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Responses are quicker to predictable stimuli than if the time and place of appearance is uncertain. Studies that manipulate target predictability often involve overt cues to speed up response times. However, less is known about whether individuals will exhibit faster response times when target predictability is embedded within the inter-trial relationships. The current research examined the combined effects of spatial and temporal target predictability on reaction time (RT) and allocation of overt attention in a sustained attention task. Participants responded as quickly as possible to stimuli while their RT and eye movements were measured. Target temporal and spatial predictability were manipulated by altering the number of: 1) different time intervals between a response and the next target; and 2) possible spatial locations of the target. The effects of target predictability on target detection (Experiment 1) and target discrimination (Experiment 2) were tested. For both experiments, shorter RTs as target predictability increased across both space and time were found. In addition, the influences of spatial and temporal target predictability on RT and the overt allocation of attention were task dependent; suggesting that effective orienting of attention relies on both spatial and temporal predictability. These results indicate that stimulus predictability can be increased without overt cues and detected purely through inter-trial relationships over the course of repeated stimulus presentations.  相似文献   

Neurofeedback has been around for decades and has applications for both clinical and healthy populations yet there is no standard method for measuring learning or a way of defining successful learning. Thus the aim of this study was to focus on alpha neurofeedback and examine changes in three different measures: amplitude, percent time, and integrated alpha, across four methods: within sessions, across sessions, within sessions compared to baseline, and across sessions compared to baseline. Participants completed 10 weekly sessions of eyes open alpha (8–12 Hz) neurofeedback training (NFT) at Pz. Whilst all three measures showed changes within sessions, the inclusion of baselines revealed that such changes represented a return to baseline levels rather than an increase in alpha. Changes across sessions were only evident in amplitude and inclusion of baseline showed that NFT did not elicit any changes beyond baseline levels. Given this a case is made for incorporating baseline measures when attempting to identify evidence of learning. It is also suggested that both amplitude and percent time measures are used independently rather than incorporate them into a more conservative and less sensitive integrated measure. Finally, focusing on within sessions changes may be a more useful approach in identifying changes resulting from NFT.  相似文献   

Many everyday skills are learned by binding otherwise independent actions into a unified sequence of responses across days or weeks of practice. Here we looked at how the dynamics of action planning and response binding change across such long timescales. Subjects (N = 23) were trained on a bimanual version of the serial reaction time task (32-item sequence) for two weeks (10 days total). Response times and accuracy both showed improvement with time, but appeared to be learned at different rates. Changes in response speed across training were associated with dynamic changes in response time variability, with faster learners expanding their variability during the early training days and then contracting response variability late in training. Using a novel measure of response chunking, we found that individual responses became temporally correlated across trials and asymptoted to set sizes of approximately 7 bound responses at the end of the first week of training. Finally, we used a state-space model of the response planning process to look at how predictive (i.e., response anticipation) and error-corrective (i.e., post-error slowing) processes correlated with learning rates for speed, accuracy and chunking. This analysis yielded non-monotonic association patterns between the state-space model parameters and learning rates, suggesting that different parts of the response planning process are relevant at different stages of long-term learning. These findings highlight the dynamic modulation of response speed, variability, accuracy and chunking as multiple movements become bound together into a larger set of responses during sequence learning.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that learning is metabolically costly. One way in which this may manifest itself is in trade-offs between learning effort and immune function, with learning increasing susceptibility to infection. We tested this idea in the context of odour learning using outbred (BKW) male laboratory mice. Mice were exposed to three experimental treatments in which they were required to learn different numbers of urinary odours. While treatment affected the extent to which mice habituated to test odours during training, differences were not a simple function of the number of odours. The fact that there was also no significant effect of treatment on the degree of preference for novel over familiar odours in subsequent tests suggests mice retained learned odour profiles equally well regardless of the number of odours. That subsequent infection with Babesia microti increased with the number of odours mice had to learn is then consistent with an increased cost to learning effort when more odours were presented. Analysis within treatments, and relationships with the change in corticosterone concentration over the period of the experiment, suggested that it was a failure to learn, rather than maintaining learning performance, in more difficult learning tasks that led to greater infection. As in a previous study of maze learning in the strain, there was no direct relationship between infection and measures of peripheral antibody (total IgG) titre. The results are discussed in relation to studies in other learning contexts and reported relationships between glucocorticoid hormones and learning outcomes.  相似文献   

