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The infection of woodchucks with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) provides an experimental model to study early immune responses during hepadnavirus infection that cannot be tested in patients. The T-cell response of experimentally WHV-infected woodchucks to WHsAg, rWHcAg, and WHcAg peptides was monitored by observing 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine and [2-3H]adenine incorporation. The first T-cell responses were directed against WHsAg 3 weeks after infection; these were followed by responses to rWHcAg including the immunodominant T-cell epitope of WHcAg (amino acids 97 to 110). Maximal proliferative responses were detected when the animals seroconvered to anti-WHs and anti-WHc (week 6). A decrease in the T-cell response to viral antigens coincided with clearance of viral DNA. Polyclonal rWHcAg-specific T-cell lines were established 6, 12, 18, and 24 weeks postinfection, and their responses to WHcAg peptides were assessed. Five to seven peptides including the immunodominant epitope were recognized throughout the observation period (6 months). At 12 months after infection, T-cell responses to antigens and peptides were not detected. Reactivation of T-cell responses to viral antigens and peptides occurred within 7 days after challenge of animals with WHV. These results demonstrate that a fast and vigorous T-cell response to WHsAg, rWHcAg, and amino acids 97 to 110 of the WHcAg occurs within 3 weeks after WHV infection. The peak of this response was associated with viral clearance and may be crucial for recovery from infection. One year after infection, no proliferation of T cells in response to antigens was observed; however, the WHV-specific T-cell response was reactivated after challenge of woodchucks with WHV and may be responsible for protection against WHV reinfection.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination can induce humoral and cellular immune response to viral antigens and confer protection to virus infection. In woodchucks, we tested the protective efficacy of immune response to woodchuck hepatitis core antigen (WHcAg) and surface antigen (WHsAg) of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) elicited by DNA-based vaccination. Plasmids pWHcIm and pWHsIm containing WHV c- or pre-s2/s genes expressed WHcAg and WHsAg in transient transfection assays. Pilot experiments in mice revealed that a single intramuscular injection of 100 μg of plasmid pWHcIm DNA induced an anti-WHcAg titer over 1:300 that was enhanced by boost injections. However, two injections of 100 μg of pWHcIm did not induce detectable anti-WHcAg in woodchucks. With an increase in the dose to 1 mg of pWHcIm per injection, transient anti-WHcAg response and WHcAg-specific proliferation of peripheral mononuclear blood cells (PMBCs) appeared in woodchucks after repeated immunizations. Four woodchucks vaccinated with pWHcIm were challenged with 104 or 105 of the WHV 50% infective dose. They remained negative for markers of WHV replication (WHV DNA and WHsAg) in peripheral blood and developed anti-WHs in week 5 after challenge. In contrast, woodchucks not immunized or immunized with the control vector pcDNA3 developed acute WHV infection. Two woodchucks immunized with 1 mg of pWHsIm developed WHsAg-specific proliferative response of PBMCs but no measurable anti-WHsAg response. A rapid anti-WHsAg response developed during week 2 after virus challenge. Neither woodchuck developed any signs of WHV infection. These data indicate that DNA-based vaccination with WHcAg and WHsAg can elicit immunity to WHV infection.  相似文献   

Woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) are a valuable model for human hepatitis B virus (HBV) in studies of pathogenesis, immunity, and antiviral therapy. For this reason, substantial efforts to characterize both the similarities and the differences between HBV and WHV are being made. The structure of the WHV surface proteins (WHs proteins) has not yet been adequately elucidated. The bands that would be expected for glycosylated and nonglycosylated small (S) WHs protein are found by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of purified WHs protein, but the bands corresponding to the middle (M) and large (L) WHs proteins of HBV are not seen at the expected sizes, even though the sequences of the WHV and HBV surface protein genes are 60% homologous. By amino-terminal sequencing we have identified two bands at 41 and 45 kDa as the MWHs proteins, 8 kDa larger than expected. We have also confirmed that two bands at 24 and 27 kDa are SWHs proteins. A protein of 49 kDa was blocked at the N terminus, which using immunoblotting with an antiserum against WHV pre-S1 (positions 126 to 146) was identified, together with a part of the 45-kDa protein, as glycosylated and nonglycosylated LWHs protein of the expected size. Sialidase and O-glycosidase digestion showed that the larger size of MWHs protein results from the presence of O glycoside groups which are probably in the pre-S2 domain of MWHs protein. Since the pre-S2 domains of HBV and WHV have similar numbers of potential O glycosylation sites, it appears to be likely that the glycosyltransferases act differently on the viral proteins in woodchucks and humans.  相似文献   

Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and Hepatitis E virus (HEV) are the most common causes of infectious hepatitis. These viruses are spread largely by the fecal-oral route and lead to clinically important disease in developing countries. To evaluate the potential of targeting hepatitis A and E infection simultaneously, a combined mucosal candidate vaccine was developed with the partial open reading frame 2 (ORF2) sequence (aa 368–607) of HEV (HE-ORF2) and partial virus protein 1 (VP1) sequence (aa 1–198) of HAV (HA-VP1), which included the viral neutralization epitopes. Tuftsin is an immunostimulatory peptide which can enhance the immunogenicity of a protein by targeting it to macrophages and dendritic cells. Here, we developed a novel combined protein vaccine by conjugating tuftsin to HE-ORF2 and HA-VP1 and used synthetic CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) as the adjuvant. Subsequent experiments in BALB/c mice demonstrated that tuftsin enhanced the serum-specific IgG and IgA antibodies against HEV and HAV at the intestinal, vaginal and pulmonary interface when delivered intranasally. Moreover, mice from the intranasally immunized tuftsin group (HE-ORF2-tuftsin + HA-VP1-tuftsin + CpG) showed higher levels of IFN-γ-secreting splenocytes (Th1 response) and ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T cells than those of the no-tuftsin group (HE-ORF2 + HA-VP1 + CpG). Thus, the tuftsin group generated stronger humoral and cellular immune responses compared with the no-tuftsin group. Moreover, enhanced responses to the combined protein vaccine were obtained by intranasal immunization compared with intramuscular injection. By integrating HE-ORF2, HA-VP1 and tuftsin in a vaccine, this study validated an important concept for further development of a combined mucosal vaccine against hepatitis A and E infection.  相似文献   

为探讨HCV/HBV 复合疫苗的可行性,将合成的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)复合多表位抗原基因PCX与HBsAg 基因连接成PCXS基因,与β-半乳糖苷酶(GZ)基因融合后在大肠杆菌及减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌中获得表达.目的蛋白GZ-PCXS可被抗-HBs 及抗-HCV 抗体所特异识别.GZ-PCXS抗原皮下注射免疫ICR小鼠后,诱发了较高水平的抗-GZ-PCXSIgG反应.构建的重组减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌SL3261(pWR/PCXS)口服免疫小鼠后,诱发了高水平的CD8+ T细胞增殖反应及抗GZ-PCXSIgG反应.所有免疫小鼠均未见明显的毒副作用.该研究揭示,HCV/HBV 复合抗原可诱发特异性体液免疫及细胞免疫应答,而活菌苗口服可能是理想的免疫途径,为HCV/HBV 双价疫苗研究提供了一定的理论及实验依据.  相似文献   

Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) is an established model for human hepatitis B virus. The kinetics of virus and host responses in serum and liver during acute, self-limited WHV infection in adult woodchucks were studied. Serum WHV DNA and surface antigen (WHsAg) were detected as early as 1 to 3 weeks following experimental infection and peaked between 1 and 5 weeks postinfection. Thereafter, serum WHsAg levels declined rapidly and became undetectable, while WHV DNA levels became undetectable much later, between 4 and 20 weeks postinfection. Decreasing viremia correlated with transient liver injury marked by an increase in serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) levels. Clearance of WHV DNA from serum was associated with the normalization of serum SDH. Circulating immune complexes (CICs) of WHsAg and antibodies against WHsAg (anti-WHs) that correlated temporarily with the peaks in serum viremia and WHs antigenemia were detected. CICs were no longer detected in serum once free anti-WHs became detectable. The detection of CICs around the peak in serum viremia and WHs antigenemia in resolving woodchucks suggests a critical role for the humoral immune response against WHsAg in the early elimination of viral and subviral particles from the peripheral blood. Individual kinetic variation during WHV infections in resolving woodchucks infected with the same WHV inoculum and dose is likely due to the outbred nature of the animals, indicating that the onset and magnitude of the individual immune response determine the intensity of virus inhibition and the timing of virus elimination from serum.  相似文献   

