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盐胁迫对豌豆根液泡膜H^+—ATPase活性及含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了阐明液泡膜H^ -ATPase在盐胁迫下的作用和适应性调节机制,对豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)植株进行不同盐浓度和不同盐胁迫时间(1-3d)的处理后,分别测定液泡膜H^ -ATPase的H^ 转运活性、水解性和蛋白含量(A亚基)的变化。结果表明,100mmol/L和200mmol/L NaCl 处理1dH^ -ATPase的水解活性没有变化,而250mmol/L NaCl处理1d引起水解活性降低约25%。100mmol/L NaCl处理2d内水解活性没有变化,而第3天活性下降约20%。但是上述盐胁迫均能提高液泡膜H^ -ATPase的质子转运活性,说明盐胁迫后H^ -ATPase的水解活性和质子转运活性的变化不成比例,盐胁迫可能导致偶联比率的改变。Western blot研究发现,上述盐胁迫对液泡膜H^ -ATPase(A亚基)的含量基本无影响,仅100mmol/L NaCl处理3d后A亚基的量略有下降,这些结果证明,盐胁迫能刺激提高豌豆根液泡膜H^ -ATPase的H^ 泵效率,且泵效率的提高是源于偶联比率的改变,而不是由于ATP水解活性的提高和蛋白含量的增加。  相似文献   

利用免疫印迹、免疫电镜和ATP水解活性的测定对豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)根细胞胞质中V1-ATPase复合物的存在进行鉴定.用兔抗绿豆V-type H+-ATPase 的A、B亚基的抗体进行的immuno-blotting和胶体金电镜结果都表明,胞质中存在有A、B亚基.活性测定结果进一步表明胞质具有ATP水解活性.这些结果说明豌豆根胞质具有有活性的V1-ATPase复合物.这是首次直接证明植物中有胞质V1-ATPase的存在.  相似文献   

大豆液泡膜V型H^+-ATPase是ATPases中的一种,它在植物细胞的生长发育中有重要的作用。利用竹红菌乙素(HB)和KI这两种分别猝灭蛋白质疏水区域内源荧光和亲水区域内源荧光的荧光猝灭剂,在不同pH值、温度条件下对纯化的大豆液泡膜V型ATPase进行荧光猝灭实验,初步探讨了V型H^+-ATPase的水解活性同其蛋白质折叠状态间的关系。研究表明,通过比较不同pH值、温度条件下蛋白质疏水区域和亲  相似文献   

应用铅沉淀法研究了不同光照条件下泖负质不育小麦Triticum aestivum L.)可育花药和不育药药发育过程中Ca^2+-ATPase的分布。短日可育条件下,单核早期至成熟花粉,Ca^2+-ATPase在花粉表面,外壁内先增加后 和,在花粉内壁及质膜上逐渐增加,在南内分布较少,成熟花粉的营养细胞核仁内有大量Ca^2+-ATPase会面2。精细胞核仁内亦有Ca^2+-ATPase分布。乌氏体上  相似文献   

盐胁迫对小麦根质膜ATPase活性的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
以小麦为实验材料,研究了盐胁迫对根质膜H^ —ATPase、Ca^2 —ATPase活性及H^ —ATPase蛋白表达的影响。结果显示:50、100、150mmol/L的NaCl处理72h后,小麦根质膜H^ —ATPase、Ca^2 —ATPase活性均降低。100mmol/L NaCl对质膜ATPase活性的抑制程度随处理时间的延长而增强,在处理24h后,H^ —ATPase和Ca^2 —ATPase的活性分别降为对照的72%和75%,而处理72h后,酶活性分别减小到对照的50%和48%。50、100、150mmol/L的NaCl直接作用于提取的质膜微囊,H^ —ATPase的活性分别降低约5%、8%和16%。Western blotting分析结果显示100mmol/L NaCl处理72h后,质膜H^ —ATPase的含量与对照比有所减少。本研究表明:盐胁迫抑制小麦根质膜H^ —ATPase、Ca^2 —ATPase的活性,酶含量的减少可能是盐胁迫导致质膜H^ —ATPase活性降低的原因。  相似文献   

