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While there have been single case reports of the development of circadian rhythm sleep disorders, most commonly delayed sleep phase syndrome following traumatic brain injury (TBI), to our knowledge there have been no group investigations of changes to sleep timing in this population. The aim of the present study was to investigate sleep timing following TBI using the dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) as a marker of circadian phase and the Morningness‐Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) as a measure of sleep‐wake behavior. A sleep‐wake diary was also completed. It was hypothesized that the timing of DLMO would be delayed and that there would be a greater tendency toward eveningness on the MEQ in a post‐acute TBI group (n=10) compared to a gender and age matched control group. Participants were recruited at routine outpatient review appointments (TBI) and from the general population (control) as part of a larger study. They attended the sleep laboratory where questionnaires were completed, some retrospectively, and saliva melatonin samples were collected half‐hourly according to a standard protocol. The results show that the TBI and control groups reported similar habitual sleep times and this was reflected on the MEQ. There was, however, significant variability in the TBI group's change from the pre‐injury to the current MEQ score. The timing of melatonin onset was not different between the groups. While subtle changes (advances or delays) in this small sample may have cancelled each other out, the present study does not provide conclusive objective evidence of shift in circadian timing of sleep following TBI. Furthermore, although participants did report sleep timing changes, it is concluded that the MEQ may not be suitable for use with this cognitively impaired clinical group.  相似文献   

Brain Hydroxyl Radical Generation in Acute Experimental Head Injury   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
Abstract: The time course and intensity of brain hydroxyl radical (?OH) generation were examined in male CF-1 mice during the first hour after moderate or severe concussive head injury. Hydroxyl radical production was measured using the salicylate trapping method in which the production of 2,3- and/or 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) in brain 15 min after salicylate administration was used as an index of ?OH formation. In mice injured with a concussion of moderate severity as defined by the 1-h posttraumatic neurologic recovery (grip score), a 60% increase in 2,5-DHBA formation was observed by 1 min after injury compared with that observed in uninjured mice. The peak in DHBA formation occurred at 15 min after injury (+67.5%; p < 0.02, compared with uninjured). At 30 min, the increase in DHBA lost significance, indicating that the posttraumatic increase in brain ?OH formation is a transient phenomenon. In severely injured mice, the peak increase in DHBA (both 2,3- and 2,5-) was observed at 30 min after injury, but also fell off thereafter as with the moderate injury severity. Preinjury dosing of the mice with SKF-525A (50 mg/kg i.p.), an inhibitor of microsomal drug oxidations, did not blunt the posttraumatic increase in salicylate-derived 2,5-DHBA, thus showing that it is not due to increased metabolic hydroxylation. Neither injury nor SKF-525A administration affected the DHBA plasma levels. However, saline perfusion of the injured mice to remove the intravascular blood before brain removal eliminated the injury-induced increase in 2,5-DHBA, but did not affect the baseline levels seen in uninjured mice. This implies that the source of the increased DHBA in the injured mice is the microvasculature, probably the endothelium. The administration of the 21-aminosteroid lipid antioxidant, tirilazad mesylate, which possesses ?OH scavenging properties, also attenuated the posttraumatic increase in DHBA, further supporting that it reflects an increase in ?OH radical formation. These results are the first direct demonstration of the occurrence and time course of increased ?OH production in injured brain.  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性颅脑损伤后血凝检查的临床意义。方法:对85例急性颅脑损伤患者伤后不同时间分别测定六项血凝指标,进行比较分析。结果:损伤24小时后血凝指标检测结果与伤后1周、3周比较有显著差异,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:急性颅脑损伤后的血凝检测结果异常,可对疾病的诊断和治疗提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性颅脑损伤后血凝检查的临床意义。方法:对85例急性颅脑损伤患者伤后不同时间分别测定六项血凝指标,进行比较分析。结果:损伤24小时后血凝指标检测结果与伤后1周、3周比较有显著差异,有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:急性颅脑损伤后的血凝检测结果异常,可对疾病的诊断和治疗提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Cell Reactions Following Acute Brain Injury: A Review   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The proliferative behavior of glia following a cerebral stab wound in adult rats is reviewed. Proliferation was determined by both PCNA and [3H]thymidine labeling. Microglia were the first cells to divide and constituted the bulk of dividing cells. Both ramified and ameboid microglia divided. A smaller number of astrocytes entered the cell cycle a day later and were shown to derive from differentiated reactive cells. No differentiated oligodendroglia were labeled by thymidine, although a small number of dividing immature oligodendroglia could be detected in cultures of cells labeled in vivo. Recent studies of the properties of oligodendroglial precursors in brain repair mechanisms are discussed. The results so far support our conclusion that differentiated oligodendrocytes do not divide.  相似文献   

