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Recent attention has focused on riparian forest buffer systems for filtering sediment, nutrients, and pesticides entering from upland agricultural fields. This paper summarizes the results of a field monitoring study done in Tokachikawa watershed in Hokkaido, Japan, Cisadane, Cianten and Citamyang sub-watersheds in Indonesia and Cauvery watershed, India to quantify the impact of riparian buffer zones on changes in stream water quality. A watershed approach was used to compare land use indicators – uplands, forests, riparian forest, livestock areas – to a wide range of surface water physical and chemical properties. Stream water physical property values increased from upstream to the confluence point, influenced by the upland and livestock land use activities. The greatest reduction in impairment of water quality was observed in buffer zones located along higher order streams where the gradient is very low, leading to slow groundwater movement. The lower stream water temperature in riparian buffer zones suggests that the shading effect is most pronounced in this area of the watershed. The results demonstrate the positive impact of forest buffer zones in reducing the influence of agricultural nutrients and chemicals on surface stream waters. Design and management considerations for establishing riparian zone land use are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant uptake and denitrification are considered to be the most important processes responsible for N retention and mitigation in riparian buffers. In many riparian buffers, however, nutrients taken up by plants remain in the system only temporarily and may be gradually released by mineralization later. Still, plants increase the residence time of nutrients considerably by reducing their mobility. We investigated the importance of plant N uptake and N immobilization in litter for N retention in riparian buffers. Nitrogen uptake in vegetation and N dynamics in litter were measured over a two-year period in a range of forested and herbaceous riparian buffers along a climatic gradient in Europe, receiving different loadings of N-enriched groundwater. Plant production, nitrogen uptake, and N retention were significantly higher in the forested buffer sites compared to the herbaceous buffer sites. However, in herbaceous buffers, periodic harvesting of herbaceous biomass contributed considerably to the N retention. No relationship between lateral N loading and plant productivity or N uptake was observed; this indicated that plant growth was not N-limited. In the winter period, decaying leaf litter had a small but significant role in N retention in a majority of the riparian ecosystems studied. Moreover, no responses to the climatic gradient were found. Generally, we can state that annual N retention in the vegetation and litter compartment is substantial, making up 13–99% of the total N mitigation.  相似文献   

The change of concentration of total reactive phosphorus (TRP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was studied in the lower Danube river and in selected lakes situated in the wetland area of the Danube Delta. The differences Danube Delta in nutrient concentration in the river waters entering the delta and the delta in different sites (especially lakes) of the wetland area are considered to reflect retention in the system. The highest retention was found in periods of moderate and low water level when the surface-to-volume ratio of the lakes was high. In these periods the in-lake concentration of TRP and DIN could be as low as 11 and 23% of the values found in the inflowing river.  相似文献   

Nematode communities of Lake Tana and other inland water bodies of Ethiopia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Free-living nematodes from littoral benthic sediments of four lakes, two rivers and a hot spring in Ethiopia are studied. Populations of nematodes encountered are identified to the species level. The general nematode (generic and species) composition of the lakes, rivers and hot spring are appraised by giving special emphasis to the nematodes from L. Tana, i.e. three sites where different environmental factors come into play were considered. Gelda is a site close to a river inlet (River Gelda), Gedero is a site exposed to strong wind action while Zegie is a secluded site protected by a land mass from any strong wind action. Nematode communities were identified using classification and ordination techniques. The identified communities are then characterised with respect to species composition, biomass, density, diversity, size structure, feeding type and maturity index. Also, the vertical distribution of nematodes is examined at the community and species level. An attempt has been made to associate these variations with the considered environmental factors viz. site, water depth, sediment depth, median grain size and percentage of mud in the sediment.  相似文献   

Zdzisław Kajak 《Hydrobiologia》1993,251(1-3):149-157
Vistula, the main Polish river, runs from the very south to the very north of Poland, draining 54% of its area. It serves as a source of water and at the same time as recipient of sewage. The pollution of the river is high in its upper reaches, where the country is heavily populated and industrialized. The pollution along the river fluctuates with the distribution of urban agglomerations and industry, but decreases towards the Baltic Sea, due to dilution and selfpurification. However, the load of nitrogen and phosphorus to the sea about 20% of the load from all Baltic countries is very high. Up to 50% of this load comes from dispersed sources. Despite of the heavy pollution, life in the river and its valley is thriving. The river, the many old river beds and rich vegetation in this valley are an ecological corridor along the whole country which is important for nature protection (including migrations of birds) and for recreation. A landscape park should be organized in the mist valuable middle course and upper part of low course of the Vistula. The river urgently needs measures to improve its purity: sewage purification plants, protective zones along most tributaries (such a zone along the Vistula itself is essentially sufficient), and improvement of the landscape management (especially agrotechnics) to decrease the load of substances to the Vistula and the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

