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The biophysical mechanisms that give rise to direction selectivity in the retina remain uncertain. Current evidence suggests that the directional signal first arises within the dendrites of starburst amacrine cells (SBACs). Two models have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, one based on mutual inhibitory interactions between SBACs, and the other positing an intrinsic dendritic mechanism requiring a voltage-gradient depolarizing towards the dendritic tips. We tested these models by recording current and voltage responses to visual stimuli in SBACs. In agreement with previous work, we found that the excitatory currents in the SBACs were directional, and remained directional when GABA receptors were blocked. Contrary to the mutual-inhibitory model, stimuli that produce strong directional signals in ganglion cells failed to reveal a significant inhibitory input to SBACs. Suppression of the tonic excitatory conductance, proposed to generate the dendritic voltage-gradient required for the dendrite autonomous model, failed to eliminate the directional signal in SBACs. However, selective block of tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels did reduce the strength of the directional excitatory signal in the SBACs. These results indicate that current models of direction-selectivity in the SBACs are inadequate, and suggest that voltage-gated excitatory channels, specifically tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels, are important elements in directional signaling. This is the first physiological evidence that tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels play a role in retinal information processing.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) maintain during the first few culture passages a set of epigenetic marks and metabolites characteristic of their somatic cell of origin, a concept defined as epigenetic donor memory. These residual somatic features are lost over time after extensive culture passaging. Therefore, epigenetic donor memory may be responsible for the higher differentiation efficiency toward the tissue of origin observed in low passage iPSCs versus high passage iPSC or iPSCs derived from a different tissue source. Remarkably, there are no studies on the relevance of microRNA (miRNA) memory following reprogramming, despite the established role of these molecules in the context of pluripotency and differentiation. Using hematopoietic progenitors cells as a model, we demonstrated that miRNAs play a central role in somatic memory retention in iPSCs. Moreover, the comparison of the miRNA expression profiles among iPSCs from different sources allowed for the detection of a set of candidate miRNAs responsible for the higher differentiation efficiency rates toward blood progenitors observed in low passage iPSCs. Combining bioinformatic predictive algorithms with biological target validation, we identified miR-155 as a key player for the in vitro differentiation of iPSC toward hematopoietic progenitors. In summary, this study reveals that during the initial passages following reprogramming, iPSCs maintained the expression of a miRNA set exclusive to the original somatic population. Hence the use of these miRNAs might hold a direct application toward our understanding of the differentiation process of iPSCs toward hematopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is an intracellular pathogen that can survive and replicate within macrophages. One of the host defense mechanisms that Salmonella encounters during infection is the production of reactive oxygen species by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. Among them, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can diffuse across bacterial membranes and damage biomolecules. Genome analysis allowed us to identify five genes encoding H2O2 degrading enzymes: three catalases (KatE, KatG, and KatN) and two alkyl hydroperoxide reductases (AhpC and TsaA). Inactivation of the five cognate structural genes yielded the HpxF mutant, which exhibited a high sensitivity to exogenous H2O2 and a severe survival defect within macrophages. When the phagocyte NADPH oxidase was inhibited, its proliferation index increased 3.7-fold. Moreover, the overexpression of katG or tsaA in the HpxF background was sufficient to confer a proliferation index similar to that of the wild type in macrophages and a resistance to millimolar H2O2 in rich medium. The HpxF mutant also showed an attenuated virulence in a mouse model. These data indicate that Salmonella catalases and alkyl hydroperoxide reductases are required to degrade H2O2 and contribute to the virulence. This enzymatic redundancy highlights the evolutionary strategies developed by bacterial pathogens to survive within hostile environments.Salmonella is a facultative intracellular pathogen that is associated with gastroenteritis, septicemia, and typhoid fever. This gram-negative bacterium survives and replicates in macrophages during the course of infection and can be exposed to a number of stressful environments during its life cycle (16). One of the host defense mechanisms that Salmonella encounters