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前体mRNA(precursor messager RNA,pre-mRNA)剪接是去除内含子和将外显子彼此连接形成成熟mRNA的过程。剪接过程在一个呈动态变化的大核糖核蛋白(ribonucleoprotein, RNP)复合体,即剪接体催化作用下完成。DExD/H-box RNA解旋酶在剪接体组装、激活及解聚过程中都发挥着重要作用。Brr2(bad response to refrigeration 2)这种DExD/H-box RNA解旋酶是构成U5稳定的亚单位。Brr2含有两个串联解旋酶盒结构,在剪接体激活中负责U4/U6的解旋,还参与剪接体催化及解聚过程,因此Brr2在剪接过程中必需具备严格的调控机制。在剪接过程中,Prp8的C端包含两个连续的RNase H域和Jab1/MPN域,能够正负调控Brr2活性。Snu114在调节Brr2活性中具有非常重要的作用。此外,Brr2通过C端解旋酶盒(C-terminal cassette, CC)与N末端域(N-terminal region)进行分子内的自我活性调节。本文综述了近年来在Brr2的分子间和分子内活性调节机制的研究进展,这些不同的调节机制协同作用才确保真核生物pre-mRNA可变剪接的保真性。  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, pre-mRNA exons are interrupted by large noncoding introns. Alternative selection of exons and nucleotide-exact removal of introns are performed by the spliceosome, a highly dynamic macromolecular machine. U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP is the largest and most conserved building block of the spliceosome. By 3D electron cryomicroscopy and labeling, the exon-aligning U5 snRNA loop I is localized at the center of the tetrahedrally shaped tri-snRNP reconstructed to approximately 2.1 nm resolution in vitrified ice. Independent 3D reconstructions of its subunits, U4/U6 and U5 snRNPs, show how U4/U6 and U5 combine to form tri-snRNP and, together with labeling experiments, indicate a close proximity of the spliceosomal core components U5 snRNA loop I and U4/U6 at the center of tri-snRNP. We suggest that this central tri-snRNP region may be the site to which the prespliceosomal U2 snRNA has to approach closely during formation of the catalytic core of the spliceosome.  相似文献   

Brr2 is a DExD/H-box RNA helicase that is responsible for U4/U6 unwinding, a critical step in spliceosomal activation. Brr2 is a large protein (∼250 kD) that consists of an N-terminal domain (∼500 residues) with unknown function and two Hel308-like modules that are responsible for RNA unwinding. Here we demonstrate that removal of the entire N-terminal domain is lethal to Saccharomyces cerevisiae and deletion of the N-terminal 120 residues leads to splicing defects and severely impaired growth. This N-terminal truncation does not significantly affect Brr2''s helicase activity. Brr2-Δ120 can be successfully assembled into the tri-snRNP (albeit at a lower level than the WT Brr2) and the spliceosomal B complex. However, the truncation significantly impairs spliceosomal activation, leading to a dramatic reduction of U5, U6 snRNAs and accumulation of U1 snRNA in the Bact complex. The N-terminal domain of Brr2 does not seem to be directly involved in regulating U1/5''ss unwinding. Instead, the N-terminal domain seems to be critical for retaining U5 and U6 snRNPs during/after spliceosomal activation through its interaction with snRNAs and possibly other spliceosomal proteins, revealing a new role of Brr2 in spliceosomal activation in addition to U4/U6 unwinding.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA splicing by the spliceosome is an essential step in the maturation of nearly all human mRNAs. Mutations in six spliceosomal proteins, PRPF3, PRPF4, PRPF6, PRPF8, PRPF31 and SNRNP200, cause retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a disease characterized by progressive photoreceptor degeneration. All splicing factors linked to RP are constituents of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP subunit of the spliceosome, suggesting that the compromised function of this particle may lead to RP. Here, we report the identification of the p.R192H variant of the tri-snRNP factor PRPF4 in a patient with RP. The mutation affects a highly conserved arginine residue that is crucial for PRPF4 function. Introduction of a corresponding mutation into the zebrafish homolog of PRPF4 resulted in a complete loss of function in vivo. A series of biochemical experiments suggested that p.R192H disrupts the binding interface between PRPF4 and its interactor PRPF3. This interferes with the ability of PRPF4 to integrate into the tri-snRNP, as shown in a human cell line and in zebrafish embryos. These data suggest that the p.R192H variant of PRPF4 represents a functional null allele. The resulting haploinsufficiency of PRPF4 compromises the function of the tri-snRNP, reinforcing the notion that this spliceosomal particle is of crucial importance in the physiology of the retina.  相似文献   

