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The putP gene encodes a proline permease required for Salmonella typhimurium LT2 to grow on proline as the sole source of nitrogen. The wild-type strain is sensitive to two toxic proline analogs (azetidine-2-carboxylic acid and 3,4-dehydroproline) also transported by the putP permease. Most mutations in putP prevent transport of all three substrates. Such mutants are unable to grow on proline and are resistant to both of the analogs. To define domains of the putP gene that specify the substrate binding site, we used localized mutagenesis to isolate rare mutants with altered substrate specificity. The position of the mutations in the putP gene was determined by deletion mapping. Most of the mutations are located in three small (approximately 100-base-pair) deletion intervals of the putP gene. The sensitivity of the mutants to the proline analogs was quantitated by radial streaking to determine the affinity of the mutant permeases for the substrates. Some of the mutants showed apparent changes in the kinetics of the substrates transported. These results indicate that the substrate specificity mutations are probably due to amino acid substitutions at or near the active site of proline permease.  相似文献   

With a medium containing citrate as the carbon and energy source, 10 clostridial strains were isolated from various mud samples. Characterization of these strains revealed that they all belonged to the same species, Clostridium sphenoides. Strains of this organism obtained from culture collections were also able to grow citrate, whereas 15 other clostridial species tested were not. Citrate was fermented by C. sphenoides to acetate, ethanol, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Experiments with stereospecifically 14C-labeled citrate indicated that citrate lyase was involved in citrate degradation.  相似文献   

Soupene et al . [ J. Bacteriol. (2003) 185 5611–5626] made the unexpected observation that the presence of a mutation, in the gene for the N -acetylglucosamine repressor, nagC , increased the growth rate of Escherichia coli MG1655 on galactose, an unrelated sugar. We have found that NagC, binds to a single, high-affinity site overlapping the promoter of galP (galactose permease) gene and that expression of galP is repressed by a combination of NagC, GalR and GalS. In addition to the previously identified galOE operator, other gal operators further upstream are required for full repression. GalS has a specific role, as it binds with higher affinity to one of the upstream operators but its effect in vivo is only observed in the presence of GalR. Regulation of galP by three specific repressors, NagC, GalR and GalS is unusual in that it involves multiple, specific regulators from two different areas of metabolism. This novel regulation seems to be particular for E. coli and its nearest neighbour, Shigella. Other bacteria with galP orthologues, although retaining the metK-galP gene order, do not have the NagC site. Although quantitative effects were strain specific, nagC mutations increased the growth rate on galactose of all E. coli strains tested.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the galactose permease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GAL2) was cloned. The clone restores galactose permease activity to gal2 yeasts and is regulated by galactose in a manner similar to other GAL gene products (GAL1, -7, and -10). Experiments with temperature-conditional secretory mutants indicated that transport of the GAL2 gene product to the cell surface requires a functional secretory pathway. In addition, gene fusions were constructed between the GAL2 gene and the Escherichia coli lacZ gene. The GAL2-lacZ gene fusions code for galactose-regulated beta-galactosidase activity in yeasts. The beta-galactosidase activity was found to be membrane bound.  相似文献   

Biochemical basis of galactose toxicity has been studied in gal T mutants (CGSC 4974) using 2-deoxygalactose, a non-metabolizable analogue of galactose, as the probe. It is found that biochemical features of toxicity in wild type cells either with 2-deoxygalactose or with 2-deoxyglucose are very similar to the picture obtained with gal T mutants and the observed bacteriostasis is probably due to futile phosphorylation and not due to any specific inhibitory effect of phosphorylated galactose.  相似文献   

