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Xenopus frogs have a prominent binocular field that develops as a consequence of the migration of the eyes during the remodeling of the head during and after metamorphosis. In the optic tectum, a topographic representation of the ipsilateral eye develops during this same period. It is relayed indirectly, via the nucleus isthmi. In the early stages of binocular development, the topographic matching of the ipsilateral input to the retinotectal input from the contralateral eye is largely governed by chemical cues, but the ultimate determinant of the ipsilateral map is binocular visual input. Visual input is such a dominant factor that abnormal visual input resulting from unilateral eye rotation can induce isthmotectal axons to alter their trajectories dramatically, even shifting their terminal zones from one pole of the tectum to the other. This plasticity normally is high only during a 3-4-month critical period of late tadpole-early juvenile life, but the critical period can be extended indefinitely by dark-rearing. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are involved in this process; plasticity can be blocked or promoted by chronic treatment with NMDA antagonists or agonists, respectively. Cholinergic nicotinic receptors on retinotectal axons are likely to play an essential role as well. Modifications in the polysialylation of neural cell adhesion molecule are correlated with the state of plasticity. The circuitry underlying binocular plasticity is not yet fully understood but has proved not to be a simple convergence of ipsilateral and contralateral inputs onto the same targets.  相似文献   

Each tectal lobe of Xenopus forgs receives two topographic maps, one via the ipsilateral eye and one via the contralateral eye. The alignment of the ipsilateral map with the contralateral map depends upon bincoular visual input during a critical period that extends from late tadpole to early juvenile stages. Rotation of one eye during the critical period leads to reorganization of the ipsilateral map, which eventually comes back into alignment with the contralateral map despite the abnormal eye position. The ipsilateral eye's map initially develops as if there had been no alteration in eye position; there is a delay of 4–6 weeks before reorganization can be detected by electrophysiological mapping. In this paper, the possible role of the NMDA receptor in the delay in reorganization is addressed. The degree of NMDA receptor activation may need to be above some threshold level to trigger reorganization. If NMDA receptor activation normally is below that level until after the first month postmetamorphosis, then exogenous NMDA might boost the process sufficiently to start the reorganization process sooner than usual. In order to test this possibility, the left eye of tadpoles was rotated and NMDA was applied to the right tectal lobe for 3–5 weeks, starting at 1 week postmetamorphosis. Electrophysiological mapping demonstrated that reorganization takes place more rapidly than in untreated forgs or frogs treated with vehicle only. This result is consistent with the interpretation that the activation of the NMDA receptor is a rate-limiting step in the activity-dependent matching of binocular maps in Xenopus tectum. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Binocular depth perception mechanisms in tongue-projecting salamanders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tongue-projecting salamanders (Bolitoglossini) combine extreme speed and high precision in prey capture. They possess all requirements for stereoscopic depth perception: frontally oriented eyes, a substantial amount of direct ipsilateral projection in addition to the contralateral one, and binocularly driven neurons. Extracellular recordings were made from retinal afferents in the tectum as well as from the somata of tectal neurons. RF-sizes of afferents and tectal neurons were determined, and the response properties of tectal neurons were tested under monocular and binocular conditions with stimuli of different size and velocity. While RF-sizes and response properties of binocular neurons during binocular and contralateral stimulation were similar, ipsilaterally stimulated neurons exhibited much smaller RFs, lower spike rates and different size preferences.Furthermore, the contralateral retinotectal projection from one eye and the ipsilateral from the other are in register. While retinal afferents are distributed linearly over the tectal surface, most tectal neurons are activated by a retinal area corresponding to the frontal visual field; this results in a magnification of this region. The two monocular receptive fields of binocular neurons exhibit zero disparities (horopter) at distances that coincide with the maximum reach of the tongue. We hypothesize that bolitoglossine salamanders (as well as amphibians in general) make use of two kinds of disparities: (1) between the maps in the left and right tectal hemisphere, coding for the lateral eccentricity of an object, and (2) between the ipsilateral and contralateral retinotectal map, coding for the distance. The presence of substantial direct ipsilateral afferents in bolitoglossine salamanders appears to be the basis for a fast computation of object distance, which is characteristic of these animals.Abbreviations Ax/Ay coordinates of a recorded afference - Nx/Ny coordinates of a recorded neuron - RF receptive field - RFc contralateral receptive field - RFi ipsilateral receptive field - RFx/RFy coordinates of a receptive field center - RGC retinal ganglion cell  相似文献   

