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This article addresses the growing interest among U.S. scientific organizations and federal funding agencies in strengthening research partnerships between American universities and the private sector. It outlines how core facilities at universities can contribute to this partnership by offering services and access to high-end instrumentation to both nonprofit organizations and commercial organizations. We describe institutional policies (best practices) and procedures (terms and conditions) that are essential for facilitating and enabling such partnerships. In addition, we provide an overview of the relevant federal regulations that apply to external use of academic core facilities and offer a set of guidelines for handling them. We conclude by encouraging directors and managers of core facilities to work with the relevant organizational offices to promote and nurture such partnerships. If handled appropriately, we believe such partnerships can be a win-win situation for both organizations that will support research and bolster the American economy.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe the unique nursing responsibilities involved in providing nursing care to severely obese weight loss surgery patients and to develop evidence‐based guidelines for safe patient care. Research Methods and Procedures: We performed a systematic review of the scientific literature using MEDLINE and CINAHL. A specific search of nursing journals from 1985 to 2004 identified 134 articles; 16 were found to be pertinent. These were reviewed in detail and used in the context of this report. The quality of the evidence was graded according to a system derived from established evidence‐based models. Recommendations were developed from published evidence and expert opinion. Results: This Task Group found that safe and competent nursing care requires assessment of, and provision for, the complex physical and psychological needs of weight loss surgery patients. We developed evidence‐based guidelines for preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative care that address risk factors unique to severely obese patients. We also addressed issues related to the use of proper body mechanics and positioning to avoid on‐the‐job injury to nursing staff. Discussion: We found that patient safety is best served when nurses are specifically trained to deal with the physical, medical, and psychosocial needs of severely obese patients and when they play an integral role in the multidisciplinary healthcare team. This role should start with a patient's first contact with the system and continue through discharge and follow‐up. Special attention needs to be paid to the widespread bias and discrimination that severely obese individuals often experience.  相似文献   