We found that the simple addition of L-methionine to the wild type of Corynebacterium glutamicum results in excretion of the cellular building block L-lysine up to rates of 2.5 nmol/min/mg (dry weight). Biochemical analyses revealed that L-methionine represses the homoserine dehydrogenase activity and reduces the intracellular L-threonine level from 7 to less than 2 mM. Since L-lysine synthesis is regulated mainly by L-threonine (plus L-lysine) availability, the result is enhanced flux towards L-lysine. This indicates a delicate and not well controlled type of flux control at the branch point of aspartate semialdehyde conversion to either L-lysine or L-threonine, probably due to the absence of isoenzymes in C. glutamicum. The inducible system of L-lysine excretion discovered was used to isolate mutants defective in the excretion of this amino acid. One such mutant characterized in detail accumulated 174 mM L-lysine in its cytosol without extracellular excretion of L-lysine, whereas the wild type accumulated 53 mM L-lysine in the cytosol and 5.9 mM L-lysine in the medium. The mutant was unaffected in L-lysine uptake or L-isoleucine or L-glutamate excretion, and also the membrane potential was unaltered. This mutant therefore represents a strain with a defect in an excretion system for the primary metabolite L-lysine.  相似文献   

α-Amylases have been found to convert starch and glycogen, in part, to products other than hemiacetal-bearing entities (maltose, maltodextrins, etc.)—hitherto, the only products obtained from natural α-glucans by α-amylolysis. Glycosides of maltosaccharides were synthesized by purified α-amylases acting on starch or bacterial glycogen in the presence of p-nitrophenyl α- or β-d-glucoside. From a digest with crystallized B. subtilis var. amyloliquefaciens α-amylase, containing 4 mg/ml of [14C]glycogen and 40 mmp-NP β-d-glucoside, three pairs of correspondingly labeled glycosides and sugars were recovered: p-NP α-d-[14C]glucopyranosyl (1 → 4) β-d-glucopyranoside, and [14C]glucose; p-NP α-[14C]maltosyl (1 → 4) β-d-glucopyranoside, and [14C]maltose; p-NP α-[14C]maltotriosyl (1 → 4) β-d-glucopyranoside, and [14C]maltotriose. The three glycosides accounted for 11.4% of the [14C]glycogen donor substrate; the three comparable sugars, for 30.4%; higher maltodextrins, for 58.2%. Calculations based on the molar yields of all reaction products show that [14C]glycosyl moieties were transferred from donor to p-NP β-d-glucoside with a frequency of 0.234 relative to all transfers to water. This is a very high value considering the minute molar ratio (0.0007) of β-d-glucoside-to-water concentration. Less striking but similar findings were obtained with cryst. hog pancreatic and Aspergillus oryzae α-amylases. The results extend earlier findings (Hehre et al., Advan. Chem. Ser. (1973) 117, 309) in showing that α-amylases have a substantial capacity to utilize the C4-carbinols of certain d-glucosyl compounds as acceptor sites.  相似文献   

Seventeen temperature-sensitive mutants of bacteriophage SH-133 have been isolated following mutagenesis with UV-light, nitrosoguanidine, and ethyl methanesulfonate. The mutants were classified into 15 complementation groups according to their ability to complement each other at 32 degrees C, the nonpermissive temperature. Each mutant was studied with regard to the relationship between its ability to multiply in heterotrophically (H-) and autotrophically (A-) grown Pseudomonas facilis cells. At 27 degrees C, the permissive temperature, the plaque-forming ability of the 17 mutants and wild-type phage was reduced 10-fold in A-grown cells. At 32 degrees C, mutants belonging to 10 groups exhibited identical levels of multiplicity-dependent leak under both modes of growth. However, the infection of A-grown cells by mutants belonging to the remaining five groups resulted in as much as 500-fold inhibition of multiplicity-dependent leak when contrasted with the infection of cells grown heterotrophically. These observations indicate that the expression of five SH-133 phage cistrons is defective when multiplication proceeds under autotrophic metabolism. Seven mutants were found to differ from the wild-type phage with regard to thermal stability at 56 degrees C which suggests that they possess altered structural proteins. Four of the seven thermosensitive mutants exhibited reduced levels of multiplicity-dependent leak in A-grown cells. The data suggest that the reduction in plaque-forming ability of SH-133 in A-grown cells is caused by a defect in the expression of specific phage structural components.  相似文献   

The gene tyrP, which codes for a component of the tyrosine-specific transport system, has been localized on the Escherichia coli K-12 chromosome at min 42. A tyrP-lac operon fusion was constructed and used to isolate mutants that have altered expression from the tyrP promoter. All putative tyrP operator mutations were transferred onto a plasmid vector by recombination in vivo. Restriction enzyme analysis of the resultant plasmids suggests that some of these mutants arose from either an insertion or a deletion of DNA occurring within the region of DNA that contains the tyrP promoter.  相似文献   

