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Local adaptation is a dynamic process driven by selection that can vary both in space and time. One important temporal adaptation for migratory animals is the time at which individuals return to breeding sites. Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) are excellent subjects for studying the genetic basis of temporal adaptation because their high seasonal homing fidelity promotes reproductive isolation leading to the formation of local populations across diverse environments. We tested for adaptive genetic differentiation between seasonal runs of Chinook salmon using two candidate loci; the circadian rhythm gene, OtsClock1b, and Ots515NWFSC, a microsatellite locus showing sequence identity to three salmonid genes central to reproductive development. We found significant evidence for two genetically distinct migratory runs in the Feather River, California (OtsClock1b: F(ST)=0.042, P=0.02; Ots515NWFSC: F(ST)=0.058, P=0.003). In contrast, the fall and threatened spring runs are genetically homogenous based on neutral microsatellite data (F(ST)=-0.0002). Similarly, two temporally divergent migratory runs of Chinook salmon from New Zealand are genetically differentiated based on polymorphisms in the candidate loci (OtsClock1b: F(ST)=0.083, P-value=0.001; Ots515NWFSC: F(ST)=0.095, P-value=0.000). We used an individual-based assignment method to confirm that these recently diverged populations originated from a single source in California. Tests for selective neutrality indicate that OtsClock1b and Ots515NWFSC exhibit substantial departures from neutral expectations in both systems. The large F(ST )estimates could therefore be the result of directional selection. Evidence presented here suggests that OtsClock1b and Ots515NWFSC may influence migration and spawning timing of Chinook salmon in these river systems.  相似文献   

Effective conservation and management of migratory species requires accurate identification of unique populations, even as they mix along their migratory corridors. While telemetry has historically been used to study migratory animal movement and habitat use patterns, genomic tools are emerging as a superior alternative in many ways, allowing large‐scale application at reduced costs. Here, we demonstrate the usefulness of genomic resources for identifying single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that allow fast and accurate identification of the imperiled Chinook salmon in the Great Central Valley of California. We show that 80 well‐chosen loci, drawn from a pool of over 11,500 SNPs developed from restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing, can accurately identify Chinook salmon runs and select populations within run. No other SNP panel for Central Valley Chinook salmon has been able to achieve the high accuracy of assignment we show here. This panel will greatly improve our ability to study and manage this ecologically, economically, and socially important species and demonstrates the great utility of using genomics to study migratory species.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that growth in Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. is dependent on previous growth was tested using annual scale growth measurements of wild Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha returning to the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers, Alaska, from 1964 to 2004. First-year marine growth in individual O. tshawytscha was significantly correlated with growth in fresh water. Furthermore, growth during each of 3 or 4 years at sea was related to growth during the previous year. The magnitude of the growth response to the previous year's growth was greater when mean year-class growth during the previous year was relatively low. Length (eye to tail fork, L ETF) of adult O. tshawytscha was correlated with cumulative scale growth after the first year at sea. Adult L ETF was also weakly correlated with scale growth that occurred during freshwater residence 4 to 5 years earlier, indicating the importance of growth in fresh water. Positive growth response to previous growth in O. tshawytscha was probably related to piscivorous diet and foraging benefits of large body size. Faster growth among O. tshawytscha year classes that initially grew slowly may reflect high mortality in slow growing fish and subsequent compensatory growth in survivors. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in this study exhibited complex growth patterns showing a positive relationship with previous growth and a possible compensatory response to environmental factors affecting growth of the age class.  相似文献   

