herein, we performed a mass spectrometry analysis and identified the signaling molecule that mediates the spiperone effect in activating chloride secretion through CaCC and CFTR. Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2) is a non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase, which belongs to the focal adhesion kinase family. The inhibition of PYK2 notably reduced the ability of spiperone to increase intracellular Ca2+ and Cl secretion. In conclusion, we have identified the tyrosine kinase, PYK2, as the modulator, which plays a crucial role in the activation of CaCC and CFTR by spiperone. The identification of this novel role of PYK2 reveals a new signaling pathway in human airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Recent outbreaks of Ebola virus disease and Zika virus disease highlight the need for disseminating accurate predictions of emerging zoonotic viruses to national governments for disease surveillance and response. Although there are published maps for many emerging zoonotic viruses, it is unknown if there is agreement among different models or if they are concordant with national expert opinion. Therefore, we reviewed existing predictions for five high priority emerging zoonotic viruses with national experts in Cameroon to investigate these issues and determine how to make predictions more useful for national policymakers. Predictive maps relied primarily on environmental parameters and species distribution models. Rift Valley fever virus and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus predictions differed from national expert opinion, potentially because of local livestock movements. Our findings reveal that involving national experts could elicit additional data to improve predictions of emerging pathogens as well as help repackage predictions for policymakers.  相似文献   

气道上皮细胞在哮喘中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代医学的发展,人们对支气管哮喘发病机制的研究有了进一步发展.支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)是一种由多种细胞,多种细胞因子参与形成的慢性气道炎症性疾病.支气管上皮细胞是气道结构细胞,它是抵抗外界损伤因素的第一道防线,当吸人性刺激物质时,首先激化支气管上皮细胞并破坏支气管上皮细胞的正常结构和生理功能,在应激状态下的上皮细胞通过分泌炎性介质与自身细胞或其他气道结构细胞、炎性细胞、抗原递呈细胞等相互作用,积极参与哮喘的气道慢性炎症发生与发展进程.因此气道上皮损伤是影响哮喘发生发展的重要因素,阐明维持气道上皮正常结构和功能的分子机制是目前防治哮喘的重要课题.本文综述气道上皮在哮喘发生发展中的作用及相关机制研究进展.  相似文献   

Reverse genetics, an approach to rescue infectious virus entirely from a cloned cDNA, has revolutionized the field of positive-strand RNA viruses, whose genomes have the same polarity as cellular mRNA. The cDNA-based reverse genetics system is a seminal method that enables direct manipulation of the viral genomic RNA, thereby generating recombinant viruses for molecular and genetic studies of both viral RNA elements and gene products in viral replication and pathogenesis. It also provides a valuable platform that allows the development of genetically defined vaccines and viral vectors for the delivery of foreign genes. For many positive-strand RNA viruses such as Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), however, the cloned cDNAs are unstable, posing a major obstacle to the construction and propagation of the functional cDNA. Here, the present report describes the strategic considerations in creating and amplifying a genetically stable full-length infectious JEV cDNA as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) using the following general experimental procedures: viral RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, cDNA subcloning and modification, assembly of a full-length cDNA, cDNA linearization, in vitro RNA synthesis, and virus recovery. This protocol provides a general methodology applicable to cloning full-length cDNA for a range of positive-strand RNA viruses, particularly those with a genome of >10 kb in length, into a BAC vector, from which infectious RNAs can be transcribed in vitro with a bacteriophage RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

The airway epithelium is exposed to a variety of harmful agents during breathing and appropriate cellular responses are essential to maintain tissue homeostasis. Recent evidence has highlighted the contribution of epithelial barrier dysfunction in the development of many chronic respiratory diseases. Despite intense research efforts, the responses of the airway barrier to environmental agents are not fully understood, mainly due to lack of suitable in vitro models that recapitulate the complex in vivo situation accurately. Using an interdisciplinary approach, we describe a novel dynamic 3D in vitro model of the airway epithelium, incorporating fully differentiated primary human airway epithelial cells at the air-liquid interface and a basolateral microfluidic supply of nutrients simulating the interstitial flow observed in vivo. Through combination of the microfluidic culture system with an automated fraction collector the kinetics of cellular responses by the airway epithelium to environmental agents can be analysed at the early phases for the first time and with much higher sensitivity compared to common static in vitro models. Following exposure of primary differentiated epithelial cells to pollen we show that CXCL8/IL–8 release is detectable within the first 2h and peaks at 4–6h under microfluidic conditions, a response which was not observed in conventional static culture conditions. Such a microfluidic culture model is likely to have utility for high resolution temporal profiling of toxicological and pharmacological responses of the airway epithelial barrier, as well as for studies of disease mechanisms.  相似文献   

Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, the selectivity and pharmacology of 8-Br-cGMP-stimulated currents in the human alveolar cell line A549 was compared to 8-Br-cGMP-stimulated currents in HK293 cells transfected with hαCNC1. Whole cell currents stimulated by 8-Br-cGMP in HK293 cells transfected with hαCNC1 or A549 cells are carried by inward sodium and outward potassium with nearly the same selectivity. The whole-cell inward currents that are stimulated by 8-Br-cGMP in HK293 cells transfected with hαCNC1 are inhibited by l-cis-diltiazem with an IC50 of 154 μm, by 2′,4′-dichlorobenzamil with an IC50 of 50 μm and by amiloride with an IC50 of 133 μm. The whole-cell inward currents in A549 cells that are stimulated by 8-Br-cGMP, are inhibited by l-cis-diltiazem with an IC50 of 87 μm, by 2′4′-dichlorobenzamil with an IC50 of 38 μm and by amiloride with an IC50 of 32 μm suggesting that these airway cells contain cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channels. RT-PCR data suggest that mRNA of both αCNC1 and βCNC subunits are present in A549 cells and the presence of the βCNC subunit, may as previously reported, increase the affinity of these channel blockers compared to the hαCNC1 subunit alone. The mRNA of two other isoforms of this channel, CNC2 and CNC3, are also expressed in the A549 cell line. This study documents the IC50 of externally applied channel blockers that can be used for in vitro or in vivo experiments to document sodium absorption via cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channels in airway cells. Received: 24 February/Revised: 28 May 1999  相似文献   

基因芯片技术检测重要人兽共患病病毒方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建立能对25种重要人兽共患病病毒进行筛查及鉴定用的基因芯片技术,本实验首先设计针对每种病毒的寡核苷酸探针并进行探针特异性的生物信息学验证.然后探索病毒核酸随机扩增方法,优化杂交动力学条件,建立本芯片标准的数据处理分析方法.最后用细胞培养的病毒和模拟临床标本验证芯片的敏感性与特异性.结果表明,锚定随机PCR扩增法适合于本芯片病毒核酸的扩增;芯片杂交前用0.25% NaBH4进行封闭,最优杂交条件为51 ℃,2 h及50%甲酰胺浓度;芯片具有较好的敏感性及检测特异性.初步结果表明,本实验所建立的基因芯片技术可应用于对25种重要人兽共患病病毒进行筛查及鉴定.  相似文献   

Bats (Chiroptera) host major human pathogenic viruses including corona-, paramyxo, rhabdo- and filoviruses. We analyzed six different cell lines from either Yinpterochiroptera (including African flying foxes and a rhinolophid bat) or Yangochiroptera (genera Carollia and Tadarida) for susceptibility to infection by different enveloped RNA viruses. None of the cells were sensitive to infection by transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), a porcine coronavirus, or to infection mediated by the Spike (S) protein of SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) incorporated into pseudotypes based on vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). The resistance to infection was overcome if cells were transfected to express the respective cellular receptor, porcine aminopeptidase N for TGEV or angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 for SARS-CoV. VSV pseudotypes containing the S proteins of two bat SARS-related CoV (Bg08 and Rp3) were unable to infect any of the six tested bat cell lines. By contrast, viral pseudotypes containing the surface protein GP of Marburg virus from the family Filoviridae infected all six cell lines though at different efficiency. Notably, all cells were sensitive to infection by two paramyxoviruses (Sendai virus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus) and three influenza viruses from different subtypes. These results indicate that bat cells are more resistant to infection by coronaviruses than to infection by paramyxoviruses, filoviruses and influenza viruses. Furthermore, these results show a receptor-dependent restriction of the infection of bat cells by CoV. The implications for the isolation of coronaviruses from bats are discussed.  相似文献   

