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Gliotoxin, a fungistatic metabolic product of Trichoderma viride   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gliotoxin is shown to be a metabolic product of Trichoderma viride , and a semi-continuous apparatus for its production is described. Ammonia nitrogen is preferable to nitrate nitrogen, but a wide range of carbon sources, and organic or inorganic sulphur sources, are suitable for gliotoxin production. No organic supplements to a glucose-mineral medium have been found to affect gliotoxin production beneficially.
Data are presented showing gliotoxin to be moderately toxic to a wide range of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. T. viride itself is resistant to its toxic effects. It shows fungicidal activity when applied as a dust to cereal seeds bearing various seed-borne diseases, but is inferior to organomercury compounds for this purpose. Its value as a fungicide for control of plant or animal infections is reduced by the instability of aqueous solutions, except at low p H.  相似文献   

From in vitro and in vivo screening tests for antagonism by isolates of Trichoderma against postharvest pathogens of yams (Dioscorea spp.), an isolate of Trichoderma viride Pers. ex S.F. Gray was selected as the most promising candidate for the biocontrol of postharvest rot of yams. Inoculation of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) with conidiaspores of T. viride and subsequent storage of the tubers under the ambient environment conditions of a traditional yam barn, resulted in a drastic reduction in the frequency of occurrence of the normal tuber surface mycoflora over a 4‐month (December‐April) storage period. Trichoderma viride on the other hand, maintained a high frequency of occurrence during the same period. Furthermore, whereas up to 52.0%) rot was found among groups of tubers that were artificially inoculated with the postharvest pathogens of yams, Aspergillus niger Van Tiegh., Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat. or Penicillium oxalicum Currie and Thom, and also the group that was not inoculated with any organism (control), among groups of tubers that were inoculated with T. viride the rot was either totally suppressed or only a low percentage of rot occurred. The significance of the findings is discussed in relation to yam storage especially by farmers with limited resources.  相似文献   

High yields of protoplasts from the 18-hr old mycelium of Trichoderma viride were obtained by using the lytic system, produced by Streptomyces venezuelae RA and Micromonospora chalcea grown on a synthetic medium containing laminarin and chitin, when 0.7 M MgSO4 or (NH4)2SO4 were used as osmotic stabilizers. Regeneration of these protoplasts occurred through the production of an abortive tube and direct germination of the protoplasts. Regeneration could also take place in the medium used to produce protoplasts, but the process was different in many details.  相似文献   

