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The light-harvesting 2 complex (LH2) of the purple phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides is a highly efficient, light-harvesting antenna that allows growth under a wide-range of light intensities. In order to expand the spectral range of this antenna complex, we first used a series of competition assays to measure the capacity of the non-native pigments 3-acetyl chlorophyll (Chl) a, Chl?d, Chl?f or bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) b to replace native BChl?a in the B800 binding site of LH2. We then adjusted the B800 site and systematically assessed the binding of non-native pigments. We find that Arg?10 of the LH2 β polypeptide plays a crucial role in binding specificity, by providing a hydrogen-bond to the 3-acetyl group of native and non-native pigments. Reconstituted LH2 complexes harbouring the series of (B)Chls were examined by transient absorption and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopies. Although slowed 10-fold to ~6?ps, energy transfer from Chl?a to B850 BChl?a remained highly efficient. We measured faster energy-transfer time constants for Chl?d (3.5?ps) and Chl?f (2.7?ps), which have red-shifted absorption maxima compared to Chl?a. BChl?b, red-shifted from the native BChl?a, gave extremely rapid (≤0.1?ps) transfer. These results show that modified LH2 complexes, combined with engineered (B)Chl biosynthesis pathways in vivo, have potential for retaining high efficiency whilst acquiring increased spectral range.  相似文献   

P Braun  A Scherz 《Biochemistry》1991,30(21):5177-5184
The light-harvesting complex (LHC) B850 from Rhodobacter sphaeroides was dissociated into several fragments by treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate. The molecular weight of each fragment was determined by using transverse polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions and gel filtration techniques. Four B850 LHCs were observed, having molecular weights of 60,000, 72,000-75,000, 105,000, and 125,000-145,000, and two small bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl)-polypeptide complexes having molecular weights of 6000-8000 and 12,000-14,000. Each of the B850 complexes contains ca. one Bchl a for each 6.5-kDa protein. The optical absorption and circular dichroism of the B850 LHCs recorded directly from the gels are similar to those measured previously for a 22-24-kDa B850 LHCs by Sauer and Austin [(1978) Biochemistry 17, 2011-2019]. These data, combined with studies of other groups, indicate that the smallest LHC in LH1 and LH2 is a Bchl-polypeptide tetramer. Each tetramer contains two Bchl dimers that probably have the structure of P-860, the primary electron donor in Rhodobacter sphaeroides, and two alpha-beta-polypeptide pairs. Interactions among the paired Bchls shift their individual Qy transitions from 780-800 to 850-860 nm, and interactions among two such pairs induce the circular dichroism signal of the LHCs. Three Bchl-polypeptide tetramers probably form a dodecamer having C3 symmetry, and six such dodecamers organize into a large hexagon that can accommodate one or two reaction center complexes.  相似文献   

Abstract In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii there are three glutamate dehydrogenase isozymes which can use both NADH and NADPH as cofactors and respond differently to different nitrogen sources and several stress conditions. From data of induction of isozymes in different metabolic situations, we propose a possible physiological role for each of them in algal carbon and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

A pufX gene deletion in the purple bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus causes a severe photosynthetic defect and increases core light-harvesting complex (LH1) protein and bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl) levels. It was suggested that PufX interrupts the LH1 alpha/beta ring around the reaction centre, allowing quinone/quinol exchange. However, naturally PufX(-) purple bacteria grow photosynthetically with an uninterrupted LH1. We discovered that substitutions of the Rhodobacter-specific LH1 alpha seryl-2 decrease carotenoid levels in PufX(-)R. capsulatus. An LH1 alphaS2F mutation improved the photosynthetic growth of a PufX(-) strain lacking the peripheral LH2 antenna, although LH1 BChl absorption remained above wild-type, suggesting that Rhodobacter-specific carotenoid binding is involved in the PufX(-) photosynthetic defect and LH1 expansion is not. Furthermore, PufX overexpression increased LH1-like BChl absorption without inhibiting photosynthetic growth. PufX(+) LH1 alphaS2-substituted mutant strains had wild-type carotenoid levels, indicating that PufX modulates LH1 carotenoid binding, inducing a conformational change that favours quinone/quinol exchange.  相似文献   