In the U12-dependent spliceosome, the U4atac/U6atac snRNP represents the functional analogue of the major U4/U6 snRNP. Little information is available presently regarding the protein composition of the former snRNP and its association with other snRNPs. In this report we show that human U4atac/U6atac di-snRNPs associate with U5 snRNPs to form a 25S U4atac/U6atac.U5 trimeric particle. Comparative analysis of minor and major tri-snRNPs by using immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that their protein compositions are very similar, if not identical. Not only U5-specific proteins but, surprisingly, all tested U4/U6- and major tri-snRNP-specific proteins were detected in the minor tri-snRNP complex. Significantly, the major tri-snRNP-specific proteins 65K and 110K, which are required for integration of the major tri-snRNP into the U2-dependent spliceosome, were among those proteins detected in the minor tri-snRNP, raising an interesting question as to how the specificity of addition of tri-snRNP to the corresponding spliceosome is maintained. Moreover, immunodepletion studies demonstrated that the U4/U6-specific 61K protein, which is involved in the formation of major tri-snRNPs, is essential for the association of the U4atac/U6atac di-snRNP with U5 to form the U4atac/U6atac.U5 tri-snRNP. Subsequent immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that those proteins detected in the minor tri-snRNP complex are also incorporated into U12-dependent spliceosomes. This remarkable conservation of polypeptides between minor and major spliceosomes, coupled with the absence of significant sequence similarity between the functionally analogous snRNAs, supports an evolutionary model in which most major and minor spliceosomal proteins, but not snRNAs, are derived from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that spliceosomal U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) transiently passes through the nucleolus. Herein, we report that all individual snRNAs of the [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP localize to nucleoli, demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy of nucleolar preparations after injection of fluorescein-labeled snRNA into Xenopus oocyte nuclei. Nucleolar localization of U6 is independent from [U4/U6] snRNP formation since sites of direct interaction of U6 snRNA with U4 snRNA are not nucleolar localization elements. Among all regions in U6, the only one required for nucleolar localization is its 3' end, which associates with the La protein and subsequently during maturation of U6 is bound by Lsm proteins. This 3'-nucleolar localization element of U6 is both essential and sufficient for nucleolar localization and also required for localization to Cajal bodies. Conversion of the 3' hydroxyl of U6 snRNA to a 3' phosphate prevents association with the La protein but does not affect U6 localization to nucleoli or Cajal bodies.  相似文献   

The four major nucleoplasmic small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles U1, U2, U4/U6 and U5 can be extensively purified from HeLa cells by immunoaffinity chromatography using a monoclonal anti-trimethylguanosine antibody. The snRNP particles in active splicing extracts are selectively bound to the immunoaffinity matrix, and are then gently eluted by competition with an excess of free nucleoside. Biochemical complementation studies show that the purified snRNPs are active in pre-mRNA splicing, but only in the presence of additional non-snRNP protein factors. All the RNPs that are necessary for splicing can be purified in this manner. The active snRNPs are characterized with respect to their polypeptide composition, and shown to be distinct from several other activities implicated in splicing.  相似文献   

Previously, yeast prp3 mutants were found to be blocked prior to the first catalytic step of pre-mRNA splicing. No splicing intermediates or products are formed from pre-mRNA in heat-inactivated prp3 mutants or prp3 mutant extracts. Here we show that Prp3p is a component of the U4/U6 snRNP and is also present in the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP. Heat inactivation of prp3 extracts results in depletion of free U6 snRNPs and U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNPs, but not U4/U6 snRNPs or U5 snRNPs. Free U4 snRNP, normally not present in wild-type extracts, accumulates under these conditions. Assays of in vivo levels of snRNAs in a prp3 mutant revealed that amounts of free U6 snRNA decreased, free U4 snRNA increased, and U4/U6 hybrids decreased slightly. These results suggest that Prp3p is required for formation of stable U4/U6 snRNPs and for assembly of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP from its component snRNPs. Upon inactivation of Prp3p, spliceosomes cannot assemble from prespliceosomes due to the absence of intact U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNPs. Prp3p is homologous to a human protein that is a component of U4/U6 snRNPs, exemplifying the conservation of splicing factors between yeast and metazoans.  相似文献   