Humans have used wild furbearers for various purposes for thousands of years. Today, furbearers are sustainably used by the public for their pelts, leather, bones, glands, meat, or other purposes. In North America, contemporary harvest of furbearers has evolved along with trap technologies and societal concerns, and is now highly regulated and more closely coupled with harvest analysis and population monitoring. Traps and regulated trapping programs provide personal or cultural rewards that can also support conservation, and can assist with advancing ecological knowledge through research, protecting endangered species, restoring populations or habitats, protecting personal property, and enhancing public health and safety. However, animal welfare and trap selectivity remain important topics for furbearer management in North America, as they have for more than a century. A related international challenge to modern furbearer management came with the Wild Fur Regulation by the European Union, which passed in 1991. This regulation prohibited use of foothold traps in many European countries and the importation of furs and manufactured fur products to Europe from countries that allowed use of foothold traps or trapping methods that did not meet internationally agreed-upon humane trapping standards. To address existing national concerns and requirements of the Wild Fur Regulation, the United States and European Union signed a non-binding bilateral understanding that included a commitment by the United States to evaluate trap performance and advance the use of improved traps through development of best management practices (BMPs) for trapping. Our testing followed internationally accepted restraining-trap standards for quantifying injuries and capture efficiency, and we established BMP pass-fail thresholds for these metrics. We also quantified furbearer selectivity, and qualitatively assessed practicality and user safety for each trap, yielding overall species-specific performance profiles for individual trap models. We present performance data for 84 models of restraining traps (6 cage traps, 68 foothold traps, 9 foot-encapsulating traps, and 1 power-activated footsnare) on 19 furbearing species, or 231 trap-species combinations. We conducted post-mortem examinations on 8,566 furbearers captured by trappers. Of the 231 trap model-species combinations tested, we had sufficient data to evaluate 173 combinations, of which about 59% met all BMP criteria. Pooling species, cage traps produced the lowest average injury score (common injuries included tooth breakage), with minimal differences across other trap types; species-specific patterns were generally similar, with the exception of raccoons (Procyon lotor) for which foot-encapsulating traps performed better than other foot-restraining trap types. Padded-jaw foothold traps performed better than standard-jaw models for many species, though often similar to and occasionally worse than offset- or laminated-jaw models. Most traps we tested had high capture efficiency; only 5 (3%) failed BMP standards strictly because of poor efficiency. Average furbearer selectivity was high across all trap types we evaluated and was lowest for footsnares (88%) and highest for foot-encapsulating traps (99%). Mortality from trap-related injury in restraining traps we tested was very rare for furbearers (0.5% of animals). In over 230,000 trap-nights across a 21-year period, no individuals of a threatened or endangered species were captured. Of 9,589 total captures, 11% were non-furbearers, of which 83% were alive upon trap inspection; nearly all non-furbearer mortalities were birds, rabbits, or squirrels. Approximately 2% of total captures were feral or free-ranging dogs (Canis familiaris), of which none died or were deemed in need of veterinary care by either our technicians or the owners (if located). Similarly, 3% of total captures were feral or free-ranging cats (Felis catus); 2 were dead, and although locating potential owners was often impossible, none of the remaining cats were deemed in need of veterinary care by technicians or owners. Our results show that furbearer selectivity was high for all trap types evaluated, mortality or significant injury was very rare for domestic (or feral) animals, and the most potential for mortality or injury of non-furbearers was with smaller animals, a majority of which were squirrels and rabbits. Our results suggest that injury scores for a given trap-species combination are unlikely to vary significantly across states or regions of the United States, provided similar methods are employed. Our data also suggest that taxonomic affiliation and body-size groupings are correlated with injury scores, presumably through morphological, physiological, or behavioral adaptations or responses that influence injury potential during restraint; higher injury scores in foot-restraining trap types were more likely in smaller or more dexterous species, whereas injury scores were typically lowest for the felids we evaluated. For some species (e.g., American badger [Taxidea taxus], bobcat [Lynx rufus]), most restraining traps we tested met BMP standards, whereas few restraining traps we tested met standards for other species (e.g., muskrat [Ondatra zibethicus], striped skunk [Mephitis mephitis]). Comparison of our results with survey information collected during 2015 on trap use in the United States indicates that approximately 75% of all target furbearers harvested were taken in BMP-compliant traps, with another 10% taken in traps yet to be tested on that species. Future trap testing and development should focus on commonly used traps not yet tested on a species, species for which few passing traps currently pass BMP criteria, and trap models and modifications most likely to minimize trap injuries given a species morphology, physiology, and behavior. Outreach efforts should focus on general BMP awareness, discouraging use of traps that fail BMP standards for a given species, and public outreach on trapping. Restraining (and other) traps have evolved substantially in recent decades and offer numerous benefits to individuals, conservation, and society. However, continuing to address societal concerns remains a critical component of modern regulated trapping and furbearer management. Published trapping BMPs are regularly updated online and may include additional approved restraining and killing traps that were evaluated as part of testing by Canada. We will periodically update the trap performance tables and figures we presented and make them available online at the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies website. Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Wildlife Monographs published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2023,29(1):60-68
Pituitary Incidentalomas (PI) are pituitary lesions serendipitously identified on imaging. PIs have become common in clinical practice because of increased use of imaging and radiologic advances. The most frequently incidentally detected lesions in adults are pituitary adenomas, followed by cystic lesions, and rarely other types of tumors and infiltrative and inflammatory disorders. Biochemical screening for hyperprolactinemia and acromegaly is needed in all patients with PI, whereas testing for hyposecretion is recommended for lesions larger than 6.0 mm. Most PIs are small nonfunctioning adenomas or cysts, which can be conservatively managed. For larger lesions, a multidisciplinary approach including endocrinology, neurosurgery, and neuro-ophthalmology is required. For incidentally detected lactotroph, somatotroph, and corticotroph adenomas, disease-specific management guidelines apply. Prospective studies are needed to enhance our understanding of the long-term course and response to treatment.  相似文献   

In most discussions of the Precautionary Principle, it is implicitly assumed that we are at a point near risk neutrality, so that the principle aims at moving away from risk neutrality in the direction of more risk-averse behavior. In this paper it is argued that actual decision-making in environmental issues is often on the opposite, risk taking, side of risk neutrality. A minimal version of the Precautionary Principle consists in moving from such a position in the direction of risk neutrality. Some methods for achieving this are discussed, such as less consensus-seeking scientific procedures, requirements that scientific committees identify less probable but serious scenarios, interpretative presumptions, and supplementary statistical measures for type II errors.  相似文献   

