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Functional bacterial consortiums that effectively tolerate high organic loading rates (OLR) were isolated using an organic shock-loading-to-extinction approach. The aerobic sludge granules were cultivated at low OLR and microbial community was challenged with stepwise increase in organic loadings to isolate functional consortiums. Strain Zoogloea resiniphila and at least two uncultured strains, Acinetobacter sp. clone JT2 and bacterium clone P1D1-516, formed the functional consortium of the aerobic granules present under a high OLR. The loss of these uncultured strains caused protein leakage from granules, thereby destabilizing the granules. The proposed organic shock-loading-to-extinction approach is effective in isolating the functional consortium from aerobic granules under high OLR.  相似文献   

Biodegradation, kinetics, and microbial diversity of aerobic granules were investigated under a high range of organic loading rate 6.0 to 12.0 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) m−3 day−1 in a sequencing batch reactor. The selection and enriching of different bacterial species under different organic loading rates had an important effect on the characteristics and performance of the mature aerobic granules and caused the difference on granular biodegradation and kinetic behaviors. Good granular characteristics and performance were presented at steady state under various organic loading rates. Larger and denser aerobic granules were developed and stabilized at relatively higher organic loading rates with decreased bioactivity in terms of specific oxygen utilization rate and specific growth rate (μ overall) or solid retention time. The decrease of bioactivity was helpful to maintain granule stability under high organic loading rates and improve reactor operation. The corresponding biokinetic coefficients of endogenous decay rate (k d), observed yield (Y obs), and theoretical yield (Y) were measured and calculated in this study. As the increase of organic loading rate, a decreased net sludge production (Y obs) is associated with an increased solid retention time, while k d and Y changed insignificantly and can be regarded as constants under different organic loading rates.  相似文献   

A model was developed for the anaerobic digestion of a glucose-based medium in an innovative high-rate reactor, the periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR). The model considers each PABR compartment as two variable volume interacting sections, of constant total volume, one with high solids and one with low solids concentration, with the gas and liquid flows influencing the material flows between the two sections. For the simulation of glucose degradation, the biomass was divided into acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic groups of microorganisms. The kinetic part of the model accounted for possible inhibition of acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis by volatile fatty acids. The model succeeded in predicting the reactor performance upon step increases in the organic loading rate.  相似文献   

The influence of the organic loading rate on the performance of an innovative reactor, the periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR) was examined. A laboratory-scale PABR of four compartments being fed with a glucose based synthetic medium performed with high stability while the feed organic load was doubled from 12.5 to 25 and then to 50 gCOD/l. Finally the feed concentration was increased to 75 gCOD/l. The successive step changes in the feed concentration lasted for 20, 15, and 7 d, respectively. The COD removal efficiency of the PABR was satisfactory in the first two transitions (approximately 97.5 and 96%). In the third transition (OLR=18.75 gCOD/l/d) the reactor failed as the pH dropped to 4. The concentrations of butyric and valeric acids increased as the organic loading was increased and eventually they became greater than the concentration of acetic and propionic acids.  相似文献   

It is believed that nurses risk the development of back pain as a consequence of sudden loadings during tasks in which they are handling patients. Forward dynamics simulations of sudden loads (applied to the arms) during dynamic lifting tasks were performed on a two-dimensional whole-body model. Loads were in the range of -80 kg to 80 kg, with the initial load being 20 kg. Loading the arm downwards with less than that which equals a mass of 20 kg did not change the compressive forces on the spine when compared to a normal lifting motion with a 20 kg mass in the hands. However when larger loads (40 kg to 80 kg extra in the hands) were simulated, the compressive forces exceeded 13,000 N (above 3400 N is generally considered a risk factor). Loading upwards led to a decrease in the compressive forces but to a larger backwards velocity at the end of the movement. In the present study, it was possible to simulate a fast lifting motion. The results showed that when loading the arms downwards with a force that equals 40 kg or more, the spine was severely compressed. When loading in the opposite direction (unloading), the spine was not compressed more than during a normal lifting motion. In practical terms, this indicates that if a nursing aide tries to catch a patient who is falling, large compressive forces are applied to the spine.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of a 20 l lab scale anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) combining sludge blanket in the lower part and filter in the upper part under varying organic loading rates (OLRs) in order to study biodegradation of olive mill effluent (OME). For this purpose, some parameters, such as total phenols, effluent chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids (SS), volatile fatty acids (VFAs), and pH in the influent and effluent, and removal efficiencies for those parameters (except pH) were continuously monitored throughout the experimental period of 477 days. Eleven different organic loadings between 0.45 and 32 kg COD m−3 day−1 were imposed by either varying influent COD or hydraulic retention time (HRT). The results demonstrated that the AHR reactor could tolerate high influent COD concentrations. Removal efficiencies for the studied pollution parameters were found to be as follows: COD, 50–94%; total phenol, 39–80%; color, 0–54%; and suspended solids, 19–87%. The levels of VFAs in the effluent, which was principally acetate, butyrate, iso-butyrate, and propionate, varied between 10 and 2005 mg l−1 depending upon OLRs. A COD removal efficiency of 90% could be achieved as long as OLR is kept at a level of less than 10 kg COD m−3 day−1. However, a secondary treatment unit for polishing purposes is necessary to comply with receiving media discharge standards.  相似文献   

