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We have recently shown that poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) is cleaved during poliovirus and Coxsackievirus infection by viral 3Cprotease and that 3Cprotease modification of a subset of PABP can result in significant translation inhibition. During apoptosis, translation undergoes significant down-regulation that correlates with caspase-3 mediated cleavage of several translation factors, including eIF4G, 4EBP1 and eIF2alpha. The fate of PABP in apoptotic cells has not yet been examined. Here we show that PABP levels decline significantly via proteolytic degradation in apoptotic HeLa, Jurkat and MCF7 cells. The degradation of PABP correlated with translation inhibition but lagged behind cleavage of eIF4GI. In apoptotic MCF7 cells translation inhibition occurred without modification of most translation factors and correlated with PABP degradation. PABP was not cleaved during incubation with several caspases, yet caspase 3 induced weak PABP degradative activity in cells lysates. Both the caspase inhibitor zVAD and calpain inhibitors blocked PABP cleavage in vivo, while the proteosome inhibitor MG132 induced PABP degradation. Protease(s) activated during apoptosis preferentially degraded PABP associated with ribosomes and translation factors, but not PABP in other cellular compartments. The data suggest that targeted degradation of PABP contributes to translation inhibition in apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

The embryonic poly(A)-binding protein (EPAB) functions in the translational regulation of the maternal messenger RNAs (mRNAs) required during oocyte maturation, fertilization, and early embryo development. Since there is no antibody specific to mammalian EPAB protein, all studies related to the Epab gene could be performed at the mRNA levels except for the investigations in the Xenopus. In this study, we have produced an EPAB-specific antibody. When we examined its expressional distribution in the mouse gonadal and somatic tissues, the EPAB protein was found to be expressed only in the mouse ovary and testis tissues, but it is undetectable level in the somatic tissues including stomach, liver, heart, small intestine, and kidney. Additionally, the spatial and temporal expression patterns of the EPAB and poly(A)-binding protein cytoplasmic 1 (PABPC1) proteins were analyzed in the mouse germinal vesicle (GV) and metaphase II (MII) oocytes, one-cell, and two-cell embryos. While EPAB expression gradually decreased from GV oocytes to two-cell embryos, the PABPC1 protein level progressively increased from GV oocytes to one-cell embryos and remarkably declined in the two-cell embryos ( P < 0.05). We have also described herein that the EPAB protein interacted with Epab, Pabpc1, Ccnb1, Gdf9, and Bmp15 mRNAs dependent upon the developmental stages of the mouse oocytes and early embryos. As a result, we have first produced an EPAB-specific antibody and characterized its expression patterns and interacting mRNAs in the mouse oocytes and early embryos. The findings suggest that EPAB in cooperation with PABPC1 implicate in the translational control of maternal mRNAs during oogenesis and early embryo development.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-binding proteins (PABPs) are multifunctional proteins that play important roles in mRNA stability and protein translation. Two cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) proteins, PCI6 (PABP-CT-interacting) and PCI243 were identified based on ability to interact with the carboxy terminus (CT) of PABP in yeast two-hybrid and in vitro binding assays. PCI6 and PCI243 share a conserved amino acid domain (SxLnpnApxFxP) in common with human PABP-CT interactors, and with Arabidopsis ERD15 (early-responsive to dehydration). Deletion analysis and point mutations indicate that presence of this domain is necessary for the interaction, and tests with ERD15 demonstrate that it is predictive of interaction. Other plant proteins possessing this domain fall into two categories: small, acidic proteins like PCI6, PCI243 and ERD15, and larger neutral proteins that also include an RNA recognition motif. PCI6 is expressed in a range of tissues, e.g., leaves, roots, stems and flowers, and follows a diurnal pattern of expression, increasing during light hours and declining overnight. In wheat germ and mouse ascites Krebs-2 in vitro translation systems, PCI6 inhibited translation whereas the non-interacting mutant, PCI6-23A, did not or had a greatly reduced effect. The activity of PCI6, therefore, is reminiscent of that of human PABP-interacting protein 2 (Paip2). These results demonstrate a novel interaction between PABP and several plant proteins sharing a SxLnpxApxFxP motif, with possible implications for translational regulation.  相似文献   

M. Wakiyama  T. Futami  K. Miura 《Biochimie》1997,79(12):781-785
