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The chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC), the B complex, is being intensively analysed at the DNA level. To further probe the molecular structure of chicken MHC class II genes, cDNA clones coding for chicken MHC class II (B-L) p chain molecules were isolated from an inbred G-B2 Leghorn chicken spleen and liver. Twenty-nine cDNA clones were isolated from the spleen and eight cDNA clones were isolated from the liver. Based on restriction maps, most clones could be clustered into one family of genes. Four cDNA clones were sequenced (S7, S10 and S19 from the spleen and L1, which was identical to S19, from the liver). Complete amino acid sequences of B-Lβ chain molecules were predicted from the nucleotide sequences of the cDNA clones. Although both the nature and the location of the conserved residues were similar in chicken and mammalian sequences, some species-specific differences were found, suggesting that the structures of the B-L molecules of this haplotype are similar, but not identical, to their mammalian counterparts.  相似文献   

The sites of meiotic recombination in the class II region of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are clustered at hotspots. To search for hotspots in the class III region, we mapped combiantional break-points of 79 Ab: H2-D recombinants with 11 DNA markers; these included Tnx, the gene for an extracellular matrix protein, tenascin X, the Notch-related Int3 gene, and a microsatellite marker, D17Mit13, none of which had previously been mapped precisely. The results gave the gene order Eb-61.11-Int3-Tnx-Cyp21/C4-Bf-Hsp68c-D17Mit13-Tnfa/Tnfb-D. The crossover sites in 40 of the 79 recombinants were cofiend within the Eb/Int3:Tnx/Cyp21 interval. The result demonstrated that an unequal distribution of recombination is a general feature of the mouse MHC, suggesting the presence of a recombinational hotsopt within the Int3:Tnx interval.  相似文献   

We have produced transgenic mice using the mouse placental lactogen type II promoter to force and restrict the expression of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule, H-2K(b), to the placenta. We show that the transgenic MHC antigen H-2K(b) is expressed exclusively in trophoblast giant cells from Day 10.5 until the end of gestation. This expression affects neither the fetal development nor the maternal tolerance to the fetus in histoincompatible mothers. We have used the 3.83 B cell receptor (BcR) transgenic mouse line to follow the fate of H-2K(b)-specific maternal B cells in mothers bearing H-2K(b)-positive placentas. Our results suggest that transgenic H-2K(b) molecules on trophoblast giant cells are recognized by 3.83 BcR-transgenic B cells in the bone marrow of pregnant females. This antigen recognition triggers the deletion of a bone marrow B cell subpopulation, including immature and transitional B cells. Their percentage decreases during the second half of gestation and is down to 8% on Day 17.5, compared to 22% in the (3.83 Tg female x Fvb) control group. This deletion might contribute to the process of maternal tolerance of the conceptus.  相似文献   

Five MHC class II monoclonal antibodies costimulated proliferation of cord blood leukocytes with Epstein-Barr virus. These agonistic antibodies were of different isotypes, but all of them were either specific for or cross-reacting with HLA-DR. The other MHC class II antibodies, including three that were specific for HLA-DQ and one that was specific for HLA-DP and also those that were specific for MHC class I or leukocyte common antigen, were not costimulatory. The agonistic effect of different MHC class II antibodies was additive, such that costimulation by different antibodies combined significantly exceeded that achieved by either of these antibodies alone. Spent culture media of B cell lines also costimulated B cell proliferation with the virus. Although MHC class II antibodies augmented the effects of suboptimal concentration of the conditioned media, their combined effects did not exceed the maximum costimulation achieved by either the antibodies or the spent culture media alone. These results raised the possibility that MHC class II antigen may contain distinct functional domains involved in the regulation of B cell progression.  相似文献   

Two cDNA clones encoding cecropin B, an antibacterial protein, were isolated from a fat body cDNA library of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Amino acid sequences of these clones, deduced from nucleotide sequences, were identical, including signal peptide regions. However, the nucleotide sequences were different at 30 positions. Deduced amino acid sequences of Bombyx mori cecropin B showed higher homology with cecropins from Lepidoptera than with those from Diptera.  相似文献   

