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Somatic cell genetics and flow cytometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human genes coding cell surface molecules can be introduced into mouse host cells using a variety of somatic cell genetic techniques. Because these human gene products can be detected using indirect immunofluorescence on viable cells, the genes themselves can be monitored and manipulated using flow cytometry and sorting. In this paper, we review ways that we have used cell sorting to develop a somatic cell genetic analysis of the human cell surface.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy of 64 colorectal adenomas and 49 adenocarcinomas, examined endoscopically, was studied by flow cytometry. We found DNA aneuploidy in none of the 105 normal mucosa samples (0%), in 20 adenomas (31%), and in 36 adenocarcinomas (74%). DNA ploidy of adenomas correlated with size (P = 0.02) and degree of dysplasia (P less than 0.01) but not with histologic type. Adenomas had a 45% incidence of DNA aneuploid stem lines in the DNA index range of 0.80-1.20, compared with 8% in the case of adenocarcinomas. The distribution of the DNA index values of adenocarcinomas was approximately normal, with a mean value 1.63 +/- 0.28. The mean DNA index for the three cases of "carcinoma in adenoma" with invasion of the stalk of the adenoma was 1.52 +/- 0.18. These results, using DNA flow cytometry, provide evidence for the progression of colorectal adenoma to adenocarcinoma. The classification of adenomas according to DNA ploidy may be information of considerable practical value to the clinician in predicting risk of further adenomas and/or risk of cancer.  相似文献   

Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex are two important model species in ecotoxicology. In daphniids, studies of the effects of contaminants have mostly focused on female life history traits, yet it would also be important to examine male reproductive traits, particularly in relation to endocrine disruptors. In this study, we developed a protocol that uses flow cytometry to measure sperm number in individual males of different species of Daphnia. We tested our protocol on 114 males from several clones of three common species of Daphnia. Sperm count varied widely among individuals and reached high numbers (up to 1.45 × 105). Positive relationships between male length and sperm number were observed in D. pulex and Daphnia pulicaria, but not in D. magna. Important inter‐clonal differences in sperm production were observed in all species, with some clones producing very little sperm. Duplicated sperm samples showed on average only 6% difference in sperm counts. Sperm counts were stable at least over a 2‐hr period and up to 5 hr for most samples. This sperm isolation protocol and flow cytometric enumeration approach will be of major interest to ecotoxicologists.  相似文献   

DNA analysis by flow cytometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Accurate quantification of DNA from cells of several species is possible with flow cytometry. When one species is used as a reference, cytometric readings from two or more different species can be compared to obtain relative percent DNA or DNA indices. Differences in DNA from the male and female of the same species also can be measured. The method allows rapid screening of chromosomal abnormalities among large clinical populations, and evaluation of errors of sex determination such as XY sex reversal.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton monitoring by flow cytometry   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The application of flow cytometry to the monitoring of phytoplanktonis demonstrated. A comparison is made with conventional approachesto phytoplankton monitoring: light microscopy for the determinationof species abundance, and chlorophyll a determination and insitu chlorophyll a measurement by fluorescence for the determinationof the biomass. Flow cytometric measurements correlate wellwith these conventional types of measurements, as has been shownby comparing a full year of monitoring data obtained at a fixedmonitoring location 10 km off the Dutch coast. Flow cytometrybridges the gap between labour-intensive, but highly informative,microscopic observations and simple biomass measurements withless information content: via flow cytometry optical data areobtained at high speed for individual particles, which can betranslated into biomass information. On the basis of the flowcytometric measurements, rough discrimination of phytoplanktonspecies groups is possible, particularly for the abundant species.Of crucial importance is careful calibration of the flow cytometer,to ensure quantitative and comparable measurements over a longperiod of time. Calibration and quality assurance aspects arecovered in detail. 3Present address: Akzo Nobel Central Research Laboratories Arnhem,Department CRL, PO Box 9300, NL-6800 SB Arnhem, The Netherlands  相似文献   

R. Meyer  W. Nagl 《Protoplasma》1993,172(2-4):132-135
Summary Video-densitometric DNA measurements of Feulgenstained tissues of 42 day old eggs of the corn snake,Elaphe g. guttata (Columbridae, Serpentes), revealed a basic DNA content of 2C=2.17 pg, with somatic polyploidy in the allantois, the chorioallontois, the yolk sac, and other extraembryonic membranes. The maximum value determined was 128C (in binucleate cells 2×128C) at the distal pole of the egg. This is the first report of somatic polyploidy in a snake, and one of the first in reptiles in general.  相似文献   

We have built a cooling device for cell suspensions in flow cytometry that makes use of the Peltier effect (Barnard RD, Thermo electricity in Metals and Alloys, Taylor and Francis, London; Siemens-Z 34:383-88, 1963). The prototype described here is used for cooling collection tubes during long-duration cell sorting and is capable of maintaining a temperature of 2-5 degrees C in a cell suspension of up to 3 ml. In general, Peltier element-based cooling is useful for equilibrating the temperature of small volumes of fluids. Furthermore, Peltier element-based cooling devices are easy to build and handle.  相似文献   

