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In order to test the effects of colony size and nutritional condition on the survivorship and sex ratio of ants, Myrmecina nipponica colonies were housed in a laboratory in colony sizes of 10 or 30 individuals and fed either daily or weekly. Under all conditions, most of the larvae successfully grew into adults, which suggests that survivorship was not significantly affected by either colony size or nutritional condition. However, the number of new queens was significantly higher in colonies that were fed daily. These results indicate that workers do not control the proportion of diploid and haploid broods by eliminating some larvae and that nutritional condition exerts a significant effect on sex ratio.  相似文献   

The sex ratio of the pollinator fig wasp,Blastophaga nipponica Grandi (Agaonidae), was examined in an experiment manipulating the number of foundresses. The sex ratio ofB. nipponica was conditional on the number of foundresses and corresponded to the qualitative prediction of the local mate competition (LMC) theory that the proportion of males increases as foundress number increases. However, the sex ratio ofB. nipponica was consistently more female-biased than predicted by extended LMC theories that incorporated effects of inbreeding, and these deviations were statistically significant. Plausible factors that would make predictions more female-biased are discussed.  相似文献   

PSR (paternal sex ratio) chromosomes: the ultimate selfish genetic elements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Werren JH  Stouthamer R 《Genetica》2003,117(1):85-101
PSR (paternal sex ratio) chromosomes are a type of supernumerary (or B) chromosomes that occur in haplodiploid arthropods. They are transmitted through sperm but then cause loss of the paternal chromosomes (except themselves) early in development. As a result, PSR chromosomes convert diploid fertilized eggs (which would normally develop into females) into haploid males that carry a PSR chromosome. Because they act by completely eliminating the haploid genome of their hosts, PSR chromosomes are the most extreme form of selfish or parasitic DNA known. PSR was originally described in the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis (Pteromalidae). A second PSR chromosome has been found in Trichogramma kaykai, an egg parasitoid from a different family of Hymenoptera (Trichogrammatidae). We argue that PSR chromosomes are likely to be widespread in haplodiploid organisms, but have so far gone under reported due to a paucity of population genetic studies in haplodiploids. We describe the two known PSR systems and related phenomena, and models indicating the conditions conducive to increase of PSR like chromosomes in haplodiploids.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that a female should produce the offspring of the sex that most increases her own fitness. For polygynous species, this means that females in superior condition should bias offspring production toward the sex with greater variation in lifetime reproductive success, which is typically males. Captive mammal populations are generally kept in good nutritional condition with low levels of stress, and thus populations of polygynous species might be expected to have birth sex ratios biased toward males. Sex allocation theory also predicts that when competition reduces reproductive success of the mother, she should bias offspring toward whichever sex disperses. These predicted biases would have a large impact on captive breeding programs because unbalanced sex ratios may compromise use of limited space in zoos. We examined 66 species of mammals from three taxonomic orders (primates, ungulates, and carnivores) maintained in North American zoos for evidence of birth sex ratio bias. Contrary to our expectations, we found no evidence of bias toward male births in polygynous populations. We did find evidence that birth sex ratios of primates are male biased and that, within primates, offspring sex was biased toward the naturally dispersing sex. We also found that most species experienced long contiguous periods of at least 7 years with either male‐ or female‐biased sex ratios, owing in part to patterns of dispersal (for primates) and/or to stochastic causes. Population managers must be ready to compensate for significant biases in birth sex ratio based on dispersal and stochasticity. Zoo Biol 19:11–25, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, the fitness consequences of producing sons or daughters depend upon the fitness impacts of positive (repayment hypothesis) and negative (local competition hypothesis) social interactions among relatives. In this study, we examine brood sex allocation in relation to the predictions of both the repayment and the local competition hypotheses in the cooperatively breeding long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus. At the population level, we found that annual brood sex ratio was negatively related to the number of male survivors across years, as predicted by the local competition hypothesis. At an individual level, in contrast to predictions of the repayment hypothesis, there was no evidence for facultative control of brood sex ratio. However, immigrant females produced a greater proportion of sons than resident females, a result consistent with both hypotheses. We conclude that female long-tailed tits make adaptive decisions about brood sex allocation.  相似文献   

