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Membrane curvature is involved in numerous biological pathways like vesicle trafficking, endocytosis or nuclear pore complex assembly. In addition to its topological role, membrane curvature is sensed by specific proteins, enabling the coordination of biological processes in space and time. Amongst membrane curvature sensors are the ALPS (Amphipathic Lipid Packing Sensors). ALPS motifs are short peptides with peculiar amphipathic properties. They are found in proteins targeted to distinct curved membranes, mostly in the early secretory pathway. For instance, the ALPS motif of the golgin GMAP210 binds trafficking vesicles, while the ALPS motif of Nup133 targets nuclear pores. It is not clear if, besides curvature sensitivity, ALPS motifs also provide target specificity, or if other domains in the surrounding protein backbone are involved. To elucidate this aspect, we studied the subcellular localization of ALPS motifs outside their natural protein context. The ALPS motifs of GMAP210 or Nup133 were grafted on artificial fluorescent probes. Importantly, ALPS motifs are held in different positions and these contrasting architectures were mimicked by the fluorescent probes. The resulting chimeras recapitulated the original proteins localization, indicating that ALPS motifs are sufficient to specifically localize proteins. Modulating the electrostatic or hydrophobic content of Nup133 ALPS motif modified its avidity for cellular membranes but did not change its organelle targeting properties. In contrast, the structure of the backbone surrounding the helix strongly influenced targeting. In particular, introducing an artificial coiled-coil between ALPS and the fluorescent protein increased membrane curvature sensitivity. This coiled-coil domain also provided membrane curvature sensitivity to the amphipathic helix of Sar1. The degree of curvature sensitivity within the coiled-coil context remains correlated to the natural curvature sensitivity of the helices. This suggests that the chemistry of ALPS motifs is a key parameter for membrane curvature sensitivity, which can be further modulated by the surrounding protein backbone.  相似文献   

Experiments were executed to elucidate the chemical structure of ceramide monohexoside (CMH) and ceramide dihexoside (CDH) isolated from cow’s milk, especially with regard to the nature of the sugar moiety of the molecules. The results have shown that the structure of CMH and CDH in bovine milk is β-glucosyl-(l→l)-N-acyl-sphingosine, namely ceramide glucoside, and β-galactosyl-(1→4)-β-glucosyl-(1→1)-N-acyl-sphingosine, namely ceramide lactoside, respectively.  相似文献   

We have purified an abundant lipocalin from the seminal fluid of the rabbit, which shows significant similarity with the sub-class of pheromone carriers “urinary” and “salivary” and presents an N-terminal sequence identical with that of an odorant-binding protein (rabOBP3) expressed in the nasal tissue of the same species. This protein is synthesised in the prostate and found in the seminal fluid, but not in sperm cells. The same protein is also expressed in the nasal epithelium of both sexes, but is completely absent in female reproductive organs. It presents four cysteines, among which two are arranged to form a disulphide bridge, and is glycosylated. This is the first report of an OBP identified at the protein level in the seminal fluid of a vertebrate species. The protein purified from seminal fluid is bound to some organic chemicals whose structure is currently under investigation. We reasonably speculate that, like urinary and salivary proteins reported in other species of mammals, this lipocalin performs a dual role, as carrier of semiochemicals in the seminal fluid and as detector of chemical signals in the nose.  相似文献   

Calreticulin is an abundant endoplasmic reticulum resident protein that fulfills at least two basic functions. Firstly, due to its ability to bind monoglucosylated high mannose oligosaccharides, calreticulin is a central component of the folding quality control system of glycoproteins. On the other hand, thanks to its capacity to bind high amounts of calcium, calreticulin is one of the main calcium buffers in the endoplasmic reticulum. This last activity resides on a highly negatively charged domain located at the C terminus. Interestingly, this domain has been proposed to regulate the intracellular localization of calreticulin. Structural information for this domain is currently scarce. Here we address this issue by employing a combination of biophysical techniques and molecular dynamics simulation. We found that calreticulin C-terminal domain at low calcium concentration displays a disordered structure, whereas calcium addition induces a more rigid and compact conformation. Remarkably, this change develops when calcium concentration varies within a range similar to that taking place in the endoplasmic reticulum upon physiological fluctuations. In addition, a much higher calcium concentration is necessary to attain similar responses in a peptide displaying a randomized sequence of calreticulin C-terminal domain, illustrating the sequence specificity of this effect. Molecular dynamics simulation reveals that this ordering effect is a consequence of the ability of calcium to bring into close proximity residues that lie apart in the primary structure. These results place calreticulin in a new setting in which the protein behaves not only as a calcium-binding protein but as a finely tuned calcium sensor.  相似文献   