急性弥漫性轴索损伤CT与MRI对比的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:比较急性弥漫性轴索损伤患者CT及MRI表现的不同。方法:选取60例急性弥漫性轴索损伤患者,而CT无异常改变或改变轻微的病例行MRI检查。全部检查均在损伤后6天内完成。GCS评分<8分44例,9—12分16例。结果:MRI显示具有DAI损伤表现的共41例,阳性率68.3%,其中单独具有DAIⅠ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ型损伤表现的分别为7例、12例和1例,同时具有DAIⅠ和Ⅱ型损伤表现的共12例,同时具有DAJⅠ和Ⅲ型损伤表现的共2例,同时具有DAJⅡ和Ⅲ型损伤表现的共2例,同时具有三型DAI损伤表现的共5例;CT显示具有DAI损伤表现的共3例,阳性率5.0%,其中具有DAIⅠ型损伤表现的2例,具有DAIⅡ型损伤表现的1例,具有DAIⅢ型损伤表现的0例。结论:CT缺乏异常表现或轻微异常表现的急性弥漫性轴索损伤,MRI常常能显示损伤,包括特殊的损伤部位和一些其他类型合并损伤。  相似文献   

Prior efforts to identify a blood biomarker of brain injury have relied almost exclusively on proteins; however their low levels at early time points and poor correlation with injury severity have been limiting. Lipids, on the other hand, are the most abundant molecules in the brain and readily cross the blood-brain barrier. We previously showed that certain sphingolipid (SL) species are highly specific to the brain. Here we examined the feasibility of using SLs as biomarkers for acute brain injury. A rat model of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and a mouse model of stroke were used to identify candidate SL species though our mass-spectrometry based lipid profiling approach. Plasma samples collected after TBI in the rat showed large increases in many circulating SLs following injury, and larger lesions produced proportionately larger increases. Plasma samples collected 24 hours after stroke in mice similarly revealed a large increase in many SLs. We constructed an SL score (sum of the two SL species showing the largest relative increases in the mouse stroke model) and then evaluated the diagnostic value of this score on a small sample of patients (n = 14) who presented with acute stroke symptoms. Patients with true stroke had significantly higher SL scores than patients found to have non-stroke causes of their symptoms. The SL score correlated with the volume of ischemic brain tissue. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using lipid biomarkers to diagnose brain injury. Future studies will be needed to further characterize the diagnostic utility of this approach and to transition to an assay method applicable to clinical settings.  相似文献   

Long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) are closely associated with the development of severe psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), yet preclinical studies on pathological changes after combined TBI with PTSD are lacking. In the present in vivo study, we assessed chronic neuroinflammation, neuronal cell loss, cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation in specific brain regions of adult Sprague-Dawley male rats following controlled cortical impact model of moderate TBI with or without exposure to PTSD. Eight weeks post-TBI, stereology-based histological analyses revealed no significant differences between sham and PTSD alone treatment across all brain regions examined, whereas significant exacerbation of OX6-positive activated microglial cells in the striatum, thalamus, and cerebral peduncle, but not cerebellum, in animals that received TBI alone and combined TBI-PTSD compared with PTSD alone and sham treatment. Additional immunohistochemical results revealed a significant loss of CA3 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus of TBI alone and TBI-PTSD compared to PTSD alone and sham treatment. Further examination of neurogenic niches revealed a significant downregulation of Ki67-positive proliferating cells, but not DCX-positive neuronally migrating cells in the neurogenic subgranular zone and subventricular zone for both TBI alone and TBI-PTSD compared to PTSD alone and sham treatment. Comparisons of levels of neuroinflammation and neurogenesis between TBI alone and TBI+PTSD revealed that PTSD did not exacerbate the neuropathological hallmarks of TBI. These results indicate a progressive deterioration of the TBI brain, which, under the conditions of the present approach, was not intensified by PTSD, at least within our time window and within the examined areas of the brain. Although the PTSD manipulation employed here did not exacerbate the pathological effects of TBI, the observed long-term inflammation and suppressed cell proliferation may evolve into more severe neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders currently being recognized in traumatized TBI patients.  相似文献   

