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Bacterial Adhesion at Synthetic Surfaces   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A systematic investigation into the effect of surface chemistry on bacterial adhesion was carried out. In particular, a number of physicochemical factors important in defining the surface at the molecular level were assessed for their effect on the adhesion of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli. The primary experiments involved the grafting of groups varying in hydrophilicity, hydrophobicity, chain length, and chemical functionality onto glass substrates such that the surfaces were homogeneous and densely packed with functional groups. All of the surfaces were found to be chemically well defined, and their measured surface energies varied from 15 to 41 mJ · m−2. Protein adsorption experiments were performed with 3H-labelled bovine serum albumin and cytochrome c prior to bacterial attachment studies. Hydrophilic uncharged surfaces showed the greatest resistance to protein adsorption; however, our studies also showed that the effectiveness of poly(ethyleneoxide) (PEO) polymers was not simply a result of its hydrophilicity and molecular weight alone. The adsorption of the two proteins approximately correlated with short-term cell adhesion, and bacterial attachment for L. monocytogenes and E. coli also correlated with the chemistry of the underlying substrate. However, for S. aureus and S. typhimurium a different pattern of attachment occurred, suggesting a dissimilar mechanism of cell attachment, although high-molecular-weight PEO was still the least-cell-adsorbing surface. The implications of this for in vivo attachment of cells suggest that hydrophilic passivating groups may be the best method for preventing cell adsorption to synthetic substrates provided they can be grafted uniformly and in sufficient density at the surface.  相似文献   

Various micropatterns have been fabricated and used to regulate cell adhesion, morphology and function. Micropatterns created by standard photolithography process are usually rectangular channels with sharp corners (microgrooves) which provide limited control over cells and are not favorable for cell-cell interaction and communication. This paper proposes a new micropattern with smooth wavy surfaces (micro-waves) to control the position and orientation of cells. To characterize cell growth and responses on the micro-patterned substrates, bovine aortic endothelial cells were seeded onto surfaces with micro-grooves and micro-waves for 24 h. As a result, the cells on the micro-wavy pattern appeared to have a lower death rate and better alignment compared to those on the micro-grooved pattern. In addition, flow-induced shear stress was applied to examine the adhesion strength of cells on the micro-wavy pattern. Results showed that cells adhered to the wavy surface displayed both improved alignment and adhesion strength compared to those on the flat surface. The combination of increased alignment, lower death rate and enhanced adhesion strength of cells on the micro-wavy patterns will offer advantages in potential applications for cell phenotype, proliferation and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

A new method is given to stain bacterial cell walls, especially of Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus. The cells are smeared in water on a slide and, as soon as air-dry, are stained 3-4 minutes with a 1 % aqueous solution of new fuchsin. The smear is washed with water until the stain ceases to run and is then allowed to air dry. The slide is placed on a 50°C. warm plate for 10-20 seconds, and the smear is then covered with a thin film of a 1-2% solution of Congo red at a pH of about 9.5. The smear is ready for observation as soon as dry or it may be washed with water if desired before observation.  相似文献   

在细菌生长过程中,细胞壁起到维持细胞形状和完整性,抵抗内部膨胀压的作用。细胞壁的合成、分裂、再生、循环再利用等与细菌自身生长繁殖和应对环境压力息息相关。目前,细胞壁生长机理,细菌如何调控细胞壁生长及如何与其他细胞过程相协调的机制尚未研究清楚。细胞壁调控机制的解析对了解细菌细胞壁功能、确定药物的作用方式和发展新一代的治疗方法至关重要。对细菌调控细胞壁生长机制的国外研究进展进行了概述,重点阐述了支架蛋白、转录因子、非编码小RNA及蛋白相互作用调控细胞壁的合成、细胞分裂、压力响应的机制,总结了细胞壁调控机制在抗菌药物研发中的应用,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The location of the mucopeptide in the cell wall of Bacteroides convexus was determined by electron microscope after enzymatic and chemical treatment (papain, pepsin, lysozyme and phenol). In the five layered cell wall the innermost electron dense layer (or a part of it) proved to be the mucopeptide. The molar ratio of amino sugar and amino acid components of purified mucopeptide was about 1:1:1:1:1:1 for glucosamine, muramic acid, L-alanine, D-glutamic acid, DL(meso)-diaminopimelic acid and D-alanine.  相似文献   