Binocular vision requires an exquisite matching of projections from each eye to form a cohesive representation of the visual world. Eye-specific inputs are anatomically segregated, but in register in the visual thalamus, and overlap within the binocular region of primary visual cortex. Here, we show that the transmembrane protein Ten_m3 regulates the alignment of ipsilateral and contralateral projections. It is expressed in a gradient in the developing visual pathway, which is consistently highest in regions that represent dorsal visual field. Mice that lack Ten_m3 show profound abnormalities in mapping of ipsilateral, but not contralateral, projections, and exhibit pronounced deficits when performing visually mediated behavioural tasks. It is likely that the functional deficits arise from the interocular mismatch, because they are reversed by acute monocular inactivation. We conclude that Ten_m3 plays a key regulatory role in the development of aligned binocular maps, which are required for normal vision.  相似文献   

Binocular vision requires an exquisite matching of projections from each eye to form a cohesive representation of the visual world. Eye-specific inputs are anatomically segregated, but in register in the visual thalamus, and overlap within the binocular region of primary visual cortex. Here, we show that the transmembrane protein Ten_m3 regulates the alignment of ipsilateral and contralateral projections. It is expressed in a gradient in the developing visual pathway, which is consistently highest in regions that represent dorsal visual field. Mice that lack Ten_m3 show profound abnormalities in mapping of ipsilateral, but not contralateral, projections, and exhibit pronounced deficits when performing visually mediated behavioural tasks. It is likely that the functional deficits arise from the interocular mismatch, because they are reversed by acute monocular inactivation. We conclude that Ten_m3 plays a key regulatory role in the development of aligned binocular maps, which are required for normal vision.  相似文献   

The integration of multisensory information takes place in the optic tectum where visual and auditory/mechanosensory inputs converge and regulate motor outputs. The circuits that integrate multisensory information are poorly understood. In an effort to identify the basic components of a multisensory integrative circuit, we determined the projections of the mechanosensory input from the periphery to the optic tectum and compared their distribution to the retinotectal inputs in Xenopus laevis tadpoles using dye‐labeling methods. The peripheral ganglia of the lateral line system project to the ipsilateral hindbrain and the axons representing mechanosensory inputs along the anterior/posterior body axis are mapped along the ventrodorsal axis in the axon tract in the dorsal column of the hindbrain. Hindbrain neurons project axons to the contralateral optic tectum. The neurons from anterior and posterior hindbrain regions project axons to the dorsal and ventral tectum, respectively. While the retinotectal axons project to a superficial lamina in the tectal neuropil, the hindbrain axons project to a deep neuropil layer. Calcium imaging showed that multimodal inputs converge on tectal neurons. The layer‐specific projections of the hindbrain and retinal axons suggest a functional segregation of sensory inputs to proximal and distal tectal cell dendrites, respectively. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009  相似文献   

