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The montane forest in central Veracruz, Mexico is a hotspot of biodiversity. We asked whether lower and upper montane forests could be distinguished in this ecoregion. Variables of vegetation and seasonality in precipitation were tested across 14 sites between 1,250- and 2,550-m elevations. A total of 1,639 individuals and 128 tree species was recorded. There was a unimodal pattern in the richness of species, genera, and families; their richness was positively correlated with precipitation in the wettest quarter of the year, though there were no differences in the basal area and density. Rarefaction, species turnover, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, and a cluster histogram suggest two major groups: lower elevation forests that are less diverse, have low beta diversity and are more similar in composition, with Clethra macrophylla, Liquidambar styraciflua, and Quercus lancifolia as indicator species; and higher elevation forests that are more diverse, have high species turnover, and include forests with Quercus corrugata and Prunus rhamnoides, and forests with Fagus grandifolia, Persea americana, and Ternstroemia sylvatica as indicator species. However, other communities (an Oreomunnea mexicana at the upper site, and a limestone site in the lower forests), exemplify the high regional heterogeneity. We conclude that elevation and seasonality in precipitation produce a directional change in richness and indicator species, but not in vegetation structure. Lower montane forests differed from cloud forests at upper elevations. However, other factors should be included—mainly biogeographic affinities, historic and recent anthropogenic disturbance—to conclusively distinguish them. Montane forest can still be considered very heterogeneous and very high in beta diversity.  相似文献   

From January 2010 to December 2011, a total of 138 cases of ticks feeding on humans were reported from 11 locations in central Panama. Five of these locations were situated in forest environments, three in rural landscapes and three in urban areas. The ticks were submitted to the Gorgas Memorial Institute, where nine species were identified among 65 specimens: Amblyomma cajennense s.l., A. dissimile, A. naponense, A. oblongoguttatum, A. ovale, A. sabanerae, A. tapirellum, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi and Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l. The remaining 73 specimens consisted of unidentified immature ticks, all belonging to the genus of Amblyomma. Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l. was the species most frequently associated with humans, particularly in urban environments. In rural landscapes, tick bites were most often caused by A. cajennense s.l., whereas A. tapirellum was the species most often found parasitizing humans in forest environments. These data provide information on the tick species most commonly associated with humans in forested environments, rural areas and cities around the Panama Canal.  相似文献   

A new species, Cuscuta cotijana, is described and illustrated from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt in northwestern Michoacán, Mexico. The species is most closely related to Cuscuta jalapensis, C. mitriformis, C. rugosiceps and C. lindsayi, from which it differs by the large spur-like projections on the outer calyx lobes and the ovoid to conical capsule with a small intrastylar aperture.  相似文献   

Bilie L. Turner 《Brittonia》1986,38(2):123-127
Three new species ofPhacelia from Nuevo León, Mexico are described and illustrated. Two of these,P. hintoniorum andP. potosina, belong to theCrenulata group; the former, with included anthers, relates toP. coerulea; the latter, with exserted anthers, relates toP. alba orP. coulteri. The remaining novelty,P. zaragozana, belongs to the subgenusCosmanthus where its closest relationship is withP. laxa.  相似文献   

Cambrian genera and species of Agnostina (?Trilobita) found in Russia are revised. Agnostid trilobite species are used as index taxa in chronostratigraphic subdivisions of the traditional Middle and Upper Cambrian in both regional and global stratigraphic scales. The correlation of the regional and international stratigraphic schemes largely depends on the state of knowledge of the regional agnostid fauna. Therefore, an up-to-date revision of this group based on the Russian collections taking into account their global diversity is very timely. For this study we reexamined the type collections of agnostids, including the holotypes of species described by Russian authors. This paper contains new photographic images of the holotypes housed in Russian museums. The compiled data offered solutions for some difficult taxonomic problems of the families Agnostidae, Ptychagnostidae, Peronopsidae, and some genera of Pseudagnostidae, Diplagnostidae. Apart from listing the diversity, this paper serves as the basis for studying the biogeography and evolution of this interesting arthropod group.  相似文献   

AMimosa remarkable for the combination of spicate inflorescences and non-articulate pods is described from the southwestern part of the state of México and figured; its known distribution is given and its relationships discussed; diagnostic characters of known sympatric species ofMimosa are listed.  相似文献   

Hyoliths are usually preserved as isolated skeletal elements consisting of conch, operculum, and helens. The occurrence of a conch associated with an operculum is ordinarily exceptional, and the co-occurrence of helens with other skeletal parts is a great rarity. The extraordinary finds of hyolithid conchs associated with opercula in situ are relatively abundant in the Cambrian and Ordovician clastic sediments of the Barrandian area in the Czech Republic. The platyclaviculate operculum with clavicles divided by longitudinal walls into channels characterizes members of the newly established family Slapylitidae fam. nov., which includes two genera: Slapylites Marek, 1980 known from the mid-Cambrian of West Gondwana and Baltica and Nevadalites Marek, 1976 documented from the Late Cambrian of Laurentia. To this family most probably belongs also an operculum from the Cambrian Series 2–Series 3 boundary of North Greenland and poorly known material from the Middle Devonian of Bolivia.  相似文献   

