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In this study, the mortality factors acting upon the galling psyllid Neopelma baccharidis Burckhardt (Homoptera) caused by its host plant, Baccharis dracunculifolia De Candole (Asteraceae) were analysed. In March 1999, 982 galls of the same cohort were randomly marked on 109 individuals of B. dracunculifolia in the field. Galls were censused each month during their development, from April to August, and dead galls were collected and analysed for mortality factors. Gall dehiscence rates were calculated for each month. The major mortality source of N. baccharidis was gall dropping (13.2% of the original cohort), which is probably a normal outcome of previous mortality caused by the other factors observed in this study. Unknown factors killed 11.7% of this gall population and were ascribed to plant resistance during gall development. Empty galls represented 7.7% of the observed mortality and may be a consequence of egg retention or egg mortality/abortion related to variations in plant quality. Shoot mortality was high during the dry season and killed 7.5% of the galls, but this impact was minimized after the third month from gall formation due to the ability of nymphs to accelerate development and emerge from galls on dying shoots. However, the size of dehisced galls on dead shoots tended to be smaller, possibly affecting adult performance. Mortality of N. baccharidis attributed to B. dracunculifolia strongly controlled the galling insect population, killing 40.7% of the original cohort of galls. Plant‐mediated mortality was caused by often neglected factors acting predominantly during the first 3 months of development, which are critical to gall survivorship. These results reinforce the importance of bottom‐up forces in plant‐insect systems.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The dose–response of azadirachtin on vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius), reproduction is investigated by confining adults to feed on treated Taxus × media leaves, and by counting and evaluating development in the resulting eggs. 2 A dosage‐dependent reduction in oviposition is discovered for foliar surface residues of azadirachtin, with an EC50 of 25–50 parts per million (p.p.m) and 99.2% inhibition of viable egg production with 100 p.p.m. 3 Switching weevils from treated to untreated foliage allows reproductive capability to be restored for weevils that cease egg laying after azadirachtin exposure of 50 p.p.m. Weevils that had already started laying eggs in untreated groups soon cease oviposition once switched to azadirachtin‐treated foliage. 4 A transovarial effect results in a decrease in the percentage of viable eggs as the azadirachtin concentration increases. 5 The amount of feeding on foliage does not appreciably decrease at these hormonally effective concentrations, and adult weevil mortality is only slightly greater in the azadirachtin‐treated groups. Therefore, the overall effect of azadirachtin on weevil populations in the field is difficult to assess, except by collecting weevils to determine whether they are able to lay viable eggs.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between plant traits and the frequency of attack by a stem galling midge, Neolasioptera sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), on Eremanthus erythropappus (Asteraceae) was studied. The morphological changes of the host after a galler attack and the potential effects of these changes on attacks by the next generation of gallers were analysed. The study was conducted in the Serra do Japi, São Paulo, south-eastern Brazil. 2. Galled branches were significantly longer, thicker, and had more leaves than ungalled branches. Accordingly, gall establishment was higher in the longer and more foliose branches. Hence, it is suggested that ovipositing females are maximizing their performance by selecting larger branches. 3. Galled branches were larger than ungalled branches of the same age. Two hypotheses, not necessarily exclusive, can explain this pattern: (1) the plant vigour hypothesis that the females are choosing the more vigorous, fast-growing branches, which still remain more vigorous after galling; or (2) the resource regulation hypothesis that galling increases branch growth rates, thus increasing resource quality for forthcoming conspecifics. 4. Co-occurrence frequencies of current and past generation galls showed that the likelihood of a branch being galled increased when it, or the branch from which it stemmed, had been galled before. The data indicated that this preference was conditioned by the number of previous attacks. Heavier attack intensities, such as one gall in the same branch and another in the branch from which it stemmed, decreased the probability of further galling. 5. The suggested links between herbivore attack and plant traits indicate that studies on host selection by phytophagous insects must take into account that herbivory itself may change the plant traits that are postulated to be selected by the insects.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of neonatal larvae of the root-feeding weevil, Sitona lepidus Gyllenhal, to locate white clover Trifolium repens L. (Fabaceae) roots growing in soil and to distinguish them from the roots of other species of clover and a co-occurring grass species. Choice experiments used a combination of invasive techniques and the novel technique of high resolution X-ray microtomography to non-invasively track larval movement in the soil towards plant roots. Burrowing distances towards roots of different plant species were also examined. Newly hatched S. lepidus recognized T. repens roots and moved preferentially towards them when given a choice of roots of subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum L. (Fabaceae), strawberry clover Trifolium fragiferum L. (Fabaceae), or perennial ryegrass Lolium perenneL. (Poaceae). Larvae recognized T. repens roots, whether released in groups of five or singly, when released 25 mm (meso-scale recognition) or 60 mm (macro-scale recognition) away from plant roots. There was no statistically significant difference in movement rates of larvae.  相似文献   

