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Summary Overlapping genomic clones of the human 2-macroglobulin (2M) gene were isolated from a cosmid library and were used to map 80 kb of the chromosomal region of this gene. Fragments carrying the two exons encoding the bait region and the exon encoding the thiolester site were partially sequenced and PCR primers were designed for the amplification of both functional domains. By direct genomic sequencing of these domains in 30 healthy individuals and in 30 patients with chronic lung disease three mutations were detected. The first was a sequence polymorphism occurring near the thiolester site of the gene, changing Val1000(GTC) to Ile1000(ATC), with allele frequencies of 0.30 (GTC) and 0.70 (ATC), respectively. No difference of 2M serum levels was observed for these two alleles. The second mutation occured within the thiolester site of one patient, changing Cys972(TGT) to Tyr972(TAT). Since activation of the internal thiolester formed between Cys972 and Gln975 in each of the subunits of the tetrameric 2M is involved in the covalent cross-linking of the activating proteinase, this mutation is predicted to interfere with 2M function. The 2M serum level was within the normal range in this patient. In one healthy individual we detected an alteration of the bait region sequence, which is usually encoded by two different exons separated by an intron of size 1.6kb. In this individual, PCR amplification of genomic DNA using the bait region primers produced the common fragment of size 1.8 kb and an additional variant fragment of size 0.23kb. This finding, and the genomic sequencing data of this individual, indicate that he carries two different alleles of the 2M gene: one with the regular structure (bait exon I-intron-bait exon II), the other with the two bait exons fused into one. Direct genomic sequencing of the two 2M functional domains is a useful tool for the detection of the genetic, and possibly the functional, heterogeneity of 2M. This, in turn, may provide some insight into the hitherto unknown physiological role(s) of 2M, by studying in vivo effects of naturally ocurring mutations of the gene.  相似文献   

The 2-microglobulin (2m) is a protein found in the serum in a free form and on the cell surface in a form noncovalently associated with the chain of the class I major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) molecules. In mammals, the 2m-encoding gene (B2m) is found on a chromosome different from the Mhc proper. We have isolated and characterized the B2m gene of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, family Cyprinidae. We obtained both cDNA and genomic clones of the Brre-B2m gene. The cDNA clones contained the entire coding sequence, the entire 3 untranslated (UT) region, and at least part of the 5UT region. The genomic clone contained the entire Brre-B2m gene. The coding sequence specifies 97 amino acid residues of the mature protein so that the zebrafish 2m is two residues shorter than human and one residue shorter than cattle, fowl, or turkey 2m (codons at positions 85 and 86 have been deleted in the Brre-B2m. gene). The amino acid and nucleotide sequence similarities between zebrafish and human 2m (B2m) are 45% and 59%, respectively. Approximately 24% of the positions are invariant and an additional 9% show only conservative substitutions in comparisons which include all known 2m sequences (fish, avian, and mammalian). Most of the conserved positions are in the strands (some 47% of the -strand positions are conserved in the three vertebrate classes). The Brre-B2m gene consists of four exons separated by three introns. All of the introns are considerably shorter than the corresponding introns in the mammalian B2m genes. The coding sequences of the cDNA and the genomic clones are almost identical but the sequences of the 3'UT regions differ at 1.7% of the sites, suggesting that the genes borne by these clones might have diverged at least 0.7 million years (my) ago. In contrast to the human B2m gene, the Brre-B2m gene shows no bias in the distribution of the CpG dinucleotides: the dinucleotides are distributed evenly along the entire available sequence. The haploid genome of the zebrafish contains only one copy of the B2m gene.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers L05383 (B2M) and L05384 (B2RG). Correspondence to: J. Klein.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence and biochemical analysis of d-β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC, isolated from Rhodobacter sp., indicate functional oligomers composed of subunits of 257 amino acids with a calculated M r of 26,800 and a pI of 5.90. Compared to mammalian short-chain alcohol dehydrogenases, the bacterial enzyme lacks a C-terminal lipid anchor domain and was found to be highly active upon expression in Escherichia coli even without lipid supplement. The recombinant enzyme could be highly enriched using a single chromatography step and was shown to be stable over a broad range of pH and temperature. Received: 1 April 1999 / Received last revision: 11 June 1999 / Accepted: 11 June 1999  相似文献   

An 8.4 kb Sau3AI DNA fragment containing the Streptomyces rimosus TM-55 -amylase gene (amy) was ligated to a vector pIJ702, named pCYL01, and cloned into amylase deficient mutant S. lividans M2 (amy ). Subcloning study showed that the amy gene was localized in 3.3 kbKpnI-PstI fragment. The molecular weight of the purified -amylases of S. lividans M2/pCYL01 and S. rimosus TM-55 were estimated to be 65.7 kDa. Different sizes of recombinant plasmids carrying the amy gene had been retransferred into the parental strain of S. rimosus TM-55. Among these S. rimosus transformants, TM-55/pCYL01, TM-55/pCYL12 and TM-55/pCYL36 showed amylase activity 1.36- to 2.05-fold at the seventh day (1.61 to 2.42 units vs 1.18 units), and oxytetracycline (OTC) production 2.00- to 2.50-fold at the ninth day (approximate 140 to 170 g ml–1 vs 72 g ml–1), higher than that of S. rimosus TM-55 alone, respectively. These results showed that industrial microorganisms could be improved by genetic and metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