Poly(A) tail has been known to enhance mRNA translation in eukaryotic cells. However, the effect of poly(A) tail in vitro is rather small. Rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL) is widely used for studying translation in vitro. Translation in RRL is typically performed in nuclease-treated lysate in which most of the endogenous mRNA have been removed. In this condition, the difference in the translational efficiency between poly(A)+ and poly(A) mRNAs is about two-fold. We studied the effect of poly(A) tail on luciferase mRNA translation in nuclease uncreated reticulocyte lysate, in which endogenous globin mRNAs were actively translated. In the case of capped mRNAs. stimulation of translation by poly(A) addition was about 1.5- to 1.6-fold and the effect of the poly(A) length was small. However, in the case of uncapped mRNAs, the addition of poly(A) tail increased luciferase expression over 10-fold. The effect of the poly(A) tail was dependent on its length. The difference in the translational efficiency was not due to the change of mRNA stability. These data indicate that RRL has the potential to translate mRNA in a poly(A) dependent manner.  相似文献   

PABC is a phylogenetically conserved peptide-binding domain primarily found within the C terminus of poly(A)-binding proteins (PABPs). This domain recruits a series of translation factors including poly(A)-interacting proteins (Paip1 and Paip2) and release factor 3 (RF3/GSPT) to the initiation complex on mRNA. Here, we determine the solution structure of the Trypanosoma cruzi PABC domain (TcPABC), a representative of the vegetal class of PABP proteins. TcPABC is similar to human PABC (hPABC) and consists of five alpha-helices, in contrast to the four helices observed in PABC domains from yeast (yPABC) and hyper plastic disk proteins (hHYD). A mobile N-terminal helix is observed in TcPABC that does not pack against the core of the protein, as found in hPABC. Characteristic to all PABC domains, the last four helices of TcPABC fold into a right-handed super coil. TcPABC demonstrates high-affinity binding to PABP interacting motif-2 (PAM-2) and reveals a peptide-binding surface homologous to that of hPABC. Our results demonstrate the last four helices in TcPABC are sufficient for peptide recognition and we predict a similar binding mode in PABC domains. Furthermore, these results point to the presence of putative PAM-2 site-containing proteins in trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Start codon recognition is a crucial event in the initiation of protein synthesis. To gain insight into the mechanism of start codon recognition in eukaryotes, we used a yeast reconstituted initiation system to isolate the step of Met-tRNAi•eIF2•GTP ternary complex (TC) binding to the 40S subunit. We examined the kinetics and thermodynamics of this step in the presence of base changes in the mRNA start codon and initiator methionyl tRNA anticodon, in order to investigate the effects of base pairing and sequence on the stability of the resulting 43S•mRNA complex. We observed that the formation of three base pairs, rather than their identities, was the key determinant of stability of TC binding, indicating that nothing is inherently special about the sequence AUG for this step. Surprisingly, the rate constant for TC binding to the 40S subunit was strongly codon dependent, whereas the rate constant for TC dissociation from the 43S•mRNA complex was not. The data suggest a model in which, after the initial diffusion-limited encounter of TC with the 40S subunit, the formation of three matching start codon/anticodon base pairs triggers a conformational change that locks the complex into a stable state. This induced-fit mechanism supports the proposal that initiation codon recognition by the 43S complex induces a conformational change from an open state to a closed one that arrests movement along the mRNA.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized a cDNA for the N-terminal half of the eukaryotic initiation of translation factor 2 (cIF2) during a screen of chicken osteoblast cDNAs. The apparent size of the message for this protein, approximately 5.6 kb, is slightly larger in size than that for human IF2 (hIF2). There is a high degree of sequence similarity between the human and chicken N-terminal portions of the protein that extends to the encoding nucleotide sequence. The tissue specific expression pattern for cIF2 and hIF2 are similar, being moderately abundant in brain, liver, and skeletal muscle, and detectable in kidney, chondrocytes, and freshly isolated osteoblasts. The ratio of message for cIF2 to that of beta-actin was 0.10 and 0.18 for liver and brain. Message levels peak in osteoblasts between 8 and 12 days of culture, coinciding with high levels of matrix protein synthesis. At peak expression, the ratio of cIF2:beta-actin for 8 day osteoblasts was 0.76. Treatment of osteoblast cultures with cycloheximide markedly reduces the level of cIF2 message indicating that novel protein synthesis is required for its expression. Hybridization of RNA samples from either chicken osteoblasts or a human osteoblast cell line with a probe for a subunit of human eukaryotic initiation of translation factor 2 (eIF2alpha), the housekeeping initiation factor, indicates that levels of eIF2 remain low. With hIF2, cIF2 represents the only other vertebrate homolog of IF2 for which a major portion of the coding sequence has been identified. This is the first report of regulated expression for a eukaryotic IF2 and is the first demonstration of its abundance in osteoblasts.