1. Thrips comprise the only order besides Hymenoptera where females are diploid and males are haploid. This makes them useful insects for studying the roles of kin selection and ecology in social evolution. 2. Kladothrips hamiltoni is one of six species of Australian gall-inducing thrips that have been identified as eusocial. Galls are initiated by a single foundress, who rears her brood and remains within the enclosed gall for life. The adults of both sexes of her first brood cohort are morphologically distinct from the second generation, comprising a nondispersing soldier caste. The foundress and sib-mated soldiers jointly produce a second, dispersing generation, approximately 60–80% of which are produced by the soldiers. Mean per capita egg production of female soldiers is less than 33% that of the foundress. 3. Adult eclosion of soldiers is protandrous but the overall sex ratio of the soldiers lacks bias (52% male). Protandry of soldiers increases the probability that female soldiers will be inseminated soon after their eclosion and therefore lay fertilised, female eggs. The lack of bias could be due to a balance between local resource competition and local mate competition. Gender-specific defensive behaviour of soldiers with their enemies may also be important in explaining this unexpected sex ratio. 4. The dispersing generation has an overall extreme female bias (5.6% male). Soldier incest increases relatedness between females more than between males, such that the foundress is more related to her granddaughters than her daughters, and female soldiers are more related to their daughters than their sons (assuming within-gall relatedness < 1). A female bias in the offspring of soldiers should be preferred by both the foundress and soldiers as they are more related to soldier-produced dispersing females than any other thrips in the gall. Female bias in the dispersing generation will also reduce local mate competition between males. Both soldier incest and local mate competition may therefore contribute to the extreme female bias in the dispersing generation. 5. Selection pressures for sociality in gall-inducing thrips appear to be more similar to those in gall-inducing aphids and naked mole rats than to those in Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Hylaeus alcyoneus is an endemic solitary bee common on coastal heaths of Western Australia. The bee is unusual in that males are larger than females. This size dimorphism presents an opportunity to test the theory of resource-dependent sex allocation, in which theory predicts that when resources are low the sex ratio should be biased towards the smaller sex. In most bees, females are larger than males and, in line with theoretical prediction, sex ratios are male biased when resources are scarce.
2. The emerging sex ratio and brood mass from a natural population of H. alcyoneus using trap nests was studied over two seasons (1999, 2000). A switch from a male- to a female-biased sex ratio through the season was found, which was related to a reduced floral resource.
3. Fisherian sex ratio theory predicts that total investment in each sex throughout a season should be equal and that the sex ratio should be biased towards the smaller sex. By measuring the mass of the emerging progeny, the total investment was found to favour males. Possible explanations for this bias in investment are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Species of parasitic Hymenoptera that manifest female-biased sex ratios and whose offspring mate only with the offspring of the natal patch are assumed to have evolved biased sex ratios because of Local Mate Competition (LMC). Off-patch matings, i.e. outcrossing, are inconsistent with the conditions favouring biased sex ratios because they foster a mating structure approaching panmixia. Such a mating structure favours parents who invest equally in daughters and sons, assuming the production of each sex is of equal cost.Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani) is a solitary pupal parasitoid of patchily distributed frugivorousDrosophila, whose offspring manifest a female-biased sex ratio. Thus this species appears to manifest a population structure and progeny sex ratio consistent with LMC. However, preliminary observations and subsequent greenhouse experiments suggest that the males participate in off-patch matings and that this propensity is unlikely to be an experimental artefact. FemaleP. vindemiae dispersed from patches in which either the males were lacking (12% of the emigrant females), both resident (sibling) and immigrant males were present (23% of the females), only immigrant males were present (14% of the females), or their opportunity to mate could not be determined (14% of the females). Of the 12% that emigrated from a patch lacking males, an estimated 7% mated at an oviposition site and 5% remained unmated, presumably because they arrived at an oviposition site that lacked males before they were dissected to determine whether they were inseminated. Thus the degree of bias in the sex ratios of the progeny (18% males), coupled with the suggested outcrossing potential from the experiments (26–37%), is inconsistent with the assumptions of LMC or variants of it, i.e. asynchronous brood maturation. Thus the explanation for a biased sex ratio in the offspring ofP. vindemiae remains a conundrum. More importantly,P. vindemiae does not appear to be an isolated example.  相似文献   

Patterns of sex expression and sex ratios are key features of the life histories of organisms. Bryophytes are the only haploid‐dominant land plants. In contrast with seed plants, more than half of bryophyte species are dioecious, with rare sexual expression and sporophyte formation and a commonly female‐biased sex ratio. We asked whether variation in sex expression, sex ratio and sporophyte frequency in ten dioecious pleurocarpous wetland mosses of two different families was best explained by assuming that character states evolved: (1) in ancestors within the respective families or (2) at the species level as a response to recent habitat conditions. Lasso regression shrinkage identified relationships between family membership and sex ratio and sporophyte frequency, whereas environmental conditions were not correlated with any investigated reproductive trait. Sex ratio and sporophyte frequency were correlated with each other. Our results suggest that ancestry is more important than the current environment in explaining reproductive patterns at and above the species level in the studied wetland mosses, and that mechanisms controlling sex ratio and sporophyte frequency are phylogenetically conserved. Obviously, ancestry should be considered in the study of reproductive character state variation in plants. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 174 , 163–172.  相似文献   

