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The Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, which was introduced deliberately in Chile four decades ago for sport fishing and aquaculture, represents a rare example of a successful translocation of an anadromous Pacific salmon into the southern Hemisphere, offering a unique opportunity to examine the role of introduction history and genetic variability in invasion success. We used historical information and mitochondrial displacement loop sequences (D-loop) from seven colonized sites in Chile and Argentina and from native and naturalized Chinook salmon populations to determine population sources and to examine levels of genetic diversity associated with the invasion. The analysis revealed that the Chinook salmon invasion in Patagonia originated from multiple population sources from northwestern North America and New Zealand, and admixed in the invaded range generating genetically diverse populations. Genetic analyses further indicated that the colonization of new populations ahead of the invasion front appear to have occurred by noncontiguous dispersal. Dispersal patterns coincided with ocean circulation patterns dominated by the West Wind Drift and the Cape Horn Currents. We conclude that admixture following multiple introductions, as well as long-distance dispersal events may have facilitated the successful invasion and rapid dispersal of Chinook salmon into Patagonia.  相似文献   

Life history variability includes phenotypic variation in morphology, age, and size at key stage transitions and arises from genotypic, environmental, and genotype-by-environment effects. Life history variation contributes to population abundance, productivity, and resilience, and management units often reflect life history classes. Recent evidence suggests that past Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) classifications (e.g., ‘stream’ and ‘ocean’ types) are not distinct evolutionary lineages, do not capture the phenotypic variation present within or among populations, and are poorly aligned with underlying ecological and developmental processes. Here we review recently reported variation in juvenile Chinook salmon life history traits and provide a refined conceptual framework for understanding the causes and consequences of the observed variability. The review reveals a broad continuum of individual juvenile life history pathways, defined primarily by transitions among developmental stages and habitat types used during freshwater rearing and emigration. Life history types emerge from discontinuities in expressed pathways when viewed at the population scale. We synthesize recent research that examines how genetic, conditional, and environmental mechanisms likely influence Chinook salmon life history pathways. We suggest that threshold models hold promise for understanding how genetic and environmental factors influence juvenile salmon life history transitions. Operational life history classifications will likely differ regionally, but should benefit from an expanded lexicon that captures the temporally variable, multi-stage life history pathways that occur in many Chinook salmon populations. An increased mechanistic awareness of life history diversity, and how it affects population fitness and resilience, should improve management, conservation, and restoration of this iconic species.  相似文献   

Identifying the spatial distribution of genetic variation across the landscape is an essential step in informing species conservation. Comparison of closely related and geographically overlapping species can be particularly useful in cases where landscape may similarly influence genetic structure. Congruent patterns among species highlight the importance that landscape heterogeneity plays in determining genetic structure whereas contrasting patterns emphasize differences in species-specific ecology and life-history or the importance of species-specific adaptation to local environments. We examined the interacting roles of demography and adaptation in determining spatial genetic structure in two closely related and geographically overlapping species in a pristine environment. Using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci exhibiting both neutral and putative adaptive variation, we evaluated the genetic structure of sockeye salmon in the Copper River, Alaska; these data were compared to existing data for Chinook salmon from the same region. Overall, both species exhibited patterns of isolation by distance; the spatial distribution of populations largely determined the distribution of genetic variation across the landscape. Further, both species exhibited largely congruent patterns of within- and among-population genetic diversity, highlighting the role that landscape heterogeneity and historical processes play in determining spatial genetic structure. Potential adaptive differences among geographically proximate sockeye salmon populations were observed when high FST outlier SNPs were evaluated in a landscape genetics context. Results were evaluated in the context of conservation efforts with an emphasis on reproductive isolation, historical processes, and local adaptation.  相似文献   