Summary Size and shape of mitochondrial DNA molecules of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were analyzed by electron microscopy. Besides numerous linear molecules, circular molecules ranging from 0.83 m to 12.81 m were found. Depending on the method of preparation, both closed and open circular molecules were found. Most of the circular molecules could be assigned to five major size classes of 0.83±0.05 m, 1.7±0.05 m, 4.74±0.04 m, 5.74±0.04 m, and 8.32±0.07 m. Possible explanations for the different size classes of mitochondrial DNA molecules are discussed.  相似文献   

The chemotactic response to galactose in wild-type Salmonella typhimurium is not inducible by galactose, but is inducible by fucose, a non-metabolizable analog. In a galactokinase mutant, however, the galactose receptor is inducible by galactose. These data indicate that the concentration of free galactose in the cell controls the levels of the galactose receptor. The intensities of the chemotactic responses were found to vary in proportion to the concentration of galactose receptors. In bacteria with higher levels of galactose receptors, the ribose response is inhibited by galactose. This supports the model in which the ribose and galactose receptors compete for a common component of the signaling system.  相似文献   

A method using vancomycin for the accumulation of auxotrophic mutants ofMycobacterium smegmatis M54/81 induced by N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine was developed. As compared with the simple replication technique the yield of auxotrophic mutants was twenty-fold.  相似文献   

lac permease with Ala in place of Glu325 was solubilized from the membrane, purified, and reconstituted into proteoliposomes. The reconstituted molecule is completely unable to catalyze lactose/H+ symport but catalyzes exchange and counterflow at least as well as wild-type permease. In addition, Ala325 permease catalyzes downhill lactose influx without concomitant H+ translocation and binds p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-galactopyranoside with a KD only slightly higher than that of wild-type permease. Studies with right-side-out membrane vesicles demonstrate that replacement of Glu325 with Gln, His, Val, Cys, or Trp results in behavior similar to that observed with Ala in place of Glu325. On the other hand, permease with Asp in place of Glu325 catalyzes lactose/H+ symport about 20% as well as wild-type permease. The results indicate that an acidic residue at position 325 is essential for lactose/H+ symport and that hydrogen bonding at this position is insufficient. Taken together with previous results and those presented in the following paper [Lee, J. A., Püttner, I. B., & Kaback, H. R. (1989) Biochemistry (third paper of three in this issue)], the findings are consistent with the idea that Arg302, His322, and Glu325 may be components of a H+ relay system that plays an important role in the coupled translocation of lactose and H+.  相似文献   

The structural gene for the major proline permease is located in a tight cluster with genes coding for the proline degradative enzymes, proline oxidase and pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid dehydrogenase. Expression of the permease is regulated in parallel with the two degradative enzymes, and all three functions are subject to catabolite repression. Regulatory mutants (putC) have constitutively high levels of all three activities, suggesting that all are regulated by a single mechanism.  相似文献   

Four stable hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies specific for neutrophil proteinase 4 (NP4) were established and one monoclonal antibody was chosen to produce an immunoaffinity-resin for the purification of NP4. In a precipitation assay system these antibodies bound NP4 in a dose-dependent manner, but did so neither with neutrophil elastase nor with cathepsin G. NP4 was purified and electrophoresis of the affinity-purified enzyme in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels resulted in a single Mr = 30,000 polypeptide. The purified enzyme digested fibrin but not elastin and it cleaved Boc-Ala-ONp readily (Km = 0.47mM) at neutral pH, but had no effect on Suc-[Ala]3 Nan and N-Suc-[Ala]2-Pro-Phe-pNA. The proteolytic activity was inhibited by DFP, alpha 1 PI and alpha 2 M with a Ki of 10(-9)M for the NP4-alpha 1 PI complex. The NH2-terminal sequence and the amino-acid composition of NP4 were distinct from those of elastase and cathepsin G. Neutrophils contain large amounts of NP4 as judged by the comparable amounts of elastase- and NP4-alpha 1 PI complexes present in inflammatory exudates.  相似文献   

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