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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The distribution of canopy growth among different shoot types such as epicormic, long and short shoots is not well understood in the peach tree. In this experiment, the effects of crop load and early epicormic sprout removal on current and subsequent-year distribution of vegetative growth among epicormic, long and short shoots was investigated in Prunus persica. METHODS: Field trials were conducted in Winters, California, in 2003-2004. Crop load was manipulated with fruit thinning in 2003 to produce trees that were de-fruited, commercially thinned or full crop, and half of the trees in each cropping treatment had all current year epicormic sprouts removed at the time of fruit thinning. Yield was recorded and trunk and root carbohydrates were sampled to confirm the effect of 2003 crop load differences on tissue carbohydrate concentration. All current-season vegetative-shoot extension growth was harvested from half of the trees in each treatment in the autumn of 2003 and from the other half in the autumn of 2004. Epicormic, long and short shoots were separately evaluated for dry weight, node number and leaf-stem parameters. KEY RESULTS: In 2003, long-shoot dry weight and node number were significantly affected by crop load; however, short-shoot dry weight and node number were not significantly affected. The 2003 crop-load treatments did not affect 2004 vegetative growth of any shoot type. Some re-growth of epicormic shoots followed early epicormic sprout removal: by the end of the 2003 season, trees in the early shoot-removal treatment had approximately one-third of the epicormic-shoot dry weight as unpruned trees. CONCLUSIONS: Fruit thinning promoted distribution of growth similar to that of de-fruited trees. While thinning was effective in increasing fruit size, it exacerbated the problem of epicormic sprouting. Early epicormic sprout removal did not stimulate the excessive epicormic re-growth in the same or subsequent year relative to previously studied summer pruning methods.  相似文献   

Cross-compatibility relationships in almond are controlled by a gametophytically expressed incompatibility system partly mediated by stylar RNases, of which 29 have been reported. To resolve possible synonyms and to provide data for phylogenetic analysis, 21 almond S-RNase alleles were cloned and sequenced from SP (signal peptide region) or C1 (first conserved region) to C5, except for the S 29 allele, which could be cloned only from SP to C1. Nineteen sequences (S 4 , S 6 , S 11 S 22 , S 25 S 29 ) were potentially new whereas S 10 and S 24 had previously been published but with different labels. The sequences for S 16 and S 17 were identical to that for S 1 , published previously; likewise, S 15 was identical to S 5 . In addition, S 4 and S 20 were identical, as were S 13 and S 19 . A revised version of the standard table of almond incompatibility genotypes is presented. Several alleles had AT or GA tandem repeats in their introns. Sequences of the 23 distinct newly cloned or already published alleles were aligned. Sliding windows analysis of Ka/Ks identified regions where positive selection may operate; in contrast to the Maloideae, most of the region from the beginning of C3 to the beginning of RC4 appeared not to be under positive selection. Phylogenetic analysis indicated four pairs of alleles had ‘bootstrap’ support > 80%: S 5 /S 10 , S 4 /S 8, S 11 /S 24 , and S 3 /S 6 . Various motifs up to 19 residues long occurred in at least two alleles, and their distributions were consistent with intragenic recombination, as were separate phylogenetic analyses of the 5′ and 3′ sections. Sequence comparison of phylogenetically related alleles indicated the significance of the region between RC4 and C5 in defining specificity.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   



This study aimed to determine the seasonal changes of total antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in samples taken from leaves (April, July, October) and stems (April, July, October, January) of some almond (Prunus amygdalus L.) varieties (Nonpareil, Ferragnes and Texas).


It was indicated that antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in leaves and stems of Nonpareil, Ferragnes and Texas showed seasonal differences. Antioxidant activity IC50 of these varieties reached the highest value in April for leaves whereas in October for stems. The highest level of total phenolic compounds was in January for stems while in October for leaves.


