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Dendrobatid frogs perform a unique mode of parental care, ranging from egg attendance and tadpole transport to tadpole feeding. It is hypothesized that a behaviour in which the egg attending parent remains with the cluch is the most primitive condition. In more advanced forms or parental care, the male is able to attend several clutches of eggs. Tadpole attendance and feeding, finally, started as deceit; the male induced the female to lay eggs into a bromeliad leaf axil already occupied by a larva. Costs and benefits of the different modes of parental care and possible alternative reproductive tactics are discussed.  相似文献   

The sperm ultrastructure of Epipedobates trivittatus and E. hahneli is described. The spermatological characteristics are identical in both species, except for the extension of the acrosomal vesicle. The structure of the acrosomal complex is shared with species of the Bufonoidea neobatrachian lineage, which differs from the condition observed in species included in the ranoid lineage. The phylogenetic significance of the mitochondrial collar, also seen in Eubufonoidea groups, is still unclear. Also the significance of the alternative mitochondrial arrangement seen here is unclear. The perpendicular arrangement of the centrioles is also shared with the Bufonoidea and is considered a synapomorphic condition. An expanded undulating membrane and the absence of a juxtaxonemal fibre appear to be apomorphic characteristics of dendrobatid species, as also observed (homoplastically) for species of Litoria and Cyclorana. However, the notable expansion of the undulating membrane appears to be an autapomorphy of Dendrobatidae frogs. The ultrastructural data presented here do not support the proposed placement of E. trivittatus in a separate genus.  相似文献   

Dendrobatid frogs have undergone an extensive systematic reorganization based on recent molecular findings. The present work describes karyotypes of the Brazilian species Adelphobates castaneoticus, A. quinquevittatus, Ameerega picta, A. galactonotus and Dendrobates tinctorius which were compared to each other and with previously described related species. All karyotypes consisted of 2n = 18 chromosomes, except for A. picta which had 2n = 24. The karyotypes of the Adelphobates and D. tinctorius species were highly similar to each other and to the other 2n = 18 previously studied species, revealing conserved karyotypic characteristics in both genera. In recent phylogenetic studies, all Adelphobates species were grouped in a clade separated from the Dendrobates species. Thus, we hypothesized that their common karyotypic traits may have a distinct origin by chromosome rearrangements and mutations. In A. picta, with 2n = 24, chromosome features of pairs from 1 to 8 are shared with other previously karyotyped species within this genus. Hence, the A. picta data reinforced that the C-banding pattern and the NOR location are species-specific traits in the genus Ameerega. Moreover, the Ameerega monophyletism proposed by previous phylogenetic studies indicates that the karyotypic differences among species in this genus result from a long divergence time.  相似文献   

We describe, for the first time, the spermatozoon ultrastructure of a dendrobatid frog, Epipedobates flavopictus. Mature spermatozoa of E. flavopictus are filiform, with a moderately curved head and a proportionally short tail. The acrosomal vesicle is a conical structure that covers the nucleus for a considerable distance. A homogeneous subacrosomal cone lies between the acrosome vesicle and the nucleus. The nucleus contains a nuclear space at its anterior end, and electron-lucent spaces and inclusions. No perforatorium is present. In the midpiece, the proximal centriole is housed inside a deep nuclear fossa. Mitochondria are scattered around the posterior end of the nucleus and inside the undulating membrane in the anterior portion of the tail. In transverse section the tail is formed by an U-shaped axial fiber connected to the axoneme through an axial sheath, which supports the undulating membrane. The juxta-axonemal fiber is absent. The spermatozoon of E. flavopictus has several characteristics not observed before in any anurans, such as a curved axial fiber, absence of a juxta-axonemal fiber, and presence of mitochondria in the typical undulating membrane. Our results endorse the view that, in anurans, the conical perforatorium and subacrosomal cone are homologous and that Dendrobatidae should be grouped within Bufonoidea rather than Ranoidea.  相似文献   