CpG对乙型肝炎基因重组(CHO细胞)疫苗免疫效果的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了研究CpG-寡脱氧核苷酸(CpG-OPN)作为佐剂对乙型肝炎基因重组(CHO细胞)疫苗(简称乙肝疫苗)免疫效果的影响,以乙肝疫苗加Al(OH)3、疫苗加CpG和疫苗加Al(OH)3与CpG3三种配伍方式,通过腹腔、皮下或肌内3种不同途径免疫Balb/c小鼠,观察不同免疫途径和不同配伍的免疫效果.同时又将疫苗与CpG混合后在4℃存放6个月再免疫小鼠,观察CpG的稳定性.结果表明:①3种免疫途径中以肌内注射效果最好,这在使用CpG的实验组尤为明显,在该组肌内免疫的ED50比腹腔的低了10倍,而诱发的抗体滴度提高了3倍;②疫苗与CpG、Al(OH)3联合使用的免疫效果最好,在肌内免疫时联合使用的免疫效果比疫苗+Al(OH)3提高4倍,比疫苗+CpG提高7倍;③疫苗+Al(OH)3免疫时,表现为IgG1抗体亚型占优势,而再加入CpG后则IgG1和IgG2a均升高,以IgG2a最显著;④疫苗与CpG混合后4℃保存半年,不影响其活性.  相似文献   

In vitro proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells was used to measure virus-specific cell-mediated immunity (vCMI) following neonatal woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infection. Fifteen neonates were inoculated with the W8 strain of WHV. In 11, infection was resolved, and 4 became chronic carriers. Nineteen neonates were inoculated with the W7 strain and all became chronic carriers. Seven age-matched uninfected woodchucks served as controls. Virologic and vCMI profiles among the W8 and W7 infections were compared and related to the outcome of infection. Resolving woodchucks had robust, acute-phase vCMI to WHV antigens (core, surface, and x) and to several nonoverlapping core peptides. The acute-phase vCMI was associated temporally with the clearance of viral DNA and of surface antigen from serum at 14 to 22 weeks postinfection. In contrast, in approximately half of the W8 and W7 infections that progressed to chronicity, no significant acute-phase vCMI was detected. In the remaining carriers, acute-phase vCMI was observed, but it was less frequent and incomplete compared to that of resolved woodchucks. Serum viral load developed less rapidly in those carriers that had evidence of acute-phase vCMI, but it was still increased compared to that of resolving woodchucks. Thus, vigorous and multispecific acute-phase vCMI was associated with resolution of neonatal WHV infection. Absent or incomplete acute-phase vCMI was associated with the progression to chronic infection. By analogy, these results suggest that the onset of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in humans may be associated with deficiencies in the primary T-cell response to acute HBV infection.  相似文献   

Zhao  Yu  Ma  Chen  Yang  Jie  Zou  Xiufen  Pan  Zishu 《中国病毒学》2021,36(6):1327-1340
Virologica Sinica - Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children. Inactivated RSV vaccine was developed in the late 1960’s, but the...  相似文献   

Hepatitis D virus (HDV) superinfection of hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers causes severe liver disease and a high rate of chronicity. Therefore, a vaccine protecting HBV carriers from HDV superinfection is needed. To protect from HDV infection an induction of virus-specific T cells is required, as antibodies to the two proteins of HDV, p24 and p27, do not neutralize the HBV-derived envelope of HDV. In mice, HDV-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses were induced by a DNA vaccine expressing HDV p27. In subsequent experiments, seven naive woodchucks were immunized with a DNA prime and adenoviral boost regimen prior to simultaneous woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) and HDV infection. Five of seven HDV-immunized woodchucks were protected against HDV infection, while acute self-limiting WHV infection occurred as expected. The two animals with the breakthrough had a shorter HDV viremia than the unvaccinated controls. The DNA prime and adenoviral vector boost vaccination protected woodchucks against HDV infection in the setting of simultaneous infection with WHV and HDV. In future experiments, the efficacy of this protocol to protect from HDV infection in the setting of HDV superinfection will need to be proven.  相似文献   

