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Platyrrhine (New World) monkeys possess highly polymorphic color vision owing to allelic variation of the single-locus L/M opsin gene on the X chromosome. Most species consist of female trichromats and female and male dichromats. Howlers (genus Alouatta) are an exception; they are considered to be routinely trichromatic with L and M opsin genes juxtaposed on the X chromosome, as seen in catarrhine primates (Old World monkeys, apes, and humans). Yet it is not known whether trichromacy is invariable in howlers. We examined L/M opsin variation in wild howler populations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Alouatta palliata) and Belize (A. pigra), using fecal DNA. We surveyed exon 5 sequences (containing the diagnostic 277th and 285th residues for λmax) for 8 and 18 X chromosomes from Alouatta palliata and A. pigra, respectively. The wavelengths of maximal absorption (λmax) of the reconstituted L and M opsin photopigments were 564 nm and 532 nm, respectively, in both species. We found one M–L hybrid sequence with a recombinant 277/285 haplotype in Alouatta palliata and two L–M hybrid sequences in A. pigra. The λmax values of the reconstituted hybrid photopigments were in the range of 546~554 nm, which should result in trichromat phenotypes comparable to those found in other New World monkey species. Our finding of color vision variation due to high frequencies of L/M hybrid opsin genes in howlers challenges the current view that howlers are routine and uniform trichromats. These results deepen our understanding of the evolutionary significance of color vision polymorphisms and routine trichromacy and emphasize the need for further assessment of opsin gene variation as well as behavioral differences among subtypes of trichromacy.  相似文献   

The ortholog conjecture posits that orthologous genes are functionally more similar than paralogous genes. This conjecture is a cornerstone of phylogenomics and is used daily by both computational and experimental biologists in predicting, interpreting, and understanding gene functions. A recent study, however, challenged the ortholog conjecture on the basis of experimentally derived Gene Ontology (GO) annotations and microarray gene expression data in human and mouse. It instead proposed that the functional similarity of homologous genes is primarily determined by the cellular context in which the genes act, explaining why a greater functional similarity of (within-species) paralogs than (between-species) orthologs was observed. Here we show that GO-based functional similarity between human and mouse orthologs, relative to that between paralogs, has been increasing in the last five years. Further, compared with paralogs, orthologs are less likely to be included in the same study, causing an underestimation in their functional similarity. A close examination of functional studies of homologs with identical protein sequences reveals experimental biases, annotation errors, and homology-based functional inferences that are labeled in GO as experimental. These problems and the temporary nature of the GO-based finding make the current GO inappropriate for testing the ortholog conjecture. RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) is known to be superior to microarray for comparing the expressions of different genes or in different species. Our analysis of a large RNA-Seq dataset of multiple tissues from eight mammals and the chicken shows that the expression similarity between orthologs is significantly higher than that between within-species paralogs, supporting the ortholog conjecture and refuting the cellular context hypothesis for gene expression. We conclude that the ortholog conjecture remains largely valid to the extent that it has been tested, but further scrutiny using more and better functional data is needed.  相似文献   