The Thb locus is responsible for the expression of 15-kDa phosphatidyl inositol anchored molecules (ThB) on murine thymocytes and B cells. Thb expression as detected with mAb is polymorphic on B cells with two alleles, Thbh and Thb1 responsible for the high and low expression of ThB on B cells. The regulatory locus for Thb expression had been mapped with the Ly-6 cluster of genes to Chr 15. In our study we used expression cloning in COS cells to isolate cDNA clones that code for ThB after transfection; the cDNA products react with anti- ThB antibodies, but not with Ly-6A.2, -6B.2, -6C.2, or -6D.2 antibodies. One of these clones, pThB-A contains insert of 702 bases which was sequenced. The translated amino acid sequence has 11 cysteine residues, and together with the absence of potential N-linked glycosylation sites is similar to the structure of the Ly-6 molecules. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of ThB cDNA were compared to those of Ly-6 genes and the Ly-6 related human CD59 and show clear homology. Finally using interspecies crosses, the structural Thb gene has been mapped to Chr 15; thus both structural and regulatory genes map to a similar site. The genetic map location near Ly-6 and the sequence similarity suggest that Thb and Ly-6 may have been derived from the same progenitor by gene duplication.  相似文献   

Abnormally increased placental expression of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules at the trophoblastic surface has been suggested previously to be the cause of early fetal loss in nuclear transfer (NT) bovine pregnancies. Here, we report the lack of expression of MHC-I at the trophoblastic surface at D30 and D60 and in placentomes from D60 to term in placentas obtained by NT from three different genotypes and by artificial insemination, whatever the outcome of the pregnancy. MHC-I expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry using four different antibodies, including a novel beta2-microglobulin antibody. The MHC-I type of the clones was established using reference strand-mediated conformation analysis (RSCA); however, since it proved problematic to type the recipient animals in the same way, outcome of pregnancy could not be related to MHC compatibility. In conclusion, the present study provides no evidence to support abnormal expression of MHC-I on the trophoblastic surface in clones as a major cause of fetal loss during pregnancy after NT.  相似文献   

Two BoT2+, BoT8+ cytotoxic T cell clones were generated from peripheral blood of a steer immunized with the intracellular protozoan parasite Theileria parva. Both cytotoxic T cell clones appeared to be restricted by the same major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule and were specific for the immunizing parasite clone. However, one of the two clones also recognized uninfected mouse cell lines carrying the H-2d haplotype. Inhibition of cytotoxicity with monoclonal antibodies specific for polymorphic determinants on H-2 molecules confirmed that this CTL clone recognized the H-2Kd MHC molecule. These results extend to the bovine system observations in other species that foreign MHC mimics self MHC plus antigen.  相似文献   

The only avian major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes thus far identified are from species of the relatively small order of Galliformes, while by far the largest order of Passeriformes (songbirds), containing some 60% of extant bird species, has not been studied at all in this regard. The Galliformes emerged more than 55 million years (my) ago, the Passeriformes some 25 my ago. Because of the potential for the use of Mhc genes as markers in the study of songbird populations, an attempt was made to clone class II B genes of a passeriform species, the Bangalese finch Lonchura striata acuticauda. Using a set of primers designed on the basis of known sequences, a probe corresponding to part of exon II was obtained by the polymerase chain reaction. The probe was then used to screen a Bengalese finch cDNA library and to isolate and sequence two nearly full-length clones. The sequences reveal the presence of one presumably functional class II B locus in this bird species.  相似文献   