对溶液培养的盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa L.)幼苗进行不同浓度NaCl胁迫并改变培养液中K^ 浓度,以了解K^ 营养对NaCl胁迫下盐地碱蓬幼苗生长及叶片液泡膜V-H^ -ATPase、V-H^ -PPase活性的影响。提高培养液K^ 浓度可明显增加盐胁迫下碱蓬植株的鲜重、干重,促进盐地碱蓬叶片及根部组织K^ 积累。盐地碱蓬叶片液泡膜V-H^ -ATPase至少由A、B、C、D、E及c亚基组成,其表达量在缺K^ 处理(12μmol/L K^ )下随盐胁迫浓度的增加而减小,而在正常K^ (6mmol/L)培养下则随盐胁迫浓度的增加而增加;盐地碱蓬叶片液泡膜V-H^ -PPase分子量为72kD,在缺K^ 和正常K^ 供应情况下,V-H^ -PPase均有较高表达。V-H^ -ATPase及V-H^ -PPase活性变化与其亚基表达量变化基本成正相关。结果表明:K^ 对盐生植物碱蓬的耐盐性有重要作用,盐胁迫下,K^ 可能参与了V-H^ -ATPase和V-H^ -PPase活性调控。  相似文献   

胁迫反应中的液泡膜H^+—ATPase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在简要阐述植物细胞液泡膜上V型H+-ATPase的基本结构和一般特性的基础上,介绍在胁迫应答中,该酶通过改变分子结构,调节其功能及其在植物细胞信号转导中可能存在的调节机制,以及液泡膜V型H+-ATPase在植物抗逆生理行为中的重要作用。  相似文献   

盐胁迫降低无花果振荡培养细胞培养液PH添加质膜H^+-ATPase活性抑制剂Na3VO4则抑制盐诱导的培养液PH下降,表明盐诱导培养液H下降主要是细胞质膜H^+-ATPase活性增加的结果。NaCl处理提高活体细胞质膜H^+-ATPase活性,而降低膜微囊H^+-ATPase活性,培养液中添加Na3VO4 50μmol/L完全抑制盐胁迫下无花果细胞游离脯氨酸只累,但添加更高浓度Na3VO4,则提高  相似文献   

运动性贫血在运动训练中经常发生 ,不仅常发于耐力性运动员中 ,而且在技巧、速度性等项目中也较为常见 ,它严重影响运动员的机能水平和运动成绩。本实验通过对力竭运动大鼠红细胞膜MDA含量、Na K ATPase和Ca2 ATPase活性的研究 ,旨在探讨运动性贫血的发生机理 ,为预防和治疗运动性贫血提供一定的理论依据。1 材料与方法(1)实验动物与运动方式 实验选用SD大鼠 2 4只 ,体重为 2 2 0~ 2 5 0g ,由上海实验动物中心提供。大鼠随机分为 4组 ,每组 6只。即 :对照组 (C) ;运动后即刻组 (EX1) ;运动后 1h组 (E…  相似文献   

用50-200mmol/L NaCl处理2d后,大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)品种“滩引2号”(耐盐性强)根的液泡膜H^ -ATPase活性增强,600mmol/L NaCl处理下酶活性下降;“科品7号”(耐盐性弱)在50-100mmol/L NaCl处理2d后根的液泡膜H^ -ATPase活性增强,200-600mmol/L NaCl处理下酶活性随盐浓度增加而降低。50-200mol/L NaCl处理下“滩引2号”根的液泡膜流动性下降,600mmol/L NaCl处理下膜流动性明显增大;盐胁迫下液泡膜膜脂脂肪酸不饱和度下降时,膜流动性下降,反之则膜流动性上升。由此推断高盐胁迫下液泡膜膜脂脂肪酸不饱和度上升而引起膜流动性上升可能是引起H^ -ATPase活性下降的原因之一。  相似文献   