The selective advantages to primates of trichromatic color vision, allowing discrimination among the colors green, yellow, orange, and red, remain poorly understood. We test the hypothesis that, for primates, an advantage of trichromacy over dichromacy, in which such colors are apt to be confused, lies in the detection of yellow, orange, or red (YOR) food patches at a distance, while controlling for the potentially confounding influences of reproductive status and memory of food patch locations. We employ socially monogamous titi monkeys (Callicebus brunneus) which, like most platyrrhine primates, have polymorphic color vision resulting in populations containing both dichromatic and trichromatic individuals. Wild Callicebus brunneus spent most foraging time in YOR food patches, the locations of most of which were likely to have been memorable for the subjects. Overall, both dichromatic and trichromatic females had significantly higher encounter rates than their dichromatic male pair mates for low-yield ephemeral YOR food patches whose locations were less likely to have been remembered. We detected no difference in the encounter rates of dichromatic and trichromatic females for such patches. However, the data suggest that such a difference may be detectable with a larger sample of groups of Callicebus brunneus, a larger sample of foraging observations per group, or both. We propose that a trichromatic advantage for foraging primates may be realized only when individuals’ energy requirements warrant searching for nonmemorable YOR food patches, a context for selection considerably more limited than is often assumed in explanations of the evolution of primate color vision.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies have previously shown that the tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (TGT) from Escherichia coli is a zinc metalloprotein and identified the enzymic ligands to the zinc [Chong et al. (1995), Biochemistry 34, 3694–3701; Garcia et al. (1966), Biochemistry 35, 3133–3139]. During these studies one mutant, TGT (C265A), was found to exhibit a significantly lower specific activity, but was not found to be involved in the zinc site. The present report demonstrates that TGT is inactivated by treatment with thiol reagents (e.g., DTNB, MMTS, and N-ethylmaleimide). Further, this inactivation is shown to be due to modification of cysteine 265. The kinetic parameters for the mutants TGT (C265A) and TGT (C265S), however, suggest that this residue is not performing a critical role in the TGT reaction. We conclude that cysteine 265 is in the active site of TGT, but is not performing a critical catalytic function. This conclusion is supported by the recent determination of the X-ray crystal structure of the TGT from Zymomonas mobilis [Romier et al. (1966), EMBO J. 15, 2850–2857], which reveals that the residue corresponding to cysteine 265 is distant from the putative catalytic site, but is in the middle of a region of the enzyme surface proposed to bind tRNA.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies have previously shown that the tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (TGT) from Escherichia coli is a zinc metalloprotein and identified the enzymic ligands to the zinc [Chong et al. (1995), Biochemistry 34, 3694–3701; Garcia et al. (1966), Biochemistry 35, 3133–3139]. During these studies one mutant, TGT (C265A), was found to exhibit a significantly lower specific activity, but was not found to be involved in the zinc site. The present report demonstrates that TGT is inactivated by treatment with thiol reagents (e.g., DTNB, MMTS, and N-ethylmaleimide). Further, this inactivation is shown to be due to modification of cysteine 265. The kinetic parameters for the mutants TGT (C265A) and TGT (C265S), however, suggest that this residue is not performing a critical role in the TGT reaction. We conclude that cysteine 265 is in the active site of TGT, but is not performing a critical catalytic function. This conclusion is supported by the recent determination of the X-ray crystal structure of the TGT from Zymomonas mobilis [Romier et al. (1966), EMBO J. 15, 2850–2857], which reveals that the residue corresponding to cysteine 265 is distant from the putative catalytic site, but is in the middle of a region of the enzyme surface proposed to bind tRNA.  相似文献   

Advances in understanding the control mechanisms governing the behavior of cells in adherent mammalian tissue culture models are becoming increasingly dependent on modes of single-cell analysis. Methods which deliver composite data reflecting the mean values of biomarkers from cell populations risk losing subpopulation dynamics that reflect the heterogeneity of the studied biological system. In keeping with this, traditional approaches are being replaced by, or supported with, more sophisticated forms of cellular assay developed to allow assessment by high-content microscopy. These assays potentially generate large numbers of images of fluorescent biomarkers, which enabled by accompanying proprietary software packages, allows for multi-parametric measurements per cell. However, the relatively high capital costs and overspecialization of many of these devices have prevented their accessibility to many investigators.Described here is a universally applicable workflow for the quantification of multiple fluorescent marker intensities from specific subcellular regions of individual cells suitable for use with images from most fluorescent microscopes. Key to this workflow is the implementation of the freely available Cell Profiler software1 to distinguish individual cells in these images, segment them into defined subcellular regions and deliver fluorescence marker intensity values specific to these regions. The extraction of individual cell intensity values from image data is the central purpose of this workflow and will be illustrated with the analysis of control data from a siRNA screen for G1 checkpoint regulators in adherent human cells. However, the workflow presented here can be applied to analysis of data from other means of cell perturbation (e.g., compound screens) and other forms of fluorescence based cellular markers and thus should be useful for a wide range of laboratories.  相似文献   

New World bats have recently been discovered to harbor influenza A virus (FLUAV)-related viruses, termed bat-associated influenza A-like viruses (batFLUAV). The internal proteins of batFLUAV are functional in mammalian cells. In contrast, no biological functionality could be demonstrated for the surface proteins, hemagglutinin (HA)-like (HAL) and neuraminidase (NA)-like (NAL), and these proteins need to be replaced by their human counterparts to allow spread of batFLUAV in human cells. Here, we employed rhabdoviral vectors to study the role of HAL and NAL in viral entry. Vectors pseudotyped with batFLUAV-HAL and -NAL were able to enter bat cells but not cells from other mammalian species. Host cell entry was mediated by HAL and was dependent on prior proteolytic activation of HAL and endosomal low pH. In contrast, sialic acids were dispensable for HAL-driven entry. Finally, the type II transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS2 was able to activate HAL for cell entry indicating that batFLUAV can utilize human proteases for HAL activation. Collectively, these results identify viral and cellular factors governing host cell entry driven by batFLUAV surface proteins. They suggest that the absence of a functional receptor precludes entry of batFLUAV into human cells while other prerequisites for entry, HAL activation and protonation, are met in target cells of human origin.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) relates to a group of hereditary neurodegenerative diseases of the retina. On the cellular level, RP results in the primary death of rod photoreceptors, caused by rod-specific mutations, followed by a secondary degeneration of genetically normal cones. Different mechanisms may influence the spread of cell death from one photoreceptor type to the other. As one of these mechanisms a gap junction-mediated bystander effect was proposed, i.e., toxic molecules generated in dying rods and propagating through gap junctions induce the death of healthy cone photoreceptors. We investigated whether disruption of rod-cone coupling can prevent secondary cone death and reduce the spread of degeneration. We tested this hypothesis in two different mouse models for retinal degeneration (rhodopsin knockout and rd1) by crossbreeding them with connexin36-deficient mice as connexin36 represents the gap junction protein on the cone side and lack thereof most likely disrupts rod-cone coupling. Using immunohistochemistry, we compared the progress of cone degeneration between connexin36-deficient mouse mutants and their connexin36-expressing littermates at different ages and assessed the accompanied morphological changes during the onset (rhodopsin knockout) and later stages of secondary cone death (rd1 mutants). Connexin36-deficient mouse mutants showed the same time course of cone degeneration and the same morphological changes in second order neurons as their connexin36-expressing littermates. Thus, our results indicate that disruption of connexin36-mediated rod-cone coupling does not stop, delay or spatially restrict secondary cone degeneration and suggest that the gap junction-mediated bystander effect does not contribute to the progression of RP.  相似文献   