The ratio of β-aminoisobutyric acid to neutral amino acids (BAIB/N) in urine was determined in 474 Mexicans from three communities in the state of Michoacán and five in Oaxaca. The frequency curves vary significantly between the three communities in Michoacán and between the two states. The proportion of high excretors (BAIB/N 0.300) varies from 14 to 41% (all intermediate between European white and North American Indian values), but were generally higher in the more “Indian” communities.  相似文献   



Prenatal care is considered to be an important component of primary health care. Our study compared prenatal care utilization and rates of adverse birth outcomes for mothers from low- and higher-income areas of New Mexico between 1989 and 1999.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Prenatal care indicators included the number of prenatal care visits and the first month of prenatal care. Birth outcome indicators included low birth weight, premature birth, and births linked with death certificates. The results of our study indicated that mothers from low-income areas started their prenatal care significantly later in their pregnancies between 1989 and 1999, and had significantly fewer prenatal visits between 1989 and 1997. For the most part, there were not significant differences in birth outcome indicators between income groupings.


These findings suggest that while mothers from low-income areas received lower levels of prenatal care, they did not experience a higher level of adverse birth outcomes.  相似文献   

Carol A. Todzia 《Brittonia》1994,46(4):331-334
A new species of Spiranthinae from Mexico,Galeottiella hintoniorum, is described and illustrated. It is placed in the genusGaleottiella because of its lip and column structure and its herbaceous, cauline bracts and becauseGaleottiella is the oldest genus in the subtribe that can accommodate it. This new species is distinguished from other members of the genus by its epiphytic habit, small stature, and few-flowered inflorescences.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - To investigate the changes in the structure and composition of the vegetation during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition, pollen and macrocharcoal...  相似文献   

We describe a new genus and species of hadrosaurid dinosaur, Latirhinus uitstlani, from upper Campanian strata of the Cerro del Pueblo Formation in northern Mexico. The new taxon differs from other hadrosaurids, except Gryposaurus, in possessing a deep and arcuate dorsal process of the nasal; it differs from Gryposaurus, as well as from all other saurolophines, in having a broader narial foramen, and an anterodorsally curved deltoid crest of the scapula (convergent with Lambeosaurinae within the context of Hadrosauridae). L. uitstlani appears to be allied to ‘kritosaurs’, particularly to species of Gryposaurus, and it represents one of the southernmost saurolophines of North America. Likewise, L. uitstlani adds to the diversity of saurolophines in the southern Western Interior Basin and its occurrence in northern Mexico is consistent with the apparent predominance of ‘kritosaurs’ in southern Laramidia during late Campanian times.  相似文献   

Polaskia chichipe is a columnar cactus under artificial selection in central Mexico because of its edible fruits. Our study explored the effect of human manipulation on levels and distribution of genetic variation in wild, silviculturally managed and cultivated sympatric populations. Total genetic variation, estimated in nine populations with five microsatellite loci, was H(T) = 0.658 +/- 0.026 SE, which was mainly distributed within populations (H(S) = 0.646) with low differentiation among them (F(ST) = 0.015). Fixation index (F(IS)) in all populations was positive, indicating a deficit of heterozygous individuals with respect to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. When populations were pooled by management type, the highest expected heterozygosity (H(E) = 0.631 +/- 0.031 SE) and the lowest fixation index (F(IS) = 0.07) were observed in wild populations, followed by cultivated populations (H(E) = 0.56 +/- 0.03 SE, F(IS) = 0.14), whereas the lowest variation was found in silviculturally managed populations (H(E) = 0.51 +/- 0.05 SE, F(IS) = 0.17). Low differentiation among populations under different management types (F(ST) 0.005, P < 0.04) was observed. A pattern of migration among neighbouring populations, suggested from isolation by distance (r2 = 0.314, P < 0.01), may have contributed to homogenizing populations and counteracting the effects of artificial selection. P. chichipe, used and managed for at least 700 generations, shows morphological differentiation, changes in breeding system and seed germination patterns associated with human management, with only slight genetic differences detected by neutral markers.  相似文献   

The larvae of Trinotoperla irrorata Tillyard (Gripopterygidae) possess remarkable chlorid cells consisting of one central cell and at least one adjacent cell grouped together into a small cell complex. They are termed floriform chloride cells because of the flower‐bud‐like structures seen by scanning electron miroscopy. Fine structural studies in combination with histochemical demonstration of chloride indicate that these cell complexes probably participate in osmoregulation by the absorption of salt.  相似文献   

The immature stages of Agelanius cortesi are described and illustrated from immatures collected in Quebrada Los Almendros, Río Clarillo National Reserve, Cordillera Province, central Chile, and reared in the laboratory. Larvae of A. cortesi were found below the soil surface associated with other invertebrates.


Se describe e ilustra los estados inmaduros de Agelanius cortesi colectados en la Quebrada Los Almendros, Reserva Nacional Río Clarillo, Provincia Cordillera de Chile central, los cuales fueron criados en el laboratorio. Las larvas de A. cortesi fueron encontradas bajo la superficie del suelo asociadas con otros invertebrados.  相似文献   

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