The O-glycosylated domains of mucins and mucin-type glycoproteins contain 50-80% of carbohydrate and possess expanded conformations. Herein, we describe a flow cytometry (FCM) method for determining the carbohydrate-binding specificities of lectins to mucin. Biotinylated mucin was immobilized on streptavidin-coated beads, and the binding specificities of the major mucin sugar chains, as determined by GC-MS and MALDI-ToF, were monitored using fluorescein-labeled lectins. The specificities of lectins toward specific biotinylated glycans were determined as controls. The advantage of flexibility, multiparametric data acquisition, speed, sensitivity, and high-throughput capability makes flow cytometry a valuable tool to study diverse interactions between glycans and proteins.  相似文献   

Microbial determinations by flow cytometry.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Recent improvements in the optics and electronics of flow cytometry systems, as well as in staining techniques, permit the assay of such minute cellular constituents as the DNA and protein contents of micro-organisms. To assess the usefulness of this technique, DNA and protein content distributions were determined in Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus casei, Chlorella kessleri 8k, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida utilis, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Euglena gracilis. Investigations of the DNA content distributions of polyploid strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicated that the method can be used to determine ploidy. The rapidity of flow cytometry measurements allows accurate determinations in large populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Electroporation accomplishes transient permeabilization of cells and thus aids in the uptake of drugs. The method has been employed clinically in the treatment of dermatological tumors with bleomycin. The conditions of electroporation are still largely empirical and information is lacking as to the interrelationships among voltage pulse height, pulse number and toxicity, cell permeation, drug uptake, and effects on drug toxicity. We used propidium iodide (PI) and flow cytometry to define cell permeation into cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments to determine the improvements of drug toxicity that can be accomplished by electroporation. METHODS: Human squamous carcinoma cells of defined TP53 status and normal human epithelial cells were subjected to electroporation using a square wave pulse generator in the range of 0-5,000 V/cm. Flow cytometry served to establish entry of the drug reporter, PI, into the cytoplasm and nucleus. A dye staining method served to establish cell survival and to determine the toxicity of bleomycin alone, electroporation alone, and electroporation with bleomycin. RESULTS: The electric field intensity (EFI) required to produce 50% permeabilization (EP(50)) is cell type dependent. The EP(50) varied from 1,465 to 2,027 V/cm. An EFI below 900 V/cm is growth stimulatory whereas an EFI in excess of 1,000 V/cm is growth inhibitory. An EFI of 1,000 V/cm is sufficient to increase bleomycin toxicity by a factor of 2-3. A differential electroporation efficiency is observed between normal and tumor cells. CONCLUSIONS: Tumor cells can be targeted preferentially at electroporation voltages where normal cells are less permeable.  相似文献   

A method is described which reliably quantifies the degree of intercellular communication via gap junctions by combining a dye-loading technique with fluorescence-activated flow cytometry. Our experiments expand former measurements of other groups by analyzing the time- and density-dependent onset of coupling with a fixed ratio of donor to recipient cells. The high sensitivity of this technique provides a better resolution than the microelectrode technique and allows the detection of small changes in gap-junctional coupling by examining a large number of cells in a single experiment. Suspended cells were loaded with the membrane-permeable dye calcein AM, which is intracellularly hydrolyzed by nonspecific esterases, and the resulting polyanionic calcein is thus trapped inside these donor cells. Gap junctions, however, are permeable for this fluorescent dye, as can be observed when suspended donor cells are added to recipient cells (i.e., monolayer cultures) in which case cell-cell contact is established within less than 60 min. In addition, one of these two cell populations can also be stained with a membrane-resident dye (e.g., DiI), which facilitates the identification of different cell populations (donors, recipients, and noncoupled cells) not only by epifluorescence microscopy but also by flow cytometry. Our analyses reveal that junctional coupling depends not only on the connexin type (homo- or heterotypic junction) but also on the origin (species) of the contacting cells (homo- or heterospecific contact). We confirm earlier reports in which homotypic-homospecific coupling was demonstrated with different techniques in connexin-transfected HeLa and RIN cells as well as in BICR/M1R(k) and 3T3/SV40 cells. In contrast to other publications, we show that a significant heterotypic-homospecific coupling between Cx40- and Cx43-HeLa transfectants can be resolved, whereas no coupling was detected for heterotypic-heterospecific contacts between Cx40-HeLa transfectants and the Cx43-expressing cell lines BICR/M1R(k), 3T3/SV40, and RIN.  相似文献   