Shi W  Zhao W  Shen A  Shao B  Wu X  Yang J  Ni L  Wu Q  Chen J 《Neurochemical research》2011,36(3):375-382
HS1-associated protein X-1 (Hax-1) is an intracellular protein with anti-apoptotic properties that, in addition to suppressing cell death by inhibiting the activation of initiator caspase-9 and death caspase-3, is involved in an increasing number of signaling cascades. However, its expression and function in the central nervous system lesion are still unclear. In this study, we performed a traumatic brain injury (TBI) model in adult rats and investigated the dynamic changes of Hax-1 expression in the brain cortex. Western blot and immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that Hax-1 was present in normal brain. It gradually increased, reached a peak at day 3 after TBI, and then declined during the following days. Double immunofluorescence staining showed that Hax-1 immunoreactivity (IR) was found in neurons, but not astrocytes and microglia. Moreover, the 3rd day post injury was the apoptotic peak implied by the alteration of caspase-3, Bcl-2 and TUNEL. All these results suggested that Hax-1 may be involved in the pathophysiology of TBI and further research is needed to have a good understanding of its function and mechanism.  相似文献   

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a significant public health care burden in the United States. However, we lack a detailed understanding of the pathophysiology following mTBI and its relation to symptoms and recovery. With advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we can investigate brain perfusion and oxygenation in regions known to be implicated in symptoms, including cortical gray matter and subcortical structures. In this study, we assessed 14 mTBI patients and 18 controls with susceptibility weighted imaging and mapping (SWIM) for blood oxygenation quantification. In addition to SWIM, 7 patients and 12 controls had cerebral perfusion measured with arterial spin labeling (ASL). We found increases in regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the left striatum, and in frontal and occipital lobes in patients as compared to controls (p = 0.01, 0.03, 0.03 respectively). We also found decreases in venous susceptibility, indicating increases in venous oxygenation, in the left thalamostriate vein and right basal vein of Rosenthal (p = 0.04 in both). mTBI patients had significantly lower delayed recall scores on the standardized assessment of concussion, but neither susceptibility nor CBF measures were found to correlate with symptoms as assessed by neuropsychological testing. The increased CBF combined with increased venous oxygenation suggests an increase in cerebral blood flow that exceeds the oxygen demand of the tissue, in contrast to the regional hypoxia seen in more severe TBI. This may represent a neuroprotective response following mTBI, which warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Rehabilitation can improve cognitive deficits observed in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, despite rehabilitation, the ability of making a choice often remains impaired. Risk taking is a daily activity involving numerous cognitive processes subserved by a complex neural network. In this work we investigated risk taking using the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) in patients with acute TBI and healthy controls. We hypothesized that individuals with TBI will take less risk at the BART as compared to healthy individuals. We also predicted that within the TBI group factors such as the number of days since the injury, severity of the injury, and sites of the lesion will play a role in risk taking as assessed with the BART. Main findings revealed that participants with TBI displayed abnormally cautious risk taking at the BART as compared to healthy subjects. Moreover, healthy individuals showed increased risk taking throughout the task which is in line with previous work. However, individuals with TBI did not show this increased risk taking during the task. We also investigated the influence of three patients’ characteristics on their performance at the BART: Number of days post injury, Severity of the head injury, and Status of the frontal lobe. Results indicate that performance at the BART was influenced by the number of days post injury and the status of the frontal lobe, but not by the severity of the head injury. Reported findings are encouraging for risk taking seems to naturally improve with time postinjury. They support the need of conducting longitudinal prospective studies to ultimately identify impaired and intact cognitive skills that should be trained postinjury.  相似文献   