The gene (bglT) encoding Thermus caldophilus GK24 -glycosidase (Tca -glycosidase) was cloned and sequenced. The gene contains an open reading frame encoding 431 amino acids with a M r of 48 658 Da. The bglT gene was expressed under the control of tac promoter on a high-copy plasmid in E. coli. The recombinant Tca -glycosidase was purified 41.5-fold with a 59% yield and a specific activity of 83 U mg–1 protein.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - Gene expression analysis coupled with in-planta studies showed that specific Gβγ combination regulates plant growth and defence traits in the allotetraploid...  相似文献   

eEF1Bγs are proteins found in all eukaryotes and have a role in protein translation, being part of the nucleotide exchange factor eEF1B of the elongation factor complex 1. They are unique because of their organization as a fusion between a glutathione transferase (GST) domain and an elongation factor EF1G (PF00647) domain. The main described function of the GST domain in eEF1Bγ is to ensure the proper scaffolding of the different subunits in the eEF1B complex, by interacting with eEF1Bα subunit. Several evidences also suggest that this domain has a role in cellular redox control because it displays enzymatic activity using glutathione as co-substrate. This opens the question of a dual role of eEF1Bγ in cells both in protein translation and stress response, either in a concomitant or competitive way. By analyzing the diversity of eEF1Bγ sequences in fungi, we show that this class of proteins is subjected to diversification within these microorganisms. The challenge is now to understand the impact of such diversification in eEF1Bγ functions both related to protein translation and stress response, and whether this could have driven the ability of fungi to adapt to constraints.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizas are formed between certain soil fungi and fine roots of woody plants. An important feature of this symbiosis is the supply of photoassimilates to the fungus. Hexoses, formed from sucrose in the common apoplast at the root/fungus interface, can be taken up by both plant and fungal monosaccharide transporters. Recently we characterised a monosaccharide transporter from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Amanita muscaria. This transporter was up-regulated in mycorrhizas, thus increasing the hexose uptake capacity of the fungal partner in symbiosis. In order to characterise host (Picea abies) root monosaccharide transporters, degenerate oligonucleotide primers, designed to match conserved regions from known plant hexose transporters, were used to isolate a cDNA fragment of a transporter by PCR. This fragment was used to identify a presumably full length clone (PaMST1) in a P. abies/A. muscaria mycorrhizal cDNA library. The entire cDNA code for an open reading frame of 513 amino acids, revealing best homology to H+/monosaccharide transporters from Ara- bidopsis, Saccharum and Ricinus. PaMST1 was highly expressed in the hypocotyl and in roots of P. abies seedlings, but not in needles. Mycorrhiza formation led to a slight reduction of PaMST1 expression. The results are discussed with special reference to carbon allocation in ectomycorrhizas. Received: 9 October 1999 / Accepted: 22 December 1999  相似文献   

This study aimed to clone the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) gene of the Xuhuai goat and to make transgenic sheep using intratesticular injection, so as to improve the meat quality and flavor by increasing the intramuscular fat content. The coding sequence of the goat PPARγ gene was 1,428 bp, encoding 475 amino acids. Its similarity with other species was 81 (chicken), 89 (mouse), 92 (pig), 98 (cow), and 99% (sheep). The similarity of the corresponding amino acid sequences was 92.9, 97.3, 98.3, 99.6, and 99.8%, respectively. The signal peptide region of the PPARγ protein was not found in this study, demonstrating that the protein is not secreted. RT-PCR and western blot revealed that PPARγ was expressed in vitro, and the protein was localized in the cytoplasm. The PPARγ gene was expressed in F1 transgenic sheep at both the mRNA and the protein levels; the positive ratio was 13.7%.  相似文献   

In Trichoderma reesei, dolichyl phosphate mannose (dpm) synthase, a key enzyme in the O-glycosylation process, requires three proteins for full activity. In this study, the dpm2 and dpm3 genes coding for the DPMII and DPMIII subunits of T. reesei DPM synthase were cloned and functionally analyzed after expression in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae dpm1Δ [genotype (BY4743; his3Δ1; /leu2Δ0; lys2Δ0; /ura3Δ0; YPR183w::kanMX4] mutant. It was found that apart from the catalytic subunit DPMI, the DPMIII subunit is also essential to form an active DPM synthase in yeast. Additional expression of the DPMII protein, considered to be a regulatory subunit of DPM synthase, decreased the enzymatic activity. We also characterized S. cerevisiae strains expressing the dpm1, 2, 3 or dpm1, 3 genes and analyzed the consequences of dpm expression on protein O-glycosylation in vivo and on the cell wall composition.  相似文献   

Tomato fruit-weight 2.2 (FW2.2) was reported to control up to 30 % fruit weight. Recent studies demonstrated that FW2.2-like (FWL) genes also play important roles in plant growth and development. For instance, a maize homolog of FW2.2, named cell number regulator 1 (CNR1), negatively regulates plant and organ size. However, FWL genes in rice have not been characterized yet. In this study, eight FWL genes were identified in rice genome and designated as OsFWL1-8. The chromosome location, gene structure, protein motif, and phylogenetic relationship of OsFWL genes were analyzed. RT-PCR result and microarray data revealed that OsFWL genes exhibited diverse expression patterns and the detailed expression patterns of OsFWL5, 6, and 7 negatively correlated with leaf growth activity. Rice protoplast transient transformation experiment showed that most OsFWL proteins locate at cell membrane but OsFWL8 is present in the nucleus. In addition, the functions of OsFWL genes were investigated by analyzing two T-DNA insertion lines for OsFWL3 and 5. Compared with wild type, the grain weight of osfwl3 mutant and the plant height of osfwl5 mutant were increased by 5.3 and 12.5 %, respectively. We also found that the increase in grain length of osfwl3 mutant was due chiefly to incremental cell number, not cell size and the expression of OsFWL3 negatively correlated with glume growth activity. These results provide a comprehensive foundation for further study of OsFWL functions in rice.  相似文献   

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