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Prominent in the sky, but not visible to humans, is a pattern of polarized skylight formed around both the Sun and the Moon. Dung beetles are, at present, the only animal group known to use the much dimmer polarization pattern formed around the Moon as a compass cue for maintaining travel direction. However, the Moon is not visible every night and the intensity of the celestial polarization pattern gradually declines as the Moon wanes. Therefore, for nocturnal orientation on all moonlit nights, the absolute sensitivity of the dung beetle's polarization detector may limit the precision of this behaviour. To test this, we studied the straight-line foraging behaviour of the nocturnal ball-rolling dung beetle Scarabaeus satyrus to establish when the Moon is too dim--and the polarization pattern too weak--to provide a reliable cue for orientation. Our results show that celestial orientation is as accurate during crescent Moon as it is during full Moon. Moreover, this orientation accuracy is equal to that measured for diurnal species that orient under the 100 million times brighter polarization pattern formed around the Sun. This indicates that, in nocturnal species, the sensitivity of the optical polarization compass can be greatly increased without any loss of precision.  相似文献   

During the day, a non-uniform distribution of long and short wavelength light generates a colour gradient across the sky. This gradient could be used as a compass cue, particularly by animals such as dung beetles that rely primarily on celestial cues for orientation. Here, we tested if dung beetles can use spectral cues for orientation by presenting them with monochromatic (green and UV) light spots in an indoor arena. Beetles kept their original bearing when presented with a single light cue, green or UV, or when presented with both light cues set 180° apart. When either the UV or the green light was turned off after the beetles had set their bearing in the presence of both cues, they were still able to maintain their original bearing to the remaining light. However, if the beetles were presented with two identical green light spots set 180° apart, their ability to maintain their original bearing was impaired. In summary, our data show that ball-rolling beetles could potentially use the celestial chromatic gradient as a reference for orientation.  相似文献   

Between 1968 and 1983, 22 species of dung beetles from southern Africa were released into pastoral regions of Queensland in northern Australia. Seven species have become widespread and abundant and the others either occur in isolated patches, are rare or have failed to establish self perpetuating populations. These species all occur in the Hluhluwe district in southern Africa which has a climate similar to that of coastal central and southern Queensland. The numberical abundance and habitat associations of the 22 speices were examined at Hluhluwe to seek an explanation for their performance in Australia. It was concluded that habitat specificity and the adequacy with which habitat was matched in Australia were critical factors. Species which established in Australia were relatively common in cattle dung in Africa where they showed a preference for grassland on clay-loam soils.   相似文献   

2008年6月-2009年9月,在内蒙古典型草原放牧区,分析了马、牛和羊鲜粪中粪金龟子的物种多样性、群落结构、功能群和取食偏好.共捕获粪金龟子7805头,隶属于3科4属32种,优势种为符号蜉金龟(Aphodius comma)、游荡蜉金龟(Aphodius erraticus)和泥蜉金龟(aphodius sordec...  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that honeybees use the polarized-light pattern of the sky as a compass for navigation, there is little direct evidence that this information is actually sensed during flight. Here, we ask whether flying bees can obtain compass cues derived purely from polarized light, and communicate this information to their nest-mates through the ‘waggle dance’. Bees, from an observation hive with vertically oriented honeycombs, were trained to fly to a food source at the end of a tunnel, which provided overhead illumination that was polarized either parallel to the axis of the tunnel, or perpendicular to it. When the illumination was transversely polarized, bees danced in a predominantly vertical direction with waggles occurring equally frequently in the upward or the downward direction. They were thus using the polarized-light information to signal the two possible directions in which they could have flown in natural outdoor flight: either directly towards the sun, or directly away from it. When the illumination was axially polarized, the bees danced in a predominantly horizontal direction with waggles directed either to the left or the right, indicating that they could have flown in an azimuthal direction that was 90° to the right or to the left of the sun, respectively. When the first half of the tunnel provided axial illumination and the second half transverse illumination, bees danced along all of the four principal diagonal directions, which represent four equally likely locations of the food source based on the polarized-light information that they had acquired during their journey. We conclude that flying bees are capable of obtaining and signalling compass information that is derived purely from polarized light. Furthermore, they deal with the directional ambiguity that is inherent in polarized light by signalling all of the possible locations of the food source in their dances, thus maximizing the chances of recruitment to it.  相似文献   