1. The tectum of Xenopus receives visuotopic input from both eyes. The contralateral eye's projection reaches the tectum directly, via the optic nerve. The ipsilateral eye's projection reaches the tectum indirectly, via the nucleus isthmi and isthmo-tectal projection. 2. Because of the multi-synaptic nature of the ipsilateral pathway, there is an inherent delay between the time that information from the contralateral eye reaches the tectum and the time that information from the ipsilateral eye arrives at the tectum. The length of the intertectal delay is a function of the latencies of the contralateral and ipsilateral pathways. 3. The length of this intertectal delay has functional, as well as developmental, implications with regard to the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in tectal cell activity and development of orderly synaptic connections. 4. We have found that the latencies of the contralateral and ipsilateral pathways exhibit a seasonal variation, increasing during the winter months. The increases of both latencies during the winter were of similar magnitude, indicating that there were no significant changes in intertectal delay. The seasonal alteration in contralateral latency was not affected by dark-rearing and was affected to only a minor extent by a week-long alteration of ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Eye-specific patches or stripes normally develop in the visual cortex and superior colliculus of many (but not all) mammals and are also formed, after surgically produced binocular innervation, in the optic tectum of fish and frogs. The segregation of ocular dominance patches or columns has been studied using a variety of anatomical pathway-tracing techniques, by electrophysiological recording of postsynaptic units or field potentials, and by the 2-deoxyglucose method following visual stimulation of only one eye. In the tectum of both fish and frogs and in the cortex and colliculus of mammals, eye-specific patches develop from initially diffuse, overlapping projections. Of the various mechanisms that might cause such segregation, the evidence favors an activity-dependent process that stabilizes synapses from the same eye because of their correlated activity. First, several environmental manipulations affect the segregation of afferents in visual cortex: strabismus and alternate monocular exposure apparently enhance segregation, whereas dark rearing slows the segregation process, and monocular deprivation causes the experienced eye to form larger patches at the expense of those of the deprived eye. Second, blocking activity in both eyes is effective in preventing the segregation both in the tectum of fish and frog and in the visual cortex of cat. With the eyes blocked, alternate stimulation of the optic nerves permits the segregation of ocular dominance, at least onto single cells in the cat visual cortex. These findings are discussed in terms of an activity-dependent stabilization of those synapses having correlated activity (those from neighboring ganglion cells within one eye) but not of those lacking correlated activity (those from left and right eyes). We suggest that the eye-specific patches represent a compromise between total segregation of the projections from the two eyes and the formation of a single continuous retinotopic map across the surface of the cortex or tectum.  相似文献   

The nucleus isthmi (NI) is the primary relay for the frog's ipsilateral visuotectal projection. Using electrophysiological methods, ipsilateral visuotectal activity has been recorded in thyroxine-treated, postmetamorphic axolotls but not in larval axolotls. In order to determine whether changes in isthmotectal projections are responsible for this change in electrophysiological responsiveness, we have investigated the connections between the tectum and the NI using horseradish peroxidase. Our results indicate that the axolotl's isthmotectal pathways are strikingly similar to those of the frog NI, and that the NI sends bilateral projections to the tecta in both larval and thyroxine-treated, postmetamorphic axolotls. Thus, the anatomical connections underlying the ipsilateral visuotectal projection are present during larval stages, despite the lack of electrophysiological evidence for the larval ipsilateral visuotectal projection. We hypothesize that thyroxine-induced metamorphosis produces changes in the terminal arborizations of the crossed isthmotectal projection which allow them to be detected by presynaptic electrophysiological techniques.  相似文献   

Summary Tongue-projecting plethodontid salamanders have massive direct ipsilateral retinal afferents to the tectum opticum as well as a large and well developed nucleus isthmi. Retrograde staining revealed two subnuclei: A ventral one projecting to the contralateral tectal hemisphere and a dorsal one projecting back to the ipsilateral side. The isthmic nuclei show a retinotopic organization, which is in register with that of the tectum. Electrophysiological recordings from nucleus-isthmi neurons revealed response properties that are very similar to those found in tectal neurons. Thus, there is no substantial processing of tectal neural activity in the nucleus isthmi. Measurements of peak latencies after electrical and light stimulation suggest the continuous coexistence of 4 representations of the visual field in the tectum mediated by (1) the contralateral and (2) the ipsilateral direct retinal afferents, (3) the uncrossed and (4) the crossed isthmo-tectal projection. (1) and (2) originate at the same moment in the retina and arrive simultaneously in the tectum. It is assumed that in plethodontid salamanders with massive ipsilateral retino-tectal projections depth perception based on disparity cues is achieved by comparison of these images.Representations mediated by (3) and (4) arriving in the tectum at the same time as (1) and (2) originate 10–30 ms earlier in the retina. It is hypothesized that these time differences between (1)/(2) and (3)/(4) are used to calculate three-dimensional trajectories of fast-moving prey objects.Abbreviations EL edge length - FDA fluoresceine dextranamine - RDA tetramethylrhodamine dextranamine - RF receptive field  相似文献   