Wall Relaxation and the Driving Forces for Cell Expansive Growth   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
When water uptake by growing cells is prevented, the turgor pressure and the tensile stress in the cell wall are reduced by continued wall loosening. This process, termed in vivo stress relaxation, provides a new way to study the dynamics of wall loosening and to measure the wall yield threshold and the physiological wall extensibility. Stress relaxation experiments indicate that wall stress supplies the mechanical driving force for wall yielding. Cell expansion also requires water absorption. The driving force for water uptake during growth is created by wall relaxation, which lowers the water potential of the expanding cells. New techniques for measuring this driving force show that it is smaller than believed previously; in elongating stems it is only 0.3 to 0.5 bar. This means that the hydraulic resistance of the water transport pathway is small and that rate of cell expansion is controlled primarily by wall loosening and yielding.  相似文献   

In natural environments, bacteria often adhere to surfaces where they form complex multicellular communities. Surface adherence is determined by the biochemical composition of the cell envelope. We describe a novel regulatory mechanism by which the bacterium, Caulobacter crescentus, integrates cell cycle and nutritional signals to control development of an adhesive envelope structure known as the holdfast. Specifically, we have discovered a 68-residue protein inhibitor of holdfast development (HfiA) that directly targets a conserved glycolipid glycosyltransferase required for holdfast production (HfsJ). Multiple cell cycle regulators associate with the hfiA and hfsJ promoters and control their expression, temporally constraining holdfast development to the late stages of G1. HfiA further functions as part of a ‘nutritional override’ system that decouples holdfast development from the cell cycle in response to nutritional cues. This control mechanism can limit surface adhesion in nutritionally sub-optimal environments without affecting cell cycle progression. We conclude that post-translational regulation of cell envelope enzymes by small proteins like HfiA may provide a general means to modulate the surface properties of bacterial cells.  相似文献   

Gliding and near-surface swimming of microorganisms are described as a mobile form of microbial adhesion that need not necessarily be reversible. It is argued that the reversibility of microbial adhesion depends on the depth of the secondary interaction minimum, calculated from the forces between an organism and a substratum acting in a direction perpendicular to the substratum surface. The mobility of adhering microorganisms depends on lateral interactions between the organisms. On ideally homogeneous and smooth model surfaces, only mobile adhesion occurs because the multibody, lateral interactions are weak compared with the thermal or Brownian motion energy of the organisms. Minor chemical or structural heterogeneities, which exist on all real-life surfaces, yield a lateral interaction on adhering microorganisms. This causes their immobilization, which helps to explain the physicochemical nature of microbial gliding or near-surface swimming. Moreover, these lateral interaction energies are one order of magnitude smaller than the Lifshitz-Van der Waals, electrostatic, and acid-base forces acting perpendicular to substratum surfaces that are responsible for adhesion. Received: 2 April 1998 / Accepted: 26 May 1998  相似文献   

In this article we describe two techniques for exploring the relationship between bacterial cell shape and the intracellular organization of proteins. First, we created microchannels in a layer of agarose to reshape live bacterial cells and predictably control their mean cell wall curvature, and quantified the influence of curvature on the localization and distribution of proteins in vivo. Second, we used agarose microchambers to reshape bacteria whose cell wall had been chemically and enzymatically removed. By combining microstructures with different geometries and fluorescence microscopy, we determined the relationship between bacterial shape and the localization for two different membrane-associated proteins: i) the cell-shape related protein MreB of Escherichia coli, which is positioned along the long axis of the rod-shaped cell; and ii) the negative curvature-sensing cell division protein DivIVA of Bacillus subtilis, which is positioned primarily at cell division sites. Our studies of intracellular organization in live cells of E. coli and B. subtilis demonstrate that MreB is largely excluded from areas of high negative curvature, whereas DivIVA localizes preferentially to regions of high negative curvature. These studies highlight a unique approach for studying the relationship between cell shape and intracellular organization in intact, live bacteria.  相似文献   