 Accurate measurement is crucial for understanding the processes that underlie exploratory patterns in motor learning. Accordingly, measures of learning should be sensitive to the changes that take place during skill acquisition. Most studies, however, use trial-based global measures that assess performance but do not actually measure gradual changes taking place within trials. The present study attempted to remedy this shortcoming by analysing a visual adaptation task, and comparing traditional global measures of learning with new, within-trial measures. Movement time was the only global measure sensitive to changes in the movement trajectory during learning. Three new measures were expected to reveal changes to the movement trajectory that are associated with learning: (i) the length of runs, (ii) change of trajectory angle in relation to the target, and (iii) drift (change in distance from the target). All three measures were sensitive to learning and indicated a gradual straightening of the movement trajectories over trials. Furthermore, three different methods to partition trajectories into segments were examined. The new within-trial measures, irrespective of partitioning method, prove promising for the development of a diffuse control model of exploratory learning. Received: 5 February 2001 / Accepted in revised form: 16 January 2002  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent claims in neuroscience and evolutionary biology suggest that the aesthetic sense reflects preferences for image signals whose characteristics best fit innate brain mechanisms of visual recognition. RESULTS: This hypothesis was tested by behaviourally measuring, for a set of initially unfamiliar images, the effects of category learning on preference judgements by humans, and by relating the observed data to computationally reconstructed internal representations of categorical concepts. Category learning induced complex shifts in preference behaviour. Two distinct factors - complexity and bilateral symmetry - could be identified from the data as determinants of preference judgements. The effect of the complexity factor varied with object knowledge acquired through category learning. In contrast, the impact of the symmetry factor proved to be unaffected by learning experience. Computer simulations suggested that the preference for pattern complexity relies on active (top-down) mechanisms of visual recognition, whereas the preference for pattern symmetry depends on automatic (bottom-up) mechanisms. CONCLUSIONS: Human visual preferences are not fully determined by (objective) structural regularities of image stimuli but also depend on their learned (subjective) interpretation. These two aspects are reflected in distinct complementary factors underlying preference judgements, and may be related to complementary modes of visual processing in the brain.  相似文献   

Learning is defined as behavioral modification due to experience, social or asocial. Social learning might be less costly than asocial learning and allow the rapid accumulation of learned traits across generations. However, the benefits of social learning in a small population of individuals relying on local interactions and experiencing environmental change are not well understood yet. In this study, we used agent-based simulations to address this issue by comparing the performance of social learning to asocial learning and innate behavior, in both a static and a changing environment. Learning was modeled using neural networks, and innate behavior was modeled using genetically coded behaviors. The performance of 10 mobile simulated agents was measured under three environmental scenarios: static, abrupt change and gradual change. We found that social learning allows for a better performance (in terms of survival) than asocial learning in static and abrupt-change scenarios. In contrast, when changes are gradual, social learning delays achieving the correct alternative, while asocial learning facilitates innovation; interestingly, a mixed population (social and asocial learners) performs the best.  相似文献   