upon infection is the production of superoxide anion O2 by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase (1, 25). This radical can pass the outer membrane of the bacteria and represents one of the major weapons used by the macrophage to kill engulfed pathogens (18). Evidence that phagocyte-produced superoxide is a key mechanism for avoiding Salmonella infection is clear: mice and humans who are genetically defective in superoxide production are significantly more susceptible to infection (36, 38). Superoxide dismutases, located in the bacterial periplasm and in the cytoplasm, dismutate superoxide O2 to hydrogen peroxide H2O2 and molecular oxygen. Unlike superoxide, hydrogen peroxide can diffuse readily across bacterial membranes and form HO hydroxyl radicals in the presence of Fe(II) (18). These reactive oxygen species (ROS) can oxidize and damage proteins, nucleic acids, and cell membranes.To scavenge and degrade H2O2 molecules generated either as a by-product of aerobic metabolism or by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase, Salmonella has evolved numerous defense mechanisms. The KatE and KatG catalases are involved in H2O2 degradation, with katE being described as a member of the RpoS regulon (17, 22) and katG being OxyR dependent (26, 39). Both enzymes share the ability to reduce hydrogen peroxide to water and molecular oxygen, and their role was shown to be predominant at millimolar concentrations of H2O2 since they do not require any reductant (32). This observation is of particular importance, since these enzymes are not limited by the availability of a reductant, such as NADH, which cannot be generated fast enough to face a burst of H2O2. However, the katG and katE simple mutants, as well as the katE katG double mutant, did not show any increased susceptibility in macrophage or virulence attenuation in mice (5, 27). A possible reason could be the presence of a third nonheme and manganese-dependent catalase called KatN (30). This enzyme may contribute to hydrogen peroxide resistance under certain environmental conditions, but its involvement in virulence remains unknown. Moreover, katE, katG, and katN single mutants did not show any susceptibility to exogenous millimolar H2O2, essentially due to the compensatory function of the remaining catalases (5, 30).Another family of enzymes was shown to play an alternative role in H2O2 scavenging: the alkyl hydroperoxide reductases. These proteins directly convert organic hydroperoxides to alcohols, e.g., hydrogen peroxide to water. The alkyl hydroperoxide reductase AhpC belongs to the two-cysteine peroxiredoxin family, and the gene encoding this enzyme was identified as a member of the OxyR regulon (26, 39). The redox system consists of two proteins, AhpC and AhpF, with the latter being a thioredoxin reductase-like protein that contains two disulfide centers and transfers electrons from NADH to AhpC (13). AhpC was shown to be a predominant scavenger at low concentrations of H2O2, mainly because its catalytic efficiency was better than those of catalases (32). Recently the alkyl hydroperoxide reductase from Helicobacter hepaticus, TsaA (Thiol-Specific Antioxidant), was characterized (24). The tsaA mutant was found to be more sensitive to oxidizing agents like superoxide anion or t-butyl hydroperoxide. Surprisingly, this mutant was more resistant than the wild-type to H2O2, essentially because the level of catalase was increased in this background (24). In gastric pathogens, TsaA plays a critical role in the defense against oxygen toxicity that is essential for survival and growth (2). Interestingly, Salmonella contains two genes encoding alkyl hydroperoxide reductases, ahpC and tsaA, whereas a single copy was found in Escherichia coli (ahpC) or in Helicobacter pylori (tsaA).The redundancy of these antioxidant proteins could explain the extremely high resistance of Salmonella to hydrogen peroxide. It has been shown by Imlay and coworkers that in E. coli, three genes were involved in H2O2 scavenging: two catalase genes (katE and katG) and an alkyl hydroperoxide reductase gene (ahpC) (32). Simultaneous inactivation of the katE, katG, and ahpCF genes negated H2O2 degradation. As a consequence, this triple mutant, called the Hpx mutant, accumulates intracellular H2O2 (32). Moreover, H2O2 generated by aerobic metabolism was found to be sufficient to create toxic levels of DNA damage in such a background (28). In the present study, we deleted the Salmonella katE, katG, and ahpCF genes and two more genes absent in E. coli, katN and tsaA, to obtain the HpxF mutant, which lacks three catalases and two alkyl hydroperoxide reductases. HpxF cells exhibited the incapacity to degrade micromolar concentrations of H2O2, whereas this phenotype was not observed for the Kat (katE katG katN) and Ahp (ahpCF tsaA) mutants. Therefore, the HpxF mutant exhibited a high sensitivity to this compound. Moreover, this mutant did not show any proliferation within macrophages and presented reduced virulence in mice, suggesting that Salmonella catalases and alkyl hydroperoxide reductases form a redundant antioxidant arsenal essential for survival and replication within host cells.  相似文献   