Lacustrine sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) are listed as an endangered species in Japan despite little genetic information on their population structure. In order to clarify the genetic diversity and structure of Japanese populations for evaluating on the bottleneck effect and an endangered species, we analyzed the ND5 region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 45 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 640 lacustrine sockeye salmon in Japan and 80 anadromous sockeye salmon in Iliamna Lake of Alaska. The genetic diversity of the Japanese population in both mtDNA and SNPs was significantly less than that of the Iliamna Lake population. Moreover, all Japanese populations had SNP loci deviating from the HWE. In spite of low genetic diversity, the SNP analyses resulted that the Japanese population was significantly divided into three groups. These suggest that Japanese sockeye salmon populations should be protected as an endangered species and genetically disturbed by the hatchery program and transplantations.  相似文献   

The ecosystems supporting Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) are changing rapidly as a result of climate change and habitat alteration. Understanding how—and how consistently—salmon populations respond to changes at regional and watershed scales has major implications for fisheries management and habitat conservation. Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) populations across Alaska have declined over the past decade, resulting in fisheries closures and prolonged impacts to local communities. These declines are associated with large‐scale climate drivers, but uncertainty remains about the role of local conditions (e.g., precipitation, streamflow, and stream temperature) that vary among the watersheds where salmon spawn and rear. We estimated the effects of these and other environmental indicators on the productivity of 15 Chinook salmon populations in the Cook Inlet basin, southcentral Alaska, using a hierarchical Bayesian stock‐recruitment model. Salmon spawning during 2003–2007 produced 57% fewer recruits than the previous long‐term average, leading to declines in adult returns beginning in 2008. These declines were explained in part by density dependence, with reduced population productivity following years of high spawning abundance. Across all populations, productivity declined with increased precipitation during the fall spawning and early incubation period and increased with above‐average precipitation during juvenile rearing. Above‐average stream temperatures during spawning and rearing had variable effects, with negative relationships in many warmer streams and positive relationships in some colder streams. Productivity was also associated with regional indices of streamflow and ocean conditions, with high variability among populations. The cumulative effects of adverse conditions in freshwater, including high spawning abundance, heavy fall rains, and hot, dry summers may have contributed to the recent population declines across the region. Identifying both coherent and differential responses to environmental change underscores the importance of targeted, watershed‐specific monitoring and conservation efforts for maintaining resilient salmon runs in a warming world.  相似文献   

Migratory salmon transit estuary habitats on their way out to the ocean but this phase of their life cycle is more poorly understood than other phases. The estuaries of large river systems in particular may support many populations and several species of salmon that originate from throughout the upstream river. The Skeena River of British Columbia, Canada, is a large river system with high salmon population- and species-level diversity. The estuary of the Skeena River is under pressure from industrial development, with two gas liquefaction terminals and a potash loading facility in various stages of environmental review processes, providing motivation for understanding the usage of the estuary by juvenile salmon. We conducted a juvenile salmonid sampling program throughout the Skeena River estuary in 2007 and 2013 to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of different species and populations of salmon. We captured six species of juvenile anadromous salmonids throughout the estuary in both years, and found that areas proposed for development support some of the highest abundances of some species of salmon. Specifically, the highest abundances of sockeye (both years), Chinook in 2007, and coho salmon in 2013 were captured in areas proposed for development. For example, juvenile sockeye salmon were 2–8 times more abundant in the proposed development areas. Genetic stock assignment demonstrated that the Chinook salmon and most of the sockeye salmon that were captured originated from throughout the Skeena watershed, while some sockeye salmon came from the Nass, Stikine, Southeast Alaska, and coastal systems on the northern and central coasts of British Columbia. These fish support extensive commercial, recreational, and First Nations fisheries throughout the Skeena River and beyond. Our results demonstrate that estuary habitats integrate species and population diversity of salmon, and that if proposed development negatively affects the salmon populations that use the estuary, then numerous fisheries would also be negatively affected.  相似文献   