Best Management Practices (BMPs) are one of the most effective methods to control nonpoint source (NPS) pollution at a watershed scale. In this paper, the use of a topography analysis incorporated optimization method (TAIOM) was proposed, which integrates topography analysis with cost-effective optimization. The surface status, slope and the type of land use were evaluated as inputs for the optimization engine. A genetic algorithm program was coded to obtain the final optimization. The TAIOM was validated in conjunction with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in the Yulin watershed in Southwestern China. The results showed that the TAIOM was more cost-effective than traditional optimization methods. The distribution of selected BMPs throughout landscapes comprising relatively flat plains and gentle slopes, suggests the need for a more operationally effective scheme, such as the TAIOM, to determine the practicability of BMPs before widespread adoption. The TAIOM developed in this study can easily be extended to other watersheds to help decision makers control NPS pollution.  相似文献   

To update evidence‐based best practice guidelines for coding and reimbursement and establish policy and access standards for weight loss surgery (WLS). Systematic search of English‐language literature on WLS and health‐care policy, access, insurance reimbursement, coding, private payers, public policy, and mandated benefits published between April 2004 and May 2007 in MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library. Use of key words to narrow the search for a selective review of abstracts, retrieval of full articles, and grading of evidence according to systems used in established evidence‐based models. We identified 51 publications in our literature search; the 20 most relevant were examined in detail. These included reviews, cost‐benefit analyses, and trend and cost studies from administrative databases. Literature on policy issues surrounding WLS are very sparse and largely focused on economic analyses. Reports on policy initiatives in the public and private arenas are primarily limited to narrative reviews of nonsurgical efforts to fight obesity. A substantial body of work shows that WLS improves or reverses most obesity‐related comorbidities. Mounting evidence also indicates that WLS confers a significant survival advantage for those who undergo it. WLS is a viable and cost‐effective treatment for an increasingly common disease, and policy decisions are more frequently being linked to incentives for national health‐care goals. However, access to WLS often varies by payer and region. Currently, there are no uniform criteria for determining patient appropriateness for surgery.  相似文献   

Development of high performance lithium‐ion (Li‐ion) power packs is a topic receiving significant attention in research today. Future development of the Li‐ion power packs relies on the development of high capacity and high rate anodes. More specifically, materials undergo either conversion or an alloying mechanism with Li. However, irreversible capacity loss (ICL) is one of the prime issues for this type of negative electrode. Traditional insertion‐type materials also experience ICL, but it is considered negligible. Therefore, eliminating ICL is crucial before the fabrication of practical Li‐ion cells with conventional cathodes such as LiFePO4, LiMn2O4, etc. There are numerous methods for eliminating ICL such as pre‐treating the electrode, usage of stabilized Li metal powder, chemical and electrochemical lithiation, sacrificial salts for both anode and cathode, etc. The research strategies that have been explored are reviewed here in regards to the elimination of ICL from the high capacity anodes as described. Additionally, mitigating ICL observed from the carbonaceous anodes is discussed and compared.  相似文献   

Studies in molecular ecology depend on field-collected samples for genetic information, and the tissue sampled and preservation conditions strongly affect the quality of the DNA obtained. DNA yields from different tissue types have seldom been compared, and the relative performance of storage media has never been directly tested, even though these media may influence DNA degradation under field conditions. We analyzed DNA yield from buccal swabs and wing punches harvested from live bats using nucleic acid quantification as well as quantitative PCR for a single-copy nuclear locus. We also compared DNA yields from wing tissue preserved in three media: ethanol, NaCl-saturated dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and silica desiccant. Wing punches yielded more total DNA than did buccal swabs, and wing tissues preserved in silica beads yielded significantly more total and nuclear DNA than those preserved in DMSO or ethanol. These results show that tissue type and preservation media strongly influence the quantity of DNA obtained from non-lethal genetic samples, and based on these effects we provide recommendations for field collection of tissues for genetic analyses.  相似文献   

