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Changes in the coral reef complex can affect predator-prey relationships, resource availability and niche utilisation in the associated fish community, which may be reflected in decreased stability of the functional traits present in a community. This is because particular traits may be favoured by a changing environment, or by habitat degradation. Furthermore, other traits can be selected against because degradation can relax the association between fishes and benthic habitat. We characterised six important ecological traits for fish species occurring at seven sites across a disturbed coral reef archipelago in Indonesia, where reefs have been exposed to eutrophication and destructive fishing practices for decades. Functional diversity was assessed using two complementary indices (FRic and RaoQ) and correlated to important environmental factors (live coral cover and rugosity, representing local reef health, and distance from shore, representing a cross-shelf environmental gradient). Indices were examined for both a change in their mean, as well as temporal (short-term; hours) and spatial (cross-shelf) variability, to assess whether fish-habitat association became relaxed along with habitat degradation. Furthermore, variability in individual traits was examined to identify the traits that are most affected by habitat change. Increases in the general reef health indicators, live coral cover and rugosity (correlated with distance from the mainland), were associated with decreases in the variability of functional diversity and with community-level changes in the abundance of several traits (notably home range size, maximum length, microalgae, detritus and small invertebrate feeding and reproductive turnover). A decrease in coral cover increased variability of RaoQ while rugosity and distance both inversely affected variability of FRic; however, averages for these indices did not reveal patterns associated with the environment. These results suggest that increased degradation of coral reefs is associated with increased variability in fish community functional composition resulting from selective impacts on specific traits, thereby affecting the functional response of these communities to increasing perturbations.  相似文献   

Few studies have documented the activity patterns of both predators and their common prey over 24 h diel cycles. This study documents the temporal periodicity of two common resident predators of juvenile reef fishes, Cephalopholis cyanostigma (rockcod) and Pseudochromis fuscus (dottyback) and compares these to the activity and foraging pattern of a common prey species, juvenile Pomacentrus moluccensis (lemon damselfish). Detailed observations of activity in the field and using 24 h infrared video in the laboratory revealed that the two predators had very different activity patterns. C. cyanostigma was active over the whole 24 h period, with a peak in feeding strikes at dusk and increased activity at both dawn and dusk, while P. fuscus was not active at night and had its highest strike rates at midday. The activity and foraging pattern of P. moluccensis directly opposes that of C. cyanostigma with individuals reducing strike rate and intraspecific aggression at both dawn and dusk, and reducing distance from shelter and boldness at dusk only. Juveniles examined were just outside the size-selection window of P. fuscus. We suggest that the relatively predictable diel behaviour of coral reef predators results from physiological factors such as visual sensory abilities, circadian rhythmicity, variation in hunting profitability, and predation risk at different times of the day. Our study suggests that the diel periodicity of P. moluccensis behaviour may represent a response to increased predation risk at times when both the ability to efficiently capture food and visually detect predators is reduced.  相似文献   

Large scale patterns of ecologically relevant traits may help identify drivers of their variability and conditions beneficial or adverse to the expression of these traits. Antimicrofouling defenses in scleractinian corals regulate the establishment of the associated biofilm as well as the risks of infection. The Saudi Arabian Red Sea coast features a pronounced thermal and nutritional gradient including regions and seasons with potentially stressful conditions to corals. Assessing the patterns of antimicrofouling defenses across the Red Sea may hint at the susceptibility of corals to global change. We investigated microfouling pressure as well as the relative strength of 2 alternative antimicrofouling defenses (chemical antisettlement activity, mucus release) along the pronounced environmental gradient along the Saudi Arabian Red Sea coast in 2 successive years. Microfouling pressure was exceptionally low along most of the coast but sharply increased at the southernmost sites. Mucus release correlated with temperature. Chemical defense tended to anti-correlate with mucus release. As a result, the combined action of mucus release and chemical antimicrofouling defense seemed to warrant sufficient defense against microbes along the entire coast. In the future, however, we expect enhanced energetic strain on corals when warming and/or eutrophication lead to higher bacterial fouling pressure and a shift towards putatively more costly defense by mucus release.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the interplay between negative and positive interactions simultaneously shapes community structure and composition. However, few studies have attempted to examine the effect of facilitation on compositional changes in communities through time. Additionally, due to the difficulties in collecting the long-term data, it would be useful to indicate the rate of temporal turnover using a readily obtainable metric. Using an individual-based model incorporating plant strategies, we examined the role of facilitation on the temporal turnover of communities located at different positions along an environmental gradient for three model scenarios: CM without facilitation; CFM-U, a unimodal relationship between facilitation and environmental severity; and CFM-L, a positively linear relationship between facilitation and environmental severity. Our results demonstrated that facilitation could increase, decrease or have no remarkable effect on temporal turnover. The specific outcome depended on the location of the focal community across the environmental gradient and the model employed. Compared with CM, the inclusion of positive interactions (i.e. CFM-U and CFM-L), at intermediate environmental stress levels (such as S = 0.7 and 0.8) resulted in lower Bray-Curtis similarity values; at other severity levels, facilitation slowed down (such as S = 0.3 and 0.4 at low to medium stress levels, and S = 0.9 at high stress levels) or had only a subtle effect (such as at S = 0.1) on temporal turnover. We also found that the coefficient of variation (CV) in species abundances and the rate of temporal variability showed a significant quadratic relationship. Our theoretical analysis contributes to the understanding of factors driving temporal turnover in biotic communities, and presents a potential metric (i.e. CV in species abundances) assessing the consequences of ongoing environmental change on community structure.  相似文献   