Membrane potential estimation by flow cytometry   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Membrane potential (delta psi) is generated and maintained by concentration gradients of ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and hydrogen. Changes in cytoplasmic delta psi in the course of surface-receptor-mediated processes related to the development, function, and pathology of many cell types often play a role in transmembrane signaling. Cytoplasmic delta psi is also reduced to zero when the membrane is ruptured by chemical or physical agents. Mitochondrial delta psi is reduced when energy metabolism is disrupted, notably in apoptosis. In bacteria, which lack mitochondria, delta psi reflects both the state of energy metabolism and the physical integrity of the cytoplasmic membrane. Flow cytometry can be used to estimate membrane potential in eukaryotic cells, mitochondria in situ, isolated mitochondria, and bacteria. Older methods, using lipophilic cationic dyes such as the cyanines and rhodamine 123 or lipophilic anionic dyes such as the oxonols can detect relatively large changes in delta psi and identify heterogeneity of response in subpopulations comprising substantial fractions of a cell population. Newer ratiometric techniques allow precise measurement of delta psi to within 10 mV or less. Among other factors, action of efflux pumps, changes in membrane structure, and changes in protein or lipid concentration in the medium in which cells are suspended can produce changes in cellular fluorescence which may be misinterpreted as changes in delta psi. Techniques for estimation and measurement of Delta Psi therefore typically require careful control of cell and reagent concentrations and incubation times and selection of appropriate controls if they are to provide accurate information.  相似文献   

Analysis of phytoplankton by flow cytometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Optical properties of eight algae species were measured on a flow cytometer. Forward and perpendicular light scatter measurements provide information on the size and shape of algae cells. The intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence varies greatly among the studied algae species and can be used to distinguish them. Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence after excitation with different wavelengths provide a fluorescence excitation spectrum for each species over the available wavelength range. These spectra reflect the different photosynthetic pigment contents of the species. Staining algae cells with the DNA stains, Hoechst 33342 and DAPI, provides two additional optical parameters to distinguish algae populations: blue nuclear fluorescence and yellow granular fluorescence. The combination of these optical measurements enables the distinction of each algae species into a small cluster in a hyperspace of parameters. The automation of phytoplankton analysis on the flow cytometer may lead to the rapid and objective assessment of water quality.  相似文献   

The intracellular distribution of important chemotherapeutic antibiotics belonging to the anthracycline group (e.g. adriamycin) can be detected by laser flow cytometry. The indirect method is based on the interference of these compounds with the binding of propidium iodide to the nuclear DNA. While in the direct method, the intracellular fluorescence of these antibiotics is excited and detected with a laser beam in a flow system. The present report demonstrates the use of these two methods for intracellular detection and quantitation of a number of important anthracyclines.  相似文献   

Epitope mapping by flow cytometry is a very modern approach that not only identifies T-cell epitopes but simultaneously allows for detailed analysis of the responding T-cell subsets including lineage, activation marker expression, and other markers of interest. The most frequently used approach is based on the identification of intracellular cytokines in secretion-inhibited activated T cells following stimulation with peptides or peptide pools. A more recently developed assay analyzes T-cell proliferation by measuring the decrease in carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester staining in proliferated cells. This article includes information on peptide configuration, a section on the design and efficient application of peptide pools, and working laboratory protocols for both assays.  相似文献   

Analysis of virus-infected cells by flow cytometry   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Flow cytometry has been used to study virus-cell interactions for many years. This article critically reviews a number of reports on the use of flow cytometry for the detection of virus-infected cells directly in clinical samples and in virus-infected cultured cells. Examples are presented of the use of flow cytometry to screen antiviral drugs against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex viruses (HSV) and to perform drug susceptibility testing for these viruses. The use of reporter genes such as green fluorescent protein incorporated into HIV or HSV or into cells for the detection of the presence of virus, for drug susceptibility assay, and for viral pathogenesis is also covered. Finally, studies on the use of flow cytometry for studying the effect of virus infection on apoptosis and the cell cycle are summarized. It is hoped that this article will give the reader some understanding of the great potential of this technology for studying virus cell interactions.  相似文献   

Evaluation of platelet function by flow cytometry   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
Platelet function in whole blood can be comprehensively evaluated by flow cytometry. Flow cytometry can be used to measure platelet reactivity, circulating activated platelets, platelet-platelet aggregates, leukocyte-platelet aggregates, procoagulant platelet-derived microparticles, and calcium flux. Clinical applications of whole blood flow cytometric assays of platelet function in disease states (e.g., acute coronary syndromes, angioplasty, and stroke) may include identification of patients who would benefit from additional antiplatelet therapy and prediction of ischemic events. Circulating monocyte-platelet aggregates appear to be a more sensitive marker of in vivo platelet activation than circulating P-selectin-positive platelets. Flow cytometry can also be used in the following clinical settings: monitoring of GPIIb-IIIa antagonist therapy, diagnosis of inherited deficiencies of platelet surface glycoproteins, diagnosis of storage pool disease, diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, and measurement of the rate of thrombopoiesis.  相似文献   

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