Powdered dried leaves of Tephrosia vogelii (Hook) (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) were extracted using hexane, acetone, and ethanol. The extracts were tested for their ability to protect stored maize from damage by Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, the major maize weevil in Africa. The acetone and ethanol extracts were ineffective, but the hexane extract had a relatively high efficacy, producing within 7 days a slow reduction in adult survival, reduced numbers of eggs laid and reduced numbers of F1 progeny, resulting in seed damage averaging 8.8% compared with 98.6% in the untreated control after one generation. This hexane extract provided control of S. zeamais at a higher level compared with neem (the botanical control) but at a lower level compared with pirimiphos‐methyl (the synthetic control). These findings are discussed in the context of T. vogelii containing rotenoids.  相似文献   

The number of larvae reaching maturity within the gall of Adelges japonicus was positively related to gall volume, and the relationship between the number of mature larvae and gall volume did not change with different densities of colonized larvae. The population changes in the bud galls of A. japonicus were surveyed by collecting the galls, which did not suffer predation or parasitism within the galls, from young artificial plantations of Picea jezoensis over two years. In the year when the density of colonized larvae was high, they suffered a 42% mortality within the galls, whereas mortality was nearly zero in the low density year. The numbers of larvae per gall were positively correlated with gall volume. The regression lines of the number of colonized larvae on gall volume did not differ significantly in the regression coefficients between the two years, whereas the intercept was significantly higher in the year when the density of colonized larvae was higher. However, different within-gall mortality nullified this difference, and the regression lines of the number of mature larvae on gall volume had no significant difference both in the regression coefficients and the intercepts. This suggests that the number of mature larvae per gall was limited by available resources within the gall which were positively related to gall volume. In 25% of the galls in which mature larvae inhabited, the space within the galls were completely filled by the larvae, indicating that space was one of the limiting resources. Gall volume also affected the number of adults that emerged from the gall and the potential number of their progeny.  相似文献   

  • 1 The effects of food resources on populations of larvae of Sitona hispidulus (F.), a root and nodule herbivore of Medicago sativa L., were investigated in 1983 and 1984.
  • 2 Density-dependent mortality among first-instar larvae indicated that a lack of available root nodules, the primary resource for first instars, contributed to the 66.2±5.2% and 80.7±4.1% mortalities of first-instar larvae in 1983 and 1984, respectively. Initial densities of larvae entering the soil were 31.7±2.4 and 15.6±1.3 per soil sample (10.5 cm diam. ×15 cm deep) in 1983 and 1984, respectively (±SEM).
  • 3 Survivorship and number of first-instar larvae per soil core sample were significantly related to number and biomass of nodules per soil sample. Percentage soil moisture was not consistently correlated with survivorship and number of larvae per soil sample.
  • 4 Numbers of second- and third-instar larvae were not consistently correlated with either nodule or taproot biomass.
  • 5 Numbers of fourth-instar larvae were associated with taproot biomass, suggesting that taproot surface area may also limit population levels of S.hispidulus. No correlations were found between taproot and nodule biomass on any sampling date indicating that high numbers of fourth-instar larvae associated with larger taproots were not merely due to a greater survival of first instars associated with larger taproots.
  • 6 The study suggests that population levels of nodule-herbivores are controlled by the availability of root nodules. A sparse distribution of nodules results in high levels of mortality among nodule-herbivores of Medicago sativa.