Comparison of the spermatozoa of Bufo marinus , six Australian species of the family Hylidae, and the myobatrachine Adelotus brevis , with those of 41 other species of frogs, in a total of 12 investigated families allows the following phylogenetic inferences: the bufonoids (myobatrachids, leptodactylids, hylids, and bufonids) form a monophyletic assemblage with a single synapomorphy: the presence of a conical subacrosomal perforatorium. This structure is analogous to, rather than homologous with, the perforatorium in archaeobatrachians, which differs notably in being an endonuclear structure. The hylid-leptodactylid-bufonid assemblage is the sister-group of the Myobatrachidae (Australian 'leptodactylids'). Myobatrachids are distinguished by two. albeit weak, synapomorphies, the presence of well-defined pericentriolar material, and the extension of the axial rod up the centriolar fossa, the latter condition approached in the bufonid Nectophrynoides. The bufonid, leptodactylid ( sensu strictu ), and hylid families are united, and separated from myobatrachids, by a single synapomorphy: a thick collar-like cytoplasmic sheath that emanates from the centriolar region, is separated from the flagellum by a cytoplasmic canal, and contains the mitochondria. Litoria fallax, L. gracilenta , and L. lesueuri are associated by a unique synapomorphy, hypermorphosis of the minor fibre (juxta-axonemal fibre), though this is approached in Bufo bufo. However, there is no spermatological evidence supporting the recognition of Australian hylids (pelodryadids) as a group distinct from the remaining eubufonoids and, specifically, from the Hylidae. Evidence is presented in support of the tentative proposal that the Lissamphibia were primitively internally fertilizing.  相似文献   

We propose a novel classification of frogs in the family Mantellidae, based on published phylogenetic information and on a new analysis of molecular data. Our molecular tree for 53 mantellid species is based on 2419 base pairs of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, tRNAVal and cytochrome b genes, and of the nuclear rhodopsin gene. Because the genus Mantidactylus Boulenger sensu lato is confirmed to be paraphyletic with respect to Mantella Boulenger, and is highly diverse in morphology and reproductive biology, we propose to partition Mantidactylus into seven genera by elevating four subgenera to genus rank (Blommersia Dubois, Guibemantis Dubois, Spinomantis Dubois, and Gephyromantis Methuen) and creating two new genera (Boehmantis gen. n. and Wakea gen. n.). In addition, we create the new subgenera Boophis (Sahona) subgen. n., Gephyromantis (Duboimantis) subgen. n., G. (Vatomantis) subgen. n., and Mantidactylus (Maitsomantis) subgen. n. The following species are transferred to Spinomantis, based on their phylogenetic relationships: S. elegans (Guibé) comb. n. (formerly in Mantidactylus subgenus Guibemantis); S. bertini (Guibé) comb. n. and S. guibei (Blommers-Schlösser) comb. n. (both formerly in Mantidactylus subgenus Blommersia); S. microtis (Guibé) comb. n. (formerly in Boophis Tschudi). Within Boophis, the new B. mandraka species group and B. albipunctatus species group are established. Boophis rhodoscelis (Boulenger) is transferred to the B. microtympanum group. The following five species are revalidated: Mantidactylus bellyi Mocquard and M. bourgati Guibé (not junior synonyms of M. curtus (Boulenger)); M. cowanii (Boulenger) (not syn. M. lugubris (Duméril)); M. delormei Angel (not syn. M. brevipalmatus Ahl); Mantella ebenaui (Boettger) (not syn. M. betsileo (Grandidier)). The new classification accounts for recent progress in the understanding of the phylogeny and natural history of these frogs, but it is still tentative for a number of species. Future modifications may be necessary, especially as concerns species now included in Gephyromantis and Spinomantis.Full article published online at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/06-11.htm  相似文献   