Ebolaviruses (EBOV) (family Filoviridae) cause viral hemorrhagic fevers in humans and non-human primates when they spill over from their wildlife reservoir hosts with case fatality rates of up to 90%. Fruit bats may act as reservoirs of the Filoviridae. The migratory fruit bat, Eidolon helvum, is common across sub-Saharan Africa and lives in large colonies, often situated in cities. We screened sera from 262 E. helvum using indirect fluorescent tests for antibodies against EBOV subtype Zaire. We detected a seropositive bat from Accra, Ghana, and confirmed this using western blot analysis. The bat was also seropositive for Lagos bat virus, a Lyssavirus, by virus neutralization test. The bat was fitted with a radio transmitter and was last detected in Accra 13 months after release post-sampling, demonstrating long-term survival. Antibodies to filoviruses have not been previously demonstrated in E. helvum. Radio-telemetry data demonstrates long-term survival of an individual bat following exposure to viruses of families that can be highly pathogenic to other mammal species. Because E. helvum typically lives in large urban colonies and is a source of bushmeat in some regions, further studies should determine if this species forms a reservoir for EBOV from which spillover infections into the human population may occur.  相似文献   

Human rhinovirus (HRV) is the most common cause of acute exacerbations of chronic lung diseases including asthma. Impaired anti-viral IFN-λ1 production and increased HRV replication in human asthmatic airway epithelial cells may be one of the underlying mechanisms leading to asthma exacerbations. Increased autophagy has been shown in asthmatic airway epithelium, but the role of autophagy in anti-HRV response remains uncertain. Trehalose, a natural glucose disaccharide, has been recognized as an effective autophagy inducer in mammalian cells. In the current study, we used trehalose to induce autophagy in normal human primary airway epithelial cells in order to determine if autophagy directly regulates the anti-viral response against HRV. We found that trehalose-induced autophagy significantly impaired IFN-λ1 expression and increased HRV-16 load. Inhibition of autophagy via knockdown of autophagy-related gene 5 (ATG5) effectively rescued the impaired IFN-λ1 expression by trehalose and subsequently reduced HRV-16 load. Mechanistically, ATG5 protein interacted with retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) and IFN-β promoter stimulator 1 (IPS-1), two critical molecules involved in the expression of anti-viral interferons. Our results suggest that induction of autophagy in human primary airway epithelial cells inhibits the anti-viral IFN-λ1 expression and facilitates HRV infection. Intervention of excessive autophagy in chronic lung diseases may provide a novel approach to attenuate viral infections and associated disease exacerbations.  相似文献   

Human normal cell-based systems are needed for drug discovery and toxicity evaluation. hTERT or viral genes transduced human cells are currently widely used for these studies, while these cells exhibited abnormal differentiation potential or response to biological and chemical signals. In this study, we established human normal bronchial epithelial cells (HNBEC) using a defined primary epithelial cell culture medium without transduction of exogenous genes. This system may involve decreased IL-1 signaling and enhanced Wnt signaling in cells. Our data demonstrated that HNBEC exhibited a normal diploid karyotype. They formed well-defined spheres in matrigel 3D culture while cancer cells (HeLa) formed disorganized aggregates. HNBEC cells possessed a normal cellular response to DNA damage and did not induce tumor formation in vivo by xenograft assays. Importantly, we assessed the potential of these cells in toxicity evaluation of the common occupational toxicants that may affect human respiratory system. Our results demonstrated that HNBEC cells are more sensitive to exposure of 10~20 nm-sized SiO2, Cr(VI) and B(a)P compared to 16HBE cells (a SV40-immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells). This study provides a novel in vitro human cells-based model for toxicity evaluation, may also be facilitating studies in basic cell biology, cancer biology and drug discovery.  相似文献   

Simian Foamy Virus (SFV) can be transmitted from non-human primates (NHP) to humans. However, there are no documented cases of human to human transmission, and significant differences exist between infection in NHP and human hosts. The mechanism for these between-host differences is not completely understood. In this paper we develop a new Bayesian approach to the detection of APOBEC3-mediated hypermutation, and use it to compare SFV sequences from human and NHP hosts living in close proximity in Bangladesh. We find that human APOBEC3G can induce genetic changes that may prevent SFV replication in infected humans in vivo.  相似文献   