Circadian rhythm of feeding, oviposition, and emergence of boll weevil adults were determined at five different photophases (24, 14, 12, 10, and 0 hours) and a constant 27℃ temperature, 65% RH in the laboratory. Squares from Petri dishes, where they were exposed to boll weevil females, were removed and examined for feeding and oviposition punctures every 4 hours during daylight (0700-1900 h) and every 12 h at night (1900-0700 h) over eight consecutive days. Cohorts of randomly selected egg-punctured squares were sampled from ovipositing females at 0700, 1100, 1500, and 1900 during 24 hours and under different photophase treatments, and maintained in Petri dishes at 27 + I℃, 65% RH. Dishes were observed twice daily (1900 and 0700 h) for adults emerging at day or night. Circadian rhythm of oviposition was not affected by the length of the photophase. The boll weevil has round-the-clock circadian rhythm of oviposition, with a daytime preference. We observed that 82.4%-86.0% of the boll weevil eggs were deposited between 0700 and 1900 h, and 14.0%-17.6% between 1900 and 0700 h during a 24-h period. Feeding of boll weevil females in photoperiods 24:0 h (complete light) and 0:24 h (complete darkness) did not significantly change between 0700-1900 h versus 1900-0700 h, while the d .ally cycle of light and darkness in other photoperiods significantly increased the feeding punctures from 0700-1900 compared with 1900-0700 h. The circadian rhythm of emergence depended significantly on the time of oviposition and the length of the photophase. Investigation of boll weevil circadian rhythm provides a better understanding of boll weevil ecology and reveals potential weak links for improving control technologies targeting their reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The relationship between reproductive performance and preference for potential host plants of the vine weevil is investigated, as shown in tests on contact (or feeding) preference, presented herein, and tests on olfactory preference, published elsewhere. 2 Assessment of reproductive performance shows that the host‐plant range of the adult vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus in Europe is limited to one gymnosperm genus (Taxus sp.) and a broad range of angiosperm plants in two subclasses of the Dicotyledonae, namely Dilleniidae and Rosidae. The successful reproduction on very distantly related plant taxa suggests that the original weevil‐ and plant‐habitat has mediated the current host‐plant range of the vine weevil. 3 Contact‐preference tests with equally suitable hosts, such as Aronia, Fragaria, Euonymus and Taxus, and one less suitable host, Humulus, indicate a mismatch between contact preference and performance and, as far as olfactory preferences are known, these match neither the contact preferences nor the performance. This mismatch may arise because (i) host plant species offered do not occur in weevil habitat in Europe (e.g. Aronia and the cultivated Fragaria come from North America) and (ii) predation (or disease) risks differ among host plants, thereby altering effective reproductive performance. 4 With respect to performance on novel hosts (Thuja, Prunus) and bad hosts (Rhododendron), some between‐individual variation is found within a single population, suggesting that local populations harbour (possibly genetic) variation for adaptation to new hosts. How this variation is maintained in the face of strong selection pressures on local populations of flightless and thelytokous weevils, is an important question for understanding the broad host plant range in the vine weevil.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in pollen deposition and number of pollen tubes per style is rarely quantified, but is essential for assessing the occurrence of pollen limitation and pollen competition and their evolutionary implications. Moreover, pollen deposition, pollen tube growth, and the fate of fertilized ovules are rarely distinguished in field studies. Here we present such a study in eight natural populations of Prunella grandiflora. We quantified microgametophyte population sizes and inferred pollen limitation when the number of fertilizable ovules exceeded pollen tubes, and assessed seed set and fate after open pollination. Two and three populations had on average significantly fewer pollen grains and pollen tubes per flower, respectively, than the fixed number of fertilizable ovules per fruit, while one population experienced significant pollen competition. Style length was positively correlated with the number of pollen tubes. While pollen availability was very variable, seed abortion was significantly less frequent in denser populations, and in one population the proportion of well-developed seeds was significantly, positively correlated with the number of pollen tubes in the style. Less pollen deposition, lower numbers of pollen tubes reaching the base of the style, lower pollen quality and therefore increased abortion of fertilized ovules can all reduce seed set in natural P. grandiflora stands. Substantial intraspecific variability implies that microgametophyte competition also occurs in this species. Finally, style morphology may affect pollen receipt.  相似文献   