Response diversity and asynchrony are important for stability and resilience of meta‐populations, however little is known about the mechanisms that might drive such processes. In salmon populations, response diversity and asynchrony have been linked to the stability of their meta‐populations and the fisheries that integrate across them. We examined how population diversity influenced response diversity and asynchrony in 42 populations of Chinook salmon from the Fraser River, British Columbia. We examined diversity in the survival responses to large‐scale ocean climate variables for populations that differed in life history. Different life‐histories responded differently to ocean environmental conditions. For instance, an increase of offshore temperature was associated with decreased survival for a population with ocean rearing juveniles but increased survival for a population with stream rearing juveniles. In a second analysis, we examined asynchrony in abundance between populations, which we then correlated with life history, spatial, and genetic diversity. Populations that were more genetically distant had the most different population dynamics. Collectively, these results suggest that fine‐scale population diversity can contribute to the asynchrony and response diversity that underpins the stability of fisheries or metapopulation dynamics, and emphasize the need to manage and conserve this scale of population diversity.  相似文献   

About 31% of salmon harvested in Alaska comes from the hatchery production of hundreds of millions of pink and chum salmon and smaller numbers of sockeye, Chinook, and coho salmon. The numbers of hatchery-reared juveniles released in some areas are greater than the numbers of juveniles from wild populations. However, virtually nothing is known about the effects of hatchery fish on wild populations in Alaska. Possible effects of these interactions can be inferred from studies of salmonids in other areas, from studies of other animals, and from theory. Numerous studies show a complex relationship between the genetic architecture of a population and its environment. Adaptive responses to nature and anthropogenic selection can be influenced by variation at a single gene, or more often, by the additive effects of several genes. Studies of salmonids in other areas show that hatchery practices can lead to the loss of genetic diversity, to shifts in adult run timing and earlier maturity, to increases in parasite load, to increases in straying, to altered levels of boldness and dominance, to shifts in juvenile out-migration timing, and to changes in growth. Controlled experiments across generations show, and theory predicts, that the loss of adaptive fitness in hatchery salmon, relative to fitness in wild salmon, can occur on a remarkably short time scale. All of these changes can influence survival and impose selective regimes that influence genetically based adaptive traits. The preservation of adaptive potential in wild populations is an important buffer against diseases and climate variability and, hence, should be considered in planning hatchery production levels and release locations. The protection of wild populations is the foundation for achieving sustained harvests of salmon in Alaska.  相似文献   

We evaluated reproductive isolation of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) life history types that have been reintroduced to northern Idaho, USA. Analysis of 1003 samples at six microsatellite loci revealed strong reproductive isolation between ocean- and stream-type Chinook salmon (fall and summer spawn timing, respectively) within the Clearwater River sub-basin (F ST = 0.148, P < 0.00001). Very little evidence for gene flow among the two life history types was observed as assignment tests correctly assigned 99.6% of individuals in reference collections to either ocean- and steam-type Chinook salmon. Assignment of naturally reared juveniles indicated that both life history types were present with 24.1% stream-type and 75.9% ocean-type. Previous studies suggest high levels of divergence among the two life history types in natural populations, and our study verifies the persistence of reproductive isolation among types following colonization of habitat. Successful colonization of new habitat by (re)introduced species is likely influenced by diversity in life history types and this strategy has lead to naturally spawning populations in a variety of available habitats in the Clearwater River. As many populations of O. tshawytscha are listed as threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, hope for recovery lies not only in effective management and habitat improvement, but adaptability of this species.  相似文献   


Population declines and demographic changes of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), have been documented throughout this species’ range, though information on natural and anthropogenic mechanisms related to these changes are not fully understood. To provide insights into marine behaviors and survival of Chinook salmon, 40 pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs), that collected environmental data, were attached to large (69–100 cm FL) Chinook salmon caught in the marine waters of Cook Inlet, Alaska. PSATs provided evidence of predation on tagged Chinook salmon by ectothermic and unconfirmed predators, and provided valuable information about the migratory characteristics and occupied depths and temperatures of this species while occupying Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. The results from this study suggest that late-marine mortality of Chinook salmon of a variety of stock-origins by apex predators is more common in Cook Inlet than previously thought, and may be used to improve our understanding this species’ population dynamics. Furthermore, results from this study adds to the existing knowledge of marine habitat use by Chinook Salmon and may be useful in assessing the vulnerability and interactions between this species and anthropogenic activities.