These results showed that total antioxidant activity and phenolics in leaves and stems of almond varieties changed according to season and plant organ.  相似文献   

When applied to spurs of mature Prunus avium before floral initiation, gibberellins GA1, GA4 and GA3 inhibited floral initiation by 9–17%, GA7 by 43%, GA3 by 65–71% and 2,2-dimethyl GA4 by 78%. GA9 and GA20 were inactive. Thus activity only of the GAs with a C-3 hydroxyl was increased markedly by a double bond in the C-1,2 or C-2,3 position, and activity increased with increasing hydroxylation. None of the GAs affected the total number of buds (vegetative and floral) surviving in the spur. Measured by the threshold dose required for activity, seedling shoot growth responses to GA3, GA7, GA1 or GA4 resembled those of floral initiation, but di-methylation of GA4 at C-2 had no effect, and GA9 was as active as GA7. Mature shoots, including those on rooted cuttings, were less responsive to GA treatment than were juvenile shoots, with terminal shoots on mature trees more responsive than spur shoots. Spur shoot growth on mature trees responded to GA3 and to a lesser extent GA7, but not to GA1 or GA4. However, all these GAs promoted the growth of terminal shoots on mature trees to similar extents, whereas 2,2-dimethyl GA4 was less active than GA4 The differences between juvenile and mature shoot growth in sensitivity to a C-1,2 or C-2,3 double bond, and between mature shoot growth and floral initiation in GA-structure requirements, indicate that phase change alters the GA complement and/or GA receptor/transduction mechanisms of P. avium. The difference in sensitivity to 2,2-dimethyl GA4 indicates that floral initiation and growth have different requirements for GA transport and/or action.  相似文献   

Field measurements of stem extension growth rate in peach ( Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) exhibited a consistent diurnal pattern. Stem extension rate was lowest in the early morning and increased throughout the day. In the late afternoon, 2–3-fold increases in extension rate occurred and were sustained for 2 to 4 h. After this growth surge, rates precipitously declined and remained low during the night. The temperature response of stem growth rate at constant water potential was determined using potted trees in a dark growth chamber. Under such conditions, stem growth rate was strongly dependent on air temperature. In the field, the observed stem growth rate deviated from that predicted on the basis of temperature. These deviations were proportional to the rate of change in stem water potential. A model was constructed to predict diurnal patterns of stem extension rate using temperature and water potential data. The model was tested using data from undisturbed trees and from trees in which water potential was artificially manipulated. Growth patterns predicted by the model were in general agreement with observed rates.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

To understand whether root responses to aerial rhythmic growth and contrasted defoliation treatments can be interpreted under the common frame of carbohydrate availability; root growth was studied in parallel with carbohydrate concentrations in different parts of the root system on oak tree seedlings.


Quercus pubescens seedlings were submitted to selective defoliation (removal of mature leaves, cotyledons or young developing leaves) at appearance of the second flush and collected 1, 5 or 10 d later for morphological and biochemical measurements. Soluble sugar and starch concentrations were measured in cotyledons and apical and basal root parts.

Key Results

Soluble sugar concentration in the root apices diminished during the expansion of the second aerial flush and increased after the end of aerial growth in control seedlings. Starch concentration in cotyledons regularly decreased. Continuous removal of young leaves did not alter either root growth or apical sugar concentration. Starch storage in basal root segments was increased. After removal of mature leaves (and cotyledons), root growth strongly decreased. Soluble sugar concentration in the root apices drastically decreased and starch reserves in the root basal segments were emptied 5 d after defoliation, illustrating a considerable shortage in carbohydrates. Soluble sugar concentrations recovered 10 d after defoliation, after the end of aerial growth, suggesting a recirculation of sugar. No supplementary recourse to starch in cotyledons was observed.


The parallel between apical sugar concentration and root growth patterns, and the correlations between hexose concentration in root apices and their growth rate, support the hypothesis that the response of root growth to aerial periodic growth and defoliation treatments is largely controlled by carbohydrate availability.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The time at which plants are transferred to floral inductive conditions affects the onset of flowering and plant morphology, due to juvenility. Plants of Brunonia australis and Calandrinia sp. were used to investigate whether Australian native ephemeral species show a distinct juvenile phase that can be extended to increase vegetative growth and flowering.


The juvenile phase was quantified by transferring seedlings from less inductive (short day and 30/20°C) to inductive (vernalization or long day) conditions at six different plant ages ranging from 4 to 35 d after seed germination. An increase in days to first visible floral bud and leaf number were used to signify the end of juvenility.

Key Results

Brunonia australis was receptive to floral inductive long day conditions about 18–22 d after seed germination, whereas plants aged 4–35 d appeared vernalization sensitive. Overall, transferring plants of B. australis from short to long day conditions reduced the time to anthesis compared with vernalization or constant short day conditions. Calandrinia sp. showed a facultative requirement for vernalization and an insensitive phase was not detected. Floral bud and branch production increased favourably as plant age at time of transfer to inductive conditions increased. Younger plants showed the shortest crop production time.