Seasonal forest pools in the northeastern USA are unique ecosystems whose functions are intimately associated with adjacent upland habitats. This connection, coupled with their small size and ephemeral surface water, has made conservation of pool resources challenging. Seasonal pools provide optimal breeding habitat for animals adapted to temporary waters including ambystomatid salamanders (Ambystoma spp.), wood frogs (Rana sylvatica LeConte), and some invertebrates and plants. To date, wetland conservation efforts have been primarily limited to 2 pathways: land use regulation and preservation. Although both of these pathways have the potential to conserve some pool resources, they are often insufficient to maintain an array of pools in the landscape that support local population dynamics of amphibians. We propose a third pathway – local land-use planning – that can complement regulatory and preservation efforts. This suite of strategies, embodied in our Best Development Practices (BDPs), recognizes that not all pools will be conserved; local governances will need to develop priorities for conservation. The BDPs encourage local governances to (1) proactively identify their pool resources, (2) rank those pools according to their relative ecological value, and (3) establish management procedures and apply recommended guidelines in accordance with the relative rankings. We recommend that pools be ranked using biological criteria (e.g., presence of listed species, presence of breeding species, and egg mass abundance) and on the availability and quality of adjacent terrestrial habitat. We recommend 3 management zones: the pool depression, the pool envelope (i.e., land within 30 m of the pool), and the critical terrestrial habitat (i.e., 30–230 m from the pool). Residential, industrial, and commercial development, which may compromise pool habitat (e.g., through building and road construction, site clearing, stormwater management, and lighting), should follow the recommended guidelines presented in Appendix 1 of this paper. Planning at the watershed level, using such tools as overlay zones, wetland ordinances, and easements, should lead to more effective, long-term management of, at a minimum, the most ecologically important seasonal forest pool resources and will provide developers with clear development guidelines. This process is already being successfully implemented in a number of New England towns.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2013,8(7)
Genotyping arrays are a cost effective approach when typing previously-identified genetic polymorphisms in large numbers of samples. One limitation of genotyping arrays with rare variants (e.g., minor allele frequency [MAF] <0.01) is the difficulty that automated clustering algorithms have to accurately detect and assign genotype calls. Combining intensity data from large numbers of samples may increase the ability to accurately call the genotypes of rare variants. Approximately 62,000 ethnically diverse samples from eleven Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium cohorts were genotyped with the Illumina HumanExome BeadChip across seven genotyping centers. The raw data files for the samples were assembled into a single project for joint calling. To assess the quality of the joint calling, concordance of genotypes in a subset of individuals having both exome chip and exome sequence data was analyzed. After exclusion of low performing SNPs on the exome chip and non-overlap of SNPs derived from sequence data, genotypes of 185,119 variants (11,356 were monomorphic) were compared in 530 individuals that had whole exome sequence data. A total of 98,113,070 pairs of genotypes were tested and 99.77% were concordant, 0.14% had missing data, and 0.09% were discordant. We report that joint calling allows the ability to accurately genotype rare variation using array technology when large sample sizes are available and best practices are followed. The cluster file from this experiment is available at www.chargeconsortium.com/main/exomechip.  相似文献   

I/O intensive applications have posed great challenges to computational scientists. A major problem of these applications is that users have to sacrifice performance requirements in order to satisfy storage capacity requirements in a conventional computing environment. Further performance improvement is impeded by the physical nature of these storage media even when state-of-the-art I/O optimizations are employed.In this paper, we present a distributed multi-storage resource architecture, which can satisfy both performance and capacity requirements by employing multiple storage resources. Compared to a traditional single storage resource architecture, our architecture provides a more flexible and reliable computing environment. This architecture can bring new opportunities for high performance computing as well as inherit state-of-the-art I/O optimization approaches that have already been developed. It provides application users with high-performance storage access even when they do not have the availability of a single large local storage archive at their disposal. We also develop an Application Programming Interface (API) that provides transparent management and access to various storage resources in our computing environment. Since I/O usually dominates the performance in I/O intensive applications, we establish an I/O performance prediction mechanism which consists of a performance database and a prediction algorithm to help users better evaluate and schedule their applications. A tool is also developed to help users automatically generate performance data stored in databases. The experiments show that our multi-storage resource architecture is a promising platform for high performance distributed computing.  相似文献   

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