Plant-microbe interactions involve numerous regulatory systems essential for plant defense against pathogens. An ethylene-inducing xylanase (Eix) of Trichoderma viride is a potent elicitor of plant defense responses in specific cultivars of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). We demonstrate that tomato cyclopropyl isomerase (SlCPI), an enzyme involved in sterol biosynthesis, interacts with the LeEix2 receptor. Moreover, we examined the role of SlCPI in signaling during the LeEix/Eix defense response. We found that SlCPI is an important factor in the regulation of the induction of defense responses such as the hypersensitive response, ethylene biosynthesis, and the induction of pathogenesis-related protein expression in the case of LeEix/Eix. Our results also suggest that changes in the sterol composition reduce LeEix internalization, thereby attenuating the induction of plant defense responses.Plant innate immunity is activated upon the recognition of pathogen- and microbe-associated molecular patterns by surface-localized immune receptors or the stimulation of cytoplasmic immune receptors by pathogen effector proteins (Jones and Dangl, 2006; Thomma et al., 2011). Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor kinases and leucine-rich repeat receptor proteins (LRR-RLPs) respond to conserved microbe-associated molecular patterns by producing a defense response upon detection (Altenbach and Robatzek, 2007; Bittel and Robatzek, 2007; Robatzek et al., 2007; Geldner and Robatzek, 2008). One such LRR-RLP is the ethylene-inducing xylanase (Eix) receptor LeEix2. The fungal protein Eix (Dean et al., 1989) is a well-known protein elicitor of defense response reactions in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum; Bailey et al., 1990; Avni et al., 1994). Eix induces ethylene biosynthesis, extensive electrolyte leakage, pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the hypersensitive response (HR; Bailey et al., 1990; Ron et al., 2000). Eix was shown to specifically bind to the plasma membrane of responsive cultivars of both tomato and tobacco (Hanania and Avni, 1997). The response to Eix in tobacco and tomato cultivars is controlled by an LRR-RLP encoded by a single locus, termed LeEix (Ron and Avni, 2004). Previously, we showed that Eix triggers internalization of the LeEix2 receptor and its localization to endosomes (Bar and Avni, 2009).Endocytic processes and vesicular transport in general require the participation of membrane components that form transport vesicles with a capability to store and process a number of molecules known to participate in cell signaling (Anderson, 1993; Patel et al., 2008; Hansen and Nichols, 2010). Sterols are lipophilic membrane components that have many important functions in an array of eukaryotes. Changes in membrane-bound sterol levels and composition can have effects on the activity of membrane proteins and on signal transduction processes. The interaction between sterols and phospholipids forms microdomains termed lipid rafts (Simons and Ikonen, 1997). In response to cellular stimuli, lipid rafts can change the protein microenvironment, leading to the initiation of signaling cascades (Simons and Toomre, 2000; Mongrand et al., 2010; Simon-Plas et al., 2011). Sterols also provide precursors for the biosynthesis of steroid hormones such as mammalian estrogens and glucocorticoids and plant brassinosteroids (Bishop and Yokota, 2001; Benveniste, 2004; Suzuki and Muranaka, 2007). One of the enzymes involved in sterol biosynthesis is cyclopropyl isomerase (CPI; Lovato et al., 2000; Benveniste, 2004).A variety of endocytic pathways have been described in mammalian and fungal cells that differ mainly in the size, shape, and composition of endocytic vesicles and in the participation of different proteins (Conner and Schmid, 2003; Soldati and Schliwa, 2006). Cholesterol, the main mammalian sterol, has an important role in most internalization steps through both caveolae and clathrin-coated pits (Murata et al., 1995; Subtil et al., 1999). Cholesterol depletion alters endocytic structures and reduces the polar delivery of target proteins (Keller and Simons, 1998; Pichler and Riezman, 2004). Plant sterols are reported to be internalized into endosomes and distributed throughout the endocytic pathway in an actin-dependent manner (Grebe et al., 2003). The sterol endocytic pathway has been shown to interrupt the internalization, trafficking, and polar recycling of PIN2, an auxin efflux facilitator and polarity marker, in developing root epidermal cells of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Grebe et al., 2003; Men et al., 2008). Sterols were shown to function in the trafficking of an ATP-binding cassette (ABCB19) from the trans-Golgi to the plasma membrane (Yang et al., 2013).Here, we report the isolation of SlCPI, which interacts with the LeEix2 receptor. Modulating the expression or function of SlCPI affects the induction of plant defense responses mediated by Eix.  相似文献   

Starch industry wastewater was investigated to assess and improve its potential as a raw material for the conidia production of biocontrol fungi, Trichoderma viride. The wastewater was tested with and without supplements of glucose, soluble starch, meat peptone and probable conidiation inducer chemicals in shake flask culture. Addition of complex carbon source (soluble starch, 1% and 2% w/v) produced maximum conidia ( approximately 3.02 and 4.2 x 10(10)CFU/mL, respectively). On the other hand, glucose addition as a simpler carbon source was either ineffective or, reduced conidia production (from 1.6 x 10(8) in control to 3.0 x 10(7)CFU/mL in 5% w/v glucose supplement). Supplement of nitrogen source showed a small increase of conidia concentration. Propionic, maleic and humic acids, EDTA, pyridine, glycerol and CaCO(3) were examined as probable conidiation inducers and showed effect only on initial rate of conidiation with no increase in final conidia concentration. Intra and extracellular ATP correlation with spore production showed dependence on growth media used and conidia concentration at the end of fermentation. Addition of carbon and nitrogen sources showed an increase in protease activity (from 0.4985 to 2.43 IU/mL) and entomotoxicity (from 10448 to 12335 spruce budworm unit (SBU)/microL). Entomotoxicity was improved by 11% in fermenter over shake flask when starch industry wastewater was supplemented with meat peptone.  相似文献   