Shortly after eye opening, initially disorganized visual cortex circuitry is rapidly refined to form smooth retinotopic maps. This process asymptotes long before adulthood, but it is unknown whether further refinement is possible. Prior work from our lab has shown that the retinotopic map of the non-dominant ipsilateral eye develops faster when the dominant contralateral eye is removed. We examined whether input from the contralateral eye might also limit the ultimate refinement of the ipsilateral eye retinotopic map in adults. In addition, we examined whether the increased refinement involved the recruitment of adjacent cortical area.

Methodology/Principal Findings

By surgically implanting a chronic optical window over visual cortex in mice, we repeatedly measured the degree of retinotopic map refinement using quantitative intrinsic signal optical imaging over four weeks. We removed the contralateral eye and observed that the retinotopic map for the ipsilateral eye was further refined and the maximum magnitude of response increased. However, these changes were not accompanied by an increase in the area of responsive cortex.


Since the retinotopic map was functionally refined to a greater degree without taking over adjacent cortical area, we conclude that input from the contralateral eye limits the normal refinement of visual cortical circuitry in mice. These findings suggest that the refinement capacity of cortical circuitry is normally saturated.  相似文献   

The left eye was removed from Stage 56 Xenopus tadpoles. Two to 9 months after metamorphosis, electrophysiologic analysis showed that the surviving (right) eye mediated a normal visual field projection to the left (contralateral) optic tectum. In addition, a peripheral region of the same retina innervated the entire right (ipsilateral) tectum. Primary evidence that indicates this anomalous ipsilateral projection was due to direct retina-to-tectum innervation comes from singleunit analysis, latency measurements, and tectal lesion studies. Thus, the peripheral retina simultaneously connected in much different patterns to the two optic tecta, solely on the basis of the presence (in the left tectum) or absence (in the right tectum) of central retinal fibers. This documents a role for fiber-fiber interaction (such as repulsion or competition) acting in combination with fiber-tectum interactions in the formation of the retinotectal map.  相似文献   

To study the adaptative capabilities of the retinotectal system in birds, the primordium of one optic tectum from 12-somite embryos of Japanese quail was transplanted either homotopically, to replace the ablated same primordium, or heterotopically, to replace the ablated dorsal diencephalon in White Leghorn chick embryos of the same stage. The quail nucleolar marker was used to recognize the transplants. The cytoarchitecture of the tecta and the retinal projections from the eye contralateral to the graft were studied on the 17th or 18th day of incubation in the chimeric embryos by autoradiographic or horseradish peroxidase tracing methods. Morphometric analysis was applied to evaluate the percentage of the tectal surface receiving optic projections. It was observed that: (i) quail mesencephalic alar plate can develop a fully laminated optic tectum even when transplanted heterotopically; (ii) retinal ganglion cells from the chick not only recognize the tectal neurons of the quail as their specific targets in homotopic grafts, but the optic fibers deviate to innervate the heterotopically grafted tectum; (iii) in the presence of a graft, the chick retina is unable to innervate a tectal surface of similar or larger size than that of the control tectum; (iv) tectal regions devoid of optic projections, whether formed by donor or by host cells, always present an atrophic lamination; (v) the diencephalic supernumerary optic tectum competes with and prevails over the host tectum as a target for optic fiber terminals.  相似文献   