Both species can perceive the vernalization floral stimulus from a very young age, whereas the photoperiodic stimulus is perceived by B. australis after a period of vegetative growth. However, extending the juvenile phase can promote foliage development and enhance flower production of both species.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In seeds with deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, warm and cold stratification are required to break dormancy of the radicle and shoot, respectively. Although the shoot remains inside the seed all winter, little is known about its growth and morphological development prior to emergence in spring. The aims of the present study were to determine the temperature requirements for radicle and shoot emergence in seeds of Viburnum betulifolium and V. parvifolium and to monitor growth of the epicotyl, plumule and cotyledons in root-emerged seeds.


Fresh and pre-treated seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium were incubated under various temperature regimes and monitored for radicle and shoot emergence. Growth of the epicotyl and cotyledons at different stages was observed with dissecting and scanning electron microscopes.

Key Results

The optimum temperature for radicle emergence of seeds of both species, either kept continuously at a single regime or exposed to a sequence of regimes, was 20/10 °C. GA3 had no effect on radicle emergence. Cold stratification (5 °C) was required for shoot emergence. The shoot apical meristem in fresh seeds did not form a bulge until the embryo had grown to the critical length for radicle emergence. After radicle emergence, the epicotyl–plumule and cotyledons grew slowly at 5 and 20/10 °C, and the first pair of true leaves was initiated. However, the shoot emerged only from seeds that received cold stratification.


Seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, C1bB (root)–C3 (epicotyl). Warm stratification was required to break the first part of physiological dormancy (PD), thereby allowing embryo growth and subsequently radicle emergence. Although cold stratification was not required for differentiation of the epicotyl–plumule, it was required to break the second part of PD, thereby allowing the shoot to emerge in spring.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Examination of plant growth below ground is relatively scant compared with that above ground, and is needed to understand whole-plant responses to the environment. This study examines whether the seasonal timing of fine root growth and the spatial distribution of this growth through the soil profile varies in response to canopy manipulation and soil temperature.Methods Plasticity in the seasonal timing and vertical distribution of root production in response to canopy and soil water manipulation was analysed in field-grown walnut (Juglans regia ‘Chandler’) using minirhizotron techniques.Key Results Root production in walnuts followed a unimodal curve, with one marked flush of root growth starting in mid-May, with a peak in mid-June. Root production declined later in the season, corresponding to increased soil temperature, as well as to the period of major carbohydrate allocation to reproduction. Canopy and soil moisture manipulation did not influence the timing of root production, but did influence the vertical distribution of roots through the soil profile. Water deficit appeared to promote root production in deeper soil layers for mining soil water. Canopy removal appeared to promote shallow root production.Conclusions The findings of this study add to growing evidence that root growth in many ecosystems follows a unimodal curve with one marked flush of root growth in coordination with the initial leaf flush of the season. Root vertical distribution appeared to have greater plasticity than timing of root production in this system, with temperature and/or carbohydrate competition constraining the timing of root growth. Effects on root distribution can have serious impacts on trees, with shallow rooting having negative impacts in years with limited soil water or positive impacts in years with wet springs, and deep rooting having positive impacts on soil water mining from deeper soil layers but negative impacts in years with wet springs.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The kiwifruit berry is characterized by an early stage of rapid growth, followed by a relatively long stage of slow increase in size. Vascular and transpiration flows are the main processes through which water and carbon enter/exit the fruit, determining the daily and seasonal changes in fruit size. This work investigates the biophysical mechanisms underpinning the change in fruit growth rate during the season.


The daily patterns of phloem, xylem and transpiration in/outflows have been determined at several stages of kiwifruit development, during two seasons. The different flows were quantified by comparing the diurnal patterns of diameter change of fruit, which were then girdled and subsequently detached while measurements continued. The diurnal courses of leaf and stem water potential and of fruit pressure potential were also monitored at different times during the season.

Key Results

Xylem and transpiration flows were high during the first period of rapid volume growth and sharply decreased with fruit development. Specific phloem import was lower and gradually decreased during the season, whereas it remained constant at whole-fruit level, in accordance with fruit dry matter gain. On a daily basis, transpiration always responded to vapour pressure deficit and contributed to the daily reduction of fruit hydrostatic pressure. Xylem flow was positively related to stem-to-fruit pressure potential gradient during the first but not the last part of the season, when xylem conductivity appeared to be reduced.