The larval neurocranium and visceral arches of seven dendrobatid species representing four genera are described, based on cleared-and-stained and serially sectioned specimens. A variety of characters is shared by all seven species. Larval features do not substantiate the assumption of close ranoid affinities of the Dendrobatidae. Instead dendrobatid larvae share features such as the special quadripartite cartilago suprarostralis, the lack of the larval processus oticus, the presence of three foramina acustica, and the lack of a foramen perilymphaticum accessorius with many bufonoid larvae. The first of these characters is unique to bufonids, hylids, dendrobatids, and some New World leptodactylids; the other characters also occur in pelobatids and are presumably plesiomorphic for the Neobatrachia. The free proximal ends of Ceratobranchialia II and III are an autapomorphy of the Dendrobatidae supporting the monophyly of the family. Some features of the cranium are paedomorphic: low cartilago orbitalis, lack of connection between cartilage orbitalis and otic capsule (most species), and vestigal taeniae tecti. New anatomical terms are introduced. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A subordinal classification of frogs (Amphibia: Anura)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Otto M.  Sokol 《Journal of Zoology》1977,182(4):505-508
Two new anuran suborders, based on two states of the trigeminofacial ganglion character complex are proposed. A subsidiary character is the presence or absence of free ribs in extant taxa. These new suborders are more clades (sister groups) than sequential levels of organization. Discoglossoidei, retaining separate trigeminal and facial ganglia and free ribs, encompasses only Leiopelmatidae and Discoglossidae, although by definition it would include the common ancestor of both lineages. Ranoidei have the trigeminal and facial ganglia fused and extant taxa lack free ribs. This group includes all other frogs.
Only the superfamiliesPelobatoidea and Pipoidea are reallocated by the new arrangement. The former are now regarded as representing the ranoidean stem group. Both laival and adult morphology show that pipoids are highly derived rather than primitive frogs, and their trigeminofacial systems show that they are ranoideans rather than discoglossoideans. They presumably are ultimately derived from pelobatoids, but the known taxa are too specialized for direct derivation and there must have been an intermediate group with pipoid tadpoles but without extreme specializations for either fossorial or aquatic life.  相似文献   

Microhylid spermatozoa show the autapomorphic condition of possessing a thin post-mitochondrial cytoplasmic collar. Their spermatozoa are apomorphic in several respects. They have lost the distinct nuclear shoulder, endonuclear canal and axial perforatorium observed in urodeles, caecilians and primitive frogs, possess a conical perforatorium and apomorphically lack any fibres associated with the axoneme. The spermatozoa of Cophixalus , however, differ in several respects from those of the other microhylids examined. Cophixalus spermatozoa are longer in almost all measurements, the acrosome vesicle is cylindrical and does not completely cover the putative perforatorium, the perforatorium is asymmetrical and composed of fine fibres, the nucleus is strongly attenuated and narrower, and the mitochondria are elongate. The absence of fibres associated with the axoneme is an apomorphic condition shared with the Ranidae, Rhacophoridae and Pipidae.  相似文献   

Conspicuous coloration is often used in combination with chemical defenses to deter predators from attacking. Experimental studies have shown that the avoidance inducing effect of conspicuous prey coloration increases with increasing size of pattern elements and with increasing body size. Here we use a comparative approach to test the prediction from these findings, namely that conspicuous coloration will evolve in tandem with body size. In our analysis, we use a previously published mitochondrial DNA-based phylogeny and comparative analysis of independent contrasts to examine if evolutionary shifts in color pattern have been associated with evolutionary changes in body size in aposematic poison frogs (Anura: Dendrobatidae). Information on body size (snout to vent length) and coloration were obtained from the literature. Two different measures of conspicuousness were used, one based on rankings by human observers and the other based on computer analysis of digitized photographs. The results from comparative analyses using either measure of coloration indicated that avoidance inducing coloration and body size have evolved in concert in poison frogs. Results from reconstruction of character change further indicate that the correlated evolution of size and coloration has involved changes in both directions within each of the different clades of the phylogenetic tree. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that selection imposed by visually guided predators has promoted the evolution of larger body size in species with conspicuous coloration, or enhanced evolution of conspicuous coloration in larger species.  相似文献   

This study describes the spermatozoa of the dendrobatids Epipedobates femoralis and Colostethus sp. using light and transmission electron microscopy. Both species possess a biflagellate spermatozoon, an unusual characteristic only previously reported in two anuran species belonging to the families Leptodactylidae and Racophoridae. The acrosomal complex of both species consists of a conical acrosomal vesicle and a subacrosomal cone, both of which cover the anterior portion of the nucleus, but to differing extents. In the midpiece, the centrioles are disposed parallel to each other and to the cell axis and give rise to two axonemes. Two paraxonemal rods were also seen entering the nuclear fossa. Both flagella are surrounded by a single mitochondrial collar. Each flagellum is formed by an axial fiber connected to the axoneme by an axial sheath; juxta-axonemal fibers are absent. Our data seem to support that Epipedobates femoralis should be placed in a separate clade possibly related to Colosthetus and that these two genera may not be monophyletic.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis, caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, is an emerging disease of both wild and captive amphibians, posing a threat to their survival in many parts of the world. As the disease can be difficult to diagnose on routine pathologic sections, the purpose of this study was to develop an additional method for visualization. To accomplish this, immunohistochemical staining was applied to histologic skin sections from four experimentally infected Dyeing poison dart frogs (Dendrobates tinctorius). Staining of the positive tissue sections was distinct and readily visualized, making this technique a valuable ancillary diagnostic test for this important disease.  相似文献   