豌豆叶绿体经焦磷酸钠盐溶液洗涤,并以加蔗糖的Tris—Tricine缓冲液作分离介质,其抽提液通过 DEAE—Sephadex A_59柱层析,可得较高纯度的腺三磷酶制剂。经免疫沉淀反应、需镁腺三磷酶活和 SDS—聚丙烯酸胺凝胶电泳证明,这种豌豆叶绿体偶联因子腺三磷酶具有五种蛋白带,与菠菜叶绿体偶联因子腺三磷酶的五种亚单位(α,β,γ,δ和ε亚单位)具有相近的分子量,但两者的α和β亚单位大小有异。  相似文献   

To study the function and adaptive mechanism of tonoplast H+ATPase under salt stress, pea ( Pisum sativum L.) seedlings were treated with different concentrations of salt (100-250 mmol/L NaCl) and with 100 mmol/L NaCl for different days (1-3 d). The ATP hydrolytic activity and the proton transport activity and the changes of the amount of tonoplast H+ ATPase (subunit A) were measured. ATP hydrolytic activity of H+ATPase prepared from plants treated with 250 mmol/L NaCl was reduced by about 25% compared to that of control plants, but that of stressed plants treated with 100 mmol/L and 200 mmol/L NaCl was unchanged. The activity from plants treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl for up to 3 d was lower than that of control plants by 20%. But the proton transport activity was increased under the same salt stresses as above. These results showed that the changes of the hydrolytic activity and the proton transport activity were not in proportion and salt stress may cause the change of the coupling ratio of H+ transport activity to ATP hydrolysis. The protein amount kept unchanged and reduced a little only when pea was treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl for 3 d. These results indicated that salinity stimulated the increase of the pump efficiency of the V-ATPase from pea roots, which was due to the change of the coupling ratio, but not due to the increase of ATP hydrolysis and the amount of V-ATPase.  相似文献   

ATPase与植物抗盐性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了高等植物细胞ATPase在盐胁迫下的活性变化及其调控机制。V型H+_ATPase与细胞离子区隔化和植物抗盐性密切相关。盐胁迫提高抗盐植物液泡膜H+_ATPase活性,主要是通过增加V型H+_ATPase主要功能亚基的基因表达以及蛋白质合成。盐胁迫通常降低质膜H+-ATPase活性,很可能是由于酶蛋白质合成受阻,质膜H+-ATPase活性的变化与盐胁迫的强度和时间长短有关。此外,本文还对ABA和Ca2+-CaM等胁迫信号物质对ATPase活性的调控及其与植物抗盐性的关系进行了总结。研究ATPase对盐胁迫的响应和调控机制,有助于阐明植物的盐生境适应机制,也有利于植物的抗盐育种工作。  相似文献   

Electron microscopic observation indicated that the mitochondrial membrane of pea cotyledon gradually developed into integral structure during seeds imbibition. ATP-synthesizing activity of H+-ATPase increased in company with mitochondrial development, but the content of F1-ATPase subunits was not different on the mitochondria of cotyledon imbibed for 6 hours and for 24 hours in water. After cotyledon was imbibed at low temperature, the content of γ and β subunits of F1-ATPase was distinctly reduced with the inhibition of H+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Intact etiolated seedlings of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. guangzhou honqhua) were used to investigate the changes in the physiological activities by the treatment with fusicoccin (FC), ethylene, and FC + ethylene respectively with the aim of understanding the fusicoccin-ethylene interaction. After the combined application of FC and ethylene, FC may partly removes the inhibition of elongation and fresh weight caused by ethylene. However, that the reduction of DNA synthesis and cell division resulted from ethylene can not eliminated by FC. Ethylene induces the microfibril of cell wall to orientate longitudinally while FC alters microfibrillar orientation by random deposition. FC is also capable of decreasing the inhibition of K+ uptake, H+ secretion and respiratory rate caused by ethylene. The authors consider that the cause of FC partly antagonize ethylene on reversing ethylene-inhibited growth appears not to be reduced the content of endogenous ethylene, but may be caused by raising the respiratory rate, stimulating the H+ secretion and K+ uptake. Eventually, cells uptake much water and result in increase of their elongation and swelling.  相似文献   