Energy transfer between carotenoid and bacteriochlorophyll has been studied in isolated B-800-850 antenna pigment-protein complexes from different strains of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides which contain different types of carotenoid. Singlet-singlet energy transfer from the carotenoid to the bacteriochlorophyll is efficient (75-100%) and is rather insensitive to carotenoid type, over the range of carotenoids tested. The yield of carotenoid triplets is low (2-15%) but this arises from a low yield of bacteriochlorophyll triplet formation rather than from an inefficient triplet-triplet exchange reaction. The rate of the triplet-triplet exchange reaction between the bacteriochlorophyll and the carotenoid is fast (Ktt greater than or equal to 1.4 . 10(8) S-1) and also relatively independent of the type of carotenoid present.  相似文献   

Structural features of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a that are required for binding to the light-harvesting proteins of Rhodospirillum rubrum were determined by testing for reconstitution of the B873 or B820 (structural subunit of B873) light-harvesting complexes with BChl a analogues. The results indicate that the binding site is very specific; of the analogues tested, only derivatives of BChl a with ethyl, phytyl, and geranylgeranyl esterifying alcohols and BChl b (phytyl) successfully reconstituted to form B820- and B873-type complexes. BChl analogues lacking magnesium, the C-3 acetyl group, or the C-13(2) carbomethoxy group did not reconstitute to form B820 or B873. Also unreactive were 13(2)-hydroxyBChl a and 3-acetylchlorophyll a. Competition experiments showed that several of these nonreconstituting analogues significantly slowed BChl a binding to form B820 and blocked BChl a-B873 formation, indicating that the analogues may competitively bind to the protein even though they do not form red-shifted complexes. With the R. rubrum polypeptides, BChl b formed complexes that were further red-shifted than those of BChl a; however, the energies of the red shifts, binding behavior, and circular dichroism (CD) spectra were similar. B873 complexes reconstituted with the geranylgeranyl BChl a derivative, which contains the native esterifying alcohol for R. rubrum, showed in-vivo-like CD features, but the phytyl and ethyl B873 complexes showed inverted CD features in the near infrared. The B820 complex with the ethyl derivative was about 30-fold less stable than the two longer esterifying alcohol derivatives, but all formed stable B873 complexes.  相似文献   

We provide in vivo genetic and in vitro biochemical evidence that RegA directly regulates bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis in Rhodobacter capsulatus. beta-Galactosidase expression assays with a RegA-disrupted strain containing reporter plasmids for Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester oxidative cyclase (bchE), Mg-protoporphyrin IX chelatase (bchD), and phytoene dehydrogenase (crtI) demonstrate RegA is responsible for fourfold anaerobic induction of bchE, threefold induction of bchD, and twofold induction of crtI. Promoter mapping studies, coupled with DNase I protection assays, map the region of RegA binding to three sites in the bchE promoter region. Similar studies at the crtA and crtI promoters indicate that RegA binds to a single region equidistant from these divergent promoters. These results demonstrate that RegA is directly responsible for anaerobic induction of bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis genes bchE, bchD, bchJ, bchI, bchG, and bchP and carotenoid biosynthesis genes crtI, crtB, and crtA.  相似文献   

Three single-site mutations have been introduced at positions close to the QA ubiquinone in the reaction centre from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Two of these mutations, Ala M260 to Trp and Ala M248 to Trp, result in a reaction centre that does not support photosynthetic growth of the bacterium, and in which electron transfer to the QA ubiquinone is abolished. In the reaction centre with an Ala to Trp mutation at the M260 residue, electron transfer from the primary donor to the acceptor bacteriopheophytin is not affected by the mutation, but electron transfer from the acceptor bacteriopheophytin to QA is not observed. The most likely basis for these effects is that the mutation produces a structural change that excludes binding of the QA ubiquinone. A third mutation, Leu M215 to Trp, produces a reaction centre that has an impaired capacity for supporting photosynthetic growth. The mutation changes the nature of ubiquinone binding at the QA site, and renders the site sensitive to quinone site inhibitors such as o- phenanthroline. Adopting a similar approach, in which a small residue located close to a cofactor is changed to a more bulky residue, we show that the reaction centre can be rendered carotenoid-less by the mutation Gly M71 to Leu.  相似文献   