NADPH thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC) is a chloroplast enzyme able to conjugate NADPH thioredoxin reductase (NTR) and thioredoxin (TRX) activities for the efficient reduction of 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (2-Cys PRX). Because NADPH can be produced in chloroplasts during darkness, NTRC plays a key role for plant peroxide detoxification during the night. Here, it is shown that the quaternary structure of NTRC is highly dependent on its redox status. In vitro, most of the enzyme adopted an oligomeric state that disaggregated in dimers upon addition of NADPH, NADH, or DTT. Gel filtration and Western blot analysis of protein extracts from Arabidopsis chloroplast stroma showed that native NTRC forms aggregates, which are sensitive to NADPH and DTT, suggesting that the aggregation state might be a significant aspect of NTRC activity in vivo. Moreover, the enzyme is localized in clusters in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. NTRC triple and double mutants, A164G- V182E-R183F and A164G-R183F, replacing key residues of NADPH binding site, showed reduced activity but were still able to dimerize though with an increase in intermediary forms. Based on these results, we propose that the catalytically active form of NTRC is the dimer, which formation is induced by NADPH.  相似文献   

The intermediate filament protein vimentin is a major phosphoprotein in mammalian fibroblasts, and reversible phosphorylation plays a key role in its dynamic rearrangement. Selective inhibition of type 2A but not type 1 protein phosphatases led to hyperphosphorylation and concomitant disassembly of vimentin, characterized by a collapse into bundles around the nucleus. We have analyzed the potential role of one of the major protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunits, B55, in vimentin dephosphorylation. In mammalian fibroblasts, B55 protein was distributed ubiquitously throughout the cytoplasm with a fraction associated to vimentin. Specific depletion of B55 in living cells by antisense B55 RNA was accompanied by disassembly and increased phosphorylation of vimentin, as when type 2A phosphatases were inhibited using okadaic acid. The presence of B55 was a prerequisite for PP2A to efficiently dephosphorylate vimentin in vitro or to induce filament reassembly in situ. Both biochemical fractionation and immunofluorescence analysis of detergent-extracted cells revealed that fractions of PP2Ac, PR65, and B55 were tightly associated with vimentin. Furthermore, vimentin-associated PP2A catalytic subunit was displaced in B55-depleted cells. Taken together these data show that, in mammalian fibroblasts, the intermediate filament protein vimentin is dephosphorylated by PP2A, an event targeted by B55.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium on protein phosphorylation was investigated using intact synaptosomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex and prelabelled with 32Pi. For nondepolarised synaptosomes a group of calcium-sensitive phosphoproteins were maximally labelled in the presence of 0.1 mM calcium. The phosphorylation of these proteins was slightly decreased in the presence of strontium and absent in the presence of barium, consistent with the decreased ability of these cations to activate calcium-stimulated protein kinases. Addition of calcium alone to synaptosomes prelabelled in its absence increased phosphorylation of a number of proteins. On depolarisation in the presence of calcium certain of the calcium-sensitive phosphoproteins were further increased in labelling above nondepolarised levels. These increases were maximal and most sustained after prelabelling at 0.1 mM calcium. On prolonged depolarisation at this calcium concentration a slow decrease in labelling was observed for most phosphoproteins, whereas a greater rate and extent of decrease occurred at higher calcium concentrations. At 2.5 mM calcium a rapid and then a subsequent slow dephosphorylation was observed, indicating two distinct phases of dephosphorylation. Of all the phosphoproteins normally stimulated by depolarisation, only phosphoprotein 59 did not exhibit the rapid phase of dephosphorylation at high calcium concentrations. Replacing calcium with strontium markedly decreased the extent of change observed on depolarisation whereas barium decreased phosphorylation changes even further. Taken together these data suggest that an influx of calcium into synaptosomes initially activates protein phosphorylation, but as the levels of intrasynaptosomal calcium rise protein dephosphorylation predominates. Other phosphoproteins were dephosphorylated immediately on depolarisation in the presence of calcium. The fine control of protein phosphorylation levels exerted by calcium supports the idea that the synaptosomal phosphoproteins could play a role in modulating events such as neurotransmitter release in the nerve terminal.  相似文献   