The genetic diversity of anadromous and freshwater Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) populations from north-west Russia and other north European locations was compared using microsatellite variation to evaluate the importance of anadromous migration, population size and population glacial history in determining population genetic diversity and divergence. In anadromous Atlantic salmon populations, the level of genetic diversity was significantly higher and the level of population divergence was significantly lower than among the freshwater Atlantic salmon populations, even after correcting for differences in stock size. The phylogeographic origin of the populations also had a significant effect on the genetic diversity characteristics of populations: anadromous populations from the basins of the Atlantic Ocean, White Sea and Barents Sea possessed higher levels of genetic diversity than anadromous populations from the Baltic Sea basin. Among the freshwater populations, the result was the opposite: the Baltic freshwater populations were more variable. The results of this study imply that differences in the level of long-term gene flow between freshwater populations and anadromous populations have led to different levels of genetic diversity, which was also evidenced by the hierarchical analysis of molecular variance. Furthermore, the results emphasize the importance of taking the life history of a population into consideration when developing conservation strategies: due to the limited possibilities for new genetic diversity to be generated via gene flow, it is expected that freshwater Atlantic salmon populations would be more vulnerable to extinction following a population crash. Hence, high conservation status is warranted in order to ensure the long-term survival of the limited number of European populations with this life-history strategy.  相似文献   

Genetics data have provided unprecedented insights into evolutionary aspects of colonization by non‐native populations. Yet, our understanding of how artificial (human‐mediated) and natural dispersal pathways of non‐native individuals influence genetic metrics, evolution of genetic structure, and admixture remains elusive. We capitalize on the widespread colonization of Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in South America, mediated by both dispersal pathways, to address these issues using data from a panel of polymorphic SNPs. First, genetic diversity and the number of effective breeders (Nb) were higher among artificial than natural populations. Contemporary gene flow was common between adjacent artificial and natural and adjacent natural populations, but uncommon between geographically distant populations. Second, genetic structure revealed four distinct clusters throughout the Chinook salmon distributional range with varying levels of genetic connectivity. Isolation by distance resulted from weak differentiation between adjacent artificial and natural and between natural populations, with strong differentiation between distant Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean populations, which experienced strong genetic drift. Third, genetic mixture analyses revealed the presence of at least six donor geographic regions from North America, some of which likely hybridized as a result of multiple introductions. Relative propagule pressure or the proportion of Chinook salmon propagules introduced from various geographic regions according to government records significantly influenced genetic mixtures for two of three artificial populations. Our findings support a model of colonization in which high‐diversity artificial populations established first; some of these populations exhibited significant admixture resulting from propagule pressure. Low‐diversity natural populations were likely subsequently founded from a reduced number of individuals.  相似文献   

The variability of 45 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci was studied in nine samples of the sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka from the rivers of southwestern Kamchatka. The Wahlund effect, gametic disequilibrium at some loci, and a decrease in interpopulation genetic diversity indices observed in samples from the Bolshaya River outlet can be attributed to the samples’ heterogeneity. Partitioning of the mixed samples using some biological characteristics of the individuals led to a noticeable decrease in the frequency of these phenomena. It was demonstrated that the allelic diversity between the populations within the river accounted for the larger part of genetic variation, as compared to the differentiation between the basins. The SNP loci responsible for intra- and interpopulation differentiation of sockeye salmon from the rivers of southwestern Kamchatka were identified. Some recommendations for field population genetic studies of Asian sockeye salmon were formulated.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) have been central to the development of management concepts associated with evolutionarily significant units (ESUs), yet there are still relatively few studies of genetic diversity within threatened and endangered ESUs for salmon or other species. We analyzed genetic variation at 10 microsatellite loci to evaluate spatial population structure and genetic variability in indigenous Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) across a large wilderness basin within a Snake River ESU. Despite dramatic 20th century declines in abundance, these populations retained robust levels of genetic variability. No significant genetic bottlenecks were found, although the bottleneck metric (M ratio) was significantly correlated with average population size and variability. Weak but significant genetic structure existed among tributaries despite evidence of high levels of gene flow, with the strongest genetic differentiation mirroring the physical segregation of fish from two sub-basins. Despite the more recent colonization of one sub-basin and differences between sub-basins in the natural level of fragmentation, gene diversity and genetic differentiation were similar between sub-basins. Various factors, such as the (unknown) genetic contribution of precocial males, genetic compensation, lack of hatchery influence, and high levels of current gene flow may have contributed to the persistence of genetic variability in this system in spite of historical declines. This unique study of indigenous Chinook salmon underscores the importance of maintaining natural populations in interconnected and complex habitats to minimize losses of genetic diversity within ESUs.  相似文献   