目的:构建鼠肝炎冠状病毒(MHV)非结构蛋白1(NSP1)及其突变体(NSP1 mu)的原核重组表达质粒,在大肠杆菌中分别融合表达重组NSP1及NSP1 mu。方法:以现有质粒载体为模板,扩增编码NSP1及NSP1 mu的基因片段,并克隆至pMD18-T克隆载体;菌落PCR鉴定阳性克隆并测序分析;将阳性克隆的目的片段亚克隆至表达载体pET-28a,并转化大肠杆菌TOP10感受态细胞,PCR和双酶切鉴定转化菌落;将阳性质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞并加入IPTG诱导表达,SDS-PAGE和免疫印迹分析目的蛋白的表达。结果:PCR扩增得到表达NSP1及NSP1 mu的特异片段,并克隆到pMD18-T载体,测序结果正确无误;构建了NSP1和NSP1 mu的重组表达质粒,并在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中分别融合表达了重组NSP1及NSP1 mu,表达的目的蛋白均能与His单克隆抗体特异结合;用Ni-NTA琼脂糖试剂盒纯化重组蛋白,获得可溶性的NSP1及NSP1 mu,相对分子质量分别为27×103和28×103。结论:在大肠杆菌中分别表达并纯化获得了大量可溶性重组NSP1及NSP1 mu。  相似文献   

The search for new adjuvants remains the critical task for the creation of hepatitis C vaccines due to the weak immunogenicity of biotechnological products. When immunizing mice with the recombinant proteins NS3 and NS5B of the hepatitis C virus (HCV), the adjuvant activity of three immunomodulators was compared. Phosprenyl® on the basis of polyprenyl phosphate (PPP), chemically synthesized analogue of the bacterial cell wall glucosaminyl muramyl dipeptide (GMDP), and IFN-α recombinant protein were tested. GMDP increased the activity of IgG1 antibodies 4–6 times but did not stimulate the production of IFN-γ; IFN-α has not shown any adjuvant properties. The introduction of recombinant HCV proteins together with PPP in low doses increased the activity of IgG2a isotype antibodies 4–7 times and increased IFN-γ secretion 3 times. Thus, it was first shown that PPP polarizes the immune response to Th1-type and is a promising adjuvant for the development of a vaccine against hepatitis C.  相似文献   

Zhao  Yu  Ma  Chen  Yang  Jie  Zou  Xiufen  Pan  Zishu 《中国病毒学》2021,36(6):1684-1684
Virologica Sinica - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12250-021-00418-3  相似文献   

小鼠念珠菌感染模型和抗感染免疫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,临床相关的小鼠念珠菌感染疾病模型种类日益增多.与早期小鼠念珠菌感染模型相比,近期感染模型与临床上免疫抑制机会性念珠菌感染患者的感染方式、感染的发展进程、临床表现、靶器官临床病理组织学特征更相近.建立了特定免疫缺陷小鼠(如转基因/基因敲除小鼠等);感染源从白色念珠菌转向非白念珠菌(如近平滑念珠菌、光滑念珠菌等);感染方式从局部口腔-消化道感染逐步转变为血源性深部多器官组织感染.特定模型的建立更深入地探讨了宿主-念珠菌感染源之间相互的免疫机制.细胞介导的免疫反应在宿主抗念珠菌感染免疫反应中占主导,吞噬细胞直接杀伤真菌;细胞分化为Th1和Th2型细胞,分泌相关细胞因子进行免疫调控.体液免疫中一些保护性抗体也具有一定的保护作用.  相似文献   

小鼠肝炎病毒逆转录环介导等温扩增检测技术的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁文  刘忠华  张钰  刘香梅  黄韧 《中国实验动物学报》2009,17(5):354-359,I0007,I0008

目的对小鼠肝炎病毒(mouse hapetitis virus)A59毒株核蛋白(N)基因进行了克隆、表达和重组蛋白的免疫活性分析。方法根据GenBank公布的MHV-A59 N基因序列(AY700211),设计了一对特异性引物,通过RT-PCR扩增出N基因的主要抗原片段NS,将目的片段纯化后与pGEM-T-easy载体连接得到重组质粒pTN,双酶切回收目的基因片段克隆到原核表达载体pGEX-6p-1中,构建了重组质粒pGEX-NS,转化大肠杆菌BL21,用IPTG进行了诱导表达。对表达裂解物进行SDS-PAGE和Western-blotting验证。结果表达产物相对分子质量约56×103与预期相符;能与MHV阳性血清发生特异性反应,出现单一条带。结论原核表达的NP(S)蛋白有良好的抗原性,为检测小鼠肝炎病毒抗体的ELISA检测方法的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