Defensive mechanisms, including noxious or toxic substances, are favored by predation-driven natural selection. The acquisition of noxious/toxic substances can be either endogenous, in which the substances are produced by the organism, or exogenous, in which the substances are produced by another organism and are sequestered. Evidence indicates that the defensive skin alkaloids of Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) have an exogenous source: a diet of ants and other small alkaloid-containing arthropods, which we term the diet-toxicity hypothesis. A critical prediction of the diet-toxicity hypothesis is that independent origins of dietary specialization will be found to be correlated with independent origins of skin alkaloids. We tested this prediction in an integrated framework using comparative methods with new and published data on feeding ecology and chemical defense for 15 species of dendrobatids in five genera. We found a significant correlation between alkaloid profiles and degree of dietary specialization. This reveals a recurring association of dietary specialization and alkaloid sequestration in dendrobatids, which suggests parallel evolutionary trends in the origins of defensive mechanisms.  相似文献   

The taxonomic history of the small frogs of the genus Pseudopaludicola from South America has been controversial. Phylogenetic inferences based on molecular data have identified four Pseudopaludicola clades, correlating with the known variation in karyotypes (2n = 22, 20, 18, and 16). In this study, the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa was analyzed in 12 species of the Pseudopaludicola, with the aim of describing their morphology and identifying characters that may contribute to a better understanding of the phylogenetic relationships. The spermatozoa presented marked differences in tail structures. The tails of the spermatozoa of the species with 2n = 22 chromosomes (Pseudopaludicola sp. 1 [P. pusilla group], Pseudopaludicola falcipes, P. mineira, and Pseudopaludicola saltica), as well as Pseudopaludicola ameghini and Pseudopaludicola ternetzi (2n=20), have juxta‐axonemal fibers, undulating membranes and axial fibers. In contrast, in the species with 2n = 18 (P. facureae, P. giarettai, Pseudopaludicola canga, P. atragula, and Pseudopaludicola sp. 2) and 2n = 16 (Pseudopaludicola mystacalis), there are no evident axial or juxta‐axonemal fibers, but a paraxonemal rod with a thick undulating membrane, which is shorter than that found among Pseudopaludicola species. The ultrastructural morphological differences observed in the spermatozoa of these species may be phylogenetically informative, given that they coincide with the consensus phylogeny of the group and appear to represent a progressive simplification of the spermatozoon. J. Morphol. 276:1495–1504, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Species utilizing distinct resources for offspring production often show plasticity in reproductive strategies as a function of resource quality. For species using ephemeral pools, strategies are mainly shaped by a time constraint related to pool stability, resource availability and the colonizing community. We studied reproductive strategies in Amazonian poison frogs (Dendrobates ventrimaculatus) that are characterized by oviposition in distinct, small and resource-limited water bodies in leaf axils of plants and the transport of newly hatched tadpoles on the back of males to similar water bodies. Cannibalism of eggs by tadpoles was found to be the main cause of egg mortality. Typically, at the end of the rainy season new clutches of eggs were deposited in water bodies already containing a tadpole. Manipulation of the available number of water bodies showed that this observation did not result from resource limitation. We conclude that D. ventrimaculatus has a plastic reproductive strategy that includes provisioning its tadpoles with fertilized eggs as a function of desiccation risk of water bodies housing its offspring. Provisioning behavior is expected to increase developmental rate and, therefore, chances of metamorphosis for tadpoles that hatched towards the end of the rainy season. The plastic food provisioning strategy may be an important evolutionary link to bi-parental and female care with development of obligate unfertilized egg provisioning in the genus Dendrobates.  相似文献   