Aerobic granular sludge was cultivated from activated sludge with two types of supports, namely bivalve shell carrier (BSC) and anaerobic granules (ANG). Granules were characterized at different organic loading rates (OLRs) ranging from 2.5 to 15 kg COD/m3 d and these granules were observed to withstand high OLRs. The physico-chemical characteristics of the aerobic granules were better than those of seed sludge. The granule formation with ANG support was found to be similar to that of non-support cultivation, i.e. formation from activated sludge only. By contrast, BSC support showed better performance in terms of faster settleability, compactness and especially resistance against organic shock loading. It also enabled self-cleaning effect by removing biofilm attached on the reactor wall during the start-up phase resulting rapid granulation process.  相似文献   

This study focused on the VFA (volatile fatty acid) profile variation with organic loading rate (OLR) of a two stage thermophilic anaerobic membrane bioreactor (TAnMBR). The two stage TAnMBR treating high strength molasses-based synthetic wastewater was operated under a side-stream partial sedimentation mode at 55 °C. Reactor performances were studied at different OLR ranging from 5 to 12 kg COD m−3 d−1. Operational performance of TAnMBR was monitored by assessing biological activity, organic removal efficiency, and VFA. The major intermediate products of anaerobic digestion were identified as acetate, propionate, iso-butyrate, n-butyrate and valerate. Among them acetate and n-butyrate were identified as the most abundant components. Increase of OLR changes the predominant VFA type from acetic acid to n-butyric acid and the total VFA concentration was increased with increased OLR. Moreover, increased OLR increased organic removal efficiency up to second loading rate and dropped in third loading rate while biological activity was increased continuously.  相似文献   

Membrane bioreactors can replace the activated sludge process and the final clarification step in municipal wastewater treatment. The combination of bioreactor and crossflow microfiltration allows for a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction of synthetic wastewater. From biomass, grown at high production rates in the aerobic bioreactor, energy rich biogas can be obtained in a subsequent anaerobic bioreactor. In this paper, experimental data from a laboratory scale membrane bioreactor are presented. The degradation of synthetic wastewater at short hydraulic retention times down to 1.5 h has been studied. The organic loading rate (OLR) has been varied in the range of 6-13 kg m(-3) per day. At steady state a high quality filtrate could be obtained at different operating conditions. At biomass concentrations of 10-22 g l(-1), COD reduction was above 95%.  相似文献   

An extended exposure to repeated loading on fingertip has been associated to many vascular, sensorineural, and musculoskeletal disorders in the fingers, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, hand-arm vibration syndrome, and flexor tenosynovitis. A better understanding of the pathomechanics of these sensorineural and vascular diseases in fingers requires a formulation of a biomechanical model of the fingertips and analyses to predict the mechanical responses of the soft tissues to dynamic loading. In the present study, a model based on finite element techniques has been developed to simulate the mechanical responses of the fingertips to dynamic loading. The proposed model is two-dimensional and incorporates the essential anatomical structures of a finger: skin, subcutaneous tissue, bone, and nail. The skin tissue is assumed to be hyperelastic and viscoelastic. The subcutaneous tissue was considered to be a nonlinear, biphasic material composed of a hyperelastic solid and an invicid fluid, while its hydraulic permeability was considered to be deformation dependent. Two series of numerical tests were performed using the proposed finger tip model to: (a) simulate the responses of the fingertip to repeated loading, where the contact plate was assumed to be fixed, and the bone within the fingertip was subjected to a prescribed sinusoidal displacement in vertical direction; (b) simulate the force response of the fingertip in a single keystroke, where the keyboard was composed of a hard plastic keycap, a rigid support block, and a nonlinear spring. The time-dependent behavior of the fingertip under dynamic loading was derived. The model predictions of the time-histories of force response of the fingertip and the phenomenon of fingertip separation from the contacting plate during cyclic loading agree well with the reported experimental observations.  相似文献   