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E)-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1) is a member of a family of translation repressor proteins, and a well-known substrate of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. Phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 causes its release from eIF4E to allow cap-dependent translation to proceed. Recently, 4E-BP1 was shown to be phosphorylated by other kinases besides mTOR, and overexpression of 4E-BP1 was found in different human carcinomas. In this review, we summarize the novel findings on mTOR independent 4E-BP1 phosphorylation in carcinomas. The implications of overexpression and possible multi-function of 4E-BP1 are also discussed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic releasing factor GSPT/eRF3 mediates translation termination-coupled mRNA decay via interaction with a cytosolic poly(A)-binding protein (PABPC1). A region of eRF3 containing two overlapping PAM2 (PABPC1-interacting motif 2) motifs is assumed to bind to the PABC domain of PABPC1, on the poly(A) tail of mRNA. PAM2 motifs are also found in the major deadenylases Caf1–Ccr4 and Pan2–Pan3, whose activities are enhanced upon PABPC1 binding to these motifs. Their deadenylase activities are regulated by eRF3, in which two overlapping PAM2 motifs competitively prevent interaction with PABPC1. However, it is unclear how these overlapping motifs recognize PABC and regulate deadenylase activity in a translation termination-coupled manner. We used a dominant-negative approach to demonstrate that the N-terminal PAM2 motif is critical for eRF3 binding to PABPC1 and that both motifs are required for function. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and NMR analyses revealed that the interaction is in equilibrium between the two PAM2–PABC complexes, where only one of the two overlapping PAM2 motifs is PABC-bound and the other is PABC-unbound and partially accessible to the other PABC. Based on these results, we proposed a biological role for the overlapping PAM2 motifs in the regulation of deadenylase accessibility to PABPC1 at the 3′ end of poly(A).  相似文献   

Eukaryotic mRNAs possess a poly(A) tail at their 3′-end, to which poly(A)-binding protein C1 (PABPC1) binds and recruits other proteins that regulate translation. Enhanced poly(A)-dependent translation, which is also PABPC1 dependent, promotes cellular and viral proliferation. PABP-interacting protein 2A (Paip2A) effectively represses poly(A)-dependent translation by causing the dissociation of PABPC1 from the poly(A) tail; however, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. This study was conducted to investigate the functional mechanisms of Paip2A action by characterizing the PABPC1–poly(A) and PABPC1–Paip2A interactions. Isothermal titration calorimetry and NMR analyses indicated that both interactions predominantly occurred at the RNA recognition motif (RRM)2–RRM3 regions of PABPC1, which have comparable affinities for poly(A) and Paip2A (dissociation constant, Kd = 1 nM). However, the Kd values of isolated RRM2 were 200 and 4 μM in their interactions with poly(A) and Paip2A, respectively; Kd values of 5 and 1 μM were observed for the interactions of isolated RRM3 with poly(A) and Paip2A, respectively. NMR analyses also revealed that Paip2A can bind to the poly(A)-binding interfaces of the RRM2 and RRM3 regions of PABPC1. Based on these results, we propose the following functional mechanism for Paip2A: Paip2A initially binds to the RRM2 region of poly(A)-bound PABPC1, and RRM2-anchored Paip2A effectively displaces the RRM3 region from poly(A), resulting in dissociation of the whole PABPC1 molecule. Together, our findings provide insight into the translation repression effect of Paip2A and may aid in the development of novel anticancer and/or antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(23):4564-4581.e11