The fruit growth model adopted by this species changes during the season due to anatomical modifications in the fruit features.  相似文献   

The current study analyses few important biochemical parameters and microRNA expression in two closely related species (wild but tolerant Ipomoea campanulata L. and cultivated but sensitive Jacquemontia pentantha Jacq.G.Don) exposed to water deficit conditions naturally occurring in the field. Under soil water deficit, both the species showed reduction in their leaf area and SLA as compared to well-watered condition. A greater decrease in chlorophyll was noticed in J. pentantha (~50 %) as compared to I. campanulata (20 %) under stress. By contrast, anthocyanin and MDA accumulation was greater in J. pentantha as compared to I. campanulata. Multiple isoforms of superoxide dismutases (SODs) with differing activities were observed under stress in these two plant species. CuZnSOD isoforms showed comparatively higher induction (~10–40 %) in I. campanulata than J. pentantha. MicroRNAs, miR398, miR319, miR395 miR172, and miR408 showed opposing expression under water deficit in these two plant species. Expression of miR156, miR168, miR171, miR172, miR393, miR319, miR396, miR397 and miR408 from either I. campanulata or J. pentantha or both demonstrated opposite pattern of expression to that of drought stressed Arabidopsis. The better tolerance of the wild species (I. campanulata) to water deficit could be attributed to lesser variations in chlorophyll and anthocyanin levels; and relatively higher levels of SODs than J. pentantha. miRNA expression was different in I. campanulata than J. pentantha.  相似文献   

郭彦军  倪郁  郭芸江  韩龙  唐华 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5273-5280
选用2个抗旱性不同的紫花苜蓿品种,敖汉(强抗旱)和三得利(弱抗旱),设置空气湿度(45%-55%和75%-85%)和土壤水分胁迫(75%和35%田间持水量)处理,分析紫花苜蓿叶表皮蜡质含量、组分及晶体结构、气体交换参数、水势及脯氨酸含量的变化规律。结果表明,单独土壤水分胁迫时,紫花苜蓿叶表皮蜡质晶体结构及蜡质总量无显著变化;敖汉蜡质组分中烷类、酯类含量增加,醇类含量下降;三得利醇类含量下降,烷类、酯类含量变化不显著。低空气湿度胁迫时,两品种蜡质总量无显著变化,烷类和酯类含量显著增加,醇类含量显著下降,叶表皮片状蜡质晶体结构熔融呈弥漫性,扩大了对叶表面积的覆盖,其蒸腾速率显著低于正常湿度。复合胁迫处理时,叶表皮片状蜡质晶体结构继续呈弥漫性,烷类、酯类、未知蜡质组分含量均高于单独胁迫处理,醇类含量最低,而蜡质总量除三得利显著高于对照外,其余均无显著差异。紫花苜蓿叶表皮蜡质各组分含量(除醇类)及蜡质总量与光合速率呈显著负相关,与蒸腾速率无显著相关关系。蜡质总量与叶水势呈显著正相关。总体上,敖汉蜡质总量显著高于三得利,蜡质组分中烷类物质的增加有助于提高植株的抗旱性。在复合胁迫下,强抗旱品种主要通过气孔因素控制水分散失,而弱抗旱品种通过气孔和非气孔因素共同控制植物水分散失。  相似文献   

The possibility of modulating shoot growth charaeteristics of seedlings of two inbred lines of Plantago major L., differing in relative growth rate (RGR), by exogenously applied 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), (gibberellic acid (GA3) and (2-chloroethyl)-trimethyl-ammonium chloride (CCC) was investigated. BA completely inhibited growth of the shoot at a concentration of 1 m M , while lower concentrations had no effect. NAA reduced growth of the shoot at 10 ü M , while 1 m M completely inhibited growth. Addition of 10 μ M GA3 or higher stimulated shoot fresh weight up to 20% and leaf area up to 30% for the slow growing inbred line (W9), but less for the fast growing line (A4). Application of 1 m M CCC, an inhibitor of gibberellin metabolism, reduced growth of both inbred lines, but to a larger extent in the fast growing seedlings.
The lower shoot growth of W9 was associated with a lower specific leaf area (SLA) and a higher dry matter percentage of the shoot, as compared with A4. NAA reduced growth by reducing SLA and increasing leaf thickness, but the percentage dry matter of the leaves was unaffected. Stimulation of the shoot growth by GA3 application was associated with higher SLA and lower dry matter percentage. Application of CCC had opposite effects on SLA and dry matter percentage as compared with GA3. GA seems to be involved in the regulation of at least part of the genetic difference in RGR in Plantago major .  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Secondary growth is a main physiological sink. However, the hierarchy between the processes which compete with secondary growth is still a matter of debate, especially on fruit trees where fruit weight dramatically increases with time. It was hypothesized that tree architecture, here mediated by branch age, is likely to have a major effect on the dynamics of secondary growth within a growing season.