为了探讨3D动脉自旋标记(arterial spin labeling,ASL)技术对急性创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain inju-ry,TBI)病人的诊断价值,将43例急性轻度TBI患者和20例健康志愿者进行了常规MRI(magnetic resonanceimaging)和3D ASL扫描。结果表明,3D ASL能显示常规MRI所不能显示的脑内血流灌注情况。3D ASL结果发现,健康志愿者组双侧前、中、后动脉供血区的脑血流量(cerebral brain flow,CBF)值比较均无差异(P值均>0.05);TBI患者未出现明显低灌注区的脑实质CBF较志愿者脑实质CBF值明显降低(P值<0.01);TBI患者脑内局部低灌注区较对侧镜面区的CBF值明显减低(P值<0.01)。3D ASL技术能检测出急性轻度TBI患者脑实质灌注减低情况,对于临床诊治有重要意义,值得在临床推崇。  相似文献   

After spinal cord injury, transected axons fail to regenerate, yet significant, spontaneous functional improvement can be observed over time. Distinct central nervous system regions retain the capacity to generate new neurons and glia from an endogenous pool of progenitor cells and to compensate neural cell loss following certain lesions. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether endogenous cell replacement (neurogenesis or gliogenesis) in the brain (subventricular zone, SVZ; corpus callosum, CC; hippocampus, HC; and motor cortex, MC) or cervical spinal cord might represent a structural correlate for spontaneous locomotor recovery after a thoracic spinal cord injury. Adult Fischer 344 rats received severe contusion injuries (200 kDyn) of the mid-thoracic spinal cord using an Infinite Horizon Impactor. Uninjured rats served as controls. From 4 to 14 days post-injury, both groups received injections of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to label dividing cells. Over the course of six weeks post-injury, spontaneous recovery of locomotor function occurred. Survival of newly generated cells was unaltered in the SVZ, HC, CC, and the MC. Neurogenesis, as determined by identification and quantification of doublecortin immunoreactive neuroblasts or BrdU/neuronal nuclear antigen double positive newly generated neurons, was not present in non-neurogenic regions (MC, CC, and cervical spinal cord) and unaltered in neurogenic regions (dentate gyrus and SVZ) of the brain. The lack of neuronal replacement in the brain and spinal cord after spinal cord injury precludes any relevance for spontaneous recovery of locomotor function. Gliogenesis was increased in the cervical spinal cord remote from the injury site, however, is unlikely to contribute to functional improvement.  相似文献   



Sleep disturbance is very common following traumatic brain injury (TBI), which may initiate or exacerbate a variety of co-morbidities and negatively impact rehabilitative treatments. To date, there are paradoxical reports regarding the associations between inherent characteristics of TBI and sleep disturbance in TBI population. The current study was designed to explore the relationship between the presence of sleep disturbance and characteristics of TBI and identify the factors which are closely related to the presence of sleep disturbance in TBI population.


98 TBI patients (72 males, mean age ± SD, 47 ± 13 years, range 18-70) were recruited. Severity of TBI was evaluated based on Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). All participants performed cranial computed tomography and were examined on self-reported sleep quality, anxiety, and depression.


TBI was mild in 69 (70%), moderate in 15 (15%) and severe in 14 (15%) patients. 37 of 98 patients (38%) reported sleep disturbance following TBI. Insomnia was diagnosed in 28 patients (29%) and post-traumatic hypersomnia in 9 patients (9%). In TBI with insomnia group, 5 patients (18%) complained of difficulty falling asleep only, 8 patients (29%) had difficulty maintaining sleep without difficulty in initial sleep and 15 patients (53%) presented both difficulty falling asleep and difficulty maintaining sleep. Risk factors associated with insomnia were headache and/or dizziness and more symptoms of anxiety and depression rather than GCS. In contrast, GCS was independently associated with the presence of hypersomnia following TBI. Furthermore, there was no evidence of an association between locations of brain injury and the presence of sleep disturbance after TBI.


Our data support and contribute to a growing body of evidence which indicates that TBI patients with insomnia are prone to suffer from concomitant headache and/or dizziness, report more symptoms of anxiety and depression and severe TBI patients are likely to experience hypersomnia.  相似文献   

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