Each year salmon and other fishes are caught and used for supportive breeding programs that attempt to augment natural populations that are threatened with extinction. These programs typically mate individuals randomly and as such they overlook the importance of genetic quality to offspring fitness and ultimately to ensuring population health. Here, we use Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and a fully crossed quantitative genetic breeding design to partition genetic variance in offspring performance (growth and survival) to additive and non-additive genetic effects as well as maternal effects. We show that these three effects contribute about equally to the variation in survival, but only non-additive genetic and maternal effects contribute to variation in growth. Some of the genetic effects could be assigned to variation at the class IIB locus of the major histocompatibility complex, but the maternal effects were not associated with egg size and we found no relationship between dam phenotypic measures and offspring survival or growth. We also found no relationship between sire sexually selected characters and offspring survival or growth, which is inconsistent with a “good genes” hypothesis. Finally, we show that incorporation of genetic quality into supportive breeding programs can increase offspring growth or survival by between 3% and 19% during the endogenous feeding stage alone, and projections to adulthood suggest that survivorship could be over four fold higher. Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The ecosystems supporting Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) are changing rapidly as a result of climate change and habitat alteration. Understanding how—and how consistently—salmon populations respond to changes at regional and watershed scales has major implications for fisheries management and habitat conservation. Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) populations across Alaska have declined over the past decade, resulting in fisheries closures and prolonged impacts to local communities. These declines are associated with large‐scale climate drivers, but uncertainty remains about the role of local conditions (e.g., precipitation, streamflow, and stream temperature) that vary among the watersheds where salmon spawn and rear. We estimated the effects of these and other environmental indicators on the productivity of 15 Chinook salmon populations in the Cook Inlet basin, southcentral Alaska, using a hierarchical Bayesian stock‐recruitment model. Salmon spawning during 2003–2007 produced 57% fewer recruits than the previous long‐term average, leading to declines in adult returns beginning in 2008. These declines were explained in part by density dependence, with reduced population productivity following years of high spawning abundance. Across all populations, productivity declined with increased precipitation during the fall spawning and early incubation period and increased with above‐average precipitation during juvenile rearing. Above‐average stream temperatures during spawning and rearing had variable effects, with negative relationships in many warmer streams and positive relationships in some colder streams. Productivity was also associated with regional indices of streamflow and ocean conditions, with high variability among populations. The cumulative effects of adverse conditions in freshwater, including high spawning abundance, heavy fall rains, and hot, dry summers may have contributed to the recent population declines across the region. Identifying both coherent and differential responses to environmental change underscores the importance of targeted, watershed‐specific monitoring and conservation efforts for maintaining resilient salmon runs in a warming world.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was used to examine population genetic structure of adult chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, collected between 1988 and 1993 from 22 spawning locations in Southeast Alaska and northern British Columbia. Thirty-five loci and two pairs of isoloci were variable, and of these, 25 loci and one pair of isoloci expressed the most abundant allele with a frequency of less than or equal to 0.95 in at least one collection. A neighbor-joining (NJ) tree of genetic distances defined five regional groups: (1) King Salmon River (the only island collection), which has large allelic frequency differences from other populations in this study; (2) heterogeneous coastal populations from southern southeast Alaska; (3) transmountain collections from the Taku and Stikine Rivers on the eastern side of the coastal mountain range; (4) Chilkat River in northern Southeast Alaska; and (5) northern coastal Southeast Alaska, which consists of the Situk River and the Klukshu River, a tributary of the Alsek River. A second NJ tree that included collections from the Yukon River and British Columbia did not reveal any strong genetic similarity between Southeast Alaska and the Yukon River. The data suggest that Southeast Alaska may have been colonized from both northern and southern refugia following the last glaciation — a period of sufficient time to allow for isolation by distance to occur.  相似文献   

Artiodactyl IgD: the missing link   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Population structure and gene flow were inferred from isozyme variation at 26 loci among five populations of Limnothlypis swainsonii (Swainson's Warbler; Parulidae), a Nearctic-Neotropic migrant songbird breeding in the unglaciated southeastern U.S.A. These populations exhibit relatively high levels of heterozygosity ( =0.083), and 16 of 26 loci were polymorphic in at least one population ( =0.385). Allelic frequencies were significantly heterogeneous at five loci, indicating a surprising degree of population structure for a migratory bird with no recognized subspecies ( F ST =0.043). Moderate levels of gene flow are inferred ( Nm =1.5 to 11.7), yet population structure does not fit an isolation-by-distance model. Genetic heterogeneity is mostly due to differentiation between an Arkansas population and four populations from the coastal plain (from Louisiana to Virginia). Genetic drift may be responsible for much of the observed structure, but the lack of obvious barriers to dispersal between Arkansas and the coastal plain suggests that differentiation has been maintained by some other mechanism(s). Vicariance events on the breeding range, a split wintering range, or both could contribute to the pattern of differentiation observed.  相似文献   