Summary The retinal projections of the caecilian Ichthyophis kohtaoensis were investigated by anterograde transport of HRP. The optic tract forms two bundles in the diencephalon, a narrow medial bundle in the optic tectum, and a basal optic tract consisting of few fibres. Terminal fields are in the thalamus, pretectum, tectum, and as a circum-scribed basal optic neuropile in the tegmentum. Thalamic, pretectal and tectal projections are contralateral as well as ipsilateral. The reduced but existing visual projection corresponds to a reduced but existing visually guided behaviour.  相似文献   

The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands the ephrins play an essential role in the targeting of retinal ganglion cell axons to topographically correct locations in the optic tectum during visual system development. The African claw-toed frog Xenopus laevis is a popular animal model for the study of retinotectal development because of its amenability to live imaging and electrophysiology. Its visual system undergoes protracted growth continuing beyond metamorphosis, yet little is known about ephrin and Eph expression patterns beyond stage 39 when retinal axons first arrive in the tectum. We used alkaline phosphatase fusion proteins of EphA3, ephrin-A5, EphB2, and ephrin-B1 as affinity probes to reveal the expression patterns of ephrin-As, EphAs, ephrin-Bs, and EphBs, respectively. Analysis of brains from stage 40 to adult frog revealed that ephrins and Eph receptors are expressed throughout development. As observed in other species, staining for ephrin-As displayed a high caudal to low rostral expression pattern across the tectum, roughly complementary to the expression of EphAs. In contrast with the prevailing model, EphBs were found to be expressed in the tectum in a high dorsal to low ventral gradient in young animals. In animals with induced binocular tectal innervation, ocular dominance bands of alternating input from the two eyes formed in the tectum; however, ephrin-A and EphA expression patterns were unmodulated and similar to those in normal frogs, confirming that the segregation of axons into eye-specific stripes is not the consequence of a respecification of molecular guidance cues in the tectum.  相似文献   

The visual wulst of the zebra finch comprises at least two retinotopic maps of the contralateral eye. As yet, it is not known how much of the visual field is represented in the wulst neuronal maps, how the organization of the maps is related to the retinal architecture, and how information from the ipsilateral eye is involved in the activation of the wulst. Here, we have used autofluorescent flavoprotein imaging and classical anatomical methods to investigate such characteristics of the most posterior map of the multiple retinotopic representations. We found that the visual wulst can be activated by visual stimuli from a large part of the visual field of the contralateral eye. Horizontally, the visual field representation extended from -5° beyond the beak tip up to +125° laterally. Vertically, a small strip from -10° below to about +25° above the horizon activated the visual wulst. Although retinal ganglion cells had a much higher density around the fovea and along a strip extending from the fovea towards the beak tip, these areas were not overrepresented in the wulst map. The wulst area activated from the foveal region of the ipsilateral eye, overlapped substantially with the middle of the three contralaterally activated regions in the visual wulst, and partially with the other two. Visual wulst activity evoked by stimulation of the frontal visual field was stronger with contralateral than with binocular stimulation. This confirms earlier electrophysiological studies indicating an inhibitory influence of the activation of the ipsilateral eye on wulst activity elicited by stimulating the contralateral eye. The lack of a foveal overrepresentation suggests that identification of objects may not be the primary task of the zebra finch visual wulst. Instead, this brain area may be involved in the processing of visual information necessary for spatial orientation.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the retinofugal projections in 14 species of plethodontid salamanders by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique revealed almost identical contralateral projections. In all species studied three optic tracts were found. Behind the chiasma opticum the basal optic tract runs to the peduncle region, there forming the basal optic neuropil. The marginal optic tract courses from the chiasma over the thalamus to the tectum opticum where it covers the entire surface. In the anterior thalamus the marginal optic tract innervates the neuropil Bellonci-pars lateralis and the corpus geniculatum thalamicum, and more caudally the neuropil posterior thalami. The medial optic tract supplies the neuropil Bellonci-pars lateralis and pars medialis in the anterior thalamus from where it runs medial to the marginal optic tract as a separate tract to the uncinate field in the posterior thalamus.The ipsilateral projections show differences among the species studied, although the global organization remains constant. The differences mainly concern the marginal optic tract which varies from being weakly labeled and restricted to the rostral part of the tectum opticum, to being heavily labeled and innervating the entire tectum to its caudal edge. Species with the heaviest ipsilateral projections all belong to the plethodontid tribe Bolitoglossini, all of which show direct development, a highly projectile tongue, rather frontally oriented eyes and excellent depth perception. In these species the thalamic ipsilateral projection areas are equal in size and shape to the contralateral one. The ipsilateral projections to the tectum show two distinct layers, a superficial and a deep one, which intermingle with the contralateral projections. The two other ipsilateral tracts do not differ significantly among the plethodontid species: the medial optic tract is always heavily and the basal optic tract always weakly labeled.  相似文献   