The effects of four aeration and four organic loading (OLR) rates on trichloroethylene (TCE) degradation in methanogenic-methanotrophic coupled reactors were studied using ethanol as the carbon source for the methanogens. Microcosm and PCR studies demonstrated that methanotrophs capable of mineralizing TCE and methanogens were present in the biomass throughout the study. The gene for the particulate form of methane monooxygenase (pMMO) was detected by PCR, but not that for the soluble form (sMMO). TCE mineralization by methanotrophs was therefore due primarily to pMMO activity. Low TCE concentrations were measured in effluent and off-gas samples in all cases. Volatilization losses were 0-5%. Dichloroethylene (DCE) was also observed, but vinyl chloride and ethylene were never detected. Changes in the aeration rate had no effect on TCE removal, but did influence DCE degradation. Reductive dechlorination of TCE to DCE was favored at low and no-aeration conditions, and DCE accumulation occurred due to slow DCE degradation. Low DCE levels were observed at the higher aeration rates, which indicated that conditions in these reactors were amenable to the aerobic co-metabolism of TCE and DCE. The OLR did have an effect on TCE removal. TCE and DCE removal were negatively affected when the OLR was increased. An OLR of 0.3 g COD l(rx)(-1)day(-1) or lower with an aeration rate of 3 l(O2 )l(rx)(-1)day(-1) and higher is the recommended operating condition of a coupled reactor for removal of TCE.  相似文献   

Aerobic sludge granules are compact, strong microbial aggregates that have excellent settling ability and capability to efficiently treat high-strength and toxic wastewaters. Aerobic granules disintegrate under high organic loading rates (OLR). This study cultivated aerobic granules using acetate as the sole carbon and energy source in three identical sequencing batch reactors operated under OLR of 9–21.3 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) m−3 day−1. The cultivated granules removed 94–96% of fed COD at OLR up to 9–19.5 kg COD m−3 day−1, and disintegrated at OLR of 21.3 kg COD m−3 day−1. Most tested isolates did not grow in the medium at >3,000 mg COD l−1; additionally, these strains lost capability for auto-aggregation and protein or polysaccharide productivity. This critical COD regime correlates strongly with the OLR range in which granules started disintegrating. Reduced protein quantity secreted by isolates was associated with the noted poor granule integrity under high OLR. This work identified a potential cause of biological nature for aerobic granules breakdown.  相似文献   

Trauma during pregnancy especially occurring during car crashes leads to many foetal losses. Numerical modelling is widely used in car occupant safety issue and injury mechanisms analysis and is particularly adapted to the pregnant woman. Material modelling of the gravid uterus tissues is crucial for injury risk evaluation especially for the abruption placentae which is widely assumed as the leading cause of foetal loss. Experimental studies on placenta behaviour in tension are reported in the literature, but none in compression to the authors' knowledge. This lack of data is addressed in this study. To complement the already available experimental literature data on the placenta mechanical behaviour and characterise it in a compression loading condition, 80 indentation tests on fresh placentae are presented. Hyperelastic like mean experimental stress versus strain and corridors are exposed. The results of the experimental placenta indentations compared with the tensile literature results tend to show a quasi-symmetrical behaviour of the tissue. An inverse analysis using simple finite element models has permitted to propose parameters for an Ogden material model for the placenta which exhibits a realistic behaviour in both tension and compression.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of soft human tissues in hydrostatic compression and simple shear is studied using the Kolsky bar technique. We have made modifications to the technique that allow loading of a soft tissue specimen in hydrostatic compression or simple shear. The dynamic response of human tissues (from stomach, heart, liver, and lung of cadavers) is obtained, and analyzed to provide measures of dynamic bulk modulus and shear response for each tissue type. The dynamic bulk response of these tissues is easily described by a linear fit for the bulk modulus in this pressure range, whereas the dynamic shearing response of these tissues is strongly non-linear, showing a near exponential growth of the shear stress.  相似文献   

Abnormal mechanical loading may trigger cartilage degeneration associated with osteoarthritis. Tissue response to load has been the subject of several in vitro studies. However, simple stimuli were often applied, not fully mimicking the complex in vivo conditions. Therefore, a rolling/plowing explant test system (RPETS) was developed to replicate the combined in vivo loading patterns. In this work we investigated the mechanical behavior of bovine nasal septum (BNS) cartilage, selected as tissue approximation for experiments with RPETS, under static and dynamic loading. Biphasic material properties were determined and compared with those of other cartilaginous tissues. Furthermore, dynamic loading in plowing modality was performed to determine dynamic response and experimental results were compared with analytical models and Finite Elements (FE) computations. Results showed that BNS cartilage can be modeled as a biphasic material with Young's modulus E=2.03±0.7 MPa, aggregate modulus HA=2.35±0.7 MPa, Poisson's ratio ν=0.24±0.07, and constant hydraulic permeability k0=3.0±1.3×10−15 m4 (N s)−1. Furthermore, dynamic analysis showed that plowing induces macroscopic reactions in the tissue, proportionally to the applied loading force. The comparison among analytical, FE analysis and experimental results showed that predicted tangential forces and sample deformation lay in the range of variation of experimental results for one specific experimental condition. In conclusion, mechanical properties of BNS cartilage under both static and dynamic compression were assessed, showing that this tissue behave as a biphasic material and has a viscoelastic response to dynamic forces.  相似文献   