The glycosulphatase of Trichoderma viride   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The growth of the mould Trichoderma viride on a defined medium containing either potassium d-glucose 6-O-sulphate or potassium d-galactose 6-O-sulphate as sole sources of both carbon and sulphur is marked by the production of an enzyme system capable of liberating inorganic SO(4) (2-) ions from either of the sulphate esters. The enzyme is not produced when the organism is grown with glucose (or galactose) and potassium sulphate or with glucose and methionine as sole sources of carbon and sulphur. Experimental conditions are described whereby inorganic SO(4) (2-) ions liberated from potassium glucose 6-O-sulphate by the growing mould appear in the culture medium after a constant lag period of 21-24hr. The enzyme has been shown to be a simple glycosulphatase that is active towards the 6-O-sulphate esters of d-glucose and d-galactose but not towards potassium glucose 3-O-sulphate. The properties of the crude glycosulphatase show the enzyme to be appreciably different from analogous molluscan enzymes that can degrade monosaccharide sulphate esters.  相似文献   

Using ball milled cellulose as the only carbon source Trichoderma viride was grown in a continuous flow culture at pH = 5.0 and T = 30°C. Steady-state values for cell protein, cellulose, and cellulase for different substrate concentrations (4–11 g/liter) and dilution rates (0.033–0.080 hr?1) were obtained. Under steady-state conditions, 50–75% of the cellulose was consumed indicating a critical dilution rate on 0.17 hr?1. Cellulase activity (U/ml) in the fermentation broth increased slightly with increasing substrate concentration and decreased with increasing dilution rate, while the specific cellulase productivity (U/mg cell protein·hr) was fairly independent of the dilution rate, with a maximum around D = 0.05 hr?1. Following step changes in substrate concentration and dilution rate, new steady-state values were reached after three to five residence times (cell protein and cellulose) and four to six residence times (celullase activity).  相似文献   

Summary Trichoderma viride was found to be parasitic on three species of Aspergillus. The mycoparasitism was characterized by frequent coiling, penetration and hyphal growth of the parasite inside the conidiophores of Aspergillus. The volatile and non-volatile metabolites ofT. viride, more or less, inhibited radial growth of all the testAspergillus spp.  相似文献   

绿色木霉代谢产物的植物毒性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过人工固体培养和液体发酵研究发现绿色木霉的代谢产物对植物的幼苗生长有抑制作用,其代谢产物大量分泌到它所生长的环境中,在不同的营养基质中其代谢产物的抑制作用有差异.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of copper by Trichoderma viride   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Studies were carried out on interaction of Trichoderma viride with copper and reports bioaccumulation as a mechanism of copper tolerance during growth. There was a marked increase in the lag phase of the growth, which was concentration dependent. At a concentration of 100 mg/L of CuCl2.2H2O, 81% of Cu(II) were removed by 3.4 g/L of the biomass in 72 h. The process was temperature and pH dependent. The maximum copper bioaccumulation occurred at 30 degrees C, pH 5.0. Metabolic inhibitors such as sodium azide (NaN3) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) drastically reduced the extent of Cu(II) bioaccumulation. Electron microscopy and cell fractionation studies revealed that 70-80% of copper was present as a layer on the cell wall surface.  相似文献   

Trichoderma viride spores applied in water to apparently uninjured skin of oranges do not cause lesions. Adding orange juice, rind extract, citric acid or orange essential oil did not influence infection. Oranges became infected only when the stem-end cuts or wounds deeper than 6 mm into oil vesicles were inoculated. Sound oranges in contact with decayed oranges did not become infected. Diphenyl-impregnated wrappers reduced infection. A mixed inoculum of T. viride and Penicillium digitatum caused as fast rotting as P. digitatum, which caused faster rotting than T. viride alone. Lesions infected with P. digitatum could become infected by T. viride but those caused by T. viride did not become infected by P. digitatum. T. viride was antagonistic to P. digitatum in vivo and in vitro, possibly because it produces a heat-labile diffusible substance toxic to P. digitatum.  相似文献   

Adsorption of cellulase from Trichoderma viride on cellulose   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The adsorption of cellulase from Trichoderma viride (Meicelase CEP) on the surface of pure cellulose was studied. The adsorption was found to obey apparently the Langmuir isotherm. From the data concering the effects of temperature and the crystallinity of cellulose on the Langmuir adsorption parameters, the characteristics of the adsorption of the individual cellulase components, namely CMCase (endoglucanase) and Avicelase (exoglucanase), were discussed. While beta-glucosidase also adsorbed on the surface of cellulose at 5 degrees C, it did not at 50 degrees C.  相似文献   

Enhanced Cellulase Production by a Mutant of Trichoderma viride   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A mutant strain that secretes twice as much cellulase as its parent was obtained by irradiating conidia of Trichoderma viride QM 6a with a linear accelerator.  相似文献   

