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The structure of solutions to a simple spatially dependent population model involving growth and death is investigated. Two forms of motility of the population are considered: (1) random motion only modeled by a Fickian law, and (2) a directed component of motion (chemotaxis), included in addition to the random motion. Under certain growth conditions a traveling wave of constant speed is approached. This speed can be increased by the addition of the chemotaxis with a corresponding increase in the asymptotic population. Development of initial conditions into a wave is illustrated numerically.  相似文献   

A class of population models is considered in which the parameters such as fecundity, mortality and interaction coefficients are assumed to be age-dependent. Conditions for the existence, stability and global attractivity of steady-state and periodic solutions are derived. The dependence of these solutions on the maturation periods is analyzed. These results are applied to specific single and multiple population models. It is shown that periodic solutions cannot occur in a general class of single population age-dependent models. Conditions are derived that determine whether increasing the maturation period has a stabilizing effect. In specific cases, it is shown that any number of switches in stability can occur as the maturation period is increased. An example is given of predator-prey model where each one of these stability switches corresponds to a stable steady state losing its stability via a Hopf bifurcation to a periodic solution and regaining its stability upon further increase of the maturation period.  相似文献   

A simple mathematical model of mono-species forest with two age classes which takes into account seed production and dispersal is presented in the paper. This reaction — diffusion type model is then reduced by means of an asymptotic procedure to a lower dimensional reaction — cross-diffusion model. The existence of standing and travelling wave front solutions corresponding to the forest boundary is shown for the later model. On the basis of the analysis, possible changes in forest boundary dynamics caused by antropogenic impacts are discussed.  相似文献   

TK Sato  I Nauhaus  M Carandini 《Neuron》2012,75(2):218-229
Electrode recordings and imaging studies have revealed that localized visual stimuli elicit waves of activity that travel across primary visual cortex. Traveling waves are present also during spontaneous activity, but they can be greatly reduced by widespread and intensive visual stimulation. In this Review, we summarize the evidence in favor of these traveling waves. We suggest that their substrate may lie in long-range horizontal connections and that their functional role may involve the integration of information over large regions of space.  相似文献   

Density-structured models are structured population models in which the state variable is the proportion of populations or sites in a small number of discrete density states. Although such models have rarely been used, they have the advantage that they are straightforward to parameterize, make few assumptions about population dynamics, and permit rapid data collection using coarse density assessment. In this article, we highlight their use in relating population dynamics to environmental variation and their robustness to measurement error. We show that density-structured models are able to accurately represent population dynamics under a wide range of conditions. We look at the effects of including a persistent seedbank and describe numerical approximations for the mean and variance of population size. For simulated data, we determine the extent to which the underlying continuous process may be inferred from density-structured data. Finally, we discuss issues of parameter estimation and applications for which these types of models may be useful.  相似文献   

Progressing waves of regeneration are observed in forest ecosystems such as Shimagare fir forests. The patterns generated by lattice models for forest dynamics often show similar waves of disturbance and recovery. This paper introduces a method to detect and quantify the directional movement of these waves. The method is based only on the disturbance times of the sites and allows to distinguish three types of wave patterns: patterns with global direction, patterns with local direction, and patterns without direction. We apply this to several grid-based models for forest dynamics which are evaluated analytically or by simulation. The results reveal a clear distinction of the models which earlier studies were not able to detect.  相似文献   

Summary The dynamics of density-dependent population models can be extraordinarily complex as numerous authors have displayed in numerical simulations. Here we commence a theoretical analysis of the mathematical mechanisms underlying this complexity from the viewpoint of modern dynamical systems theory. After discussing the chaotic behavior of one-dimensional difference equations we proceed to illustrate the general theory on a density-dependent Leslie model with two age classes. The pattern of bifurcations away from the equilibrium point is investigated and the existence of a strange attractor is demonstrated — i.e. an attracting limit set which is neither an equilibrium nor a limit cycle. Near the strange attractor the system exhibits essentially random behavior. An approach to the statistical analysis of the dynamics in the chaotic regime is suggested. We then generalize our conclusions to higher dimensions and continuous models (e.g. the nonlinear von Foerster equation).Supported by NSF Grant No. BMS 74-21240.  相似文献   

This paper relates the stability properties of a class of delay-difference equations to those of an associated scalar difference equation. Simple but powerful conditions for testing global stability are presented which are independent of the length of the time delay involved. For models which do not have globally stable equilibria, estimates of stability regions are obtained. Some well known baleen whale models are used to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

A model for chemotaxis in a bacteria-substrate mixture introduced by Keller and Segel, which is described by nonlinear partial differential equations, is studied analytically. The existence of traveling waves is shown for the system in which the substrate diffusion is taken into account and the chemotactic coefficient is greater than the motility one, and the instability of traveling waves is discussed.  相似文献   