Spectral and kinetic characteristics of fluorescence from isolated reaction centers of photosynthetic purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodobacter capsulatus were measured at room temperature under rectangular shape of excitation at 810 nm. The kinetics of fluorescence at 915 nm reflected redox changes due to light and dark reactions in the donor and acceptor quinone complex of the reaction center as identified by absorption changes at 865 nm (bacteriochlorophyll dimer) and 450 nm (quinones) measured simultaneously with the fluorescence. Based on redox titration and gradual bleaching of the dimer, the yield of fluorescence from reaction centers could be separated into a time-dependent (originating from the dimer) and a constant part (coming from contaminating pigment (detached bacteriochlorin)). The origin was also confirmed by the corresponding excitation spectra of the 915 nm fluorescence. The ratio of yields of constant fluorescence over variable fluorescence was much smaller in Rhodobacter sphaeroides (0.15±0.1) than in Rhodobacter capsulatus (1.2±0.3). It was shown that the changes in fluorescence yield reflected the disappearance of the dimer and the quenching by the oxidized primary quinone. The redox changes of the secondary quinone did not have any influence on the yield but excess quinone in the solution quenched the (constant part of) fluorescence. The relative yields of fluorescence in different redox states of the reaction center were tabulated. The fluorescence of the dimer can be used as an effective tool in studies of redox reactions in reaction centers, an alternative to the measurements of absorption kinetics.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - Bpheo bacteriopheophytin - D electron donor to P+ - P bacteriochlorophyll dimer - Q quinone acceptor - QA primary quinone acceptor - QB secondary quinone acceptor - RC reaction center protein - UQ6 ubiquinone-30  相似文献   

Pheophytinization of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) at low pH was investigated in the core (LH1) and peripheral (LH2) light-harvesting complexes, as well as in the ensemble of the reaction center (RC) with the LH1 complex. The stages in disintegration of the native BChl forms in the LH1 complex and in its ensemble with RC were revealed. They were observed as emergence of the absorption band of monomeric BChl and an increase in its intensity, followed by its transformation into the band of monomeric bacteriopheophytin (BPh) and then into the band of aggregated BPh. Unlike the LH1 complex, in the case of the LH2 complex, monomeric BChl was never detected as an intermediate product. While the spectra revealed formation of monomeric BPh, its accumulation did not occur, since its aggregation is very rapid compared to that in the LH1 complex and in the RC-LH1 ensemble. PAAG electrophoresis revealed that pheophytinization of BChl in the LH2 complex was accompanied by disruption of the stable cylindrical structure of this complex with emergence of characteristic fragments consisting of α and β peptides and bearing monomeric BPh, as well as of the α peptide aggregates bearing BPh aggregates. Unlike the LH2 complex, BChl pheophytinization in the LH1 complex did not result in its fragmentation. This is an indication of different types of structural stabilization in the LH1 and LH2 complexes. In the LH2 complex, coordination of bacteriochlorophyll Mg2+ by conservative histidine residues of the α and β polypeptides is the main factor responsible for the maintenance of its cylindrical structure. Stability of the LH1 complex is probably based primarily on the highly specific hydrophobic interactions between the surfaces of individual polypeptide chains, since the presence of hydrogen bonds results in autonomy of each αβBChl2 subunit, rather than in stabilization of the LH1 complex as a whole.  相似文献   

The structural basis for the spectral red shift in the near-IR absorption band of the B875 light-harvesting complex was examined by treatment of membranes from Rhodobacter sphaeroides M21 with acid. This mutant strain lacks the overlapping spectral bands of the B800–850 light-harvesting antenna and gives rise to membrane fragments with both surfaces accessible to protons. At pH 2.2, about half the absorption at 876 nm was converted within 10 min to a free pigment band; the remaining absorption appeared at 880 nm and shifted to 845 nm over the next three hours. These spectral shifts could not be reversed by alkali. Approximately one-third of the characteristic near-IR CD signal of B875 was also lost initially and replaced by a broad trough centered near 854 nm. Thereafter, the CD spectrum was dominated by the strong conservative signal of the 845 nm absorbing component which was attributed to an oligomeric bacteriopheophytin a species, probably a dimer. A kinetic analysis of the acid-induced absorption changes suggested a multi-step model with rate constants of 0.37 min-1 for the initial rapid change and 0.05 and 0.11 min-1 for the respective subsequent steps. The non-conservative nature of the near-IR CD spectrum of the intact complex, together with the spectral changes observed after the initial loss of near-IR absorption and CD, suggest that pigment-pigment interactions are not solely responsible for the red shift in this complex.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll a - BPheo bacteriopheophytin a  相似文献   