The field of vascular molecular imaging is searching for the "holy grail" of an imaging technique that will quantitatively and reliably assess vulnerable coronary plaques. Fluorescence imaging with indocyanine green specifically identifies lipid-rich plaques in rabbits and in humans and represents a promising, though invasive, approach.  相似文献   


Population declines and demographic changes of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), have been documented throughout this species’ range, though information on natural and anthropogenic mechanisms related to these changes are not fully understood. To provide insights into marine behaviors and survival of Chinook salmon, 40 pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs), that collected environmental data, were attached to large (69–100 cm FL) Chinook salmon caught in the marine waters of Cook Inlet, Alaska. PSATs provided evidence of predation on tagged Chinook salmon by ectothermic and unconfirmed predators, and provided valuable information about the migratory characteristics and occupied depths and temperatures of this species while occupying Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. The results from this study suggest that late-marine mortality of Chinook salmon of a variety of stock-origins by apex predators is more common in Cook Inlet than previously thought, and may be used to improve our understanding this species’ population dynamics. Furthermore, results from this study adds to the existing knowledge of marine habitat use by Chinook Salmon and may be useful in assessing the vulnerability and interactions between this species and anthropogenic activities.


Local adaptation and phenotypic differences among populations have been reported in many species, though most studies focus on either neutral or adaptive genetic differentiation. With the discovery of DNA methylation, questions have arisen about its contribution to individual variation in and among natural populations. Previous studies have identified differences in methylation among populations of organisms, although most to date have been in plants and model animal species. Here we obtained eyed eggs from eight populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and assayed DNA methylation at 23 genes involved in development, immune function, stress response, and metabolism using a gene‐targeted PCR‐based assay for next‐generation sequencing. Evidence for population differences in methylation was found at eight out of 23 gene loci after controlling for developmental timing in each individual. However, we found no correlation between freshwater environmental parameters and methylation variation among populations at those eight genes. A weak correlation was identified between pairwise DNA methylation dissimilarity among populations and pairwise F ST based on 15 microsatellite loci, indicating weak effects of genetic drift or geographic distance on methylation. The weak correlation was primarily driven by two genes, GTIIBS and Nkef. However, single‐gene Mantel tests comparing methylation and pairwise F ST were not significant after Bonferroni correction. Thus, population differences in DNA methylation are more likely related to unmeasured oceanic environmental conditions, local adaptation, and/or genetic drift. DNA methylation is an additional mechanism that contributes to among population variation, with potential influences on organism phenotype, adaptive potential, and population resilience.  相似文献   

We examined demographic data and microsatellite loci in a supplemented population of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) seeking evidence of changes in genetic diversity or for reduction of the effective size (N e ) arising from supplementation (i.e., the Ryman-Laikre effect). A supplementation program in the North Fork Stillaguamish River (Washington State, USA) was intended to increase abundance (N) and maintain genetic diversity in the depressed population. Since supplementation expanded in 1986, about 9% of the population has been randomly collected for broodstock. The resulting progeny are released into the wild and comprised 10–60% of all returning adults. Genotypic data were obtained at 14 microsatellite loci from adult samples collected in four years between 1985 and 2001; these data indicated that the allelic richness and expected heterozygosity did not significantly change during this period and that genetic diversity in the captive and wild progeny was similar. The inbreeding and variance N e estimated from adult escapement between 1974 and 2004 were different for the same generation, but the ratios of effective size to census size were very similar and decreased following supplementation. The variance N e by the temporal method increased over time, but it is difficult to draw conclusions because of necessary assumptions made during the calculations. Based on these results we conclude that: (1) genetic diversity has been maintained over multiple generations of supplementation; (2) supplementation has not contributed to a loss of genetic diversity; and (3) monitoring genetic effects of supplementation is not straightforward, but it can be useful to look at both demographic and genetic data simultaneously.  相似文献   

Cropp  Roger  Norbury  John 《Theoretical Ecology》2015,8(2):245-260
Theoretical Ecology - The classical separate treatments of competition and predation and difficulties in providing a sensible theoretical basis for mutualism attest to the inability of traditional...  相似文献   

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