Offspring sex ratios in the common brushtail possum are malebiased in many populations, and there is evidence that inter-populationdifferences in sex ratios represent adaptive responses to localconditions. However, how these biases are produced is not known.Using comparisons between populations with and without biasedoffspring sex ratios, we show that biases in this species arenot produced by sex-differential mortality between birth andweaning or sex-selective termination of pregnancy. Rather,adjustment in the sex ratio of offspring are evidently dueto shifts in the probability of conceiving male and femaleoffspring.  相似文献   

Collecting faeces is viewed as a potentially efficient way to sample elusive animals. Nonetheless, any biases in estimates of population composition associated with such sampling remain uncharacterized. The goal of this study was to compare estimates of genetic composition and sex ratio derived from Eurasian otter Lutra lutra spraints (faeces) with estimates derived from carcasses. Twenty per cent of 426 wild-collected spraints from SW England yielded composite genotypes for 7-9 microsatellites and the SRY gene. The expected number of incorrect spraint genotypes was negligible, given the proportions of allele dropout and false allele detection estimated using paired blood and spraint samples of three captive otters. Fifty-two different spraint genotypes were detected and compared with genotypes of 70 otter carcasses from the same area. Carcass and spraint genotypes did not differ significantly in mean number of alleles, mean unbiased heterozygosity or sex ratio, although statistical power to detect all but large differences in sex ratio was low. The genetic compositions of carcass and spraint genotypes were very similar according to confidence intervals of theta and two methods for assigning composite genotypes to groups. A distinct group of approximately 11 carcass and spraint genotypes was detected using the latter methods. The results suggest that spraints can yield unbiased estimates of population genetic composition and sex ratio.  相似文献   

For species in which reproductive success is more variable inone sex than the other, the Trivers and Willard model (TWM)predicts that females are able to adjust their offspring sexratio. High-quality mothers should provide greater investmentto one sex than the other. Previous tests of the TWM have beeninconsistent, and whether the TWM applies to species with severaloffspring per litter is unclear due to possible trade-offs betweensize, number, and sex of the offspring. Williams' model (WM)accounts for confounding effects of these trade-offs on sexratio variation. Lastly, the "extrinsic modification hypothesis"predicts changes in offspring sex ratio in relation to climaticconditions and population density. Using wild boar as a model,we tested 1) whether the WM fitted observed sex ratio variationand 2) whether sex ratio variations were related to maternalattributes (test of the TWM) and/or to resource availability(test of the extrinsic modification hypothesis). Females adjustedtheir litter size rather than their litter composition, so thatthe WM was not supported. Likewise, changes in resource availabilitydid not influence the fetal sex ratio, so that the extrinsicmodification hypothesis was not supported. The fetal sex ratiowas negatively related to increasing litter size, providingsome support for the TWM. Sex ratio was male biased for littersizes up to 6 and then became female biased in larger litters.Our results provide the first case study showing marked changesin sex ratio in relation to litter size in a large mammal.  相似文献   

The mechanism of sex ratio adjustment in a pollinating fig wasp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex ratio strategies in species subject to local mate competition (LMC), and in particular their fit to quantitative theoretical predictions, provide insight into constraints upon adaptation. Pollinating fig wasps are widely used in such studies because their ecology resembles theory assumptions, but the cues used by foundresses to assess potential LMC have not previously been determined. We show that Liporrhopalum tentacularis females (foundresses) use their clutch size as a cue. First, we make use of species ecology (foundresses lay multiple clutches, with second clutches smaller than first) to show that increases in sex ratio in multi-foundress figs occur only when foundresses are oviposition site limited, i.e. that there is no direct response to foundress density. Second, we introduce a novel technique to quantify foundress oviposition sequences and show, consistent with the theoretical predictions concerning clutch size-only strategies, that they produce mainly male offspring at the start of bouts, followed by mostly females interspersed by a few males. We then discuss the implications of our findings for our understanding of the limits of the ability of natural selection to produce 'perfect' organisms, and for our understanding of when different cue use patterns evolve.  相似文献   

Evolution of sociality has instigated many changes in the biology of social insects. Particularly, evolution towards complex social systems in ants affects how individuals move in space, usually by making females philopatric. Proformica longisetais well-suited for studying the effects of female philopatry, because female sexuals are wingless and do not actively disperse. We studied genetic population structure in P. longiseta in local scale both as genetic viscosity within one subpopulation, and as differentiation between closely (0.1–1.5 km) located subpopulations, by using nuclear (microsatellites) and mitochondrial (SSCP) markers. Dependent colony founding by splitting old nests is the only known nest founding strategy in P. longiseta. However, no genetic viscosity was detected at the nuclear markers within the subpopulation studied, possibly due to the dynamic nature of P. longiseta populations. The extreme female philopatry showed as strong structure between closely located subpopulations in the mitochondrial genome, but there was no isolation by distance showing that the differentiation pattern was random. Genetic structure in the nuclear genome was much weaker, and there was an indication of isolation by distance. This suggests that male dispersal is strong but not totally free across the area. Finally, non-dispersing P. longiseta females necessarily mate locally raising the possibility of inbreeding, but inbreeding coefficients showed that mating is random. Received 10 January 2006; revised 13 April 2006; accepted 20 April 2006.  相似文献   