蜣螂的生态价值和保护意义   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
白明  杨星科 《昆虫知识》2010,47(1):39-46
蜣螂通常以粪便或腐殖质为食,在生态系统平衡中具有重要的作用。文章系统介绍蜣螂的生态价值,包括转将运粪便到地下、对种子二次传播的作用、传粉作用、对有害生物的控制作用和寄生虫的中间宿主,以及广阔的开发应用前景、重要仿生学意义和重大理论意义;并进一步提出蜣螂保护的迫切性和重要意义。  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(17):3935-3942.e3
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The endemic dung beetle subtribe Helictopleurina has 65 species mostly in wet forests in eastern Madagascar. There are no extant native ungulates in Madagascar, but three Helictopleurus species have shifted to the introduced cattle dung in open habitats in the past 1500 years. Helictopleurus neoamplicollis and Helictopleurus marsyas exhibit very limited cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 haplotype diversity and a single haplotype is present across Madagascar, suggesting that these species shifted to cattle dung in a small region followed by rapid range expansion. In contrast, patterns of molecular diversity in Helictopleurus quadripunctatus indicate a gradual diet shift across most of southern Madagascar, consistent with somewhat broader diet in this species. The three cattle dung-using Helictopleurus species have significantly greater geographical ranges than the forest-dwelling species, apparently because the shift to the currently very abundant new resource relaxed interspecific competition that hinders range expansion in the forest species.  相似文献   

  • 1 Competition in cattle dung pads between two dung beetles, Onthophagus ferox Harold and Onthophagus binodis Thunberg, and the bush fly, Musca vetustissima Walker, was investigated in laboratory experiments, to determine why spring fly abundance in the field did not fall following the introduction of O. binodis.
  • 2 At low beetle densities, the number of eggs laid by each species was reduced by the second species. A similar amount of dung was buried by each species alone or by both together.
  • 3 At high beetle densities O. binodis egg production was substantially affected by each additional O.ferox, but O.ferox egg production was not affected by each additional O.binodis. Asymmetric competition occurred because O.ferox buried more dung than O.binodis, and a greater proportion in day 1 (pre-emptive dung burial).
  • 4 O.ferox caused greater M. vetustissima egg-puparia mortality than O. binodis. Mortality mostly occurred in young M. vetustissima larvae less than 1 day old. Total egg-puparia fly mortality was correlated better with the dung buried on day 1 than dung buried on day 8 (pre-emptive dung burial). O.binodis did not add to fly mortality by O.ferox at high densities because of asymmetric competition between the beetles.

Ecological interactions among invasive species can affect not only the success of the invaders, but also their impact on ecosystems in the invaded range. In Australia, both dung beetles (subfamily Scarabaeinae) and cane toads (Rhinella marina) were introduced for biocontrol: the beetles to break down bovine faeces piles (cowpats) that otherwise accumulate and reduce pasture productivity, and the cane toad to consume scarab beetles that eat sugarcane and thus reduce sugar production. The dung beetles have been a success, whereas the toads have been a failure. Our experimental studies show that as well as impacting native fauna directly, cane toads reduce the rate of cowpat breakdown by consuming dung beetles. In the laboratory, dehydrated toads actively sought out cowpats based on scent cues, and in field enclosures, the presence of a cane toad significantly reduced rates of cowpat decomposition. Although toads have benefited from agricultural activities, their spread across Australia likely has reduced the effectiveness of one of the most successful biocontrol programmes ever conducted in that continent.  相似文献   

Polarized light (PL) sensitivity is relatively well studied in a large number of invertebrates and some fish species, but in most other vertebrate classes, including birds, the behavioural and physiological mechanism of PL sensitivity remains one of the big mysteries in sensory biology. Many organisms use the skylight polarization pattern as part of a sun compass for orientation, navigation and in spatial orientation tasks. In birds, the available evidence for an involvement of the skylight polarization pattern in sun-compass orientation is very weak. Instead, cue-conflict and cue-calibration experiments have shown that the skylight polarization pattern near the horizon at sunrise and sunset provides birds with a seasonally and latitudinally independent compass calibration reference. Despite convincing evidence that birds use PL cues for orientation, direct experimental evidence for PL sensitivity is still lacking. Avian double cones have been proposed as putative PL receptors, but detailed anatomical and physiological evidence will be needed to conclusively describe the avian PL receptor. Intriguing parallels between the functional and physiological properties of PL reception and light-dependent magnetoreception could point to a common receptor system.  相似文献   

Experiments on compass orientation under artificial light were conducted with adult individuals of Talitrus saltator. The aim was to reproduce in the laboratory an orientation based on the sun compass corresponding to that recorded in conditions of the true sun and sky. This was obtained by the creation within an opaque Plexiglas dome of a scenario that permitted variation of the brightness of the artificial sky and sun. The results show that it is possible to obtain sun compass orientation corresponding to the natural situation even in an artificial environment. It can be concluded that sandhoppers identify an artificial light source as the sun if the artificial sky is also illuminated and if the intensities of the artificial sun and sky exceed certain threshold values (1.13 and 10 μW cm−2, respectively). The results of other experiments under the natural blue sky with an artificial sun and with the real sun attenuated are discussed. Accepted: 23 May 1997  相似文献   