Export of oncogenic T-DNA from the phytopathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens is mediated by the products of the virB operon. It has recently been reported (K. J. Fullner and E. W. Nester, J. Bacteriol. 178:1498–1504, 1996) that DNA transfer does not occur at elevated temperatures; these observations correlate well with much earlier studies on the temperature sensitivity of crown gall tumor development on plants. In testing the hypothesis that this loss of DNA movement reflects a defect in assembly or maintenance of a stable DNA transfer machinery at high temperature, we have found that steady-state levels of VirB10 are sensitive to growth temperature while levels of several other VirB proteins are considerably less affected. This temperature-dependent failure to accumulate VirB10 is exacerbated in an attachment-deficient mutant strain (chvB) which exhibits pleiotropic defects in periplasmic osmoadaption, and virulence of a chvB mutant can be partially restored by lowering the temperature at which the bacteria and the plant tissue are cocultivated. Furthermore, the stability of VirB10 is diminished in cells lacking functional VirB9, but only under conditions of low osmolarity. We propose that newly synthesized VirB10 is inherently labile in the presence of a large osmotic gradient across the inner membrane and is rapidly degraded unless it is stabilized by VirB9-dependent assembly into oligomeric complexes. The possibility that VirB10-containing complexes are not assembled properly at elevated temperatures suggests an explanation for the decades-old observation that tumor formation is exquisitely sensitive to ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract : Immunoaffinity-purified paired helical filaments (PHFs) from Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain homogenates contain an associated protein kinase activity that is able to induce the phosphorylation of PHF proteins on addition of exogenous MgCl2 and ATP. PHF kinase activity is shown to be present in immunoaffinity-purified PHFs from both sporadic and familial AD, Down's syndrome, and Pick's disease but not from normal brain homogenates. Although initial studies failed to show that the kinase was able to induce the phosphorylation of tau, additional studies presented in this article show that only cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase-pretreated recombinant tau is a substrate for the PHF kinase activity. Deletional mutagenesis, phosphopeptide mapping, and site-directed mutagenesis have identified the PHF kinase phosphorylation sites as amino acids Thr361 and Ser412 in htau40. In addition, the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites that direct the PHF kinase have been mapped to amino acids Ser356 and Ser409 in htau40. Additional data demonstrate that these hierarchical phosphorylations in the extreme C terminus of tau allow for the incorporation of recombinant tau into exogenously added AD-derived PHFs, providing evidence that certain unique phosphorylations of tau may play a role in the pathogenesis of neurofibrillary pathology in AD.  相似文献   

Rotavirus nonstructural protein 4 (NSP4) can induce diarrhea in mice. To get insight into the biological effects of NSP4, production of large quantities of this protein is necessary. We first tried to produce the protein in Escherichia coli, but the nsp4 gene proved to be unstable. The capacity of the generally regarded as safe organism Lactococcus lactis to produce NSP4 either intra- or extracellularly was then investigated by using the nisin-controlled expression system. Production of recombinant NSP4 (rNSP4) was observed in L. lactis for both locations. In spite of a very low secretion efficiency, the highest level of production was obtained with the fusion between a lactococcal signal peptide and rNSP4. Cultures of the rNSP4-secreting strain were injected into rabbits, and a specific immune response was elicited. The anti-rNSP4 antibodies produced in these rabbits recognized NSP4 in MA104 cells infected by rotavirus. We showed that L. lactis is able to produce antigenic and immunogenic rNSP4 and thus is a good organism for producing viral antigens.  相似文献   

Functional convergence of CD28 costimulation and TCR signaling is critical to T-cell activation and adaptive immunity. These receptors form complex microscale patterns within the immune synapse, although the impact of this spatial organization on cell signaling remains unclear. We investigate this cross talk using micropatterned surfaces that present ligands to these membrane proteins in order to control the organization of signaling molecules within the cell-substrate interface. While primary human CD4+ T cells were activated by features containing ligands to both CD3 and CD28, this functional convergence was curtailed on surfaces in which engagement of these two systems was separated by micrometer-scale distances. Moreover, phosphorylated Lck was concentrated to regions of CD3 engagement and exhibited a low diffusion rate, suggesting that costimulation is controlled by a balance between the transport of active Lck to CD28 and its deactivation. In support of this model, disruption of the actin cytoskeleton increased Lck mobility and allowed functional T-cell costimulation by spatially separated CD3 and CD28. In primary mouse CD4+ T cells, a complementary system, reducing the membrane mobility increased the sensitivity to CD3-CD28 separation. These results demonstrate a subcellular reaction-diffusion system that allows cells to sense the microscale organization of the extracellular environment.  相似文献   