Understanding the temporal dynamics of present thermal and pH exposure on coral reefs is crucial for elucidating reef response to future global change. Diel ranges in temperature and carbonate chemistry parameters coupled with seasonal changes in the mean conditions define periods during the year when a reef habitat is exposed to anomalous thermal and/or pH exposure. Anomalous conditions are defined as values that exceed an empirically estimated threshold for each variable. We present a 200-day time series from June through December 2010 of carbonate chemistry and environmental parameters measured on the Heron Island reef flat. These data reveal that aragonite saturation state, pH, and pCO2 were primarily modulated by biologically-driven changes in dissolved organic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA), rather than salinity and temperature. The largest diel temperature ranges occurred in austral spring, in October (1.5 – 6.6°C) and lowest diel ranges (0.9 – 3.2°C) were observed in July, at the peak of winter. We observed large diel total pH variability, with a maximum range of 7.7 – 8.5 total pH units, with minimum diel average pH values occurring during spring and maximum during fall. As with many other reefs, the nighttime pH minima on the reef flat were far lower than pH values predicted for the open ocean by 2100. DIC and TA both increased from June (end of Fall) to December (end of Spring). Using this high-resolution dataset, we developed exposure metrics of pH and temperature individually for intensity, duration, and severity of low pH and high temperature events, as well as a combined metric. Periods of anomalous temperature and pH exposure were asynchronous on the Heron Island reef flat, which underlines the importance of understanding the dynamics of co-occurrence of multiple stressors on coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

To explore how microbial community composition and function varies within a coral reef ecosystem, we performed metagenomic sequencing of seawater from four niches across Heron Island Reef, within the Great Barrier Reef. Metagenomes were sequenced from seawater samples associated with (1) the surface of the coral species Acropora palifera, (2) the surface of the coral species Acropora aspera, (3) the sandy substrate within the reef lagoon and (4) open water, outside of the reef crest. Microbial composition and metabolic function differed substantially between the four niches. The taxonomic profile showed a clear shift from an oligotroph-dominated community (e.g. SAR11, Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus) in the open water and sandy substrate niches, to a community characterised by an increased frequency of copiotrophic bacteria (e.g. Vibrio, Pseudoalteromonas, Alteromonas) in the coral seawater niches. The metabolic potential of the four microbial assemblages also displayed significant differences, with the open water and sandy substrate niches dominated by genes associated with core house-keeping processes such as amino acid, carbohydrate and protein metabolism as well as DNA and RNA synthesis and metabolism. In contrast, the coral surface seawater metagenomes had an enhanced frequency of genes associated with dynamic processes including motility and chemotaxis, regulation and cell signalling. These findings demonstrate that the composition and function of microbial communities are highly variable between niches within coral reef ecosystems and that coral reefs host heterogeneous microbial communities that are likely shaped by habitat structure, presence of animal hosts and local biogeochemical conditions.  相似文献   

This study measured the environmental variability which exists in a commercial aerobic composting process. The specific process studied is carried out in six decomposition cells which present six different phases of the process. Temperature, pH, and moisture content were determined in several randomly chosen sample sites in each cell, both at the beginning and at the end of the time the material was left in the cell. Temperature and pH varied greatly from one sample site to another in each cell, whereas moisture content was less varied. A significant rise in both temperature and pH was observed at two stages of degradation.  相似文献   