Newborns are equipped with a large phonemic inventory that becomes tuned to one''s native language early in life. We review and add new data about how learning of a non-native phoneme can be accomplished in adults and how the efficiency of word learning can be assessed by neurophysiological measures. For this purpose, we studied the acquisition of the voiceless, bilabial fricative /Φ/ via a statistical-learning paradigm. Phonemes were embedded in minimal pairs of pseudowords, differing only with respect to the fricative (/aΦo/ versus /afo/). During learning, pseudowords were combined with pictures of objects with some combinations of pseudowords and pictures occurring more frequently than others. Behavioural data and the N400m component, as an index of lexical activation/semantic access, showed that participants had learned to associate the pseudowords with the pictures. However, they could not discriminate within the minimal pairs. Importantly, before learning, the novel words with the sound /Φ/ showed smaller N400 amplitudes than those with native phonemes, evidencing their non-word status. Learning abolished this difference indicating that /Φ/ had become integrated into the native category /f/, instead of establishing a novel category. Our data and review demonstrate that native phonemic categories are powerful attractors hampering the mastery of non-native contrasts.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The development of epitope-based vaccines crucially relies on the ability to classify Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) molecules into sets that have similar peptide binding specificities, termed supertypes. In their seminal work, Sette and Sidney defined nine HLA class I supertypes and claimed that these provide an almost perfect coverage of the entire repertoire of HLA class I molecules. HLA alleles are highly polymorphic and polygenic and therefore experimentally classifying each of these molecules to supertypes is at present an impossible task. Recently, a number of computational methods have been proposed for this task. These methods are based on defining protein similarity measures, derived from analysis of binding peptides or from analysis of the proteins themselves. RESULTS: In this paper we define both peptide derived and protein derived similarity measures, which are based on learning distance functions. The peptide derived measure is defined using a peptide-peptide distance function, which is learned using information about known binding and non-binding peptides. The protein derived similarity measure is defined using a protein-protein distance function, which is learned using information about alleles previously classified to supertypes by Sette and Sidney (1999). We compare the classification obtained by these two complimentary methods to previously suggested classification methods. In general, our results are in excellent agreement with the classifications suggested by Sette and Sidney (1999) and with those reported by Buus et al. (2004). The main important advantage of our proposed distance-based approach is that it makes use of two different and important immunological sources of information-HLA alleles and peptides that are known to bind or not bind to these alleles. Since each of our distance measures is trained using a different source of information, their combination can provide a more confident classification of alleles to supertypes.  相似文献   

Building resilience in integrated human and nature systems or social–ecological systems (SES) is key for sustainability. Therefore, developing ways of assessing resilience is of practical as well as theoretical significance. We approached the issue by focusing on the local level and using five lagoon systems from various parts of the world for illustration. We used a framework based on four categories of factors for building resilience: (1) learning to live with change and uncertainty; (2) nurturing diversity for reorganization and renewal; (3) combining different kinds of knowledge; and (4) creating opportunity for self-organization. Under each category, the cases generated a number of items for building resilience, and potential surrogates of resilience, that is, variables through which the persistence of SES emerging through change can be assessed. The following factors were robust across all five lagoon SES cases: learning from crisis, responding to change, nurturing ecological memory, monitoring the environment, and building capacity for self-organization and conflict management.  相似文献   

For theoretical explanations of data, parameter values estimated from a single dependent measure from one procedure are used to predict alternative dependent measures from many procedures. Theoretical explanations were compared to empirical explanations of data in which known functions and principles were used to fit only selected dependent measures. The comparison focused on the ability of theoretical and empirical explanations to generalize across samples of the data, across dependent measures of behavior, and across different procedures. Rat and human data from fixed-interval and peak procedures, in which principles (e.g., scalar timing) are well known, were described and fit by a theory with independent modules for perception, memory, and decision. The theoretical approach consisted of fitting closed-form equations of the theory to response rate gradients calculated from the data, simulating responses using parameter values previously estimated, and comparing theoretical predictions with dependent measures not used to estimate parameters. Although the empirical and theoretical explanations provided similar fits to the response rate gradients that generalized across samples and had the same number of parameters, only the theoretical explanation generalized across procedures and dependent measures.  相似文献   