Human rhinovirus species C (HRV-C) was recently discovered using molecular diagnostic techniques and is associated with lower respiratory tract disease, particularly in children. HRV-C cannot be propagated in immortalized cell lines, and currently sinus organ culture is the only system described that is permissive to HRV-C infection ex vivo. However, the utility of organ culture for studying HRV-C biology is limited. Here, we report that a previously described HRV-C derived from an infectious cDNA, HRV-C15, infects and propagates in fully differentiated human airway epithelial cells but not in undifferentiated cells. We demonstrate that this differentiated epithelial cell culture system supports infection and replication of a second virus generated from a cDNA clone, HRV-C11. We show that HRV-C15 virions preferentially bind fully differentiated airway epithelial cells, suggesting that the block to replication in undifferentiated cells is at the step of viral entry. Consistent with previous reports, HRV-C15 utilizes a cellular receptor other than ICAM-1 or LDLR for infection of differentiated epithelial cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that HRV-C15 replication can be inhibited by an HRV 3C protease inhibitor (rupintrivir) but not an HRV capsid inhibitor previously under clinical development (pleconaril). The HRV-C cell culture system described here provides a powerful tool for studying the biology of HRV-C and the discovery and development of HRV-C inhibitors.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptor (TLR1–6) mRNAs are expressed in normal human bronchial epithelial cells with higher basal levels of TLR3. TLR2 mRNA and plasma membrane protein expression was enhanced by pretreatment with Poly IC, a synthetic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) known to activate TLR3. Poly IC also enhanced mRNA expression of adaptor molecules (MyD88 and TIRAP) and coreceptors (Dectin-1 and CD14) involved in TLR2 signaling. Additionally, mRNA expression of TLR3 and dsRNA-sensing proteins MDA5 and RIG-I increased following Poly IC treatment. In contrast, basal mRNA expression of TLR5 and TLR2 coreceptor CD36 was reduced by 77% and 62%, respectively. ELISA of apical and basolateral solutions from Poly IC-stimulated monolayers revealed significantly higher levels of IL-6 and GM-CSF compared with the TLR2 ligand PAM3CSK4. Pretreatment with anti-TLR2 blocking antibody inhibited the PAM3CSK4-induced increase in IL-6 secretion after Poly IC exposure. An increase in IL-6 secretion was also observed in cells stimulated with Alternaria extract after pretreatment with Poly IC. However, IL-6 secretion was not stimulated by zymosan or lipothechoic acid (LTA). These data demonstrated that upregulation of TLR2 following exposure to dsRNA enhances functional responses of the airway epithelium to certain (PAM3CSK4), but not all (zymosan, LTA) TLR2 ligands and that this is likely due to differences in coreceptor expression.  相似文献   



Matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) promotes lung fibrotic responses to bleomycin in mice. Although prior studies reported that MMP-8 levels are increased in plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples from IPF patients, neither the bioactive forms nor the cellular sources of MMP-8 in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients have been identified. It is not known whether MMP-8 expression is dys-regulated in IPF leukocytes or whether MMP-8 plasma levels correlate with IPF outcomes. Our goal was to address these knowledge gaps.


We measured MMP-8 levels and forms in blood and lung samples from IPF patients versus controls using ELISAs, western blotting, and qPCR, and assessed whether MMP-8 plasma levels in 73 IPF patients correlate with rate of lung function decline and mortality. We used immunostaining to localize MMP-8 expression in IPF lungs. We quantified MMP-8 levels and forms in blood leukocytes from IPF patients versus controls.


IPF patients have increased BALF, whole lung, and plasma levels of soluble MMP-8 protein. Active MMP-8 is the main form elevated in IPF lungs. MMP-8 mRNA levels are increased in monocytes from IPF patients, but IPF patients and controls have similar levels of MMP-8 in PMNs. Surprisingly, macrophages and airway epithelial cells are the main cells expressing MMP-8 in IPF lungs. Plasma and BALF MMP-8 levels do not correlate with decline in lung function and/or mortality in IPF patients.


Blood and lung MMP-8 levels are increased in IPF patients. Active MMP-8 is the main form elevated in IPF lungs. Surprisingly, blood monocytes, lung macrophages, and airway epithelial cells are the main cells in which MMP-8 is upregulated in IPF patients. Plasma and BALF MMP-8 levels are unlikely to serve as a prognostic biomarker for IPF patients. These results provide new information about the expression patterns of MMP-8 in IPF patients.  相似文献   

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