Vermeij  M.J.A.  Delvoye  L.  Nieuwland  G.  Bak  R.P.M. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(3):423-429
Patterns of fluorescence and colony tissue, colour were studied (field observations and epifluorescence microscopy) in six species of the coral genus Madracis over depth from 10 to 60 m at a reef slope in Curaçao. Two functions showed up: (1) Decrease in number of colourmorphs (n = 25) with depth suggests a photo-protective function where short wavelengths (e.g. UV) are transformed to long wavelengths, (2) Green fluorescence, observed in four species over their entire depth range, transforms radiation to wavelengths useful for photosynthesis. The observed patterns in fluorescence between species did not correspond to the current taxonomic classification. Our results do not support the usefulness of fluorescence as a taxonomic tool in corals.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. For reef fish in temperate marine regions, such componentsof local assemblage diversity (i.e., within a reef) as speciesrichness, total fish density, and rank order of abundance canremain relatively constantthrough time. Long-term data (17 years)for assemblages on 2 reefs in Southern California revealed that,despite high turnover in rare species, overall species richnesswas affected only moderately by major oceanographicdisturbances.This resilience of the assemblage is in marked contrast to hightemporal variation in densities exhibited by many local populationsof individual species, and it suggests that measurements ofdiversity to indicate status of an assemblage should be usedwith caution. Here we consider various processes and factors,together with the spatial and temporal scales over which theyoperate, that can influence local diversity (and its estimation)of reef fishes. Mechanisms that can "buffer" local diversityof reef fishes include dispersal of young that inter-connectssubpopulations, high "inertia" in relative abundance and populationstructures (especially for long-lived species), and broad ecologicalrequirements of many species. These considerations suggest thatthe effect of disturbances on local diversity of reef fisheswill depend in part on the magnitude, duration, frequency andspatial scale of the perturbation. While long-term data arefew, available information suggests that, due to life historycharacteristics of the fish and the spatial and temporal scalesat which disturbances are likely to occur, assemblages of temperatemarine reef fish might be relatively resilient to environmentalperturbations  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on the ecological physiology of a coral pathogen were carried out to investigate growth potential in terms of environmental factors that may control coral diseases on reefs. The disease chosen for this study, white plague type II, is considered to be one of the major diseases of Caribbean scleractinian corals, affecting a wide range of coral hosts and causing rapid and widespread tissue loss. It is caused by a single pathogen, the bacterium Aurantimonas coralicida. A series of laboratory experiments using a pure culture of the pathogen was carried out to examine the roles of temperature, pH, and O2 concentration on growth rate. Results revealed optimal growth between 30 and 35°C, and between pH values of 6 and 8. There was a distinctive synergistic relationship between pH and temperature. Increasing temperature from 25 to 35°C expanded the range of pH tolerance from a minimum of 6.0 down to 5.0. O2 concentration directly affected growth rate, which increased with increasing O2. The combined effects of increasing O2 and increasing temperature resulted in a synergistic effect of more rapid growth. These laboratory results are discussed in terms of the coral host and the range of the environmental factors that occur on coral reefs. We conclude that changing environmental conditions in the reef environment, in particular observed increases in water temperature, may be promoting coral diseases by allowing coral pathogens to expand their ecological niches. In the case of the white plague type II pathogen, elevated temperature would allow A. coralicida to colonize the low pH environment of the coral surface mucopolysaccharide layer as an initial stage of infection. The synergistic effect between temperature and oxygen concentration appeared to be less environmentally relevant for this coral pathogen.  相似文献   

For many species securing territories is important for feeding and reproduction. Factors such as competition, habitat availability, and male characteristics can influence an individual’s ability to establish and maintain a territory. The risk of predation can have an important influence on feeding and reproduction; however, few have studied its effect on territoriality. We investigated territoriality in a haremic, polygynous species of coral reef herbivore, Sparisoma aurofrenatum (redband parrotfish), across eight reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary that were either protected or unprotected from fishing of piscivorous fishes. We examined how territory size and quality varied with reef protection status, competition, predation risk, and male size. We then determined how territory size and quality influenced harem size and female size to understand the effect of territoriality on reproductive potential. We found that protected reefs trended towards having more large predatory fishes and that territories there were smaller but had greater algal nutritional quality relative to unprotected reefs. Our data suggest that even though males in protected sites have smaller territories, which support fewer females, they may improve their reproductive potential by choosing nutritionally rich areas, which support larger females. Thus, reef protection appears to shape the trade-off that herbivorous fishes make between territory size and quality. Furthermore, we provide evidence that males in unprotected sites, which are generally less complex than protected sites, choose territories with higher structural complexity, suggesting the importance of this type of habitat for feeding and reproduction in S. aurofrenatum. Our work argues that the loss of corals and the resulting decline in structural complexity, as well as management efforts to protect reefs, could alter the territory dynamics and reproductive potential of important herbivorous fish species.  相似文献   