Task-irrelevant learning occurs only when the irrelevant feature is weak   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of attention in perceptual learning has been controversial. Numerous studies have reported that learning does not occur on stimulus features that are irrelevant to a subject's task [1,2] and have concluded that focused attention on a feature is necessary for a feature to be learned. In contrast, another line of studies has shown that perceptual learning occurs even on task-irrelevant features that are subthreshold, and concluded that attention on a feature is not required to learn that feature [3-5]. Here we attempt to reconcile these divergent findings by systematically exploring the relation between signal strength of the motion stimuli used during training and the resultant magnitude of perceptual learning. Our results show that performance improvements only occurred for the motion-stimuli trained at low, parathreshold, coherence levels. The results are in accord with the hypothesis that weak task-irrelevant signals fail to be 'noticed', and consequently to be suppressed, by the attention system and thus are learned, while stronger stimulus signals are detected, and suppressed [6], and are not learned. These results provide a parsimonious explanation of why task-irrelevant learning is found in some studies but not others, and could give an important clue to resolving a long-standing controversy.  相似文献   

The Smith-Fretwell model for optimal offspring size assumes the existence of an inverse proportional relationship (i.e., trade-off) between the number of offspring and the amount of resources invested in an individual offspring; virtually all of the many models derived from theirs make the same trade-off assumption. Over the last 30 years it has become apparent that the predicted proportionality is often not observed when evaluated across species. We develop a general allometric approach to correct for size-related differences in the resources available for reproduction. Using data on mammals, we demonstrate that the predicted inverse proportional relationship between number of offspring and offspring size is closely approached after correcting for allocation, though there is a slight curvature in the relationship. We discuss applications for this approach to other organisms, possible causes for the curvature, and the usefulness of allometries for estimating life-history variables that are difficult to measure.  相似文献   

Animals in the natural world continuously encounter learning experiences of varying degrees of novelty. New neurons in the hippocampus are especially responsive to learning associations between novel events and more cells survive if a novel and challenging task is learned. One might wonder whether new neurons would be rescued from death upon each new learning experience or whether there is an internal control system that limits the number of cells that are retained as a function of learning. In this experiment, it was hypothesized that learning a task that was similar in content to one already learned previously would not increase cell survival. We further hypothesized that in situations in which the cells are rescued hippocampal theta oscillations (3-12 Hz) would be involved and perhaps necessary for increasing cell survival. Both hypotheses were disproved. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were trained on two similar hippocampus-dependent tasks, trace and very-long delay eyeblink conditioning, while recording hippocampal local-field potentials. Cells that were generated after training on the first task were labeled with bromodeoxyuridine and quantified after training on both tasks had ceased. Spontaneous theta activity predicted performance on the first task and the conditioned stimulus induced a theta-band response early in learning the first task. As expected, performance on the first task correlated with performance on the second task. However, theta activity did not increase during training on the second task, even though more cells were present in animals that had learned. Therefore, as long as learning occurs, relatively small changes in the environment are sufficient to increase the number of surviving neurons in the adult hippocampus and they can do so in the absence of an increase in theta activity. In conclusion, these data argue against an upper limit on the number of neurons that can be rescued from death by learning.  相似文献   

Conditioned fear and anxiety-like behaviors have many similarities at the neuroanatomical and pharmacological levels, but their genetic relationship is less well defined. We used short-term selection for contextual fear conditioning (FC) to produce outbred mouse lines with robust genetic differences in FC. The high and low selected lines showed differences in fear learning that were stable across various training parameters and were not secondary to differences in sensitivity to the unconditioned stimulus (foot shock). They also showed a divergence in fear potentiated startle, indicating that differences induced by selection generalized to another measure of fear learning. However, there were no differences in performance in a Pavlovian approach conditioning task or the Morris water maze, indicating no change in general learning ability. The high fear learning line showed greater anxiety-like behavior in the open field and zero maze, confirming a genetic relationship between FC and anxiety-like behavior. Gene expression analysis of the amygdala and hippocampus identified genes that were differentially expressed between the two lines. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified several chromosomal regions that may underlie the behavioral response to selection; cis-acting expression QTL were identified in some of these regions, possibly identifying genes that underlie these behavioral QTL. These studies support the validity of a broad genetic construct that includes both learned fear and anxiety and provides a basis for further studies aimed at gene identification.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of same/different concept learning by rhesus monkeys, capuchin monkeys, and pigeons were studied in terms of how these species learned the task (e.g., item-specific learning versus relational learning) and how rapidly they learned the abstract concept, as the training set size was doubled. They had similar displays, training stimuli, test stimuli, and contingencies. The monkey species learned the abstract concept at similar rates and more rapidly than pigeons, thus showing a quantitative difference across species. All species eventually showed full concept learning (novel-stimulus transfer equivalent to baseline: 128-item set size for monkeys; 256-item set for pigeons), thus showing a qualitative similarity across species. Issues of stimulus regularity/symmetry, generalization from item pairs, and familiarity processing were not considered to be major factors in the final performances, converging on the conclusion that these species were increasingly controlled by the sample-test relationship (i.e., relational processing) leading to full abstract-concept learning.  相似文献   