The light harvesting 1 antenna (LH1) complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides funnels excitation energy to the photosynthetic reaction center. Our ultimate goal is to build up the structure of LH1 from structures of its individual subunits, much as the antenna can self-assemble from its components in membrane-mimicking detergent micelles. The beta subunit adopts a nativelike conformation in Zwittergent 3:12 micelles as demonstrated by its ability to take the first step of assembly, binding BChl a. Multidimensional NMR spectroscopy shows that the beta subunit folds as a helix((L12-S25))-hinge((G26-W28))-helix((L29-W44)) structure with the helical regions for the 10 lowest-energy structures having backbone rmsds of 0.26 and 0.24 A, respectively. Mn(2+) relaxation data and the protein-detergent NOE pattern show the C-terminal helix embedded in the micelle and the N-terminal helix lying along the detergent micelle surface with a 60 degrees angle between their long axes. (15)N relaxation data for residues L12-W44 are typical of a well-ordered protein with a correlation time of 8.25 +/- 2.1 ns. The presence of the hinge region placing the N-terminal helix along the membrane surface may be the structural feature responsible for the functional differences observed between the LH1 and LH2 beta subunits.  相似文献   

PufX organises the photosynthetic reaction centre–light harvesting complex 1 (RC–LH1) core complex of Rhodobacter sphaeroides and facilitates quinol/quinone exchange between the RC and cytochrome bc1 complexes. The structure of PufX in organic solvent reveals two hydrophobic helices flanked by unstructured termini and connected by a helical bend. The proposed location of basic residues and tryptophans at the membrane interface orients the C-terminal helix along the membrane normal, with the GXXXG motifs in positions unsuitable as direct drivers of dimerisation of the RC–LH1 complex. The N-terminal helix is predicted to extend 40 Å along the membrane interface.  相似文献   

LH2 complexes from Rb. sphaeroides were modified genetically so that lycopene, with 11 saturated double bonds, replaced the native carotenoids which contain 10 saturated double bonds. Tuning the S1 level of the carotenoid in LH2 in this way affected the dynamics of energy transfer within LH2, which were investigated using both steady-state and time-resolved techniques. The S1 energy of lycopene in n-hexane was determined to be approximately 12 500 +/- 150 cm(-1), by direct measurement of the S1-S2 transient absorption spectrum using a femtosecond IR-probing technique, thus placing an upper limit on the S1 energy of lycopene in the LH2 complex. Fluorescence emission and excitation spectra demonstrated that energy can be transferred from lycopene to the bacteriochlorophyll molecules within this LH2 complex. The energy-transfer dynamics within the mutant complex were compared to wild-type LH2 from Rb. sphaeroides containing the carotenoid spheroidene and from Rs. molischianum, in which lycopene is the native carotenoid. The results show that the overall efficiency for Crt --> B850 energy transfer is approximately 80% in lyco-LH2 and approximately 95% in WT-LH2 of Rb. sphaeroides. The difference in overall Crt --> BChl transfer efficiency of lyco-LH2 and WT-LH2 mainly relates to the low efficiency of the Crt S(1) --> BChl pathway for complexes containing lycopene, which was 20% in lyco-LH2. These results show that in an LH2 complex where the Crt S1 energy is sufficiently high to provide efficient spectral overlap with both B800 and B850 Q(y) states, energy transfer via the Crt S1 state occurs to both pigments. However, the introduction of lycopene into the Rb. sphaeroides LH2 complex lowers the S1 level of the carotenoid sufficiently to prevent efficient transfer of energy to the B800 Q(y) state, leaving only the Crt S1 --> B850 channel, strongly suggesting that Crt S1 --> BChl energy transfer is controlled by the relative Crt S1 and BChl Q(y) energies.  相似文献   