Length-frequency analyses showed that male Hypostomus affinis are bigger than females, but H. luetkeni showed no such differences. The sex ratio was estimated at 1:1 for both species. The temporal variation of sex ratio indicated a decrease in the male population when GSI was at its maximum value, suggesting that males are less prone to capture during the spawning season. According to the decrease of males during the reproductive period, paternal behaviour is proposed for both species. H. affinis reached sexual maturity at a smaller size than H. luetkeni. Considering the length weight relationship and the mortality rate of the reproductive females in both species, the physiological consequences of delay or precocity of the first maturation are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the ant-derived probe (pMY7), we performed DNA fingerprinting in monogynous and polygynous sibling ant speciesCamponotus nawai andCamponotus yamaokai. In monogynousC. nawai, band-sharing probabilities were low between unrelated individuals (mean 0.09), but those and relatedness estimates were consistently high between workers of the same nest (mean 0.85 and 0.74–0.83, respectively), suggesting that the queen mated once and nestmate workers are super-sisters. It also suggested monoandry: that is, that all nestmate workers shared most of the bands which were considered to have derived from a male. In polygynousC. yamaokai, band-sharing probabilities were low between queens of different populations (mean 0.13), moderate between queens of different nests in the same population (mean 0.25), but very high between queens of the same nest (within-nest means were 0.84–0.96). These results suggest that nestmate queens are genetically closely related with each other. Relatedness estimates between colony members sometimes reached 1. This might result from successive intranidal mating (inbreeding or large Wahlund effect) and adoption of new queens into the natal nests.  相似文献   

Theory considering sex ratio optima under ‘strict local mate competition with offspring groups produced by a single foundress’ makes a suite of predictions, one of which is a mean female bias. Treating individual offspring as discrete units, theory further predicts sex ratios to have low variance (precise sex ratio) and to equal the reciprocal of clutch size (one male per clutch). The maternal decision may be complicated by imperfect control of sex allocation, limited insemination capacity of sons and offspring developmental mortality: each can lead to virgin daughters (with zero fitness) and consequently select for less biased sex ratios. When clutches are small and/or developmental mortality is common, appreciable proportions of virgins are expected, even when control of sex allocation is perfect and the mating capacity of males is unlimited. This suite of predictions has been only partially tested. We provide further tests by examining sex ratios and developmental mortalities within and across species of locally mating parasitoids. We find a wide range of mean developmental mortalities (6–67%), but mortality distributions are consistendy overdispersed (have greater than binomial variance) and sexually differential mortality appears to be absent. Sex ratios are female biased and have low variance, but are not perfectly precise and variance is increased by mortality within species and (equivocally) across species. Sex ratios less biased than the reciprocal of clutch size are observed; probably due to a maternal response to developmental mortality in one species, and to limited insemination capacity in others. Cross species comparisons indicate that mean proportions of mortality and virginity are positively correlated. Virginity is more prevalent than predicted among species with higher mortalities but not among lower mortality species. Predicted relationships between virginity and clutch size are supported in species with lower mortalities but only partially supported when mortality rates are higher.  相似文献   

1. Parasitic wasps with structured populations are generally assumed to follow the local mate competition (LMC) model: females lay only the minimal number of sons necessary to inseminate all daughters in the emergence patch, and increase this number when faced with additional broods from unrelated females. After emergence, daughters mate with local males before dispersing for host location and oviposition. The main predictions from the model have been verified for many species. 2. Conflicting evidence exists on the status of the egg parasitoids Trichogramma regarding their on‐patch versus off‐patch mating. Although the life‐history traits of several species indicate that mating must occur on the emergence patch, recent data suggest that mating could occur outside the natal patch. 3. In this study, we measured the level of off‐patch mating in the egg parasitoid Trichogramma euproctidis using two isofemale lines in a greenhouse experiment. The impact of the sex ratio on the level of off‐patch mating was also tested. 4. The overall off‐patch mating proportion was 40.5% with a range between 0 and 85.7%, and was influenced by the sex ratio on the emergence patch: the more males available at emergence, the less off‐patch mating occurring. 5. The mating structure of this species can be described as partial LMC.  相似文献   

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