The physical mechanism of cuticular color in Phelotrupes auratus was investigated by polarized inspection, spectrophotometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). No color change was observed when viewed through either a right‐ or left‐handed circular polarizer. Further, under the incidence of linearly polarized light, the reflected intensity was markedly reduced when observed through a linear polarizer set with its optical axis perpendicular to that of the incident light. These results indicate that P. auratus does not possess any circularly polarizing reflectors. TEM observations revealed a total of ten or twelve thin layers (about 60–120 nm in thickness) of two types of material (electron‐dense and electron‐lucent) alternately stacked in the epicuticle. The thickness of the layers in the different color forms of the beetle corresponded to the peak wavelengths in the reflectance spectra, λmax(α), with thicker layers found in beetles exhibiting reflectance peaks at longer wavelengths and vice versa. Based on these findings, we concluded that all the cuticular color forms of P. auratus were not produced by a circularly polarizing reflector but by a simple multilayer reflector.  相似文献   

2007年4-10月,采用野外和室内实验相结合的方法,研究了荒漠草原马粪中的粪金龟子群落组成和对马粪分解的影响.共捕获粪金龟子13528头,隶属于3科4属26种,优势种为符号蜉金龟(Aphodius comma),占总捕获量的88.5%,不同季节粪金龟子群落组成明显不同;在鲜马粪中活动的粪金龟子以粪居型蜉金龟为主,在鲜马粪堆置3d时种数和个体数达到最高,6d后全部离开;马粪经过136 d分解,残留率为52.5%,残留粪样中氮和磷释放较慢,钾释放较快;结合室内分解实验的结果,认为粪金龟子主要通过在马粪中活动对其分解产生影响,并与风蚀作用成为荒漠草原马粪块破碎的重要动因,主要发生在春季和秋季.  相似文献   

北方草地牛粪中金龟子的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年5—9月,在内蒙古鄂温克族自治旗(典型草原)、内蒙古科尔沁左翼后旗(沙地草原)和吉林省长岭县(草甸草原)3种放牧草地中,采用陷阱法和野外牛粪解剖手捡法采集牛粪中的金龟子,共采集金龟子75981头,分属9科43种。对其进行多样性分析,结果表明:长岭和鄂温克族自治旗牛粪生境中的优势种均是黄缘蜉金龟Aphodius sublimbatus(Motschulsky)(分别占各自生境捕获个体数的88.188%和93.547%),科尔沁左翼后旗的优势种为双顶嗡蜣螂Onthophagus bivertex Heyden(67.067%)、小蜉金龟Aphodius pusillus(Herbst)(14.524%)和独角凯蜣螂Caccobius unicornis(Fabricius)(10.264%)。科尔沁左翼后旗牛粪中金龟子的Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数在3种草地中均最高,长岭次之,鄂温克族自治旗最低。3种草地牛粪中金龟子的物种数与其丰富度相一致:长岭>科尔沁左翼后旗>鄂温克族自治旗。Sorenson群落相似性系数在0.458—0.578之间。  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(2):338-349.e5
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Experiments with migrating birds on the interaction between magnetic and celestial cues have produced heterogeneous results. A recent study claimed that the magnetic compass in passerine migrants is calibrated by the pattern of polarized light at sunset and sunrise and that the area just above the horizon is crucial for this calibration. To test the latter hypothesis, we performed a similar experiment with Australian Silvereyes. It produced contrary results, however, the birds, in spite of observing the natural polarization pattern at sunrise and sunset down to the horizon in an altered magnetic field, continued in their normal southerly magnetic direction when subsequently tested in the local geomagnetic field—the conflict between magnetic and polarized light cues had not caused them to recalibrate their magnetic compass. This contradicts the assumption that skylight polarization patterns generally serve as a primary calibration reference for migratory songbirds.
Roswitha WiltschkoEmail:

Aim We investigated whether the largest river (Mangoro) on the east coast of Madagascar acts as a barrier to dispersal in dung beetles by comparing species composition and genetic differentiation of the most common species on the two banks of the river. Moreover, by analysing the current geographical ranges of all wet forest dung beetle species, possible long‐term effects of the largest rivers on the distribution of species were assessed. Location Madagascar. Methods Dung beetles were sampled with baited pitfall traps at a downstream and an upstream locality on the two banks of the Mangoro River. The most common species, Nanos binotatus (Canthonini), was sequenced for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI; 804 bp) to characterize within‐population diversity and between‐population genetic differentiation. For the analysis of species geographical range boundaries in relation to the position of the largest rivers on the east coast, a database including all the records for 158 wet forest species was used. The congruence of species range boundaries with the positions of the rivers was tested with a randomization test. Results All common species were found on both sides of the Mangoro River. In Nanos binotatus, haplotype and nucleotide diversities ranged from 0.25 to 0.85 and 0.001 to 0.01, respectively. Population differentiation was high and significant in all comparisons (P < 0.01; average FST = 0.61). The differentiation was not significantly higher across than along the river, as would be expected by the riverine barrier hypothesis. There was no indication that the range boundaries of wet forest dung beetle species would generally coincide with the largest rivers in eastern Madagascar. Main conclusions The results provide little support for the riverine barrier hypothesis as an explanation for the current range boundaries of dung beetles in eastern Madagascar. However, extensive deforestation of the coastal regions in eastern Madagascar may have caused a great shrinkage of the ranges of many forest‐dwelling species. Thus the present‐day distributions may not reflect accurately the patterns of the past geographical ranges of the species.  相似文献   

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