The average distance betweeen bacteriochlorophyll moleculeson the chromatophore membrane of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroideswas estimated by two methods: measurement of the ratio of thenumber of chromatophores to the number of polystyrene-latexparticles mixed in a chromatophore suspension and measurementof the packed volume of chromatophores in the suspension. Theaverage distance was obtained under the assumption that bacteriochlorophyllmolecules are positioned at hexagonal lattice points. The valuewas 34 A{ring} when the bacteriochlorophyll molecules were assumedto be on one side of the membranes and 48 A{ring} when theywere assumed to be on both sides. (Received February 20, 1978; )  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction was used to determine high-resolution structures of the reaction center (RC) complex from the carotenoidless mutant, Rb. sphaeroides R-26.1, without or reconstituted with carotenoids. The results are compared with the structure of the RC from a semiaerobically grown Rb. sphaeroides strain 2.4.1. The investigation reveals the structure of the carotenoid in the different protein preparations, the nature of its binding site, and a plausible mechanism by which the carotenoid is incorporated unidirectionally in its characteristic geometric configuration. The structural data suggest that the accessibility of the carotenoid to the binding site is controlled by a specific "gatekeeper" residue which allows the carotenoid to approach the binding site from only one direction. Carotenoid binding to the protein is secured by hydrogen bonding to a separate "locking" amino acid. The study reveals the specific molecular interactions that control how the carotenoid protects the photosynthetic apparatus against photo-induced oxidative destruction.  相似文献   

ARhodobacter sphaeroides gene (pps) inducestrans suppression of bacteriochlorophyll (Bch) and carotenoid (Crt) levels in bothR. sphaeroides andR. capsulatus. It also induces suppression of Crt levels in aParacoccus denitrificans strain carrying the Crt genes ofR. sphaeroides. The gene is located approximately 11 kilobases fromcrtA in the photosynthetic gene cluster. Crt suppression bypps is quantitatively different from that caused by an absence of mature Bch.  相似文献   

Geyer T 《Biophysical journal》2007,93(12):4374-4381
Some species of purple bacteria as, e.g., Rhodobacter sphaeroides contain the protein PufX. Concurrently, the light harvesting complexes 1 (LH1) form dimers of open rings. In mutants without PufX, the LH1s are closed rings and photosynthesis breaks down, because the ubiquinone exchange at the reaction center is blocked. However, the main purpose of the LH1 is light harvesting. We therefore investigate the effects that the PufX-induced dimerization has on the absorption properties of the core complexes. Calculations with a dipole model, which compare the photosynthetic efficiency of various configurations of monomeric and dimeric core complexes, show that the dimer can absorb photons directly into the reaction centers more efficiently, but that the performance of the more sophisticated dimeric LH1 antenna degrades faster with structural perturbations. The calculations predict an optimal orientation of the reaction centers relative to the LH1 dimer, which agrees well with the experimentally found configuration. Based on experimental observations indicating that the dimeric core complexes are indeed rather rigid, we hypothesize that in PufX+ species the association between the LH1 and the reaction centers is enhanced. This mechanical stabilization of the core complexes would lead to the observed quinone blockage, when PufX is missing.  相似文献   

The extent of electrostatic contributions from the protein environment was assessed by the introduction of ionizable residues near the bacteriochlorophyll dimer in reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Two mutations at symmetry-related sites, M199 Asn to Asp and L170 Asn to Asp, resulted in a 48 and 44 mV lowering of the midpoint potential, respectively, compared to the wild type at pH 8, while a 75 mV decrease in the midpoint potential was observed for the mutation L168 His to Glu. The decrease relative to wild type was found to be approximately additive, up to 147 mV, for various combinations of the mutations. As the pH was lowered from 9.5 to 6.0, the relative decrease in the midpoint potential became smaller for each of these three mutations. Titration of the pH dependence of the change in midpoint potential of the M199 Asn to Asp mutant compared to wild type yielded a pK(a) value of 7.9 and a change in midpoint potential from low to high pH of 59 mV. The major effect of the mutation on the midpoint potential of the dimer is interpreted as stemming from a negative charge on the residue. An average dielectric constant of approximately 20 was estimated for the local protein environment, consistent with a relatively hydrophobic environment for residue M199. The rate of charge recombination between the primary quinone acceptor and the bacteriochlorophyll dimer decreased in the M199 Asn to Asp mutant at high pH, reflecting the decrease in midpoint potential.  相似文献   

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