Retinotectal projection is precisely organized in a retinotopic manner. In normal projection, temporal retinal axons project to the rostral part of the tectum, and nasal axons to the caudal part of the tectum. The two-dimensional relationship between the retina and the tectum offers a useful experimental system for analysis of neuronal target recognition. We carried out rotation of the tectal primordium in birds at an early stage of development, around the 10-somite stage, to achieve a better understanding of the characteristics of target recognition, especially the rostrocaudal specificity of the tectum. Our results showed that temporal retinal axons projected to the rostral part of the rotated tectum, which was originally caudal, and that nasal axons projected to the caudal part of the rotated tectum, which was originally rostral. Therefore, the tectum that had been rotated at the 10-somite stage received normal topographic projection from the retinal ganglion cells. Rostrocaudal specificity of the tectum for target recognition is not determined by the 10-somite stage and is acquired through interactions between the tectal primordium and its surrounding structures.  相似文献   

Summary The retinal efferents of the catfish, Mystus vittatus, were investigated with the use of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. Most retinal fibres extended contralateral to the eye that had received HRP label, while a few fascicles projected to the ipsilateral side without decussation in the optic chiasma. The contralateral fibres projected to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the nucleus opticus dorsolateralis, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pretectal nuclear complex, and to two layers of the optic tectum, i.e., stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale and stratum griseum centrale. The accessory optic tract arose from the inner area of the optic tract and extended ventromedially to the accessory optic nucleus. The ipsilateral fascicles projected to almost all the above mentioned nuclei, but these projections were comparatively sparse. The ipsilateral retinal projection was restricted to the rostral tectum.  相似文献   

Pax genes play a pivotal role in development of the vertebrate visual system. Pax6 is the master control gene for eye development: ectopic expression of Pax6 in Xenopus laevis and Drosphila melanogaster leads to the formation of differentiated eyes on the legs or wings. Pax6 is involved in formation of ganglion cells of the retina, as well as cells of the lens, iris and cornea. In addition Pax6 may play a role in axon guidance in the visual system. Pax2 regulates differentiation of the optic disk through which retinal ganglion cell axons exit the eye. Furthermore, Pax2 plays a critical role in development of the optic chiasm and in the guidance of axons along the contralateral or ipsilateral tracts of the optic nerve to visual targets in the brain. During development Pax7 is expressed in neuronal cells of one of the major visual targets in the brain, the optic tectum/superior colliculus. Neurons expressing Pax7 migrate towards the pia and concentrate in the stratum griseum superficiale (SGFS), the target site for retinal axons. Together, expression of Pax2, 6 and 7 may guide axons during formation of functional retinotectal/collicular projections. Highly regulated Pax gene expression is also observed in mature animals. Moreover, evidence suggests that Pax genes are important for regeneration of the visual system. We are currently investigating Pax gene expression in species that display a range of outcomes of optic nerve regeneration. We predict that such information will provide valuable insights for the induction of successful regeneration of the optic nerve and of other regions of the central nervous system in mammals including man.  相似文献   

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