To study the effect of genetic immunization on transgenic expression of hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins, we evaluated the immunological response of HCV transgenic mice to HCV expression plasmids. FVB/n transgenic mice expressing HCV structural proteins (core, E1, and E2) and wild-type (WT) FVB/n mice were immunized intramuscularly with plasmids expressing core (pHCVcore) or core/E1/E2 (pHCVSt). After immunization, HCV-specific humoral and cellular immune response was studied. Both WT and transgenic mice immunized with either HCV construct produced antibodies and exhibited T-cell proliferative responses against core or envelope. In WT mice immunized with pHCVSt, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activities were detected against E2 but not against core or E1, whereas strong CTL activities against core could be detected in WT mice immunized with pHCVcore. In pHCVSt-immunized, transgenic mice, CTL activities against the core or envelope were completely absent, but core-specific CTL activities could be detected in pHCVcore-immunized transgenic mice. A similar pattern of immune responses was also observed in other mouse strains, including a transgenic line expressing human HLA-A2.1 molecules (AAD mice). Despite the presence of a peripheral cellular immunity against HCV, no liver pathology or lymphocytic infiltrate was observed in these transgenic mice. Our study suggests a hierarchy of CTL response against the HCV structural proteins (E2 > core > E1) in vivo when the proteins are expressed as a polyprotein. The HCV transgenic mice can be induced by DNA immunization to generate anti-HCV antibodies and anticore CTLs. However, they are tolerant at the CTL level against the E2 protein despite DNA immunization.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific CD8+ T cells in persistent HCV infection are low in frequency and paradoxically show a phenotype associated with controlled infections, expressing the memory marker CD127. We addressed to what extent this phenotype is dependent on the presence of cognate antigen. We analyzed virus-specific responses in acute and chronic HCV infections and sequenced autologous virus. We show that CD127 expression is associated with decreased antigenic stimulation after either viral clearance or viral variation. Our data indicate that most CD8 T-cell responses in chronic HCV infection do not target the circulating virus and that the appearance of HCV-specific CD127+ T cells is driven by viral variation.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) persists in the majority of acutely infected individuals, potentially leading to chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The cellular immune response has been shown to play a significant role in viral control and protection from liver disease. Phenotypic and functional studies of virus-specific T cells have attempted to define the determinants of a successful versus an unsuccessful T-cell response in viral infections (10). So far these studies have failed to identify consistent distinguishing features between a T-cell response that results in self-limiting versus chronic HCV infection; similarly, the impact of viral persistence on HCV-specific memory T-cell formation is poorly understood.Interleukin-7 (IL-7) receptor alpha chain (CD127) is a key molecule associated with the maintenance of memory T-cell populations. Expression of CD127 on CD8 T cells is typically only observed when the respective antigen is controlled and in the presence of significant CD4+ T-cell help (9). Accordingly, cells specific for persistent viruses (e.g., HIV, cytomegalovirus [CMV], and Epstein-Barr virus [EBV]) have been shown to express low levels of CD127 (6, 12, 14) and to be dependent on antigen restimulation for their maintenance. In contrast, T cells specific for acute resolving virus infections, such as influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and vaccinia virus typically acquire expression of CD127 rapidly with the control of viremia (5, 12, 14). Results for HCV have been inconclusive. The expected increase in CD127 levels in acute resolving but not acute persisting infection has been found, while a substantial proportion of cells with high CD127 expression have been observed in long-established chronic infection (2). We tried to reconcile these observations by studying both subjects with acute and chronic HCV infection and identified the presence of antigen as the determinant of CD127 expression.Using HLA-peptide multimers we analyzed CD8+ HCV-specific T-cell responses and CD127 expression levels in acute and chronic HCV infection. We assessed a cohort of 18 chronically infected subjects as well as 9 individuals with previously resolved infection. In addition, we longitudinally studied 9 acutely infected subjects (5 individuals who resolved infection spontaneously and 4 individuals who remain chronically infected) (Tables (Tables11 and and2).2). Informed consent in writing was obtained from each patient, and the study protocol conformed to the ethical guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, as reflected in a priori approval from the local institutional review boards. HLA-multimeric complexes were obtained commercially from Proimmune (Oxford, United Kingdom) and Beckman Coulter (CA). The staining and analysis procedure was as described previously (10). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were stained with the following antibodies: CD3 from Caltag; CD8, CD27, CCR7, CD127, and CD38 from BD Pharmingen; and PD-1 (kindly provided by Gordon Freeman). Primer sets were designed for different genotypes based on alignments of all available sequences from the public HCV database (http://hcvpub.ibcp.fr). Sequence analysis was performed as previously described (8).