The heat shock response (HSR) is an evolutionarily conserved pathway designed to maintain proteostasis and to ameliorate toxic effects of aberrant protein folding. We have studied the modulation of the HSR by the scrapie prion protein (PrPSc) and amyloid β peptide (Aβ) and investigated whether an activated HSR or the ectopic expression of individual chaperones can interfere with PrPSc- or Aβ-induced toxicity. First, we observed different effects on the HSR under acute or chronic exposure of cells to PrPSc or Aβ. In chronically exposed cells the threshold to mount a stress response was significantly increased, evidenced by a decreased expression of Hsp72 after stress, whereas an acute exposure lowered the threshold for stress-induced expression of Hsp72. Next, we employed models of PrPSc- and Aβ-induced toxicity to demonstrate that the induction of the HSR ameliorates the toxic effects of both PrPSc and Aβ. Similarly, the ectopic expression of cytosolic Hsp72 or the extracellular chaperone clusterin protected against PrPSc- or Aβ-induced toxicity. However, toxic signaling induced by a pathogenic PrP mutant located at the plasma membrane was prevented by an activated HSR or Hsp72 but not by clusterin, indicating a distinct mode of action of this extracellular chaperone. Our study supports the notion that different pathological protein conformers mediate toxic effects via similar cellular pathways and emphasizes the possibility to exploit the heat shock response therapeutically.  相似文献   

The spike protein N-terminal domains (NTDs) of bovine coronavirus (BCoV) and mouse hepatitis coronavirus (MHV) recognize sugar and protein receptors, respectively, despite their significant sequence homology. We recently determined the crystal structure of MHV NTD complexed with its protein receptor murine carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1), which surprisingly revealed a human galectin (galactose-binding lectin) fold in MHV NTD. Here, we have determined at 1.55 Å resolution the crystal structure of BCoV NTD, which also has the human galectin fold. Using mutagenesis, we have located the sugar-binding site in BCoV NTD, which overlaps with the galactose-binding site in human galectins. Using a glycan array screen, we have identified 5-N-acetyl-9-O-acetylneuraminic acid as the preferred sugar substrate for BCoV NTD. Subtle structural differences between BCoV and MHV NTDs, primarily involving different conformations of receptor-binding loops, explain why BCoV NTD does not bind CEACAM1 and why MHV NTD does not bind sugar. These results suggest a successful viral evolution strategy in which coronaviruses stole a galectin from hosts, incorporated it into their spike protein, and evolved it into viral receptor-binding domains with altered sugar specificity in contemporary BCoV or novel protein specificity in contemporary MHV.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas exotoxin-based immunotoxins, including LMB-2 (antiTac(Fv)-PE38), are proposed to traffic to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and move by a retrograde pathway to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they undergo translocation to the cytoplasm, a step that is essential for cytotoxicity. The retrograde transport pathways used by LMB-2 are not completely understood, so it is unclear if transit through specific organelles is critical for maximal cytotoxic activity. In this study, we used Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines that express chimeric constructs of CD25, the Tac antigen, attached to the cytoplasmic domain of the TGN-targeted transmembrane proteins, TGN38 and furin. These chimeras are both targeted to the TGN, but the itineraries they follow are quite different. LMB-2 was incubated with the two cell lines, and the efficiency of cell killing was determined using cell viability and cytotoxicity assays. LMB-2 that is targeted through the endocytic recycling compartment to the TGN via Tac-TGN38 kills the cells more efficiently than immunotoxins delivered through the late endosomes by Tac-furin. Although the processing to the 37 kDa active fragment was more efficient in Tac-furin cells than in Tac-TGN38 cells, this was not associated with enhanced cytotoxicity – presumably because the toxin was also degraded more rapidly in these cells. These data indicate that trafficking through specific organelles is an important factor modulating toxicity by LMB-2.  相似文献   