The nanopattern on the surface of Clanger cicada (Psaltoda claripennis) wings represents the first example of a new class of biomaterials that can kill bacteria on contact based solely on their physical surface structure. The wings provide a model for the development of novel functional surfaces that possess an increased resistance to bacterial contamination and infection. We propose a biophysical model of the interactions between bacterial cells and cicada wing surface structures, and show that mechanical properties, in particular cell rigidity, are key factors in determining bacterial resistance/sensitivity to the bactericidal nature of the wing surface. We confirmed this experimentally by decreasing the rigidity of surface-resistant strains through microwave irradiation of the cells, which renders them susceptible to the wing effects. Our findings demonstrate the potential benefits of incorporating cicada wing nanopatterns into the design of antibacterial nanomaterials.  相似文献   

The cell wall of Staphylococcus aureus was shown to undergo turnover during exponential growth. The rate of turnover, about 15% per generation, was identical for both cell wall polymers, peptidoglycan and teichoic acid. Both the old and newly synthesized wall material appeared to undergo turnover at similar rates. The rate of turnover followed first-order kinetics until more than 90% of the original wall was lost. Cell wall turnover was completely blocked under conditions of unbalanced synthesis known to inhibit cellular autolysis, e.g., addition of chloramphenicol. Cell wall turnover was shown to occur in a number of different strains of S. aureus and appears to be widely distributed in this species.  相似文献   

Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis: New Insights from Localization Studies   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
In order to maintain shape and withstand intracellular pressure, most bacteria are surrounded by a cell wall that consists mainly of the cross-linked polymer peptidoglycan (PG). The importance of PG for the maintenance of bacterial cell shape is underscored by the fact that, for various bacteria, several mutations affecting PG synthesis are associated with cell shape defects. In recent years, the application of fluorescence microscopy to the field of PG synthesis has led to an enormous increase in data on the relationship between cell wall synthesis and bacterial cell shape. First, a novel staining method enabled the visualization of PG precursor incorporation in live cells. Second, penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), which mediate the final stages of PG synthesis, have been localized in various model organisms by means of immunofluorescence microscopy or green fluorescent protein fusions. In this review, we integrate the knowledge on the last stages of PG synthesis obtained in previous studies with the new data available on localization of PG synthesis and PBPs, in both rod-shaped and coccoid cells. We discuss a model in which, at least for a subset of PBPs, the presence of substrate is a major factor in determining PBP localization.  相似文献   

Methods developed to isolate intact cells from both unripe and ripe tomato fruit pericarp parenchyma have allowed the cell biological analysis of polysaccharide epitopes at the surface of separated cells. The LM7 pectic homogalacturonan epitope is a marker of the junctions of adhesion planes and intercellular spaces in parenchyma systems. The LM7 epitope persistently marked the former edge of adhesion planes at the surface of cells separated from unripe and ripened tomato fruit and also from fruits with the Cnr mutation. The LM 11 xylan epitope was associated, in sections, with cell walls lining intercellular space but the epitope was not detected at the surface of isolated cells, being lost during cell isolation. The LM15 xyloglucan epitope was present at the surface of cells isolated from unripe fruit in a pattern reflecting the former edge of cell adhesion planes/intercellular space but with gaps and apparent breaks. An equivalent pattern of LM15 epitope occurrence was revealed at the surface of cells isolated by pectate lyase action but was not present in cells isolated from ripe fruit or from Cnr fruit. In contrast to wild-type cells, the LM5 galactan and LM21 mannan epitopes occurred predominantly in positions reflecting intercellular space in Cnr, suggesting a concerted alteration in cell wall microstructure in response to this mutation. Galactanase and mannanase, along with pectic homogalacturonan-degrading enzymes, were capable of releasing cells from unripe fruit parenchyma. These observations indicate that hemicellulose polymers are present in architectural contexts reflecting cell adhesion and that several cell wall polysaccharide classes are likely to contribute to cell adhesion/cell separation in tomato fruit pericarp parenchyma.  相似文献   