Abstract Effects of temperature on development, survival, and fecundity of boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, were assessed at 10, 11, 12, 15,20,25,30,35,45, and 46 °C; 65% relative humidity; and a photoperiod of 13:11 (L: D) h. The mortality of boll weevil immature stages was 100% at 12°C and decreased to 36.4% as the temperature increased to 25°C. When the temperature increased from 30 °C to 45 °C, the mortality of weevils also increased from 50.1% to 100%. From 15°C to 35°C, the bollweevilpreimaginal development rate was linearly related to temperature. The average development time of total boll weevil immature lifestages decreased 3.6-fold and the preovipositional period decreased 3.3-fold when the temperature was increased from 15°C to 30°C. The lower threshold for development was estimated at 10.9, 6.6, 7.0, and 9.0 °C for eggs, larval, pupal, and total immature stages, respectively, with total thermal time requirement to complete immature stages of 281.8 DD (degree day) (15°C) and 247.8 DD (35 °C). At 1LC and 46°C, weevil females did not oviposit. Longevity of adult females decreased 4.6-fold with increasing temperatures from 15°C to 35°C. Fecundity increased with increasing temperatures up to 30°C and significantly decreased thereafter. These findings will be useful in creating a temperature-based degree-day model for predicting the occurrence of key life stages in the field. An accurate predictor of a pest's development can be very important in determining sampling protocols, timing insecticide applications, or implementing an integrated pest management control strategy targeting susceptible life stages.  相似文献   

  1. Pissodes castaneus represents an emerging pest species for Pinus spp. production in Latin America. This species attacks all the cultivated pine species in Patagonia Argentina causing wood damage and tree death. The objectives of this work were to describe the host preference behaviour of P. castaneus and the influence of wood damage by conspecifics on its host selection.
  2. In two-choice bioassays, P. castaneus showed a feeding preference for Pinus contorta over P. ponderosa. However, percent weight gain when feeding on either species was similar.
  3. In other bioassays, P. castaneus spent more time in areas with twigs on which other conspecifics had recently fed, although they were able to successfully feed on twigs without previous damage.
  4. These results show that while P. castaneus can successfully colonize different pine species, P. contorta may be more susceptible to attack than P. ponderosa. Silvicultural management should be prioritized considering the weevil's preference for attacking damaged hosts.

Larvae of the bean weevil C. maculatus feeding in a single bean apparently respond to vibrations from each other's chewing: one larva feeds normally, the other is inhibited. If the burrows of the larvae intersect, the inhibited larva dies. If the dominant larva pupates or dies without the burrows intersecting, the inhibited larvae then feeds and matures if enough food remains. Since females add second eggs to the largest beans after most beans carry a single egg, competition is most common in the largest available beans, precisely where inhibited larvae can benefit from avoiding a contest.
Résumé Lors de la compétition, les larves réagissent l'une par rapport à l'autre, même lorsque leurs galeries sont séparées. L'une est inhibée, tandis que l'autre se comporte comme si elle était seule. Le signal provoquant ces réactions, qui peut traverser du papier métallique, est dû vraisemblablement aux vibrations de mastication des larves; ces dernières perçoivent ces signaux tout au long de leur vie active. La larve la plus âgée ne l'emporte pas obligatoirement, ce qui signifie que le signal indique plus que l'âge.Les conditions expérimentales peuvent inverser les réponses des unes et des autres, bien que la larve la plus âgée puisse souvent mourir de ces conditions anormales de compétition. L'avantage potentiel associé à l'inhibition du futur perdant est mis en évidence en collant ensemble des graines. Quand la larve dominante se nymphose, la larve inhibée recommence à s'alimenter et achève son développement. En ayant eu son alimentation interrompue et en restant dans une galerie superficielle, la larve inhibée évite les affrontements et peut se développer lorsque la larve dominante meurt ou se nymphose, puisque la galerie de la larve inhibée n'avait pas été sectionnée.La stratégie de ponte réduit la fréquence de la compétition en uniformisant la distribution des oeufs; elle augmente les chances de survie des larves vaincues avec l'addition des oeufs sur les graines les plus grosses quand les disponibilités sont limitées. L'étude de l'évolution de ces adaptations a été possible puisque, comme on le sait, C. maculatus est génétiquement polymorphe pour les caractères déterminant le comportement de ponte des femelles et la compétition larvaire.