Patient information and autologous sequence analysis for patients with chronic and resolved HCV infection
CodeGenotypeStatusEpitope(s) targetedSequencea
02-031bChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
A: no sequence
00-261bChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
A: no sequence
99-242aChronicA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
No recognitionA: S-S--L---
A2 NS3 1406-1415P: KLVALGINAV
No recognitionA: A-RGM-L---
A2 NS5B 2594-2602P: ALYDVVTKL
A: no sequence
1111aChronicA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
A: ---------
A2 NS5 2594-2602P: ALYDVVTKL
A: ---------
00X3aChronicA2 NS5 2594-2602P: ALYDVVTKL
No recognitionA: -----IQ--
O3Qb1aChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
DiminishedA: --------F
03Sb1aChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
DiminishedA: --------F
02A1aChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
A: no sequence
01N1aChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
DiminishedA: --------F
03H1aChronicA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
Full recognitionA: ----A----
01-391aChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
DiminishedA: --------F
03-45b1aChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
DiminishedA: --------F
06P3aChronicA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
DiminishedA: --------F
GS127-11aChronicA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
A: ---------
GS127-61aChronicA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
A: ---------
GS127-81bChronicA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
A: ---------
GS127-161aChronicA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
A: ---------
GS127-201aChronicA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
A: ---------
04D4ResolvedA2 NS5 1987-1996P: VLSDFKTWKL
01-49b1ResolvedA2 NS5 1987-1996P: VLSDFKTWKL
A2 NS3 1406-1415P: KLVALGINAV
01-311ResolvedA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
B57 NS5 2629-2637P: KSKKTPMGF
04N1ResolvedA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
01E4ResolvedA2 NS5 1987-1996P: VLSDFKTWKL
98A1ResolvedA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
00-10c1ResolvedA24 NS4 1745-1754P: VIAPAVQTNW
O2Z1ResolvedA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
99-211ResolvedB7 CORE 41-49P: GPRLGVRAT
OOR1ResolvedB35 NS3 1359-1367P: HPNIEEVAL
Open in a separate windowaP, prototype; A, autologous. Identical residues are shown by dashes.bHIV coinfection.cHBV coinfection.