Analysing the pathogenic mechanisms of a bacterium requires an understanding of the composition of the bacterial cell surface. The bacterial surface provides the first barrier against innate immune mechanisms as well as mediating attachment to cells/surfaces to resist clearance. We utilised a series of Klebsiella pneumoniae mutants in which the two major polysaccharide layers, capsule and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), were absent or truncated, to investigate the ability of these layers to protect against innate immune mechanisms and to associate with eukaryotic cells. The capsule alone was found to be essential for resistance to complement mediated killing while both capsule and LPS were involved in cell-association, albeit through different mechanisms. The capsule impeded cell-association while the LPS saccharides increased cell-association in a non-specific manner. The electrohydrodynamic characteristics of the strains suggested the differing interaction of each bacterial strain with eukaryotic cells could be partly explained by the charge density displayed by the outermost polysaccharide layer. This highlights the importance of considering not only specific adhesin:ligand interactions commonly studied in adherence assays but also the initial non-specific interactions governed largely by the electrostatic interaction forces.  相似文献   

Arenaviruses merit significant attention both as tractable model systems to study acute and persistent viral infections, and as clinically important human pathogens. Evidence indicates that LCMV remains present in the USA and Europe and capable of causing significant morbidity in infected individuals, likely being a neglected human pathogen. Moreover, new arenaviruses are being discovered in the Americas on the average of one every three years, with some of them causing severe hemorrhagic fever. In addition, weaponized forms of these viruses pose a real threat as agents of bioterrorism. Therefore, it is important to develop effective vaccines and better antiviral drugs to combat the dual threats of naturally occurring and intentionally introduced Arenavirus infections. The development of arenavirus reverse genetic systems is allowing investigators to conduct a detailed molecular characterization of the viral cis-acting signals and trans-acting factors that control each of the steps of the Arenavirus life cycle, including RNA synthesis, packaging and budding. We will discuss how this new knowledge is facilitating the establishment of novel assays to identify and characterize compounds capable of interfering with specific steps of the virus life cycle. Likewise, the ability to generate predetermined specific mutations within the arenavirus genome, and analyze their phenotypic expression, would significantly contribute to the elucidation of arenavirus-host interactions, including the bases of their ability to persist, as well as to cause severe HF (hemorrhagic fever) disease in humans. These approaches could also lead to the development of novel potent and safe Arenavirus vaccines.  相似文献   


Cell entry by non-enveloped viruses requires translocation into the cytosol of a macromolecular complex—for double-strand RNA viruses, a complete subviral particle. We have used live-cell fluorescence imaging to follow rotavirus entry and penetration into the cytosol of its ∼700 Å inner capsid particle (“double-layered particle”, DLP). We label with distinct fluorescent tags the DLP and each of the two outer-layer proteins and track the fates of each species as the particles bind and enter BSC-1 cells. Virions attach to their glycolipid receptors in the host cell membrane and rapidly become inaccessible to externally added agents; most particles that release their DLP into the cytosol have done so by ∼10 minutes, as detected by rapid diffusional motion of the DLP away from residual outer-layer proteins. Electron microscopy shows images of particles at various stages of engulfment into tightly fitting membrane invaginations, consistent with the interpretation that rotavirus particles drive their own uptake. Electron cryotomography of membrane-bound virions also shows closely wrapped membrane. Combined with high resolution structural information about the viral components, these observations suggest a molecular model for membrane disruption and DLP penetration.  相似文献   

Human astroviruses (HAstV) are a frequent cause of gastroenteritis in young children and immunocompromised patients. To understand the early steps of HAstV infection in the highly permissive Caco-2 cell line, the binding and entry processes of the virus were characterized. The half-time of virus binding to the cell surface was about 10 min, while virus decapsidation took around 130 min. Drugs affecting clathrin-mediated endocytosis, endosome acidification, and actin filament polymerization, as well as those that reduce the presence of cholesterol in the cell membrane, decreased the infectivity of the virus. The infection was also reduced by silencing the expression of the clathrin heavy chain (CHC) by RNA interference or by overexpression of dominant-negative mutants of dynamin 2 and Eps15. Furthermore, the entry of HAstV apparently depends on the maturation of endosomes, since the infection was reduced by silencing the expression of Rab7, a small GTPase involved in the early- to late-endosome maturation. Altogether, our results suggest that HAstV enters Caco-2 cells using a clathrin-dependent pathway and reaches late endosomes to enter cells. Here, we have characterized the mechanism used by human astroviruses, important agents of gastroenteritis in children, to gain entry into their host cells. Using a combination of biochemical and genetic tools, we found that these viruses enter Caco-2 cells using a clathrin-dependent endocytic pathway, where they most likely need to travel to late endosomes to reach the cytoplasm and begin their replication cycle.  相似文献   

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  • •Quantitative proteomics analysis of cancer cell derived small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) reveals metastasis related proteins.
  • •HGF/c-Met signaling pathway is mainly activated by cancer cell-secreted sEVs-HGF.
  • •sEVs-HGF plays essential role in the metastasis of cancer cells.


