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The reaction between antiplasmin (A) and a low-molecular-weight form of plasmin (P) proceeds in at least two steps: a fast reversible second-order reaction followed by a slower irreversible first-order transition, and may be represented by: P +A k1 in equilibrium k-1 PA k2 leads to PA'. The low-Mr plasmin, which is obtained by limited elastase digestion, is composed of an intact B chain and a small A chain lacking the lysine-binding sites. The k1 of the reaction is (6.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(5) M-1 s-1 which is 30--60 times smaller than that for normal plasmin and antiplasmin. The dissociation constant of the first step is 1.9 x 10(-9) M which is 10 times higher than for normal plasmin and antiplasmin. The rate constant of the second step is (4.2 +/- 0.2) x 10(-3) s-1 for both normal and low-Mr plasmin. Low Mr plasmin which has substrate bound to its active site does not react or reacts only very slowly with antiplasmin. The reaction rate, however, is only slightly influenced by 6-aminohexanoic acid in concentrations up to 1 mM which decrease the reaction rate of normal plasmin approximately 50-fold. The findings further indicate that the lysine-binding site(s) of plasmin are of great importance for the rate of its reaction with antiplasmin.  相似文献   

The inhibition of plasmin, (EC, thrombin (EC, trypsin (EC and chymotrypsin (EC by antiplasmin, the recently described fast-reacting plasmin inhibitor of human plasma, was studied. To determine the quantitative importance of antiplasmin relative to the other plasma protease inhibitors, enzyme inhibition assays were performed on whole plasma and on plasma specifically depleted in antiplasmin, after addition of excess enzyme. Plasmin was the only enzyme for which the inhibitory capacity of antiplasmin-depleted plasma was lower than that of normal plasma. To determine the affinity of the enzymes for antiplasmin, as compared to the other inhibitors, various amounts of enzymes were added to normal plasma and the formation of enzyme-antiplasmin complexes studied by crossed immunoelectrophoresis using specific antisera against antiplasmin. Plasmin and trypsin, but not thrombin or chymotrypsin formed complexes with antiplasmin. It is concluded that antiplasmin is the only fast-reacting plasmin inhibitor of human plasma. It is also a fast-reacting inhibitor of trypsin but only accounts for a very small part of the fast-reacting trypsin-inhibitory activity of plasma. This can be explained by the low concentration of antiplasmin (1 muM) in normal plasma, compared to the other inhibitors (e.g. alpha1-antitrypsin: 40-80 muM).  相似文献   

Negatively charged phospholipids strongly stimulate the purified plasma membrane Ca2+ pump of erythrocytes [Enyedi, Flura, Sarkadi, Gardos & Carafoli (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 6425-6430] and of smooth muscle [Missiaen, Raeymaekers, Wuytack, Vrolix, De Smedt & Casteels, (1989) Biochem. J. 263, 687-694]. We have investigated the role of arginine residues in the interaction of these acidic phospholipids with the smooth-muscle Ca2+ transport ATPase. The arginine-modifying reagent phenylglyoxal inhiibited the ATPase activity in a time-dependent fashion by decreasing the Vmax. of the Ca2(+)-activation curve. Low concentrations of PtdIns, PtdIns4P, PtdIns(4,5) P2, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid partially prevented this inactivation. This protective effect was however not apparent at higher concentrations of PtdIns4P, PtdIns(4,5) P2 and phosphatidic acid, which may be related to the previously observed inhibition of the enzyme at higher concentrations of these phospholipids. These findings indicate that the functionally important interaction of the acidic lipids with the protein occurs at least partially via arginine residue(s).  相似文献   

The lysine-binding-site-mediated interaction between plasmin and antiplasmin is of great importance for the fast rate of this reaction. It also plays an important part in regulating the fibrinolytic enzyme system. To identify structures important for its noncovalent interaction with plasmin, we constructed seven single-site mutants of antiplasmin by modifying charged amino acids in the C-terminal part of the molecule. All the variants were expressed in the Drosophila S2 cell system, purified, and shown to form stable complexes with plasmin. A kinetic evaluation revealed that two mutants of the C-terminal lysine (K452E or K452T) did not differ significantly from wild-type antiplasmin in their reactions with plasmin, in either the presence or absence of 6-aminohexanoic acid, suggesting that this C-terminal lysine is not important for this reaction. On the other hand, modification of Lys436 to Glu decreased the reaction rate about fivefold compared with wild-type. In addition, in the presence of 6-aminohexanoic acid, only a small decrease in the reaction rate was observed, suggesting that Lys436 is important for the lysine-binding-site-mediated interaction between plasmin and antiplasmin. Results from computerized molecular modelling of the C-terminal 40 amino acids support our experimental data.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the reaction between nitrite and deoxygenated hemoglobin provides a mechanism by which nitric oxide is synthesized in vivo. This reaction has been previously defined to follow second order kinetics, although variable product stoichiometry has been reported. In this study we have re-examined this reaction and found that under fully deoxygenated conditions the product stoichiometry is 1:1 (methemoglobin:nitrosylhemoglobin), and unexpectedly, the kinetics deviate substantially from a simple second order reaction and exhibit a sigmoidal profile. The kinetics of this reaction are consistent with an increase in reaction rate elicited by heme oxidation and iron-nitrosylation. In addition, conditions that favor the "R" conformation show an increased rate over conditions that favor the "T" conformation. The reactivity of nitrite with heme is clearly more complex than has been previously realized and is dependent upon the conformational state of the hemoglobin tetramer, suggesting that the nitrite reductase activity of hemoglobin is under allosteric control.  相似文献   