A strong linear correlation was found between the log-transformed load and retention of nitrogen and phosphorus in riparian buffer zones (r=0.99 and 0.997, respectively). Analyses of N and P budgets in four riparian forests of varying age (two grey alder stands in Estonia and two riparian deciduous forests in USA) show a significant efficiency. Despite the different input load (72.9–110.4 kg N ha−1 year−1 and 2.5–3.0 kg P ha−1 year−1), the outputs into streams from the alder stands systems were comparably low (9.0–13.2 and 0.38–0.62 kg ha−1 year−1). The older forests from the USA showed less efficiency. Plant uptake of both N and P in younger stands was significantly higher than in older forests. Methods to determine the buffer zones' and buffer strips' width and their efficiency are presented. The testing of efficiency assessment in a watershed in Estonia demonstrated an expected efficiency of buffers.  相似文献   

The soil of flooded riparian zones, the rhizosphere of riparian plants, biofilms at solid surfaces in the river, and the surface layer of sediments all constitute important environments for the oxidative or reductive transformations of inorganic nitrogen compounds. The exact microzonation and coupling of the processes have recently been studied intensively with 15N enrichment methods and microsensors for NH4+, NO2, NO3, and N2O. Microsensor analyses of gradients in sediments and biofilms have shown that nitrate production takes place in an aerobic surface zone that has a maximum thickness of a few millimeters in most shallow-water sediments and may be as thin as 100 μm in biofilms from very eutrophic environments. In the anoxic zone, denitrification is also concentrated in a zone of maximum a few millimeters, and typically half of the nitrate produced by nitrification is denitrified while the other half escapes to the water. The supply of nitrate from above is primarily controlled by the oxic layer acting as a diffusion barrier, and therefore denitrification is generally a linear function of the nitrate concentration in the water. The overlying water is thus a much more important source of nitrate for denitrification if the concentration is high. The rate and location of denitrification are also affected by bioturbating animals, benthic microphytes, plants, and bacteria performing dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA).  相似文献   

水体中氮稳定同位素的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范丽俊  赵峰华  程晨 《生态学杂志》2016,27(8):2699-2707
随着工农业生产的发展,水体氮污染已日益严重.利用氮稳定同位素来判别水体氮污染的源和汇、研究氮循环等显得尤为重要.本文就以下几方面进行综述:1)氮稳定同位素的基本概念、氮在水体中的循环及相应的同位素分馏情况;2)系统比较了水中氮同位素测定过程中氮同位素的分离、富集和不同形态氮的转化方法;3)讨论了氮稳定同位素在研究地表水、地下水及海水中的氮循环、判断氮污染的源和汇、氮在生态系统中转化以及水体富营养化等方面的应用;4)总结了水体中反硝化作用的判断方法和水体中硝酸盐的两种自然衰减机制——反硝化作用和稀释作用;5)指出了该研究领域的不足之处.  相似文献   

In this study we measured changes in population levels of free-living N2-fixing bacteria in the root zones of potted Bouteloua eriopoda and Sporobolus flexuosus plants as well as the photosynthetic indices of the plants in response to added nitrogen, added water, and added water plus nitrogen treatments. In addition, N2 fixer population changes in response to added carbon source and nitrogen were measured in plant-free soil columns. There were significant increases in the numbers of N2 fixers associated with both plant species in the water and the water plus nitrogen treatments. Both treatments increased the photosynthetic index, suggesting that plant exudates were driving N2 fixer population changes. Population increases were greatest in the water plus nitrogen treatments, indicating that added nitrogen was synergistic with added water and suggesting that nitrogen addition spared bacteria the metabolic cost of N2 fixation, allowing greater reproduction. Plant-free column studies demonstrated a synergistic carbon-nitrogen effect when carbon levels were limiting (low malate addition) but not when carbon was abundant (high malate), further supporting this hypothesis. The results of this study indicate the presence of N2 fixer populations which interact with plants and which may play a role in the nitrogen balance of desert grasslands.  相似文献   

There is a global concern that phosphorus (P) resources will be depleted in the near future, but the P flux from water to land is extremely limited, whereas the reverse flux is substantial. A new method for the recovery of P from natural water bodies was proposed using iron-oxidizing bacteria and woody biomass (heartwood of conifer) as a carrier and a practical demonstration was presented. The woody carrier was immersed in water abundant in iron-oxidizing bacteria and removed 1–10 weeks later. Our results showed that the immersed carrier collected biogenic iron (Fe) oxides produced by iron-oxidizing bacteria, and contained about 0.2 mg g?1 of P after 3 weeks; this amount was higher than that contained in some P fertile soils used for cultivating plants. The biogenic Fe oxides on the carrier acted as a source of P for plant cultivation, and they could adsorb P from P-rich solutions (10 mg L?1 of PO4-P). Although our study involved only a small-scale trial, the proposed method can potentially aid in the effective use of P in water and in water quality improvement if conducted on a large scale.  相似文献   