Using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), we have examined the rat major histocompatibility complex (MHC) for the presence of a number of new class III region genes recently identified in the human MHC. We find homologous genes to the human G1, G2, G4, G7a, G9, G9a, G10, G13, G15, and G18 genes, but not the G8 gene in the rat genome, and show that these are linked to the rat TNF- and C4/Slp loci. A long-range restriction map has been constructed on the basis of a PFGE analysis which demonstrates extensive co-linearity in the positions of the homologous sequences in the region between the C4/Slp and TNF loci in the rat MHC when compared with that of the human MHC class III region.Deceased.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that activated murine T lymphocytes express intracellular vesicles containing the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen H-2K. Evidence has also been provided that such vesicles may be part of a cellular pathway of spontaneous H-2K antigen internalization and recycling, which is specific to T-lymphoid cells. Dual fluorescence flow cytometry has now been used to establish that H-2K antigen is acidified upon internalization in concanavalin A-stimulated but not lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine splenocytes, thus providing further support that in T lymphoblasts this class I MHC antigen may travel intracellular routes similar to those reported for other cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

 A 0.7 kilobase (kb) DNA fragment from the 5′ flanking region of a chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II B gene was cloned into chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter vectors and was transfected into a chicken macrophage cell line that expresses a low level of MHC class II antigens. Positive orientation-dependent promoter activity of the chicken DNA was evident in a reporter construct containing an SV40 enhancer. Deletion analysis of this 0.7 kb DNA fragment revealed a short fragment in the 3′ end that was crucial for the promoter function and negative regulatory elements (NRE) located further upstream. The conserved MHC class II X and Y boxes did not have a significant effect on promoter activity. Sequence analysis of the 0.7 kb class II B gene upstream region suggests possible involvement of interferon (IFN), E twenty-six specific (ETS)-related proteins, and other factors in regulating this promoter. A chicken T-cell line culture supernatant increased surface expression of MHC class II antigens, as well as class II promoter activity, in this macrophage cell line. This first functional characterization of a chicken MHC class II B gene promoter will aid in understanding the regulatory mechanisms that control the expression of these genes. Received: 9 July 1996 / Revised: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones for mouse Ly-9.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We describe the production and characterization of a mouse mAb, S-450-33.2, recognizing the Ly-9.2 specificity. This mAb was used to purify Ly-9 molecules from lymphoid cell lines, and the amino-terminal amino acids were determined. The mAb was also used in a eukaryotic expression system, to isolate cDNA clones encoding Ly-9. Analysis of RNA showed that Ly-9 expression is lymphocyte specific, as determined by the presence of a single hybridizing 2.4-kb species found only in lymphoid cells. Genomic DNA analysis indicated that Ly-9 is encoded by a single-copy gene of 10 to 15 kb. The predicted polypeptide belongs to the Ig superfamily of cell surface molecules with four extracellular Ig-like domains, i.e., a non-disulfide-bonded V domain, a truncated C2 domain with two disulfide bonds, a second non-disulfide-bonded V domain, and a truncated C2 domain with two disulfide bonds (V-C2-V-C2). The sequence data also support the view that Ly-9 belongs to the subgroup of the Ig superfamily that includes Bcm-1, CD2, and LFA-3.  相似文献   

S Carson 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(18):5007-5014
The mouse class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) encodes a polymorphic, multigene family important in the immune response, and is expressed mainly on mature B cells, on certain types of dendritic cells and is also inducible by gamma-interferon on antigen presenting cells. To study the regulatory elements which control this expression pattern, we have examined the chromatin structure flanking the class II MHC region, in particular during B cell differentiation. Using a panel of well-characterised mouse cell lines specific for different stages of B cell development (pre-B, B, plasma cell) as well as non-B cell lines, we have mapped the DNase I hypersensitive (DHS) sites adjacent to the mouse MHC class II region. The results presented show, for the first time that there are specific hypersensitive sites flanking the class II MHC locus during pre B cell, B cell and plasma cell stages of B cell differentiation, irrespective of the status of class II MHC expression. These hypersensitive sites are not found in T cell, fibroblast or uninduced myelomonocytic cell lines. This suggests that these DHS sites define a developmentally stable, chromatin structure, which can be used as a marker of B cell lineage commitment and may indicate that a combination of these hypersensitive sites reflect regulatory proteins involved in the immediate expression of a particular class II MHC gene or possibly control of the entire locus.  相似文献   

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