The influence of antiplasmin on the interaction between fibrin and plasminogen was studied in plasma and in a purified system. The amount of plasminogen bound to fibrin was quantitated using trace amounts of 125I-labeled Glu-plasminogen (plasminogen with NH2-terminal glutamic acid) or 125I-labeled Lys-plasminogen (NH2-terminal lysine).When whole plasma was clotted, 5.2% of Glu-plasminogen was associated with the fibrin clot. In plasma clotted in the presence of 20 mM 6-amino-hexanoic acid only 1.4% of the plasminogen was bound to fibrin, indicating that about 4% of the plasma plasminogen specifically binds to fibrin. With Lys-plasminogen these values were approximately twice as high.When antiplasmin-depleted plasma was used, only slightly higher amounts of both types of plasminogen were associated with the fibrin. The adsorbed plasminogen was not significantly eluted with plasma or with purified antiplasmin at physiological concentrations.These findings indicate that antiplasmin does not play a significant role in the inhibition of the binding of plasminogen to fibrin or the dissociation of the plasminogen · fibrin complex.These observations in conjunction with previous findings on the kinetics of the plasmin-antiplasmin reaction suggest that the lysine-binding site of plasminogen, which is responsible both for its interaction with fibrin and its interaction with antiplasmin, plays an important role in the very fast neutralization of plasmin formed in circulating blood and serves to attach plasminogen to fibrin and thereby sequestrate plasmin formed in loco from circulating antiplasmin.  相似文献   

The primary inhibitor of plasmin in human plasma was purified by a four-step procedure involving fractional (NH(4))(2)SO(4) precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography on a column of DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and affinity chromatography on both a plasminogen-CH-Sepharose 4B column and a column of 6-aminohexanoic acid covalently coupled through the carboxylate function to AH-Sepharose 4B. No impurities in the final preparation could be detected when tested by immunoelectrophoresis against a range of specific antisera or against rabbit anti-human serum. On polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis the inhibitor preparation showed a single band. The dissociation constant for the inhibitor-plasminogen complex was determined to be approx. 3mum at pH7.8. The reactions of the inhibitor with human plasmin and with bovine trypsin were studied. Comparison of the results obtained confirms the hypothesis previously presented, namely that the reaction of the inhibitor with plasmin involves at least two steps, the initial rapid formation of an enzyme-inhibitor complex followed by a slow irreversible transition to another complex. The results also indicate that the reaction of the inhibitor with trypsin involves just a single, irreversible step, so that this reaction seems to be less complicated than that of the inhibitor with plasmin. The ways in which 6-aminohexanoic acid influences the reactions were studied. The same value for the dissociation constant (approx. 26mum) for 6-aminohexanoic acid is obtained for both its effect on the reaction of the inhibitor with trypsin and for competitive inhibition of trypsin. The inhibitory effect of 6-aminohexanoic acid thus seems to be due to its blocking of the active site of trypsin. In contrast with this, the inhibitory effects of l-lysine and 6-aminohexanoic acid on the inhibitor-plasmin reaction occur at concentrations much too low to affect the active site of plasmin. The possible dependence of the reaction of the inhibitor with plasmin on a second site(s) on plasmin is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents methods developed in order to analyze experimental results concerning the binding of Escherichia coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase to DNA at high and at low DNA concentrations, using the filter retention assay. The basis hypotheses, under which the mathematical expressions for describing the kinetics of binding are derived, are as follows. (a) At low DNA concentration: equivalence and independence of the specific binding sites; first-order dependence of the binding reaction on both DNA and protein concentration. (b) At high DNA concentration: equivalence and independence of the non-specific binding sites; no direct transfer or one-dimensional sliding of the protein along the DNA. Comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results at high DNA concentration will allow one to determine the relative value of the rates of binding of RNA polymerase to different promoters (between 1 and 2 in T5 DNA). Binding experiments performed at low DNA concentration are reported in this paper: these results and the analysis which is reported allow one to determine the value of the rate constant of formation of non-filterable complexes for the system fd DNA (replicative form) . RNA-polymerase (kappa a = 3.3 X 10(8) M-1 s-1 in 0.1 M NaCl, 0.01 M MgCl2).  相似文献   