SR proteins escort the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP to the spliceosome.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Pre-spliceosomes, formed in HeLa nuclear extracts and isolated by sedimentation on glycerol gradients, were chased into spliceosomes, the macromolecular enzyme that catalyzes intron removal. We demonstrate that the pre-spliceosome to spliceosome transition was dependent on ATP hydrolysis and required both a U-rich small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U snRNP)-containing fraction and a fraction of non-snRNP factors. The active components in the non-snRNP fraction were identified as SR proteins and were purified to apparent homogeneity. Recombinant SR proteins (ASF, SC35, SRp55), as well as gel-purified SR proteins, with the exception of SRp20, were able to restore efficient spliceosome formation. We also demonstrate that the pre-spliceosome to spliceosome transition requires phosphorylated SR proteins. This is the first evidence that SR proteins are required for the pre-spliceosome to spliceosome transition, the step at which the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP assembles on the pre-mRNA. The results shown here, together with previous data, suggest U snRNPs require SR proteins as escorts to enter the assembling spliceosome.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the purification of the individual major small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) U1, U2, U5 and U4/U6 from HeLa cells. The salient feature of the method is the combined usage of antibodies against 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (m3G) and 6-methyladenosine (m6A) for differential immune affinity chromatography of the snRNPs. While anti-m3G affinity columns allow the separation of snRNPs U1, U2 and U5 from U4/U6 RNPs, anti-m6A antibodies selectively react with snRNPs U2 and U4/U6. Our technique further incorporates immune affinity chromatography of snRNPs with antibodies against snRNP proteins in addition to ion exchange chromatography. The procedure avoids the usage of denaturing agents, so as to maintain the native structure of the particles. This is mainly provided for by the possibility of eluting the anti-m3G and anti-m6A bound snRNPs with excess of the respective nucleosides. We have so far identified 12 polypeptides as constituents of the major snRNPs U1 to U6. Seven proteins of approximate mol. wts 29 kd (B'), 28 kd (B), 16 kd (D), 15.5 kd (D'), 12 kd (E), 11 kd (F) and 9 kd (G) were present in each of the individual snRNPs U1, U2, U5 and U4/U6. In addition to the common proteins, U1 RNPs contain three unique polypeptides of mol. wts 70 kd, 34 kd (A) and 22 kd (C). U2 RNPs are characterized by the presence of a 33-kd and a 28.5-kd protein, denoted A' and B". We could not detect any unique polypeptide confined to the purified snRNPs U5 or U4/U6.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The human 25S U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP is a major building block of the U2-type spliceosome and contains, in addition to the U4, U6, and U5 snRNAs, at least 30 distinct proteins. To learn more about the molecular architecture of the tri-snRNP, we have investigated interactions between tri-snRNP proteins using the yeast two-hybrid assay and in vitro binding assays, and, in addition, have identified distinct protein domains that are critical for the connectivity of this protein network in the human tri-snRNP. These studies revealed multiple interactions between distinct domains of the U5 proteins hPrp8, hBrr2 (a DExH/D-box helicase), and hSnu114 (a putative GTPase), which are key players in the catalytic activation of the spliceosome, during which the U4/U6 base-pairing interaction is disrupted and U4 is released from the spliceosome. Both the U5-specific, TPR/HAT-repeat-containing hPrp6 protein and the tri-snRNP-specific hSnu66 protein interact with several U5- and U4/U6-associated proteins, including hBrr2 and hPrp3, which contacts the U6 snRNA. Thus, both proteins are located at the interface between U5 and U4/U6 in the tri-snRNP complex, and likely play an important role in transmitting the activity of hBrr2 and hSnu114 in the U5 snRNP to the U4/U6 duplex during spliceosome activation. A more detailed analysis of these protein interactions revealed that different HAT repeats mediate interactions with specific hPrp6 partners. Taken together, data presented here provide a detailed picture of the network of protein interactions within the human tri-snRNP.  相似文献   