Usukizyme, a commercial enzyme preparation from Trichoderma viride, showed multiple chitin- degrading activities. One of these was purified to homogeneity by sequential DEAE Sepharose CL-6B, Q-Sepharose FF, and Sephacryl S-100 HR column chromatographies. The purified enzyme showed optimum activity at pH 3.5 and 50 degrees -55 degrees C and was stable in the pH range of 3.5-6.0 and up to 45 degrees C. It showed higher activity toward chitosan-7B, a 62% deacetylated chitosan, as opposed to highly deacetylated chitosan substrates. Products of degradation of a 1% (w/v) solution of partially deacetylated chitin (PC-100) were purified on CM-Sephadex C-25 and analyzed by HPLC, exo-glycosidase digestion, and nitrous acid deamination. The enzyme was unable to split the GlcN-GlcN linkages in the substrate. It produced mainly (GlcNAc)(2) and (GlcNAc)(3) along with mixed oligosaccharides. When subjected to nitrous acid degradation, some of the mixed oligosaccharides produced mainly 2-deoxyglucitol, implying the presence of GlcN at the reducing end of the oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

An extracellular protein was isolated from a species of soil-borne fungi (Trichoderma viride) and its amino acid composition has been determined. The protein is acidic with a molecular mass of 14,200 daltons and is given the trivial name tricholin. Tricholin is a potent inhibitor of cell-free protein synthesis. When rabbit reticulocyte lysate was incubated with tricholin at a concentration of 6.3 x 10(-7) M, it completely abolished the capacity of the lysate to support protein synthesis. The inhibition appears to be due to its reaction to ribosomes, since it generates a specific cleavage product, an alpha-sarcin RNA fragment, from reticulocyte ribosomal RNA. This reaction to ribosomes mimics that of alpha-sarcin. The antibody of alpha-sarcin strongly cross-reacts with tricholin, while the antibody of tricholin shows a weak reaction with alpha-sarcin.  相似文献   

Cellulase Production by Trichoderma viride on Feedlot Waste   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Feedlot waste contains essentially all the necessary nutrients for batch fermentation with the fungus Trichoderma viride. The organism utilizes two-thirds of the carbohydrate in feedlot waste while elaborating cellulase in quantities comparable to commercial preparations. Essentially odor-free, the fermented waste contains all of the original nitrogen but has 24% less organic matter.  相似文献   

对绿色木霉接种到啤酒糟固态发酵产纤维素酶的培养基和培养条件进行优化,考察发酵物料起始含水量、发酵时间、起始pH值等发酵条件,以及啤酒糟培养基中添加麸皮、氮源种类对产酶的影响。结果表明,以啤酒糟为发酵基质接种绿色木霉生产纤维素酶是可行的。经单因素和正交试验获得最适固态发酵的培养条件为:起始pH 5~6,培养温度28~30℃,发酵4 d;最佳发酵培养基组合为:麸皮比例30%,培养基起始含水量50%,(NH4)2SO4添加量为2.0%~2.5%。  相似文献   

A doubling of cellulase production by Trichoderma viride (QM9414) is possible by increasing the cellulose concentration in the medium from 0.75 to 2%, increasing the nitrogen concentration, and controlling pH during growth. A four-to fivefold increase in β -glucosidase is found with the higher cellulose concentration. Culture filtrates from 2% cellulose cultures can reduce the hydrolysis time in a practical saccharification to one-half that required by culture filtrates from 0.75% cellulose cultures.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungi Trichoderma species produce extracellular cellulase. The current study was carried out to obtain an industrial strain with hyperproduction of cellulase. The wild-type strain, Trichoderma viride TL-124, was subjected to successive mutagenic treatments with UV irradiation, low-energy ion beam implantation, atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium discharge plasma (APNEDP), and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine to generate about 3000 mutants. Among these mutants, T. viride N879 strain exhibited the greatest relevant activity: 2.38-fold filter paper activity and 2.61-fold carboxymethyl cellulase, 2.18-fold beta-glucosidase, and 2.27-fold cellobiohydrolase activities, compared with the respective wild-type activities, under solid-state fermentation using the inexpensive raw material wheat straw as a substrate. This work represents the first application of APNEDP in eukaryotic microorganisms.  相似文献   

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