Upper Columbia River spring-run Chinook salmon are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Forensic genetic analyses are needed to assist the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement (NOAA Fisheries OLE) during criminal investigations of ESA take violations. Previous genetic studies using allozyme markers have demonstrated that the spring-run and summer-run of Chinook salmon in the Upper Columbia River are genetically differentiated. Because many of the carcasses collected as forensic evidence are of compromised quality, we have developed a PCR based assay to distinguish between the spring-run and the summer-run Chinook salmon in the upper Columbia River Basin. A total of 347 Chinook salmon samples from the upper Columbia River in Washington State were surveyed for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using PCR-RFLP at two nuclear genetic loci (Somatolactin and Cytochrome p450A), and a mitochondrial locus (Cytochrome Oxidase III/ND3). We found near fixed differences in our SNP baseline between the summer-run and the spring-run Chinook salmon in the upper Columbia River at these loci enabling us to assign individuals to the most likely population of origin with a high degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

Lin JE  Hilborn R  Quinn TP  Hauser L 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(23):4925-4937
Small populations can provide insights into ecological and evolutionary aspects of species distributions over space and time. In the Wood River system in Alaska, USA, small aggregates of Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and chum salmon (O. keta) spawn in an area dominated by sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Our objective was to determine whether these Chinook and chum salmon are reproductively isolated, self-sustaining populations, population sinks that produce returning adults but receive immigration, or strays from other systems that do not produce returning adults. DNA samples collected from adult chum salmon from 16 streams and Chinook salmon from four streams in the Wood River system over 3 years were compared to samples from large populations in the nearby Nushagak River system, a likely source of strays. For both species, microsatellite markers indicated no significant genetic differentiation between the two systems. Simulations of microsatellite data in a large source and a smaller sink population suggested that considerable immigration would be required to counteract the diverging effects of genetic drift and produce genetic distances as small as those observed, considering the small census sizes of the two species in the Wood River system. Thus, the Wood River system likely receives substantial immigration from neighbouring watersheds, such as the Nushagak River system, which supports highly productive runs. Although no data on population productivity in the Wood River system exist, our results suggest source-sink dynamics for the two species, a finding relevant to other systems where salmonid population sizes are limited by habitat factors.  相似文献   

An approach frequently used to demonstrate a genetic basis for population-level phenotypic differences is to employ common garden rearing designs, where observed differences are assumed to be attributable to primarily additive genetic effects. Here, in two common garden experiments, we employed factorial breeding designs between wild and domestic, and among wild populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). We measured the contribution of additive (V(A)) and maternal (V(M)) effects to the observed population differences for 17 life history and fitness-related traits. Our results show that, in general, maternal effects contribute more to phenotypic differences among populations than additive genetic effects. These results suggest that maternal effects are important in population phenotypic differentiation and also signify that the inclusion of the maternal source of variation is critical when employing models to test population differences in salmon, such as in local adaptation studies.  相似文献   