Apomyoglobin was prepared by an extremely mild modification of the acid/butanone technique, and the kinetics of the recombination reaction between this preparation and alkaline haematin were studied. The recombination has been shown to be precisely second-order and mono-phasic. Rate constants obtained from the study are in good agreement with values obtained previously by an indirect technique not involving separation of haem and apoprotein.  相似文献   

Most of the cyanogen bromide fragments obtained from human plasminogen and plasmin have been purified using combinations of gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. The purified fragments have been characterized by molecular weight determination (dodecyl sulphate electrophoresis), amino acid analysis, carbohydrate analysis and direct NH2-terminal amino acid sequence determination. Since some of the purified fragments were compounds with uncompletely cleaved methionyl bonds it was possible to clarify the organization of most of the cyanogen bromide fragments in the plasminogen molecule. The fragment containing the arginyl-valyl bond cleaved during the second step of the activation process is further identified. It is also shown that the microheterogeneity that normally exists in human plasminogen probably has its origin in several sites. One such site is situated in the light (B) chain of plasmin, while another is situated in the carboxyterminal part of the heavy (A) chain. Neither of these sites seems to contain sialic acid.  相似文献   

A simple rapid-mixing technique is described which allows the recombination reaction between apomyoglobin and haemin to be studied within 0.3s of the splitting of myoglobin by dilute HCl. Evidence is presented that indicates that the recombination process occurs between folded 'native' apomyoglobin and monomeric haemin. Postulation of a one (or more)-intermediate recombination process, as suggested by other studies, is not necessary to explain the results. The effect, on the kinetics and mechanism of recombination, of the time of exposure to acid pH of the split myoglobin solution was investigated. The effect of temperature on the recombination kinetics was also studied.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the human plasmin B-chain has been determined. It consists of 230 residues divided in three cyanogen bromide fragments: The amino-terminal 24 residues, the carboxy-terminal three residues and the middle 203 residues. Sequence detemination was performed on the tryptic and the chymotryptic peptides obtained from the main cyanogen bromide fragment of this chain. Owing to similarities between some of the overlapping chymotryptic peptides, two different sequences were possible from these results. However, since the homologies with the pancreatic serine proteases and also the B-chains of thrombin and factor XA are pronounced, the arrangement still could be settled. By peptic digestion of partially reduced and S-carboxymethylated B-chain it was shown that there are two interchain disulphide bridges, which connect the A and B-chains of plasmin, involving Cys-5 and Cys-105 from the B-chain. The intrachain disulphides in the B-chain seem to be situated exactly as in chymotrypsin as partly judged from homologies.  相似文献   

The photodegradation mechanism of recombinant human interferon-alpha2a (IFNalpha2a) has been investigated using absorption, fluorescence, and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies, and fluorescence photobleaching kinetics measurements under various conditions. After photobleaching, the absorption profile of aromatic amino acid residues in IFNalpha2a was almost absent, and an absorption profile showing a monotonic increase toward short wavelengths was observed. According to the CD spectrum analysis, partial unfolding of IFNalpha2a was accompanied by a complete loss of fluorescence. This unfolding was attributed to tryptophan-mediated photoinduced disulfide bond cleavage. Photooxygenation and photoionization of tryptophan (Trp) residues followed by subsequent radical reactions were the main photodegradation pathways of IFNalpha2a. Photobleaching kinetics was faster in acidic solution (pH 2.5) than in neutral solution (pH 7.4). The variation of photobleaching kinetics seemed to be caused by the structural differences in IFNalpha2a according to the solution pH. The relationship between the protein conformation and photobleaching rate could be explained based on the competition between excited state energy transfer and the photoionization process in Trp residues.  相似文献   

T Nilsson  B Wiman 《FEBS letters》1982,142(1):111-114
Rabbits were immunized with a conjugate of leukotriene (LT) C4 and bovine serum albumin prepared by coupling the single free amino group of the hapten to the protein using gluteraldehyde. Binding of [3H]LTC4 to the antibodies obtained is inhibited by 50% with 1.5 ng LTC4. The relative cross-reaction of LTD4 is 16% and of LTC4-methyl ester 3.6%. The validity of the radioimmunoassay was demonstrated by comparison with bioassay using the isolated guinea pig ileum. Using the radioimmunoassay it could be shown that endogenous LTC4 is released in a dose-dependent manner by human polymorphonuclear leucocytes stimulated with the divalent cation ionophore A23187.  相似文献   

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