Six different solvents namely: methanol, ethanol, water, acetone, pet-ether or n-hexane was used to extract the essential oils from cashew kernel. The extracted oils were evaluated on Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky 1855) for mortality, oviposition and adult emergence effects. The long-term storage and water absorption capacity of the treated maize grains was also investigated. Results showed that the steam distillate was most lethal on S. zeamais. The least potent extracts on S. zeamais were those extracted with methanol and ethanol. The extracts drastically reduced oviposition in S. zeamais. Maize grains treated with steam distillate extract had the lowest water absorption capacity, while the highest water absorption capacity was obtained in grains treated with ethanol and methanol. Extracts of steam distillate, n-hexane, petroleum ether and acetone completely prevented infestation and subsequence damage of the treated maize grains for a period of three months. In the grains treated with the methanol and ethanol extracts, damage of 28.61% and 6.24%, respectively were obtained. The results obtained reveal that extracts of cashew kernel are effective in controlling S. zeamais and could serve as an alternative to synthetic insecticides.  相似文献   

We investigated how host plant phenology and plant species affected longevity, reproduction, and feeding behavior of an invasive weevil. Phyllobius oblongus L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is common in northern hardwood forests of the Great Lakes Region. Adults emerge in spring, feed on foliage of woody understory plants, and oviposit in the soil. Preliminary data indicate that adults often feed on sugar maple, Acer saccharum Marshall, foliage early in the season, then feed on other species such as raspberry, Rubus spp. Whether this behavior reflects temporal changes in the quality of A. saccharum tissue or merely subsequent availability of later-season plants is unknown. We tested adult P. oblongus in laboratory assays using young (newly flushed) sugar maple foliage, old (2-3 wk postflush) sugar maple foliage, and raspberry foliage. Raspberry has indeterminate growth, thus always has young foliage available for herbivores. Survival, oviposition, and leaf consumption were recorded. In performance assays under no-choice conditions, mated pairs were provided one type of host foliage for the duration of their lives. In behavioral choice tests, all three host plants were provided simultaneously and leaf area consumption was compared. Adults survived longer on and consumed greater amounts of young maple and raspberry foliage than old maple foliage. P. oblongus preferred young maple foliage to old maple foliage early in the season, however, later in the growing season weevils showed less pronounced feeding preferences. These results suggest how leaf phenology, plant species composition, and feeding plasticity in host utilization may interact to affect P. oblongus population dynamics.  相似文献   


The Canterbury knobbled weevil, Hadramphus tuberculatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytini), was once widespread in the Canterbury plains, foothills and fringing ranges, ranging from Oxford in the north to Waimate in the south. Habitat degradation, reduction in host plant numbers through grazing and predation by rodents are thought to be responsible for the decline in its numbers and distribution. In December 2004, more than 80 years since the last sighting of H. tuberculatus in 1922, a single individual was found at Burkes Pass Scenic Reserve. This paper records the rediscovery of H. tuberculatus, reviews the historical distribution records for H. tuberculatus, discusses them with respect to changes in host plant habitat in the eastern South Island, and suggests conservation strategies to protect this and other relictual populations that might be found in future.  相似文献   