Anadromous migratory fish species such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) have significant economic, cultural and ecological importance, but present a complex case for management and conservation due to the range of their migration. Atlantic salmon exist in rivers across the North Atlantic, returning to their river of birth with a high degree of accuracy; however, despite continuing efforts and improvements in in-river conservation, they are in steep decline across their range. Salmon from rivers across Europe migrate along similar routes, where they have, historically, been subject to commercial netting. This mixed stock exploitation has the potential to devastate weak and declining populations where they are exploited indiscriminately. Despite various tagging and marking studies, the effect of marine exploitation and the marine element of the salmon lifecycle in general, remain the "black-box" of salmon management. In a number of Pacific salmonid species and in several regions within the range of the Atlantic salmon, genetic stock identification and mixed stock analysis have been used successfully to quantify exploitation rates and identify the natal origins of fish outside their home waters - to date this has not been attempted for Atlantic salmon in the south of their European range.


To facilitate mixed stock analysis (MSA) of Atlantic salmon, we have produced a baseline of genetic data for salmon populations originating from the largest rivers from Spain to northern Scotland, a region in which declines have been particularly marked. Using 12 microsatellites, 3,730 individual fish from 57 river catchments have been genotyped. Detailed patterns of population genetic diversity of Atlantic salmon at a sub-continent-wide level have been evaluated, demonstrating the existence of regional genetic signatures. Critically, these appear to be independent of more commonly recognised terrestrial biogeographical and political boundaries, allowing reporting regions to be defined. The implications of these results on the accuracy of MSA are evaluated and indicate that the success of MSA is not uniform across the range studied; our findings indicate large differences in the relative accuracy of stock composition estimates and MSA apportioning across the geographical range of the study, with a much higher degree of accuracy achieved when assigning and apportioning to populations in the south of the area studied. This result probably reflects the more genetically distinct nature of populations in the database from Spain, northwest France and southern England. Genetic stock identification has been undertaken and validation of the baseline microsatellite dataset with rod-and-line and estuary net fisheries of known origin has produced realistic estimates of stock composition at a regional scale.


This southern European database and supporting phylogeographic and mixed-stock analyses of net samples provide a unique tool for Atlantic salmon research and management, in both their natal rivers and the marine environment. However, the success of MSA is not uniform across the area studied, with large differences in the relative accuracy of stock composition estimates and MSA apportioning, with a much higher degree of accuracy achieved when assigning and apportioning to populations in the south of the region. More broadly, this study provides a basis for long-term salmon management across the region and confirms the value of this genetic approach for fisheries management of anadromous species.  相似文献   

Genetic stock identification (GSI) is an important tool in fisheries management. Microsatellites (μSATs) have been the dominant genetic marker for GSI; however, increasing availability and numerous advantages of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers make them an appealing alternative. We tested performance of 13 μSAT vs. 92 SNP loci in a fine-scale application of GSI, using a new baseline for Chinook salmon consisting of 49 collections (n = 4014) distributed across the Columbia River Basin. In GSI, baseline genotypes for both marker sets were used independently to analyse a real fishery mixture (n = 2731) representing the total run of Chinook salmon passing Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River. Marker sets were evaluated using three criteria: (i) ability to differentiate reporting groups, (ii) proportion of correct assignment in mixture simulation tests and baseline leave-one-out analyses and (iii) individual assignment and confidence intervals around estimated stock proportions of a real fishery mixture. The μSATs outperformed the SNPs in resolving fine-scale relationships, but all 105 markers combined provided greatest power for GSI. SNPs were ranked by relative information content based on both an iterative procedure that optimized correct assignment to the baseline and ranking by minor allele frequency. For both methods, we identified a subset of the top 50 ranked loci, which were similar in assignment accuracy, and both reached maximum available power of the total 92 SNP loci (correct assignment = 73%). Our estimates indicate that between 100 and 200 highly informative SNP loci are required to meet management standards (correct assignment > 90%) for resolving stocks in finer-scale GSI applications.  相似文献   

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