Patient information and autologous sequence analysis for patients with acute HCV infection
CodeGenotypeOutcomeEpitope targeted and time analyzedSequencea
5541aPersistingA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
wk 8A: ---------
wk 30A: ---------
03-321aPersistingB35 NS3 1359-1367P: HPNIEEVAL
wk 8A: ---------
No recognition (wk 36)A: S--------
04-111a (1st)Persisting (1st) Resolving (2nd)A2 NS5 2594-2602P: ALYDVVTKL
1b (2nd)A: no sequence
00231bPersistingA1 NS3 1436-1444P: ATDALMTGY
Diminished (wk 7)A: --------F
Diminished (wk 38)A: --------F
A2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
wk 7A: ---------
wk 38A: ---------
A2 NS3 1406-1415P: KLVALGINAV
Full recognition (wk 7)A: --S-------
Full recognition (wk 38)A: --S-------
3201ResolvingA2 NS3 1273-1282P: GIDPNIRTGV
5991ResolvingA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
11441ResolvingA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
B35 NS3 1359-1367P: HPNIEEVAL
06L3aResolvingB7 CORE 41-49P: GPRLGVRAT
05Y1ResolvingA2 NS3 1073-1083P: CINGVCWTV
Open in a separate windowaP, prototype; A, autologous. Identical residues are shown by dashes.In established persistent infection, CD8+ T-cell responses against HCV are infrequently detected in blood using major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I tetramers and are only observed in a small fraction of those sampled (10). We were able to examine the expression of CD127 on antigen-specific T cells in such a group of 18 individuals. We observed mostly high levels of CD127 expression (median, 66%) on these populations (Fig. (Fig.1a),1a), although expression was higher on HCV-specific T-cell populations from individuals with resolved infection (median, 97%; P = 0.0003) (Fig. 1a and c). Importantly, chronically infected individuals displayed CD127 expression levels over a much broader range than resolved individuals (9.5% to 100% versus 92 to 100%) (Fig. (Fig.1a1a).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Chronically infected individuals express a range of CD127 levels on HCV-specific T cells. (a) CD127 expression levels on HCV-specific T-cell populations in individuals with established chronic or resolved infection. While individuals with resolved infection (11 tetramer stains in 9 subjects) uniformly express high levels of CD127, chronically infected individuals (21 tetramer stains in 18 subjects) express a wide range of CD127 expression levels. (b) CD127 expression levels are seen to be highly dependent on sequence match with the autologous virus, based on analysis of 9 responses with diminished recognition of the autologous virus and 8 responses with intact epitopes. (c) CD127 expression levels on HCV-specific T-cell B7 CORE 41-49-specific T cells from individual 01-49 with resolved HCV infection (left-hand panel). Lower CD127 expression levels are observed on an EBV-specific T-cell population from the same individual (right-hand panel). APC-A, allophycocyanin-conjugated antibody. (d) Low CD127 levels are observed on A2 NS3 1073-1083 HCV-specific T cells from individual 111 with chronic HCV infection in whom sequencing revealed an intact autologous sequence.Given the relationship between CD127 expression and antigenic stimulation as well as the potential of HCV to escape the CD8 T-cell response through viral mutation, we sequenced the autologous circulating virus in subjects with chronic infection (Table (Table1).1). A perfect match between the optimal epitope sequence and the autologous virus was found for only 8 responses. These were the only T-cell populations with lower levels of CD127 expression (Fig. (Fig.1a,1a, b, and d). In contrast, HCV T-cell responses with CD127 expression levels comparable to those observed in resolved infection (>85%) were typically mismatched with the viral sequence, with some variants compatible with viral escape and others suggesting infection with a non-genotype 1 strain (10) (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assays using T-cell lines confirmed the complete abrogation of T-cell recognition and thus antigenic stimulation in cases of cross-genotype mismatch (10). Responses targeting the epitope A1-143D expressed somewhat lower levels of CD127 (between 70% and 85%). Viral escape (Y to F at position 9) in this epitope has been shown to be associated with significantly diminished but not fully abolished recognition (11a), and was found in all chronically infected subjects whose T cells targeted this epitope. Thus, expression of CD127 in the presence of viremia is closely associated with the capacity of the T cell to recognize the circulating virus.That a decrease in antigenic stimulation is indeed associated with the emergence of CD127-expressing CD8 T cells is further demonstrated in subject 111. This subject with chronic infection targeted fully conserved epitopes with T cells with low CD127 expression; with clearance of viremia under antiviral therapy, CD127-negative HCV-specific CD8 T cells were no longer detectable and were replaced by populations expressing CD127 (data not shown). Overall these data support the notion that CD127 expression on HCV-specific CD8+ T-cell populations is dependent on an absence of ongoing antigenic stimulation.To further evaluate the dynamic relationship between antigenic stimulation and CD127 expression, we also analyzed HCV-specific T-cell responses longitudinally during acute HCV infection (Fig. (Fig.2a).2a). CD127 expression was generally low or absent during the earliest time points. After resolution of infection, we see a contraction of the HCV-specific T-cell response together with a continuous increase in CD127 expression, until virtually all tetramer-positive cells express CD127 approximately 6 months after the onset of disease (Fig. (Fig.2a).2a). A similar increase in CD127 expression was not seen in one subject (no. 554) with untreated persisting infection that maintained a significant tetramer-positive T-cell population for an extended period of time (Fig. (Fig.2a).2a). Importantly, sequence analysis of the autologous virus demonstrated the conservation of this epitope throughout persistent infection (8). In contrast, subject 03-32 (with untreated persisting infection) developed a CD8 T-cell response targeting a B35-restricted epitope in NS3 from which the virus escaped (8). The T cells specific for this epitope acquired CD127 expression in a comparable manner to those controlling infection (Fig. (Fig.2a).2a). In other subjects with persisting infection, HCV-specific T-cells usually disappeared from blood before the time frame in which CD127 upregulation was observed in the other subjects.