Restoring plants to the riparian zone is regarded as management best practice in river restoration and has the potential to reduce the impact of nitrogen (N) pollution on aquatic organisms and improve water quality for human use. Plant characteristics and the interplay of hydrology and biogeochemistry control N retention in the riparian zone. The balance between processes such as denitrification and plant assimilation determines riparian N retention. Plant traits are likely to mediate these N removal processes through variations in root form, growth character, foliage production (quantity, quality and rate of return to the soil) and by altering conditions in the rhizosphere soil. Vegetation can slow N transfer via direct plant uptake of N (during periods of rapid vegetation growth) and changes induced to soil hydrology, nutrient cycling and microbial activity, principally denitrification. Few studies have focused on species‐dependent effects on N movement through soil and across boundaries. We propose a new framework, based on a literature review of plant traits with respect to N cycling, which can be used to select plant species with traits likely to maximise N removal during transport through the riparian zone. In the proposed framework, inter‐specific differences in traits known to influence N mobility: root form, growth rate, foliar characteristics and rhizosphere processes, are used to describe species’ potential impact on N removal. Plant trait data may be drawn from studies outside the riparian zone; for example forest ecology, horticulture or forestry research, and candidate species are scored to predict N removal efficiency. We apply the framework to New Zealand's native riparian plant assemblages to demonstrate the trait‐based approach. This framework can guide restoration management decisions and investment in riparian revegetation in a manner that is not restricted to geographically specific or well‐studied species.  相似文献   

Zoosporic organisms are commonly found in different aquatic ecosystems; however little is known about the influence of environmental factors and seasonal fluctuations on their occurrence and distribution. This study investigated patterns of abundance, frequency and diversity of these organisms and their relationship with some abiotic factors and seasonality in a cerrado remnant in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Water samples were collected at four dates in two areas of this remnant during the rainy and dry seasons, and 13 abiotic factors were analyzed. From 48 samples collected, 32 taxa were isolated with the multiple baiting technique. The community structure of the zoosporic organisms showed some changes in response to different spatial distribution and seasonal fluctuations, probably influenced by distinct abiotic characteristics of each area or climatic period. Still, the similarity between areas and seasons indicated by S?rensen index and diversity (richness, evenness, Shannon and Simpson indices) were high.  相似文献   

Root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) is suggested to reduce metabolic cost for root growth, but it might lower water uptake by plants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of drought and phosphorus on the RCA development along the root axis and to elucidate its role in water stress tolerance of two maize genotypes. Plants of drought-tolerant DKB390 and drought-sensitive BRS1010 genotypes were grown in Vermiculite at field capacity of 100, 75, 50, and 25 % and supplied with 0.1, 0.4, and 0.8 mM phosphorus. Growth parameters, RCA, and plant P content were evaluated for all plants. Higher RCA development was observed in DKB390 than in BRS1010. Drought reduced the percentage of RCA in the root-hair zone of both genotypes but increased its development in the root maturation zone. Phosphorus limitation enhanced RCA development only in the DKB390. Under drought stress, DKB390 showed resilient growth whereas growth was inhibited in BRS1010. Higher root P content was related to its higher supply. Therefore, RCA formation was induced either by drought or by phosphorus limitation, while no interaction was evident. The RCA development varied along the root axis in order to balance water and phosphorus uptake and the drought response was genotype dependent.  相似文献   

Leaf nitrogen:phosphorus stoichiometry across Chinese grassland biomes   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
He JS  Wang L  Flynn DF  Wang X  Ma W  Fang J 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):301-310
Leaf N and P stoichiometry covaries with many aspects of plant biology, yet the drivers of this trait at biogeographic scales remain uncertain. Recently we reported the patterns of leaf C and N based on systematic census of 213 species over 199 research sites in the grassland biomes of China. With the expanded analysis of leaf P, here we report patterns of leaf P and N:P ratios, and analyze the relative contribution of climatic variables and phylogeny in structuring patterns of leaf N:P stoichiometry. Average values of leaf P and N:P ratio were 1.9 mg g−1 and 15.3 (mass ratio), respectively, consistent with the previous observation of a higher N:P ratio in China’s flora than the global averages (ca. 13.8), resulting from a lower leaf P. Climatic variables had very little direct correlation with leaf P and N:P ratios, with growing season precipitation and temperature together explaining less than 2% of the variation, while inter-site differences and within-site phylogenetic variation explained 55 and 26% of the total variation in leaf P and N:P ratios. Across all sites and species, leaf N and P were highly positively correlated at all levels. However, the within-site, within-species covariations of leaf N and P were weaker than those across sites and across species. Leaf N and P relationships are driven by both variation between sites at the landscape scale (explaining 58% of the variance) and within sites at the local scale (explaining 24%), while the climatic factors exerted limited influence (explaining less than 3%). In addition, leaf N:P ratios in two dominant genera Kobresia and Stipa had different responses to precipitation. This study suggests that geographic variation and between-species variation, rather than climatic variation, are the major determinants of grassland foliar stoichiometry at the biome level. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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