Reading comprehension is a foundational academic skill and significant attention has focused on reading development. This report is the first to examine the stability and change in genetic and environmental influences on reading comprehension across Grades 1 to 6. This developmental range is particularly important because it encompasses the timespan in which most children move from learning how to read to using reading for learning. Longitudinal simplex models were fitted separately for two independent twin samples (N = 706; N = 976). Results suggested that the shared environment contributed to variance in early but not later reading. Instead, stability in reading development was largely mediated by continuous genetic influences. Thus, although reading is clearly a learned skill and the environment remains important for reading development, individual differences in reading comprehension appear to be also influenced by a core of genetic stability that persists through the developmental course of reading.  相似文献   

目的:类别决策是人类重要的认知方式之一,情景对类别决策的准确性具有重要影响,但并没有引起足够的重视,对其研究也较少。方法:本研究选取大学生被试,通过ERPs对大学生被试电生理水平探讨情境标签的作用。结果:在基于情境标签下的分类活动激活了更多的大脑区域,基于情景标签下被试分类的潜伏期更短,判断更加快速准确。结论:类别决策过程中情景标签有重要的作用,通过情景标签能提高类别决策能力。  相似文献   

Labored breathing and irregularities in the breathing pattern may be assessed by capnography; and, an abnormal capnogram wave form may often be rectified with the help of capnogram biofeedback. Clinical experience suggests this may relieve dyspnea but to what degree, for how long and for what conditions have not been determined; the issue is complex and much remains to be discovered. The more that can be learned about the various capnogram irregularities, the more effectively such information will guide us in therapy and research. To this end a 15-category capnogram disordered breathing scale (Landis CDBS) was developed to provide a measure of disordered breathing. The CDBS score is the ratio of the total number of abnormal capnogram forms to the total number of capnogram configurations in the test sample, expressed as a percentage. The total score as well as an accounting of each abnormal scoring category was tabulated for each subject. In this retrospective and preliminary study, findings of a normal comparison group were compared with capnogram data for 3 clinical groups: asthma, anxiety/panic attacks, and patients with diverse stress-related somatic symptoms. Mean CDBS scores were: a low 14% for the Normal group compared with 64% for the Asthma group; 66% for the Anxiety patients; and 47% for the Somatic group. Each group was characterized by distinctive clusters of capnogram abnormalities. As there are methodological limitations to this small group study, the findings require validation. However, as an introduction to the scoring system and because of its potential clinical value we present this paper now.  相似文献   

Numerical taxonomy and the related methods of multidimensional scaling (MDS) have been applied in a wide range of disciplines in the last twenty-five years. A common feature has been the initial derivation of a measure of association or proximity among pairs of objects from a multivariate data matrix. Although a large number of measures are in use, there has been little systematic study of the sensitivities of these measures to different aspects of character data. I report here a general model, for a class of these measures, that reveals basic patterns of sensitivity that underlie a wide variety of common measures and shows that there is a continuum of potential association measures which exhibit useful combinations of sensitivities. I distinguish between “separation” sensitive and “minimum value” sensitive measures and describe a new measure that is intermediate in exhibiting both minimum value and separation sensitivity. The utility of this new type of measure in three disciplines—ecology, psychology, and systematics—is briefly described.  相似文献   

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