Background and Objectives

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Latent Membrane Protein 1 (LMP1) is linked to a variety of malignancies including Hodgkin''s disease, lymphomas, nasopharyngeal and gastric carcinoma. LMP1 exerts its transforming or oncogenic activity mainly through the recruitment of intracellular adapters via LMP1 C-terminal Transformation Effector Sites (TES) 1 and 2. However, LMP1 is also reported to elicit significant cytotoxic effects in some other cell types. This cytotoxic effect is quite intriguing for an oncogenic protein, and it is unclear whether both functional aspects of the protein are related or mutually exclusive.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Using different ectopic expression systems in both Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells and human embryonic kidney HEK-293 cells, we observe that LMP1 ectopic expression massively induces cell death. Furthermore, we show that LMP1-induced cytotoxicity mainly implies LMP1 C-terminal transformation effector sites and TRADD recruitment. However, stable expression of LMP1 in the same cells, is found to be associated with an increase of cell survival and an acquisition of epithelial mesenchymal transition phenotype as evidenced by morphological modifications, increased cell mobility, increased expression of MMP9 and decreased expression of E-cadherin. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the cytotoxic and oncogenic effects of LMP1 are not mutually exclusive but may operate sequentially. We suggest that in a total cell population, cells resistant to LMP1-induced cytotoxicity are those that could take advantage of LMP1 oncogenic activity by integrating LMP1 signaling into the pre-existent signaling network. Our findings thus reconcile the apparent opposite apoptotic and oncogenic effects described for LMP1 and might reflect what actually happens on LMP1-induced cell transformation after EBV infection in patients.  相似文献   

Distal outgrowth and maturation of mesenchymalized endocardial cushions are critical morphogenetic events during post-EMT atrioventricular (AV) valvuloseptal morphogenesis. We explored the role of BMP-2 in the regulation of valvulogenic extracellular matrix (ECM) components, versican and hyaluronan (HA), and cell migration during post-EMT AV cushion distal outgrowth/expansion. We observed intense staining of versican and HA in AV cushion mesenchyme from the early cushion expansion stage, Hamburger and Hamilton (HH) stage-17 to the cushion maturation stage, HH stage-29 in the chick. Based on this expression pattern we examined the role of BMP-2 in regulating versican and HA using 3D AV cushion mesenchymal cell (CMC) aggregate cultures on hydrated collagen gels. BMP-2 induced versican expression and HA deposition as well as mRNA expression of versican and Has2 by CMCs in a dose dependent manner. Noggin, an antagonist of BMP, abolished BMP-2-induced versican and HA as well as mRNA expression of versican and Has2. We further examined whether BMP-2-promoted cell migration was associated with expression of versican and HA. BMP-2- promoted cell migration was significantly impaired by treatments with versican siRNA and HA oligomer. In conclusion, we provide evidence that BMP-2 induces expression of versican and HA by AV CMCs and that these ECM components contribute to BMP-2-induced CMC migration, indicating critical roles for BMP-2 in distal outgrowth/expansion of mesenchymalized AV cushions.  相似文献   

A simple method of measuring red cell sodium has shown that about 90% of thyrotoxic patients have values above the upper limit of the normal range. Patients taking 0·3 mg of L-thyroxine daily were found to have a significantly higher mean value for red cell sodium than that of the normal controls. It is suggested that patients taking this amount of thyroxine may be hypermetabolic. The determination of red cell sodium may prove useful as a measure of the peripheral action of thyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Infectious Cell Entry Mechanism of Influenza Virus   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Interaction between influenza virus WSN strain and MDCK cells was studied by using spin-labeled phospholipids and electron microscopy. Envelope fusion was negligibly small at neutral pH but greatly activated in acidic media in a narrow pH range around 5.0. The half-time was less than 1 min at 37°C at pH 5.0. Virus binding was almost independent of the pH. Endocytosis occurred with a half-time of about 7 min at 37°C at neutral pH, and about 50% of the initially bound virus was internalized after 1 h. Electron micrographs showed binding of virus particles in coated pits in the microvillous surface of plasma membrane and endocytosis into coated vesicles. Chloroquine inhibited virus replication. The inhibition occurred when the drug was added not later than 10 min after inoculation. Chloroquine caused an increase in the lysosomal pH 4.9 to 6.1. The drug did not affect virus binding, endocytosis, or envelope fusion at pH 5.0. Electron micrographs showed many virus particles remaining trapped inside vacuoles even after 30 min at 37°C in the presence of drug, in contrast to only a few particles after 10 min in vacuoles and secondary lysosomes in its absence. Virus replication in an artificial condition, i.e., brief exposure of the inoculum to acidic medium followed by incubation in neutral pH in the presence of chloroquine, was also observed. These results are discussed to provide a strong support for the infection mechanism of influenza virus proposed previously: virus uptake by endocytosis, fusion of the endocytosed vesicles with lysosome, and fusion of the virus envelope with the surrounding vesicle membrane in the secondary lysosome because of the low pH. This allows the viral genome to enter the target cell cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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