The biological significance of embryo mortality in demersally spawning coral reef fishes is poorly understood. Here we describe patterns of variation in embryo mortality in Pomacentrus amboinensis (Pomacentridae) at Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef). The aim was to determine whether numbers of embryos hatched substantially differed from egg production, and if so, identify whether predatory fishes were a source of embryo mortality. Spawning success (number of eggs laid), embryo mortality (proportion of embryos that died prior to hatching) and number of embryos hatching were estimated from daily maps of clutches laid on artificial surfaces (PVC tiles) defended by nesting males. Patterns of variation in eggs laid, embryo mortality and numbers of embryos hatched were examined at three spatial scales: (1) among widely-spaced locations around the island; (2) between adjacent reef slope and patch reef habitats occupied by P. amboinensis at a single location; and (3) among different males within these two habitats. The embryo mortality was extremely high, with a mean of 25.9pm ± 6.2% (S.E.) for 4 locations examined in 1994 and a mean of 69.2pm ± 2.9% for two habitats surveyed in 1995. There were no significant differences in embryo mortality among locations or habitats in either year. This meant that spatial patterns in the number of embryos hatching reflected differences in the number of eggs laid on tiles. Embryo mortality was extremely variable on the scale of individual territories, with embryo mortality commonly ranging from 0% to 100%. Much of the mortality could be attributed to diurnal predatory fishes, especially the wrasse Thalassoma lunare. However, variation in predator densities did not explain spatial patterns in embryo mortality rates. Both solitary and group predatory behaviour was observed, with groups often causing 100% embryo mortality. The level of embryo mortality observed suggests that predation prior to hatching may have a substantial effect on the reproductive output of populations of this demersal-nesting fish.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation along environmental clines is often observed as a result of interplay between gene flow and natural selection. In order to understand the relative roles of these processes in shaping this differentiation, we designed a study in which we used two approaches that have not previously been combined, the Q STF ST comparison and crossbreeding. We examined (1) interpopulation phenotypic and genetic (AFLP) variation, and (2) performance of interpopulation hybrids in a common annual Senecio glaucus. Fitness of interpopulation hybrids (F1 and F2) was tested under simulated population natural conditions in terms of aridity and analyzed for a relationship with (1) spatial distance and (2) environmental differences (amount of annual rainfall). While phenotypic variation corresponded to the clinal changes in aridity along population locations, viz. narrower and longer leaves, longer leaf outgrowths and advanced flowering in more arid environments, the F ST < 0.1 calculated from AFLP data suggested intensive interpopulation gene flow, with little if any contribution of genetic drift. Performance of hybrids in simulated natural environments revealed heterosis in F1, but a hybrid breakdown in F2 generation. These effects were related to both the spatial distance between hybrid parents and their population rainfall differences. The detected clinal phenotypic variation and outbreeding depression in F2 strongly support presence of aridity-induced clinal natural selection, which is matched by the observed Q ST ≫ F ST. From this we conclude that Q STF ST comparison can detect effect of diversifying selection when patterns of phenotypic variation across sampled locations can be reliably predicted from environmental variation.  相似文献   

Population differentiation is one of the main topics in evolutionary biology. Except the exploration of color variation, few studies focused on morphological divergences among populations of coral reef fishes. In this work, we studied morphological and genetic differentiation among populations of the damselfish, Pomacentrus coelestis, in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. The shapes of the mandible and the premaxilla were explored using geometric morphometric methods and the genetic structure was investigated using microsattelites. Various tests revealed significant shape variation among most P. coelestis populations for both skeletal units. Morphological variation of the mandible accompanies a genetic break between populations of mainland Japan and Okinawa-Taiwan. However, Mantel and Procrustes tests revealed no congruence between morphological and genetic structures. We illustrate that phenotypic plasticity and adaptive divergence are potential evolutionary mechanisms underlying shape difference among P. coelestis populations. An ecomorphological approach suggests that various diet could be related to shape variation of oral jaws.  相似文献   