胡杨液泡膜微囊H^+—ATPase质子泵活性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将悬浮培养的胡杨 (PopuluseuphraticaOliv .)细胞捣碎后 ,通过差速离心和不连续蔗糖密度梯度离心获得富集液泡膜的膜微囊。通过连续监测吖啶橙的荧光淬灭研究膜微囊上H _ATPase的质子转运特性。结果表明 ,质子转运依赖于ATP ,其表观米氏常数Km 值为 0 .6 5mmol/L。质子泵活性受pH和温度的影响较大。测定液pH值为7.5时 ,质子泵的活性最高 (测定温度选定为 2 2℃ )。一些二价阳离子可启动H _ATPase的质子转运 ,其中Mg2 的作用远高于Fe2 。在实验条件下 ,Ca2 、Cu2 和Zn2 均不能启动H _ATPase的质子转运。质子跨膜转运还可被一价阴离子激活 ,激活作用的顺序为 :Cl->Br->I->F-。质子泵活性受NEM(乙基马来酰亚胺 )、DCCD (二环己基碳二亚胺 )、NO-3 和BafilomycinA1的强烈抑制 ,但对Na3VO4 和NaN3 不敏感。这些性质说明胡杨液泡膜微囊上的H _ATPase属于囊泡型的ATPase。  相似文献   

Sodium plays a major role in different astrocytic functions, including maintenance of ion homeostasis and uptake of neurotransmitters and metabolites, which are mediated by different Na+-coupled transporters. In the current study, the role of an electrogenic sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1), a sodium-potassium-chloride transporter 1 (NKCC1) and sodium-potassium ATPase (Na+-K+-ATPase) for the maintenance of [Na+]i was investigated in cultured astrocytes of wild-type (WT) and of NBCe1-deficient (NBCe1-KO) mice using the Na+-sensitive dye, asante sodium green-2. Our results suggest that cytosolic Na+ was higher in the presence of CO2/HCO3 (15 mM) than CO2/HCO3-free, HEPES-buffered solution in WT, but not in NBCe1-KO astrocytes (12 mM). Surprisingly, there was a strong dependence of cytosolic [Na+] on the extracellular [HCO3] attributable to NBCe1 activity. Pharmacological blockage of NKCC1 with bumetanide led to a robust drop in cytosolic Na+ in both WT and NBCe1-KO astrocytes by up to 6 mM. There was a strong dependence of the cytosolic [Na+] on the extracellular [K+]. Inhibition of the Na+-K+-ATPase led to larger increase in cytosolic Na+, both in the absence of K+ as compared with the presence of ouabain and in NBCe1-KO astrocytes as compared with WT astrocytes. Our results show that cytosolic Na+ in mouse cortical astrocytes can vary considerably and depends greatly on the concentrations of HCO3 and K+, attributable to the activity of the Na+-K+-ATPase, of NBCe1 and NKCC1.  相似文献   

用扫描电镜观察了豌豆根瘤的侵染细胞.结果表明,在这些细胞中有大量的细菌,它们主要是杆状细菌,其次是球形、Y形和T形细菌,其它形状的细菌很少.除了细菌形状不同外,还有一些细菌比较特殊,如有的细菌较长,菌体出现部分收缩并形成一个或一个以上的收缩环,其形状类似一条莲根;有的细菌很大,它的体积是普通细菌的2倍或2倍以上;有的细菌粗细不均匀,端部膨大,呈棒槌状.侵染细胞中有许多小泡,它们大小不同,呈球形.它们存于细菌之间,其中一些小泡还位于细菌的表面上,而且附近细菌的表面有时还有各种隆起.  相似文献   

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