Three variables were monitored on 6-year-old ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees from flowering time to harvest: primary shoot growth, fruit volume, and cross-section area of branch portions of consecutive ages. Analyses were done through an ANOVA-type analysis in a linear mixed model framework.

Key Results

Secondary growth exhibited three consecutive phases characterized by unequal relative area increment over the season. The age of the branch had the strongest effect, with the highest and lowest relative area increment for the current-year shoots and the trunk, respectively. The growth phase had a lower effect, with a shift of secondary growth through the season from leafy shoots towards older branch portions. Eventually, fruit load had an effect on secondary growth mainly after primary growth had ceased.


The results support the idea that relationships between production of photosynthates and allocation depend on both primary growth and branch architectural position. Fruit load mainly interacted with secondary growth later in the season, especially on old branch portions.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

There is increasing interest in the development of plant growth models representing the complex system of interactions between the different determinants of plant development. These approaches are particularly relevant for grapevine organogenesis, which is a highly plastic process dependent on temperature, solar radiation, soil water deficit and trophic competition.


The extent to which three plant growth models were able to deal with the observed plasticity of axis organogenesis was assessed. In the first model, axis organogenesis was dependent solely on temperature, through thermal time. In the second model, axis organogenesis was modelled through functional relationships linking meristem activity and trophic competition. In the last model, the rate of phytomer appearence on each axis was modelled as a function of both the trophic status of the plant and the direct effect of soil water content on potential meristem activity.

Key Results

The model including relationships between trophic competition and meristem behaviour involved a decrease in the root mean squared error (RMSE) for the simulations of organogenesis by a factor nine compared with the thermal time-based model. Compared with the model in which axis organogenesis was driven only by trophic competition, the implementation of relationships between water deficit and meristem behaviour improved organogenesis simulation results, resulting in a three times divided RMSE. The resulting model can be seen as a first attempt to build a comprehensive complete plant growth model simulating the development of the whole plant in fluctuating conditions of temperature, solar radiation and soil water content.


We propose a new hypothesis concerning the effects of the different determinants of axis organogenesis. The rate of phytomer appearance according to thermal time was strongly affected by the plant trophic status and soil water deficit. Futhermore, the decrease in meristem activity when soil water is depleted does not result from source/sink imbalances.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Teak forms xylem rings that potentially carry records of carbon sequestration and climate in the tropics. These records are only useful when the structural variations of tree rings and their periodicity of formation are known. Methods The seasonality of ring formation in mature teak trees was examined via correlative analysis of cambial activity, xylem and phloem formation, and climate throughout 1·5 years. Xylem and phloem differentiation were visualized by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Key Results A 3 month dry season resulted in semi-deciduousness, cambial dormancy and formation of annual xylem growth rings (AXGRs). Intra-annual xylem and phloem growth was characterized by variable intensity. Morphometric features of cambium such as cambium thickness and differentiating xylem layers were positively correlated. Cambium thickness was strongly correlated with monthly rainfall (R(2) = 0·7535). In all sampled trees, xylem growth zones (XGZs) were formed within the AXGRs during the seasonal development of new foliage. When trees achieved full leaf, the xylem in the new XGZs appeared completely differentiated and functional for water transport. Two phloem growth rings were formed in one growing season. Conclusions The seasonal formation pattern and microstructure of teak xylem suggest that AXGRs and XGZs can be used as proxies for analyses of the tree history and climate at annual and intra-annual resolution.  相似文献   

Reduction of shoot growth, leaf epinasty and chlorosis in young tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Hellfrucht/Frühstamm) treated hydroponically with 10-7 M of the herbicide quinclorac were partially compensated when the plants were simultaneously sprayed with salicyclic acid or the oxime ether derivative PACME. Since salicyclic acid and PACME are known inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis, it is suggested that this pathway is implicated in quinclorac action. Further support for this hypothesis was obtained in experiments with transgenic tomato plants containing an antisense gene to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase in ethylene biosynthesis. When quinclorac was applied via the root antisense plants showed reduced phenotypical alterations compared to those of wild-type plants.  相似文献   

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