We have purified the yeast U5 and U6 pre-mRNA splicing small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) by affinity chromatography and analyzed the associated polypeptides by mass spectrometry. The yeast U5 snRNP is composed of the two variants of U5 snRNA, six U5-specific proteins and the 7 proteins of the canonical Sm core. The U6 snRNP is composed of the U6 snRNA, Prp24, and the 7 Sm-Like (LSM) proteins. Surprisingly, the yeast DEAD-box helicase-like protein Prp28 is stably associated with the U5 snRNP, yet is absent from the purified U4/U6 x U5 snRNP. A novel yeast U5 and four novel yeast U4/U6 x U5 snRNP polypeptides were characterized by genetic and biochemical means to demonstrate their involvement in the pre-mRNA splicing reaction. We also show that, unlike the human tri-snRNP, the yeast tri-snRNP dissociated upon addition of ATP or dATP.  相似文献   

Activation of the spliceosome for splicing catalysis requires the dissociation of U4 snRNA from the U4/U6 snRNA duplex prior to the first step of splicing. We characterize an evolutionarily conserved 15.5 kDa protein of the HeLa [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP that binds directly to the 5' stem-loop of U4 snRNA. This protein shares a novel RNA recognition motif with several RNP-associated proteins, which is essential, but not sufficient for RNA binding. The 15.5kD protein binding site on the U4 snRNA consists of an internal purine-rich loop flanked by the stem of the 5' stem-loop and a stem comprising two base pairs. Addition of an RNA oligonucleotide comprising the 5' stem-loop of U4 snRNA (U4SL) to an in vitro splicing reaction blocked the first step of pre-mRNA splicing. Interestingly, spliceosomal C complex formation was inhibited while B complexes accumulated. This indicates that the 15.5kD protein, and/or additional U4 snRNP proteins associated with it, play an important role in the late stage of spliceosome assembly, prior to step I of splicing catalysis. Our finding that the 15.5kD protein also efficiently binds to the 5' stem-loop of U4atac snRNA indicates that it may be shared by the [U4atac/U6atac.U5] tri-snRNP of the minor U12-type spliceosome.  相似文献   

The U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) forms the heart of the spliceosome which is required for intron removal from pre‐mRNA. The proteins Prp8, Snu114 and Brr2 all assemble with the U5 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) to produce the U5 snRNP. Successful assembly of the U5 snRNP, then incorporation of this snRNP into the U4/U6.U5 tri‐snRNP and the spliceosome, is essential for producing an active spliceosome. We have investigated the requirements for Prp8, Snu114 and Brr2 association with the U5 snRNA to form the U5 snRNP in yeast. Mutations were constructed in the highly conserved loop 1 and internal loop 1 (IL1) of the U5 snRNA and their function assessed in vivo. The influence of these U5 mutations on association of Prp8, Snu114 and Brr2 with the U5 snRNA were then determined. U5 snRNA loop 1 and both sides of IL1 in U5 were important for association of Prp8, Snu114 and Brr2 with the U5 snRNA. Mutations in the 3′ side of U5 IL1 resulted in the greatest reduction of Prp8, Snu114 and Brr2 association with the U5 snRNA. Genetic screening of brr2 and U5 snRNA mutants revealed synthetic lethal interactions between alleles in Brr2 and the 3′ side of U5 snRNA IL1 which reflects reduced association between Brr2 and U5 IL1. We propose that the U5 snRNA IL1 is a platform for protein binding and is required for Prp8, Brr2 and Snu114 association with the U5 snRNA to form the U5 snRNP. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 2770–2784, 2013. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc.  相似文献   

We have raised specific antibodies against the PRP6 protein and shown that the U4, U5 and U6 snRNAs are co-precipitated with this protein. Using splicing extracts prepared from in vivo heat-inactivated cells, we have characterized the prp4-1 and prp6-1 biochemical defects. In inactivated prp4-1 cell extracts, the U6 snRNA content as well as the U6, U4/U6 snRNPs and the [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP particles amounts are severely reduced. In inactivated prp6-1 cell extracts, the PRP6 mutant protein is barely detectable. Glycerol gradient analyses indicate that, in these extracts, the [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNPs are present in very low amounts, but U4/U6 snRNP particles are normally represented. These results establish that the PRP6 protein is required for the accumulation of the [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP. We found no evidence for the presence of the PRP6 protein in the U4/U6 particle.  相似文献   