Arsenate [As(V); HAsO42−] respiration by bacteria is poorly understood at the molecular level largely due to a paucity of genetically tractable organisms with this metabolic capability. We report here the isolation of a new As(V)-respiring strain (ANA-3) that is phylogenetically related to members of the genus Shewanella and that also provides a useful model system with which to explore the molecular basis of As(V) respiration. This gram-negative strain stoichiometrically couples the oxidation of lactate to acetate with the reduction of As(V) to arsenite [As(III); HAsO2]. The generation time and lactate molar growth yield (Ylactate) are 2.8 h and 10.0 g of cells mol of lactate−1, respectively, when it is grown anaerobically on lactate and As(V). ANA-3 uses a wide variety of terminal electron acceptors, including oxygen, soluble ferric iron, oxides of iron and manganese, nitrate, fumarate, the humic acid functional analog 2,6-anthraquinone disulfonate, and thiosulfate. ANA-3 also reduces As(V) to As(III) in the presence of oxygen and resists high concentrations of As(III) (up to 10 mM) when grown under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. ANA-3 possesses an ars operon (arsDABC) that allows it to resist high levels of As(III); this operon also confers resistance to the As-sensitive strains Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Escherichia coli AW3110. When the gene encoding the As(III) efflux pump, arsB, is inactivated in ANA-3 by a polar mutation that also eliminates the expression of arsC, which encodes an As(V) reductase, the resulting As(III)-sensitive strain still respires As(V); however, the generation time and the Ylactate value are two- and threefold lower, respectively, than those of the wild type. These results suggest that ArsB and ArsC may be useful for As(V)-respiring bacteria in environments where As concentrations are high, but that neither is required for respiration.  相似文献   



The pathogenesis of rabies is associated with the inability to deliver immune effectors across the blood-brain barrier and to clear virulent rabies virus from CNS tissues. However, the mechanisms that facilitate immune effector entry into CNS tissues are induced by infection with attenuated rabies virus.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Infection of normal mice with attenuated rabies virus but not immunization with killed virus can promote the clearance of pathogenic rabies virus from the CNS. T cell activity in B cell–deficient mice can control the replication of attenuated virus in the CNS, but viral mRNA persists. Low levels of passively administered rabies virus–neutralizing antibody reach infected cells in the cerebellum of B cell–deficient mice but are not sufficient to mediate virus clearance. Production of rabies virus-specific antibody by B cells invading CNS tissues is required for this process, and a substantial proportion of the B cells that accumulate in the CNS of mice infected with attenuated rabies virus produce virus-specific antibodies.


The mechanisms required for immune effectors to enter rabies virus-infected tissues are induced by infection with attenuated rabies virus but not by infection with pathogenic rabies viruses or immunization with killed virus. T cell activities can inhibit rabies virus replication, but the production of rabies virus–specific antibodies by infiltrating B cells, as opposed to the leakage of circulating antibody across the BBB, is critical to elimination of the virus. These findings suggest that a pathogenic rabies virus infection may be treatable after the virus has reached the CNS tissues, providing that the appropriate immune effectors can be targeted to the infected tissues.  相似文献   

A résumé is given of the cylindrical platinum electrode technique for measuring the rate of oxygen release from the submerged roots of intact plants. Methods are then described for manipulating the oxygen flux data to quantify the following root characteristics: total effective internal diffusional resistance, non-metabolic (pore-space) resistance, internal apical oxygen concentration, effective diffusion coefficient of internal transport and fractional porosity, and the respiratory contribution to internal transport. The diffusional resistance of the root wall is discussed and the method formerly suggested for converting low temperature flux data to the appropriate room temperature values (Armstrong 1971) is revised. Finally, suggestions are made for overcoming the difficulties encountered in using flux data for comparative work if the roots differ in their apical radii.  相似文献   

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