CodY, a nutritional regulator highly conserved in low G+C Gram-positive bacteria, is essential in Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus). A published codY mutant possessed suppressing mutations inactivating the fatC and amiC genes, respectively belonging to iron (Fat/Fec) and oligopeptide (Ami) ABC permease operons, which are directly repressed by CodY. Here we analyzed two additional published codY mutants to further explore the essentiality of CodY. We show that one, in which the regulator of glutamine/glutamate metabolism glnR had been inactivated by design, had only a suppressor in fecE (a gene in the fat/fec operon), while the other possessed both fecE and amiC mutations. Independent isolation of three different fat/fec suppressors thus establishes that reduction of iron import is crucial for survival without CodY. We refer to these as primary suppressors, while inactivation of ami, which is not essential for survival of codY mutants and acquired after initial fat/fec inactivation, can be regarded as a secondary suppressor. The availability of codY - ami + cells allowed us to establish that CodY activates competence for genetic transformation indirectly, presumably by repressing ami which is known to antagonize competence. The glnR codY fecE mutant was then found to be only partially viable on solid medium and hypersensitive to peptidoglycan (PG) targeting agents such as the antibiotic cefotaxime and the muramidase lysozyme. While analysis of PG and teichoic acid composition uncovered no alteration in the glnR codY fecE mutant compared to wildtype, electron microscopy revealed altered ultrastructure of the cell wall in the mutant, establishing that co-inactivation of GlnR and CodY regulators impacts pneumococcal cell wall physiology. In light of rising levels of resistance to PG-targeting antibiotics of natural pneumococcal isolates, GlnR and CodY constitute potential alternative therapeutic targets to combat this debilitating pathogen, as co-inactivation of these regulators renders pneumococci sensitive to iron and PG-targeting agents.  相似文献   

High-resolution electron microscopy of polarly flagellated bacteria revealed that their flagella originate at a circular, differentiated portion of the cytoplasmic membrane approximately 25 nm in diameter. The flagella also have discs attaching them to the cell wall. These attachment discs are extremely resistant to lytic damage and are firmly bound to the flagella. The cytoplasm beneath the flagellum contains a granulated basal body about 60 nm in diameter, and a specialized polar membrane. The existence of membrane-bound basal bodies is shown to be an artifact arising from adherence of cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane fragments to flagella in lysed preparations. Based on structures observed, a mechanism to explain bacterial flagellar movement is proposed. Flagella are considered to be anchored to the cell wall and activated by displacement of underlying cytoplasmic membrane to which they are also firmly attached. An explanation for the membrane displacement is given.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (T4P) are very thin protein filaments that extend from and retract into bacterial cells, allowing them to interact with and colonize a broad array of chemically diverse surfaces. The physical aspects that allow T4P to mediate adherence to many different surfaces remain unclear. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoscale pulling experiments were used to measure the mechanical properties of T4P of a mutant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 unable to retract its T4P. After adhering bacteria to the end of an AFM cantilever and approaching surfaces of mica, gold, or polystyrene, we observed adhesion of the T4P to all of the surfaces. Pulling of single and multiple T4P on retraction of the cantilever from the surfaces could be described using the worm-like chain (WLC) model. Distinct peaks in the measured distributions of the best-fit values of the persistence length Lp on two different surfaces provide strong evidence for close-packed bundling of very flexible T4P. In addition, we observed force plateaus indicating that adhesion of the T4P to both hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces occurs along extended lengths of the T4P. These data shed new light, to our knowledge, on T4P flexibility and support a low-affinity, high-avidity adhesion mechanism that mediates bacteria-surface interactions.  相似文献   

The attachment of spores to a substratum is essential for their germination and, therefore, to the completion of the life cycle of the red algae. In most red algae, spores are liberated without a cell wall, within a sheath of mucilage which is responsible for their primary attachment. Utilizing fluorescent-labeled lectins, we identified carbohydrate residues and their locations in the mucilage and cell walls of spores of Gelidium floridanum. Cell wall formation and mucilage composition were studied with calcofluor, toluidine blue (AT-O), alcian blue (AB) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS). In the mucilage we identified α-D mannose, α-D glucose, β-D-galactose, N-acetyl-glucosamine and N-acetyl-galactosamine. The first two sugar residues were not found in the cell wall of the germ tube but they were present on the rhizoid’s cell wall indicating their importance to substrate adhesion. A cell wall is produced soon after the spore’s attachment, beginning with a polar deposition of cellulose and its gradual spread around the spore as indicated by calcofluor. The cell wall matrix was positive to AB and metachromatic to AT-O, indicating acidic polysaccharides, while cellulose microfibrills were positive to PAS. A polar disorganization of the cell wall triggers the process of germination. As spores are the natural form of propagation of Gelidium, the understanding of the mechanisms of spore attachment may contribute to the cultivation of this valuable seaweed.  相似文献   

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