Abstract: We investigated the expression of regulatory (R) and catalytic (C) subunits of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (cAK; ATP:protein phosphotransferase; EC in the bovine pineal gland. In total RNA extracts of bovine pineal glands moderate levels of RIα/RIIβ and high levels of Cα and Cβ mRNA were found. We were able to detect a strong signal for RII and C subunit at the protein level, whereas RI was apparently absent. Probing sections of the intact bovine pineal gland with RI and RII antibodies stained only RII in pinealocytes. Pairs of cyclic AMP analogues complementing each other in activation of type II cAK, but not cAKI-directed analogue pairs, showed synergistic stimulation of melatonin synthesis. Moreover, melatonin synthesis stimulated by the physiological activator norepinephrine in pineal cell cultures was inhibited by cAK antagonists. Taken together these results show the presence of RII regulatory and both Cα and Cβ catalytic subunits and thus cAKII holoenzyme in the bovine pineal gland. The almost complete inhibition of norepinephrine-mediated melatonin synthesis by the cAK antagonists emphasizes the dominant role of cyclic AMP as the second messenger and cAK as the transducer in bovine pineal signal transduction.  相似文献   

Red-light irradiation of etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf protoplasts rapidly increases calcium-dependent phosphorylation in vivo of 70- and 60-kD peptides, and the phosphorylation is attenuated by simultaneous far-red light (K.M. Fallon, P.S. Shacklock, A.J. Trewavas [1993] Plant Physiology 101:1039-1045). When these protoplasts were solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate and protein kinase was renatured in situ after gel electrophoresis, a single 60-kD protein kinase was detected. In situ phosphorylation was inhibited by prior exposure of etiolated protoplasts to 30 to 60 s of white, 1 to 2 min of blue, or 2 to 5 min of red light. The effect of red light was attenuated by concomitant far-red light. The inhibition of in situ phosphorylation by light was lost after a further prolonged incubation of protoplasts in darkness. In situ phosphorylation was calcium dependent, and the electrophoretic mobility of the protein kinase was increased in the presence of calcium ions. Although treatment of protoplasts with ionophores and channel blockers produced data consistent with in vivo regulation of phosphorylation by cytosol calcium, additional light-activated transduction pathways have to be invoked to explain all the observations.  相似文献   

Pih1 is an unstable protein and a subunit of the R2TP complex that, in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, also contains the helicases Rvb1, Rvb2, and the Hsp90 cofactor Tah1. Pih1 and the R2TP complex are required for the box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein (snoRNP) assembly and ribosomal RNA processing. Purified Pih1 tends to aggregate in vitro. Molecular chaperone Hsp90 and its cochaperone Tah1 are required for the stability of Pih1 in vivo. We had shown earlier that the C terminus of Pih1 destabilizes the protein and that the C terminus of Tah1 binds to the Pih1 C terminus to form a stable complex. Here, we analyzed the secondary structure of the Pih1 C terminus and identified two intrinsically disordered regions and five hydrophobic clusters. Site-directed mutagenesis indicated that one predicted intrinsically disordered region IDR2 is involved in Tah1 binding, and that the C terminus of Pih1 contains multiple destabilization or degron elements. Additionally, the Pih1 N-terminal domain, Pih11–230, was found to be able to complement the physiological role of full-length Pih1 at 37 °C. Pih11–230 as well as a shorter Pih1 N-terminal fragment Pih11–195 is able to bind Rvb1/Rvb2 heterocomplex. However, the sequence between the two disordered regions in Pih1 significantly enhances the Pih1 N-terminal domain binding to Rvb1/Rvb2. Based on these data, a model of protein-protein interactions within the R2TP complex is proposed.  相似文献   

Selective attention can be focused either volitionally, by top-down signals derived from task demands, or automatically, by bottom-up signals from salient stimuli. Because the brain mechanisms that underlie these two attention processes are poorly understood, we recorded local field potentials (LFPs) from primary visual cortical areas of cats as they performed stimulus-driven and anticipatory discrimination tasks. Consistent with our previous observations, in both tasks, we found enhanced beta activity, which we have postulated may serve as an attention carrier. We characterized the functional organization of task-related beta activity by (i) cortical responses (EPs) evoked by electrical stimulation of the optic chiasm and (ii) intracortical LFP correlations. During the anticipatory task, peripheral stimulation that was preceded by high-amplitude beta oscillations evoked large-amplitude EPs compared with EPs that followed low-amplitude beta. In contrast, during the stimulus-driven task, cortical EPs preceded by high-amplitude beta oscillations were, on average, smaller than those preceded by low-amplitude beta. Analysis of the correlations between the different recording sites revealed that beta activation maps were heterogeneous during the bottom-up task and homogeneous for the top-down task. We conclude that bottom-up attention activates cortical visual areas in a mosaic-like pattern, whereas top-down attentional modulation results in spatially homogeneous excitation.  相似文献   

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