This paper presents larval evidence and evaluates its contribution to the discussion of frog phylogeny;136 larval characters,6 reproductive biology characters, and 14 adult morphology characters were scored for 81 frog and 4 caudate species.More than 90% of the data matrix entries represent original data derived from personal direct examination of specimens.Some larval characters are described for the rest time and many others have not been assessed for specic taxa or in a broad phylogenetic context before.Ho‐ moplasy appears common in this and other amphibian morphological data sets.The data supported and conrmed various well‐ known clades, among others the Anura, Bufonidae, Ceratophryinae, Discoglossidae, Dendrobatidae, Hyperoliidae, Microhylidae, South American microhylids, Phyllomedusinae, Pseudinae, Pipoidea, Pipidae, and Scoptanura.The Ascaphidae was sister group to all other anurans and the Pipoidea was placed more basally than in some previous analyses.The Eurasian pelobatids formed a clade, whereas Spea and Pelodytes did not group robustly with them.Pelobatoid frogs emerged as a paraphyletic “transitional” assemblage including Heleophryne. The resolution of basal neobatrachian splits remained labile, although some subclades within the Neobatrachia were robustly supported. The “Hylidae” was paraphyletic, and hyline species were paraphyletic with respect to the Pseudinae.Hemisus clearly was in a clade with the Hyperoliidae and is proposed to be included in that family.Scaphiophryne was conrmed as basal taxon within the Microhylidae.Compared to the larval stages of the most recent common ancestor of anurans, members of the Scoptanura (microhylids except scaphiophrynines)have accumulated the highest number of apomorphic character states in anuran evolution.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among 20 species of Oriental torrent frogs in the genus Amolops and its allies from China and Southeast Asia based on 1346-bp sequences of the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Oriental species of the tribe Ranini form a monophyletic group containing 11 clades (Rana temporaria + Pseudoamolops, R. chalconota, four clades of Amolops, Meristogenys, three clades of Huia species, and Staurois) for which the phylogenetic relationships are unresolved. The genus Amolops consists of southern Chinese, southwestern Chinese, Thai, and Vietnamese-Malaysian lineages, but their relationships are also unresolved. The separation of southern and southwestern lineages within China conforms to previous morphological and karyological results. Species of Huia do not form a monophyletic group, whereas those of Meristogenys are monophyletic. Because P. sauteri is a sister species of R. temporaria, distinct generic status of Pseudoamolops is unwarranted.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes, in the toad Bufo arenarum, the effect on spermiation and androgen secretion of two human recombinant gonadotropins, human recombinant LH (hrLH) and human recombinant FSH (hrFSH) as well as the well-known spermiation-inducing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). For this purpose, testes were incubated with different concentrations of hrLH (0.01-2.5 microg/ml) and hrFSH (0.05-5 microg/ml), and results were compared with those obtained with 2.5 microg/ml hCG. Spermiation was most efficiently stimulated by hrFSH, which elicited a higher response than either hrLH or hCG. Both hrFSH and hrLH produced a bell-shaped dose-response curve, with a 50% inhibition on spermiation at a concentration twice higher than that necessary to get the highest response. However, none of the gonadotropins yielded a biphasic response on androgen secretion, hrLH producing the highest response at a concentration that evoked a 70% inhibition in the spermiation test. Regarding steroidogenesis, hrLH and hrFSH were more active than hCG. Taken together, the results described in this paper suggest that, in B. arenarum, spermiation and androgen secretion are mediated by different receptors. After comparing the effects of recombinant hormones, we conclude that hrFSH has a greater effect on spermiation than hCG or hrLH.  相似文献   

A recent substantial rearrangement of the 882 described eleutherodactyline frog species has considerably improved the understanding of their systematics. Nevertheless, many taxonomic aspects of the South American eleutherodactyline species remain unknown and require further investigation using morphological, cytogenetic and molecular approaches. In this work, the karyotypes of the Brazilian species Ischnocnema juipoca (Atibaia and Campos do Jordão, SP), Barycholos cf. ternetzi (Uberlândia, MG, and Porto Nacional, TO), and Pristimantis crepitans (Chapada dos Guimarães and São Vicente, MT) were analyzed using Giemsa staining, Ag-NOR labeling, and C-banding techniques. All individuals had a diploid number of 22 chromosomes, but the Fundamental Numbers were different among species. The herein described low chromosome number of Pristimantis crepitans is unique within this genus, suggesting that cytogenetically this species is not closely related either to its congeneric species or to Ischnocnema. In addition, karyotype differences, mainly in the NOR position, clearly distinguished the two Barycholos populations, besides indicating the existence of a so far undescribed species in this genus. A taxonomic review could clarify the systematic position of P. crepitans and verify the hypothetic new Barycholos species.  相似文献   

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