A packed bed biofilm reactor inoculated with pure culture Pseudomonas aeruginosa was run under high substrate loading and constant flow rate conditions. The 3.1-cm-diameter cylindrical reactor was 5 cm in length and packed with 1-mm glass beads. Daily observations of biofilm thickness, influent and effluent glucose substrate concentration, and effluent dissolved and total organic carbon were made during the 13-day experiment. Biofilm thickness appeared to rech quasi-steady-state condition after 10 days. A published biofilm process simulation program (AQUASIM) was used to analyze experimental data. Comparison of observed and simulated variables revealed three distinct phases of biofilm accumulation during the experiment: an initial phase, a growth phase, and a mature biofilm phase. Different combinations of biofilm and mass transport process variables were found to be important during each phase. Biofilm detachment was highly correlated with shear at the biofilm surface during all three phases of biofilm development. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - A nonlinear viscoelastic model for the lung is implemented and evaluated for high-rate loading. Principal features of the model include a closed-cell...  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), either individually or in combination, have been demonstrated to limit biomass production in terrestrial ecosystems. Field studies have been extensively synthesized to assess global patterns of N impacts on terrestrial ecosystem processes. However, to our knowledge, no synthesis has been done so far to reveal global patterns of P impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, especially under different nitrogen (N) levels. Here, we conducted a meta‐analysis of impacts of P addition, either alone or with N addition, on aboveground (AGB) and belowground biomass production (BGB), plant and soil P concentrations, and N : P ratio in terrestrial ecosystems. Overall, our meta‐analysis quantitatively confirmed existing notions: (i) colimitation of N and P on biomass production and (ii) more P limitation in tropical forest than other ecosystems. More importantly, our analysis revealed new findings: (i) P limitation on biomass production was aggravated by N enrichment and (ii) plant P concentration was a better indicator of P limitation than soil P availability. Specifically, P addition increased AGB and BGB by 34% and 13%, respectively. The effect size of P addition on biomass production was larger in tropical forest than grassland, wetland, and tundra and varied with P fertilizer forms, P addition rates, or experimental durations. The P‐induced increase in biomass production and plant P concentration was larger under elevated than ambient N. Our findings suggest that the global limitation of P on biomass production will become severer under increasing N fertilizer and deposition in the future.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical approach for the decomposition, simulation, and reconstruction of wind-induced stem displacement of plantation-grown Scots pine trees. Results from singular spectrum analysis (SSA) allow a low-dimensional characterization of the complex and complicated tree motion patterns in response to non-destructive wind excitation. Since motion of the sample trees was dominated by sway in the first mode, the application of SSA on time series of sample trees’ stem displacement yielded characteristic and distinguishable non-oscillatory trend components, quasi-oscillatory sway, and noise, of which only the non-oscillatory components were correlated directly with wind characteristics. Although sway in the range of the dominant damped fundamental frequency dominated the measured stem displacement signals, it was almost decoupled from near-surface airflow. The ability to discriminate SSA-components is demonstrated based on correlation and spectral analysis. These SSA-components, as well as wind speed measured in the canopy space of the Scots pine forest, were used to train neural networks, which could then reasonably simulate tree response to wind excitation.  相似文献   

In this study, the ammonia removal efficiency for high ammonia-containing wastewaters was evaluated via partial nitrification. A nitrifier biocommunity was first enriched in a fill-and-draw batch reactor with a specific ammonium oxidation rate of 0.1 mg NH4 -N/mg VSS.h. Partial nitrification was established in a chemostat at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1.15 days, which was equal to the sludge retention time (SRT). The results showed that the critical HRT (SRT) was 1.0 day for the system. A maximum specific ammonium oxidation rate was achieved as 0.280 mg NH4 -N/mg VSS.h, which is 2.8-fold higher than that obtained in the fill-and-draw reactor, indicating that more adaptive and highly active ammonium oxidizers were enriched in the chemostat. Dynamic modeling of partial nitrification showed that the maximum growth rate for ammonium oxidizers was found to be 1.22 day−1. Modeling studies also validated the recovery period as 10 days.  相似文献   

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