昆虫种群动态模拟模型   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
句荣辉  沈佐锐 《生态学报》2005,25(10):2709-2716
昆虫是动物界中最大的类群,与人类有着密切的利害关系。对昆虫的数量预测与符合经济和生态规律的管理,一直都被国内外列入重点研究课题。种群动态模拟是害虫管理中重要的基础工作。近十年来,关于昆虫种群动态模型的理论和实验研究进展迅速。现分别从单种种群和多种种群两个方面对国内外近些年来昆虫种群动态模拟模型的研究进展进行了概括和总结。单种种群从两个方面阐述:一是最基本的种群动态模拟模型Log istic方程的研究成果,包括方程的修正、参数的拟合与最优捕获策略等;另一个方面是对种群动态模拟常用的矩阵模型的概述,主要介绍不等期年龄组、矩阵维数的变化、矩阵维数与历期的关系、个体之间的发育差异以及发育速率差异等等对昆虫种群动态模型的影响。多种群主要从建模和模型应用两个部分对国内外研究成果进行综述。最后,对种群动态模拟模型研究的发展方向做了深入地讨论,即在原有的数据采集工作的基础上,使用面向对象程序设计语言,把各种要素包括各种物种及各种环境条件抽象成类,用消息传递来表示昆虫种群内个体与个体、昆虫种群与环境之间的相互作用,再结合先进的数学算法,建立一个直观的、操作简单的昆虫种群动态模型库,使模型结构与现实世界有最大的相似性。这样就可以实现昆虫种群动态的可视化、立体化、实时化和精确化的监测及预测。  相似文献   

We develop a systematic toolbox for analyzing the adaptive dynamics of multidimensional traits in physiologically structured population models with point equilibria (sensu Dieckmann et al. in Theor. Popul. Biol. 63:309–338, 2003). Firstly, we show how the canonical equation of adaptive dynamics (Dieckmann and Law in J. Math. Biol. 34:579–612, 1996), an approximation for the rate of evolutionary change in characters under directional selection, can be extended so as to apply to general physiologically structured population models with multiple birth states. Secondly, we show that the invasion fitness function (up to and including second order terms, in the distances of the trait vectors to the singularity) for a community of N coexisting types near an evolutionarily singular point has a rational form, which is model-independent in the following sense: the form depends on the strategies of the residents and the invader, and on the second order partial derivatives of the one-resident fitness function at the singular point. This normal form holds for Lotka–Volterra models as well as for physiologically structured population models with multiple birth states, in discrete as well as continuous time and can thus be considered universal for the evolutionary dynamics in the neighbourhood of singular points. Only in the case of one-dimensional trait spaces or when N = 1 can the normal form be reduced to a Taylor polynomial. Lastly we show, in the form of a stylized recipe, how these results can be combined into a systematic approach for the analysis of the (large) class of evolutionary models that satisfy the above restrictions.   相似文献   

Population dynamics methodology now powerfully combines discrete time models (with constant parameters, density dependence, random environment, and/or demographic stochasticity) and capture-recapture models for estimating demographic parameters. Vertebrate population dynamics has strongly benefited from this progress: survival estimates have been revised upwards, trade-offs between life history traits have been demonstrated, analyses of population viability and management are more and more realistic. Promising developments concern random effects, multistate and integrated models. Some biological questions (density dependence, links between individual and population levels, and diversification of life histories) can now be efficiently attacked.  相似文献   

对1980-1989年河南棉区棉蚜种群动态分析表明,棉蚜为害可分为苗蚜和伏蚜两个时期,根据环境因子(气温、相对湿度、降雨量)和不同危害期,建立了2个模糊预报模型,并取得了较满意的预测效果。  相似文献   

Thanks to recently developed theory of Markov population processes, models of how an individual primate migrates from one casual social group to another or from one breeding troop to another can now deal exactly with transition rates which depend nonlinearly on the sizes of both the group (or troop) left and the group (or troop) entered. Examples of such models presented here are consistent with existing observations of primate social and population dynamics and are more plausible as explanations of these data than previous linear models.  相似文献   

棉蚜种群动态预报模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对1980—1989年河南棉区棉蚜种群动态分析表明,棉蚜为害可分为苗蚜和伏蚜两个时期,根据环境因子(气温、相对湿度、降雨量)和不同危害期,建立了2个模糊预报模型,并取得了较满意的预测效果.  相似文献   

The theory of coupled phase oscillators provides a framework to understand the emergent properties of networks of neuronal oscillators. When the architecture of the network is dominated by short-range connections, the pattern of electrical output is predicted to correspond to traveling plane and rotating waves, in addition to synchronized output. We argue that this theory provides the foundation for understanding the traveling electrical waves that are observed across olfactory, visual, and visuomotor areas of cortex in a variety of species. The waves are typically present during periods outside of stimulation, while synchronous activity typically dominates in the presence of a strong stimulus. We suggest that the continuum of phase shifts during epochs with traveling waves provides a means to scan the incoming sensory stream for novel features. Experiments to test our theoretical approach are presented.  相似文献   

Nonoverlapping generations have been classically modelled as difference equations in order to account for the discrete nature of reproductive events. However, other events such as resource consumption or mortality are continuous and take place in the within-generation time. We have realistically assumed a hybrid ODE bidimensional model of resources and consumers with discrete events for reproduction. Numerical and analytical approaches showed that the resulting dynamics resembles a Ricker map, including the doubling route to chaos. Stochastic simulations with a handling-time parameter for indirect competition of juveniles may affect the qualitative behaviour of the model.  相似文献   

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