Dendritic tidal creek networks are important habitats for sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in salt marsh wetlands. To evaluate the importance of creek heterogeneity in supporting benthic secondary production, we assess the spatial distribution and secondary production of a representative polychaete species (Dentinephtys glabra) in creek networks along a stream-order gradient in a Yangtze River estuarine marsh. Density, biomass, and secondary production of polychaetes were found to be highest in intermediate order creeks. In high order (3rd and 4th) creeks, the density and biomass of D. glabra were higher in creek edge sites than in creek bottom sites, whereas the reverse was true for low order (1st and 2nd) creeks. Secondary production was highest in 2nd order creeks (559.7 mg AFDM m−2 year−1) and was ca. 2 folds higher than in 1st and 4th order creeks. Top fitting AIC models indicated that the secondary production of D. glabra was mainly associated with geomorphological characters including cross-sectional area and bank slope. This suggests that hydrodynamic forces are essential factors influencing secondary production of macrobenthos in salt marshes. This study emphasizes the importance of microhabitat variability when evaluating secondary production and ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Projected global increases in temperature, sea level,storminess and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are likely tocause changes in reef coral communities which the present humangeneration will view as deleterious. It is likely coral communitytrajectories will be influenced as much by the reduction inintervals between extreme events as the projected increasesin means of environmental parameters such as temperature, atmosphericCO2 and sea-level. Depressed calcification rates in corals causedby reduced aragonite saturation state of water may increasevulnerability of corals to storms. Moreover, reduction in intervalsbetween storms and other extreme events causing mass mortalityin corals (coral predators, diseases, bleaching) are likelyto more frequently "set back" reef coral communities to earlysuccessional stages or alternate states characterized by non-calcifyingbenthos (plants, soft corals, sponges). The greater the areaand the longer the duration of dominance of putative "coral/corallinealgae" zones of coral reefs by non-calcifying stages, the lesswill be the reefs capacity to accrete limestone bulk lockedup in the big skeletal units of late successional stages (i.e.,very large old corals). Averaged over decades to centuries,the effects of such changes on the coral community's carryingcapacity for other biota such as fish are unpredictable. A "shiftingsteady-state mosaic" null model may provide a useful conceptualtool for defining a baseline and tracking changes from thatbaseline through time.  相似文献   



Environmental stress is widely considered to be an important factor in regulating whether changes in diversity will affect the functioning and stability of ecological communities.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the effects of a major environmental stressor (a decrease in water volume) on diversity-abundance and diversity-stability relations in laboratory microcosms composed of temperate multi-trophic rock pool communities to identify differences in community and functional group responses to increasing functional group richness along a gradient of environmental stress (low, medium, and high water volume). When a greater number of functional groups were present, communities were less temporally variable and achieved higher abundances. The stabilizing effect of increased functional group richness was observed regardless of the level of environmental stress the community was subjected too. Despite the strong consistent stabilizing effect of increased functional group richness on abundance, the way that individual functional groups were affected by functional group richness differed along the stress gradient. Under low stress, communities with more functional groups present were more productive and showed evidence of strong facilitative interactions. As stress increased, the positive effect of functional group richness on community abundance was no longer observed and compensatory responses became more common. Responses of individual functional groups to functional group richness became increasing heterogeneous are stress increased, prompting shifts from linear diversity-variability/abundance relations under low stress to a mix of linear and non-linear responses under medium and high stress. The strength of relations between functional group richness and both the abundances and temporal variability of functional groups also increased as stress increased.


While stress did not affect the relation between functional group richness and stability per se, the way in which functional groups responded to changes in functional group richness differed as stress increased. These differences, which include increases in the heterogeneity of responses of individual functional groups, increases in compensatory dynamics, and increases in the strength of richness-abundance and richness-variability relations, may be critical to maintaining stability under increasingly stressful environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Residential development of lakeshores is expected to change a variety of key lake features that include increased nutrient loading, increased invasion rate of nonnative species, increased exploitation rates of fishes by anglers, and alteration of littoral habitats. All of these factors may alter the capacity of lakes to support productive native fish populations. Fourteen north temperate lakes were surveyed to examine how growth rates of two common fish species (bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus; largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides) varied along a residential development gradient. Size-specific growth rates for both species were negatively correlated with the degree of lakeshore residential development, although this trend was not statistically significant for largemouth bass. On average, annual growth rates for bluegill sunfish were 2.6 times lower in heavily developed lakes than in undeveloped lakes. This effect of lakeshore development on fish growth was not size specific for bluegills between 60 and 140 mm in total length. An index of population production rate that accounted for both the size-specific growth rate and the size distribution of fishes showed that bluegill populations were approximately 2.3 times less productive in highly developed lakes than in undeveloped lakes. Our results suggest that extensive residential development of lakeshores may reduce the fish production capacity of aquatic ecosystems. Received 29 April 1999; Accepted 26 October 1999.  相似文献   

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