To understand how the U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) interacts with other spliceosome components, its structure and binding to the U4/U6 snRNP were analyzed. The interaction of the U5 snRNP with the U4/U6 snRNP was studied by separating the snRNPs in HeLa cell nuclear extracts on glycerol gradients. A complex running at 25S and containing U4, U5, and U6 but not U1 or U2 snRNAs was identified. In contrast to results with native gel electrophoresis to separate snRNPs, this U4/U5/U6 snRNP complex requires ATP to assemble from the individual snRNPs. The structure of the U5 RNA within the U5 snRNP and the U4/5/6 snRNP complexes was then compared. Oligonucleotide-targeted RNase H digestion identified one RNA sequence in the U5 snRNP capable of base pairing to other nucleic acid sequences. Chemical modification experiments identified this sequence as well as two other U5 RNA sequences as accessible to modification within the U5 RNP. One of these regions is a large loop in the U5 RNA secondary structure whose sequence is conserved from Saccharomyces cerevisiae to humans. Interestingly, no differences in modification of free U5 snRNP as compared to U5 in the U4/U5/U6 snRNP complex were observed, suggesting that recognition of specific RNA sequences in the U5 snRNP is not required for U4/U5/U6 snRNP assembly.  相似文献   

The U5 snRNP plays an essential role in both U2- and U12-dependent splicing. Here, we have characterized a 52-kDa protein associated with the human U5 snRNP, designated U5-52K. Protein sequencing revealed that U5-52K is identical to the CD2BP2, which interacts with the cytoplasmic portion of the human T-cell surface protein CD2. Consistent with it associating with an snRNP, immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that the 52K protein is predominantly located in the nucleoplasm of HeLa cells, where it overlaps, at least in part, with splicing-factor compartments (or "speckles"). We further demonstrate that the 52K protein is a constituent of the 20S U5 snRNP, but is not found in U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNPs. Thus, it is the only 20S U5-specific protein that is not integrated into the tri-snRNP and resembles, in this respect, the U4/U6 di-snRNP assembly factor Prp24p/p110. Yeast two-hybrid screening and pulldown assays revealed that the 52K protein interacts with the U5-specific 102K and 15K proteins, suggesting that these interactions are responsible for its integration into the U5 particle. The N-terminal two-thirds of 52K interact with the 102K protein, whereas its C-terminal GYF-domain binds the 15K protein. As the latter lacks a proline-rich tract, our data indicate that a GYF-domain can also engage in specific protein-protein interactions in a polyproline-independent manner. Interestingly, the U5-102K protein has been shown previously to play an essential role in tri-snRNP formation, binding the U4/U6-61K protein. The interaction of 52K with a tri-snRNP bridging protein, coupled with its absence from the tri-snRNP, suggests it might function in tri-snRNP assembly.  相似文献   

Differences observed between plant and animal pre-mRNA splicing may be the result of primary or secondary structure differences in small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). A cDNA library of pea snRNAs was constructed from anti-trimethylguanosine (m3(2,2,7)G immunoprecipitated pea nuclear RNA. The cDNA library was screened using oligo-deoxyribonucleotide probes specific for the U1, U2, U4 and U5 snRNAs. cDNA clones representing U1, U2, U4 and U5 snRNAs expressed in seedling tissue have been isolated and sequenced. Comparison of the pea snRNA variants with other organisms suggest that functionally important primary sequences are conserved phylogenetically even though the overall sequences have diverged substantially. Structural variations in U1 snRNA occur in regions required for U1-specific protein binding. In light of this sequence analysis, it is clear that the dicot snRNA variants do not differ in sequences implicated in RNA:RNA interactions with pre-mRNA. Instead, sequence differences occur in regions implicated in the binding of small ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) to snRNAs and may result in the formation of unique snRNP particles.  相似文献   

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