【目的】油茶象Curculio chinensis Chevrolat是我国特有木本油料树种——油茶Camellia spp.的专性蛀果害虫,常导致其大量落果。本文旨在揭示该虫发生危害与寄主果实大小的关系,并探讨其产卵行为策略。【方法】于油茶象产卵高峰期在小果油茶Camellia meiocarpa林随机采摘960个果实,清查油茶象刺孔数和窝卵数,并对果重、果长和果径进行了测量,用单因素方差分析比较产卵果、取食果和非受害果大小差异性,用线性回归分析果实特征对油茶象取食及产卵活动的影响。同时对油茶象雌虫进行了果实大小选择性试验,用配对样本t检验分析选择果与非选择果的大小差异性。【结果】在果重、果长、果径和果实体积方面,产卵果取食果非受害果(P0.01),刺孔数、窝卵数和寄生率与果实大小呈极显著线性正相关(P0.01),说明油茶象雌虫优先选择大果实取食和产卵。当两供试果实差异显著时,油茶象雌虫对大果实表现出明显的偏好选择性,危害12 h后,重受害果长度和直径都显著大于轻受害果(P0.01)。油茶象雌虫每次只产1粒卵,卵单产是油茶象本身的属性,与果实特征无关。【结论】油茶象优先选择大果实取食,支持最优觅食理论。油茶象优先选择大果实产卵。窝卵数越小,油茶象种内竞争越弱,幼体正常发育并成功脱果的概率越高,适合度增加。卵单产是油茶象应对寄主果实食物资源限制作用的一种"风险分散"行为适应策略。  相似文献   

We constructed and tested a series of regression models of intraspecific competition in Ratibida columnifera (Asteraceae), based on the growth and water use of individual plants. Models were constructed from a set of plants ("model") grown without competition under three watering regimes. Each model was then tested on another set of plants ("test") grown, singly or in pairs, under two watering regimes, one of them different than those of the "model" plants. Both sets of plants were grown simultaneously. Models that used only estimates of plant dry mass (ISON [interval by interval size only], and SON [size only]) were outperformed (i.e., the difference between predicted values of final dry mass and their true values were larger on average) by models that incorporated direct measures of water uptake and usage (ISAW [interval by interval size and water], WON [water only], SAW [size and water]). Harvest biomass predictions given by these three last models deviated from values of true biomass by an average of only 6.1%.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The rape stem weevil Ceutorhynchus napi Gyll. and the cabbage stem weevil Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsh.) share the same habitat and food resource within the stems of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. var. oleifera. Interactions occurring between these two sympatric species on this host were studied under both field and laboratory conditions. 2 The oviposition preference of C. pallidactylus and the within‐plant distribution of eggs and larvae were examined in field plots of oilseed rape. Female C. pallidactylus tended to lay their eggs in plants already infested by eggs and larvae of C. napi rather than in uninfested plants. The within‐plant distribution of the egg batches of C. pallidactylus did not differ significantly between uninfested plants and those preinfested by C. napi. Ovipositing females of C. napi and C. pallidactylus generally showed a significant preference for plants with larger stem diameter. 3 Laboratory choice tests provided further evidence for the oviposition preference of C. pallidactylus. Females laid significantly more eggs in leaves of plants that had been previously infested by C. napi than in leaves of previously uninfested plants. 4 Larvae of C. pallidactylus showed a significant shift of their feeding niche towards the stem base when feeding in individual plants attacked by both species. This possibly indicates ressource partitioning between C. pallidactylus and C. napi. The within‐plant distribution of C. napi larvae was not affected by the simultaneous attack of C. pallidactylus. 5 The size of the head capsule of full‐grown larvae of C. napi and C. pallidactylus was not significantly correlated with the diameter of the stem of their host plant or with the number of conspecific larvae within individual plants.  相似文献   

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