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Regulated protein biosynthesis in dendrites of neurons might be a key mechanism underlying learning and memory. Neuronal dendritic BC1 RNA and BC200 RNA and similar small untranslated RNAs inhibit protein translation in vitro systems, such as rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Likewise, co-transfection of these RNAs with reporter mRNA suppressed translation levels in HeLa cells. The oligo(A)-rich region of all active small RNAs were identified as the RNA domains chiefly responsible for the inhibitory effects. Addition of recombinant human poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) significantly compensated the inhibitory effect of the small oligo(A)-rich RNA. In vivo, all BC1 RNA appears to be complexed with PABP. Nevertheless, in the micro-environment of dendritic spines of neuronal cells, BC1 RNPs or BC200 RNPs might mediate regulatory functions by differential interactions with locally limited PABP and/or directly or indirectly, with other translation initiation factors.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) plays an important role in mRNA translation by binding the 5'-cap structure of the mRNA and facilitating the recruitment to the mRNA of other translation factors and the 40S ribosomal subunit. eIF4E undergoes regulated phosphorylation on Ser-209 and this phosphorylation is believed to be important for its binding to mRNA and to other initiation factors. The findings showing that the translation initiation factor eIF4E becomes gradually phosphorylated during in vitro maturation (IVM) of pig oocytes with a maximum in metaphase II (M II) stage oocytes have been documented by us recently (Ellederova et al., 2006). The aim of this work was to study in details the metabolic pathways involved in this process. Using inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases, Butyrolactone I (BL I) and protein phosphatases, okadaic acid (OA) we show that ERK1/2 MAP kinase pathway is involved in this phosphorylation. We also demonstrate that activation and phosphorylation of ERK1/2 MAP kinase and eIF4E is associated with the activating phosphorylation of Mnk1 kinase, one of the two main kinases phosphorylating eIF4E in somatic cells.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic mRNA 3′ poly(A) tail and the 5′ cap cooperate to synergistically enhance translation. This interaction is mediated by a ribonucleoprotein network that contains, at a minimum, the poly(A) binding protein (PABP), the cap-binding protein eIF4E, and a scaffolding protein, eIF4G. eIF4G, in turn, contains binding sites for eIF4A and eIF3, a 40S ribosome-associated initiation factor. The combined cooperative interactions within this “closed loop” mRNA among other effects enhance the affinity of eIF4E for the 5′ cap, by lowering its dissociation rate and, ultimately, facilitate the formation of 48S and 80S ribosome initiation complexes. The PABP-poly(A) interaction also stimulates initiation driven by picornavirus’ internal ribosomal entry sites (IRESs), a process that requires eIF4G but not eIF4E. PABP, therefore, should be considered a canonical initiation factor, integral to the formation of the initiation complex. Poly(A)-mediated translation is subjected to regulation by the PABP-interacting proteins Paip1 and Paip2. Paip1 acts as a translational enhancer. In contrast, Paip2 strongly inhibits translation by promoting dissociation of PABP from poly(A) and by competing with eIF4G for binding to PABP. Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 684–693. The article is published in the original.  相似文献   

Poly ADP-ribosylation: A DNA break signal mechanism   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Recent evidence obtained with transgenic knockout mice suggests that the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) does not play a direct role in DNA break processing [1, 2]. Nevertheless, inactivation of the catalytic or the DNA nick-binding functions of PARP affects cellular responses to genotoxins at the level of cell survival, sister chromatid exchanges and apoptosis [2, 3]. In the present report, we conceptualize the idea that PARP is part of a DNA break signal mechanism [4, 5]. In vitro screening studies revealed the existence of a protein family containing a polymer-binding motif of about 22 amino acids. This motif is present in p53 protein as well as in MARCKS, a protein involved in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Biochemical analyses showed that these sequences are directly targeted by PARP-associated polymers in vitro, and this alters several molecular functions of p53- and MARCKS protein. PARP-deficient knockout mice from transgenic mice were found to exhibit several phenotypic features compatible with altered DNA damage signaling, such as downregulation and lack of responsiveness of p53 protein to genotoxins, and morphological changes compatible with MARCKS-related cytoskeletal dysfunction. The knockout phenotype could be rescued by stable expression of the PARP gene. - We propose that PARP-associated polymers may recruit signal proteins to sites of DNA breakage and reprogram their functions.  相似文献   

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