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.CD127 expression levels during acute HCV infection. (a) CD127 expression levels on HCV-specific T cells during the acute phase of HCV infection (data shown for 5 individuals who resolve and two individuals who remain chronically infected). (b) HCV RNA viral load and CD127 expression levels on HCV-specific T cells (A2 NS3 1073-1083 and A1 NS3 1436-1444) for chronically infected individual 00-23. PEG-IFN-α, pegylated alpha interferon. (c) Fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) plots showing longitudinal CD127 expression levels on HCV-specific T cells (A2 NS3 1073-1083 and A1 NS3 1436-1444) from individual 00-23.We also characterized the levels of CD127 expression on HCV-specific CD4+ T-cell populations with similar results: low levels were observed during the acute phase of infection and increased levels in individuals after infection was cleared (data not shown). CD127 expression on CD4 T cells could not be assessed in viral persistence since we failed to detect significant numbers of HCV-specific CD4+ T cells, in agreement with other reports.In our cohort of subjects with acute HCV infection, we had the opportunity to study the effect of reencounter with antigen on T cells with high CD127 expression in 3 subjects in whom HCV viremia returned after a period of viral control. Subject 00-23 experienced viral relapse after interferon treatment (11), while subjects 05-13 and 04-11 were reinfected with distinct viral isolates. In all subjects, reappearance of HCV antigen that corresponded to the HCV-specific T-cell population was associated with massive expansion of HCV-specific T-cell populations and a decrease in CD127 expression on these T cells (Fig. (Fig.22 and and3)3) (data not shown). In contrast, T-cell responses that did not recognize the current viral isolate did not respond with an expansion of the population or the downregulation of CD127. This was observed in 00-23, where the sequence of the A1-restricted epitope 143D was identical to the frequent escape mutation described above in chronically infected subjects associated with diminished T-cell recognition (Fig. (Fig.2b2b and and3a).3a). In 05-13, the viral isolate during the second episode of viremia contained a variant in one of the anchor residues of the epitope A2-61 (Fig. (Fig.2d).2d). These results show that CD127 expression on HCV-specific T cells follows the established principles observed in other viral infections.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Longitudinal phenotypic changes on HCV-specific T cells. (a) HCV RNA viral load and CD127 expression (%) levels on A2 NS5B 2594-2602 HCV-specific T cells for individual 04-11. This individual was administered antiviral therapy, which resulted in a sustained virological response. Following reinfection, the individual spontaneously cleared the virus. (b) Longitudinal frequency of A2 NS5B 2594-2602 HCV-specific T cells and PD-1 expression levels (mean fluorescent intensity [MFI]) for individual 04-11. (c) Longitudinal analysis of 04-11 reveals the progressive differentiation of HCV-specific A2 259F CD8+ T cells following repetitive antigenic stimulation. FACS plots show longitudinal CD127, CD27, CD57, and CCR7 expression levels on A2 NS5B 2594-2602 tetramer-positive cells from individual 04-11. PE-A, phycoerthrin-conjugated antibody.In addition to the changes in CD127 expression for T cells during reencounter with antigen, we detected comparable changes in other phenotypic markers shortly after exposure to viremia. First, we detected an increase in PD-1 and CD38 expression—both associated with recent T-cell activation. Additionally, we observed a loss of CD27 expression, a feature of repetitive antigenic stimulation (Fig. (Fig.3).3). The correlation of CD127 and CD27 expression further supports the notion that CD127 downregulation is a marker of continuous antigenic stimulation (1, 7).In conclusion we confirm that high CD127 expression levels are common for detectable HCV-specific CD8+ T-cell populations in chronic infection and find that this phenotype is based on the existence of viral sequence variants rather than on unique properties of HCV-specific T cells. This is further demonstrated by our data from acute HCV infection showing that viral escape as well as viral resolution is driving the upregulation of CD127. We also show that some, but not all, markers typically used to phenotypically describe virus-specific T cells show a similar dependence on cognate HCV antigen. Our data further highlight that sequencing of autologous virus is vital when interpreting data obtained in chronic HCV infection and raise the possibility that previous studies, focused on individuals with established chronic infection, may have been confounded by antigenic variation within epitopes or superinfection with different non-cross-reactive genotypes. Interestingly, it should be pointed out that this finding is supported by previous data from both the chimpanzee model of HCV and from human HBV infection (3, 13).Overall our data clearly demonstrate that the phenotype of HCV-specific CD8+ T cells is determined by the level of antigen-specific stimulation. The high number of CD127 positive virus-specific CD8+ T cells that is associated with the presence of viral escape mutations is a hallmark of chronic HCV infection that clearly separates HCV from other chronic viral infections (4, 14).  相似文献   

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